Possible to damage hardware with software? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Bit difficult to phrase this - what I mean is, if I put on software that
e.g. deletes a vital Windows file etc., will a hard reset sort it out?
i.e.are all the required files permanently in ROM (including after a ROM
update - such as the o2 UK XDA update I'm about to do).
I'm wanting to experiment with a couple of software titles, and I don't want
to find that the unit is unusable/problematic afterwards (I don't mind if a
hard boot cures it).

Unless you try to flash your ROM you can not delete or modify any files which are located in the ROM. So if you hard reset your xda will return to its original state.

Thanks, was a bit fuzzy on that one


Cooking an ExtROM

Since getting my XDAII a few days ago, I've been impressed with the number of customisations possible, and have managed to acheive a number of different tasks, however, I have as yet to cook my own ExtROM for it.
This is something I would very much like to do, and I have acquired an ms_.nbf from the end of the line update that O2 provides from their website.
I have all the necessary tools to do it, and I know exactly how to, but I do not know which packages I need to keep in order to have a PDA with fully functioning bluetooth, blackberry and ad nauseum. alternately, as I'm sure that there is probably an ExtROM with all the bare essentials in it (and probably newer version essentials too) so if someone could point me to one, or the other I'd be very grateful, and whatever it is, I am definitely interested in dumping O2Active.
you dont need to mess with nbf files to cook an extented rom
you can just use the tool to unhide and unlock the extented rom from the xda and remove the cab files you dont want and
add the ones you want and change the config.txt file to include the new stuff and exclude the stuff you removed
then you just lock and hide the rom and hardreset
and the rest if history
I know, but someone else wants a custom ROM, and they're too far away for me to get hold of their PDA to do it that way.
all I need to know now is what .CAB files I need to include to have everything functioning, then I'll bung on extras
I guess this is a trial and error jobby then.
now something I've wondered that should be simple to answer;
when flashing on an ExtROM, is it possible to flash ONLY the ExtROM, or is it mandatory to flash the OS and radio as well, on pain of trashing the PDA and reducing it to only the bootloader.
well, through trial and error I've got it all sorted, thanks to everyone for their help... oh, wait, I didn't get any help, but many thanks to Rudegar.
Sure, you don't owe me anything, but if a forum's been setup for the purpose of giving help, it sure would have been nice to have received some rather than just getting ignored because I haven't made enough posts yet to join whatever religious PDA sect you happen to run exclusively to help eachother.
rant over, I've made my point, perhaps something positive can come of it?
Just yesterday I created my first "EXTENDED ROM" and installed it by myself for my friends XDA II, all you need is EDIT2003 program thats on the wiki somewhere. Then you can open the ms_.nbf, and edit the splash images and the files it will install on the hard reset, then just install it to the phone using the rom upgrade procedure but put the extended rom in and delete the nk.nbf and the radio_.nbf tah dah!

System files moving not permitted

Hi to everyone.
Before this HTC device I had others and also had a Motorola Mpx220 (WM2003 SE).
I was used to move the files within "\Windows\Start Menu" (mostly .lnk files to installed programs) into newly created subfolders, to be able to use and/or access the function I needed in a faster way.
I've tried doing the same on this WM5 device, but everytime I try I get an error message reporting it is not possible (File Explorer has greyed out options to cut and/or copy, while TotalCommander just reports it's not possible to "overwrite" ???).
Does anyone have an idea of how this can be done (registry ???) ?
Thank you.
Here is the solution...
Hi Mix, it's Mix answering (yes, I'm the same person...)...
First of all I would like to thank you ALL the people which knew the solution and were fighting to answer to my doubt...
You were so many, I wonder why the message has been read times and so many answers arrived: 0 (yes, ZERO).
Anyway, I came across the solution myself, by chance...
The problems seems being the smartphone versions of WM5 being protected against file modifications. This protection extends also to some files execution and to certificate installations (hence some problems may arise when connecting to an Exchange Server for syncronization).
Some tools are needed to remove this protection, and some experience of registry modification is required too (I will not help anyone beside what is in this message and I take no responsability for any mistakes and/or troubles you may produce or face).
First of all you need a special version of RegEdit (the tool from PHM): you should find an HTC digitally signed copy of it called RegEditSTG.exe.
Look around for it: there are many forums around which do hold a copy of it.
Place it in your phone's memory, not on the MicroSD card...
With this tool you should change the following values:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2 => 1 (RAPI)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16 => 40 (Cert)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128 => 144 (?)
The first is the value you will find, the second is the value you should enter. The third line has a question mark because someone says it should be made, someone not... It's up to you. I made it.
Then you should find another tool (with the same above method) called SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe which has to be run on your desktop PC with the phone already connected with USB (and possibly with ActiveSync not in the middle of a sync...).
Once you run this, you will get a message that the unlock took place (if not, it may be the first operations did not complete well).
Disconnect your phone from the USB cable and power cycle it (switch it off and then on again).
Opla'... the phone is not APPLICATION UNLOCKED and you will be able to move file around the directories as I was looking to when I first posted my message.
Now I have a very quick Start Menu, as I wanted.
Please, be aware that this operation hacks the security policies of WM5 and then any other application which may be dangerous can now run on your phone.
If you wish to stay on the safe side, it could be useful to restore the registry settings to their original values, but I do not know if this could cause other problems, since I didn't on my phone.
I actually double check every single file by myself before launching it and I do not run anything which I'm not sure it is safe.
So, pay attention... (you have been warned...).
Hope this helps someone else out there.
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
vbi said:
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
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;-) I knew...
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
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In order:
- Yes, I suppose a hard reset of the device completely restores the original factory settings, hence, the device will appear as "brand new".
- You're right: all the localized files present there are just to be able to swithc to other languages (maybe following user's settings and maybe also following user's SIM settings too...).
- Erasing the unused files may appear as a "space saving" job. It is not. First of all you will not be able to remove ROM resident files, but provided you could be able to do this, you will not be able to use ROM space as you intend...
Finally then, it's completely unuseful to try to remove them, just a waste of time trying...
Thanks Michele.
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
I always tought ROM was only to store the "disk" image when you hard reset the device. I was so for the Qtek S100.
vbi said:
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
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Yes it is. On the fact that it is then copied into RAM, well, this is a tecnique which was used up to WM2003 SE devices.
Starting from WM5 devices MS somewhat changed the behaviour of the whole system, hence I'm not then so sure.
Indeed, I have never been sure of anything, beside death, so you can imagine...
I'm not really so "expert".
Having used an MPx220 for over one year (with all its limitations, but exploiting it very much), using a WM5 device now is a much more relaxed experience (faster, more realiable and less troubly in terms of memory).
Just MHO
Thanks Mix - i followed your directions and it worked.
Got my QTEK (running i-Mate ROM) Application Unlocked

Extended ROM question (files have disappeared).

I've hard-reset a couple of times lately (to recover from a crazy spree of playing with registry files/checking out freeware) and a reset or two ago, as I opened the Extended_Rom folder with Total Commander to run the MMS cab, I realised a bunch of the files I usually see there are missing.
Normally I see all the files listed in the config file (all operator customisations/everything beginning with 'Signed_') in the extended rom, but now I only have the ones you can see in the first screenshot. I didn't have the software installed (soft reset before it started) but the cab files were usually there any way.
I did play about with trying to remove a few of them (Signed_DisableBeam for one) but I didn't think I'd been successful & I didn't try and delete them all, so... I'm confused! I've hard-reset since then and they haven't come back.
Does anyone know what happened/what it sounds like?
&also (although I'm guessing the answer is 'no' -- it can't be that easy ) can I edit/overwrite the config file with one of my own, leaving out the O2 customisation?
(Phone info is in my sig, in case you need it.)
I think you may find that they are still there but hidden and will not be installed. Try reflashing your extended rom or create your own with Faria's turorial found here:
my theory is that extended_rom allows edition (via WindowsMobile OS) but does a checksum at boot. as a protection it blanks itself whenever the checksums fail.
As a solution I advise a reflash of that area alone (via edited RUU)
I have a question about this subject.
I seem to be having this same problem (curiousity kills sometimes)
However after many attempts at reflashing my device the ext rom never showed again and completley disappeared. many hard resets have failed. Its not something I'm really all to worried about, it's just I find it odd that no ext roms from any installations will work at all.
Could it be because it's a tmo mda by chance or that is a G4?
I've tried every rom under the sun so to speak.
Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
ipl/spl: 2.17.0001
CID unlocked
well, you DO have a G4 device but since G4 have DOC write protection enabled and can't downgrade to ROMs bellow 1.06 i don't think that using pdocwrite would help here (i've used it before in mt G3 to solve such issue)

help with Orange-IL extended rom and simfree

for those of you who don't know, the israeli phone have hebrew (and MUI) support from a software called Eiron (it is installed from the extended rom). this software is also responsible for the sim-lock in these phones, Israeli carriers do not use the internal sim-lock feature. This is why israeli wizards (they are sold here as K-Jam) can't be unlocked using lokiwiz.
This is a G4 wizard, so it can't be CID unlocked (i didn't totally understand what it means.. does it mean that i can't change the content of the extended rom?)
I did a very simple thing to bypass it. I did a full hardware reset and when the extended rom was about to start installing everything, i did another reset, which stopped it from running. it didn't try to run again on the second hardware reset.
Viola, i can use a sim card from another carrier. but i lost the hebrew support.
Then, using wizard service tool, i un-hid the extended rom. attached is a list of the files on the extended rom that i copied to my computer. now i can install only the files that i want. I'm getting to the question...
Can anyone take a look at the list (i can send the files if needed) and try to guess by the names of the files, which file is what? which file i should install (maybe it's a fix or upgrade which is necessary) and which file should i skip to keep my k-jam as clean as possible and simfree (of course)?
just a hint, the only two softwares that can be uninstalled after the extended rom finished running, are CA antivirus and Eiron (the hebrew and MUI support).
I guess someone with experience with pda's could answer it in a second... I tried to read the wikis here, but it seems like i have A LOT to learn before i have enough knowledge to understand these names...
Thanks a lot.

he Windows Mobile Image Update System - Updating your ROM without losing data!

please rom cookers have a look .can u guys cook rom for our device by this method .
if we got success in this matter no device will be bricked.
i m not so aware of technical terms .so i cant advice u guys!!
sorry for my bad english
i hope u will understand what i want to say
We are aware of this system, but right now, the system is under testing and not fully working. Rest assured when it becomes fully ready and if its possible to use it on gene, we will definately use it.
I said if it is possible, because, on gene, the concept of ULDR partition doesn't exists as far as i know. And ULDR partition is an integral component of that system. ULDR was most probably introduced in WM 6.1 but since Gene is a WM 6 device, it doesn't have the parition layout entry for ULDR. I could be wrong, this is just what my logic says based on my current information.
Also, it wont prevent bricking, as for the system to work, you will need to flash a ROM that supports the ULDR partition and the update system itself, before anything else. For that, you will need to patch your SPL as cooked ROMS will never have the HTC's digital signature. And as we know, patching the SPL is the reason behind all the bricking mess.
But anyways, thanks a lot for sharing
Double Post!
Will it ever work?
I have read the thread sometime back, but I have a few queries...
1. When you upgrade your OS from, say 98 to XP or XP to Vista, there always is a performance issue (compared to formatting your hard drive and doing a fresh install). And since our WinMo are nothing but hand held PCs (well you can say that, it got a processor, a hard disk (ROM), RAM), I guess that issue will crop up here as well.
2. What will happen if you have a 3rd party s/w which is incompatible with the new version of WM? Those of you who are in the PC tech field for a long time, you know after you have upgraded your OS, you can't use that software, neither can you uninstall it ...
So there will be issues, if I am not wrong.
But thats only my opinion. Most pple here are head and shoulders above me technically .
@Addicted: Well, Here are my opinions on your queries :
1. Yes, if the registry of the PPC is having some problems, then it will be an issue. Its a bigger issue in PCs as compared to PPCs coz in PCs the software are huge in size and they write thousands of entries to registry, modify system files etc. SO when an upgrade occurs, these changes either cause a corrupted registry, or in the second case when system files had been modified or replaced by a program, these files will be again updated by the OS and the program may not work, and if its a system level program with deep roots in system functionality, it will cause the system to slowdown at least or crash at worse.
These issues dont affect PPC much coz, for one, PPC software are usually small, they dont write much in registry (ms office on pc for example on PC writes a few thousand keys to registry while registering COM servers etc while MS Office on PPC just adds 10 or 20), and since the OS files are in ROM, they cant be touched by a software. They will remain overridden, if they have beem overridden as the updating process doesn't touch the phone memory.
2. Think again buddy, this is not applicable for WinMO. When you flash a ROM, you already change your OS version, so that will happen anyway, if you flash a ROM or you use the update system on an existing ROM.
I hope this would have cleared your doubts.
krazy_about_technology said:
2. Think again buddy, this is not applicable for WinMO. When you flash a ROM, you already change your OS version, so that will happen anyway, if you flash a ROM or you use the update system on an existing ROM.
I hope this would have cleared your doubts.
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Actually you did not get me about the second issue, what I was trying to say is, if you flash your ROM, you incompatible program will be deleted (obviously) and thus free up space, but if you upgrade, your program will still take up space but will be of no use to you. Since most of the programs in Winmo are stored in Windows folder itself, it will be next to impossible for 99% users to identify the files to delete .
i already talk about image update in visual kitchen for gene thread, all this take lots time. da_g bepe and lots senior ppl are working on this its required new kitchen new rom format
as per i know it's required more rom space which not possible on gene rom
thanks !!!!!! guys for taking interest.
i like it because i have bricked my gene 4 times and got new motherboard.
but now my phone is not in under warranty so i cant take more risk.
i have done all methods correctly but unfortunately i was failed every time .
so after a year of trying i m still using wm5. so i want a new method without
zero risk for updating my rom.
Sorry buddy, but I dont think you can damage ur MB by wrong flash .

