Screen (Window) resolution RemixOS 3.027 on VMWare Player 12.5.5 - Remix OS for PC

Dear all,
I downloaded and tried RemixOS 3.207 x64 on VMWare VM just to try this amazing OS. All works fine, except screen resolution.
Default screen resolution (VMWare window) is 800x600 and searching on Google I was not able to find any working method to set my desired resolution at boot or when OS running.
Attention: I don't want to setup screen DPI, I can already do that and is working fine. What I desire is to set the screen resolution (VMWare Player host window) to a specific resolution (ex.: 1600x900).
The only method that seems to work half is to add "vga=ask" on GRUB menu, and when RemixOS is starting it propose me a list of resolutions to use.
If I choose 0x342 (1152x864x32) after confirmed with RETURN the VMWare window size changes to a bigger size, and internal RemixOS resolution is really 1152x864x32.
Unfortunately higher resolutions are not present (max is 1152x864) and I don't understand if this is a limit of RemixOS or by the VMWare video card emulator which not supports higher VESA modes.
However windows is working fine at full res (1920x1024) inside VMWare.
Please help in setting VMWare fixed high resolution for RemixOS.

this is the exact problem with remix, someone fix please


[Q] Resolution too small in Virtualbox

i just installed this Remix-OS_3.0.101_20160726_VB-64bit in a virtualbox computer and it's working well but the screen is too small, like what? 1024x768 or something, pretty much too small.
Is it possible to have it show in a higher resolution?

Remix OS - How do I change my screen resolution?

I've just installed Remix OS on an Acer Aspire E15 (ES1-511-C723). It's a 15.6" screen and the native resolution is 1366x768. I'm having some issues with blurring. Icons, wallpapers and web images.
Is there a way to adjust the resolution or dpi?
you should try 'EasyBCD'
Well... from what I read..
Under settings/remix options/enable terminal
Then use Alt+tab (to get to terminal)
"vmsize 1366x768" or perhaps " sudo vmsize 1366x768"

Resolutions Available to VMWARE

Hi, the largest resolution I can get is VESA mode 342 in vmware. How can I get fullscreen 1080p? Please any help is awesome to those running this 64 bit os in vmware.

Custom Resolution Android x86

Hello, I installed android x86 on an old laptop to run a game. Everything is working correctly and no issues so far. Now I’m trying to run one app that only works in cellphone resolution (720x1280). Tried to change resolution with apps from playstore, resolution changed but app stoped. Tried to change resolution with terminal ( wm size 720x1280 ), resolution changed but app still stops. Then i finally remembered to edit build.prop and added (debug.drm.mode.force=720x1280) to build.prop and the app started to work, but now the resolution doesn’t fit in display, causing the image to flip and stretch in screen. Now that I’m sure that it’s a resolution problem to use the app, is there any alternatives to display things proportionally on screen without flipping all the system and apps?
Thanks and sorry for the big text

Title: Help Needed: Custom Display Resolution 1024x600 on Orange Pi 3 LTS (Android)

Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble with display resolution on my Orange Pi 3 LTS board. I have a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1024x600 from Waveshare, but seems that its not supported by Orange Pi. I get black screen with some colored lines.
board and the display are fine i connected other hdmi desktop monitor to the board and its all good.
also checked the 7 inch diaplayby connection to other comptures everything is fine as well. in fact orange pi ubuntu linux system are working good withthis display. The problem is only with android.
I've tried various methods to change the resolution, but nothing seems to work. well i am new to all this so may be i did not do it correctly.
I've tried unpacking .img file and editing the parameters in the config.fex file, it did not work.
I've also tried using the adb shell , adb shell wm size 1024x60 it did change the resolution but still no image on the display.
I would really appreciate any help or guidance on how to set the correct custom resolution for my display on the Orange Pi 3 LTS. If you have any experience with this issue or know of any resources that could help me, please share them in the comments below.
Thank you in advance for your help!

