Can't enter bootloader on xda II help needed - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Hi to all, my problem is that I can't enter the bootloader. in other words I can enter it(power+navigation buttom and reset) but i only see the word Serial and v1.01, and when usb is connected I see USB v1.01 , i can't see d2s or any other information and options. I wanted to flash my rom to SD using Multi-Port/USB TTY . I did a search on this forum but no luck so if anybody can give me a hand I'll appriciate it. Ciaoz Mine is XDAII the german verwsion.

Please anybody can give me a step by step info on how to copy the original rom to SD card, I need to change language from german to english and I want to keep the original german rom just in case. Thx

Does it have to be on sd there are other way of doing it which I will be able to talk you through (I think) if you need a hand

Well I was thinking to flash it to the sd in case the phone goes dead and you're out of activesync so the only way of flahsing it will be through SD. But another way of flashing is more than appriciated so I'll be waiting for ur guide.. do u happen to know why I can't see the options in the bootloader? thanks really

1st ... I have no idea why you cant get into the bootloader. On my xda 2 after a cold reboot i just get the serial and then when in the cradle I get usb, from their I dont know what to do. I would class myself as a newbie as well but I can talk you through what I did.
Which rom is it that you want to flash?
The extended rom or the Os rom?

i'm willing to flash the OS rom and not the extended. My version is 1.03.00 Ger and I want to flash to the "Dangaard (Qtek) 1.60" or RUU16006WWE_T-mobile_NL version which is an english one although I heard some people had their phones dead while doing so. I must find a way to back my rom 1st.. Did u do the update urself??

Yes I did the update using a programme called
I was originally after flashing the extended rom only, but due to not fully understanding the instructions at
I made a mistake and flash the Radio Stack - the OS and the extended rom as well. After this I worked out how to use HimUpgradeUt.exe to flash the extended rom only. I am guessing that if you follow the same procdure for flashing the rom and flash the OS you will get the same results.
However I haven't tried it yet. I am hoping to get the radio rom and the OS rom for O2 xda2 and try it but until them I cant confirm it. I am only guessing that it will work?
So its up to you I have successfully updated the extended rom 4 time but I just dont have the files to do it?
Where did you get you Os file from?

I already tried Multi-Port/USB TTY program , but in the instructions it says"
3. boot the machine into bootloader mode (hold the Power and directional pad , then push reset)
4. Run the rompdate utility, select the comport as "wceusb001" or something like that as the default comport." The problem is that After going into bootloader mode I launched the romupdate utility but in the com-ports I only see com1 and com2 ,there is no wceusb001!!. And where did u see the d2s that I hear about??
I've got the downloads from the forum this one and the other form here

It seems that we are taking cross purposes here.
Using HimaUpgradeUt.exe you can update the roms using .NBF files,
hence the way in which I updated all 3 of my roms in one go.
Exteneded Rom.nbf (can’t remember the actual name) it looks like you are using a different up loader or have different files to upload. I can only really help with advice on the process that I followed. I can provide you with the files that I had, if you want it will change your 02 format to I-Mate in English.
Does this help?

well I know we have differnet purposes but we should use the same tool I guess if we followed this link. and the tool is Multi-Port/USB TTY program to back up rom or extended rom. Please provide me the info to back up the rom no matter if to SD or HD. Thanks for ur time man.

I think that you can try using ositools I will find the link and then post it, but again I am still not sure how you reinstal it afterwards

whafni77 said:
Hi to all, my problem is that I can't enter the bootloader. in other words I can enter it(power+navigation buttom and reset) but i only see the word Serial and v1.01, and when usb is connected I see USB v1.01 , i can't see d2s or any other information and options. I wanted to flash my rom to SD using Multi-Port/USB TTY . I did a search on this forum but no luck so if anybody can give me a hand I'll appriciate it. Ciaoz Mine is XDAII the german verwsion.
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I am in the same situation with you, have you solved yet?

Serial / USB V1.01
I had the same problem, and I found the cause to be a USB Hub. I found that when I plugged the cradle directly into my PC I managed to load the update without any further problems.
I hope this helps

you have to disable usb or com port in activesync, before trying to connect with mtty, or terminal program.



Hi All,
I have an XDA II with the lastest O2ASIA ROM.... Kind of anyway.
I stumbled upon an update for the XDA II and thought I would install it. Unfortunately I did not see the link that said "Asia Pacific Users click here"
and ended up attempting to upgrade to the UK ROM. It appeared to run perfectly, but now I have an O2ASIA XDA II that only says "USB v1.06".
So I'm obviously stuck at the bootloader screen. Have attempted to put the latest O2Asia version back on:
ROM version: 1.60.00 WWE
Radio version: 1.08.00
ExtROM version: 1.60.44
MMS Client:
but no joy, I get:
"Model ID Error 1-N-PH-PH-PH"
I have read through many posts with nothing really being of any help at this point.
How do I get my XDA working again? TIA to anyone who has slightly more of a clue than me
I think your first update modified either your device model ID, country ID or language ID ... in this case you can unpack your Asian ROM upgrade file ... use xda2nbftool.exe to modify its files to have the O2 UK signatures.
Ok thanks, I have tried a few variations, but it does not want to co-operate.
Is there any way from the bootloader and the serial console that I can find out what its settings are sp I can match them up with xda2nbftool.exe?
Or is there a way via the bootloader and the serial console that I can change them?
well, you can try this ... use ER2003Edit tool to open the UK upgrade file ... you should find the required IDs there
Yep, did that. Used same tool to set the AsiaPac files but no joy, same Error 100: Model ID Error.
There does not seem to be any info around regarding creating an SD image on a PC that could be used to restore everything - that would be handy.
I am experiencing the same, allthough using the correct German ROMs:
Ok, problem sorted.
Booted a mate's XDAII to the bootloader, created the three ROM images on an SD card, put it in mine and it all downloaded successfully.
Does anyone know how I can take an image of the SD card?
i've experienced the same problem when I downgrade mine from 1.66 to 1.60 O2 Asia
First reflash the unit with the 1.66 ROM, Use the ER2003Edit, make the DeviceID, Langguage Blank. the Country = 'O2'
the flash it.
then flash it again use the Original Working ROM from O2 UK or ASIA.
But for right now it is not possible to downgrade from 1.66 to 1.60 since from the information I got from the service center there's different Main Board for the XDA.
hi _JP_,
you can do that by a program called hex workshop. it allows you to save hex dumps of any storage card into a file and back again. i have done this today successfully several times. now i have the same problem. i have flashed my xda2 with a german 1.72 dump from an eplus qtek2020 but now the way back is blocked without a correct dump of a german o2 xda2, which i dont have available :-(
Hi, I am having the same USB 1.06 screen dead OS problem after trying to convert 1.66CHT ROM to 1.60WWE ROM.
Please help, I am not sure
1) what header information to change the 1.60WWE ROM so that i could flash the ENG version in the O2ASIA
2) used ER2003EDIT with error after trying to change the header information
3) dont' have the 1.66CHT ROM? couldn't get back
PLEASE HELP to get my O2 back !!! many thanks
Hi Cmong,
Here are the steps to sort out your XDA.
1. Find someone else with the same XDA (preferrably a friend - doing this will delete all their settings and data)
2. Get an SD card (I used a 128MB but 64 should do).
2. Download this:
3. Back up the data on the other person's XDAII
4. Disable USB connections in ActiveSync
5. Boot your friend's XDA to the bootloader (Power-Direction-Reset)
6. Put the XDAII in the USB Cradle
7. Use the program from (2) to backup all the ROMs to SD. I used the instructions found here:
8. Put the SD card into your broken XDAII and reset it
9. Push the power button when it tells you to and it will dump the ROMs to your XDA
10. Have a celebratory beer because your XDA is now working.
Hi, i have exactly same problem here (bootloader version 1.06), reading all the forums but no luck thus far. Problem is I don't have a mate with an xda 2. Anybody know where i can find the image needed and how to save it to SD card? I am no techie so step by step instructions would be welcome If nothing else works, if any kind soul would be so kind to email the image to me, (in chunks if its too big to email) I would be forever grateful
TIA for your help, hoping to get my xda 2 back form the dead :?
some more details... my xda 2 is brand new uk version locked to O2. Anyone with a dump image that could solve my problem? TIA
Gday mate,
You are in the UK so I don't think my image is going to work, but since you are desparate I will post it here.
I can't help you out too much, I created the image with the hex editor mentioned in the above posts, I have not had time to play with it and can only tell you that it is an image of the 128mb flash card that i fixed my xda with.
While I have dumped it from the card, I have not actually experimented with how to write the image back to the card so I think if you are not a techie you will struggle a bit to get it working.
Note that this is the Asia Pacific image and will probably not work in your xda since you are in the UK.
If you do manage to write the image to the SD card, just put it in the slot and reboot the xda and it will tell you to press the power button to download.
Can I suggest that this forum might be a good place to post other SD ROM recovery images for other regions apart from the one I have???
i will try and download it... waiting for a fellow from the forum who has the right image (hopefully) to get back to me... and i am surprised as u r these images are not readily available on the net.. I think they would solve many problems in case something goes wrong when u update. As a matter of fact these image files should be available form the product support (just like windows boot disks are available to repair a desktop computer) thanks for ur help, if anybody knows how to dump the image correctly, please post the procedure here (will need it for uk image too)... I am not asking too much am i?
peter_altherr earlier in this thread I think knows how to do it.
When I reboot, it doesn't ask me anything
Thank you for your help.
I have copy the image to the my SD card and try to reboot like what you mentioned, but it doesn't ask me anything. All it did was just showing the serial v1.06. I tried the power + direction pad + rest and it is no use. Am I doing any thing wrong?


I have bootloader version: 1.03
When I turn on my xda i see only screen:
i think that my xda is dead how can i repair this?
I try flash my device using sd but i dont have this option in my bootloader..
You should be able to upgrade your device using the HimaUpgradeUt program. See my post here for information on what to look out for, etc.
I think thats is not good way because i cant connect my device to pc using activesync.. i have only bootloader mode on my xda..
That doesn't matter, the upgrade doesn't need Activesync. It looks after its own connections.
I just connect my xda in bootloader mode to usb. The activesync not saw may device but i run HimaUpgradeUt.exe and my device start upgrade! I have Germany ROM now i upgrade this To same English ROM.. Before i do this that way program show mi error 102.. now its look like everthing be good.. we will see for 5 minutes.
sorry for my english
i am from poland
OK. Let me know what happens.
The program just finish operation.. but on my device screen is still:
radio stack
Please Wait...
I dont know what i should do..?
That's OK. As long as the PC said 'Congratulations' its all done. Take your device out the cradle, hard reset it and it will run the standard setup.
Everythink is great! My Pocket Pc work! Thank You for Your advise.
Maybe somebody know where I can find some Rom to Xda.. Without O2 Rom because i have it. Maybe there is some rom kitchen like for xda 1
Excellent news For information about customising the Extended ROM, search for Extended ROM on the forums.
to dcs: I'm now upgading my o22'Rom from v2.06 to 2.20 (translated frm chinese --> english). after I completed fixing country ID, I have a new erro (erro102: CE image file checksum erro. the Rom image file to be used for the update is corrupt). I try to download again and update but I fail, the erro is 102. please show me hoe to pass this erro.
If u see the log after HimaUpdIt ul see some like this;
16:27:04 Connection with USB
16:27:37 Begin stage 1
16:28:11 End stage 1
16:28:12 Begin stage 2
16:28:12 Write block1
so, he searches for his own connection! Dont worry just download the rom, himaupdit file and upgrade ur xda Tell us how it works

hp rw6828 wm6 (odd conditions) -> wm5

Hi guys,
I'm a hp rw6828 user and is very much enthusiast to try out those wm6 roms made by those experts. However, i did a mistake while trying to flash.
I tried flashing with a rom from wantat but i forgotten to delete the EBOOT.nb0 before i clicked "upgrade". Then the program stopped at 6% for a long time and didnt move. I disconnect the cables and tried to turn the device on.
THe device can go into the wm6 and the start button can be use but the screen is "moved" to the right side and other function is not working.
After that, i did a hard reset and the the os seem to work like normal. However, when i tried to go into bootloader mode by pressing both "_" and soft reset. That didnt work. I tried another way by taking out the batt, leave it for a 10mins, press both "_" and soft reset, put in batt, release soft reset then "_" keys. That didn't work either.
But, just lately, i've tried taking out batt, holding the camera key and softreset, place back batt, release soft reset n camera button. This method works and i get what it seems to be an atom bootloader?
i get a black background with "MN1 Bootloader Mar 29 2006 13;52;14 copyright..... 1) debug module through UART 2) jump to DM Enter your selection.
I've searched the forums and found few ways to downgrade back to wm5 but those aren't the same conditions with what im facing. Can someone recommend how can i downgrade back to wm5 with the conditions that im facing? All you help is much appreciated. THank you.
You are lucky , at lease your device now become atom. My was totally cannot on power and just vibrate. Till I have to sent it back to HP SC and change the main board . Can you understand chinese , if yes than I have a solution you may try . Else you have to wait . I just download a program and doing some testing , the program is in chinese language .
Thx for you reply. I guess u can say that. I'm from msia but cant read chinese.
Is it possible to solve the problem by sending back to hp using warranty claim? I think i still have warranty left but its ending very soon. One more week i think.
elus said:
Thx for you reply. I guess u can say that. I'm from msia but cant read chinese.
Is it possible to solve the problem by sending back to hp using warranty claim? I think i still have warranty left but its ending very soon. One more week i think.
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I don't think you still can claim under warranty unless you can make your phone total can't on and access to windows mobile. Last time I sent it back they charge me RM 385 to change the main board . I did talk to their technical personal , it seen like they don't know what is bootloader and flash it back to original rom . What they do was just change the main board with preloaded program .
Good luck
If you think that you can claim you warranty , than you just go a head . If not , may be you can access my thread "HP6828 WM6" , download any one of the rom that I post , follow the instruction accept downgrade bootloader . Enter your phone in bootloader mode . If you can start the process , than it will flash a new hp bootloader into your phone .
Against . Good luck
I'm from malaysia also.
Ok. I'll try your method to restore the bootloader. Thx for the fast reply. I'll keep u update with the progress. Thx again.
elus said:
Ok. I'll try your method to restore the bootloader. Thx for the fast reply. I'll keep u update with the progress. Thx again.
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You've flash ATOM Bootloader, there are many ways to restore to HP Bootloader ... don't worry !!!
nhocbanme said:
You've flash ATOM Bootloader, there are many ways to restore to HP Bootloader ... don't worry !!!
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Can share the information how to restore back the HP original bootloader ? And the procedure . Thanks
First you must have HP bootloader file (Eboot.nb0) 1.01 or 1.05 are OK.
- Use DRUU to restore Bootloader : replace ATOM bootloader file with HP bootloader file
- Use miniSD to restore Bootloader : copy Eboot.nb0 to miniSD card, go to bootloader ... wait 1' it will auto hard reset.
After flash successfull remmember remove Eboot.nb0 from miniSD.
- Reflashing Bootloader using JTAG. (Use only when can't use two above menthods)
HP Bootloader 1.01 :
HP Bootloader 1.05 :
nhocbanme could you please specify which specfic DRUU should be use for your method? Thank you.
You should use DRUU of Chartreux, replace Eboot.nb0 and choose OS and Eboot
Remember copy a HP68xx ROM (diskimage_Ver.nb0) to C:\Windows\Temp with DRUU of Chartreux then start...
nhocbanme, you explanation seems vague to me. Probably cause im still new. Could you please give a clearer instructions? Thank you
elus said:
nhocbanme, you explanation seems vague to me. Probably cause im still new. Could you please give a clearer instructions? Thank you
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-You must extract RUU in C:\Windows\Temp (no sub folder) then replace Eboot.nb0 with Hp bootloader 1.01/1.05
-Copy a diskimage_Ver.nb0 (any ROM WM6 for HP 68xx) to C:\Windows\Temp
-Run the DRUU program and choose OS and Eboot and start.
Goodluck !!!
It worked! Thx a lot nhocbanme and wantat. The methods restore the atom bootloader to hp bootloader. The DSUU by chartreux is a good tool.
Now, i would like to put this solution up into the wiki. How may i do so? Thank you.
hi, im william from M'sia. i like to know how you recover your previous installed AtomROm back to WM5.
can u provide some step to step detail
if possible upload some files can let me flash from memory card in the bootloader screen
ur reply are highly appreciated
thx ~~
williamSun said:
hi, im william from M'sia. i like to know how you recover your previous installed AtomROm back to WM5.
can u provide some step to step detail
if possible upload some files can let me flash from memory card in the bootloader screen
ur reply are highly appreciated
thx ~~
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OK, please read my topic, I'll post a WM5 ROM flash via miniSD
help !!
im facing another problem again...
this time i changed the file extension EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nbf to EBOOT0502_MNT_01.01.03.nb0
(file from HP official WM5 SP34074, inside the installed folder )
and copy to memory card and put in 6828 then started to go bootloader screen
few minutes later my screen goes blank, and i tried with the revive methods
which is
-press the 2 softkey " - " and reset button
-put in the battery ,
-release reset, then release softkey
but didt work out!!!!no repsponse at all..tried many times..possible dead ad???
plz help me abit ..big troblem!
I dont think i can help u much here as im still new. From the looks of your problem, i guess u forgotten to cut the first 12bits (or something like that) of your bootloader when u use it to flash via mini sd. Maybe you can try the JTAG method mentioned in the atom wiki to restore your bootloader. Good luck.
Thanks guys!
The same exact thing happened to me yesterday..I was already about to sell my ipaq as a dead unit and i came upon this thread and after following the steps it did made ipaq alive again..
thank you very much guys,i hope you continue to help more people..
god bless and best of luck to you
more power xda-dev!

iv bricket my device cingular 8525

hello every1, i am not very much into winmobile, i am symbian freak for a very long time.
in symbian there is no possibility to flash bricket device at home, ant that is spwcialy what i like at winmobile
i have htc cingular 8525 and it was running wm5.
rgbw string:
and iv tryed to upgrade it to wm6. it stoped on 11% at image writing on ROM, and give me error 262. i remove battery, wait, plug back.... and it started to write again. and stoped on 11% again.
so iv changed pc(go to my friend), and same thing again.
iv even changed cable(from nokia 6120c hehehehe) nothing works
my ROM is deleted and i only have RGBW screen(bootloader)
is there any possibility to boot my device? form mmc???? anything? i am runing activesync 4.5.0
iv readed a lot of tuts, but ne1 helped me.
i hope that someone solved this problem.
thanx in advance
[email protected]
It sounds like your radio has been stuffed... This is BAD...
First, try to flash a stock carrier rom(preferably your original carrier rom) and see if it goes past the 10-15% mark. If not you can try to flash a Radio only rom.
The best way, since it reset into bootloader anyway & (good onya) you have Hard SPL installed, is to use the sd card method.
1. Format sd card fat32.
2. Copy the .nbh file of the os/radio rom you want load Hermes onto sd card and rename to "Hermimg.nbh".
3. Put sd card in Hermes and reset. Follow prompts...
Make sure you have a charged battery as it is pretty battery draining (especially multiple flashes).
If you can't get the radio rom on, you can AT LEAST install a new OS only rom. It will be a good PDA BUT won't work as a phone anymore...
Good Luck...
thank you for reply.
my device do not reboot in bootloader. it stays there. only that RGBW screen for ever.
i was testing it wht plug-unplug usb, and it allways show me if it is serial or usb.... that means that system is functioning.
i try to bootup wht mmc fat, and it didnt work
tell me what files do i need to transfer to mmc? do i need to change name of RUU.....exe to stg else or just nbh thing?
and in what location on mmc should i save it? or just in mmc:\ (root)
and can i hack my radiorom after i setup system? or i need to do that before?
thanx again
btw i am poweruser of symbian, and i am proud owner of smallest s60v3 device (6120).
i found on it samsungs processor.... and i belive that it is similar as windows mobile. and we have a lot of troubles wht rom upgrading... is there any possibility to include you guys in symbian ROM moding? it would be gr8 bcs i didnt cee much skilled developers for windows XP in symbian freak community
btw some guy just told me that he has some java application which enabling write on ROM and if he say truth he will share it wht me.
he is pc/phone servicer, and he is really good as far as i know.
if this thing exists, is there any possibility to extract RUU from exe to pc and i would copy/paste every single file(wht some changes) as i want to do to my nokia hehehehehehehe
"my device do not reboot in bootloader. it stays there. only that RGBW screen for ever." - THIS IS BOOTLOADER...
On the screen it should say what IPL and SPL you have, What are they?
2. Copy the RUU_signed.nbh file of the os/radio rom you want load Hermes onto sd card and rename to "Hermimg.nbh". You can use a radio only rom or a stock carrier rom - after flashing carrier rom and if the radio rom is restored then flash radio of your choice.
As for running windows on a symbian phone, I don't really know but I'd think that it wouldn't work as the symbian os may have hard wired drivers in the device. You'd have to ask some-one else in the know....
ultramag, iv posted spl and ipl version in 1st post
btw i didnt think abt runing winmob on symbian device, i was thinking of making RUU for symbian.
while RUU is rar file, we could make one for symbian, and bricket phones wouldnt be needed to send to service. btw we could then deit rom and remove platsecurity and make symbiansigned useless. then wount be any need for ROMpatching...(it pach ram actualy) all we need is drivers for symbian device and that we dont have
bt smthing will come i am working on clocking my 6120c and so far no sucess
btw, thank you for help, i am going to load mmc tonight (16:42 here)
ultramag69 thank you my friend for suport. iv successifuly get up my system
btw i dont have imei info and Radio Rom version
i think that i should use CID and SIM unlocker?
As I said on the 2nd post, Your radio rom may be stuffed. This could mean its an unfixable brick. You can use the PDA functions BUT you may not be able to restore the Phone functions.
Using the sd card method though, you can try to install a radio only rom (this only tries to install the radio, the OS you have on there will remain the same so even if the radio rom install is unsuccessful you can still use the PDA functions).
You should also try to install a carrier stock rom (rom supplied by your original carrier) as this , on rare occasions, has restored the radio rom.
Good luck in your Endeavour..
i will try to run from mmc. seems like stg is wron wht my usb cable. it cant get synced wht pc....?
i will veawe its hardware and check "all" tngs from usb to rom and to flash, at least till crystalls
btw this platiform is awsome
wht resco i can edit rom files??? whd i am amased
i just need paint and hex editor
and ill make anything
btw is there any dll exe... decompilers??? and i need to check is there python for wm6
and then ill be able to write my own programs
thanx bro again
You have bricked hardware radio - flashing radio rom wouldn't work. Send it to good service and probably they will repair it.
hmmm, i would sen it right now, but there is no service around...., and i am better in hardware and software more than 75% local servicists....ill gess tht ill figure stg
ppl, i am wondering:
why memory card is displayed in "device:\" as folder? as far as i know it is a disk(fat32) and why i have extended_ROM and option to remove it?
why i cand access to orginal ROM drive? and why winm0b is playing wht virtual drives?
does any1 has experience wht pythonCE? and if there is ziped command samples for pythons compiled library? i would like to get it
Thank you
It is not clear if you fixed your phone.
It does not sound like you have followed ultramag69 instructions very well. Probably because Englsih is not your first tongue and you have little knowledge of PPC.
You need to download a Radio ROM here:
Then follow the instructions here:
A few points that you need to understand. Resco can not edit ROM files. Your Hermes does not use a MMC card it uses MicroSD. If you are connected to ActiveSync then your Storage Card shows up as a folder; that's just the way it is! Pretty much all your other questions are answered in the WIKI here:

HD2 Broken after bad flash?

I have a problem:
I flashed my hd2 from a stocked rom 1.42 dutch version, with hspl 1.42. I installed a custom rom from: HTC HD2 Laurentius WWE 21891UltimatePOWER.
it worked fine for 2 or 3 days and then it stocked, i reseted the phone and
When i turn on my HD2, i get a white screen. and it doest go away. Even after softreset (volume button down in bootloader)
When i go in to bootloader i see this screen:
Pb81100 hx-bc
Spl-1.42.hspl xe
Cotullahspl 0x30
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When i try to instal a rom by going in to bootloader en then start in win xp the update wont start, it stocked at 0 %
Then i tried to flash a orginal romt by sd:
it stocked at 7 % and i get this screen:
Upgrade ROM code error
Please try again
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- Then i tried to flash a radio rom by activesync, in xp it wont start,
- i tried flashing by sd and it stocked on 98%
- I tried different to install a rom and radio rom by vista, but also no succes
- I tried task 29 (by the Attached Task29 into a single exe.) to erease all data from the phone, but in windows by activesync it wont start
i tried al the above from windows 7.
Is there anyone that can help me, please i getting very desperate.
VERY VERY IMPORTANT! Try and read 2-3 times what is written here
Only afterwards proceed to the following :
First of all....try and use Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Second of not try to use task 29 because its a bit more complicated and it involves some drivers and so on!
Use this little thing here and after its completed....flash a proper radio something like 2.08.50.xx which you can find on Radio dedicated section here
After all these....flash a custom ROM but be careful to be one suited with your radio! Which is a radio appliable for most of custom ROMS BUT be VERY careful!
Another not flash from SD Card....Use the CustomRUU tool and flash it via ActiveSync!
Do you get any particular error message? When in bootloader mode, does "usb" show at the bttom of the screen? If so, try moving to a different usb port, preferably at the rear of the pc, or try different cable or even different pc. If still no luck, try uninstalling and then re-installing the latest version of Activesync.
The White Screen issue sounds like the incorrect radio version for the rom. I'm not familar with the details of the particular rom, but there are certain rom/radio combinations that will do that if they do not match eg running a 2.10 based rom with a x.xx.51.xx radio. The phone works intially until a reset and then hangs.
viperd said:
VERY VERY IMPORTANT! Try and read 2-3 times what is written here ......
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Thanks for the replay
I tried, flashing by activesync. i flashed it the first time by hspl (the tread you link to) and then by activesync. But like i said, the hd2 stops at a white screen, so i tried by every possible way i could think of. Also i tried task 39 by the tool you mention, but it still does not work.
But i will correct my ts.
I tryd to flash different radioroms, but if it try by activesync it wont start and by sd-flash it stocks at 98%, but i will try a different active sync
I tried the following options:
- I installed a newest activesync and tried to instal an new rom under windows xp. The update stocked at 0% and i tried to install radio rom, with the same results
- I installed the windows mobile on windows 7, and tried the same as in windows xp, and still the same results.
Then i tried flashing every rom from the site by the sd-method (after every bad flash i formatted the sd-card with fat32)
With the sd method the phone stocked at 99% and then gives the next images:
LEOIMG.nbh - Fail
Update terminate
update fail
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IS there any one how has a solution for this problem
Ok....try from the beginning!
1.Get from here (extract the content in a folder named hspl ).2
2. For Windows 7 you need Windows Mobile Device Center ( WMDC ) NOT ActiveSync!! Get it here
3. Make sure in WMDC settings the USB connection is checked!
4. Take out your battery....insert it again! Start your phone while keeping pressed the Vol Down button! This will get you into bootloader! The screen should display USB on the lower part of the screen! (evidently connected to computer )
5. Flash HSPL2 select 2.08 version
6. Use that tool I recommended earlier.....
7. Enter again the bootloader and flash a Radio ROM ( try 2.08.50.xx ) via WMDC!
8. Flash either NRGZ 21898 or Cleanex 21898 versions ( I recommend these in particular because they work with the radio mentioned above and are also stable ROMs ).
P.S. Take out your SD card and SIM card while performing all these steps!
Hope you will solve it!
viperd said:
Ok....try from the beginning!
1.Get from here (extract the content in a folder named hspl ).2
2. For Windows 7 you need Windows Mobile Device Center ( WMDC ) NOT ActiveSync!! Get it here
3. Make sure in WMDC settings the USB connection is checked!
4. Take out your battery....insert it again! Start your phone while keeping pressed the Vol Down button! This will get you into bootloader! The screen should display USB on the lower part of the screen! (evidently connected to computer )
5. Flash HSPL2 select 2.08 version
6. Use that tool I recommended earlier.....
7. Enter again the bootloader and flash a Radio ROM ( try 2.08.50.xx ) via WMDC!
8. Flash either NRGZ 21898 or Cleanex 21898 versions ( I recommend these in particular because they work with the radio mentioned above and are also stable ROMs ).
P.S. Take out your SD card and SIM card while performing all these steps!
Hope you will solve it!
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Thanks for the advise
I did every step. The first problem is: WMDC doest say there is a connection, while windows 7 say there is a connection also i see usb in the lower part of the screen.
In the same sequence as you right above. the hspl2 says it worked fine, but when i reset the boatlooder still says it has hspl 1.42 in stead of 2.08. The tool you recommended did't start. and says update error.
do you know something else i could do (or anyone else)
Give the phone to someone who can get it to work??
Give me your SD-CARD serial number.
I'ma make a goldcard for you.
sd-card max to 4gb!
And then try flashing stock nld 1.66 rom using sd-card.
Because you tried to fix it flashing a 'original rom?' from sd I think I know what's your problem.
Did you use a Dutch shipped rom while trying to fix or a WWE one?
If you flash a shipped rom from storage card it restores the original SPL and removes HSPL !
Try flashing a Dutch shipped rom one more time from storage card, it will restore the original SPL made for your device.
korenbloem said:
Thanks for the advise
I did every step. The first problem is: WMDC doest say there is a connection, while windows 7 say there is a connection also i see usb in the lower part of the screen.
In the same sequence as you right above. the hspl2 says it worked fine, but when i reset the boatlooder still says it has hspl 1.42 in stead of 2.08. The tool you recommended did't start. and says update error.
do you know something else i could do (or anyone else)
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Thanks mate, if my suggestion doesn't work hopefully you can help him.
xmoo said:
Give me your SD-CARD serial number.
I'ma make a goldcard for you.
sd-card max to 4gb!
And then try flashing stock nld 1.66 rom using sd-card.
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A simple hardreset would have fixed your issue as well.
Instead of all kind of panic experiments like mtty/ flashing radios/roms from sd you could have come to me and I would have helped you.
You flashed a very old rom from the rom archive but never the less that rom is intensivily tested by me and the beta team.
I have no idea what kind of software you installed/tweaks you did or anything else but also with installing the wrong software it could cause the rom not to boot anymore.
Sorry to tell you but these 'bricking' stories are mostly caused by unexperiened users and it
making me sad to see more people are opening threads like this blaming a rom and causing a panic reaction in public destroying our work.
I realy hope you fix your device and I will try to help you but this isn't a rom issue.
Laurentius26 said:
Because you tried to fix it flashing a 'original rom?' from sd I think I know what's your problem.
Did you use a Dutch shipped rom while trying to fix or a WWE one?
If you flash a shipped rom from storage card it restores the original SPL and removes HSPL !
Try flashing a Dutch shipped rom one more time from storage card, it will restore the original SPL made for your device.
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Thanks for the adivse, but i already tried that with an orginal rom, but i will try it again, mabey there is a difference with a shipped rom.
The first thing i did was a hard reset, but that did't worked. (the phone is in this shape for 1 month now).
Second. I am not blaming you or anyone. I flashed the wrong radio rom i think (cant remember witch one) And that is my own fault. I never wanna make the suggestion that it is because of youre rom.
I took a risk by flashing my phone. and i is my responsibility.
Edit: I tried a shipping rom nld. But it gives the same error as always, only after 7%. But thanks for the advise
@ Xmoo, First of al thank you that you want to help with a sollution. But what does that mean a goldcard and what are the consequences of using it.
Laurentius26 helped me with fixing my device.
The problem was the radio. and by flashing a factory rom from t-mobile, the hspl was reset to spl 2.00. After that he flashed a orginal shipped rom (the orignal one from my device). And the rom is fixed again SPL 1.66 is now on the device.
Laurentius thanks for al the help!!!!!
HD2 bricked?
Hi, I urgently need your help. I used my hd2 on a vodafone branded rom 1.44. Last week I installed a Vodafone NLD 1.72 rom , + froyostone 3.4 Rom,kernel 8.5 (with hspl). Yesterday my touchscreen has stopped fully .. . The next, I've been in touch with HTC and they will pick up my phone tomorrow for repair. I have to remove hspl ofcourse .. so I happily try to flash official vodafone rom from the SD card, did nothing 1.72, 1.48 seemed to do until I restart and got an ROM code error. What to do: ( I am pretty desperate now .. when you start you get an exclamation point and then 'not allow' and then the tricolor. Is this due to the lack of the original 1.44 ROM? Apologies for this begging post and my poor English but I hope that someone has a solution to unbrick this device so he can up picked by HTC.
vanbasten88 said:
Hi, I urgently need your help. I used my hd2 on a vodafone branded rom 1.44. Last week I installed a Vodafone NLD 1.72 rom , + froyostone 3.4 Rom,kernel 8.5 (with hspl). Yesterday my touchscreen has stopped fully .. . The next, I've been in touch with HTC and they will pick up my phone tomorrow for repair. I have to remove hspl ofcourse .. so I happily try to flash official vodafone rom from the SD card, did nothing 1.72, 1.48 seemed to do until I restart and got an ROM code error. What to do: ( I am pretty desperate now .. when you start you get an exclamation point and then 'not allow' and then the tricolor. Is this due to the lack of the original 1.44 ROM? Apologies for this begging post and my poor English but I hope that someone has a solution to unbrick this device so he can up picked by HTC.
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Do you have a branded Leo? If so, enter bootloader (remove battery, press volume down, insert battery), connect via usb (maybe you have to wait for driver installation), start the latest *.exe from your operator/carrier...
same problem here flashing an old radio... and now, everytime i try to flash a factory rom ship (RUU_Leo_HTC_PTG_1.66.410.1_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship) on 1% get the error 244 - invalid model id.
I tried to hard reset and now the message on the bottom of screen show me the right factory radio ( of this rom but stays on this screen forever anyone knows what can i do? please help... tks a lot!
andreftx said:
same problem here flashing an old radio... and now, everytime i try to flash a factory rom ship (RUU_Leo_HTC_PTG_1.66.410.1_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship) on 1% get the error 244 - invalid model id.
I tried to hard reset and now the message on the bottom of screen show me the right factory radio ( of this rom but stays on this screen forever anyone knows what can i do? please help... tks a lot!
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Maybe it is because you flashed the wrong stock rom.
You should find the CORRECT STOCK ROM for your device, otherwise you need a gold card
silverwind said:
Maybe it is because you flashed the wrong stock rom.
You should find the CORRECT STOCK ROM for your device, otherwise you need a gold card
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sorry but this rom i've downloaded from after insert model and my hd2 serial number and work for a while, but after flash hspl 1.42 to install another rom, when i flash a new radio version get the problem! so i flash again hspl to recovery for SPL 1.42.000 and then, nothing more is functional
tks 4 help... have anyone other solution?
andreftx said:
sorry but this rom i've downloaded from after insert model and my hd2 serial number and work for a while, but after flash hspl 1.42 to install another rom, when i flash a new radio version get the problem! so i flash again hspl to recovery for SPL 1.42.000 and then, nothing more is functional
tks 4 help... have anyone other solution?
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The 1.66 ROM you posted above has radio version with it. So have you considered trying to flash that radio version and then flash the ROM. I know if you get the ROM to flash it will flash that radio anyway. But you seem to think you flashed a wrong radio so just thinking out loud here.

