10 Questions before I buy my o2 XDA (UK) - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

1. Is it really that bad as a phone - many have commented on weak single strength etc.
2. Will I have to buy a serial connection/docking bay to connect to my NT 4.0 Workstation.
3. If I use the device as just a phone - no playing around - how long will it stay charged on stanby.
4. Will the headphones hat I get with the unit allow me to listen to mp3's and what is the quality like?
5. Using GPRS - if I am sending and receiving emails (pop3), obviously I have the filesize of the email to consider - but how much data will I transfer when checking for new email and downloaded lists of unopened email. What hidden bandwith will I use?
6. Is the OS future proof? Will microsoft dump the Pocket PC OS very shortly?
7. There is software out there that allows you to control yout tv and vcr etc. Is the infrared powerful enough - do you have to sit on top of the telly for it to work - It's not major important - but just interested?
8. I have seen some phones that you can put two sim cards in - can you do that with the xda?
9. Will software designed for tyhe ipaq work on the xda.
10. Is this a good deal - Device cost £199, o2 30 mins month £15, 5mb per month £12? Can I use another gprs provider??

Add 11 th & 12th question
As someone also considering purchase in UK ..
11. How practical is the screensize / voice level to use the device with GPS in car such as tomtom navigator 2
12. Does unlocking software operate on W2K / XP ??

answers but only my opinion
1. useless if signal lost (search for my posts) in rom updated section.
2. can't answer this one as i use XP Sorry !
3. i have had 3 or 4 days between charges and if it keeps signal its ok.
depends on how much u use and talk though.
4. headphone quality is quite good for mp3 only problem is getting them to stay in your ears i have some foam boots off another set that help but they are still awkward.
5. you can set a limit on what u grab ie no file attach just headers etc so bandwidth u use will depend on ammount of emails and your settings.
6. who can tell what microsoft will do ? its future proof as long as they want it to be really.
7. infrared is kinda weak i found about 2 metres was my max with remote software.
8. maybe possible but the way it fits in i feel any mod would be ugly and easily damaged (liitle rubber door and a tiny microswitch that has to be operated would make this difficult (but who knows someone might do it) and you would also have to unlock it.
9. seems to work most ARM software unless there are harware rerlated issues to the ipaq like rotating screen or assigning buttons.
10. only you can answer that one for yourself do you feel its necessary at that cost and can u afford it ?? when unlocked i can see no reason at all why you could not use a differnet gprs provider as long as you had their sim in .
11. i have hooked it up to my gps reciever via serial cable with tom tom and it works but I dont now how noisy your car is :wink: its loud enough in my rover 400
12. maybe xda developers can answer this one for you?

Re: Add 11 th & 12th question
RogerB said:
12. Does unlocking software operate on W2K / XP ??
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Yes it does. 98/ME/NT/2000/XP and possibly also 95. And it's likely to also run on newer versions of Windows.

Further developments to my questions.
Today I went to the o2 Shop - to answer some of my q's
One thing that struck me was that when he went on the web - he still had to dial/connect - I thought they were online all the time?

My 2c:
1. It's not totally unusable, but if you need good coverage in weak signal areas, this device isn't for you.
2. Yep, you need a serial cable.
3. Can't answer as I use the PocketPC stuff much more than the phone stuff, but with moderate PPC playing, it lasts the weekend out no problem. As with all other phones, if you know you'll be out of coverage for a while, turn the phone off to save the batteries being drained by the 'anybody out there' signal when the phone trys to find a cell.
4. I quite like the headphones. The quality of the device's audio is very good. If you've got a pair of headphones you really like, you can get an adaptor pretty easily. A cheap 2.5->3.5mm phono adaptor is fine if you don't need to use the answer button.
5. There's not much hidden bandwidth, WYDIWYG (what you download is what you get). I think the polling for new emails mich be a bit inefficient: it seems to download all headers each time, but I've not investigated this.
6. This is one of the great things about the XDA, the OS is pretty much standard, and updatable (although O2 drag their heels on this one), so it's reasonably future-proof. There's too much of an existing PocketPC userbase for the platform to be abandoned.
7. As answered above. I think there's an adaptor for the IPAQ that uses the phono socket to drive a more powerful IR, but out of the box it's just to weak to work well.
9. Surprisingly, most IPAQ stuff works fine. The overclock utility even works (as usual be careful, it can cause a hard reset). HTC makes both devices after all. The main gotcha is there are less buttons on the XDA.
10. That's the deal I'm using. They're all pretty much the same. O2s coverage isn't as strong as Vodafone in some areas, but at least they offer some form of device support.
GRPS, while often advertised as an "always on" technology, does require you to dial up. The new rom alows you to set it so it doesn't disconnect on powersave/incoming phonecall. Of course if you loose your signal, it disconnects.

Thanks so far!


SX56 + WM2003 = iMATE- (Camera+Bluetooth+400Mhz cpu)?????

Ok i just Upgraded the SX56 to the new WM2003 OS.
Since i have not tested the iMate/XDAII, my question is are they the same? Himalaya inside, Wallaby outside?
Info on my tool http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=7617
Some questions about the OS as well since i am new to the PPC platform:
Is there a way to assign pics to contacts for caller ID like the sony ericsson T610?
Can you guys recommend some cool/ must have, softwares/applications/games for the PPC device? Anything that you feel is worth mentioning would be good! Thanls!
SX56 + WM2003 = garbage!
Really? how come?
cgigate said:
SX56 + WM2003 = garbage!
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Contrary to your comments the SX56 is running way better than my expectations! i have been using various softwares on it and it runs very well
Even using it as a universal remote for my TV/DVD/Hometheater etc.
Phone ringing is finally audible
Phone and contacts list is much more interactive.
reception is bleeding good!
Onboard 32mb sux but i am using the 256mb SDcard anyways so no compains there.
Battery time is awesome
colors are dull
no cam and no blue tooth but for the price i just cant complain! $350 and its not network locked.
So what garbage part am i missing?
it's not garbage :wink:
You can cook your own rom, I haven't seen any rom kitchens for XDA 2...
I like the universal remote part too. The XDA 2/MDA 2/imate don't use consumer ir =\
All you have to do is get a bluetooth SD card or a wifi card, and then overclock the device to 300 MHz
I like the universal remote part too
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hhmmm i always found it kinda useless that i could use my xda1 as a remote when placing the xda1 30cm in front of the tv or stereo
that was it's range
Thnaks man the Blue tooth does sound sweet! got any brands that you wanna recommend? i am searching but i cant find one that will be concealed once in the slot. the one i saw had antennas etc. on em. Maybe i am looking at the wriong place.
Overclock haha! no i aint going there!!! I have a box of 11 CPUs that i fried so i dont think i can get a replacement if i fry the XDA cpu.
Rudegar said:
I like the universal remote part too
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hhmmm i always found it kinda useless that i could use my xda1 as a remote when placing the xda1 30cm in front of the tv or stereo
that was it's range
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It does work well for my Philips TV and DVD, which i operate from my bed, but i have the same issue with my Panasonic Theatersystem, for which i have to sit up and extend my hand
my tv is philips aswell and it only worked at a range of 30cm
about bluetooth and wifi then you cant use sdIO cards in a xda1
and no wifi or bluetooth cards i've seen can work without that
Rudegar said:
my tv is philips aswell and it only worked at a range of 30cm
about bluetooth and wifi then you cant use sdIO cards in a xda1
and no wifi or bluetooth cards i've seen can work without that
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30 cm is nothing !! even my Newborn baby is 48 cms the foot of my bed is probably about 4 feet away from the TV so i am using it at atleast 5+ ft or more distance. It could be the software that you are using. The forst Universal Remote that i tried failed to work saying reinitilaising obexchange please soft reset for changes to take place. second one would work right after learning then crashed. the one from pdawin.com works fine for me. makes me extend occasionally though but works!

Tv remote control

*update, the conclusion is that the current software is useless and as of the ppc6800 and the following HTC models, the IRDA port is either crap or non-existent, for that reason I am building a powered, universal adapter to turn any phone into a remote*
hello. first off, yes I know there are old threads about this, but they are dead and had a different take on this topic. I am looking to know if anyone has gotten any tv remote control software working on the mogul. I don't care about the distance so I dont want to hear about how the mogul is ill-equipped to do this, I just want to know what software works as I will use\make a IR repeater\booster that will give me all the range I need.
I have tried the following software
1-PDAWin tv remote controller simply crashes when I press any button
2- noviiRemote is not compatible with our IR
3- RemoteControl II v.2.12 stays it is incompatible with our processor and for that reason, it turns off the IR access... but the rest of the software works ??? odd
4- UniversalRemoteCE 4.0 Tested by wagonis, froze his phone with every try
5- Total Remote does not work, freezes when I try to record a signal.
6- UltraMote
can't find
7- VITO remote
so to recap. Has anyone found a working software? I will give a free IR booster\repeater to anyone who can point me to a proper and working programmable universal remote control software that works over IR and not the web (or even better, anyone who can get PDAWin tv remote working )
Honestly, I've tried 4 different softwares from that list and none worked, if anything they kept crashing my phone...so I gave up before I caused any damage to my phone. If you figure out which one works though, please list it, I'd like to know and try it.
can I know which was teh 4th that did not work so I can update my list please?
UniversalRemoteCE 4.0 froze up my phone every time I tried to use it
Many have tried. I am pretty sure no one has succeeded.
in my best Airplane - The Movie voice
"good luck, we're all counting on you"
my best suggestion is to buy an older known compatible phone with stronger irda
i looked into it a bit ago and came up with a good solution and found two of the phones on ebay for $20...but never bought them
i know it would be convenient to use our daily cell for this feature...but its an uphill battle
dont give up...lol
double post
Since the whole software thing does not seem to work... I am going to set out on making my own! My goal is to make a universal-universal remote app; even cross-platform, and the way I will do this is with external hardware. Since most new phones do not have a good IR port, I will make an external IR port that plugs into phones, mark my words!
I will keep people up to date on this
I'll subscribe to this thread to keep tabs on this. Good luck.
Well I am very excited to say that things are moving along nicely. Unfortunately, my local electronics supply shop (that is actually worth going to) is closed during weekends since its a small business who's main clients are engineering students during the year . This means that My full prototype (with range booster) will have to wait, but the basic premise is working, and, depending on my schedule, I should have a working prototype soon. I have already gotten in contact with a few chinese companies to compare the price of production of the modules.
well, the project is coming along well, but I need some input from the community. 1 is a note, 2 is the important question.
1- the software will be open source. The exact format still has to be determined, but the main lead right now is java so that i can be universal for all phones (except the Iphone that will need its own app).
2- Should it be powered or not? The module is coming along well, but I need some input. If it is powered, I have to make the tough decision between having the ext-usb plug sticking out on the edge of the board, meaning you have a 9v battery dangling from your phone or a short cable (1-2 feet) that plugs in the ext-usb port and the module rests next to you. What is the best route for this? (Ideally I would love bluetooth, but I do not have the electronic know-how for this)
julienrl said:
well, the project is coming along well, but I need some input from the community. 1 is a note, 2 is the important question.
1- the software will be open source. The exact format still has to be determined, but the main lead right now is java so that i can be universal for all phones (except the Iphone that will need its own app).
2- Should it be powered or not? The module is coming along well, but I need some input. If it is powered, I have to make the tough decision between having the ext-usb plug sticking out on the edge of the board, meaning you have a 9v battery dangling from your phone or a short cable (1-2 feet) that plugs in the ext-usb port and the module rests next to you. What is the best route for this? (Ideally I would love bluetooth, but I do not have the electronic know-how for this)
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Why not make all? Powered and not. Corded and not. Are you encasing the electronics? If just for the Mogul how 'bout a phone case type add on putting the IR port on the right end of the phone while you're at it so we don't have to rotate our screens? That being said, with the Mogul getting dated, how 'bout for newer phones lacking IR ports all together like the touch pro and touch pro 2? Oh, maybe someone could help you out with bluetooth.
Well its not just for the mogul, it is going to work universally for all HTC phones and will be one little tweak away from working with other phones.
As far as corded or not, I think I will make it non corded and then you can just add it. It will cost a few cents extra but save alot on production costs of 2 different modules (if I go with powered, unpowered can easily be both).
The reason I am not doing powered and unpowered is that the powered requires a case and a battery and starts getting a little big (the size of half a thumb approximately), while the unpowered one is about 0.5mmx0.5mm. Also, making the powered one requires a much greater production cost as it would be made in china because if I make it myself, the powered one would be about 4 inches by 2 inches as I can't make the small traces myself, many of the parts are hard to come by and suftace mount is hard to do.
The reason that none of the programs work is because they require raw IR port access, not the IRDA protocol.
dj13241 said:
The reason that none of the programs work is because they require raw IR port access, not the IRDA protocol.
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Thats ok, this is a hardware\software combination so the IR will work.
I think I love you man. I've been looking for this since before I got my Mogul in my hands.
Manicmoguladdict said:
I think I love you man. I've been looking for this since before I got my Mogul in my hands.
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lol I hear ya. Everything is being delayed because the store I usually go to was selling IR LEDs for 4 bucks and they don't specify voltage so I had to order some online. I just need to get that stupid LED so that I can be done with the hardware and get working on the software.
I am still waiting on those diodes. I bought molding and casting material so that our IR emitters will look better than a loose set or components soldered on an extusb port
Anyone going to china who can buy ExtUSB ports for 50 cents with the breakout port? I got that quote from a company but I don't like sending unsecured payments and 10$ per extusb port + breakout board is going to make it pretty expensive for us. If so, let me know, I would like to buy a batch.
since our device will work on many phones, instead of creating threads in every forum of every device, we decided to opt for a twitter account where we will keep everyone up to date on this project.
Spread the word!
Found this thread searching for a Bluetooth to IR converter, so I could use my Rhodium as a universal remote.
I was wondering... since all modern smartphones have Bluetooth, why not make a powered BT -> IR converter, which uses the HID standard? Since most phones have a HID application already (my old SE K750i could be used to control my desktop computer with HID), you don't need a lot of development on the phones itself. You'd need a way to program the conversion table (key 5 -> send PLAY IR sequence), I guess. You could then have a simple HID remote on simple phones or a full blown custom skinnable remote on a WVGA smartphone.
It would really be nice to have a Philips Pronto (or similar) universal remote where you can operate all sorts of equipment.
unfortunately, working with bluetooth at that level would be well beyond my expertise and bring the cost up $$$$$ because of the low volume of production. Also, making the drivers for this would be much harder and way to phone-specific, killing the intent of this device. Also, the way this works, it should work with any standard IR device.
I have a p4000 and am upgrading to a touch pro2, when I upgrade again in 2 years, I don't want to have to start the project over .
Finally, bluetooth device = more components = bulkier and = batteries!
I am getting back home late tonight and I will get back to work on the project (got the LEDs the day I was leaving).
ps. I do appreciate all feedback and comments.
thank you
julienrl said:
unfortunately, working with bluetooth at that level would be well beyond my expertise and bring the cost up $$$$$ because of the low volume of production. Also, making the drivers for this would be much harder and way to phone-specific, killing the intent of this device. Also, the way this works, it should work with any standard IR device.
I have a p4000 and am upgrading to a touch pro2, when I upgrade again in 2 years, I don't want to have to start the project over .
Finally, bluetooth device = more components = bulkier and = batteries!
I am getting back home late tonight and I will get back to work on the project (got the LEDs the day I was leaving).
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sorry for being off topic, but do you know when the touch pro 2 is coming out in Canada ? And who's gonna get it telus, roger, fido or bell ?? (hope this is coming to Telus)
hehe, its out with telus waiting for mine in the mail now!
Inbound Ir
Will your Module accept inbound ir transfer? I am using a polar hr monitor that uses ir to download files to my phone. I've been looking for an upgrade option with ir without success. If your module will work, this is great news. Keep up the good work.

DSLR Remote for Android ?

the Iphone works with an DSRL Remote app. I have an HTC HD2 and it works with winmobile 6 and with android now. Does somebody know an app which works on android or winmobile 6 like the DSRL Remote camcorder app ?
Greeting from Germany
been thinking of that for some time now, would LOVE that. But I read somewhere that it may be a problem to use the USB port as host...
http://www.gphoto.org/ ?
i recently found out that it is possible to do this with a nintendo ds but it requires some DIY work or paying someone to do this for you, surprisingly even in germany there seem to be some people building these.
my uncle bought one of these cables/modules for his canon 5dmk2 a few weeks ago. since i got my hands on it I thought about how awesome such a feature would be (preferably wireless) on an a phone.
I would love something like that! An android phone would make the holy grail of dSLR remote controls. Time intervals, exposure settings, super-smooth HDRI with bracketing of multiple photos, live view, hell even motion activated shooting (figure out a way to detect motion from image through the live view and trigger a shutter release every time that happens).
Anyone up for this?! I'll be getting both my SGS and 5DMKII in about a month, super willing to beta-test
I'd love this too for Nikon Devices!
minus30 said:
I'd love this too for Nikon Devices!
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It is possible. Only drawback is that a laptop is needed like with the iphone app.
So a possible setup would be like this:
Camera <-> USB cable <-> Laptop running Linux <-> WLAN/Edge/3G <-> Android
The only big dislike is the laptop in that chain
klaus27 said:
It is possible. Only drawback is that a laptop is needed like with the iphone app.
So a possible setup would be like this:
Camera <-> USB cable <-> Laptop running Linux <-> WLAN/Edge/3G <-> Android
The only big dislike is the laptop in that chain
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It's the same setup used for the iPhone, it's basically a remote control setup and I can't really see how it helps that much, it feels like more of a gimmick rather than something helpful since you still need to carry a laptop with you.
Now, if the camera could be directly connected to the phone, that'd be awesome, since you pretty much carry a phone with you at all times.
zeusalmighty said:
It's the same setup used for the iPhone, it's basically a remote control setup and I can't really see how it helps that much, it feels like more of a gimmick rather than something helpful since you still need to carry a laptop with you.
Now, if the camera could be directly connected to the phone, that'd be awesome, since you pretty much carry a phone with you at all times.
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That's the point. It is not possible... well, everything is, but the effort cannot be worth the outcome.
It is more likely to do it with an Arduino board with Wlan chip and USB host.
But then again, you have to reverse engineer the Nikon and Canon protocols or use the linux library.... Should be possible, but you need to buy some hardware anyway.
Check this:
Cheap plug-computers like sheevaplug or this one: http://www.ionicsplug.com/cumulus.html would make it kind of easy as they run linux, have USB connector(s) and have WLAN (sheevaplug needs USB WLAN stick).
Cross-compiling gphoto library, writing a software which talks through gphoto to the cam and report the capabilities back to the connected Android / Iphone.
Only (major) drawback is that those plug computers need a power supply. I have seen someone running sheevaplug with solar panel .
Sheevaplug is around 75€, so quite affordable.
I need to connect my 5DM2 and check whether things like touch-focus, live preview and stuff would be possible...
What do you think about the power plug issue?
Hehe, I like how you assumed that I can understand these things I dont
At work atm but will try to read through the article, but as I understand so far, this guy uses a small linux computer that can communicate through a WLAN adapter so you basically have a wifi remote control. Looks pretty darn cool, especially for the money, and using a solar panel would be awesome!
Only thing is that it doesn't have that much to do with android as far as I can tell, if it's a web interface then you can use it with any device, right?
What I was thinking was more in the likes of a replacement for the $100+ timer triggers with your phone. I think it should be possible but maybe people wouldn't invest in it (though I think they should).
BTW, I just remembered that you can also trigger the camera through the headphone jack, as with those diy remote releases. Do you think there could be a way to use the SGS headphone jack to cause shutter releases? You wouldn't get any control of the settings from the phone, but you could still program time intervals or bulb shots! Hey, even motion sensing shots, provided you dock your phone some place. And you have to admit it doesn't sound too difficult, right?
See the diy thing here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Rem...or-Canon-Cameras/step2/Cut-off-the-ear-peice/
If/when someone does make something like this, I would think a small netbook would be sufficiently portable, compared to a 15" or 17" laptop, to use as the "host" device.
zeusalmighty said:
Hehe, I like how you assumed that I can understand these things I dont
At work atm but will try to read through the article, but as I understand so far, this guy uses a small linux computer that can communicate through a WLAN adapter so you basically have a wifi remote control. Looks pretty darn cool, especially for the money, and using a solar panel would be awesome!
Only thing is that it doesn't have that much to do with android as far as I can tell, if it's a web interface then you can use it with any device, right?
What I was thinking was more in the likes of a replacement for the $100+ timer triggers with your phone. I think it should be possible but maybe people wouldn't invest in it (though I think they should).
BTW, I just remembered that you can also trigger the camera through the headphone jack, as with those diy remote releases. Do you think there could be a way to use the SGS headphone jack to cause shutter releases? You wouldn't get any control of the settings from the phone, but you could still program time intervals or bulb shots! Hey, even motion sensing shots, provided you dock your phone some place. And you have to admit it doesn't sound too difficult, right?
See the diy thing here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Rem...or-Canon-Cameras/step2/Cut-off-the-ear-peice/
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I see. The thing is there are ready to use solutions out there which do exactly what you are requesting.
My approach was a different one. I wanted to be able to mount the camera somewhere, connect sheevaplug, then go somewhere and remotely control the camera in every aspect. Imaging you have to shoot a marriage. You could place the camera somewhere, take a seat somewhere and see exactly the live-view image from the camera, can point somewhere on the touchscreen to focus on that point, control exposure settings and hit the button to take the shot.
That was my approach. If I would be able to achieve this just with a sheevaplug computer for 75€, that would be great. But there still is the issue with the power necessary to run the computer.
Another problem would be to gain the time needed to write the app. I am able to do that, but time is rare...
I can understand the appeal, as I said it would be awesome to have such a setup, just not for me so far. I'll try to understand how the shutter release works through the remote and report here, i think the headphone jack would be really nice considering that no amount of extra equipment would be necessary, apart from the cable.
Just a quick question, why would you require any coding on the phone, why not use a VNC-like application and install the official canon application on windows?
zeusalmighty said:
I can understand the appeal, as I said it would be awesome to have such a setup, just not for me so far. I'll try to understand how the shutter release works through the remote and report here, i think the headphone jack would be really nice considering that no amount of extra equipment would be necessary, apart from the cable.
Just a quick question, why would you require any coding on the phone, why not use a VNC-like application and install the official canon application on windows?
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have you ever tried to watch a movie through a VNC connection?
Sheevaplug is driven by a Marvell ARM CPU, no x86 which would be needed by Windows. So only possible way would be to install linux with virtualization, setup windows XP in a container, install EOS software and a VNC server, then use a crappy VNC client on Android to control my camera? Sounds like a crappy setup to me
Having a small, slick and performant native UI would be muuuuuuch better.
I personally don't think that you will succeed with this headphone jack thingie. But I wish you good luck
Hehe, thanks
Good luck with ur project.
Lookie what I just found...
Googling aroud on more general terms for this topic, i found someone pointing to libgPhoto, a multi platform camera control lib: *crap, cannot post links, wtf*
*edit* google for libGphoto, it also has a remote.
Looking a bit further, i came across this:
google for : gitorious agphoto2 commits / master
Now i haven't found any more info on the project yet, but this looks like a project that some of us here on XDA could maybe join in on.. The only problem that then remains is the usb-usb cable There's an actual start on porting an existing lib available!
Just to keep this discussion running (I am not a programmer).
Take a look at:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00321.html They are making progress on a workable solution...
klaus27 said:
I see. The thing is there are ready to use solutions out there which do exactly what you are requesting.
My approach was a different one. I wanted to be able to mount the camera somewhere, connect sheevaplug, then go somewhere and remotely control the camera in every aspect. Imaging you have to shoot a marriage. You could place the camera somewhere, take a seat somewhere and see exactly the live-view image from the camera, can point somewhere on the touchscreen to focus on that point, control exposure settings and hit the button to take the shot.
That was my approach. If I would be able to achieve this just with a sheevaplug computer for 75€, that would be great. But there still is the issue with the power necessary to run the computer.
Another problem would be to gain the time needed to write the app. I am able to do that, but time is rare...
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You just want cash
I'm in for this and would pay for software like this. I even got time for programming but cant do this alone. Just got my nikon D5000
Revisit: Direct Tether for xoom?
With all of our marvelous hacking friends, I don't see why we couldn't expect direct tethering for a DSLR on Xoom or other tabs with usb capabilities.
TheZuneLune said:
With all of our marvelous hacking friends, I don't see why we couldn't expect direct tethering for a DSLR on Xoom or other tabs with usb capabilities.
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I am teaching myself how to use my DSLR, and I begin thinking... "Wow, a lot of these settings could be a lot easier and more intuitive to control... why isn't there a DSLR powered by Android?"
Anyway, I found this thread and I figured I'd post my Xoom hooked up to my Canon. ..Not that either recognizes the other.

[Q] External Touchscreen Display

For the past few days I have been racking my brain and searching multiple forums for the answer(s) and I finally turn to XDA to hopefully help answer.
The thought: I would love to be able to take my DroidX connect it via HDMI to a 7" monitor in my car to have a nice view of the navigation, access to my music and all of the other items that the phone has to offer (which include data connection and accurate GPS). Sure I can buy an android based headunit or build a carPC but why when I have what all of that has to offer in my pocket? Then I got to thinking, to take it a step further, why not use a 7" touchscreen monitor so that I am not just passing video and sound via the HDMI but that the monitor registers touches to the phone.
WebTop is a great middle of the road solution as it would output the HDMI and allow the user to utilize the phone as the mouse touchpad on the screen. Sadly it is only offered for a select few phones. So on to my questions.
1. Did I some how miss a WebTop project being worked on that would do what I am talking about?
2. Am I wrong in thinking that drivers need to be worked out depending on the phone AND which 7" TS was used?
3. Most, if not all, android phones have video out capabilities, so outputting to the screen would be workable, but is there a better way to get the input hurdle worked out.. not a question just an open suggestion box.
Looks like a few more days or looking would have helped. Customgadz has what I need.
so what did you find? I searched for Customgadz, with no results. did you use hdmi mirroring with Android, or does this work with webtop?
Looks like the australian website has a solution to control an android device with a 4 wire external touchscreen using a module.
search for "customgadz remote touch"
Only pre-order now and the website states they start delivering end of januari

[Q] Final Questions Before Buying Note??

Before I make the final decision I have a few more questions. My current phone is a HTC Tilt 2 which is a Windows Phone. I am assuming I will have to learn a lot to get this to work.
1) How fast does it work with 3G? I am working in Dallas which has LTE, but I live outside of New Orleans which does not have LTE.
2) Will my Motorola H17 bluetooth work with it? I am hard of hearing and depend on the Bluetooth a lot.
3) Will a GPS with voice turn by turn controls work with it? I hope to be able to use the Note instead of getting a standalone GPS for my Fifth Wheel.
4) Will the stereo Bluetooth headsets work with? I prefer these instead of the wired ones while working out.
5) Can I put my current micro SD card in the Note to access my music?
reubenray said:
Before I make the final decision I have a few more questions. My current phone is a HTC Tilt 2 which is a Windows Phone. I am assuming I will have to learn a lot to get this to work.
1) How fast does it work with 3G? I am working in Dallas which has LTE, but I live outside of New Orleans which does not have LTE.
2) Will my Motorola H17 bluetooth work with it? I am hard of hearing and depend on the Bluetooth a lot.
3) Will a GPS with voice turn by turn controls work with it? I hope to be able to use the Note instead of getting a standalone GPS for my Fifth Wheel.
4) Will the stereo Bluetooth headsets work with? I prefer these instead of the wired ones while working out.
5) Can I put my current micro SD card in the Note to access my music?
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I can answer a few (my Note comes later today!)
1) Depends how your HSDPA and HSPA+ coverage are, check the ATT map in that area.
2) It should, I've had that bluetooth work on other Android devices.
3) Yes, google maps is turn-by-turn on any android phone.
4) Probably, don't see why not
5) Yes, any microSD should work
I was posting at the same time as the prior poster...
Wow, going from WM6.5 with a resistive 800x480 screen to the Note is going to be mind-boggling for you (I had the Sprint variant of that phone about 4 phones ago).
1. Crazy fast compared to T2/TP2 because the processor is light years ahead
2. Yes, there's no reason why it shouldn't
3. Should work - out of the box you have Google Navigator and there's also the AT&T navigator which costs $10/month.
4. same as #2...should be no problem. Bluetooth is pretty well developed at this point for the basic stuff like headsets and headphones.
5. It's no problem...Android will find music on your SD card.
As a former die-hard (and still on the fence) qwerty smartphone user, I recommend heading to the Android market and getting a keyboard with arrow keys. The one I use is Smart Keyboard Pro (there's a free trial). I've never liked on-screen keyboards, I make a lot of mistakes, and being able to arrow key around is helpful. That said, if any phone has the screen real estate to make an on-screen keyboard palatable, it's the Note.
point number 5 is a yes for most bluetooth headsets you just need to make sure they have a2dp functionality
this might be late...
2-4 Just take your bluetooh with you to the store, you can pair them there and see if they work for sure. then you can delete the bluetooth devices.
1. it will work 3g fast where there is only 3g...
3. I will guess yes, but is a educated guess...
5. Save the content of your memory card to your pc first. It should work the only thing I can think of is that the device might ask you to format the card. Doubtful, but it could. I am also sure that the htc directories might be different than the one for the Note. When is my time to swap my memory on my blackberry to my Note I will make a copy in my hard drive, format the memory, let the note build the directories the way it needs then I will move whatever music, pictures and videos I want.
Good luck!
I saw a Note today and will be ordering it through Amazon today.

