Console AMlogic based computer (TV BOX) with stock android. - Android Stick & Console AMLogic based Computers

Hello there,
I am looking for a Android TV box with vanilla stock android. Are there any available and for sale? I tried searching everywhere but could not find any. The reason I am looking for one is, because I am looking for a development machine and deployment machine for apps. The machine will have to work with different hardware (USB) and I will have to recompile the kernel and need to modify HID drivers anytime.
Most distributions on AMlogic devices make use of custom kernels and some modifications are just plain bad and half done, not to mention the half rooted quirkiness on some devices with modified rom versions.
So is there an TV Box like device available with clean vanilla android out of the box? I really hope someone could help me with my search.
Thanks in advance and really appreciate this community.


[Q] Android Porting. Why device specific?

Hello all!!
I'm new to Android and i'm interested in learning a bit and maybe get involved with it but there are some things that i don't get about android and can't find the answers.
My main question is why Android which is based on Linux is so hard to get updates for all devices at once?
For example we got ICS lately why it's only available for Nexus S and not for all devices that support android?
In pcs if there is a new Ubuntu version every pc can get it no matter the hardware it uses as there are drivers for it.
Is it so hard to have drivers for all the android devices?
Why do we need to wait forever for the X company that makes the phone to build a new kernel?
Is it about the libaries?The drivers?
Say i got a device that is not supported by ICS what would i need to make it supported? I got my libs from 2.3.5 can i toss them to overlay compile and works? If not y not?
Thanks in advance for your answers and sorry if my questions are too noobish, everyone has to start from somewhere
Serafym said:
Hello all!!
I'm new to Android and i'm interested in learning a bit and maybe get involved with it but there are some things that i don't get about android and can't find the answers.
1. My main question is why Android which is based on Linux is so hard to get updates for all devices at once?
2. For example we got ICS lately why it's only available for Nexus S and not for all devices that support android?
- In pcs if there is a new Ubuntu version every pc can get it no matter the hardware it uses as there are drivers for it.
3. Is it so hard to have drivers for all the android devices?
4. Why do we need to wait forever for the X company that makes the phone to build a new kernel?
5. Is it about the libaries?The drivers?
6. Say i got a device that is not supported by ICS what would i need to make it supported? I got my libs from 2.3.5 can i toss them to overlay compile and works? If not y not?
Thanks in advance for your answers and sorry if my questions are too noobish, everyone has to start from somewhere
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1. Manufacturers don't release updates for all their devices all at once (some not at all).
2. It's ready (most stable so far) for that device (SDK ports; (almost) official update)
- Not true. If you tried to place Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a PC with a 368 MHz and 32mb ram, it would not run .
3. Yes. Android is on devices from many different manufacturers with many different designs and hardware.
4. See here: (to know what it is). Different hardware will require different commands, etc. If the manufacturer doesn't release the kernel source, development cannot be done on that device (properly).
5. Yes and yes (much more too).
6. Create a working port from some other device (with similar hardware) which is supported. Sometimes. Some versions of android have backward compatibility of those files but ICS isn't really backward compatible which is why many ports of ICS (for various devices) don't have a working camera, etc. See the 2nd paragraph here:

[Q] Compiling a kernal module from stage 1

Could anybody point me in the direction of sourcing, locating and compiling a kernel module please? I have found many guides but they all seem to start halfway in the process ("assuming you have already managed to...", "assuming you are already proficient with...")
I have a cheap Android Chinese TV box. It came without joydev.ko so I can't use it with joypads/sticks, which is a pretty big limitation considering it has 4 usb ports which work fine with keyboards, mice and webcams.
I already have an Eclipse environemt set up which I use for Java/Android development but I've never dabbled with anything like this before.
I guess the steps required are something like this:
Locate source code for my particular Android version (Android 4.2.2, Kernel 3.3.0) - where do I do that? Do I need the entire source or can I just download and compile the module by itself?
Set up the cross compiler - is this a standard thing, or does it depend on my hardware? My chipset is an Allwinner A20 ARM Cortex-A7(Dual Core)
Compile the module.
So, have I got the steps right? If not, please correct me. If so.... how do I go about doing the above?

Enabling touchscreen with Stoga Kbox MXIII Amlogic S802

Hi Folks,
I'm not sure exactly where to put this question but here goes. It looks like my monitor (HannsG HT231HPB) touch screen capabilities are not supported by default by my TV box (Stoga Kbox MXIII Amlogic S802) and I want to get it going. I'm not really interested in maintaining functionality of this TV box. My objective it to get an app that needs android 4.2 or above to run on it in conjunction with my touch screen. The app uses a touch screen to control music software. I have numerous questions as follows.
1) If I need to alter a couple of lines of code of existing parts of the kernel is there a way to inject these updated changes i.e. update ko files or something?
2) If this is not possible can I compile and update just the kernel or a module?
3) If I've got to recompile the whole lot, bearing in mind I don't need the existing functionality of the software on the TV box, can I just use the basic Android OS such as Kitkat and just worry about what I need just to run app, touch screen and USB.
4) If that is not possible how likely are similar source codes for devices likely to run on another device. There are various incarnations of MXIII boxes and I can't find the source code that seems specific to my box.
5) Any other ideas!
I know this is a bit general and convoluted but I've already wasted a lot of time on this and could do with reducing options.
Thanks in advance
Did U find something to make it works ?
I've the same configuration (MXIII + HANSSG HT231) and impossible to use touchscreen.
Thanx for your help
MacCarel said:
Did U find something to make it works ?
I've the same configuration (MXIII + HANSSG HT231) and impossible to use touchscreen.
Thanx for your help
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No in short. I think the problem is a couple of lines of the Kernel. If they are not there you will get no reaction on touchscreen no matter what you try. The only solution is to alter a couple those lines of code and rebuild/compile the kernel. Therefore you need a compatible kernel for device and work out how to do this. I've stopped trying for now but I was looking at trying to find a custom ROM based on a different compatible kernel and hope it has support built into kernel automatically. Good luck..

Making an own android image?

Hello everybody. I love this community and I have been lurking for a long time.
I have noticed on a foreign language forum that some people were offering a custom rom for my android 9 TV box.
The chinese box is based on a s905x3 CPU and has a mediatek wifi chip for which it is hard (if not impossible to find the wifi drivers).
The site claims that the image was made by modifying the stock rom that came with the box. Is this possible or do all custom roms need to be build from the source?
The custom rom I want to make is going to replace the launcher with kodi.
I am prepared to build the whole rom from source but I do have a couple of questions.
Since the mediatek wifi drivers cannot be found how would I go about including the binary for the wifi?
I have noticed that the box that I have uses a .ko (kernel object) module to drive the wifi chip.
Can I include these kernel objects in build? It is a shame that the kernel is built as a 32bit system. Would that mean that I can only compile a 32bit kernel if I were to reuse those kernel modules and binaries?
Another idea is to perhaps use the kernel from coreelec in my build since it seems to include a lot of drivers.
Is it possible to use a kernel from something like coreelec but use the source from AOSP for the rest of my build?
Is there anything else that I should be aware of?
Thank you all!!!!
Can anyone give me any hints to any of the questions?
Essentially I want to swap out the stock launcher for Kodi. What is the easiest way to do so?

Advice needed.. Best Amlogic Android box?

i'm looking at upgrading from my aging Madcatz Mojo, but I am having difficulty deciding.. i'm ready to pull the trigger on something on aliexpress, but i want something with aftermarket support, as well as something with access to a real recovery like CWM, or TWRP, and isn't fully dependent on some dodgy flash tool, developed in-house. I'm looking at Amlogic over Allwinner or Rockchip since they seem to have more open source support. Whichever chipset has the most stable linux distro is the one i'm interested in.
I am looking for a new box too. Never had one before

