Desperately need help with my XDA and 3 network in the UK - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Can aybody please help. I have my XDA and at present an NEC e606 phone that came as part of my contrat with 3. The XDA is unlocked and I can use my 3 Sim Card with it and can happily make calls, receive calls and receive text messages on my XDA.
I cannot however send text messages using my XDA with the 3 Sim Card. Whenever I do I get an error that says 'The sim card is invalid. Please contact your service provider for a new sim card.' I do not want to have to use the e606 at all and am desperate to try to figure out why I cannot send texts via my XDA. I have put the sim back into the 606 and it sent texts fine so I don't think its the sim.
Also in the 606 the sim is read fine for the contacts stored within but in my XDA when I go to Sim Manager I get an error every time saying 'Sim is busy. Wait 5 seconds and try again.' Does anyone know why I am getting this error??
Apologies for what are probably basic questions but I am new to the XDA and am not too sure which way to go about this or what settings (if any) may need to be changed. It just seems strange that I can receive texts, make calls and receive them as well but cannot send texts.
Anyone have any ideas??? Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
With thanks
My config details are:
Pocket PC Version 3.0.12039 (Build 11178)
ARM SA1110
ROM Version 3.17.03 ENG (XDA-Developers Special Rom 1.1)
ROM Date 15/05/03
Radio Version 4.21.00
Protocol Version 32S54

I STRONGLY believe that a 3 sim will never work on a GSM phone.
the 3 network uses 3G and NOT GSM. 3G is some new way of doing things that allows faster video hence all the adverts involving ducks etc...

If that is the case surely I shouldn't be able to do anything with the sim. It seems bizarre that I can receive texts on my XDA with the sim and can make and receive calls on the XDA with the sim as well. The only thing I cannot do is send texts with it.
Does this seem right????
With thanks

In agrement
3 is on the 3G spectrum, not 800-1900 GSM.
You are able to use the SIM card though because, 3 have a contract with O2. When out of 3 coverage you are roaming, just like abroad. To maintain service you connect to the o2 GSM network. now as to what level you connect I don't know.
You can receive texts ok. So do you use a message centre number?
You can make voice calls, o2 gsm network.
what about internet, video, data, etc....
Just remember where you are. Simple questions, are never simple!!

I haven't tried the internet, video, data etc as I never had any intention of using these services from 3. I went with 3 because of the amazing deal they are offering on X-Network minutes. All I want ot do is be able to do the normal stuff (make / recieve calls and send / recieve texts) as you would on a normal mobile.
I know that 3 have there agreement with O2 and that I drop onto there network when not in a 3 service area for calls. I am not totally sure about the settings for the message centre number but surely these would be on the sim card itself anyway. As I said I can send texts using the e606 handset but just not with my XDA. Why would I be able to receive texts using my XDA but just not send them.


GSM internet connection issues, and SMS name issues with XDA

I have downloaded the SMS fix so that it recognises the names of messages which works ok, but i cannot send messages to anyone without knowing their number. In my sms contacts list there are no names etc. I have imported my contact details from the SIM with appears properly in the phone contacts box, buti cannot use the same contact details to send SMS's.
Also, i am trying to set up an internet connection using a normal ISP through a standard GSM phone call. I do not pay for GPRS connections cos its so expensive, but I do have data calls enabled on my account with T-mobile. I have made data calls before using a nokia 7650 as a modem, but i cannot use the XDA to make a GSM data call to the same ISP. Also, it seems to send me odd network SMS's saying 'please delete' every time i try to connet to the ISP. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Can SMS Message Centre numbers be manually added

I have got my SMS message centre number from my network provider and now want to be able to enter the info into my XDA. I cannot do it automatically by 'Get Voicemail & SMS settings' in Phone as it keeps returning an error.
What I want to know is, is there any way or any software that will allow me to be able to manually enter my networks SMS message centre number into my unit.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
Can you be more specific with the type of error message you receive?
Go to Start->Inbox. Take Tools->Options and touch and hold on SMS. Lo and behold, the Message Centre(er) number.
The error message I am getting is 'Network Error - Unable to read setting from the network'.
In response to your post "Auldg" I did that and entered in the Message Centre Number for 3 (my network provider) and pressed OK. My understanding is that this would have saved the number. Trying to send a text didn't work and I still got the error message "The sim card is invalid. Please contact your service provider for a new sim".
I know there is nothing worng with the sim as it works fine the phone supplied by 3. I have tried 02's message centre number following a conversation with them and this resulted in a failed SMS send as well. I know it is not the XDA as this sends txts using an old T-mobile sim.
When I looked at the SMS centre number again after entering two different numbers neither of them were there. Trying to select a network doesnt give 3 as an available network.
Does the XDA store the SMS centre number in the SIM card or the phone. If its the phone is there a way to hard code my sms centre number into it?? This is driving me mad as I can do everything else with my 3 sim as normal just not send texts
This '3' network, what is it? Is it a GSM provider or a 3G Networks Provider?
Ah "3" !
Are you in the UK on 3? This is a new GSM/UTMS network and I wonder if the SIM card has new fancy stuff on it the the XDA doesn't know how to handle. You are clearly a VERY early adopter, bless you.
I didn't have to enter my MC number (or Voice Mail number) when using my XDA on Orange so these must be picked up from the SIM. Maybe the 3 sim holds these details in a different place from the rest of the networks?
One for the xda-developers firmware gurus to take a look at I think.
And so can one of the XDA-Developer firmware gurus shed any light on this matter???
I didn't really switch for the new technology that 3 offers, quite the opposite in fact as I din't really need to use it. The reason being was the deal on free mins they offered, but that's by the by. I can still use the 3 sim in my XDA and make / receive calls using the 02 network (this is what it uses if it cannot pick up the 3 network) and also receive texts. Just not send them.
Can any development guru's PLEASE shed any light as to this situation and may be even be able to offer a solution. If its even only that its something that can be addressed in an upcoming firmware ROM.
Some divine inspiration from the gods would be hugely appreciated.
So, let me make sure I am getting this right. You currently have no way to set your SMS service center number in the device, and if you do using the normal options the number does not stick?
OK that said you can do a registry hack telling the reg to override the SIM and use "# you choose" number. See my thread towards the bottom on how to novice level write a reg key
I haven't yet looked up where the reg key for SMS service center number is but I’m going to guess it is located right above or below the location specified in the thread.
I'm just going to guess but I don't think forcing your machine to use a SMS service center number from the device end rather than the SIM end is going to solve your can receive but not send problem. Given the service center, number is what is used to send your SMS. If your device is not reading it from the SIM and you are hand putting it in and it's not sticking this sounds like SIM network problem not device problem, could be wrong though:? Let me know overriding the SIM works. Can you use that service center number to send SMS on other Mobile Terminals (handsets/cell phone) Does a regular cell phone see the SMS service center number from the SIM? If the software set the XDA uses to talk to the GSM network is failing, but works talking to other GSM networks...sounds like a service provider protocol or provisioning problem (the way they have their GSM network set up i.e. do they have their own towers or are they ridding on someone else’s footprint but have or do not have their own switches etc.)
You might also try un-checking or checking the use Unicode option under accounts SMS in Inbox, but this should really make no difference as this is only when necessary protocol anyways, but who knows. I still think it's on your service provider’s end/SIM. The XDA just talks to the network using GSM "Standard" agreed upon protocols for GSM. Now the provider can do whatever they like. These are just suggested standards so problems (maybe) like this from occurring. Anyway, let me know if this makes any difference. Always learning :lol:
You have hit the nail on the head exactly. When I try to enter the number manually it does indeed not stick. I have tried the sim in the original phone that it came with and it works as per normal. All the functionality is there.
The network I am on in the UK is a new network that is giving the 3G technology but this is only being rolled out and is not nationwide. They do piggyback onto another providers network (namely 02) when you are not in a 3G area so that you are always able to make voice calls / send tetxs.
I have no idea as to whether they have there own switches etc as its like trying to get blood out of a stone when talking to there customer services.
I have looked at the thread about editing / creating registry keys and did look at the key that you mentioned. Above the vmail key is an SMS key but opening it led onto all sorts of other fields and protocols which threw me. I am not sure which of these (if any) would be the correct one to start entering SMS Message Centre numbers into or what I would need to hard code it as a new registry key.
To this end I cannot see if hard coding it to make it stick works or not. Can you shed any light as to this??? Would be much appreciated if you could.
With thanks
I'm going to see if I can get my XDA to overide the SIM SMSC, I'll post success or
many thanks for your help

MMS (ArcSoft Upgrade needed to receive MMS?)

I'm trying to use MMS on my XDA II... Everything seems to be OK to send MMS-messages (my recepient receives my MMS-messages without problems).
When I receive MMS-messages from someone, I could not download them! I re-entered my settings a few times without success! Then I contacted my mobile network provider to see what's happening!
I only receive the header of the MMS-messages, but I could not download that messages!
What I noticed is that I'm using version of the ArcSoft MMS Composer. Do I need an upgrade to receive MMS-messages or what?
I know there is a newer version (, but I don't know if this will solve my problem.
I took a look at the website of ArcSoft, but could not find any upgrades or patches.
Anyone has a suggestion what to do or had the same problems?
FYI: Every 2 hours I got a notification that I have a new message, but this always the same message...
A collegue of mine has a similar problem, he can send ok, but does not receive any MMS. His XDA2 when configured for another Telco Provider has no problems. Will revert if I find a solution. Apparently not all Telcos have the same infrastructure setup.
talked to the telco provider, they believe it is their SIM card. Are sending me a new one.

Can't send SMS

so I've unlocked my XDA and use a 3 sim. I can make calls just fine, I can receive text messages just fine but I cannot send texts messages.
Also, I cant access my sim contacts either. I can get around this by copying my contacts to the PC and then to the XDA but I use multiple PC's and am always forgetting not to synchronise contacts on any PC's other than the one with the correct data so I keep losing it.
Anyone got any ideas how I can resolve this.
I have an update for you all.......
I've spoken with 3 and they have assurd me (for what it is worth) that they have not imposed any restrictions on sending SMS (I wondered because I know alot of people take the 3 contract for the cheap calls and then don't use any 3 services but use the O2 roam facility that presumably costs 3 money) so I have to assume I have a set up or technical problem with the XDA.
When I try to use SIM Manager I get an error message saying "Sim is busy. Wait 5 seconds and try again.". Well I wait and wait but it doesn't get any better than that.
SIM Toolkit does nothing when I try to use it, not even the graciousness to give me an error message.
3 said just type in the servcie centre number and away you go (they also said to uncheck the "use unicode when necessary" box) but that doesn't seem to help. Also after I type the service centre number in and try to send an SMS, which fails everytime, I go back to where you enter the service centre number and the field is blank again.
The error message I get when I try to send an SMS is "Your SMS message has not been sent because the SIM is invalid. Contact your customer service center for a new SIM" Well, of course my 3 sim is valid,it works just fine in the e616.
The SMS messages appear in the "Sent" directory even though they haven't been sent (and they really haven't or at least they certainly haven't been received)
ROM Version is 3.17.03 Eng (in fact it's the XDA developer ROM)
ROM Date 05/15/03
Radio Version 4.16.00 (I down graded to this to get the thing unlocked)
Protocol Version 32S54

MMS on sim not used for Data

Hi everyone. This is my first dual sim phone so please be patient if this is common knowledge, but I tried to search and couldn't find anything. My device is a Mido, running Pixel expereince. I also posted in the thread for that ROM, but I'm not sure if it's a ROM issue or I'm just missing something so I am posting here as well.
I have the phone set up to use sim 1 for calls and sms, and sim 2 for data. But when it is set like this sim 1 cannot send or receive mms. When I try to send an mms it just stays stuck on sending but never goes through, and when I need to receive an mms, it says downloading but never downloads. If I toggle to use sim 1 for data, the mms then goes through or is downloaded.
On other phones, when I try to send an mms, even when I am on wifi, the H+ signal comes on briefly for the data to go through for the mms. What I have now is the x above the signal indicator for sim 1 never goes away while trying to send or receive mms, meaning the phone never attempts a data connection on that sim, unless I toggle the switch to use data on that sim..
Is there a solution? Is this how dual sim phones always works or is it a problem of the ROM?
Thanks in advance.

