Atom life wm6 English interface ? - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom ROM Development

Is it possible to change the interface form Chinese to English without flashing rom?
I have found a Chinese language package, which can modify English interface to Chinese on English Rom. So, I think it can be done by overwriting some files.
Does anyone have this kind of package or knows how to do it?


How to change interface language from German to English?

Subj people????
I have t-mobile device but OS is in German. This is not ok
Is there any tips how to fix that?
you need to flash your device with an eglish rom


I was wondering if there is any possible way to change the language of my POCKET PC? It's currently Spanish but i wants it in English.
Are there any English roms out there or is there any other way to change the langauge?
Sam Ayensu-Aikins
a rom change is required
there should be english roms at
the english sites for tmobile, o2, qtek ..........
Of course you can change your language. Look for the Philipinian version of WM2003SE. It's one of the best. Windows is in English. Hope this will help! :?
you can use O2 UK official rom.

Changing T9 language?

Hi, is it possible to change T9 language ( from english to polish) without changing the whole rom to polish?
any reply on installing T9 languages?
Did you ever get an answer ?
I just got an HTC Hero in Singapore and it only comes with English and Chinese. I would however like to add French as an input language. Any idea ?
you need a custom HTC_IME for the language keybaords
so far the only ones I have encountered are the:
HTC_IME: english
HTC_IME: chinese
HTC_IwinnI: Japanese

Multilanguage, need Russian Language.

Hi people.))
just wondering, is it possible to add a language w/o changing the ROM it self.?)
so I need to add Russian Language to my new Mozart, how can I do it.?
is there a .cab with languages or smth like this.?
p.s. sorry if smthing looks silly or stupid as a question, in WP am a noob.))

installing more languages on the Eastern version

Hey folks,
wanted to ask if there is a way to add another display language to my device. the ones i can select are English and Chinese. i wanted to add Spanish, Italian and German.
Any ideas?
has anyone tried to flash the Euro-RU on such a device ?

