[GUIDE] How To Fix "Windows cannot find 'X:\X\UninstallRemixOS.exe" - Remix OS for PC

How To Fix "Windows cannot find 'X:\X\UninstallRemixOS.exe"​
So, you faced an error in Remix OS. Then, you formatted your drive to remove Remix OS, so you can re-install it. Then, you realised that you should've used the built-in uninstaller , because when you try to re-install, you faced this error message: "Windows cannot find 'X:\X\UninstallRemixOS.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." :silly: (X means it can be different from your error message). And now, you want to know how to fix it .
First step!
1. Run Command Prompt with administrator privilege.
2. Type bcdedit and press Enter.
3. Look for the section that has Remix OS listed (most likely under Real-mode Boot Sector).
4. Copy the Identifier for the Remix OS listing including the brackets.
Tips: To easily copy the identifier, turn on the quick edit mode in cmd! Quick edit also alows you to paste using Ctrl+V.
5. Type bcdedit /delete, paste the Identifier and press Enter.
6. (Optional) To do a doublecheck, type bcdedit again to confirm that it's gone.
7. Reboot your PC.
After rebooting, now the final step! :laugh:
1. Run regedit. (Win+R, then type regedit, or search for regedit in the windows search bar).
2. Navigate to this directory in regedit.
3. Then, right click on the RemixOS folder and click Delete.
DONE! You are ready to re-install it! :victory:
Thanks to ZiQn3zZ and Rishatik92 for their guide!
Don't forget to hit the thanks button!​


Change unknown caller picture

When a call comes in which is from an unknown nuumber or a contat that doesn't have a picture assigned to it you get a blue outline of a person, with a question mark in the middle by default. Is there way of changing this default image to something more interesting? Any ideas?
Not too hard to do
I know its been awhile since you asked, but since I haven't found an answer anywhere else...
You need to open the (ROM).zip that you are using and edit an .apk and then use ADB to push it back to the phone.
I'm using Virtuous Unity 1.3.1. I've done it successfully on a few other ROMs too.
You'll need a graphics editor (I used MS Paint), Android SDK with adb, 7-Zip.
Here's how I did it...
As always, MAKE A BACKUP! Its not my fault if something goes wrong.
1 - Open the .zip copy of the ROM that you're using
2 - Extract a copy of /system/app/Phone.apk
3 - Open Phone.apk using 7-zip and copy the following files to your desktop (don't close the 7-Zip window):
4 - Find a picture that you want to use and resize it to 300x300 and 270x270. Save it as the above file names.
5 - Copy the 4 files back into the Phone.apk archive and exit 7-Zip
6 - Copy the new Phone.apk file into your adb directory (Android SDK, usually in the platform-tools folder)
7 - Connect your phone to your computer and ensure its in charge-only mode with USB debugging enabled
8 - Open a command prompt window, change to your adb directory, and run the following commands:
adb devices {to make sure the device is connected}
adb remount {sets it to read/write}
adb push Phone.apk /system/app/Phone.apk {replaces the Phone.apk file}
9 - Disconnect your device and reboot
10 - Enjoy!

Moto Defy 红色 M 标志的开机 Logo 和动画(Motorola Defy red M startup logo and boot animation)

Moto Defy 红色 M 标志的开机 Logo 和动画(Motorola Defy red M startup logo and boot animation)
01) 首先下载adb.7z,Windows解压到C:\Windows\system32
02) 解压Moto_Defy.zip将moto.bin复制到C:\Windows\system32\adb
03) 将手机调为“USB调试模式”,Settings->Applications->Development->USB debugging
04) 在电脑端安装好手机的驱动程序
05) 把手机用数据线连接电脑,USB设置为"none"
06) 在电脑端运行cmd.exe(Windows7需要用到管理员权限)
07) 在cmd输入“cd c:\WINDOWS\system32\adb”切换到adb目录
08) 再输入“adb”运行adb
09) 继续输入“adb devices”查看手机是否正常连接到电脑,检查到手机设备即可进入下一步
10) 输入“adb push moto.bin /data/local/”将adb目录的moto.bin文件复制到手机设备
11) 在手机上用RootExplorer将/data/local/moto.bin的Perrmissions设置为User[read,write,execute]Group[read,write,execute]Others[read,write,execute]
12) 然后在cmd输入“adb shell”进入shell环境
13) 继续在$输入“su”,这时手机会有Superuser的授权请求,请选择Allow
14) 继续在#输入“dd if=/data/local/moto.bin of=/dev/block/mmcblk1p10 bs=4096”
15) 至此,开机时手机设备的LOGO(moto.bin)更改已经完成,Reboot你的手机看看吧!
#8 English Language:
It's Chinese, I try to translate them into English.
for changing "moto.bin"
step 1. Extract "adb.7z" to "C:\Windows\system32"
step 2. Extract "Moto_Defy.zip", then copy "moto.bin" to "C:\Windows\system32\adb"
step 3. Trun on "USB debugging" mode
step 4. Install the driver of defy
step 5. Connect defy via a USB wire
step 6. open a command prompt window (run as administrator if you'er using Vista/Win7)
step 7. change directory to "C:\Windows\system32\adb" (type "cd c:\WINDOWS\system32\adb" in cmd window then enter)
step 8. run "adb"
step 9. run "adb devices" and check if your phone connect correctly
step 10. run "adb push moto.bin /data/local/", it will copy "moto.bin" into your phone
step 11. change the permission of "moto.bin" on your phone to "User[read,write,execute]Group[read,write,execute]Others[read,write,execute]" by using RootExplorer
step 12. run "adb shell" on PC. the DOS prompt will change to "$"
step 13. run "su" on PC, and allow the authorization on your phone. the DOS prompt will change to "#"
step 14. run "dd if=/data/local/moto.bin of=/dev/block/mmcblk1p10 bs=4096" on PC
step 15. done, reboot and enjoy it.
for changing "bootanimation.zip"
copy "bootanimation.zip" to "/system/media/", then change the permission to "User[read,write]Group[read]Others[read]"
green words are filenames, blue ones are commands for PC, red ones are permissions of files.
My English is not very well too, just hope can help.
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by yulanz : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=11832969&postcount=8
Thank you very much!
-Best regards,
Motorola red M startup logo and boot animation.
jianqun said:
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It look very good but how to use the moto.bin
Please let us know how to use this zip file ....
jianqun said:
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Which language is this ???
and please make it convert in ENGLISH please .....
madhuranand007 said:
Which language is this ???
and please make it convert in ENGLISH please .....
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Sorry, my English is not good! Please use the Google translation of it, should be able to understand.
madhuranand007 said:
Which language is this ???
and please make it convert in ENGLISH please .....
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It's Chinese, I try to translate them into English.
for changing "moto.bin"
step 1. Extract "adb.7z" to "C:\Windows\system32"
step 2. Extract "Moto_Defy.zip", then copy "moto.bin" to "C:\Windows\system32\adb"
step 3. Trun on "USB debugging" mode
step 4. Install the driver of defy
step 5. Connect defy via a USB wire
step 6. open a command prompt window (run as administrator if you'er using Vista/Win7)
step 7. change directory to "C:\Windows\system32\adb" (type "cd c:\WINDOWS\system32\adb" in cmd window then enter)
step 8. run "adb"
step 9. run "adb devices" and check if your phone connect correctly
step 10. run "adb push moto.bin /data/local/", it will copy "moto.bin" into your phone
step 11. change the permission of "moto.bin" on your phone to "User[read,write,execute]Group[read,write,execute]Others[read,write,execute]" by using RootExplorer
step 12. run "adb shell" on PC. the DOS prompt will change to "$"
step 13. run "su" on PC, and allow the authorization on your phone. the DOS prompt will change to "#"
step 14. run "dd if=/data/local/moto.bin of=/dev/block/mmcblk1p10 bs=4096" on PC
step 15. done, reboot and enjoy it.
for changing "bootanimation.zip"
copy "bootanimation.zip" to "/system/media/", then change the permission to "User[read,write]Group[read]Others[read]"
green words are filenames, blue ones are commands for PC, red ones are permissions of files.
My English is not very well too, just hope can help.
yulanz said:
It's Chinese, I try to translate them into English.
for changing "moto.bin"
step 1. Extract "adb.7z" to "C:\Windows\system32"
step 2. Extract "Moto_Defy.zip", then copy "moto.bin" to "C:\Windows\system32\adb"
step 3. Trun on "USB debugging" mode
step 4. Install the driver of defy
step 5. Connect defy via a USB wire
step 6. open a command prompt window (run as administrator if you'er using Vista/Win7)
step 7. change directory to "C:\Windows\system32\adb" (type "cd c:\WINDOWS\system32\adb" in cmd window then enter)
step 8. run "adb"
step 9. run "adb devices" and check if your phone connect correctly
step 10. run "adb push moto.bin /data/local/", it will copy "moto.bin" into your phone
step 11. change the permission of "moto.bin" on your phone to "User[read,write,execute]Group[read,write,execute]Others[read,write,execute]" by using RootExplorer
step 12. run "adb shell" on PC. the DOS prompt will change to "$"
step 13. run "su" on PC, and allow the authorization on your phone. the DOS prompt will change to "#"
step 14. run "dd if=/data/local/moto.bin of=/dev/block/mmcblk1p10 bs=4096" on PC
step 15. done, reboot and enjoy it.
for changing "bootanimation.zip"
copy "bootanimation.zip" to "/system/media/", then change the permission to "User[read,write]Group[read]Others[read]"
green words are filenames, blue ones are commands for PC, red ones are permissions of files.
My English is not very well too, just hope can help.
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谢谢!Thank you!
Хорошая заставка!
Good logo!
i am stuck with this error
* daemon not running. starting it now *
CreateProcess failure, error 3 *
failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
what does that mean?? and i dont have android SDK installed...
tried searching on google but all the "ERROR 3" leads to chinese sites which has no viable answer to this problem..
i run WIN 7 x64 bit
okay i solved that problem by installing the whole android sdk
and some google searches and JBOOGIE helped me
I liked!!
Man, this is a great job!
This thread is very close to violating XDA rules. I will leave it intact, since you provided translation. From now on, please only post the English, as I can not tell whether that is actually what is said in Chinese or not.
Thank you.
In xda, found that many Chinese developers.
google translate...
OH,my god, who translate it?
The video had no woking?
anyone know how to edit/change or extract the boot.bin?
so what if somebody would like to use another boot logo?
the main question is what is the content of moto.bin?
Great post anyway!
jianqun said:
01) 首先下载adb.7z,Windows解压到C:\Windows\system32
02) 解压Moto_Defy.zip将moto.bin复制到C:\Windows\system32\adb
03) 将手机调为“USB调试模式”,Settings->Applications->Development->USB debugging
04) 在电脑端安装好手机的驱动程序
05) 把手机用数据线连接电脑,USB设置为"none"
06) 在电脑端运行cmd.exe(Windows7需要用到管理员权限)
07) 在cmd输入“cd c:\WINDOWS\system32\adb”切换到adb目录
08) 再输入“adb”运行adb
09) 继续输入“adb devices”查看手机是否正常连接到电脑,检查到手机设备即可进入下一步
10) 输入“adb push moto.bin /data/local/”将adb目录的moto.bin文件复制到手机设备
11) 在手机上用RootExplorer将/data/local/moto.bin的Perrmissions设置为User[read,write,execute]Group[read,write,execute]Others[read,write,execute]
12) 然后在cmd输入“adb shell”进入shell环境
13) 继续在$输入“su”,这时手机会有Superuser的授权请求,请选择Allow
14) 继续在#输入“dd if=/data/local/moto.bin of=/dev/block/mmcblk1p10 bs=4096”
15) 至此,开机时手机设备的LOGO(moto.bin)更改已经完成,Reboot你的手机看看吧!
#8 English Language:
by yulanz : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=11832969&postcount=8
Thank you very much!
-Best regards,
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楼主 - -在XDA就不要讲中文了··· 老外看不懂 要用 Google去翻译 翻译出来的意思有时又对不上 - - Please speak English! OK?
ibuntu said:
OH,my god, who translate it?
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- -You can call me. In China English is a required course - - So You see a lot of normal Chinese people.
AltaiMan said:
Хорошая заставка!
Good logo!
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Russian man - - speak English OK?
old tv
i'm looking for screen off animation when pressing power key) like old tv effect for my 2.2.1
any thoughts?..

( ADB Help ) how-to set ADB & Windows $Path

HOW-TO Fix **ADB is not recognized in the CMD**​
Navigate to & Left_Click on Start >
Right_Click on Computer >
Left_Click on Advance System Settings >
Left_Click on Environment Variables >
Left_Click on New ( User Variables ) >
Variables Name: ADB ( Or anything you want )
Variables Value: ;C:\SDK\tools ( Just like this, This is the Path of my adb.exe )
You must put a ; in front of ;C:\ ( adb Path goes here / Variables Value: )
That's it.. You now have set up adb to work Global via cmd prompt on win7
eugene373 said:
HOW-TO Fix **ADB is not recognized in the CMD**​
Navigate to & Left_Click on Start >
Right_Click on Computer >
Left_Click on Advance System Settings >
Left_Click on Environment Variables >
Left_Click on New ( User Variables ) >
Variables Name: ADB ( Or anything you want )
Variables Value: ;C:\SDK\tools ( Just like this, This is the Path of my adb.exe )
You must put a ; in front of ;C:\ ( adb Path goes here / Variables Value: )
That's it.. You now have set up adb to work Global via cmd prompt on win7
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or you can just open up command prompt and cd^ (adb folder location)
thesparky007 said:
or you can just open up command prompt and cd^ (adb folder location)
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or copy the exe and the needed dll's to system32
however when i type adb it better just work regardless of what folder I'm in...
If you are running .bat & a Noob it will never work.... Just follow the Directs posted in OP
Thanks OP for the tip.
This is the easiest way to start adb.
OK, so I don't know what I did wrong but I named the variable name to adb and then the variable value ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools which is where my adb.exe is located. But if I open up a command prompt and do adb devices it says:
C:\Users\Tiffany>adb devices
'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If I cd to that location adb works but I thought it would be cool to just open a command prompt and be able to use adb but it's not working for me. Any suggestions or do u see anything wrong?
Tiffany84 said:
OK, so I don't know what I did wrong but I named the variable name to adb and then the variable value ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools which is where my adb.exe is located. But if I open up a command prompt and do adb devices it says:
C:\Users\Tiffany>adb devices
'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If I cd to that location adb works but I thought it would be cool to just open a command prompt and be able to use adb but it's not working for me. Any suggestions or do u see anything wrong?
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Tiffany, try this from a cmd prompt:
path = %path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
then adb should work regardless of where you are in cmd
RyteSyde said:
Tiffany, try this from a cmd prompt:
path = %path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
then adb should work regardless of where you are in cmd
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AHH, You are awesome. That worked. So should I delete that variable that I added or just leave it there?
Edit: Ok. So it works when I add that path but if I close that prompt and then reopen and try to use adb with out adding that path again I get the error. So do I have to do that every time I open the command prompt?
Tiffany84 said:
AHH, You are awesome. That worked. So should I delete that variable that I added or just leave it there?
Edit: Ok. So it works when I add that path but if I close that prompt and then reopen and try to use adb with out adding that path again I get the error. So do I have to do that every time I open the command prompt?
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No you shouldn't have to if you open the cmd window with admin rights and set the path=. Run cmd as administrator or use the posts above and edit the path variable and add a ; to the end of it and then the path to platform-tools
either way should work
and if you get that to stick you won't need the other variable you added before
RyteSyde said:
No you shouldn't have to if you open the cmd window with admin rights and set the path=. Run cmd as administrator or use the posts above and edit the path variable and add a ; to the end of it and then the path to platform-tools
either way should work
and if you get that to stick you won't need the other variable you added before
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Ok, so I ran the cmd prompt as admin and it still won't stick. So your saying I need to add ; before C: and at the end of it? Sorry. Not the greatest with pc's. Thanks for trying to help though.
Tiffany84 said:
Ok, so I ran the cmd prompt as admin and it still won't stick. So your saying I need to add ; before C: and at the end of it? Sorry. Not the greatest with pc's. Thanks for trying to help though.
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whatever is in your path variable, leave that and just add this to the end:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
RyteSyde said:
whatever is in your path variable, leave that and just add this to the end:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
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I named it adb and then the blank spot for the value I just copied and pasted what u had and still nothing. I give up. I guess stuff isn't meant to be easy for me. Story of my life. Thank u so much for trying to help.
Tiffany84 said:
I named it adb and then the blank spot for the value I just copied and pasted what u had and still nothing. I give up. I guess stuff isn't meant to be easy for me. Story of my life. Thank u so much for trying to help.
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I was referring to updating the system path. Where you created the variable, underneath that should be the "System variables" section. Scroll down in that the the variable "path" and double click it. Move the cursor to the end of the line entry and paste in the ;C:\...etc... line from above
RyteSyde said:
I was referring to updating the system path. Where you created the variable, underneath that should be the "System variables" section. Scroll down in that the the variable "path" and double click it. Move the cursor to the end of the line entry and paste in the ;C:\...etc... line from above
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BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank u for not giving up on me even though I had. That did it. I"M giving u all my thanks for the day. Thank u again. I really appreciate it.
Tiffany84 said:
BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank u for not giving up on me even though I had. That did it. I"M giving u all my thanks for the day. Thank u again. I really appreciate it.
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it's no root but glad I could help
RyteSyde said:
it's no root but glad I could help
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Definitely not root but hey, still pretty cool.
Thread moved to General as not development, thanks for sharing though
I always wanted to know how to set adb so you can use it anywhere. Editing the path in the system variable worked for me. Thanks RyteSyde.
The right way to avoid weird issues.... [Noob Proof sorry in advance]
It actually works perfect if you just do the following:
1. Right Click My Computer -> Properties
2. On the left pane, Find and Click "Advanced system settings"
3. Under the "Advanced" Tab Find and Click "Environment Variables..."
4. In the box for "User variables for [your name here; e.g. David]" there will be a button that says "New..." Click it.
5. Now you have a box in front of you with two fields:
1. Variable name: entering path here is really safer and can help to avoid clogging up the environment namespaces (cluttering your ram/registry)
2. Variable value: directory containing the adb.exe you want to use**; i.e.
**to find this with ease search for "adb.exe" or look for it in "...sdk\platform-tools\" or "sdk\tools".
**This is a version dependent thing for the Android SDK which folder its in.
6. Click OK on all the dialogs and exit the windows we opened here.
7. Hit the windows key + R and type cmd.exe; hit Enter
8. Type adb into the newly opened cmd window. hit Enter
9. If adb runs all is well. Your DONE. If not continue to step 10.
--If it work stop here!--
10. At this point we are going to select our entry from step 5. (in Environment variables...)and delete it. Otherwise windows has two pointers to our adb.exe.
11. Navigate in the "System variables" box and scroll down until you see Path in the Variable Column. Select it and Click "Edit..."
12. Click inside "Variable value:" go to the very end of this and drop a ";" no spaces. Enter the value from Step 5.2
13. Click OK/Apply on all dialogs and reboot your PC.
14. Repeat steps 7-9 and if all is well your done. If not you may need to redownload the AndroidSDK from here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html then repeat this guide.
The reason for first trying to do this under "User" as opposed to "System" is if you need to track your changes to Path in case anything goes wrong as it can be a daunting task to go through the System version (its really full of stuff that needs to be there XD )
But don't take my word for it: My path
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static
and my Windows is brand new Store-bought not OEM. It tends get get bigger the more stuff windows needs to globally keep track of that doesn't live in C:\Windows\
Hope this helped!
RyteSyde said:
whatever is in your path variable, leave that and just add this to the end:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
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I could really use some help I have a windows vista 32-bit
The first time I tried to set up adb I messed up bad and deleted my original environment variable path
so now I can't even do it because I need my original environment variable path then ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
I didn't create a system restore point so I am screwed is there anyway I can recover my original environment variable path?
Grandkai said:
I could really use some help I have a windows vista 32-bit
The first time I tried to set up adb I messed up bad and deleted my original environment variable path
so now I can't even do it because I need my original environment variable path then ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
I didn't create a system restore point so I am screwed is there anyway I can recover my original environment variable path?
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I would personally use this seeing it's one click go.

(TUT) Deodex an odexed rom

Download the kitchen from this thread
http://forum.xda-developers.com/ showthread.php?t=633246
Read FAQ if you encounter any errors
Pictorial installation guide
Download here
So after all the above proceed with these steps
Read EACH STEP VERY CAREFULLY before executing them inorder to minimize any errors
1.Copy the rom you want to deodex to cygwin\home\[YOUR USERNAME]\original_update
2.Open cygwin by double clicking it's shortcut on the desktop or start menu
3.Type cd kitchen
4.Then type ./menu
If you get a java not found error you do not have java sdk installed[READ FAQ IN ORIGINAL THREAD]
In the kitchen menu press 1
Press Enter [make sure the Rom you want to deodex is in cygwin/home/[USERNAME]/kitchen/original_update
You need to get your name under available ROMs list
Select your ROM and press Enter
Change the name of the working folder if you want to
Wait until the ROM is extracted
When it asks you to create a boot.img press y and Enter
When it asks you to convert to update-script PRESS 2 and Enter
When the finished message arrives press Enter to continue
This will lead you back to the menu of the kitchen
This does the actual deodexing of a ROM
Then press 11[DEODEX FILES IN YOUR ROM] and press Enter
Enable logging into file Press Enter
Be patient while the deodexing is taking place. It takes a bit of time depending on the rom
When the finished message comes press Enter
This will bring you back to the kitchen menu
This step buils the deodexed ROM
In the select build mode option Press 1[INTERACTIVE MODE]
Zipalign the files Press y and Enter
Wait while the builing takes place
When the prompt for signing appears press y and Enter
Name the ROM as you wish
Now you can mod your framework and systemui to suit your needs
Thank faiyyaz for this part
This tutorial is for de-odexing a
particular application u want..
follow the steps below..
Initially download the file attached
"dexopt -wrapper.rar " and extract it
on PC..
1) Add the file called 'dexopt-wrapper '
in system/bin on your phone and
copy the apps you want to deodex to
a folder on your sdcard called apps\
2) Then from windows cmd you run
the commands
- adb remount
- adb shell
- dexopt-wrapper sdcard/apps /
whateveryouwantodexed.apk /
sdcard/ apps/
- dexopt-warpper keep on doing this
untill all files you want to are odexed
- exit
3)when that's done, open the apk
files you just odexed in 7-zip /winRAR,
remove the classes.dex file and pus
both the odex and apk to the system/
app folder (or wherever they need to
i guess this steps are much easier
than de-odexing for all apps
download it here
I made this tutorial with descriptions of each step keeping inexperienced users in mind
Nothing will go wrong if you follow the' instructions throughly but make a backup just in case

[GUIDE][WINDOWS] Easy MD5 and SHA1 calculation via command prompt

Original Webpage
This needs you to download a small file which lets you calculate the sha1 and md5 right from the command prompt!
Tested on Windows 8.1, but should work on any windows, XP and above.
Step 1: Download this file from Microsoft's site.
Step 2: Open the downloaded file and select "Yes" then extract to any desired folder. ( I extracted it to C:/Windows/SysWoW64/ )
Step 3: Open command prompt and type set path=%path%;XXXX , where "XXXX" is the actual folder path where you placed the fciv.exe file while extracting. Then hit Enter.
Step 4: Now type fciv and hit enter to check if everything is working, it should display a large wall of text.
How to check/ generate the sha1 or md5sums for any file
Step 1: Open command prompt.
Step 2: Type "fvic -sha1 'filenamewithpath' ", where filenamewithpath means exactly that.
PROTIP: To make it easier just press and hold shift and right click anywhere in the file residing folder and right-click. Then select open command window here. Now you can just type the filename without the path.
Sometimes it may appear like it has frozen but it hasn't, it'll just take a while depending on the size of the file.

