chinese to english & english to chinese dictionary - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

hi to all
where can i get the chinese to english & english to chinese dictionary ??
pls share..


Language changing on M1000

Hello to eweryvan first i am sory for my teribel english i can use search engine a cn speak english god but gramatical i can not good vrite the seachig words so pleas vit respects i ned some help.
I have bekam a france wersion off pda M1000 ORANGE.
How can i flash him on ENGLISH please link me to the page were is it explaint thanks and greatings from BELGRADE YUGOSLAVIA.

How to translate a rom?

Hello to all
could someone tell me how to translate in Italian an English ROm?
Thanls a lot
Just look in another language rom`s.
Look here:

Changing T9 language?

Hi, is it possible to change T9 language ( from english to polish) without changing the whole rom to polish?
any reply on installing T9 languages?
Did you ever get an answer ?
I just got an HTC Hero in Singapore and it only comes with English and Chinese. I would however like to add French as an input language. Any idea ?
you need a custom HTC_IME for the language keybaords
so far the only ones I have encountered are the:
HTC_IME: english
HTC_IME: chinese
HTC_IwinnI: Japanese

Translate Application

Hi all ,
Can Someone Speaking English and Russian can Translate these Files To Russian Language for my App ,
Thanks .

help with language settings please

Hiya peeps right I've got a China phone and it's not in English how can I get a English language pack for the phone

