just some crazy thoughts about wm2005 on himalaya devices - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

first i like to give a statement about how i am feeling today it is absolutely great to have a working copy of wm2005 (even it is still on alpha or pre-beta status) for himalaya available. great job of all who have been involved.
when i come down a little and my brain starts his usual work again i had the following ideas/dreams:
i think fact is that we will never have an official wm2005 for our himalayas even we would pay for it. double no! (and shame to all who sell those devices for loosing a good chance for making some money with their existing platforms)
but fact is also that there will be devices with wm2005 on the market, maybe by the middle of 2005, maybe by the end, maybe next year, maybe...
and here starts my thinking: on one hand we have a wm2005 for himalaya, with all necessary drivers onboard, a working registry etc. on the other hand we will have final releases of wm2005 on other devices. with all those ppc gurus here in the forum would it be possible to set up a wm2005 for himalayas, where drivers are in a pre-release status but the rest of the system is in final status.
what do you guys think? is that too much dreaming or is there a chance for setting up such a version of wm2005 especially tailored for himalayas?
also i think, the final release of wm2005 will be much more lean (no debugging stuff in it). it will surely provide more free memory after installation and of course much more speed than the current pre-release (and here i see one advantage of our himalayas: there are well equipped with memory and therefore open for future features like wm2005).
keep up the good work


Someone please explain ROM to me

I have read and seen a lot about the ROM for the XDA2 but still can't understand everything abopuut it.
I understand that it is the Memory in the device that loads when you give it a hard reset. So what are the differences between the different ROM's around and is there one that stands up better than the rest?
Also how do you go about changing the ROM? And is it a safe procedure. Can I save the ROM I have and put it back with ease if a new one does not work for me?
All these questions I would love to know the answers to but could not find the answers directly here, is there anywhere I can point my navigator to to find out in simple non geekie language?
I wish I was a Geek but my brain will not cope with too much techkie stuff at one time and shuts down
I understand your pain! But you have to begin somewhere...
Changing ROMs is a dangerous process that can lead even the most experienced " geek" through a lot of frustration and wasted time. It is however, in the nature of us, who are never contented with the normal out of the box" oftenly" flawed solutions, to tinker and experiment with the devices and create customized versions containing only the best for what we want to do.
The ROM is the software that makes your XDA work, the OS(operating system) for your device. It contains all the programs and applications needed to run the phone and PDA aspects. It also contains what is called a Radio Stack, which is what runs the Radio/ Phone version of the device.
Sometimes, these carriers will take the OS and make modifications such as installing their own time measuring/ messagin applications.These apps often cause a lot of issues in regards to performance and memory leaks and etc.
Our devices have an Operating System provided by Microsoft :twisted: and based on the Windows CE ( Compact Edition), which itself has many versions. The latest of these versions is what is called Windows Mobile 2003.
There are many ROM and Radio Stack versions ( like OS's) each with features and functionalities which work best for certain phone providers.
The XDA, MDA and XDAII are manufactured by a company called HTC ( called an OEM- Original Equipment Manufacturer) for many of our carriers.)
So playing with your ROM means potentially lobotomizing your unit :roll: , which is a thought that scares some and excites some! It is a great feeling to bring back a unit that was non-functioning or DEAD and have it working the way you want it to work...
My recomendation is that you read the posts in this and other boards before you decide to do an upgrade or tweak your XDA. Good Luck! 8)
Thanks for that Great Information. I had guessed a few of the things you wrote but it's nice to know these things from a real understandable Geek.
I love to mess with these things as well as long as I have an escape plan. Is there a way to save your exixting ROM on a PC and try others out, and if they don't work or I just dont like them put it back. I am sure there is but I have no idea how. How do you extract and load a ROM?? Also if the new ROM fails and the device does not start up can you still connect the XDA2 to a PC to put back your origional of another ROM. That is the bit that sounds scarry to me.
I use the O2 ROM that came with the phone and it really needs a bit of improving. There are several issues with it that could be looked at. Do you know of any great Radio Stacks out there???
Thanks again
By the way I am a photographer working for AP based in London and use my phone all the time to transmit my pictures back to the office. The phone does not work as well as a nokia in reliable GSM conections and GPRS and is slower have you any ideas about it?

Microsoft is selling wm5 on their site.

yes they are but wait its only for ipaq's & dell
and even window media player-10 t that is also for ipaq's & dell.
how mean of them inspite all the htc devices run on windows.
someone gotta teach them a lesson.
heres the link see for yourself's
http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/pscmisc/vac/us/en/sm/pocketpc/MS5.0_upgrade.html for wm5
for wm-10 player
can someone tell me if this will work on a himalaya?
am ready to buy this os
First of all, read wiki, and then ask questions.
Microsoft doesn't 'sell' WM5.0 roms.
Several devices' vendors support buying/upgrading, but unfortunately not HTC.
However, you can get WM5 for Himalaya, because wonderful people at xda-developers made this possible.
Read wiki, to get it:
Note, that this upgrade is not official and is still problematic....
People here are working hard to make it better.
dont be in a hurry, go to the link i have posted and see for yourself they are selling it for $39.99.
and yes i am aware of the wm5 rom's on buzzdev, and they have ton's of bug's.
since they are selling the rom in the hp site.
it should be trouble free.
Same as update to 2003se. Won't work (without patches) on any other then Ipaq's and Dell's. For other devices you are refered to the manifacturer.
Looked at this before, strategy of microsoft still the same.
Don't buy unless they say that they have an upgrade for your "specific" device.
A Real M$
ms dont make roms for devices
for the ipaq's hp makes roms for their devices and sell them
for htc devices htc makes roms for their devices and offer them for free
people must understand that when you buy a cd with windows for your pc it include all the drivers so it will run on every pc supported
when you get a rom for your device where the size of the rom is limited in space you only get the drivers and stuff for that very device and not anything else
roms are custom made and hardcoded to work on that special hardware config
if ms sell mw2005 but only to pda manufactors along with the tools required to build the rom from scratch along with the drivers for the cam or wifi cpu and the likes that pda uses
if you buy a hp rom then it will work just fine
that is if you install it on the supported hp pda
it will not work on anything else

HTC rom ?

Hello :
Does anyone already have the new htc rom ?
Thnks a Lot
All the roms we have are listed here, if what you are looking for is not here, we don't have it:
Great ! We always try to find what is new....i know the wiki....
The idea is to catch the rom somewhere in the world....do you get ???
Here's my take on this:
I believe that HTC themselves are part of the developer block behind the various Operator Hermes releases. I believe they did the DoPod update and they're doing Cingular now. With each progressive update, the list of issues gets smaller, but their own resources are being consumed with operator QA cycles.
That being said and given that the TyTN is HTC's "flagship" version of the Hermes, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the TyTN ROM update will be AKU3.0 and will be released sometime after the Cingular 8525 ROM development has concluded.
This is just a hunch on my part, but if it makes a certain (twisted) amount of sense if you think about it. If its true, we won't see the next TyTN ROM until the Oct-Nov timeframe. If its AKU3.0 it'll be worth the wait however. Based on my xp with the new Cingular ROM, I can see that they are stretching AKU2.6 in an attempt to fix the A2DP issue. Its better, but something is wrong with the base Architecture IMO. HTC will really need some fundamental "plumbing" modifications from M$ to make A2DP work well on the TyTN and that is one of the big promises of AKU3.0.
Interesting insight, Sleuth... one can only hope!
I would say HTC is heads down prioritising finishing the ROMs for the several new devices that are coming out Oct-Nov, ready for Christmas. New product completion usually takes precedence over support, especially since we are not providing any ongoing support revenue for HTC.
I'd also say that Tytn has been a buggy and problematic release for HTC. And given that the newer products will have similar internals, HTC is trying to up the quality on these. It's quite a sensible product strategy to release a new hardware/software platform (Tytn being first) to a smaller market (keyboard PDAs must sell less than non-keyboard ones), find out the problems, and learn from these before releasing the products that will reach a wider audience.
That's the glass-half-empty take on this for sure montyA...
That's what working 14 hour days for a software developer will do to ya!
with the Wizard, HTC (or qtek) managed to get out a bug-fix rom early (the 1.67 rom), and then made everyone wait for the AKU2 rom (the 2.x roms) while they worked on the Cingular, t-mobile, etc roms.
bummer that they can't do the same here and give us a bug-fix rom while we wait for the AKU3 rom release...

Running Mozart on WM 6.5

Dear Sirs,
I think that the Mozart is a fine device.
Unfortunately, Microsoft has finally arrived with its mobile branch in the
windows world,
where there is the old saying :
"if there is a service pack 2, then you can start to work with the operating system".
So I am thinking of getting a mozart,
and let windows mobile 6.5 run on it,
until summer next year, where I expect WM 7 to be useable.
Are there any people who have done this yet,
or are you all eager to play with Windows Phone 7 and it's Bugs ?
You haven't actually used it have you?
Regardless, it's an idiotic idea, if you want WM get a WM phone and upgrade to a next gen WP device next year.
using it
I am currently using WM 6.0 on a HTC device branded by T-Mobile.
"MDA Compact IV".
So I admit that I haven't used 6.5, but I think - as 6.0 is quite fine - that 6.5 sould be better than 6.0.
(if it's not, please tell me)
as Win 7 has no copy and paste, no direct syncing to outlook without the web,
and it's quite locked up,
I think, that somehow 6.5 seems a better idea for me than 7.
Hallo @all,
I also would like to use WM 6.5.5 on the Mozart. Is this to be expected?
I had to take the T-Mobile Mozart (16GB) but I have a HD2 and I love this because of the Option to run ANdroid and 6.5.5 .... If this is not realistic I will sell the Mozart otherwise pherhaps the HD2
Thanks in advice
forgotten_soul said:
Dear Sirs,
I think that the Mozart is a fine device.
Unfortunately, Microsoft has finally arrived with its mobile branch in the
windows world,
where there is the old saying :
"if there is a service pack 2, then you can start to work with the operating system".
So I am thinking of getting a mozart,
and let windows mobile 6.5 run on it,
until summer next year, where I expect WM 7 to be useable.
Are there any people who have done this yet,
or are you all eager to play with Windows Phone 7 and it's Bugs ?
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In every way, windows phone 7 is better than 6.5, no doubt about it.
And besides that, there is no way to install wm6.5 to the mozart, nor will anyone try to develop it, because there really is no sense in putting an crappy os like wm6.5 when you have Windows Phone 7 that is working great out of the box. And wm6.5 has no multi-touch so aint never gonna work on our SLCD screens.
If you love 6.5 and dont like wp7, whats the point in getting a mozart?
The only reason i can see in getting a mozart is :-
A) you want one.
B) you want to try wp7.
If you have a hd2 and are happy with the fine selection of roms there are then stick with it. If wp7 was out for the hd2 i would have not got the mozart as i think the hd2 is a much nicer phone. I like wp7 and the mozart but would much rather have wp7 on my hd2. wp7 still needs time to grow and the problems and bugs will start to fix so let judge it once some of the problems have been addressed, i mean when was the last time anyone can remember microsoft putting out anything that works straight out the box with no bugs or problems? We all get phones running their os and spend time here chatting rubbish about them, but we all keep flashing roms and waiting for the next big fix or tweak. If you want 6.5 on a mozart your wasting you money, get the hd2 or just get in with the rest of the robots and get an iphone.
breakbystealth said:
get the hd2 or just get in with the rest of the robots and get an iphone.
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Buy my 8 month old HTC HD2 from me then if you want 6.5.5
Just remember, the Mozart is a Windows Phone 7 only. And to consider downgrading for functionality as simple as cut and paste and tethering, well your missing the point of the new OS totally.
There are stacks of 6.5.5 models still available, as i said.. by mine!
rxsoob said:
Buy my 8 month old HTC HD2 from me then if you want 6.5.5
Just remember, the Mozart is a Windows Phone 7 only. And to consider downgrading for functionality as simple as cut and paste and tethering, well your missing the point of the new OS totally.
There are stacks of 6.5.5 models still available, as i said.. by mine!
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has he asked if your hd2 can be downgraded to 6.1, sorry could not resist.
You have to use WP7, it is fantastic, sooo much better than 6.5.
I now have a phone that works and does everything it needs to. It has shown me that a phone is not a computer, and should not be used as one. Using the cloud is so efficient for my small business, I wish I had done it sooner.
Obviously there are some things to be added, but this is to be expected for something new.
Lack of software!!!
I am not arguing about how great WP7 is... It is just great, and working just fine, but I really don't see the point of having a nice device if you can not use it's gps for navigation unless you have a flatrate with bing maps?!?!
I have tons of WM 6 apps laying around (installed on other wm6 device) and I have a very nice phone WP7 but I have to carry both of them with me if I want to navigate...
Mozarts from T-Mobile Germany come with Navigon Select pre-installed (check out the T-Mobile Windows Phone website for details). If it wasn't on your device, you can download it for free!
I bought the device without a contract, to use it with my prepaid.
So, it is not the case...
I could download Navigon only if I were a Telekom user, which I am not, so I will have to wait till the next year... perhaps some navigation software developer will make wp7 navigation (not taking navigon in account, other navigation software suppliers did not announce their will to develop for WP7)
Hi All,
I'm also disappointed from WM7 Mozart. Actually it is a very nice phone ... unless you want to do some work with it. It doesn't have copy+paste (crazy like the first iPhones ), it doesn't sync with Outlook (stupid on-line sync with MicrosoftLive costs a lot of money if you are traveling!), doesn't run the old apps (actually this was one of the biggest Microsoft advantages - the backward compatibility), lack of navigation (I'm missing quite a lot iGo and Garmin) and finally - the lack of tethering. The latest is killing me (I can live with the others but that one...) as I'm using the phone to access Internet and do my job when I have an emergency. Now I have to choose - either phone or GSM modem to access Internet. This is ridiculous.
So I'm waiting either Microsoft to have the tethering back or to have WM6.5 on Mozart. Or else - bye-bye WM7! I don't have so much money to spend just for a nice looking device which actually does ... nothing
prr said:
Hi All,
I'm also disappointed from WM7 Mozart. Actually it is a very nice phone ... unless you want to do some work with it. It doesn't have copy+paste (crazy like the first iPhones ), it doesn't sync with Outlook (stupid on-line sync with MicrosoftLive costs a lot of money if you are traveling!), doesn't run the old apps (actually this was one of the biggest Microsoft advantages - the backward compatibility), lack of navigation (I'm missing quite a lot iGo and Garmin) and finally - the lack of tethering. The latest is killing me (I can live with the others but that one...) as I'm using the phone to access Internet and do my job when I have an emergency. Now I have to choose - either phone or GSM modem to access Internet. This is ridiculous.
So I'm waiting either Microsoft to have the tethering back or to have WM6.5 on Mozart. Or else - bye-bye WM7! I don't have so much money to spend just for a nice looking device which actually does ... nothing
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For the love of God THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WM7!!! It is WINDOWS PHONE 7, and is a totally different operating system.
Wm6 wm6.5 wp7
As i recently got a Mozart, i have been watching this post with interest. I can only agree the WM6 WM6.5 are sooooo different from W-PHONE 7. To down grade a Mozart to WM6.5 may work, but it would need someone with the skills and a good reason to do it.
I have used WM6 & WM6.5 on my HTC Rhodium. They both are different in layout/feel/working method, but run similar Apps. so far NONE of these run on WP7, as its a different OS.
My suggestion is keep the Mozart on WP7, and good Apps WILL follow. If you want to run WM6 or 6.5 Apps, get yourself a nice HTC Rhodium. You should get a good one on e bay or similar.
Gyuritzy said:
I bought the device without a contract, to use it with my prepaid.
So, it is not the case...
I could download Navigon only if I were a Telekom user, which I am not, so I will have to wait till the next year... perhaps some navigation software developer will make wp7 navigation (not taking navigon in account, other navigation software suppliers did not announce their will to develop for WP7)
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Well, old post, but:
You can get a T-Mo Prepaid-Sim or some of your friends/family have a T-Mo SIM,
put it in and downloading Navigon should work. After that put your usual SIM in and that's it.
I've read somewhere that this should work.
Pls can someone explain to me why 6.5 cannot be loaded on a mozart?
I got a mozart and would love 6.5 on it,7 SUCKS!my gps doesn`t work(my country not supported)Zune doesnt work(my country not supported)Cloud = not working(my country again)7 is as usefull as symbian on a nokia 3310 in south africa.
Please can someone help me to get 6.5 on my mozart.Or at least point me in the right direction.
Wp7 jailed users ... Because you can not install or create your applications without pass thru Market Place MS approval. I bought a HTC Mozart to try WP7, Its a great OS but if you can not install your developed Aplication. Your freedom is lost... Why M$ do not allow your choice ? The better thing about microsoft was the freedom, but now... When available I will downgrade to wm6.5 and wait wp7 becomes better.
andremgomes said:
Wp7 jailed users ... Because you can not install or create your applications without pass thru Market Place MS approval. I bought a HTC Mozart to try WP7, Its a great OS but if you can not install your developed Aplication. Your freedom is lost... Why M$ do not allow your choice ? The better thing about microsoft was the freedom, but now... When available I will downgrade to wm6.5 and wait wp7 becomes better.
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I would be idiot if i have this idea in even in my dream. if one wants window 6.5 then why to buy mozart its simply a not respecting the money and its value and beauty of innovation /technology. I believe people who takes the time to even read and reply this thread is like a wasting of our time.
The Question still stands: IS IT POSSIBLE to load 6.5 on a mozart?what is needed to do it?

[DEVS needed](Camera / Multitouch / Sound).. getting closer to native WP7 experience

Guys (and girls ... if any are reading .. )
After some tinkering about (for days now) with Mango build 7720 (Thanks again YUKI + XBOXMOD!) I can confirm that the many of the issues present in Mango Beta are now gone ... Ok granted the MicroSD gets encrypted but its not meant to be removed on an original WP7! You can refer to Yuki's thread on how to unlock your MicroSD card if you don't fancy the likes Microsofts OS and want to revert back to Android .....
Now, it's a known fact that multitouch is an issue together with sound and camera. I was unable to find solutions to this issue. This thread seeks to ask / reply and hopefully implement some of the issues which remain for us to make the HD2 and hopefully run Android and WP7 natively without the abstraction layer present in the secondary bootloaders.
Question 1 - I am aware that CLK runs android only. Are the sound / camera / and multitouch issues present in WP7 also present in Android NAND roms running on CLK ?
Question 2 - How possible is it to modify CLK to run WP7 if the answer to above is NO?
Question 3 - If the issue iies in the secondary bootloader drivers (if any) ... Is there a way to modify/contribute for further development on them?
If we resolve these the HD2 would truly be a remarkable piece of hardware running virtually any OS. Presently the multitouch issue kills some of the enjoyment on WP7 ... and the source sound input gain is too high.
I really wish if we could get some serious thread going and if anyone is confident that he/she can help resolving the driver issue, feel free to pm me. I am a software developer (c#) if this can help in any way. Have been using it some years now on a daily basis. I am willing to provide my help. I hope that anyone could help along maybe we create yet another open source bootloader which does the trick.
Hoping to hear from you so we get something going ...
I would really like to hear from some devs I am more than sure that the community would be very grateful.​
Secondly (courtesy of warriorvibhu)
I suggest that you all Sign this Petition.. Kindly inform all fellow HD2 owners to sign it ... especially if they were impressed by WP7 on HD2.​
Alcatrazx said:
Guys (and girls ... if any are reading .. )
Now, it's a known fact that multitouch is an issue together with sound and camera. I was unable to find solutions to this issue. This thread seeks to ask / reply and hopefully implement some of the issues which remain for us to make the HD2 and hopefully run Android and WP7 natively without the abstraction layer present in the secondary bootloaders.
Question 1 - I am aware that CLK runs android only. Are the sound / camera / and multitouch issues present in WP7 also present in Android NAND roms running on CLK ?
No there are some issues in camera and sound with android but is related to incomplete kernel. They are not related to each other for example no multi touch issues on android. All those issues are related to not perfect drivers hd7 is using another touchscreen panel I guess and maybe different speakers and camera. Anyway those drivers are complexed to write because we dont get source from microsoft on how to write them.
Question 2 - How possible is it to modify CLK to run WP7 if the answer to above is NO?
Theoritically yes but CLK is designed to load an linux kernel. So if we want that we need to write a complete new bootloader.
Question 3 - If the issue iies in the secondary bootloader drivers (if any) ... Is there a way to modify/contribute for further development on them?
Yes but you need to go backt to Windows 6.5 and read out the current drivers and port them to windows phone 7 properly. But you will need a JTAG for it and you must be very skilled.
If we resolve these the HD2 would truly be a remarkable piece of hardware running virtually any OS. Presently the multitouch issue kills some of the enjoyment on WP7 ... and the source sound input gain is too high.
I really wish if we could get some serious thread going and if anyone is confident that he/she can help resolving the driver issue, feel free to pm me. I am a software developer (c#) if this can help in any way.
Hoping to hear from you so we get something going ...
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Hope this make some stuff clear.
You talk about a sound issue.
If your talking about the sound being too high, then a cab can be downloadeed to fix this. Doesnt limit the maximum volume, just reduces the minimum and puts bigger steps in placce.
We need an asm developer for try to fix multitouch problem... or the source code of driver...
Multi-touch is a bit better for me (don't know if the games which need two screen pressure work I didn't tried yet) but in Bing Maps and IE9 it's working most of the time.
Just hope that's will come soon, I cant wait it !
However, I also hope the Mango will worked with flash and include more apps in the marketplace.
Fisher_9511 said:
Multi-touch is a bit better for me (don't know if the games which need two screen pressure work I didn't tried yet) but in Bing Maps and IE9 it's working most of the time.
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Its not working in any of multitouch Games.
Nice thread,curious to See the answers, definitely camera is a big issue for me, hope it get fixed soon.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Dont forget the need to use the "batterytrick"
good thread by the way
Unfortunately the thread won't lead to anywhere. Development on WP7/7.5 is not like development on Android. WP7 is closed source and so is the drivers.
So unless HTC themselves step in or a developer hacks new drivers up(which won't happen). We'll never see a native WP7.
We're using all the stuff that was leaked from the original LEO ROM. Also, CLK with WP7/7.5 boot support would not change this. And no, all these problems are not present in Android. But that's because the developers have more tools and open source code to work with, something we don't have.
Try to think positive man... Have you ever seen the arm listed file? We need to find a timer between the two finger... would not be so so so hard... but only hard...XD
TonyCubed said:
Unfortunately the thread won't lead to anywhere. Development on WP7/7.5 is not like development on Android. WP7 is closed source and so is the drivers.
So unless HTC themselves step in or a developer hacks new drivers up(which won't happen). We'll never see a native WP7.
We're using all the stuff that was leaked from the original LEO ROM. Also, CLK with WP7/7.5 boot support would not change this. And no, all these problems are not present in Android. But that's because the developers have more tools and open source code to work with, something we don't have.
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Hi and thanks for the feedback. With a negative attitude the thread will lead to nowhere yes. That was what people said a year ago when they said that WP7 will never run on the HD2 but the devs ultimately got there. Thanks for answering the question re the Android drivers though.
You are RIGHT that the drivers in WP7 are closed source drivers ... so is MAGLDR. Rewriting another bootloader (if needed) which does not have all the frills of MAGLDR but which is open source could be a possibility.
I am not interested in getting into the WP7 ROM and modifying the drivers built in ... We have to use a technique similar to what they use when creating emulators by reverse engineering ... The most die hard emulators out there such as some of the Playstation emus out there were all closed source but it did not stop the devs from doing a proper emulation of the console.
I'd really appreciate if you could be more specific when you said that we are using the stuff which was leaked from the original "LEO" ROM ... as far as I know, is it not the Schubert which was leaked? Correct me if I'm wrong ... We got too far to give up just now...
Multitouch games do not work .. with the current Multitouch driver .. mainly due to the finger position bug .... This is explained in detail on youtube.
Sound is distorted because the input gain is too high ...
Let's not speak about the camera for now ... I think those are the two major issues which need to be remedied for now. Hopefully this thread will get us somewhere.
Good initiative ! I hope we can make things work.
Also for those with the negative attitude...if you dont have anything good to say...dont say !
backlashsid said:
Good initiative ! I hope we can make things work.
Also for those with the negative attitude...if you dont have anything good to say...dont say !
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Nicely said and many thanks
You talk about a sound issue.
If your talking about the sound being too high, then a cab can be downloadeed to fix this. Doesnt limit the maximum volume, just reduces the minimum and puts bigger steps in placce.
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That is not exactly fixing the issue... It just modifies the maxima and minima ... The sound (input gain) is too high making it sound distorted from the HD2. The fix does remedy this a bit but its ... erm not really fixing the problem.
do think this would be a good idea, but its not being negative pointing out the obvious issue, its being realistic.
you see the point you made on MAGLDR and WP7 running of the HD2 is mute, and im not sure you fully understand its use, there are fundamental differences in making WP7 believe the HD2 is a native device and changing the actual drivers, you see, the SPL for the HD2 was opened up a long time ago with HSPL to be put in place which pretty much allowed us to do anything, the next critical piece was MAGLDR, which sat on top of the HSPL which gave us the potential to install android then WP, both HSPL and MAGLDR are very much programed by folk on here, they were not "hacked" or copied, they are closed source as you put it but they are built for a purpose of doing exactly what they do, enable custom ROMs, for WM, Android and WP to install. But that’s not the issue, the issue is a driver
To be clearer on the matter, IF WP7 had never been tested on the HD2 initially then we would never have had it.
The reasons for the bugs we talk about are because we have test drivers that were never supposed to see the end user. Had we not had that opportunity with the drivers on the HD2 then we would have been up the creek with it.
There are only a number of possibilities to get what we want
•HTC/OEMs go out of their way to finish the HD2 WP7 drivers and give them to use
•HTC/OEMs gives us the Relevant code and tools to do it ourselves
•We find native Windows phone devices that uses EXACTLY the same hardware which we can borrow
•Finally, the wildcard, someone who happens to know how to program for the hardware in question comes to help us.
That is it im afraid, its not being negative, you want to know what we need to do, well, there you go, the chances of HTC etc helping us are almost non-existent, finding devices with the same hardware, well i think we have more of a chance of HTC giving us them, BUT thats more to do with the very old digitiser we have, less so with the other hardware elements, so there is a possibility there.
Finding someone who can actually build a driver from the ground up? its possible, but short of putting adverts out on every developer website asking for help its not likely we will find one from this thread alone.
dazza9075 said:
do think this would be a good idea, but its not being negative pointing out the obvious issue, its being realistic.
you see the point you made on MAGLDR and WP7 running of the HD2 is mute, and im not sure you fully understand its use, there are fundamental differences in making WP7 believe the HD2 is a native device and changing the actual drivers, you see, the SPL for the HD2 was opened up a long time ago with HSPL to be put in place which pretty much allowed us to do anything, the next critical piece was MAGLDR, which sat on top of the HSPL which gave us the potential to install android then WP, both HSPL and MAGLDR are very much programed by folk on here, they were not "hacked" or copied, they are closed source as you put it but they are built for a purpose of doing exactly what they do, enable custom ROMs, for WM, Android and WP to install. But that’s not the issue, the issue is a driver
To be clearer on the matter, IF WP7 had never been tested on the HD2 initially then we would never have had it.
The reasons for the bugs we talk about are because we have test drivers that were never supposed to see the end user. Had we not had that opportunity with the drivers on the HD2 then we would have been up the creek with it.
There are only a number of possibilities to get what we want
•HTC/OEMs go out of their way to finish the HD2 WP7 drivers and give them to use
•HTC/OEMs gives us the Relevant code and tools to do it ourselves
•We find native Windows phone devices that uses EXACTLY the same hardware which we can borrow
•Finally, the wildcard, someone who happens to know how to program for the hardware in question comes to help us.
That is it im afraid, its not being negative, you want to know what we need to do, well, there you go, the chances of HTC etc helping us are almost non-existent, finding devices with the same hardware, well i think we have more of a chance of HTC giving us them, BUT thats more to do with the very old digitiser we have, less so with the other hardware elements, so there is a possibility there.
Finding someone who can actually build a driver from the ground up? its possible, but short of putting adverts out on every developer website asking for help its not likely we will find one from this thread alone.
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ur right...man sometimes i so feel like bombarding Drew Bamford (product design HTC) emails about windows phone 7 and androi on HD2 and force him to be convinced to make drivers for us....its our right
but then again...can we really ???
backlashsid said:
ur right...man sometimes i so feel like bombarding Drew Bamford (product design HTC) emails about windows phone 7 and androi on HD2 and force him to be convinced to make drivers for us....its our right
but then again...can we really ???
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I'd say... let's do this! If we get enough people, and those will send emails like everyday, then why not? There's nothing to lose
IF, and its a big IF, we are going to get it working better its going to need ideas like the comment from backlashsid to get unofficial support from these companies
In my humble opinion there is little chance of getting anything else working better without the support of people in the loop, essentially that means HTC and Qualcomm, but remember that by getting the HD2 running WP7 we are costing them money in lost sales, so there is little incentive for them to support us in an official capacity, what we're looking for is an insider!
it doesnt hurt hunting for new devices with the same hardware but its unlikely anyone would use old gear.
This would be nice so then we (as the community of XDA) can show off our HD2's as the beast-mode phone and bestest phone ever!

