Archos 55 Platinum - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys,
i used the Archos 55 Platinum.
I have accidentally deleted with a PC program the files from the phone. To be exact, the data of google.
Now I can not delete the phone correctly.
I need an exact guide and drivers to flash the device again since all google services and more were deleted.
Can someone help me please? Have already quadrangular eyes since I have been weeks in the net for a solution search.
Now I turn to you. (Register me in such forums for the first time, so I'm still not through, and sorry for my english)
best regards



[Q] Find Google account name in Android files

I got the following problem:
Last year I created a google account just for my mobile, to cut connection between my phone and my person (perhaps for nothing). Anyway, I used that account for buying some apps via provider's invoice.
Then, some days ago, my s3 reached the 'sudden death', so but my backups, all data got lost, also my google account. Silly is, i don't remember my email-address (but some characters that should be in it, but i tried all combinations).
Now my question is, is it possible to find my account-name in any of the files I got in my (handmade copy-paste) backup of my phone?
Thanks for replies
1) you'd have needed to be rooted
2) its in /data.
From reading your post, i'm doubting you hand copied /data... sounds more like you would have copied /sdcard - so unless I'm wrong about what you've backed up, no. You won't find it
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Thank you very much, yes it was rooted, and I also got the data folder, searching it for "gmail" it came up with a properties-file with my gmail-adress, everythings perfect! =)

Lenovo A916 please help :/

Hello, guys, some days ago my phone broke, and I bought for my partner and me the Lenovo A916 from eBay. Unfortunately for us the phones came with a Trojans and spyware pre-installed and unable to delete them, at the start I panicked but after a while I read online that the only solution was to root the phone and remove the programs. As I am not a tech guy, I could only do it through a program like king root (as it is easy, a few clicks). While the Trojans and the spyware are gone, our phones seem to have many issues: random installation of apps, random adverts, SMS delay to arrive at the sender and sometimes to receive. Is there any way to install any good rom (If I am not mistaken that what's its called and you do it through Odin ?) can anyone help us please? I can't afford to get us a new phone.
Someone gave me a link on a rom for my phone, but I have no idea how to install it. Is there a link or place to see how to do it in the most secure way as I am a complete newbie?
Anyone? A link or something
Also any lollipop rom for my case guys?

Virus appended to Settings app

I have no idea how a virus found its way inside of my Archos 55 platinum phone, i searched online and saw that many people had the same virus as me on the same phone model and now i want to install a costum Rom on my phone and make it clean and i cannot find it as the archos guys wont release one
about the virus:
*It automatically installs google play apps on my phone and launches them.
*it has been appended to the android settings app so i could not delete it with malwarebytes
*I have tried factory reset but it wont be removed
*I have already rooted the phone in the hopes of removing it with root access but apparently nothing can remove the settings file
so i have turned up to you guys for advice on how to remove it (FYI: everything is on the table guys)
Sorry if i posted on the wrong forum or anything, i made an account solemnly for posting about this particular problem
If no one can help me removing it can someone please tell me what rom usually works with almost all android phones as i already said there is no rom available for my phone model

Unable to save contacts / sync contacts

i am owner of an Cube iPlay10
It comes with stock Android 6.
No Contacts app pre Installed.
Tried to Install Google Contacts App (and other) but i cannot save any contact.
Eventough i have poeple added in my google account, its not syncing them to the tablet.
I have no system application called "contact storage" installed. Either there is no way to install it as an apk afterwards, or i need root!?!
And that will be another problem i guess...
Can you guys help me out?
I have done a video of it on YT for better understanding...
Sorry for bad english, i am not a native speaker.
Did you ever solve the issue? I also have an Iplay10 and I am facing the same problem...
Nope! Wanet to root it to store contacts storage.apk to /app and bricked it i guess!
You bricked it? During the rooting or afterwards when you moved contacts to the system app folder? Mind explaining more how it happened?
I rooted mine by using Magisk, it works fine but I'd really like to get contacts working...
I bricked it while using flash tool. Now its not responding. Only when pluged to the Computer, the PC recognizes a device. Thats all.
Try to find a apk called contacts storage in marshmallow version 6.0 and lut it in system/app folder. Reboot and it should install this apk. This app is missing in system apps so iplay cannot save your contacts.
If it still responds when plugged to computer, you should probably be able to reflash official rom and root it. I followed exactly the steps in that video to root mine:
The video creator has links for all the files, and even the official rom.
Would you happen to have a link to that contacts storage app? Did you hear this from someone else who has an Iplay10 and solved the issue?
i did it with help of this exact video.
smtg went wrong i guess
i have complete rom, preloader all the stuff with scatter file and everything checked in sp flash tool, but when i connect the phone, only a bing appears. SP Flash tool is showing no response. when i unplug the tablet, then sp brings the usual error.
i will oen up a new thread i guess.
try oneof these and tell me if it worked out for you.
(lookout for marshmallow 6)
i have heard it from german android forum, and wanted to do just like that, but then bricked!
I found 2 in that list that were marked as Marshmallow compatible, but both failed upon install. They seem to be signed by specific manufacturers like samsung, etc... and given that they gave an error message upon normal install, I was reluctant to stick them into the system app folder. I don't have a pc handy to reflash or recover so I'm a little paranoid about bootloops/bricks...
Please let me know if you recover your tablet from that brick.

A72 SD card Rom

Sorry for my english, this is machine translation.
I am contacting you because I am looking for a rom that I can install via the SD card on my oppo A72.
I bought it used on the internet from a scam site and think it was stolen. Today I can't use it because it asks me to sign in with a google account already used on the device. No matter how much I look for a solution, I am stuck. I bought it for 100 €, I thought it was worth it, in the end I should have abstained...
If you have any solution I am interested.
thanks in advance
Hi, i think it's frp lock. Search in google, there are many ways to unlock, so must try many to get successful

