HowTo: Speed Up Motorola Milestone X2 (2.3.6) by Freezing Apps (Updated 2/23/2012) - Motorola Droid X2

02/23/2012 - Thanks to jonb42 who pointed out a typo I made on DataCollectorProvider, I had it listed as DataCollectorService. In addition, because I ended up freezing some other things he mentioned I initially didn't list I have now listed them. There is still plenty more one can freeze as an FYI.
02/17/2012 - It was pointed out by someone that freezing Yahoo Contacts will destroy your contacts app. This was certainly the case with 2.3.5 for me, however it so far has NOT done this in 2.3.6. If I remember correctly even in 2.3.5 you could freeze Yahoo Contacts but you also had to freeze a few other apps for your contacts to function. If anyone else does this please feel free to report back on this.
02/17/2012 - Previously I had various apps that required a battery pull marked as such. A budy of mine used the guide and had totally different results as to what applications required a battery pull so I removed said warnings as they seem to be sporadic.
Why are you doing this?
I am making this thread for anyone with the MX2 running 2.3.6 looking for a way to get more performance out of their phone. To be clear this DOES NOT apply to the Droid X2, you fellows have a few custom ROM options which are far easier to implement, unfortunately most Milestone X2's are now at 2.3.6 and don't have said options since most custom ROMs are based on 2.3.4 or 2.3.5.
Your phone must be rooted.
You SHOULD have CWR (recovery) on your phone and functioning, and have done a backup of your WORKING phone.
You must have Bloat Freezer or a similar app with the ability to freeze apps. I like Bloat Freezer personally ( but many others use Titanium Backup. You can even do it by hand if you like. Regardless thank you to Trey Holland for developing Bloat Freezer.
Explanation of Process
The basis for speeding up your phone by freezing apps is ... well manufactures install a lot of applications that run in the background that you will never, ever, ever use. These said apps eat processor time, RAM, and just in general are annoying to geeks. In the case of Motorola most of these apps are part of "blur", which is part of the "Motorola Experience". By freezing these apps you can return system resources and speed up the phone, or at least it did for me. The down side is YOU CAN BRICK YOUR PHONE ... see above disclaimer!!!.
So how does this work?
Basically, with your program of choice you choose to "freeze" given applications. The thing to remember is these programs (whether it is Bloat Freezer or Titanium Backup) will display ALL running applications on your phone. Some of these applications can, and in fact are ABSOLUTELY necessary for your phone to be useful. If you freeze the wrong application you can literally make your phone useless.
In addition, after freezing some applications your phone will not be usable for a bit until you pull the battery, replace the battery, and power it back on. I personally don't know of a way around this with some apps your phone simply will "freak out" and the battery pull is the only option.
You are wrong about some stuff and I think you are dumb, so there ...
If you know I have something that is inaccurate here, please message me so I can update this HowTo, my goal is to help the community which has been awesome to me. I will accept any feedback that isn't overtly negative.
What I Froze
Ok so this is the list of applications I was able to freeze and still have a functioning phone. As mentioned above I use very few widgets and the like, so it is completely plausible that some of these might wreck some functionality you rely on. Previously I only listed apps that were typically running. I am now listing all apps that I froze. To be blunt, only apps that run on a continuous basis will really affect performance, but I hate stuff being enabled I don't use so this is my complete list.
Accounts Storage
Admin Notifier
Amazon Kindle
Amazon MP3
Android Live Wallpapers
Battery & data manage
Battery Manager
Bluetooth Share
Bookmarks Widget
Books (x2)
Calendar Service
Certificate Manager Content Provider
com.motorola.* (This means all apps that begin with com.motorola)
Contacts Sync
Corporate Sync Authenticator
Data Collection
Data Collector Service
Data Manager Service
Desk Home
Device Statistics Services
DRM Protected Content Storage
Email Authenticator
Emergency Alerts
Facebook Authenticator
Files (You should have another File Manager if you freeze this, or you may not need a File Manager)
Flicker Authenticator
FM Radio
Global Unplug
Google Backup Transport
Google Partner Setup
Google Search
Help Center
Home screen tips
Kpi Logger Services
LastFM Authenticator
Live Wallpaper Picker
Magic Smoke Wallpapers
Media audio effects
Motorola * (This means all apps that start with Motorola EXCEPT SEE BELOW FOR MOTOROLA SERVICES)
MS Exchange Service
Music Visualization Wallpapers
My Uploads
Myspace Authenticator
News & Weather
OMA Client Provisioning
OMA Download
Orientation Notifier
Orkut Authenticator
Photobucket Authenticator
Picasa Authenticator
Pico TTS
Policy Manager Service (both of these)
Quick Contact
Rich Clipboard
Rich Location
Setup data encryption
Social * (This means all apps beginning with Social)
Sticky note
Suggestions * (This means all apps beginning with Suggestions or is just Suggestions)
Task Manager
Toggle Widgets
TTS Service
Twitter Authenticator
Universal Inbox
Voice Commands
Voice Search
Work Contacts
Yahoo Contacts
Yahoo! Mail Authenticator
YouTube Authenticator
I did not come up with the above lists on my own, I reviewed many threads but the following are the two main ones I referenced (please note these don't specifically apply to the MX2):
Other Apps
As I mentioned my list above concentrates mostly on apps that were always running, but I have since updated the list to show some I just froze because I didn't want to see them in my apps list. Regardless there are still many more that you could freeze.
I hope this is useful to someone, I have received an extreme amount of help from many people in this community and want to try and give something back. If you have comments or suggestions please feel free PM me. Good luck to all!

Thanks so much!
this post has transformed my phone! And it saved me a lot of the legwork to find out which things I could freeze on the Milestone X2. Here's a list of what I had on my phone in case it is helpful for anyone: I am on ACS Alaska carrier so no doubt that's why the difference.
- Blue italics are items on your list that were not on my phone.
- No formatting = froze without having to pull battery & no ill effects so far - watch this space!
- Red = things I have a question about, some of them not on your list...
- Magenta Bold = things I froze that were not on your list
Accounts Storage
Admin Notifier
Battery & data manager
Battery Manager
Bluetooth Share
Bookmarks Widget
Calendar Service
Certificate Manager Content Provider
com.motorola.atcmd.plugin.epu ?????
com.motorola.photowidget ?????
com.motorola.spellcheckservice ?????
Contacts Sync
Data Collection
Data Collector Service
Data Manager ServiceDataCollectorService - is this a typo and really DataCollectorProvider???
Desk Home
Device Statistics Services
DRM Protected Content Storage
Dinasystemservice ????
DMService ?????
Emergency Alerts
Global Unplug
Google Backup Transport
Google Partner Setup
Google Search
Help Center
Kpi Logger Services
Media audio effects
MediaSync ????
Motorola Dock Service ?????
Motorola Indexing Service
Motorola Storage Monitor
MS Exchange Service
NewsNews & WeatherOMA Client Provisioning
OMA Download
Orientation Notifier
Pico TTS
Orkut authorization
Photobucket authorization
- also froze a bunch of other services I don't use like twitter auth...
Policy Manager Service (both of these)
Quick Contact - I think I use this. Needs research...
Rich Clipboard
Setup data encryption
Social Messaging
Social Messaging Service
Social Networking
Social Sharing
Social Status
Sticky note
Suggestions Core RuleChecker Services
Suggestions Poll Scheduler Service
SwypeTask Manager
Toggle Widgets
TTS Service
Voice Commands
Voice Search
Work Contacts
Yahoo Contacts

Thanks much for the feedback Jonb42. You are correct on the typo on DataCollectorProvider and I will fix that. Very strange you don't have some of the things. The theory previously was all the MX2s had the same SBF, but this would suggest otherwise, unless your provider manually removed some of the stuff. As far as the other things, I think I pretty much froze everything else that you had in blue as well. I may just update the post and show everything I froze. Thanks much again for the feedback.
EDIT: After talking to a budy my color blindness screwed me here, you had most of the stuff I had as well I just didn't look for italics. I forget I am color blind *slaps forehead*

speed decreases
Looks like freezing does not do the trick for everything. I still find processes running (com.motorola for instance) that I have frozen (and still appear frozen in TB's list).
Searching for why online I found a list of people renaming these apps to .bak and thus stopping them running for good.
This bring me to the question: what if all this freezing I've been doing without every having to pull the battery has been because the apps were not really being frozen??? Thus this list of freezable apps might not be truly safe!
I am going to start trying the rename apps process but carefully with the above in mind. Someone has written a script to do this automatically but it is for a Droid X2 of course so not quite applicable...
----End of Update----
When I first froze all these apps I restarted AND pulled my battery for good measure even though my phone hadn't crashed I thought it would make sense to do so.
On startup my phone's performance was amazingly good, I was able to open each app pretty fast (its all relative!) and return to the home screen fast, and I did this with enough apps that I knew I must be forcing some to unload from memory and knew that it was all nice and fast.
However over a bit of time I've noticed that my phone has slowed down again. Does anyone have any idea why this might be so?
Restarting does not seem to help. However, restarting + pulling the battery does help get me back to "snappy".
I'm running SD speed increase, set to 2048, and the supercharger script v8.
- Jon

I wasn't able to remove the Yahoo Authenticator without my Contacts constantly force-closing... I would strongly recommend keeping that one enabled if you value using that app. (Stupid Yahoo.)
I couldn't remove my Messaging app because it is the one way to access all my inboxes. Maybe I should just switch to K-9 Mail, but as it stands I kinda want work e-mail to come through.


[Q] Questionable system apps and widgets

Hello all,
This is my first post here.
Id like to start by thanking everybody on this site for the volumes of info. You guys rock!
Q: why do strange apps have full permissions?
I have learned so much from everyone here since addopting android. I've recently rooted my thunderbolt and i've been looking at alot of the system info. There is alot of stuff that seems quite questionable (and slightly shady). For example there is a widget running in the background constantly called htc clock widget. This has prettymuch every system permission, and i have no idea why. Also checkin services has the same permissions. I've tried to research both apps extensively but i can barely find any info, every one seems to have questions, but no answers. I might be paranoid, but if something is going to have access to that much info i'd like to know why it needs it. Actually the only info i could find on the subject was through "bing" which seems sort of strange to me. If anyone has any info regarding this, i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance
Well if you think HTC is stealing your info from the clock widget you are very paranoid about technology lol. What permissions worry you about it. Need to be more detailed than "every permission. "
Mah BAMF Thunderbolt
Mah BAMF Thunderbolt
Well i dont know how to copy from the app info so ill summarize.
Both clock widget (not the clock mind you), and checkin service have as follows
Messages: read attachments, edit sms and mms, read sms and mms, recieve sms and mms
Location: course and fine
Personal info: calender events, read write browser history and bookmarks
Network: create bluetooth connections, full internet access
Your accounts: google mail, manage account list, use credentials
Storage: modify sd contents
Phone calls: modify phone state, read phone state identity
System tools: bluetooth, change network connectivity, change wifi state, change wimax state, modify global system settings, prevent phone from sleeping, retrieve running apps, set time zone, write access point name, write sync settings
Well thats what the widgets got, seems like alot to me. Htc checkin service i have read about and i guess its googles way of recieving anonymous user data. And i guess you can disable it in the build.prop. Any ideas?
How do you figure the time stamps get in your messages, files, etc...? Something has to relay the time to the apps so it's correct.

System apps with cryptic names: what do they do?

This forum is full of bloatware removal lists. They all have one thing in common: they list a lot of cryptically named APKs that are "safe to remove," but they don't tell you what these APKs do.
For some bloatware APKs the function is clear from their name. For example, is obviously spam that Amazon paid to get into your phone.
For some APKs you can google to find out that an app called "globalunplug" pops up a message to unplug your charger after your phone is finished eating. You wouldn't guess this from the name of the APK.
But there is plenty of bloatware for which Google doesn't help. Search for it and you get a million pages of "safe to remove" lists, but none of them describes what the "safe to remove" APKs are doing.
For example:
Admin notifier
Probably something to do with device administrators, but setting up device admins works without this app.
Something to do with advertizing? AdMob-related? Or does it have nothing to do with ads at all?
Google for it and you find lots of people who have problems with this app. But what is it for? There are some related files, like atcmd.plugin, atcmd.plugin.att, and more.
Some Motoblur app. Freeze it and your email, calendar, and stock launcher might stop working. But some say it's safe to remove.
Fetches the list of installed apps to provide search suggestions. Would you really have guessed this from the name alone?
Probably syncs something, but what?
A very annoying piece of Motorola crapware. It combines multiple contacts into a single contact based on similarities in name, email, etc. When your contacts sync back from Google you may find that your separate contacts have been combined against your will, unless you freeze this apk.
Device Manager. Sometimes sucks your battery dry. Some people freeze it without problems, some freeze it and have their notifications messed up. And it seems that nobody knows why.
Seems safe to remove, but what does it do?
Something with media?
OMA client provisioning
Over-the-air device configuration. Is that clear? No? I thought so.
This won't make you write SMSs faster. It just lets you auto-respond by SMS if you don't pick up your phone.
Rich Clipboard
To keep the formatting when you copy text to the clipboard?
SIM toolkit
On my phone this app is just some spamware for useless premium SMS services from which T-Mobile takes a cut. But it may do other things on your phone, so check before you remove it.
Updater & Upgrader
What do they update and upgrade? Apps? Your ROM?
There are many more APKs with strange names that tell nothing about their function. Manufacturers and carriers often include a set of their own.
Can you help clarify what all these strange little APKs really do and what will break if you kill them?

S Note permissions comparison? (stock with ICS versus S Choice app store)

Could anyone out there tell me if the S Note that you got with the ICS update - NOT downloaded from S Choice, or from the file that I saw floating around the forum, just the ones that came with ICS automatically - matches the following permissions?
- Your personal information
add or modify calendar events and send email to guests without owner's knowledge, read Browser's history and bookmarks, read calendar events plus confidential information, read contact data, read user defined dictionary, write Browser’s history and bookmarks, write contact data
- Services that cost you money
directly call phone numbers, send SMS messages
- Your location
coarse (network-based) location, fine (GPS) location
- Your messages
edit SMS or MMS, read SMS or MMS, receive SMS or MMS
- Network communication
control NFC, create Bluetooth connections, full internet access
- Your accounts
acts an account authenticator, manage the accounts list, use the authentication credentials of an account
- Storage
modify/delete USE storage contents
- Hardware controls
change your audio settings, record audio, take pictures and videos
- System Tools
allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception, bluetooth administration, change network connectivity, change WIF state, change WIMAX state, change your UI settings, delete all application cache data, disable keylock, format external storage, modify global system settings, mount and unmount filesystems, prevent phone from sleeping, retrieve running applications, write sync settings.
Why I want to know, if you're interested:
I didn't get S Note with my ICS update (SGH-i717R - Canadian, Rogers), and after a song and dance with support, was told by one agent/one email support to download it from the S Choice app store ... and by one call agent that I should stay away from it because it's not from Samsung and possibly malware.. Since S Note was supposed to come with the update, and only My Story needed additional downloading, I was a little wary.
My misgivings started with the bad grammar in the description, the different developer from the My Story app, and finally, the giant pile of permissions it wants. I've tried a slew of things to get S Note/Premium Suite to initialize, and am now at either reflashing the update, which I'd like to avoid since the phone works fine and I don't know what the hell I'm doing, or mailing it in “to the lab,” which I'd like to avoid because apparently not all of Samsung knows what it's doing either, judging by some of the answers I got. So I'd like to just do a comparison to see if the original S Note that comes with ICS also has these permissions. If it does, then I'm just going with the S Choice one and stop trying other things.
Thank you for any help!
Anyone? I know it's a bit of an oddball question, but..? (Unless nobody got it with ICS, which wouldn't surprise me, either.)
Matches what i have... I dont think its anything bad. Samsung proabably wants snote to have full functionality. Insert contacts and be able to call them from the app, geo tag your location etc... Look at the permissions of facebook... They are not that different.
Sent from my Samsung-I717
Stampaufaz said:
Matches what i have... I dont think its anything bad. Samsung proabably wants snote to have full functionality. Insert contacts and be able to call them from the app, geo tag your location etc... Look at the permissions of facebook... They are not that different.
Sent from my Samsung-I717
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Fantastic - thanks! I was mostly put off by the description of the app "this application is S note can make own note." doesn't exactly scream "I am legit software put out by Samsung, download me!" But if it's pretty much what the original has, then I'm fine.
Again, thanks!

Google hidden sync items

Hey guys,
When enabling the hidden sync option in experimental settings, it reveals quite a few new sync items and in wondering what they are and what some of them turn themselves back on when I disable them.
Game Data - this shows up twice.
Credentials State
Google Nearby (I'm assuming this is for maps)
Location Reporting and Location History (I have location completely disabled and location reporting disabled in Google settings... This keeps turning itself back on)
Push Subscriptions
People Details
Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated.
you're not alone wondering
The day I have been looking for an answer myself on this topic you started this thread.
The fine folks over here seem to have been ignoring your post, but so you know you are not alone wondering.
I have been disabling the hidden services for days now and tried to find a pattern or activity that turns them back on to no avail.
Even search engine results seem to be filtered of any useful answer, but this may be just another conspiracy theory...
If you found out more on this, post it here please.
And thanks.
lleo_ said:
The day I have been looking for an answer myself on this topic you started this thread.
The fine folks over here seem to have been ignoring your post, but so you know you are not alone wondering.
I have been disabling the hidden services for days now and tried to find a pattern or activity that turns them back on to no avail.
Even search engine results seem to be filtered of any useful answer, but this may be just another conspiracy theory...
If you found out more on this, post it here please.
And thanks.
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All of them are self explanatory.
Game data: for games (whether you have them or not) so that your scores are uptodate.
Credentials state: for certificates in your device.
Google nearby: for maps and NFC
Location reporting and history: to keep your location details uptodate
Push subscriptions: to keep your push subscriptions uptodate (like mail Whatsapp etc)
People details: to keep your contacts list uptodate
I don't know why these are not obvious.
Regarding some of them automatically getting re-enabled, I don't have any such issues. If you continue to have these issues, you may have to use something like Myandroidtools or Disable Service etc to keep them under control.
tnsmani said:
All of them are self explanatory.
Game data: for games (whether you have them or not) so that your scores are uptodate.
Credentials state: for certificates in your device.
Google nearby: for maps and NFC
Location reporting and history: to keep your location details uptodate
Push subscriptions: to keep your push subscriptions uptodate (like mail Whatsapp etc)
People details: to keep your contacts list uptodate
I don't know why these are not obvious.
Regarding some of them automatically getting re-enabled, I don't have any such issues. If you continue to have these issues, you may have to use something like Myandroidtools or Disable Service etc to keep them under control.
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Really thanks for your reply.
The visible items are self-explanatory indeed. As the OP reported, what is troubling why is there a hidden "location reporting and location history" sync option and why does it get re-enabled after being turned off. I also do not use any location service and turned off everything I could on my CM11 on Nexus 5
Can you tell which service do you suggest to be disabled to keep the "location reporting and location history" sync disabled?
lleo_ said:
Really thanks for your reply.
The visible items are self-explanatory indeed. As the OP reported, what is troubling why is there a hidden "location reporting and location history" sync option and why does it get re-enabled after being turned off. I also do not use any location service and turned off everything I could on my CM11 on Nexus 5
Can you tell which service do you suggest to be disabled to keep the "location reporting and location history" sync disabled?
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I am not familiar with CM11 so I can't tell you any options in that. Also in my Nexus 4 and 7 with stock KK 4.4.4, I don't have a hidden sync for location.
If you use Myandroidtools or Disable Service, then disable anything connected with location. There are quite a few.
If you run Tasker you can make sure your sync settings stay put; location reporting isn't re-enabled, by using the Synker plugin for Tasker and having it set things how you want them at Display On, Display Off, and Screen Unlocked events.
Additionally, Shazam has a hidden sync that re-enabled itself when you run the app. I just use a Task shortcut: Launch Shazam
Wait Short period
Plugins-> Synker, and set it with the autisyncs you want.
Beware that Google services pushed to the phone can change the number of sync options, as can installing Shazam or Skype for examples, and the calls to plugin need to be adjusted. Its less hassle than it sounds.
Hi im facing an issue with google sync, im not able to get the game data sync option in google sync. i have updated google play services,play store..and also play games. kindly help me if know any solution.
I am currently running on cm11 was working its not...
il hit the thanks button guys..
srinikethan1392 said:
Hi im facing an issue with google sync, im not able to get the game data sync option in google sync. i have updated google play services,play store..and also play games. kindly help me if know any solution.
I am currently running on cm11 was working its not...
il hit the thanks button guys..
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If you have disabled any sync option with DisableService or MyAndroidTools etc re-enable them.
CM's constant revision sometimes changes things unexpectedly. So try with a previous version of CM.
tnsmani said:
If you have disabled any sync option with DisableService or MyAndroidTools etc re-enable them.
CM's constant revision sometimes changes things unexpectedly. So try with a previous version of CM.
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Hi,thanks for the reply...i finally solved it....
srinikethan1392 said:
Hi,thanks for the reply...i finally solved it....
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tnsmani said:
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Hey after flashing and updating the gapps..check in sync....if it stills hasnt appeared. use greenify and hibernate the google play services. then just restart your phone(Not necessary, sometimes it just works)then checck...the sync for game data and other hidden sync items just appear...
Press thanks if helped
They are spying on you. These HIDDEN accounts are there and the sheep who use stock android can't see them because they are HIDDEN in stock Android. They keep adding themselves back, they check themselves even if you unckeck them, they sync things you tell them not to sync, and it's NOT because you update something as I have not updated Cyanogenmod from 4.4 and it happens every time I start my tablet. Google will keep spying and can care less if its illegal to keep syncing things you don't want to sync because Google owns the US government. Google saved HHS when ACH Website failed, they have imbedded themselves so far into the government they are like a cancer that can't be removed. The US Gov "lent" Google GeoSat, one of our SPY satellites to make Google Earth, something that cost tax payers a lot of money. Google may provide Google Earth for free but they STEAL your personal information when you use the service, which means Google got free use of a US Government, taxpayer owned, SPY satellite so they could make more money for their private (not government run) company. Google gets free & subsidized aircraft fuel from NASA for their fleet of Attack Jets (IE fighter planes) also subsidized by WE THE PEOPLE. I am not some conspiracy theorist; I have worked for both sides of the isle on this one and can tell you Google is a problem.
Let's be honest, XDA has turned into a bunch of fanboys; it's not the site we had years ago. I have been fighting this crap for years (Look at my post history) and if you have not figured out yet, most of us who cared about privacy left XDA years ago. This is why no one is responding here; no one left cares. You are very correct, Google Play Services is MALWARE in disguise. I am not a crApple lover at all, and still use Android (for now), but am sick of Google's crap. I ported out my Google Voice number today and now have very little left to do with the company.
Google services is a framework that GApps and most stuff downloaded from the Play Store rely on to function. It used to be you can disable it and still have apps work, but a lot of them now wont even load if its removed or disabled. Google says its a way for app devs to take shortcuts, but it's there for one reason: Make App Devs LAZY so they they use Google's SPYWARE. App Devs (even most paid ones) don't give a crap about your privacy; most are adding ad code so they can steal your personal information. Google loves this as it opens up your device to have everything stolen, by not only Google but 3rd parties. Why do you think Google removed the ability to block app permissions then claimed it was a dev only feature? Google could care less about your privacy.
I sent the three main Google guys (@Google email not @gmail... Yes I know the Google Guys Real Emails) a project proposal from the company I own two years ago; they [legal, but Shady] stole the idea and nine months later made the announcement that in a few months they would be starting on Android Auto. My SMS messages going through Google Voice started to have issues shortly after with anything concerning to business coming in slow or didn't arrive at all, my Google+ posts were blocked for unknown reasons just saying they "didn't fit the community guidelines", and my Camera/Mic was constantly pushing popups saying they "couldn't start as they were already active" when I tried to use them on my Android Devices. I don't know why it's so hard for these sheep to believe a $500 Bil company, one of the most powerful in the world, wouldn't be spying on competitors or even stealing ideas from the community. I wouldn't be shocked if these creepy elite weirdo's havn't come up with their own version of "unReality TV" where they just spy on regular people like watching a television show. They are creepy vampires, all of them. I have had dating emails sent to gmail from the dating site I use not arrive despite the company I use tracking down the emails and saying they made it to gmail servers and thus should have gone through, client emails be delayed until after project deadlines, phone calls not make it, SMS/MMS delayed and/or lost, etc. I have people telling me they emailed or called me without reply, etc. My PC is virus free and My Android Tablet is as well. I now use a dumb phone and forward everything to that number, which no shock the dumb phone works when people call, but anything that goes through Google servers is still hit or miss. No one I know has these problems, but no one I know has called Eric Schmidt some foul names, so I guess people will say "it's my fault". Whatever; you just didn't get robbed several billion on a project by a garbage greedy scumbag company.
Screw Google.
I have attached a little of what I am talking about because the net is filled with BS. The I had to block out a lot of the proposal email as they only stole part of the idea so far and this was my SECOND email. The first one has some how gone missing from my sent box, but had a DOC attachment with a formal business proposal. That went through, but as you can see from the screen shots, Eric Schmidt has now blocked me with a policy rule on his email. Again, they received the original proposal back in January of 2014, before this screen shot of the second correspondence, after which they started blocking my Google+ Posts and when I send this second correspondence email I found out I was blocked by Eric. Nice! Steal my ideas, try and cover up email (missed one! OOPS!) then block me! Google "Does No Evil!" Oh wait, Google is nothing more than an advertising agency pretending to be a tech company... I guess thats where we get the lies "Do no evil". Everyone knows advertising lies.
Unfortunately any resistance is futile. I'm in the same boat.
tnsmani said:
All of them are self explanatory.
Game data: for games (whether you have them or not) so that your scores are uptodate.
Credentials state: for certificates in your device.
Google nearby: for maps and NFC
Location reporting and history: to keep your location details uptodate
Push subscriptions: to keep your push subscriptions uptodate (like mail Whatsapp etc)
People details: to keep your contacts list uptodate
I don't know why these are not obvious.
Regarding some of them automatically getting re-enabled, I don't have any such issues. If you continue to have these issues, you may have to use something like Myandroidtools or Disable Service etc to keep them under control.
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This helped already a lot !!!
Can someone please additionally explain those. As I translated them ... please write the correct name too ....
- *reminders (which ? cant be calender reminders)
- *offline sync of login data
- *state of login data
Where do u see the hidden sync items ? I am unable to find them.
dhananjay123 said:
Where do u see the hidden sync items ? I am unable to find them.
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If you have enabled the option in Greenify, go to DEVICE>SETTINGS>ACCOUNTS>Google
can we disable/remove/delete them?
patrickdrd said:
can we disable/remove/delete them?
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Can disable (although some reenable themselves)
how? my androidtools?
patrickdrd said:
how? my androidtools?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After enabling option in Greenify head to accounts in settings.

[Q] Gear S Backup and Restore

I see that my Gear S is set to automatically backup periodically. When this happens, it significantly drains my battery. is there a way to either disable this backup process or have the Gear S only backup when plugged in?
more questions on back-up & restore
on a semi-related issue - if i buy a new Samsung phone and paired that to my Gear S, (or vice versa), where are all my contacts, diary entries, apps and other stuff?
yeah I understand they get wiped - but is there anyway to save then somewhere - using Kies?? - the sim card ??, a memory card??
After a few trials & errors i decided to save everything to the Samsung account, but for better or worse that doesn't seem to work like say ahem iCloud - should i "backup" to the sim & turn off if possible Gear S backup facility as the OP seems to be asking ---- but there seems to be no facility to bulk change prior entries to "save to sim" or "memory card"
Pairing the watch and the phone over BT or when further away via my samsung account via 3G does seem to be now working very well - thanks to what I've learned here - but what exactly is my samsung account - when I registered initially I was able to add the S4 as a device but not the Gear S - now I'm directed to hot deals on microwaves etc when i log in
I haven't noticed such a battery drain backing up (by BT presumably) but my use case aspirations for the Gear S does involve the hope that the liberation of one device on my wrist (+/- the host phone somewhere else) might significantly reduce my very expensive data usage - disciplining me to restrict checking emails or browsing to wifi at home or at work - so far so good ... but will the downside be having to type in my contacts diary events and re-download the apps every time I change one of the devices or I have to perform a hard reset on the watch-phone to try to overcome some glitch?
There is no way to enter new contacts on Gear S. It gets whatever your phone get. So, the question is how do you transfer your contacts between your phones. It seems to me you are still living in stone ages. If you use any of the services like GMail or (from MS), you should already save your contacts in one of those cloud services. So no matter what phone you are on, they are always there. I won't trust saving to Samsung account. What happens when you move to a non-Samsung phone? You can't retrieve them anymore. Samsung account only works on Samsung phones.
Seems like my backups are happening around 12 pm. I'd like to schedule them to occur at night when I have the Gear S plugged in.
Is the backup setting for the Gear S linked to another backup setting on my Galaxy Note 4?
....I understand I can't enter contacts on the phone
....I still don't understand what my Samsung account is, whether it does save my contacts/calendars somewhere however unreliably - I don't like being "locked in" to anyone but will continue to be locked into Samsung while the Gear S continues to fulfil its promise and exceed expectations (despite the difficult learning curve, deficiencies in the implementation and support and being somewhat underwhelmed by the Galaxy user interface)
....I do still use iCloud for better or worse for personal stuff, (not sure thats relevant here) but would rather avoid Gmail (i did reactivate an old gmail account to play around with some of the services / apps on the Galaxy)
.... ditto - - I'd rather not go back there either but would do if it is then relatively easy to sync my outlook contacts and calendar(s) (when in wifi) with the samsung Galaxy apps that sync with the Gear S via Gear Manager
I can use iCloud or my work outlook whenever I'm at my desk or on wifi (or dollar gobbling phone tethering or mobile broadband dongle)
- yes in outback Australia I am kind of living in the stone age - often away from wifi or even a phone signal, having to wait weeks/months whenever i move house / location to transfer over my broadband account, figure out what to do when i travel abroad etc
so yes i have heard of and can use these cloud based services but often not 24/7 365 days a year so I'm still having to consider the best way to get the contacts onto the "master" phone with some degree of preseverence / transferability so that they are physically there on the gear S
sorry if i've missed an obvious point / solution or overcomplicated that -- i just tried creating a new contact and the choices are save to Samsung Account Device SIM or my recently reluctantly reactivated google account
If privacy is not a big concern for you, I don't see what you don't embrace those cloud services. It is very convenient to sync multiple devices at the same time. You don't need them to be perfectly on 24/7. It only needs to be on when you first sync to your phone. The contacts will remain on your phone even if the service is down afterwards. You can sync them to your phone, tablets and PCs.
The could services allow you to store multiple phone numbers per contact as well as photo, mailing address and email address etc.
Here are pros and cons of what you have listed:
1. SIM cards: only one phone number per entry. Multiple phone numbers for the same contact requires multiple entries. Can store phone numbers only. If SIM card dies, so are all your contacts.
2. iCould: works best with Apple devices. Not so much with others (although you can find work arounds).
3. Google: works best with Android devices. But also works on other platforms like Windows and iOS. If you use Android device, you will have to sign in with a Google account anyway. So you will be synced with Google contacts regardless you use it or not.
4. Outlook: works best with Windows Phone and Windows PC. But also works on other platforms like Android and iOS. If you use Windows devices, you will have to sign in with a Microsoft account anyway and synced with the contacts.
5. Samsung: as far as I know, it only works with Samsung Android phone and Android tablets.
I often use my desktop PC to edit and input contact information and it then syncs to cloud and to the devices. Very convenient.

