is there another sms software for o2 xda??? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Hello all,
I do a lot of mass mailing and the best phone for that in my experience is the Nokia 9210i.
Mainly because of three things:
1. all you need to do is scroll down through the names and highlight
2. if there is a problem the 9210i will resend automaically.
3. what is great is that, it has the capability to guess the names. it can even guess an initial or a half name.
the problem with the xda is that if you send to more then one person, under the log it shows it only sent one time. therefore if one of your friends did not receive it, it will say that there was an error when sending your sms but you don't know who. plus forwarding again and again making sure all your friend receives the info is such a pain....
i am just wondering is there another sms program out there that may be better then the original...


SMS picture messages (EMS) through Pocket PC phones

Hi guys, I am looking for some way (software ?), that enables the XDA/Qtek to send and receive SMS picture messages (EMS) -not MMS- using only the GSM network and not the internet, and that is, of course, a stand alone function, I mean by this without having to use a Nokia GSM phone or any other GSM phone.
Thanks for your help
All you really need is an app that associates a particular SMS string with a particular picture. You'd then install this app to both devices - sender and reciever.
You'd open you app, pick a picture and hit send. The app would then send an SMS string, say, 'picture1' via SMS to the receiving xda. That unit would have the app running that would pick up the SMS 'picture1' and, having associated that string with the picture you want (presumably picture #1, for the sake of argument) will display that picture.
That's effectively all EMS does on other handsets (not quite, but effectively) - that's why you can't usually see EMS sent between different devices. Different devices from different manufacturers set up the (proprietary) EMS in different ways.
Try the Philips C12 to the Nokia 7650, for example, then you'll see what I mean.
Tekflow - I think you're talking about EMS - ie the SMS extension 2bit picture format made popular by Nokia phones. I quite miss this, as most of my friends have Nokias, and I often used to send EMSs to them with my 9210.
I've looked into this myself a bit for PPC/PE - the situation's not too good:
Sending is relatively easy, just build the SMS in the correct format and send it out, however receiving it is a nightmare.
Unfortunately, Microsoft have made a complete mess of SMS receiving functionality on the PPC/PE OS, only one single application can ever have the SMS handle open for receive at any one time for a given message protocol (and these are not very fine grained basically Text, Notification, WDP, WCMP, Status and Raw).
This application by default is the SMS handling application of the PocketPC/PE. So basically, you can't use it otherwise you loose the default handling.
On Symbian, it's sooo much easier. There's a 'chain' of receivers, so you just register for a particular message, scan it, and if you don't want to process it, you just pass it on to the next application in the handler chain.
It might be possible to completely rebuild the SMS handling application from scratch, get rid of the default handler, and replace it with your own, however there's quite a lot going on under the surface with SMS handling, so this would be extremely difficult.
One thing you could try is getting the messages after they have been received and placed in the inbox using MAPI. I'm not sure if this would work, as IMHO MAPI is a hopeless API too, and propably would bletch at a SMS type that wasn't plain text. It's worth investigating though.
There are two EMS softs for Pocket PC but not for the "Phone Edition".
These softs used AT commands instead of RIL API.
But as with last ROM it is possible to have access to internal modem with AT commands, these softs should work now.
eMood Messenger for Pocket PC : for ppc.htm
Pocket Presence SMS Manager :
But EzOS (developer of EzWAP 2.5 MMS) proposes MobyKit, a library to develop SMS/EMS/MMS :
Anyone knows if there is a possibility to send and receive picture messages (EMS, not MMS) using XDA II ? All the available software I found are not compatible with Pocket PC Phone Edition.
I'm looking for the same as well.
Worse still, the PPC or WM2003 default SMS software does not even NOTIFY or do anything when it received an EMS message. In fact, it did nothing .. I suspect it ignored anything apart from SMS, it didn't even store ANYTHING from an EMS. Some normal phones at least receive the EMS but display garbage on SMS, on Xda II -- zilch !!! NOTHING. Try it.
Smart GSM
Guys, I think Smart GSM is the solution. Try it and let me know the results.
ems 4 qtek 1010
do this program work for pocket pc phone edition like qtek 1010 (xda)?
did anyone send or receive a EMS successfully ?


recent convert from mobile to pda
does anyone know if we can stick smilies or ems pic on our sms
or even receive them :?:
no the sms recieve part of the OS dont support ems and cant be made to wihtout rewriting parts of windows ce
but people said that it could be made to send ems if parts of outlook were changed to made those ems codes
you can of cause make manual smilies like
Is the change really that serious? I thought the SMS receiving function was only handled by one DLL called SMSReceiver_DLL.dll.
I have tried sending an EMS from a Nokia phone to Xda II, unfortunately I got no response from Xda II at all, I mean NOTHING, no notification, no garbage characters SMS in Inbox (tmail.exe), not a single sign of any incoming sms or anything!
I suspect that this SMSReceiver thingy is written to handle SMS only, and anything with a header which does not comply to a normal SMS, namingly EMS -- IT DOES NOTHING! This is most unfair.
yeah that might do it
of cause you would also have to make some application to make then
and possibly view them something like mms compose
i dont think that outlook and display pictures like that
of cause i could be wrong
also composing them would also prob be an issue with outlook
i think that phonecompany's and cellphone makers are pushing mms these days so i doubt that it will be in the xda3
do the newer nokia and sonyericsson even support the std anymore ?
Rudegar said:
also composing them would also prob be an issue with outlook
i think that phonecompany's and cellphone makers are pushing mms these days so i doubt that it will be in the xda3
do the newer nokia and sonyericsson even support the std anymore ?
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there was a program by eMood soft which handles EMS message (sending & receiving) but it's not designed for Phone Edition. I installed it, it looked good but too bad it can only work via Com ports, IR, Bluetooth etc ... Can't use it on Xda II at all. And the website for this eMood seems to have shut for good. No sign of any other software that works under WM2003 Phone Edition.
Well, as you said most providers are now pushing for MMS ... but in many Asian countries, EMS are still widely used for leisure. And for new Nokia phones or SE phones (even P900), EMS seems to be pretty standard.

Receiving Contact information via sms

I tried to send some contact information from my old Touch Diamond 2 to my mozart via sms and the message did not come..
I tried the same borrowing one of my friends iphone. This time the message came but it just said that there are media contents in the message and it cannot be displayed.
I am not sure if I have not enabled something or if the initial version of WP7 does not even accept contact information sent by other phones...
If any of you can find out a solution to it do post it as it would be nice..

[Q] SMS contact limit

Does anyone know how to change the SMS contact limit with AT&T. I created a few groups of friends and family to send a quick message out to. Groups are limited to twenty which would work for some groups just fine but when I send an SMS text out, I get an error message saying your carrier limits sms texts to 10 contacts at one time.
This has got to be a setting somewhere since I was able to do this all day long on my WM6.5 device. I even had a group of nearly 100 and had no trouble. Network is network so my thinking is this is a setting somewhere.
Got a lot of views on this but no one has been able to add anything. Should this get moved to WP General or WP Q & A?
Are you sure it's just with ATT and not an O/S limit? i think it's so you don't spam.
I have got to think that any carrier can tell if someone is spamming versus communicating with a group of people. In my case it was for someone that ended up in the hospital.
Do you have any idea how many calls and separate texts you'd have to send or make if you didn't have somethingng like this set up? Not asking a dumb question but more like an obvious one.
I am one of the few I bet that doesn't have unlimited text's and I would be willing to pay for my overage if that happens for the comfort of texting to a group that needs this communication.
Let's face it, someone can create an app to loop through a distribution list and fire off a text msg and loop to the next contact in the list and fire it again. Not looking for performance but convenience.
At some point I need to stop comparing WP to WM6.5 and just get over it.
I'm replying to an old thread ; hoping this generates a fresh look at an old problem:
I have an unlocked AT&T-branded Samsung GS4 (SGH-i337) operating on the Cricket network. I created a new contacts group "Buddies" consisting of 15 people in my Contacts. However, when I try to send an SMS text to this Buddies group, the stock Messaging app enforces a limit whereby I'm allowed to select and send the SMS to a max of 10 people from my Buddies group. This 10-person limit has been around for several years, so I'm wondering if anyone has found a simple/easy way to remove or adjust this 10-person group sms limit?
Interestingly, I also have an unlocked Verizon-branded GS4 (SCH-i545), and its stock Messaging app allows me to send an SMS to as many as 20 people from an established Group of contacts.
As a partial solution to the 10-person limit on my ATT GS4, is it technically feasible that I could simply copy/extract the Verizon Messaging app, then import and use that Verizon Messaging .apk on my ATT GS4 in order to increase the person limit to 20? Sounds simple, which probably means it's too easy to be true.

[Q] SMS/MMS via internet for UK 3 network

I'm a UK Three customer using Omega 9.1 ROM (FW: XXBLG1 Modem:XXLFB CSC:H3GALE4).
I work a lot offshore, way out at sea so obviously no mobile connection whatsoever for weeks however we do have a small bandwidth internet connection on the ship.
There seems to masses of apps for being able to receive and send SMS messages via the internet but many seem country specific. I don't want anything too fancy just the ability to use text messages (and preferably free???). Ideally being able to retrieve my voice messages would be awesome as normally when I get home from 4 weeks at sea I have loads and loads of voice messages (I should change my answerphone message before I leave to "Please don't leave a message as I am at sea" but I always forget)
Can anyone recommend a good way of doing this please? I understand that HandcentSMS may have this feature but their website made it look a bit overkill for my needs.
Thanks in advance
Could possibly suggest you using Whatsapp, its free from the Google Play Store and you can send messages, pictures, videos and even recorded voices messages to other whatsapp users completely free over an internet connection.
It would mean that the people who want to contact you would also need to have the Whatsapp app on there phone but it can be downloaded on Apple devices, Blackberry, Android and on newer nokia devices aswell.
I understand this may not be a perfect solution and maybe some of the people you want to contact cant have Whatsapp on there phone but it could really help with those who can.
Hope this helps
Tnanks for that. Certainly a part way solution and I guess the messages I am referring to involve close colleagues, friends and family so I'll see if we can try this route as a group.
Out of interest someone who I worked with mentioned Google Talk but as far as I have read/searched this is just a "chat/instant message" application. Surely it doesn't access my SMS messages? As far as I assume, SMS messages go through my network provider(??). The issue I really want to surmount is just to be able to receive my SMS messages when I am at sea for weeks on end. It really is frustrating getting to within sight of land (normally Aberdeen) and as soon as I get mobile reception a million and one messages start pinging in some of which were sent weeks ago.
Check out textplus. May be worth a look.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app

