AlphaLion[Rom]Stable!LongBattery,Full Color LiveTiles&Tolkien's 237Theme's&More!v8862 - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Development

AlphaLion[Rom]Stable!LongBattery,Full Color LiveTiles&Tolkien's 237Theme's&More!v8862
PROUDLY PRESENTS!​Alpha Lion [Rom] Stable! Long Battery Life Full Color Live Tiles & Tolkien's 237 Theme's & More!
Windows Phone 7.8 O.S v7.10.8862.144 For The Legendary HTC HD2 /Firestone/Leo
Custom DFT Rom Installer.
This is my first non beta Rom release so please bare with me as I fix things. If You need credits and are not listed Please send me PM. I will give credit where credit it due!
I start my work on this rom around same time B.T.T.F was released. I have had complications. due to my custom updates not mixing well with Microsoft update's we start building custom content & then Microsoft updates breaks our work so then I have to integrate. This is not easy process. Never the less I have built rom with much custom content. Time spent 2 years.
Rom Is built for non metro type experience. However you may revert to stock icons via LEO_Advanced. If you love metro maybe this rom is not for you. I built this for myself & want to share.
There will be bugs and changes and fixes for some stuff in the future. Please understand this release Is a starting point for me.
Rom features many custom packages built by me & various works from other developers. Many modified by me.
Project Ora With 237 Themes & Accsents & HQ Token
237 Themes all having 237 accent colors.
This is over 5000 lines of registry edit's I made. I have included the full Silverlight library of colors for you. on top of that added over 30 new Darker colors to the library possibilities of 2 custom colors are more then any other Rom to date.
Please Note Theme's are not proper. They are Made for looks only where is counts. In your system Menu with exception on your calendar. application. Not in your app's. App's colors will be defaulted.
Edit:Just added another 30 colors!
Light theme is Dark for Mod on Mail & Office. Any Other Theme with text you cant read. Please let me know about the bug so I can fix it.
Custom LEO_Advanced Application. With HQ Token
Main feature is for modified Start Menu. Many days I spent in Photoshop & Resource editing ! This is the update you have been asking for Many months! (All Mod Start Menu Items Fixed!)
Program says only works on Windows phone 7.8 OS 71.10.8835.35... But Not true in this rom....
I ask PdaImagejam to build Mod start menu in to his app for me. but the app has name errors still He has fixed some but not all. so unfortunately we are stuck with this error. I am currently having A little issue with Pdaimagejam Leo_Advanced Application with my moded start menu.dll's The problem is he has some things named wrong inside the application. I cant fix this! He's working on fixing it so hang in there.
Default Skin Works
Colored Skin Works & Has been Updated!
WinMo6.5/This is Classic Metro But not like default /Not to be confused. Works & Has been Updated!
Glass Works. Has been updated!
Metro/This is Win Mo6.5 Works & Has been Updated!
Mini Calendars. Now works on all mini tiles.
New Custom HQ HTC Tolkien's
Custom HQ HTC Hub with Realistic HD Images!
Custom HQ HTC Photo Enhancer
Custom HQ HTC Connected Media
Custom HQ HTC Flashlight
Custom HQ HTC Connection Setup
Custom HQ HTC Locations
Custom HQ HTC You Tube
Custom HQ HTC Compass
Custom HQ HTC Dock Mode
Custom HQ HTC Love
Custom HQ Sound Enhancer
Custom HQ Nokia Drive (2013 Porsche Boxster S)
Custom HQ Adobe Reader
Custom HQ BlueManager
Custom HQ Bing
Custom HQ Skype
Custom HQ Slacker Radio
Custom HQ USB Video Out
Rom Mod Features...
Dark E-mail Mod...
Custom HQ Office + Dark Office Mod
Windows Phone Wallpapers
All Windows Phone Wallpapers can be accessed in Internet explorer favorites tab Through my flicr account simply save the ones you want to your phone or just download the flickr app in marketplace.
The No Pattern Wallpaper collection Is included In rom. Thanks to The Original Windows Art Creator Chuck Anderson
My Custom Packages List
(This not include Packages From Other developers baked in)
Coming Soon,
Packages Details
Settings.xml from Settings package has been Moded (For New Shortcuts!)
MapiShellNotifRes.dll from CommsApps package has been Moded Custom Txt Tile & icon.
WebsearchManifest.xml from WebSearch package has been Moded with Custom LocalScout Tile & icon.
MediaControls.dll Moded
Oobeeng.dll from ShellApps package has been Moded
ShellFrame.dll from Shell package has been replaced Moded
WiFiUXRes.262.dll from ConnectivityUX_DPI_262 package has been Moded
Zune.dll from MediaApps package has been Moded
(Custom Zune Application with Custom Media Controls For Improved Visability)
New Notification Sounds for (New text or IM, New Voicemail & New email)
Achievement Unlocked
Crackdown Agility Orb
Crackdown Hidden Orb
Halo On
Halo Tray
MW3 Console Eject
Mw3 Console Power
Start It Up
Xbox360 Power On
Xbox360 Tray
New Custom Ringtones+Sounds
Coming Soon!
Windows 8 Sounds
Device Plug In Sound is Same Sound As Windows 8.
Windows 8 Hardware Insert.wav (No More Annoying Dinging)
Lock Sound Is Windows 8 Minimize Sound. (No More Annoying Clicking)
Unlock Sound Is Windows 8 Restore Sound. (No More Annoying Clicking)
Windows 8 Unlock Sound
Most system settings can now be accessed In your Tile Menu! (No More Diging)
ATM Rom is (English - United States (0409) Only. T-Mobile US version. This gives me much room for mods & custom content. More language's may be supported in the future If In high demand.
Rom Reboot Issue is Fixed. This Rom Provide Best battery life for me compared to other Rom's. Combined with 2600mAh Mutagen Replacement Battery I pay 5.00$ U.S.D for I get 24 hr's Battery life.
I Would say 2x better than most phones with 9 hr's battery life. Very Nice for everyday use.
However. Please note. HTC Stock Replacent Extended battery 2300 Has been tested & not work with this rom!!!
I personally by both for testing, I end up keeping my HTC stock extended battery door with kickstand and mutagen battery. and not use mutagen door and Stock HTC Battery.
I try to make our device better. But I know nothing is perfect.
Popular Update Certificates Included Inside this Rom!
SLDR DefaultCerts.dat:
CN=Microsoft Windows Mobile Firmware Installation PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
CN=Microsoft Mobile Device Unprivileged PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
SLDR MsDefaultCerts.dat:
CN=Microsoft Windows Mobile Firmware Installation PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US
Things you should not do!
1. Do Not Open bazaar App and install Colors Start Menu.(This is old Version!)
Install notes:
1.One reboot is required for full unlock & activation of HQ Token's
2.Once Installed Leo Advanced will auto start First tap the ... and exit the application Let rom settle when you get your Welcome message open Up Leo Advanced and Mod Your system.
I Recommend Colors Digital Power & Colors Start Menu! .
3.If an HQ Token is not working after you install an app simply reset your phone or re pin the item!
Thank's to [email protected]
Xda Credits...
David Pinch,
Ego Zheng,
Julien Schapman,
Robbie P,
Special Credits...
Chuck Anderson / NoPattern Studio, est. 2003. Art, design, illustration, photography, art direction.
Phone Carriers Credits...
Microsoft & The Windows Phone Team, Nokia, HTC, LG, Samsung, AT&T, T-Mobile, Dell, O2 Germany
Windows Phone Wallpapers
My Windows Phone Wallpapers are on flickr. You can comment and rate the wallpapers. I'm interested to know what you guys like the best.
Wallpapers with most votes will make it in to final version of the rom. This includes all wp wallpapers and so much more. Link to Flickr:
Also New Custom Samsung TW Style HTC Clock Hub!
MD5 Checksum Value:3cdfe5312a2852d465971893317157a6​
Best Wishes!
Thanks to everyone who helped me! Please feel free to run test's & post bugs!
If you like my work please Hit the thanks button. Feel free to donate! Anything help's!.
Every donation is greatly appreciated ! If you enjoy this rom please Sponser this project buy clicking the donate button in the top left corner!
If I get enough donations to by another first gen wp7 device Like htc Titen or htc Surround I will be porting my rom over.
As That is what I hope to do one day. Just no other device to work with as of yet.
You may also donate to me via Leo_Advanced application under"Mod start menu" at later time.
As Pdaimatejam was kind enough to put my donation information inside his app. Woh!
So big thanks to him on that one!
Leave comments and questions below! I'll be happy to answer your questions!
Disclaimer - I Take no Responsibility for any damages to your device's, property or someone else's device's, property!
You cant expect to upgrade your softwhare this far with out making some adjustments to the hardware.. that is why I recommend. a card that is Class 10. Heat resistant and an High Capacity 2600 mutagen battery. I got mine for less than 5.00$ usd of ebay.
By a card that says made for android and wp7 on the box! Note the icons on the box that say water proof, & temperature proof!

long life?????
long life??? does it mean long battery life or what...and does this rom has aero theme??? please post screenshots and special features of this rom..

hurry man, i can't wait anymore!!
I love u

Looking forward to seeing this...

WIP Windows 8 Experience Inside Windows Phone 7.8
WIP W8 Metro Experience Start Menu for Wp7.8​
Windows 8 Experience Inside Windows Phone 7.8 StartMenu.dll & MetroExperience.xap comeing soon!
Hear I will make A new post for My project WIP Metro Windows 8 Experience Inside Windows Phone 7.8. I will be posting preview's & updates until project is final...
Now as you may know my colors start menu project is final so now I start working on other start menu projects I will be trying to finish this up and also do android4.1 jelly bean start menu mod's
I will be working on improving the metro start menu so for sake of keeping track and preservation I make this new post so I can show my work and update as things become finished. This start menu will be more than just a simple dll mod. because in order to display the windows 8 TOKEN's I will have to wright new rgu for every icon. as I do not have all the details and setting's created just yet . have just begun to start on this project. right now as I wright this metro start menu can be installed via leo advanced. but this is alpha version. with only couple icons from windows 8 and they are with out color. The purpose of this mod will be to bring out the full Metro Windows 8 Experience Inside Windows Phone 7.8. to do this all tile setting's must be made to be using the same template style as office. and tokens must be exactly 210x210 pixels. so here I begin my project. if anyone want's to help out to make things go quicker please be my gest. I Will be update icons and rgu edits, xml & provxml doc's hear.
for creation of this update package & (startmenu.dll.w8metro). You might think O well I see this all the time in w8. but truth is I am making these in photoshop and also making sure the pictures are sharp with out pixel distortion for best Experience. Feel free to comment on this or post suggestions.. But please don't quote the entire post Thankx!
Another special thanks go's out to Ultrashot for contributing.HQTolkins.exe to use on this project.
Thanks! for helping me improve the experience even more! I really appreciate your work. & I cant wait to see how this Turns out!
Images are 210x210 Default system Token size.
Custom Xbox Live (Xbox One controller)
More soon! I finish this later.
To Do
Airplane Mode
210x210 End because I start over making 336x336 for HQTokens.exe
HQ Medium 336x336 Please note icons will be subject to change and optimize for clarity.
Custom Xbox Live (Xbox One controller)
Airplane Mode
Rest soon!
Now presenting W8MetroExperinace.Xap Beta test application for you all.
Please do not use this xap or it's icons for any of your projects in development. if you like the icons and want to use them for your own project please contact me for up to date version. If you plan on using my icons in your non prophet application as a theme please give me credit.
if your using my icons in a payed for application your planning on submitting to the marketplace then I will expect retribution.
Thanks Have fun! Enjoy!
W8MetroExperinace.Xap Beta test application Download
v3 Update 6/29/13
Known bugs: Not Working Tokens...(This is due to the application not being able to access the system root yet)
Airplane Mode
You can only have one version of Marketplace Pinned at a time Eg: Nokia Marketplace or Marketplace.
Note final version will be much higher rez. using HQTokins.exe this is just A beta test version. Enjoy!

@jackrabbit72380 Try uploading to google drive
PS. any screenshots till we wait ?????


good rom, thanks.

If someone can get in touch with joplayer for space on HTC fanboys that would be great.

how about dev-host

dev host is the solution

yesterday i see this tread
n now i see again,hurry mr...

jackrabbit72380 said:
If someone can get in touch with joplayer for space on HTC fanboys that would be great.
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I sent you a PM for htcfanboys

What about MEGA? Upload and download quickly

moliva_85 said:
What about MEGA? Upload and download quickly
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MEGA and dev host is limited, htcfanboys is not limited => unlimited space Gb

hBk0dY said:
MEGA and dev host is limited, htcfanboys is not limited => unlimited space Gb
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Click to collapse
50GB it's not bad?! I do not know whether there is a limit on the size of file uploads but now I upload a test movie with size 700MB.

moliva_85 said:
50GB it's not bad?! I do not know whether there is a limit on the size of file uploads but now I upload a test movie with size 700MB.
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Yes, but is not unlimited

Come on upload it please ....

Really funny thread. People doesn't speak about bug in ROM but place to upload. Really funny :laugh:

crow6 said:
Really funny thread. People doesn't speak about bug in ROM but place to upload. Really funny :laugh:
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Why this message?


Titan M2D Round 4 ROM (DCD 3.2.6 and TouchFlo 2D)

******NOTE: Round 4 Reloaded is out! Check there for the most current vesion!
Hello, I just finished working on my Round 4 ROM. Many people have looked at and downloaded some of my earlier rounds in this thread
This is a continuation of that project on a new thread.
Here is the ROM that I have been working on for the past week. Its a one size fits all ROM. I started doing this at the request of Grimstar8402. He asked if someone could create a ROM with M2D cooked in. I cooked him a ROM and it took off on that thread. I created a couple more rounds with user feed back incorporated and had mixed results for some users and while great results with other users. We soon realized a single ROM could not fit everyones needs because each user wanted different features or other features removed.
Obviously I couldn't accommodate all the request with just one ROM... Or Could I?
Introducing my Titan M2D Round 4 ROM. A ROM designed by many people and for many people!
Some of the highlights of the ROM....
+Based on DCD Kitchen 3.2.6 CE OS 5.2.20275 (Build 20275.1.3.3 dcd)
+Manila 2D - White Diamond Theme with 7 additional themes cooked in!
++Manila styled application CABs are INCLUDED but NOT INSTALLED. Apps include Opera 9.5.2392, HTC Album, HTC Audio Manager, You Tube with fix, Large Title Bar, X-Button (HTC Task Manager), and more (Opal title bar and Vista Hide Battery Gage) in the My Documents folder. All tested and working. You choose want you want to install or not install.
+Free RAM at Boot with stock configuration: 22.25 Megs. M2D enabled, nothing loaded, Oxious Hibernate ran before testing
+Free RAM at boot with minimal configuration: 25.6 Megs. M2D disabled, nothing loaded, Oxious Hibernate ran before testing
+Pre-loaded with all carrier cabs for DCD 3.2.6
+nueLED Control
+Adobe Reader 2.5 (DCD)
+Camera 4.05.xx The older one with flash (DCD)
+HTC 10 Button Comm Manager (DCD)
+HTC Vouge Phone Canvas (DCD)
+HTC Start Animation(DCD)
+Psshut Modified Black theme by me
+Calibri System Font
+iContact 1.02
-Google Maps and Live Search not included. They change too often to cook into a ROM. Most users prefer to stay up to date with those two programs on there own.
*The carrier cabs were graciously provided by DCD as well as the kitchen. Many Thanks to DCD for the kitchen usage and the usage of the carrier cabs!
* On first boot open File Explorer and navigate to \My Documents\ROM Pack\Carriers\ and select your carrier CAB. YOU MUST DO THIS FOR YOUR PHONE TO HAVE A DATA CONNECTION! *
*Your phone is now up and ready to go as a bare bones M2D ROM with some special features in control panel such as nueLed and nueFonts and my custom Silver Windows theme and matching PsShutdown. From here you can install your choice of the pre-loaded apps.
** As with all custom ROM's I am not liable for anything you do or try to do or anything that happened because of your use or attempted used of my ROM** You agree to this when you download it! Sorry but a disclaimer is standard on most all custom ROMs.
Make sure you read the stickies at the top of the forum if its your first time flashing a custom ROM. Another good place to read is the GA Medic post over at about flashing custom ROMS. Its a step by step walk through. If you have flashed a custom ROM before this one is no different ;c)
** Always remember this should be considered beta quality because a lot of these apps were simply not designed for our phones. The developers below did awesome jobs porting them over and tweaking them to work. Every once in a while something quirky could happen when running memory hungry apps like Opera and M2D at the same time. For example M2D may shutdown temporarily until you quit out of Opera. This is due to high memory requirements of M2D and the levels of low memory on our devices (64 Megs on our device vs 128 Megs and higher on the native devices). There is not a whole lot that can be done about these very minor issues and most users do not mind or even notice or have experienced them at all based on feed back that I received in the thread that started this series of the ROM
*With all things said this is a pretty stable ROM with or with out the add on pack I created. I think your going to like.
Please make sure you have your phone preloaded with the following before attempting to flash:
NueSPL2.47 or OliPro 2.40
GPS Radio 3.3x.xx or higher
I use nueSPL2.47 and Radio 3.42.50 on a Verizon XV6800
And finally thanks to all the following people who wrote the following great programs!
DCD 3.2.6 Kitchen and carrier cabs
Manilla 2D Customizer (M2DC)
Manilla 2D - Skins
Manilla 2D Apps
Manilla 2D OEM
YouTube Fix
Opal Title Bar
VistaHide Battery Gauged (CAB'ed by me)
Various Tweaks and Utilities - No2Chem
Great Ideas and lots of knowledge
The people that gave me the ideas behind the ROM and helped drive its development through feedback in the forums.
And Finally the Link to the ROM!
Please Read Posts 1 through 4 before downloading! Lots of great info and may save you some time!!!!
-=+ +=-
If you choose to link from other sites then you may do so. I will have a return link here to this post. Please do not deep link directly to the ROM's.
Older ROM's will be organized and posted soon under new locations.
Thanks for any feedback you can provide.
Remember: Always hard reset after a flash! If anything else its good luck!
**Screen Shots - More will be posted at my download link as well.
Row 1
Preloaded Apps, Preloaded carriers, Preloaded M2D Themes
Row 2
Three of the 7 pre-loaded M2D Themes from ROM pack. You can find tons more where these all came from at
All made simple buy the Manila 2D Customizer found here! Consider donating to him as well.
** Note: You must install the M2D Customizer from the Apps folder then add the themes using the Customizers "add" feature. The themes are located at \My Documents\ROM Pack\M2D Themes\. Some themes don't like to switch back and forth very well. Take it all in stride and for what it is.
** Note: All pre-loaded cabs can be deleted from the My Documents folder. Just delete the ROM Pack folder or anything inside you don't want. Its that simple. If you must know... A hard reset WILL bring the files and folders back that you be deleted from the ROM Pack folder (but of course you know all your other data is gone!)
Sorry this is such a long post. Wanted to make it as informative as possible and give the proper credit to the people who made all this possible.
Have fun and enjoy and of course if you read this far down and like this ROM and are in a position to donate then please feel free to do so ;c)
Ok, I finally got around to posting updates to post 2, 3 and 4.
Post #2 will be for Tips, Tricks, and How To's.
Post #3 will be for Bugs and fixes (none as of yet)! Before you post saying something is a bug please research it. I tested and cant find any REAL bugs with this ROM (Woot goes out to DCD) other than user preference not being what they like.
Post #4 will be for two things:
1. Upcoming features that I will integrate
2. Download stats from my website.
Remember If you like my work say thank you in to forum and if you are in a position to, say thank you via Pay Pal Donations :c) Im not in this for the money but will contribute back to everyone's work I used and keep my website up and running. Im not getting rich off this trust me! ;P
Tips, Tricks, and How To's
Tips, Tricks, and How To (Updated 7 Nov 2008 at 7:30 PM)
0. Pay attention to this from the first post!!!! It will answer alot of your questions --> +Manila styled application CABs are INCLUDED but NOT INSTALLED. Apps include Opera 9.5.2392, HTC Album, HTC Audio Manager, You Tube with fix, Large Title Bar, X-Button (HTC Task Manager), and more (Opal title bar and Vista Hide Battery Gage) in the My Documents folder. All tested and working. You choose want you want to install or not install.
1. Install the Manila 2D customizer before you try to customize M2D first! The files is in the Rom Pack folder.
2. Pictures Tab How To make it work properly: Install Album application from ROM pack. Use Customizer to turn on the Pictures Tab. Now open the pictures tab and press the ALBUM softkey. Now click the ALL menu button. Now go to the Menu soft key on the right. Select Set as Default Album. Now exit application and it works as it should.
3. Internet Tab - Install Opera from ROM Pack. Now use customizer to add the Internet Tab. Done! You will not have You Tube on the Internet Tab!
4. Music Tab - Install HTC Audio Manager from ROM Pack. Now use customizer to add the Music Tab. Done!
5. Scroll Bar Thickness - Posted a cab below to reset the scroll bar thickness back to the stock width of 12 pts. Just download and apply then SOFT REBOOT. This will also be in the next ROM / ROM Pack.
6. M2D Tip - Try disabling the extra tabs on newly selected themes as most themes leave all tabs enabled by default. This causes memory issues. Also try a soft reboot after changing a theme. A theme is composed of nearly 400 individual files. That bogs down the phone OS. I wish the author of M2D forced a reboot after a new theme was used but it doesn't.
7. You Tube - Install both files in the YouTube Folder. Soft reset and enjoy!
8. Kitchen files are posted. The files are a DCD 3.2.6 kitchen linked up above and the custom OEM's I used to build the ROM. I also included the latest OEMizer. Read my read me file for more info. Your own your own with the kitchen. Too big to support! Have fun and iuf you cook up something you want to share I will post it to my website. Just let me know!!!
9. Verizon Add On Pack Added - See this post for details and downloads -
Bug Reports and Fixes (if available)
Bug Reports and Fixes (if available)
1. M2D Maps doesnt link to Google Maps when searching....
Status: Seeking resolution
2. Camera not seeing storage card correctly in the Album application
Status: Confirmed NOT TRUE. Follow the directions above to make the Pictures Tab work properly!
3. At random the all programs button may not activate the all programs screen after exiting an application such as google maps. Rarely happens. Seems to be glitch in M2D. Oh well.
Status: Workaround: Slide the slider one to the left or right then back again. Its glitch I found on all builds of CE OS so all I know is that it is not windows or the ROM. Maybe the OEM
4. Gradient color bar across the top of screen.
**Not a bug or a glitch. You installed VistaHide Battery Gauge from the ROM Pack Apps folder. If you dont like it just delete the entry from start up or uninstall the app
Note: Considering a new OEM for Manila to make it more "Compatible" with the above apps "hopefully!" Will try creating one and see.
Thanks to all who pointed these out. I would consider these bugs. The intent was for them to work. I will look into a varios things to find a resolution. If you have one please feel free to post it tin the forum!
Upcoming features and current site stats
Upcoming features:
Im still alpha testing and doing daily rebuilds of "Round 4 - Media Edition" Its basically the same ROM, but with Album, Audio Manager, Google maps and You Tube all built-in and working 100%.
Full integration with M2D. Fixes all the bugs that have been reported about the integration failures.
+You Tube and Internet Tab Integration - YouTube link on the Internet tab and it works like it should.
+Google Maps and location Tab integration - Searching using the Location Tab now works. Had to build in Google Maps to make it work.
+Album and Audio Manager will be built in and integrated with the tabs
+Added device lock.
+Added a couple more themes and removed one or two.
+Added nueWiFiSwitch - Lets you reprogram the WiFi on/off switch for other functions like ringer.
+Reset the default tabs to add Location, Internet, Album, and Audio Manger.
+++Cleaned Up ROM Pack. Now just one CAB file with a shortcut in My Documents. Single CAB file will unzip all apps and themes to the My Documents folder. Very similar to original Round 4 but easier to manage and delete. Excluding carrier cabs. Frees up a lot of space that way!
Remember this is still in alpha testing. Need to work on the Album and Audio manager OEM's. Once that it done I am DONE!
Interesting site stats for the download link ( since Novemeber 2nd at 12:00am midnight.
37 Gigs total data Downloaded !!!
520 Roms and kitchens Downloaded!!!
8 Pay Pal Donations!!!
9.25 Gigs a day average download rate!!
104 ROMS a day average download !!!
3.3 ROMS an hour average download rate!!!
A total of 8 Pay Pal donations! *Thank you much!!!
1 Pay pal donation per every 64 downloads average!!!
Two pay pal donations per day average!!
Almost 1000 page hits!!!
More than 50 percent of the people that go to the site download the ROM or the kitchen!!!
+ Dont deep link my ROM anywhere! I need the page counter to keep track of things. Deep linking will force me to post to RapidShare for accountability. No one wants that. My site is stupid fast and unlimited downloads to you. I do have to pay $15.00 a month but that is OK with me as long as I don't have to bump up my plan or pay any overage fees from Yahoo. You can how ever post links to (Just don't deep link please!).
And most importantly, Thank you for taking the time to download my work and more importantly trust my work! Thanks!
If you would like to donate to keep the site up please donate via paypal at If you are not in a position to donate then please leave some positive feedback in the thread. Either would make me happy and motivate me to continue this project! I am also donating part of the proceeds to DCD and the M2D teams that made this possible!
woo hoo first reply
downloading as we speak
cant wait to rip into round 4!
thanks heaps in advance scott.
very informative first post also!
Damager said:
woo hoo first reply
downloading as we speak
cant wait to rip into round 4!
thanks heaps in advance scott.
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Great let me know what you think! I am going to stay up for a while to see who if any one replies back to night. Please do.
Thanks for being the first to check it out!
Downloaded.... Installed... Customized.... Running GREAT!!!!
Thanks Scott!!!!!!!!
kmagn13 said:
Downloaded.... Installed... Customized.... Running GREAT!!!!
Thanks Scott!!!!!!!!
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Thanks glad to hear!
flashed to new rom #4
installed all included programs except youtube.. no problem.. runs sweet.
touchflo picture tab says "cant find album searcher" .. no biggie ill look into later
had a go at installing all the included themes, all good, especially liked manila 2d white v2.. nice clock in that one. the blue theme came up with an error during the apply but didnt seem to be any probs after? also added my fav themes.. all installed fine.
installed all of my usual fav applications eg sms chat, tcpmp, skyfire and others.. no problem at all
speed is good everywhere.
rom 3 was good, but rom 4 is definitely a step up unquestionably.. have given the phone a good thrashing tonight with things open etc.. no auto shutdown of programs.. nice
opera doesnt shutdown touchflo.. might be just my good luck but nice surprise!
i cannot really fault this build. bloody awesome scott..
cheers and thanks!.. now i can go to bed
Nice work!
scrosler said:
NueSPL2.47 (OliPro 2.40 will more than likely work but I have not tested).
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Confirmed, it works fine with Olipro 2.4.
Flash in progress, will give you some feedback shortly.
Flashing now.
flashing now round 4, i had round 3 ,btw 3 issues i found on round 3:
1.this rom is too fast!!!
2. everytime my finger slides to the right and left i get exited.!!!
3. your effort and hard work has paid off!
not to bad for round 3 issues uh?
lets see how round 4 makes me feel
Edit: why does this rom feel faster than DCD 3.2.6? any changes in registry?
Edit 2: i did find a problem "minor problem" with the text messaging, everytime you go to a text it defaults to the top text before responding to a text, then you must type 1 letter to activate the text input in the SMS window, then you can send a message.
Sorry i thats the only issue i found.
Looks good Scott, my only request is that you release the kitchen files. I have several OEM only games and apps I install that I can't find in CAB format and lack the ability to convert to CAB myself.
Any chance you can RAR up your kitchen folder and post it as well?
- touchflo doesn't seem to be working in the start menu programs or any applications besides M2D
santisurf said:
- touchflo doesn't seem to be working in the start menu programs or any applications besides M2D
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You need TouchFloSL.
Make sure you set manilla exe in the exclusion list tho.
can we get a release for the dcd kitchen files?
Scott, I would also like to see a release for the dcd kitchen files? I have some personal files and have grown to like and use "UC Autorun" to do an automatic install of all my cab files and personal settings. Love you M2d Roms.
I just noticed that DCD 3.2.6 has an additional 30-something MB free total. I assume that all the extra's that you cook into the rom bring that total down?
i installed it it runs great..however is there anyway to make a button...such as center middle button on the device go back to the home screen on touchflow?
Damager said:
flashed to new rom #4
installed all included programs except youtube.. no problem.. runs sweet.
touchflo picture tab says "cant find album searcher" .. no biggie ill look into later
had a go at installing all the included themes, all good, especially liked manila 2d white v2.. nice clock in that one. the blue theme came up with an error during the apply but didnt seem to be any probs after? also added my fav themes.. all installed fine.
installed all of my usual fav applications eg sms chat, tcpmp, skyfire and others.. no problem at all
speed is good everywhere.
rom 3 was good, but rom 4 is definitely a step up unquestionably.. have given the phone a good thrashing tonight with things open etc.. no auto shutdown of programs.. nice
opera doesnt shutdown touchflo.. might be just my good luck but nice surprise!
i cannot really fault this build. bloody awesome scott..
cheers and thanks!.. now i can go to bed
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Thanks! Glad you liked it!!! I liked the Manilla Ver 2 as well! I also liked the OS X style theme. I'll look inot the Album issue. I was up till 4:00am working on this thing. Its inevitable I make one mistake ;p Heheheh....

|July 4|RAPH| .¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-|Energy| 21916|29022 - Sense 2019 / 2.1 / Titanium

Welcome to the "EnergyROM" thread !
This development thread is for my "Energy" custom firmware series for the HTC Touch Pro (Raphael) device.
The current build numbers and date can be seen in the title of this thread. I usually update the ROMs about twice a week, as new builds come down the pipe or as new software/updates are available.
I build my ROMs with four main goals.
Eye candy ( I want my ROM to look great and for it to all flow together nicely)
Speed !!!
Smoothness, consistency and good aesthetics
Stability through private beta testing before public release
I pre-configure a lot of things in my ROM, because when I flash it on my phone, I want it ready to go. So, expect the backlight to be set at the maximum brightness, the ringtone, sms/email and other notifications to already be set. Doing it this way, makes for a nice ROM that's ready out of the box.
I recommend learning to backup your settings with either Sashimi or UC (User Customization). Backing up with SPB Backup or similar products, is NOT recommended, as they tend to backup the previous release's registry/file bugs as well!
Looking at the download folder you will find two core versions of my ROM.
The 21916 Build which is the most reliable, fast and bug free release. It has the Start menu button at the top left corner just like a stock ROM. I recommend you start with this first!
The 29022 Build that's the latest in the 6.5.X series with the Start menu button at the bottom left corner and big softkeys. These builds reflect the latest cutting edge technology from Microsoft. These are also much more finger friendly throughout.
You can stay up to date on the status of my ROM development by "following" me on Twitter.
It's definitely the fastest way to get in touch with me and please don't be afraid to tweet me if you see major issues with the ROMs.
I generally do not answer "support" questions on Twitter, as it's really not the proper medium for that. Service packs and quick fixes will always be released as links in my tweets and that's definitely the fastest way to get a fix for a ROM.
To follow me on twitter, click here!
If you own an European\Asian Touch PRO, use the "Keyboard Selector" application under Utilities > Tweaks (after you flash the ROM) to select the "Pro" keyboard layout. The ROM comes with the american AT&T Fuze layout enabled by default.
This post features all the Cookie Hometab based ROMs I make.
The original ROM is the "energy" version and that's a good starting point. All the rest, are themes applied to that ROM.
They all come in two versions, Cookie 1.8.5 and Cookie 2.0 (the ROM filename will be labeled "Cookie" and "Cookie.2.0, plus the name of the theme)
You can see more screenshots of these ROMs a couple of posts down.
The two Cookie versions look pretty similar, but Cookie 2.0 has multiple sliding homescreens/freely moveable widgets (similar to Android) and
quite a few more features and speed, however it's still in 'beta'. Cookie 1.8.5 is considered the less complicated and stable build for now.
My own 'Energy' style
This is the best ROM version and the way Sense should have been designed by HTC
Offers the biggest customization ability out of all versions. You can add/remove bars or items on the homescreen, arrange items any way you like, plus lots of extra features
Three built in lockscreens. "HD Mini" style, Manila style or Windows style
3 pages of quicklinks with a configurable amount of shortcuts displayed
3 Homescreen layouts to choose from, as seen in the above screenshots, all completely customizable !
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
Dinik's "Anastasia"
This ROM series is skinned with Dinik's great "Anastasia" theme applied on everything.
Everything has been skinned, including Sense, the start menu items, the soft keyboard, parts of the dialer... etc
_LeCiel_'s ".sencity"
This ROM is themed with the .sencity theme released by _LeCiel_ who is a very talented artist ! Please support his work if possible.
.sencity is not %100 complete yet, but _LeCiel_ is working hard on finishing his work to completely skin the entire ROM.
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
DJC & Bobsbbq's "Touch Of Glass"
This ROM series is skinned with DJC's "Touch of Glass" theme throughout Sense and the Start Menu
More will be skinned as DJC continues his work on the theme in the future...
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
ElCondor's "GTX"
This ROM has the white GTX theme applied
Android styled taskbar, matching dialer, matching start menu background and Action screen background
GTX is a total reskin of the operating system, so expect a very different (white) experience
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
'Standard' ROMs that have no addons installed on the homescreen. Stock Sense 2.5 !
This series retains the stock functionality of the Sense UI. The files have been compressed by "CFC" compression. making the UI lighter and faster
This ROM still retains my theme and style, plus all the regular apps you find in my ROMs.
There are no homescreen addon-ons in this ROM. The best speed and the most stock functionality.
MaxSense UI (android style homescreen)
This is a complete rewrite of the Sense homescreen, by maxycy.
It features a 3 screen, Android style, homescreen with widgets! The widgets can be placed ANYWHERE on the three screens.
75 Quicklink accessible on all tabs
You should really visit the original thread for this mod shown on the next line to see all the features!
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <.
Titanium (ROMs for raw speed!)
This is a minimal ROM version without Sense in it. It's used primarily for people that like to customize the default 6.5 homescreen (Titanium)
You can use it to install alternate homescreen interfaces like SPB Mobile Shell, etc
Very low memory footprint and good battery life, but very simple and lacks a lot of features that you would otherwise have available in Sense...
Click the following link for addons, XDA_UC help and various cabs specific to this ROM series
List of installed applications
Bubble Breaker
Digital Compass
Google Maps
ChartCross GPS Test
Opera 9.7
Jbed Java
Remote Desktop
A couple of widgets for ROM Updates
MSN Messenger and Windows Live
Barnes Noble eReader
Windows Live
Send and Receive All
Data Controller
Audio Booster
FM Radio
MP3 Trimmer
Voice Recorder
InCall Recording
Office Mobile
Full suite of Office Mobile 2010
BsB Tweaks
Lock Device
Microsoft MyPhone
Registry Editor
PIM Backup
FDC TaskManager
Wifi Router
My own Settings Exporter tool
Shake and Save (screenshot app)
Wifi Monster
Wifi Router (internet sharing app)
On the Start Menu
Backlight control app
Total Commander
Rotate Screen (by clicking icon or by pushing down Send key)
Windows Marketplace
ROM features at a glance:
Very fast startup time. You won't find any startup wizards in this ROM. You'll be up and running in a couple minutes after flashing the ROM and ready to go. No need to spend time to set everything up.
XDA_UC is built in. It will import your custom XML and REG files from your storage card after first boot.
My own Settings Exporter application is found in the Tools folder. Use it to export all your settings after you customize the device. When a new ROM comes down the line, use it to import everything and save time.
Everything is setup to use the phone right after flashing. Sounds, notifications, all options, etc
The HTC Messaging client is removed, leaving the windows built SMS client for much faster texting, but still able to use a nicely skinned Sense text messaging app with "iphone style" messaging bubbles.
Release notes
July 4th, 2011
Wifi Router app updated for more compatibility (especially VGA devices)
USSD Service app fixed and updated
Removed rogue Imagio bootup welcomescreen and animation
Fixed InCall volume issues for 21916 VGA devices ROMs
Fixed Bubblebreaker for 21916 ROMs
VoIP components thrown back in
July 2nd, 2011
Updated to 29022
Bluetooth HID profiles cooked back in
Fixed Opera favorites problem in Titanium ROMs
SIM Manager not opening on some devices, fixed
Camera version 6.45 from Oboe integrated in all HD2 specific ROMs
Added Ninja Duck's "No WIFI Sleep" cab to the addons directory to stop wifi from sleeping during HTC Wifi Sharing operations (
Sencity skinned dialer made by "eac" (only on some devices, HD2 and VGA excluded)
June 1st, 2011
Fixed Music tab bug where songs don't play all the way or get stuck on "searching"
Fixed blue disabled button situation in certain instances, but keeping the WM contacts readable
WorldCard Mobile removed from ALL ROMs (useless, broken, app... if you want it there's plenty
of cabs for it around)
Some ICONS are now squared for better compability with SPB and other apps
Audiobooster skin for Touch of Glass ROMs (WVGA only)
Added nice 28 day Agenda MOD to Calendar tab in Sense (thanks to slabbi! not sure if this got cooked in ?!? feedback please...)
Week view in Sense Calendar tab is now more legible with a blue highlight instead of grey
Palringo updated to 2.6.2
Stock CHT Layout restoration file fixed for all ROMs
GTX Taskbar mod to 21916 ROMs for better visibility of task manager icon
GTX Skin for TCPMP
GTX Skin for the MP3Trimmer
GTX Mod for the CommManager
All of the above GTX mods are thanks to member eac ! Romanian power! lol
GTX "music widget not displaying on homescreen bug" fixed
Slight adjustment to HD2 GTX dialpad
2010 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
2009 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
2008 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
Please do not trust your livelihood to something you have not tested, running on a custom ROM, built on top of a beta operating system with a UI ported from another device!
If you depend on it, test it first. After finding a version that works well for you, I recommend keeping a personal backup. That way if you flash a newer version and problems are found, you have something to restore to.
When you download a ROM, it is a compressed file, such as 7Z or ZIP.
If you cannot extract the ROM from the archive, get a recent copy of 7ZIP or WinRar.
Do not post about a bad archive without doing this.
1. Post which version of the ROM - Sense 2.1, Sense 2.5, Cookie, Max Sense, Titanium, Max Manila, GTX
2. Post which windows version - 21907 or 23569
3. Accurately describe the problem. For visual issues, post screen shots. Shake And Save is included at Start->Tools
4. Wait at least 1 or 2 days, if not more before resposting. I personally read every post in this thread. I do this on my own time.
5. Describe things you have tried.
6. Provide step by step actions to reproduce when possible. Such as: Go to message tab. Press icon in upper right to start new message. Not: Start a new text message. Why? There is more than 1 way to do most things. Not all ways lead to problems. Provide your specific way to reproduce it.
7. Thread title might show a later date than the available ROMs. Here's why - so, don't post about it, unless it is more than 2 days later than the thread title and there aren't already posts about it. ​BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING
"Please remember that there are a lot of variables here and the ROM is just one of them. You may have any number of the following issues:
1) a bad flash
2) an application incompatibility issue
3) a simple settings problem
4) a large RF source in your pants​If several people all determine that they have done XYZ and have problem ABC it may be that our chef can do something about it. Until such time, you have some troubleshooting to do. Namely;
1) Check your settings, sometimes, that is all it takes
2) Reset and test again
3) Hard Reset and test again
4) Flash the stock ROM and spend a few days noting the behavior as you add your software
5) Flash an NRG ROM and use it a few days without adding software
6) Start adding software until the problem occurs." ​==================================================
These ROMs are For GSM. For CDMA, Click Here to go to the Herman Energy ROM thread
See my post here which adds a little more detail:
Click Here for the Rhodium Video Caller.
Click Here for instructions to install a dialer, a link to the Huashan dialer.
The first few days
• There is nothing special about this ROM to make it use more power than other ROMs except that it is tweaked for performance over battery life. After things have settled down, you should get a couple of days usage out of a charge.
• Immediately after flashing, you will probably observe very poor battery performance. This is due to the charging circuit having to reset itself.
• The battery meter will not settle down and give accurate readings for a few battery cycles. Give it a few days.
• For the first few battery charging cycles, try to charge to 100% with phone off and then allow battery to drain down quite a bit before recharging. This is so the meter will calculate drain well.
• Make sure you followed all of the flashing instructions to the letter. Especially the part about the hard reset.
• Backlight is set to high. You might want to change that.
• 3G is on by default. Recommendation is to turn it off when you are not surfing the internet.
• Don't drain your batery all the way down until it dies. Not good for these types of batteries.
• The GPS sucks the battery dry. If you want to keep track of yourself, consider something like GPSToday that only wakes up the GPS once in a while.
• Maybe you don't really need aGPS enabled. Disable and check GPS lock times and battery drain.
• Applications that run from the storage card consume more power so install oft-used or background-type applications to main memory.
• If your radio does not match your rilphone.dll you can get crazy bad battery drainage. Use the recommended radio or spend some time working out a good combination for your phone/carrier/location/usage.
• Check to see that some application is not still running in the background. Check, do not assume. USe the full Task Manager application.
• Check to see if the screen is still on when you expect it to be off. Soft reset can fix that issue.
• Some radios work better with some carriers and locations. Asking everyone to tell you what radio to use may not give you the best answer. Be specific about your situation.
• More stuff you should see HERE
If you have tried all the above and still can't get over a day with moderate use, you may actually have a bad battery. Try getting a new one that is made by another manufacturer.
Several people have reported problems with Class 6 SD cards. This is not limited to this ROM. Seems the hardware is finicky. Try Class 4 for better results.
Flashing guide for Noobs:
New Known Issues with current ROM
Phone settings from 6.5.x build are missing
Link to solution posted here.
Known Issues with current ROM
Remap of PTT and Long PTT don't work. Create a short cut to the apps you want. Name them Long_PTT.lnk and Short_PTT.lnk. Copy them to the windows folder.
Or install and use Tarkim's RaphKeyboardMapper and create a rule for PTT (Long and Short).
23xxx series does not use the HTC Volume Control. This is true with all 23xxx ROMs for the Raphael. 2 solutions. MarcLandis Volume Control located right here on Another great solution is VolumeEx, but it is trialware. I think it is only about $10 to register. It gives some really cool features, such as restoring your volume after a specified time. Perfect for meetings, so you don't forget to turn it back up.
Minor Known Issues with current ROM
1. Music shuts off when you play with no headphones and then shut off the
screen with the button on top. Not an issue when playing through wired headphones or A2DP devices. Also, not an issue if you just wait for the screen to shut off.
2. 23xxx series ROMs don't rotate apps through the G-Sensor. There are 3rd party apps to handle this, such as ChangeScreen or Gyrator. (I have nto tried Gyrator).
benjamminzIS said:
it is known that restoring hundreds/thousands of sms/emails (or even emails with large attachements) can cause serious lag in the SMS/Email apps...
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4. MMS Settings do not set up properly for all carriers. (reported by other users.) Settings for 1 MB send and receive at this link:
Note: AT&T send limit is 600k or 614400. AT&T recieve is 1MB or 1024000.
AT&T and probably T-Mobile do not require changing the settings to send an MMS.
Setting limits higher than what your carrier supports will result in a failed send or receive.
PhantomYoda said:
For those having problems with ActiveSync, specifically with Windows 7, I got it to work on my system by going to (on the Fuze) Start > Settings > Connections > USB to PC and making sure the ActiveSync radio button was selected, and that the Enable Faster Data Sync was not checked.
Seems Windows 7 and Mobile Device Center have problems when that option is selected.
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6. Bluetooth hands free issues: See this post by jmbillings for fix:
NRGZ28 has posted that he will cook this in at post #25951
The solution was confirmed to work by the user mdissel at post #25956
7. Sense 2.5 - 2016 has some port issues. Still very good, but any port issues should not be posted in this thread, but instead be posted there:
8. Delayed issue with lockscreen. Successful results have been posted using this method involving a blank file named WELCOME.NOT on your storage card. Steps in post here:
9. Occastionally you get an invalid unread message count. See this post to fix:
Issues in older version that have been corrected
Click here to see corrected issues from previous ROMS.
Links to useful pieces of software
FF Google aGPS Settings Generic - Dramatically decreae the time to get a GPS lock - Note: I am currently using the original Nokia. I tested the Google one for over a month. The Nokia one gets a lock faster after a flash.
JVH3_WeatherCityEditor_v3.5 - . Enter custom cities for the weather database, and have correct timezone info for it. Includes Backup and Restore.
Multiple more recent versions of Voice Command ported by PyroRob
XDA_UC friendly Voice Command Cab ported by PyroRob, modified by me to not include the setup.dll so it does not launch help
ChangeScreen by 600GOL - . Allows G Senseor rotation for the 23xxx series builds - Attached to this post is the changescreen config that I use.
Digital Outcast's snooze options - Gives the various snooze durations, when the alarm goes off.
LaunchHTCVolumeControl_1.0.CAB - that's by me - Exe to Launch the HTC Volume control on 23xxx builds
- no longer works since 23647 or 23121
Tarkim's Keyboard Remapper - RaphKbdControl_GSM.CAB - Allows remapping of keys. Can be used to map the volume keys to ren the exe thatt will launch the HTC Volume Control on 23xxx builds. - Attached to this post is the tarkin key settings that I use to use the volume control.
NRG Font Restore - Not all apps play well with the font he now cookes in. This reverts it back to Tahoma.
Windows Mobile SMS Skins (All Messages not the Manila Messaging)
A cab for a 3x4 Action Screen replacement by rcartolano originally posted here and cabbed by me.
NEW - An update to the 3x4 Action screen Sencity and some links to Sencity fixes.
Gyrator posted here by snappieee with a link to the original website which may contain updated versions at a later time.
Advanced topics
XDA_UC tips and tricks (Rhodium) -
This thread is dedicated to XDA_UC for the Rhodium. It is a great reference.
But, since it is for the Rhodium, refrain from posting anything Fuze or Touch Pro specific.
BenjamminzIS XDA_UC mod and XDA_UC repository -
Lots of things XDA_UC related in here
Task 29 -
This can be used to avoid the hard reset at screen aliignment.
Please read the directions fully. I personally have not used this yet.
Makisu -
Free tool to create xml provisioning files.
Album 3.2 with facebook integration -
This allows you to click Open Online Album on a contact and lets you use HTC Album to see the users picture that are on facebook.
I created a cab for the Album 3.2 install -
See the first link for the facebook integration.
Program Tab in Sense 2.5 -
I tested this with Energy ROM - July 2nd - 23569 - Cookie
Worked perfect. It scrolls a whole lot faster than the home screen. And gives access to the All Programs list.
I made a 4 column mod of it here:
Facebook Tab v1.5 -
There is a cab on post #1. Follow the directions. Stop Sense. Install Cab. Run FacebookUtil.exe in program Files\FacebookUtil and configure the settings. Delete Windows\ManilaFull.xml. Delete 51B6F88A_manila. Start Sense.
Advantages: Update status directly from tab. Control frequency of updates.
Launch Facebook app and web page from the tab. More settings.
Delete 51B6F88A_manila to fix slider. It is the mode9 file for that.
GPS Tab -
Tried this. It's kind of cool, but not needed.
Other Links (not tested by me):
DroppedBoxx WM Dropbox Client:
I use dropbox through the site, but not with my mobile. I haven't fully bought into cloud computing being secure.
I do not run this, since it has caused multiple problems for multiple people regarding postioning and size issues. I also do not recommend using it.
SMS TimeStamp Fix:
Uses the phone time, instead of the network time for text message.
DeadVirus said:
Since this is a .dll that integrates with the winmo messaging process/service it will not eat your resources constantly.
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I personally flash nearly everytime NRGZ28 relases a ROM
In other posts, my signature includes a link to a post that has links to most of my experiences with the more recent ROMs NRGZ28 has released.
Here is that link:
With some flashes I post my XDA_UC on that post I indicate if I posted that.
My Twitter:
The XDA_UC cooked in my ROMs is modified from the stock XDA_UC made by Noonski. Great addon, by the way... Noonski did a great job with this !
The version in my ROMs is trimmed down to fit the needs of my ROM series.
Some of the extra features are:
It will copy shortcuts (.lnk files) found in \XDA_UC\Start Menu\ to the device's start menu folder (\windows\Start Menu) in the hierarchy that it finds on the storage card. For example: Let's say you have a navigation package on the storage card, like Navigon. If you make a shortcut to the navigon.exe file as Navigon.lnk and copy it to \XDA_UC\Start Menu\GPS\ as "Navigon.lnk" then on a fresh ROM install it will copy any shortcuts it finds there to the same location on the device, so it'll end up in \Windows\Start Menu\GPS\. This works for other folders on the Start Menu as well. Just put the shortcuts in \xda_uc\Start Menu\ in the folders you will like the shortcuts to appear to, on the device.
It will copy a custom splash screen from \Storage Card\XDA_UC\welcomehead.192.png to \windows automatically and overwrite the one in the ROM.
It will copy a custom Sense background found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\sense\wallpaper_sense.png to the device and set that wallpaper as default in Sense. So rename your wallpaper as "wallpaper_sense.png" and drop it in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\sense\ and on the next ROM flash that wallpaper will become your wallpaper in Sense.
Other than that XDA_UC works as designed by Noonski and it will do the following things:
It will automatically import your PPCbackup (*.pib) file found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will install custom XDAS scripts found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently install CAB files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will install special CAB files that require user input (such as Agreements or any type of prompt) found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\SD
It will silently import REG files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently install REG files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\Exporter, as exported by my own Settings Exporter, ONLY if the "automatic" file is also present in that folder (and it most cases it should be, enable that option in the Settings Export application's menu)
It will silently import XML files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently import CER files (usually Exchange certificates) found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently run custom MSCR files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
That's it, but don't forget to checkout the Addons folder and look in the XDA_UC section for tips and tutorials on how to export your email/wifi settings and various little .reg and tweaks you can add to your XDA_UC collection.
As always don't forget to check what installs automatically before reporting a problem with the ROM. Most of the time, if you notice you have a problem that nobody else is experience is because one of the cabs you dropped in the XDA_UC folder is installing automatically while you don't even think about it.
Absolutely awesome ROM! Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated....
Download It
Unzip It
Flash It
Enjoy It
This will only change your 1st boot screen, flash it just like a ROM.
I am not responsible if something goes wrong.
What is the difference between the regular and the MSVC version?
was just going to flash 51809 but i guess i wont bother now.
Cant wait to download this
I love the energyROM series
copied from the other thread in case you never read that thread again
wilbur-force said:
oh ... and NRG .....
have a couple of pints of warm british beer on me
keep up the excellent work !!
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Can't Wait
I can't wait!!!! i need to pee but im holding it in waiting for the download i cant wait lol J/K lol just wanted to be funny
VERY nice! One question:
creating a new SMS-with other ROM's I could just start typing in the "to" field and it would automatically search my contacts. here i have to hit "enter" which brings up a contacts list then type the name. Is this a setting i can change or a bug?
thanks again...GREAT ROM!!
itguy28 said:
i need to pee but im holding it in...
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WAY too much information!
GermanGuy said:
What is the difference between the regular and the MSVC version?
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MSVC is regular with Microsoft Voice Commander
ehehat said:
WAY too much information!
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it was a joke lol!
looks like NRG is as popular as boy bands were in the late 90's. think you can get a mod to delete these useless post to make search function work better, thanks boss and congratulations on another release.
redbandana said:
looks like NRG is as popular as boy bands were in the late 90's. think you can get a mod to delete these useless post to make search function work better, thanks boss and congratulations on another release.
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you are right im sorry for posting that. NRGZ Great work on all your roms. Cant wait for this one keep up the good work and sorry again

T [WWE|GER|FRA|ITA|NLD] |July 4| Energy™-.¸¸.·´¯ 6.5|21916 / 6.5.X|29022 * Sense 2021

Welcome to the "EnergyROM" thread !
This development thread is for my "Energy" custom firmware series for the HTC Diamond2 (Topaz) device.
The current build numbers and date can be seen in the title of this thread. I usually update the ROMs about twice a week, as new builds come down the pipe or as new software/updates are available.
I build my ROMs with four main goals.
Eye candy ( I want my ROM to look great and for it to all flow together nicely)
Speed !!!
Smoothness, consistency and good aesthetics
Stability through private beta testing before public release
I pre-configure a lot of things in my ROM, because when I flash it on my phone, I want it ready to go. So, expect the backlight to be set at the maximum brightness, the ringtone, sms/email and other notifications to already be set. Doing it this way, makes for a nice ROM that's ready out of the box.
I recommend learning to backup your settings with either Sashimi or UC (User Customization). Backing up with SPB Backup or similar products, is NOT recommended, as they tend to backup the previous release's registry/file bugs as well!
Looking at the download folder you will find two core versions of my ROM.
A 21916 Build which is the most reliable and bug free release. It has the Start menu button at the top left corner. This build uses the same stock system that came with your device. This is usually the fastest and most stable build, but it's also the least fancy
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
A 29022 Build that's the latest in Microsoft's development with the Start menu button at the bottom left corner and big softkeys, making it all very "finger friendly". These builds reflect the latest cutting edge technology from Microsoft. Most people choose this build... Why else would you install a custom ROM ?
You can stay up to date on the status of my ROM development by "following" me on Twitter.
It's definitely the fastest way to get in touch with me and please don't be afraid to tweet me if you see major issues with the ROMs.
I generally do not answer "support" questions on Twitter, as it's really not the proper medium for that. Service packs and quick fixes will always be released as links in my tweets and that's definitely the fastest way to get a fix for a ROM.
To follow me on twitter, click here!
This post features all the Cookie Hometab based ROMs I make.
The original ROM is the "energy" version and that's a good starting point. All the rest, are themes applied to that ROM.
They all come in two versions, Cookie 1.8.5 and Cookie 2.0 (the ROM filename will be labeled "Cookie" and "Cookie.2.0, plus the name of the theme)
You can see more screenshots of these ROMs a couple of posts down.
The two Cookie versions look pretty similar, but Cookie 2.0 has multiple sliding homescreens/freely moveable widgets (similar to Android) and
quite a few more features and speed.
My own 'Energy' style
This is the best ROM version and the way Sense should have been designed by HTC
Offers the biggest customization ability out of all versions. You can add/remove bars or items on the homescreen, arrange items any way you like, plus lots of extra features
Three built in lockscreens. "HD Mini" style, Manila style or Windows style
3 pages of quicklinks with a configurable amount of shortcuts displayed
3 Homescreen layouts to choose from, as seen in the above screenshots, all completely customizable !
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
Dinik's "Anastasia"
This ROM series is skinned with Dinik's great "Anastasia" theme applied on everything.
Everything has been skinned, including Sense, the start menu items, the soft keyboard, parts of the dialer... etc
_LeCiel_'s ".sencity"
This ROM is themed with the .sencity theme released by _LeCiel_ who is a very talented artist ! Please support his work if possible.
.sencity is not %100 complete yet, but _LeCiel_ is working hard on finishing his work to completely skin the entire ROM.
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
DJC & Bobsbbq's "Touch Of Glass"
This ROM series is skinned with DJC's "Touch of Glass" theme throughout Sense and the Start Menu
More will be skinned as DJC continues his work on the theme in the future...
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
ElCondor's "GTX"
This ROM has the white GTX theme applied
Android styled taskbar, matching dialer, matching start menu background and Action screen background
GTX is a total reskin of the operating system, so expect a very different (white) experience
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <
'Standard' ROMs that have no addons installed on the homescreen. Stock Sense 2.5 !
This series retains the stock functionality of the Sense UI. The files have been compressed by "CFC" compression. making the UI lighter and faster
This ROM still retains my theme and style, plus all the regular apps you find in my ROMs.
There are no homescreen addon-ons in this ROM. The best speed and the most stock functionality.
This ROM is mostly for people that want a close to stock ROM with the stock visual style. It's also perfect for doing your own customizations.
A lot of the cooked in apps are removed in this ROM, the Start menu back to the stock 3 row style
Sense and everything else is back to the default HTC green.
ROMs mostly created for enthusiasts...
MaxSense UI (android style homescreen)
This is a complete rewrite of the Sense homescreen, by maxycy.
It features a 3 screen, Android style, homescreen with widgets! The widgets can be placed ANYWHERE on the three screens.
75 Quicklink accessible on all tabs
You should really visit the original thread for this mod shown on the next line to see all the features!
Link to the original thread for this mod is here > Click <.
Titanium (ROMs for raw speed!)
This is a minimal ROM version without Sense in it. It's used primarily for people that like to customize the default 6.5 homescreen (Titanium)
You can use it to install alternate homescreen interfaces like SPB Mobile Shell, etc
Very low memory footprint and good battery life, but very simple and lacks a lot of features that you would otherwise have available in Sense...
Click the following link for addons, XDA_UC help and various cabs specific to this ROM series
List of installed applications
Bubble Breaker
Google Maps
Opera 9.7
Jbed Java
Remote Desktop
A couple of widgets for ROM Updates
MSN Messenger and Windows Live
Windows Live
Send and Receive All
Data Controller
Audio Booster
FM Radio
MP3 Trimmer
Voice Recorder
InCall Recording
Office Mobile
Full suite of Office Mobile 2010
BsB Tweaks
Lock Device
Microsoft MyPhone
Registry Editor
PIM Backup
FDC TaskManager
Wifi Router
My own Settings Exporter tool
Shake and Save (screenshot app)
Wifi Monster
Wifi Router (internet sharing app)
On the Start Menu
Backlight control app
Total Commander
Rotate Screen (by clicking icon or by pushing down Send key)
Windows Marketplace
ROM features at a glance:
Very fast startup time. You find any startup wizards in this ROM. You'll be up and running in a couple minutes after flashing the ROM.
XDA_UC is built in. It will import your custom XML and REG files from your storage card after first boot.
My own Settings Exporter application is found in the Tools folder. Use it to export all your settings after you customize the device. When a new ROM comes down the line, use it to import everything and save time.
Everything is setup to use the phone right after flashing. Sounds, notifications, etc
The HTC Messaging client is removed, leaving the windows built SMS client for much faster texting...
Release notes
July 4th, 2011
Wifi Router app updated for more compatibility (especially VGA devices)
USSD Service app fixed and updated
Removed rogue Imagio bootup welcomescreen and animation
Fixed InCall volume issues for 21916 VGA devices ROMs
Fixed Bubblebreaker for 21916 ROMs
VoIP components thrown back in
July 2nd, 2011
Updated to 29022
Bluetooth HID profiles cooked back in
Fixed Opera favorites problem in Titanium ROMs
SIM Manager not opening on some devices, fixed
Camera version 6.45 from Oboe integrated in all HD2 specific ROMs
Added Ninja Duck's "No WIFI Sleep" cab to the addons directory to stop wifi from sleeping during HTC Wifi Sharing operations (
Sencity skinned dialer made by "eac" (only on some devices, HD2 and VGA excluded)
June 1st, 2011
Fixed Music tab bug where songs don't play all the way or get stuck on "searching"
Fixed blue disabled button situation in certain instances, but keeping the WM contacts readable
WorldCard Mobile removed from ALL ROMs (useless, broken, app... if you want it there's plenty
of cabs for it around)
Some ICONS are now squared for better compability with SPB and other apps
Audiobooster skin for Touch of Glass ROMs (WVGA only)
Added nice 28 day Agenda MOD to Calendar tab in Sense (thanks to slabbi! not sure if this got cooked in ?!? feedback please...)
Week view in Sense Calendar tab is now more legible with a blue highlight instead of grey
Palringo updated to 2.6.2
Stock CHT Layout restoration file fixed for all ROMs
GTX Taskbar mod to 21916 ROMs for better visibility of task manager icon
GTX Skin for TCPMP
GTX Skin for the MP3Trimmer
GTX Mod for the CommManager
All of the above GTX mods are thanks to member eac ! Romanian power! lol
GTX "music widget not displaying on homescreen bug" fixed
Slight adjustment to HD2 GTX dialpad
2010 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
2009 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
2008 (trimmed) -----------------------------------------------------------
Q: Do I need to install Hard SPL before I flash these ROMs?
A: Yes, it's highly recommended, this thread will help you out.
Q: How do I keep WiFi on even in standby?
A: Open "BsB Tweaks" in the "Tools" folder in the start menu. Scroll down to Connections/Wifi Standby and turn it on.
Q: I have problems with "my location".
A: It might help to update your current radio. Use this thread for further info about which radio that suits you.
Q: NRGZ28 have uploaded new ROMs, but I can't see any changelog for it!?
A: Sometimes their isn't such a big update and therefor no changelog will be posted. But you can try to look at the changelog for HD2.
Q: Their are new ROMs that are recently released, but I can't find them on Hotfile...
A: NRGZ28 often spreads the news about new upcoming ROMs when he starts to upload them. And he don't just cook ROMs for Topaz, so have patience and wait for the uploading to finish.
Q: I use GTX themed ROM and the clock stretches zeros, how can I fix this?
A: Install the hotfix called "ECKM GTX clock 0 fix" that's attached to this post. NOTE: This fix is from the original GTX thread where you also can find hotfixes for other bugs in GTX ROMs.
Q: I get wrong username or password error when I try to login on Twitter, even though I've typed in the correct username and password?
A: Try to log off Twitter on any other device/computer.
Q: Time zone prompts multiple times a day, also after a soft reset. What can I do?
A: Just go to the BsB Tweaks application (Start->Tools->BsB Tweaks) and turn the "Auto Sync Clock" off.
Q: How do I configure the action of the softwarebuttons?
A: Go to: Start Menu - Tools - Advanced Config - Click on Menu - More Settings - Key Mapping. You can either select from a list of applications on the drop down menu or browse for an application of your choice.
Q: I've got problems with Bluetooth Carkit Paring. What can I do?
A: This could solve the problem.
Q: MaxSense won't launch, even if it is after a flash/hardreset. Is there any solution?
A: There are not a straight answer for this, but one thing that seems to have helped others is to remove the XDA_UC folder from your storage card.
Q: Where is the "addons directory"?
A: At the moment, it's located here.
Q: My battery is draining... is their any fix for enhancement?
A: Yes and no, because sometimes this "fix" helps and sometimes not. However you can find the trick here.
Q: Do I need to hardreset my phone after I've flashed one of NRGZ28's ROMs?
A: It's recommended, because it will remove any old settings that may cause bugs in the new ROM.
Q: It would be great if I could boost the audio on my phone, is there a way to do this?
A: You could take a look at this.
If you see anyone post a similar question to the above written, you can refer him/her with a link to this FAQ.
If you've found anything useful that you think should be added to the FAQ - then send me a PM with the title "Add to FAQ".
The XDA_UC cooked in my ROMs is modified from the stock XDA_UC made by Noonski. Great addon, by the way... Noonski did a great job with this !
The version in my ROMs is trimmed down to fit the needs of my ROM series.
Some of the extra features are:
It will copy shortcuts (.lnk files) found in \XDA_UC\Start Menu\ to the device's start menu folder (\windows\Start Menu) in the hierarchy that it finds on the storage card. For example: Let's say you have a navigation package on the storage card, like Navigon. If you make a shortcut to the navigon.exe file as Navigon.lnk and copy it to \XDA_UC\Start Menu\GPS\ as "Navigon.lnk" then on a fresh ROM install it will copy any shortcuts it finds there to the same location on the device, so it'll end up in \Windows\Start Menu\GPS\. This works for other folders on the Start Menu as well. Just put the shortcuts in \xda_uc\Start Menu\ in the folders you will like the shortcuts to appear to, on the device.
It will copy a custom splash screen from \Storage Card\XDA_UC\welcomehead.192.png to \windows automatically and overwrite the one in the ROM.
It will copy a custom Sense background found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\sense\wallpaper_sense.png to the device and set that wallpaper as default in Sense. So rename your wallpaper as "wallpaper_sense.png" and drop it in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\sense\ and on the next ROM flash that wallpaper will become your wallpaper in Sense.
Other than that XDA_UC works as designed by Noonski and it will do the following things:
It will automatically import your PPCbackup (*.pib) file found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will install custom XDAS scripts found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently install CAB files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will install special CAB files that require user input (such as Agreements or any type of prompt) found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\SD
It will silently import REG files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently install REG files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\Exporter, as exported by my own Settings Exporter, ONLY if the "automatic" file is also present in that folder (and it most cases it should be, enable that option in the Settings Export application's menu)
It will silently import XML files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently import CER files (usually Exchange certificates) found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
It will silently run custom MSCR files found in \Storage Card\XDA_UC\
That's it, but don't forget to checkout the Addons folder and look in the XDA_UC section for tips and tutorials on how to export your email/wifi settings and various little .reg and tweaks you can add to your XDA_UC collection.
As always don't forget to check what installs automatically before reporting a problem with the ROM. Most of the time, if you notice you have a problem that nobody else is experience is because one of the cabs you dropped in the XDA_UC folder is installing automatically while you don't even think about it.
Cheers will definately give it a try, erm why does your music collection look too similar to my 90s college collection lol!! Some classics there!!
Just installed the standerd version from the 18th sep from you.
One (stupid i'm afraid) question: is it possible to turn the three big (manilla 2.5) icons of?, ik like the 2.1 version more.
.. im starting DW .. hope in very great ROM ah ! thxxx
Hi! Excellent Rom, but there is one question:
The program soft key manager changes name Left softkey, but does not start the assigned program.
SORRY guys but just trying to point out the obvious,,,,,, NRG split the roms up in two, so dont you think its about time to stop with the wifi bug if you want him to continue development,,,, seriously, if you want it, flash the rom, if not dont,,,,, if you flash the rom youll find out,,, ,,, by now we should asume that the wifi IS messed up.... so why not just report if it isnt,, ,,,
i for one would like the oppotunety to be able to flash Energy roms with manilla 2.5 in the future... not trying to slam anyone or offend anyone, but just pointing out what i got from the last few post by senior members in the "genesis" forum, including NRG...
NRG: Thanx for another superb rom.... keep up the good work pls
amazing rom thank you for your hard work my phone rocks thanks to you
Firething said:
SORRY guys but just trying to point out the obvious,,,,,, NRG split the roms up in two, so dont you think its about time to stop with the wifi bug if you want him to continue development,,,, seriously, if you want it, flash the rom, if not dont,,,,, if you flash the rom youll find out,,, ,,, by now we should asume that the wifi IS messed up.... so why not just report if it isnt,, ,,,
i for one would like the oppotunety to be able to flash Energy roms with manilla 2.5 in the future... not trying to slam anyone or offend anyone, but just pointing out what i got from the last few post by senior members in the "genesis" forum, including NRG...
NRG: Thanx for another superb rom.... keep up the good work pls
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What's wrong about asking for a known bug in previous roms?
Considering that this is a new build and that NRG says on the first page that there are NO bugs, only some from HTM (twitter), I just want to know if has figured out what the problem was and if he has fixed it.
That's it dude....
NRG, thanks for your amazing roms, your patience and dedication!
Ok, more people saying that the wifi bug is still there. I'll post my findings when I finish downloading the file........which is going terribly slow (rs mirror).
KillBait! said:
just gone into the comm manager and seen the wifi slider flick on/off.. so i guess the bug still there
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Finally finished downloading the rom and it's installed now.
I am connected to my home wifi and I'm trying to see if wifi goes on and off.
A problem (maybe bug) that I see now is that I can't turn off the wifi manually through the com. manager. I see the slider is to the right, so wifi is on, but it's greyed out.....I can't turn it off.
I have to click on settings - wireless lan - menu - wifi - menu - turn off wifi
So this is pretty annoying.......can you guys check it out and see if you can turn wifi off manually in the com. manager??
Thanks, I'll checking the forum....
Thanks for all your hardwork on the EnergyROM's, you shall definatly be receiving a donation when my own personal credit crunch ends.
Love the Twitter integration too, I'll just wait a couple of revisions until it works, but its nice to see HTC embracing the "new" social networking site.
lobo81 said:
Finally finished downloading the rom and it's installed now.
I am connected to my home wifi and I'm trying to see if wifi goes on and off.
A problem (maybe bug) that I see now is that I can't turn off the wifi manually through the com. manager. I see the slider is to the right, so wifi is on, but it's greyed out.....I can't turn it off.
I have to click on settings - wireless lan - menu - wifi - menu - turn off wifi
So this is pretty annoying.......can you guys check it out and see if you can turn wifi off manually in the com. manager??
Thanks, I'll checking the forum....
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Maybe you have connected your phone with activesync and try to turn off or on a wifi? If yes... unplug phone from your pc.
Ok, I've been testing the rom now for about 40 minutes and so far no wifi bug for me.
I've let the phone on for 10 minutes and it didn't try to connect to my wifi. I've switchted the phone on and off (the screen) and it doesn't connect to wifi automatically. Which was the case in the previous version.
So for me, thusfar no wifi bugs. I'll keep the rom for a whole day and will post tomorrow with an update.
Thanks for the great rom!!
Wow!! another nice new ROM! thanks, NRGZ28, gonna flash this ROM later and report what i found(hopefully i would find nothing as bug).

[PRJ] Genius Suit, to compete with the upcoming wp7 interface!

I've been checking out xda-developers for a while now, just for fun in the beginning. But three months ago i bought my very own hd2, and I started developing So I've been making this today screen replacement called Genius Suit. It's something completely new. I tried to actually make themes of actual pictures to give the user a richer experience. A 'alpha' version is kind of working on my hd2 now, quicker than I expected. Well, enough talking, let me show it to you!
- Immersive experience through real pictures!
- Live wallpapers (called motions within the Suit)
- Weather forcast
- Start menu replacement
- Music/Video player. (Not fully implented yet)
- Draggable icons
- Desktop windows like task manager
To be implented (to do list):
- Full video and audio support
- OpenGL acceleration (already made some progress here)
- A functional settings menu
- Make it a today screen plugin (now only an .exe file)
- Replace the default windows manager (kind of hard)
- Speed tweaks
- Maybe some widget support
I might be opening this up for beta testing in the next month or so, depends on how quickly I can implent most of my to do list
Let me know what you think!
EDIT: For some reason I can't implement outside links or something, says the moderators have to aprove me, so you will have to wait for screenshots
you didn't show anything. you only let us read
any screenies or any sort of teaser?
i'm sure lot's of people will be dying to try.
keep up the good work!
oops.. dbl post
just put the link with a * in it or something..
curious to see the layout, but the today screen plugin is a very good PLUS for me...
i hope is not only for HD2...i have a tilt2....
Are you certain that it's 'Suit' and not 'Suite'?
Anyway, looking forward to seeing this. Holler if you need anything
More of an App than a Theme - so moved to that Forum

HTC (Mega) Touch2 T3333 Rom Adryan Edition WWE Full & Lite

HTC (Mega) Touch2 T3333 Rom Adryan Edition Full
Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional Build 21916.5.0.95 WWE
17 February 2011
I created this Rom special for me and I tested for some weeks and everything works fine. I offer you for testing and tell me your opinion for this.
Everything is only my work with a lot of documentation from xda-developers.
Old Theme;
Sample Music;
Some windows ringtones;
Theme. Default is Nature;
S2U2 v2.43 lockscreen with nature wallpaper;
Adobe Flash support for IE;
Microsoft Office 2010;
Microsoft MyPhone v01.06.2718.0001;
.Net Framework v3.5;
MarketPlace v1.2.1422.0000;
Manila 2D v2.0.20163224.00 with new icons;
Arcsoft Messaging Client v5.2.8.45;
Windows Media Player skin v12;
Some Games;
New Icons;
CorePlayer 1.3.6 7427;
Opera Browser v10;
Panoramic Calc Pro 2.9.0;
PBXTV v105 - you need to create cont. Is free and works fine in Romania;
PocketNotepad v5.0.5;
Slide2Shutdown v1.1;
TCPMP v0.72RC2;
Total Commander;
Weather4me v1.0.4;
WinRAR v3.90;
Advanced Registry Tweaks.
Link for Download:
HTC (Mega) Touch2 T3333 Rom Adryan Edition Lite
Update on 04 March 2011
At the instance of you I created a LITE Version. This LITE version is not tested complete and i don't know how it's work. I kept Manila because is a very useful interface User-Phone on HTC Phones.
Instruction: After install and green bar is full please tap OK.
Old Theme;
Sample Music;
Some windows ringtones;
Bluetooth Keyboard and Modem Support;
CorePlayer 1.3.6 7427;
Opera Browser v10;
Panoramic Calc Pro 2.9.0;
PBXTV v105 - you need to create cont. Is free and works fine in Romania;
PocketNotepad v5.0.5;
Slide2Shutdown v1.1;
TCPMP v0.72RC2;
Total Commander;
Weather4me v1.0.4;
WinRAR v3.90;
Microsoft MyPhone v01.06.2718.0001;
MarketPlace v1.2.1422.0000;
All Games;
Del WMP Temp Folder;
Java Jblend Package;
RSS Hub;
Storage Low;
Voice Recorder.
Theme. Default is Nature;
Adobe Flash support for IE;
Microsoft Office 2010;
.Net Framework v3.5;
Manila 2D v2.0.20163224.00 with new icons;
Arcsoft Messaging Client v5.2.8.45;
Windows Media Player skin v12;
New Icons;
Advanced Registry Tweaks.
Link for Download:
Just DL the rom...thanks
Would appreciate if you could assembled light version too.
Thanks !
thanks! thanks !fantastic !!!!
My reuploud for XDA: Andryan ROM
thank you for your rom
Great ROManian ROM!
The ROM is really great! No bugs discovered, so far! I loaded Chriss XT 2.0 first but found many major bugs and didn't wanted to go back to Rakesh from 5.10 so I tried this one and I am really impressed! Thank you!
link is dead reupload plase
It's imposible. The links work to me. Try again.
hi, i try your lite rom, it´s look very nice, but i have many times problem with calling. I want dial phone number and become notice - cannot make call, phone number is incorrect etc. But after turn off and on phone in comm manager, it is everything OK. Incoming calls are OK.
And one more thing, when i run tomtom, device is slow, extremly slow.
And the las thing, how to turn off lock device, in menu doesn´t work turn off.
Hi czdjj
Sorry, but the Lite Version is not tested for a long time. It's posible to be some errors in this ROM. This ROM is for identify the problems. Please install Full Version and your problems will not exist.
I never install Tomtom. Igo 8 and Mireo BlackEdition is very, very good for me.
OK, i test it next time.... but i prefer lite roms, i don´t need so many programs and i prefer my own otherwise, thx for this rom
i tested full rom
menu graphics are poor feel too old and netframe errors are endless i hardressted the mobile after installing rom and errors keep coming
Thanks for your Rom and good work.but:
- the font's icon is very small ..we need to make the font bigger than this If you can .
- in start menu the icons putted in 4 band and very small. we need 3 band just.
thanks .. best regards !!!!!
amdsek said:
Thanks for your Rom and good work.but:
- the font's icon is very small ..we need to make the font bigger than this If you can .
- in start menu the icons putted in 4 band and very small. we need 3 band just.
thanks .. best regards !!!!!
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See this tutorial Download and install "StartMenu_Grid_3.CAB" and restart your phone.
Update Lite Version. See Post 1.
Thank you It beautiful rom and I use a few days and remove it because to slow than the other rom and hang , icon small difficult to thumb slide, Full rom many program no work.
tont_iit said:
Thank you It beautiful rom and I use a few days and remove it because to slow than the other rom and hang , icon small difficult to thumb slide, Full rom many program no work.
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Yes it is slow because I kept all functionality and to me all programs work very well. Sorry for your problems.
good work , the rom was almost perfect
Nice work! I am using the full version for about a week and it is fast and reliable. No bugs so far for me.
What bothers me is i can not find how to remove tabs from "sense" - for example i do not use "people", "music" and "map search" and i do not need to pass through them when i scroll to "settings" for example.
Also, i would add "Clean ram" to the list of programs, its a must for WM.
Best regards
icogg said:
bothers me is i can not find how to remove tabs from "sense" - for example i do not use "people", "music" and "map search" and i do not need to pass through them when i scroll to "settings" for example.
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Click to collapse
See this post:
icogg said:
Also, i would add "Clean ram" to the list of programs, its a must for WM.
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Click to collapse
See this:

