[Q] best atrix 4G replacement (ergonOmics) - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

perhaps i am being a little too demanding, but i wanna know what phone most closely resembles my "TrIXteR" as far as button/jacks go....the Atrix is my first smartphone and still works "perfectly"....but i do realize it won't last forever.....i also understand the quad-core device choices are limited, and more will come....i just want a phone has tactile features that are similar'...i am using go launcher & widget locker, so the screen layout means nothing to me, i was and will be rooted again but do not use any roms...point is any stock android will suffice as far as UI...i just know what is inevitable ...my phone will be replacedd, and wanna plan ahead...that said, screen/demention/hardware don't matter as muc as where the volume, charger, headphone, and power button are located.

Personally I'm really disliking this pattern of newer phones getting bigger & bigger.. The new GS4 has a 5" screen??!?!?!?!?!
I've grown accustomed to Atrix's 4" screen but am willing to go up to 4.5-4.7" for the replacement. Keeping other features in mind too, I'm kinda liking the HTC One X+ or the full blown HTC One. Smaller still is the slightly older HTC One V & it still has nice features

i agree...size does matter....especially when an otterbox defender is on it...

It's a tough call. I personally pay close attention to accessories, which the Atrix 4G has many.
Not having to fiddle with cords is why I liked the Atrix 4G standard dock. Wireless charging will likely be a favorite accessory as that's what most of us use the most.
In-car use is a winner also using the car dock. For new phones, having an easy to use dock will help, or perhaps a wireless charging surface, which will stop the phone from sliding around, therefore doubling as a suitable dock surface.
I would only buy a phone with a maximum screen size of 5" for one handed use. It's amazing that a human thumb can stretch that far as it is.
Outer casing is critical in my mind. This is where the Atrix 4G fell short with it smooth plastic sides. As soon as your hands are dry, holding a smooth plastic phone in your hands is the same as clutching a melting ice cube. Therfore a phone with some amount of texture wins in my mind. In addition, the material that the outer rim to the screen is made from will determine if a shock is transmitted directly to the point of impact or transmitted evenly to the device.
I'm --> <-- this close to choosing my next phone, but knowing that the Snapdragon 800 is coming to market makes it hard to settle on something today.

I replaced mine with a galaxy note i717. Big phone. I like it. I think the galaxy s2 is basically the same phone but smaller. I replaced my wife's matrix with a pantech burst. You can get one on eBay for less than $100 USA. It has official ICS and there is development going on for cm10. note is on cm10.1. Burst screen seams better than atrix to me. Burst battery not as good and charge port is oddly placed in middle of right side

maybe u can try, nexus 4 or LG L7 that are good phones and have almost the same ergonmics


Is it me or is the 3d not even in the same ball park

I know this may have been discussed, but I went to look at the samsung nexus and samsung galaxy sII and wow do theses phone blow the 3d away. I was really surprised. The 3d is not even in the same ball park. I like my 3d but the 2 just make it feel so cheap. The screen doesnt even compair to either 2. The cameras are so much better than the 3d. If anyone says different they are on crack. Come a few more weeks i'll be able to upgrade and once sprint gets the samsung nexus I will defiantly make the switch. I have always had htc phones but its time to move on to bigger and better things.
They may seem nice at first but I've had nothing but bad experiences with samsung phones. I'm just one person though...I'm gonna stick with htc. Just my 2 cents.
We're comin from a pure power source.
it's just you.
to each his own though. my honest opinion of the s2 was that it felt cheap like a toy and had no "robust" feel to it. the earpiece speaker/call quality was **** compared to my 3D, the screen was low resolution, it had all kinds of bugs, and the OS looked like something from a nintendo game.
i will reluctantly be buying a nexus as well, reluctantly. and it will just be to try it out. i am skeptical simply because it is a samsung.
cds36 said:
I know this may have been discussed, but I went to look at the samsung nexus and samsung galaxy sII and wow do theses phone blow the 3d away. I was really surprised. The 3d is not even in the same ball park. I like my 3d but the 2 just make it feel so cheap. The screen doesnt even compair to either 2. The cameras are so much better than the 3d. If anyone says different they are on crack. Come a few more weeks i'll be able to upgrade and once sprint gets the samsung nexus I will defiantly make the switch. I have always had htc phones but its time to move on to bigger and better things.
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I'm gonna help you out and predict most people's responses:
Troll, have a good life, great story bro, etc.
You might consider giving a better argument. For instance, my gf's galaxy nexus seems to have a brighter and sharper screen. It's also a light phone. The camera appears to instantly take the shots. In fact I took a photo with it of a moving car and the car was barely blurred.
Yeah im in no way bashing Htc I was just really surprised. I know getting updates from samsung is like pulling teeth thats why im going with the nexus straight google.
karate134 said:
I'm gonna help you out and predict most people's responses:
Troll, have a good life, great story bro, etc.
You might consider giving a better argument. For instance, my gf's galaxy nexus seems to have a brighter and sharper screen. It's also a light phone. The camera appears to instantly take the shots. In fact I took a photo with it of a moving car and the car was barely blurred.
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True ... The argument just go see for yourself and compair. Like I said i like my 3d, but these just seem to be in a different class.
I hated how the EVO 3D felt in contrast to my Exhibit II 4G. Something about the overall plasticness that makes it feel lighter and more better.
Not to mention, the plastic body helps absorb shock much better than the dense material HTC uses. I'm glad I got rid of my EVO with its crappy radio.
My 2¢
I've had them all.
Motorola - best antenna
Samsung - lightest
HTC - most development
Or you could just go buy an iphone. Studies have shown, if you own an iPhone you're more likely to have sex
Go for it and enjoy! I'm happy with my 3D and the better dev community here.
Yes it is in the same ball park! I had the SGS2 for about 5 months and yes it was very good and I loved the super amoled plus screen, the things i don't like about it is that if feels cheap in the hand and the lack of Led Notifs (yes you can get bln but that doesn't cut it) Also Touchwiz sucks. From personal experience I would say the SGS2 devs are superb and it does have a great community, I have not looked around the 3D's forum to compare the two, even if it did have a bad community I don't mind as I got this phone at a great price and ill hopefully have it until it's life is over (which I hope isn't soon)
If you want a phone that feels like you could break it apart with you hands by all means go for the Sgs2. The galaxy nexus on the other hand I have to agree that it does look like it's in another league.
fpineda101 said:
Go for it and enjoy! I'm happy with my 3D and the better dev community here.
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Dev support here is huge, and never liked Samsung aside from their screens to an extent...
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I liked using my Evo 3D. I'm using a Nexus S 4G right now (got a really good deal), and I just love the screen. The amoled screen, to me, looks much better than the TFT displays HTC uses. The 3D screen is light years ahead of the Evo 4G screen with it's pink hues when displaying at white background.
I will also say the camera sensors in the samsung devices are of better quality than what HTC uses. Again, this is in my experience, and I'm also not a professional photographer.
To say the 3D is not in the same ballpark as the SGSII, or Galaxy Nexus really isn't fair. At the time of release, the 3D was almost on top of the world. Shortly thereafter, the GSII came out, with its exynos processor, which has better performance than the Snapdragon used in the HTC devices.
Also, the Galaxy Nexus is a newer phone, with a larger screen, higher resolution, plus it's running the latest version of Android. This phone will eventually become "crappy" as the quad core devices come out, or future versions of android roll out that make this phone "sluggish". No phone stays on top for very long. The Nexus One, and Evo 4G are the only phones that have largely kept their halo status, despite their age.
in my opinion from first glance its easy to choose the gs2 or galaxy nexus over the e3d. but after having played with all 3 and knowing ppl with the others and there expierence im gonna go ahead and stick with htc..
screen wise although i love how awesome the super amoleds look the low resolution on the gs2 with such a big screen is a super turn off for me. the galaxy nexus on the other hand is just pure awesomeness screen wise. but the e3d's size and resolution are way more important than how vibrant it is. and this one might just be me but i find the slcd color reproduction to be way more accurate and not excessively vibrant as oppsed to samoled but the blacks suck..
as for the processor i still cant figure out why everyone goes crazy over the exynos its an awesome processor but as is the msm8660 in the e3d neither chip beats the other outright both having strong and weak points. and if uve played with a sense 3.5 or ics rom u know how awesome this phone will be when we do eventually get our update. right now thou its still great sense 3.0 isnt as fluid as 3.5 or above but its fast and runs apps amazingly. i cant stand touchwiz but thats not important because some ppl do. only stock android or sense for me
camera ill give that one to samsung they win big time haha. but the e3d camera still gets the job done and with the right settings i still manage to get some great shots.
i want to get the nexus ive been wanting one forever but the only thing stopping me is the lack of a microsd which isnt to crazy because id still have the same amount of memory i do now but there is no room for expansion which sucks. and i might actually miss sense to much. the widgets mainly but for me sense makes android so easy to get around.
and the build quality of sammy phones is just terrible. such great hardware put into this cheap plastic shell feels like a toy. i love my evo and my e3d ive dropped em several times and have no dents or scratches on my screens and ive never used a case the worse ive gotten is wear marks from using them for so long...
dont overlook the e3d it stands up really well against those two. they all got their perks that make em great just pick which is right for you.
I'm not sure why everyone gets hung up on the "poor build quality" of the samsung devices. They are made of plastic, and are light weight. Other than that, they are built very solidly. They do have glossy plastic, which shows scratches much easier than on matte plastic. The Evo 3D is entirely encased in a plastic wrapper, but it's heavy. The weight is the only difference in "build quailty".
HTC has had issues with light leakage around their screens. Dust getting between the digitizer and the LCD. I've heard of samsung phones getting blown speakers, lower signal quality (both wifi and 3G/4G), and lack of updates, but beyond that, their devices are fairly solid. HTC has recently been putting out better quality devices, so they have learned from past mistakes.
I'm just curious to see if there are truly a higher percentage of breakage with samsung phones, vs HTC phones.
Please note: I'm not hating on HTC phones, as every smartphone I've ever owned, with the exception of the Nexus S 4G, have been made by HTC. I just don't hear about samsung phones breaking all the time.
The nexus just came out, it should be "better"
The gs2 is good too but they have made like 10 skus of one device and mismatched different hardware on each one which blows for the end user
big screen with no HD, this one has this chip, 4g here not 4g there.... pure milk age of there first widely popular phone
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
It's you. One word. Touchwiz.. At least we have the option of either sense, aosp, or miui.
I love my 3D. My next phone will be the next HTC Lte phone in sprints lineup.
Sprint EVO 3D.
HW version: 002
TWRP v1.1.1
Hboot 1.4.1000
for me its the glossy plastic that feels cheap. the lightweight is nice but i prefer a lil weight like the e3d gives u a better grip on it in my opinion. my cousin had the vibrant and any drop wouldnt break the phone but would eat chunks of that plastic were with the plastic htc uses it doesnt dent so easily worst u get is a nice scratch. the galaxy nexus seems interesting because it looks and feels much higher quality imo but i havent heard much if it actually is.
now for defects i havent experienced any and this is my 3rd htc android phone (hero, evo, evo3d) now im probably just lucky as both my evos were launch day and my hero i bought after at&t decided to rape me with some bull**** bill lol. i know there have been defects and although they r bad i much rather have light leakage or dust as opposed to weak signal and no gps.. but thats what warranties are for. there will always be a bad apple in a bunch as long as i can get it replaced for free i wont complain about it
i dont hate samsung btw. there phones are nice ive been considering getting one but for now im liking what htc has been doing and unless samsung changes it up its probably gonna stick that way because from the rumors of sense 4.0 i think im going to fall in love all over again..
only gripe i have with htc that i think they should consider is jumping on the samoled bandwagon as long as they keep the high resolution it would make them the top choice haha
Having had the Sprint version of the SGSII for a few months, I can definitely say this phone is in the same ballpark. My main issue with the SGSII (again, I'm only referring to the Epic Touch 4g here, I have no experience with the other versions) was the build quality, followed by the array of annoying bugs.
The build quality was particularly bad, the plastic felt very cheap and was scuffed extremely easily. The back of the phone is made from some of the thinnest and flimsiest plastic ever, it would come off so easily. The redeeming factor here was the screen, it was fantastic and easily one of the best screens on the market right here. The resolution was a little low but definitely not bad.
Moving on to the bugs...
The first bug that became apparent to me (and practically everyone else) was the random loss of service that would occur. It became very annoying when your phone would randomly drop out of service and stay like that until you clear the RAM or reboot the phone. Many people couldn't even use the phone for a business phone because they had to remain in contact with people, and having to check constantly for LoS was a HUGE annoyance. Next is the GPS, utterly terrible, there are no other words to describe it, it would take up to 20 minutes at times just to get a lock. I remember on one occasion a few days after buying the phone, I was planning on going to a concert and using it to navigate (Between the Buried and Me/Tesseract/Animals as Leaders ) but on the way back I could not receive a lock on the satellites and by the grace of god I somehow managed to make my way back home.
Still, the SGSII is an amazing phone with great specs, but in my personal opinion, from the build quality and support from htc alone, this is better.
Jesus guys....... no offense, but are we comparing a phone that was released June of last year. Buy what you like!! All three are great phones!!
I've handled the E4GT, the GNex, and, of course, my own Evo 3D.
And I prefer the 3D by far. The E4GT, while fluid, feels too insubstantial for my tastes. The 3D is thick and heavy, and I love that. My Evo 4G survived drop after drop and it still works, and I'm confident my 3D will be able to do the same (In fact, near the end of my time using the OG Evo, I would throw it every time it overheated and shut off; still nothing wrong with it besides a few scratches and that overheating issue).
The E4GT may have a better camera, but the 3D is no slouch itself. I have been very satisfied with the pictures I have taken; I'm not a professional photographer by any means, and most of you are in the same boat.
I have always looked at Sense as superior to Touchwiz. Touchwiz is more fluid, but Sense seems to have better integration and it just feels more solid.
It's the development community that makes the difference though. Compared to the 3D, the development community for the E4GT is abysmal. As said by Viperboy, "I really can't wait to get the Galaxy Nexus & get rid of the E4GT. What a development failure, IMO. Phone is great but no good development." Last I checked they barely if at all have CM and MIUI, and they don't have much at all for ICS.
The GNex is a good phone, but the specs are a bit disappointing and I don't see it as being an immensely better phone once other phones start to run ICS. It's main advantage is the screen.

[Q] Should I go with the Note?

Just looking for some opinions here. I currently have a Samsung Focus which was my first true smartphone. I've used a bunch though including the S2 and the iPhone 4s. I honestly think windows is the best OS out of the 3. But the 2nd gen of windows phones don't have much to offer above the focus, so I don't see it being worth it to grab a new windows phone. Also the weak marketplace is a killer especially when my friends are constantly usings apps like ptt and various *** 'with friends' games.
But I had every intention on probably sticking with a new Windows phone until I heard of this phone. Just because it offers something regular phones don't.
Advice? I'd also like opinions on the size. Not how it feels in your hand, I could care less. But how it fits in pockets, the weight... whether or not you can carry it around like you could carry your old phone.
How's the music integration? Zune wasn't fantastic but I quite liked it. I use my phone every day as my mp3 player at the gym. Does it function well? And back to the last question on size... could I fit it in a pair of gym shorts? (not cardio)
How much better is browsing on it? Do you find yourself using the internet much on it, or still always using a laptop if you have it? I thought I'd be using it all the time with my focus, but with the 3.7" screen i never do unless I'm not around a computer.
And are there any integrated bonuses that this phone has that the SII or other similar smartphones don't have? (aside from the notes app).
Thanks a lot guys. I don't expect you to answer everything but just looking for as much advice as I can get.
Its a big phone, if you gonna wear it with gym shorts, depending on the activity it could slip out of you pockets. Phone is super light, easy to fit in pockets unless you wearing skinny's. Besides the s pen options, internet looks great on it, i use it often.
Music is like any other android, but i use power amp which i recommend. As far as advantages....SIZE...the screen is just bliss and typing on it is just great for big or little fingers. Hope this helps.
I went from a Samsung Captivate to a Focus and now the Note. Honestly you might be dissapointed with the Note. Not because the phone is bad but the Windows Phone 7.5 is just soo smooth. When I used the Focus that phone never crashed, battery life is awesome and everything it did it did well.
The only knock on Windows was the lack of app support. I really missed the apps and games that I had on Android that is why I went back. In the end I might go with Galaxy S2 or Skyrocket. The only reason I will leave the Note is that it is difficult to work the phone with one hand.
If you get passed that and the size the phone is great.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
blazablaz said:
Its a big phone, if you gonna wear it with gym shorts, depending on the activity it could slip out of you pockets. Phone is super light, easy to fit in pockets unless you wearing skinny's. Besides the s pen options, internet looks great on it, i use it often.
Music is like any other android, but i use power amp which i recommend. As far as advantages....SIZE...the screen is just bliss and typing on it is just great for big or little fingers. Hope this helps.
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Yeah I'd use it for weight lifting only, so I won't be running around or anything. I weighed my focus and its over 5 ounces and supposedly the Note is about 6. So as long as it physically will fit in my pocket I think it should be ok.
What do you mean by 'aside from the pen options internet looks great'? Or were those two statements unrelated.
jev3gs said:
I went from a Samsung Captivate to a Focus and now the Note. Honestly you might be dissapointed with the Note. Not because the phone is bad but the Windows Phone 7.5 is just soo smooth. When I used the Focus that phone never crashed, battery life is awesome and everything it did it did well.
The only knock on Windows was the lack of app support. I really missed the apps and games that I had on Android that is why I went back. In the end I might go with Galaxy S2 or Skyrocket. The only reason I will leave the Note is that it is difficult to work the phone with one hand.
If you get passed that and the size the phone is great.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA
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I definitely noticed the lack of 'smoothness' when messing around with the Galaxy 2 compared to my windows phone... and this is one reason I believe windows is superior... or at least has the potential to be. But there are so few things I actually do with my focus aside from text and listen to music. Screen is too small to browse, no apps to mess with. I also love customization and miss that factor with windows, so that might be fun to have an android.
Also I'm not a traveler or on the go user, so using with one hand shouldn't be an issue.
Can you guys fit the phone in all 4 jean pockets? Or only front, only back?
Think I'd get odd looks if I got a 4 point chest harness and secured it right in the center of my body? or is it not that big..
Really? You come to a Note forum and ask if you should get a Note. What is your expectation? Think we will all tell you NOT to get it?
Hell YES! Even without ICS on this phone it crushes everything. Pending you know how to mess with it a bit with a root/overclock/rom yada yada yada. Ive already gotten into 5 convos with people about it since ive gotten it last week. And all 5 after getting it in their hand said they want one .
kimtyson said:
Really? You come to a Note forum and ask if you should get a Note. What is your expectation? Think we will all tell you NOT to get it?
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notice how others gave useful info and answered some of my questions
i'm not necessarily looking for you guys to decide for me but i had a few key questions and also was wondering if there are any main points i'd be missing leaving windows, or strong points i'd be gaining going to the note.
also i watched a video where the guy was using the stylus for writing and his finger for everything else. i'd imagine you can use the stylus to click on anything you could with your finger, right?
My opinion, the primary reason to move to the Note from the Focus is simply if you want the larger form and access to more apps. As you know, the Windows OS is very efficient and functional, aimed at getting the job done with some flair but not having to constantly fiddle with the the UserInterface. It is quicker and if you like it, I'd stick with it.
My college son has owned the Samsung Focus for over a year now and he really likes it...so do I. In fact on my prior Samsung 4'5" Infuse I often used the "launcher 7" app on my 'droid to simulate a windows phone. I'm playing with it now on my Note.
I can't carry my Note like my prior phones. But that is ok with me. I do put carry it in my front left/rear pockets but when I get it the car it comes out and sits in my car. But that's ok.
Gym shorts? it would probably fit but I certainly wouldn't exercise with it...although you could job/run with it using one of those armbands.
Browsing? I use the browser all the time, it's great. Rarely use my laptop.
The pen is cool...and I use it often to take notes, draw ideas, etc. However, I think an update is needed (and supposedly coming) to help smooth out the interface.
kimtyson said:
Really? You come to a Note forum and ask if you should get a Note. What is your expectation? Think we will all tell you NOT to get it?
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This is the best phone ever and Android is the best OS, period.
Opinions on size? Nothing but good, here's the highlights to spare you some time:
I have beg hands, fits me perfectly. Wife has tiny baby hands, she can hardly hold it.
You feel a little weird holding it to your head the first day or so, after that you dont notice.
Splitscreen...oh yea, one of my favorites. Go to landscape and some of your comms go split screen. Email is way easier when you have the lest on left and preview panel on right. Same for you text message screen. Theis is a great way to skim through.
Usability - The white model is a little slick on the back, can cause to slip out of your hand. Solution is a case that most use, but if your like me and like the naked look most of the time then the easy solution is full body skin. I applied a "armor Suit" which is a wet application. This typically leave a grippier almost rubber like feeling left. Awesome for the back, I can lay mine on my flat hand and almost stand it straight up and down before it slides. Some don't like the feeling on the screen but I don't mind it at all and actually prefer it now.
Pocketability- Easy, very easy actually. It's a very flat phone so I carry in back or front pocket with no problem at all. Folks that may have problems would be women who typically have smaller pockets on jeans and slacks and guys who wear skinny nut huggers.
Everyday use - Every app seems easier to use. Games are a blast since you have more room to use virtual sticks without covering most of the screen up (some awesome games on sale right now for $0.50)
Accessories - Suprisingly alot for as new as it is. Lots of metal back plates (got a green one on the way), leather cases, holsters, things of this nature. It helps that the international version has been out a little longer and there are accessories such as the dock that work perfectly fine with out AT&T version. Plus generic slips and pouches made for the Dell Streak 5 often fit our device, sometimes with very slight alterations. Generic batteries, docks, and chargers are out too. Most of these accessories are cheap. I bought a silicon cover, full film protector, 3 batteries, charger, and metal back cover, all for under $40 off amazon from several vendors and thats with shipping.
Development - It's quite slow at the moment, but it almost always is. We're all waiting for ICS (Ice Cream Sandwhich) wich some say is coming soon and others say its not. The phone functions fin with Gingerbread, it's just most of us Android addicts demand the newest OS by any means possible. It'll pick up, it always does.
hope this helped some!
---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 AM ----------
PS the S-Pen will make you a master at "Draw Something" game.
Draw something was what initially gave me the idea for the phone Then I started looking into it and now I'm really thinking I'm going to get it. I definitely have to go into my local store first and try it out and put it in my pockets, etc. Hopefully I can get a deal too.
I actually hope ICS doesn't come out for a little while. I like change and being able to mess around with new updates. So since this will be my first droid it'll leave me plenty of time to mess around with it, then when ICS comes it'll feel like a whole new phone once again.
And with some android devices, can't you actually load windows 7.5 on it?
I throw iron all the time wearing basketball shorts aka Gym shorts or sweatpants using my note. I will time to time use my old ipod touch that has a cracked screen being i can toss it around without worry.
But i can easily use my Note without problem in my shorts while working out. I also am a goalie for a mens ice league and have it in my pocket while i dress.
As far as carrying it around normally. Its cold by me currently so i always am wearing one of my bubble zip up vests with a zip pocket i put it in.
I also have a bad habbit of actually holding my phone in my hand wherever i go like to the store etc, etc. So i have a bad habbit of putting it down and not grabbing it and walking away . Luckily i have my GF with me most of the time to "Re-trace" my steps or ask "Do you have your phone" lol. But ive put it in my Nike swishy pants before without a problem.
Some/most people mostly those who don't actually have the phone or have even held one make it out to be like its a foot long and 3"s thick lol. Out of 5 people that i have let hold the phone. Normal sized people not Giants lol. The first words out of their mouth are either wow is so nice or wow is so light and thin.
Its even getting to the point with me the phone is starting to look normal sized!!! 5.8" screen on the Galaxy Note 2? HAaha. there is a tiny bit of room to expand the screen and not the actual device itself it seems. Like for example a good 1/4" or so if they got rid of that ugly ugly AT&T stamp on the top!
Awesome man, that's great info.
A question on the physical glass for the screen.. how is it? I'm not a fan of screen protectors. My focus had what I think they called gorilla glass. It's two years old and theres maybe one minuscule mark on it. Will the note hold up like that or will it need a protector with long term use (long term s pen use as well)?
According to everything I've read - it has gorilla glass. But it's not nearly as good for being anti-scratch as say an iPhone 4s from what I've seen. I've had mine less than a week and have tiny scratches all over the screen. I had my iPhone 4 for a year and had barely anything noticeable.
I set it down (face down - stupid I know) on my desk at work once. Scratched the heck out of it. It's a smooth desk surface so I'm not sure WTF happened. Other than that just into an otherwise empty pocket.
So either I have one with a faulty display - or a screen protector should be considered a pre-purchase item.
Ok. I'll just get one and have them put it on in store. think the main reason i hate them is i always F them up.
cgibsong002 said:
Awesome man, that's great info.
A question on the physical glass for the screen.. how is it? I'm not a fan of screen protectors. My focus had what I think they called gorilla glass. It's two years old and theres maybe one minuscule mark on it. Will the note hold up like that or will it need a protector with long term use (long term s pen use as well)?
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netsyd said:
According to everything I've read - it has gorilla glass. But it's not nearly as good for being anti-scratch as say an iPhone 4s from what I've seen. I've had mine less than a week and have tiny scratches all over the screen. I had my iPhone 4 for a year and had barely anything noticeable.
I set it down (face down - stupid I know) on my desk at work once. Scratched the heck out of it. It's a smooth desk surface so I'm not sure WTF happened. Other than that just into an otherwise empty pocket.
So either I have one with a faulty display - or a screen protector should be considered a pre-purchase item.
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cgibsong002 said:
Ok. I'll just get one and have them put it on in store. think the main reason i hate them is i always F them up.
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Get an SGP GLAS-T screen protector they work better than anything out there. I had a SGP oliophobic film and after a week it was all scratched up from the S-pen I went an complained and they returned my money and told me about pre-order for Glas-t and it is the best screen protector ever. It is crystal clear, hard surface ( so s-pen works well with no scratching), I get alot less face oil and finger prints than other protectors (don't know why but stays cleaner) and it self installed just made sure screen was clean and droped it on by accident and it came out with no bubbles it is th most expensive protector I got but well worth it.http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...0PTkDw&usg=AFQjCNEQuEHZN7W18XKdkXZchjZgmdngXg
Just an FYI on the SGP GLAS-t -- they sell them through their Ebay store with free shipping. They also sell through Amazon - so if you have Prime you get free shipping there too. It was over $40 to buy through their site - $35 from Ebay.
JGuinan007 said:
Get an SGP GLAS-T screen protector they work better than anything out there. I had a SGP oliophobic film and after a week it was all scratched up from the S-pen I went an complained and they returned my money and told me about pre-order for Glas-t and it is the best screen protector ever.
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Got mine in yesterday. I was definitely a little pessimistic about how good a glass protector would be not to mention very concerned about the one chance to get it right install. Happy to say that the install was super simple (I have a couple tiny bubbles but nothing worth crying about) and so far it's excellent for writing on the screen.
We'll see how it lasts over time - but my initial impressions are very good!

Tips for using a big phone (this is both a question and guide post)

I would like for us to share tips on how to make using this larger device easier, especially one handed...
I will edit this post as people make suggestions. I just ask that you keep them in a list form (or otherwise organized manor) to make it easy for me to copy/paste into this post.
Ditched the stock launcher for Nova Launcher... (or other custom launcher)
Add a row and column of icons so the vast real estate of this phone can be much better utilized. How can this help with one handed use? Well now that you have more icons, closer together.. you can put them along one side of the phone to get at them more easily if you wish.
If the launcher offers gestures... set up a couple gestures. When not in an app, have a "down" gesture to open the notification panel. Prevents having to reach up and drag your thumb down to get at the panel. HUGE help!
Set up a "up" gesture to open the most recent apps list. Another shortcut allowing to reach less with the thumb.
You can set up all kinds of gestures.. use them to your one handed advantage!
We can also discuss the Note II overall/in general if you want. The pitfalls and perks... maybe even the Pro/cons of other potential high end devices that some may be interested in if they find the Note II just too large.
Why did I start this thread?
Well to get some tips for myself... and to allowed them to be shared. Plus I am very much on the fence with this device. I never really wanted a large phone. I thought my Galaxy Nexus was a little too big, but at least I was able to do most things one handed without feeling like my grip on the device was only poor at best. But my fiance wanted the Note II and wants us to have the same phone. (because if she has issues, usually after rooting and flashing custom ROMs, I know how to fix them most times, and I keep up with updates to ROMs and news better for my own device)
I love just about everything about this phone... The quad core really makes this phone run smooth, and the screen is the first AMOLED that I actually like, and the battery life is great, even if it didn't have a huge battery... but the size is proving difficult to adjust to. I went from a 3.7 inch MT4G to a Rezound with much less trouble.
So now I am looking at alternatives to the Note II and I see slim options. (on Verizon anyway)
The Droid DNA: Very nice screen... S4 Pro CPU thermal issues and battery life issues... and Sense... ugh Sense... I learned quickly when I switched to Verizon that Sense is a pain to get rid of, due to not being able to directly compile RIL from source like GSM. Not that I mind Sense as an overlay, its reasonably responsive... it just kills battery life compared to stock Android. Plus I just prefer AOSP based.
Droid Razr M: I would say it is about as close to the perfect sized phone there could be. (for me at least) Plenty of useful screen for a phone without the bulk... But the Pentile screen... ew... AMOLED has enough issues with colors being wrong or whites getting yellowed at lower brightness... don't make it worse with Pentile! The resolution may not be "high end" 720p or better, but qHD isn't bad on a phone. With pentile the graininess makes my eyes bleed. Its only dual core, but its still a decent CPU... but its dual core... A problem most other Android devices share right now.
Droid Razr HD (and Maxx): Pentile... once again... Even with the HD display, I still see it... I seen it on my GNex as well. (If you haven't noticed, I don't like Pentile displays)
The only viable Non-Android options...
HTC 8X: Very nice size and handy feeling phone... Windows Phone 8... its not as customizable as Android but not as limiting as iOS... and the interface is pretty slick. The aesthetics are a little odd, but the OS is fluid and smooth... The jury is still out on battery life... it has no built in turn by turn navigation, and the options to get it are limited in the market right now. The whole market is limited ATM... Some things do not feel as refined as they could be (like the keyboard) So it could be like an exciting beginning like Android was back in the day, or I could be spoiled by Android's current refinement level and be wholly annoyed... Dual core, but not limiting on a Windows phone really, it runs very smooth as I said. Its the little things that add up to me not really liking the phone, like navigation and keyboard I mentioned earlier.
iPhone 5: (hiss spit) The dreaded iPhone! Despite the general dislike of iPhones by Android users, it is a competent device... limiting... but competent. My multitasking is limited anyway, so that may not prove an issue... its the lack of customizing that gets me... Its is a really good size though... the 4 inch screen works well for one handed use, like the very similarly overall sized Razr M and its 4.3 inch screen. Compared to the prior iPhones, the size is an improvement... I just find the iPhone (mostly iOS it runs on) boring, very bland and boring. (the physical device itself is nice though) The only real benefit to switching to the iPhone 5 would be that if I chose to sell it in a few months because an Android device came along I really like on Verizon, I can sell it to someone wanting to upgrade but still in contract, and make enough to almost pay for the new phone.
So... there it is... the options as i see them. Feel free to comment and share your tips on using the Note II.
Seems to me that you've already decided to get a different phone rather than give this one a chance.
I have large hands so I dont have any trouble.
/sent from my Gnote2 using tapacrap\
Gnex is an amoled screen not pen tile. I just came from a gnex..at first I thought my gnex was big...then I got an extended battery for grip and the phone was perfect...now ive given my wife the 4.2.1 gnex and got the note 2 for myself...well seidio hasnt come out with a convert extended case or battery yet so I can agree that the phone is cumbersome to hold and I dare not hold it upto my ear like a brick lol. Blue tooth only. But I am adjusting I've had the phone for four days lol. If any thing there needs to be a case with finger perches smack dab in the back middle of the phone so you can grip it and still articulate your thumb acroas the screen one handed without the phone being pushed all the way up in your palm
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Battery life on DNA is fine...I had it for 2weeks.
I have normal sized hands I would say I don't really have any issues when I'm not texting I hold the phone in the middle so I can reach the whole device and I use the one hand keyboard for texting so that's not a big deal
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
If I had given up on it... I would have already taken it back... I was at the Verizon store today returning the flip cover as I didn't care for it. Asked about the proccess to swap devices... didn't.
To be honest... the limited number of good options available, and the thought of "possibly" getting an iPhone made me physically ill... Ugh nausea over a phone... something is wrong with me.
Deckoz2302 said:
Gnex is an amoled screen not pen tile.
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It is AMOLED with Pentile... Anandtech confirms Gnex pentile (plus I can see the pixels... as I have very good eyes)
Dude, get a flygrip and call it a day
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
sleevasteve said:
Dude, get a flygrip and call it a day
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
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Interesting... but I think I would dislike it overall. It sticks to the back of the phone and looks cumbersome. Anything that I have to manipulate to make it work will not be useful when I am stuffed under an instrument panel of an airplane. LOL
I think as your post illustrates, there are just so many different phones for different use situations now. There's no reason to try to force one to be everything to everyone (yourself). It's a big phone. No one can make it seem like it's not, that's it's feature if you will. It's a notepad and a powerful mobile computing platform. It stands in for anyone who wants a multi use device to bridge the gap between a tablet/pc/phone.
I went from the iPhone to a much larger S3 and I never looked back. It was way larger, but I adjusted such that I couldn't look at a smaller screen and feel comfortable. It was large enough where I imagined using a phone just a bit larger that would take away some of that time I was wishing I had my tablet with me for reading and writing. Amazingly, that device exists and it looks like a larger version of the best phone I ever used, the S3. Hooray.
My point is this, think only of how you use the phone or how you want to use it. If comfort in the hand is primary, don't buy the Note 2. It's an amazing phone, but all those phones you listed are good. You have the option to break it down however you like. I considered the DNA for the beautiful screen, but I want expandable storage and battery, I wanted the option of the stylus. If it were about fitting in my pocket or hand most of all, I would never have left the S3.
Yeah, other than size its got the features I wanted. I am hoping I can adapt... if anyone has some tips to help that along. I also have a TPU case coming in the mail sometime that may add some texture and keep the phone from feeling too slick.
The screen is very important to me... the quality anyway. If the screen is poor, then I am unhappy with the phone. Which is why I eliminated many options, including the SIII.
here is an unboxing/preview of the flygrip.
Looks great, works great.
In and out of pocket isn't an issue.
Deckoz2302 said:
Gnex is an amoled screen not pen tile.
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The GNEX is an Super Amoled screen that uses pentile technology.
First.. the Nexus DOES use a Pentile display. That has been beaten to death in various forums.
Second.. Flygrip? Really? I looked at their website and to me that thing is aweful. I do NOT want some big bulky thing protruding off the back of my phone. What is the purpose of it? To "hang" the phone off your fingers? Is this because you don't have a strong enough grip to hold the phone while manipulating it? Just seems very big and clunky to me.. and a nightmare to use with pants pockets.
I bought the standard shell case at Verizion that comes with a little fold out kick stand. If you are worried about the phone falling out of your hand and want the "hanging" thing that the flygrip offers, I verified that you can extend the kickstand on my verizon case and then slid a finger in the triangular gap.. so the weight is supported and the grip feels secure. Works pretty good! Not bad for a $15 case.
As for my Note 2. I'm a big guy (6'8") so this phone is PERFECT for me, proportionally speaking.
My wife has the Rezound (4.3" display).. it was funny to test our phones by putting it in our palm and reaching across with our thumbs. Her thumb extended past the edge of the screen a fraction of an inch farther than me.. so really, my GIANT note is really no bigger than her Rezound, when in the hand.
It's a big phone. Period.
I have done a few things to help when it comes to one handed use. There aren't many frustrations for me, but one of them is getting at the notifications, via the pull down menu.
I ditched the stock Sense launcher for Nova Launcher.. MUCH more customizable.
In Nova, I added a row and column of icons so the vast real estate of this phone can be much better utilized. How can this help with one handed use? Well now that you have more icons, closer together.. you can put them along one side of the phone to get at them more easily if you wish.
In Nova, I set up a couple gestures. When not in an app, I have an "down" gesture to open the notification panel. That right there solved my biggest frustration.. having to reach up and drag my thumb down to get at the panel. HUGE help!
The other gesture I set up was a "up" gesture to open the most recent apps list. Another shortcut allowing me to reach less with the thumb.
With Nova Launcher, you can set up all kinds of gestures.. use them to your one handed advantage!
I think having a case is a huge help. I don't really like the glossy back that Sammy chose for the phone. I highly suggest a case that has a soft or rubbery feel. I can't stand silicone cases as they stick in my pockets.. but most of the hard shell type cases the phone snaps into seem great. There are some really low profile cases out there that add almost no bulk.
I also, sadly, ditched the stock keyboard for swift key. I LOOVVVEEED the stock keyboard at first with the dedicated number row. But seriously.. no autocorrect?? WTF? I need that. so I went to swift key and have really enjoyed it so far.
That's about all I have for now..
After 5 days with this phone you couldn't pry it from my average size hands!
Sent from my rooted SGH-1605
Some good suggestions Gnome.
Not sure if they will solve all my issues, but they may help some.
I don't normally have to use this device one handed... but what advice can I give? Use Nova Launcher and Swipepad.
Nova gives you many one handed and two handed gestures. This helps a lot for the hard to reach areas like notifications.
Swipepad gives you 12 shortcuts (and an add on you can buy for more) to any app you want as well as shortcuts with the swipe of your finger from whatever edge of the screen you would like. I set it on the mid right edge and swipe in with my thumb and tada!
Hope this helps!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
I prefer having things larger across the screen, but there are one hand settings that make the dialer, stock keyboard, etc stay to one side that you choose. If your thumb can't make it all the way over, turn this on.
Typing in landscape with both thumbs is MUCH faster anyways though. Two fingers is going to be faster than one.
Even with one handed mode it can be difficult.
I am getting better at it, but still not sure.
A case that has a good grippiness to it or a ridge/groove in the middle would allow some grip when using one handed where your hand can't wrap around the phone.
gnome_sayin said:
Is this because you don't have a strong enough grip to hold the phone while manipulating it?
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It's not about strength at all. My fingers are stupid short and if I'm holding the phone securely in my palm, I can just BARELY reach the middle of this beast. I almost got a flygrip but, like you, I opted for the rubberized case from Verizon with the kickstand, and I have found that to be a perfectly viable, AND FLAT when not in use, flygrip alternative.
I hold my phone with other my 4 fingers, not my palm. This is more comfortable and just as secure.

Very impressed

Got my DNA roughly a week ago and have been comparing it with some of the newest phones that colleagues and co-workers have. I knew I'd be impressed with the device after reading the specs and reviews of this beast when compared to the s3, but I really never expected out to be this amazing.
The screen is large, yet the phone is comfortable in the hand. The contour and taper of the rear polycarbonate is among the most, of not the most, comfortable phone I've picked up. A lot easier to handle than Samsung's s3 and note 2. The only real downside is that the back absorbs skin oils very easily and van be a core to clean. I just got through cleaning mine out and it looks as awesome as the day I got it though I know that will change by tomorrow night.
Comparing it to the s3, the note 2, the optimus g, and the evo 4g lte, I was delightfully surprised to see that the only things it was lacking in comparison to its competitors were things that didn't bother me at all, namely battery and sd slot. I was also mildly disappointed with the camera clarity when compared to the optimus g, but my eyes are better than most and other people I showed the comparison couldn't see the same lack of crispness, so I'll not list that as a downfall. The DNA blew everything that wasn't the optimus g away in the benchmark tests, we decided on and really brought to light the superiority of the HTC device over its Samsung rivals. Audio quality was really no contest with the dna's beats audio. Surfing and other everyday routines were personal preference for the most part with some of us absolutely hating the sense ui. I personally prefer sense to any other android ui at the moment. In terms of feel and ergonomics, the almost universal consensus was in favor of the DNA.
At the moment, my phone is the envy of the workplace with some co-workers still running devices as old as the iPhone 3gs. The unlocked SIM slot makes it one of the only stock international capable phones in the store (we sell phones where I work) and is the only 1080p phone in the store.
As amazing as the phone is though, there are definitely some issues with it. Compatibility issues with the phone run rampant and can get very irritating. Battery life, while more than sufficient for typical use, needs to be watched like a hawk over periods of extended use. Pre-installed Verizon apps feel cluttering on grid. SIM card slot is not very easily accessible. The SIM card comes pre-installed and did cause issues upon arrival. And probably most annoyingly of all, the cover for the usb port is just horrible. It falls apart way too easily even worth mild, careful use. Running my finger along the edges of the phone, I can feel a very deliberate bulge where the "door hinge" is at on an otherwise flat surface. It is incredibly annoying to someone like me where the look and feel of the device is just as important as its functionality.
All in all though, this droid has very much impressed me, which I think it's a big thing considering how much I thought I knew I was getting coming in. It's exceeded my expectations in ways I've never even thought of and will likely continue to do so for quite some time now.
On an unrelated note, I was actually somewhat disappointed in the widely respected diztronic case for the DNA. It came in a few days later than expected (ended up having to wait over the weekend), it blocked of the notification light (though I already knew this going in), it made the power button harder to press (the complete opposite of what I'd heard), and it leaves an imprint of their logo on the back of your phone when you take it off (though I've had good luck getting it out thus far). I'll definitely only be keeping it on at work when I'm selling people on phone cases lol.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Nice thoughts, largely agree, particularly about the case though I just took it off and enjoy the bare phone in my hand.
I keep my phone of at home and at this point only use it to not look like an assy salesman when I try to sell people on cases. Not to say cases are horrible, they're just horrible for this phone. I'd probably put an impact resistant case on something as squishy as an s3 and would definitely use out to cover up the twilight sparkles of the optimus g and the nexus 7. To me, the look and feel of the phone matters just as much as its functionality. With the DNA, it just looks and feels perfect as is. Not too much on any modern Verizon phone right now. Only one that comes close is the wp8x imo.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

Can't decide, need a little advice please

I am due for an upgrade this coming Wednesday and right off the bat I was thinking "I'm getting the new SGS4!"
Well, first off, let me explain that I'm coming from an international imported galaxy nexus gsm. The developer support on this device is amazing!
After seeing the S4 in person the other day I then also wandered off and looked at the HTC One - seems like a nice device, mostly the build quality.
I think the One has great build quality, or at least the materials are nice to the touch for me personally. The SGS4 is great but I hate how it just fits the moniker of "It's made by Fisher Price". Then, lastly I remembered the ol' Optimus G series. Yes, it's plastic like the SGS4 but it does have a nice back glass piece.
I think I am now heavily considering the Optimus G because of price $50 and it seems to have nearly the same chipset/performance as the SGS4/One.
One thing I'm concerned about is the notification LED on this device. How does it work for alerts? Is it multi-colored? Is it just on the side around the power button, or is there a seperate LED on the front plate? With a custom rom like CM or AOKP can you change the behaviour?
Battery life seems to be slightly better than my GNex, but if it outlasts this I'll be happy with that.
The Optimus G has a really nice build quality but you will probably want to get a case for it if you are prone to dropping things. The thing about is the fact that it is somewhat slippery because of its glass body design, but that is what also makes it feel like a substantial and premium device in the hand.
The led light is only located around the power button on the right side of the phone and it is hard to tell if you have a notification based off of that because it is not in your peripheral vision when you are looking at your phone. But even thought the LG OG does not have a removable back and battery the AT&T version still has a micro sd card slot so you are able to increase your storage compared to GSIV which has both.
In the point of feeling in the hand the quality also affects durability. The GS4 has a plastic casing which makes it more durable but cheap feeling. The HTC One feels very nice in the hand with its Aluminium uni-body design but may be prone to denting. But these qualities may be negligible depending on if you decide to use a case or not.
Regardless I like my LG OG because it's a nice device and custom rom development is starting to pickup so that I am not bound to the stock software.
What do use your phone for?
polarzombies said:
The Optimus G has a really nice build quality but you will probably want to get a case for it if you are prone to dropping things. The thing about is the fact that it is somewhat slippery because of its glass body design, but that is what also makes it feel like a substantial and premium device in the hand.
The led light is only located around the power button on the right side of the phone and it is hard to tell if you have a notification based off of that because it is not in your peripheral vision when you are looking at your phone. But even thought the LG OG does not have a removable back and battery the AT&T version still has a micro sd card slot so you are able to increase your storage compared to GSIV which has both.
In the point of feeling in the hand the quality also affects durability. The GS4 has a plastic casing which makes it more durable but cheap feeling. The HTC One feels very nice in the hand with its Aluminium uni-body design but may be prone to denting. But these qualities may be negligible depending on if you decide to use a case or not.
Regardless I like my LG OG because it's a nice device and custom rom development is starting to pickup so that I am not bound to the stock software.
What do use your phone for?
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For what its worth, I just switched back to my Optimus G from Note 2 (same build quality and materials). I missed the Optimus G quality and sturdy feel in the hand. I wont be getting S4 or HTC One, the Optimus G will be fine for me until I see what the Nexus 5 or the next Optimus G 2 looks look.
And what about using a custom ROM like CM or AOKP, can you change the behaviour of the LED light?
For what it's worth you can probably also get the Lgog for like 50$ and the others will most likely be 200$ and it will probably be identical performance.
That's a pretty big factor for me especially since I'll end up on a custom rom no matter what I pick. May as well get the better quality materials cheaper if you aren't losing a lot of performance. (From what I've seen the newer phones aren't a 150$ upgrade anyway)
Regarding LED...
Just think of it as a red light bulb with low brightness.
It is really not noticeable unless you are seeing it from an angle facing the power button directly. There is no color change like GS3.
Honestly LED is kinda useless in OG.
But I hate LED notification on GS3 oh well
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda premium
I don't think an OG is worth switching to from a GNex. You have much more active ROM development, and updates to Android as soon as they're available. It took AT&T six months to update the OG to Jelly Bean, and the 4.1.2 version we got is probably the end of that road. And because the dev community is relatively modestly sized, your alternatives are much narrower. On the bright side, LG's stock UI is very nice.
The AT&T OG also has a card slot for up to 64GB, so that might be a factor for you. The Sprint version does not.
The Gnex is just suffering from a lot of lag with 4.2.2 now. Doing some minor tasks it's OK.. but try taking a picture, sharing it via Facebook, or SMS, then browsing the web.. etc.. it starts to show it's age quick compared to these other devices with twice the ram about faster CPU's. I will hang on to the GNex I'm sure but the $50 price tag is a huge bonus seeing as how it's nearly identical performance to the One and the SGS4.
I will end up on an AOSP based rom because I'm a vanilla android lover.
If you need a notification light, the LG Optimus G is not the device for you. It's nearly useless on this device. The rest of the phone is great. I'm waiting on a new Nexus phone or similar before even considering an upgrade.
Well if your on T-Mobile goodluck on getting the LTE work as for weeks and weeks. I've been trying to get the LTE to work for this phone. I'm thinking about switching to the Nexus 4 instead.
MZille said:
I don't think an OG is worth switching to from a GNex. You have much more active ROM development, and updates to Android as soon as they're available. It took AT&T six months to update the OG to Jelly Bean, and the 4.1.2 version we got is probably the end of that road. And because the dev community is relatively modestly sized, your alternatives are much narrower. On the bright side, LG's stock UI is very nice.
The AT&T OG also has a card slot for up to 64GB, so that might be a factor for you. The Sprint version does not.
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The most honest feedback you'll ever get up there ^
I think the media aspect is partly to blame. This phone is powerful, but people don't care about specs. If it doesn’t have a serious advertising campaign then no one cares. Since this didn't get much commercial attention the dev community is smaller than a lot other phones. If that matters to you then yeah stay with your phone. Also we don't really have much accessories (the actually look good) to work with. If you could careless about all of that and performance is your thing then yes get the LGOG. Bottom line, this is a great phone that didn't get proper attention. -PhonePhan
Oh the aesthetics, u will def. want a case for reasons alrdy mentioned so that kind of negates the feel n admiring it's build quality somewhat.
The GS4 u may want a case as well so can cancel out its poor feel.
Point is, so many talk bout looks and feel etc in reviews and in person but wouldn't most people want a case for protection?
Sony Xperia Z appeals to me if I was in the market right now. GS4 may be 150 more now but that is easily canceled out when you consider resale value. What I loved about my iPhones before switching to android
Sent from my LG-E970 using xda app-developers app

