T-Mobile German Rom - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Hi, guys.
Do somebody know where I can get a T-Mobile Rom in german, doesn t matter which release,..
i will install the xda live.. and i want to be sure to be able to downgrade when i want to sell my vario II.
so what to do, cause i can find this rom anywhere.. or is it possible to save my actual rom before upgrading to wm6. (is it possible to bring it back to the extended rom?)
thanks a lot for your help
greets from bavaria..

I'm also looking for the official German T-Mobile ROM in case of WM 6 not running as it should. Or is there any other possibillity to downgrade back to WM 5.0 with using an official O2 or E+ Rom? But we'd only need WM 5, but not the complete one. humm

found something to this problem.. but i don t know if it works for our vario II and wm5
AW: WM6 - XDA Live v0.20.0
Dann sichert es doch vor dem Flaschen einfach
VORSICHT : Alle Daten werden auf der SD-Karte gelöscht
Hier der LINK zur deutschen Anleitung
und anschliessend
Danach ist eure Mini-SD Karte wieder einsatzbereit

Seems to be the same forum we're looking for a solution...
Da sind wir wohl im selben Forum unterwegs
Mal schaun!

Doesn't work!
Command error !!!

I have the same prob an I don't want to crash my phone.
Hallo, ich habe das selbe Problem, ich trau mich nicht mein Handy zu flaschen, ohne dass ich nicht mit Sicherheit zumindestens auf den jetzigen Stand zurück kann. Wenn ich dafür meine MicroSD-Card leeren müsste wäre es ja kein Thema, aber ich finde hier in allen Foren keine vernünftige Anleitung zum Sichern... machen die Jungs keine Datensicherung?
...never change a running system... ODER
...no risk, no fun...

XDA-live .010 work perfect on my T-Mobile Vario II. So just give it a try.

It is not about believing that Wm 6 could not work, but I want to have the option to flash back to an original german Rom just in case. eg: Hardware failure and shipping back to T-Mobile or HTC or something like that.

That's it...
I even don't want to go back, but some day i have to sell it.. and i cannot explain the german people that the vario II is speking englisch.. and ther is no way to downgrade..
has anybody a backupped clean t-mobile rom.. i think somebody must have tried this
greets from bavaria

Well, I have dumped my T-Mobile German original ROM with the instructions in the Wiki (using pdocread). But I have no idea, how to reflash it, just in case

Reflashing will not work! Because your files cannot be signed.

could you please put it online?

Applestar said:
Reflashing will not work! Because your files cannot be signed.
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That's not a problem anymore, read here:
rom reconstruction

I didn't hard-reset before I dumped the image - are private data included in these dumps?
Also there was a funny error message at the end of dumping part02 - "invalid memory address", but the filesize of the dumped part02 was exactly the size pdocread -t told me, so I guess the dump is okay.
Thank you pof for these links. I have Hard-SPL flashed already, but I haven't quite figured out, how to reconstruct a flashable ROM from these raw dumps... will keep on reading.

does somebody know about a t-mobile rom officially from t-mobile germany?

How do I check the actual rom-versions in Tytn?
Want to know what is in! Found nothing in wiki!
edit: found it out.
Flashed XDA Live 0.21. Was not as good as i thought of it.
Just flashed back to original german T-Mobile Rom.

seb-sch said:
How do I check the actual rom-versions in Tytn?
Want to know what is in! Found nothing in wiki!
edit: found it out.
Flashed XDA Live 0.21. Was not as good as i thought of it.
Just flashed back to original german T-Mobile Rom.
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How did you get back to the original german T-Mobile Rom??

Got it on my uSB-stick it is the original Rom, which is on MDA VArio 2 when shipped out.
edit: It is NOT WM6, it is the WM5 AKU 2.3

seb-sch said:
Got it on my uSB-stick it is the original Rom, which is on MDA VArio 2 when shipped out.
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Where did you get that ROM from? As far as I know, T-Mobile doesn't offer it for download (as it's not an update but the shipped version). Is it a real ROM installer made by T-Mobile? Could you upload it somewhere? This would solve the problem many people have (don't knowing how to "go back" if WM6 isn't working properly for them)

It is a normal installer like all the other roms here. You are right, T-Mobile does not offer this. That is why I don't know if i should upload that one, got ot from some guys at work


DOWNGRADE SPL - NOW POSSIBLE! (G4 already tested)

I've read a lot of topics from people wishing to downgrade their SPL because they wan't to go back to the original ROM to send their device to service! (especially o2 Neo owners )
If they tried to install the original ROM it stucked at 95% because of the SPL. Most time the users had a newer SPL (because of installing a ROM including a newer SPL) than shipped in the original ROM, and so the upgrade fails. (for example o2 Germany ROM got SPL 2.15, and with install of NVID you get 2.20). I've had the same problem if i cut of the SPL from the o2 ROM i could flash it, so it's definatively bacause of the SPL. "Higher SPL always wins" somebody in the forum already said
BUT NOW you can downgrade SPL!
Just flash HardSPL http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=350033 and after that you can flash ANY SPL you want!
I've already tried it and could flash back to original o2 WM5 including SPL flawlessly!!!
If somebody could confirm this for G3 i'll change the topic title!
Maybe this could be a sticky, cause there are so often people asking for downgrading SPL!
Anleitung auf Deutsch!
Um einen o2 Neo wieder mit dem originalen o2 ROM bespielen zu könne ist es nötig den SPL Bootloader zu ändernm, da sonst der Updatevorgang bei 95% stehen bleibt und abbricht!
Dies ist nun möglich!
Man lädt sich aus oben genanntem Thread die Datei "Update_Package.zip" und entpackt diese. Dann geht man in den Ordner "\HardSPL\HardSPL G4" und startet (wenn der Neo am PC angeschlossen ist!!!) die Datei "HardSPL.bat".
ACHTUNG: Das ist nur für G4 Geräte (beim booten bei IPL und SPL mit der Endung .0001)
Der Bildschirm bleibt bei dem Flashvorgang weiss (war zumindest bei mir so!) also keine Panik!
Danach sieht man beim booten vom Neo bei SPL die Version "2.G4.4PDA"
Diese Version lässt sich nun mit JEDER beliebigen SPL flashen ("überschreiben"). Man kann danach also das Originale o2 ROM flashen und erhält den darin befindlichen Bootloader SPL 2.15.0001.
Der positive Nebeneffekt des 2.G4.4PDA Bootloaders ist, das man WM6 ROMS direkt wie Originale ROMS flashen kann.
Ich kann die Installation des HardSPL daher nur wärmstens empfehlen!
I have say "Higher Version number wins" this was to a time ... HardSPL wasnt Developed for Prophet.
hi nForce,
could you please give a "step to step" advice in German for all German newbies? it would be great.
first ... CID Unlock ... Secound ... Flash SPL!
dude,you have found the hot water,nothing new,allready discussed in other threads,no need to start a new one.
netrunnerat,if prophet is G4,how you will CID unlock it?
I have found this way as a knew for around a week,since there is hard SPL at this Forum for the first time..
anyway just to inform you.. You can install XDA NEO BMW RACE Edition ROM too , if you HARD SPL your device..
varanusvincent said:
I have found this way as a knew for around a week,since there is hard SPL at this Forum for the first time..
anyway just to inform you.. You can install XDA NEO BMW RACE Edition ROM too , if you HARD SPL your device..
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that rom sound cool is it any unique or special features/function bout the rom?
one question:
do i get it right, that we only have to do a HardSPL once? Or do we have to make a HardSPL each time after update to a newer SPL an want to have a lower SPL again?
if you overwrite SPL you have to do it again
zeroed said:
dude,you have found the hot water,nothing new,allready discussed in other threads,no need to start a new one.
netrunnerat,if prophet is G4,how you will CID unlock it?
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I know that but I wanted to make a "clear" topic for people searching for "downgrade SPL"!!! cause many people are searching for or asking always the same question.
I didn't wanted to show something new. Just give some people a CLEAR hint!
I've tried to flash IPL/SPL 2.20 after flashed HardSpl on my G3 XDA Neo, but failed, the Spl 2.20 G3 4PDA not changed to Spl 2.20.0000. Then I flashed PRO_DT_WWE_220734_2207114_026121_Ship, and this was succeeded: the Spl 2.20 G3 4PDA changed to Spl 2.20.0000.
excuse me i have a g3 ipl and spl 3.08
will downgrade to 2.20 (the newly posted one) wont brick my phone?
succed, thanks
duato said:
that rom sound cool is it any unique or special features/function bout the rom?
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but it is windows mobile 5.. nothing special actually..
just the first splashscreen is BMW..
But good ROM ( in German )

German O2 ROM

Hi Guys,
i searching for a original shipped O2 German Niki Rom. Does anybody have one or know where i can get it?
da findest alle Roms
Danke hatte sich allerdings schon erledigt. DANKE
Thanks for the replies. I already found it. THANKS a lot

Original German O2 ROM

Hi all,
i have to send back my XDA Star for warranty purposes but before that i have to flash the original O2 ROM (German). The only Rom which i found here was a cleaned one without the bootloader screen and the splashscreen. Does anybody know where i get a "full" ROM or has the bootloader and Splash screen to change it seperatly?
Thanks in andvance.
Do you know which bootloader was installed before? Was it a 1.16er like on T-Mobile's MDA Touch Plus?
Hey mach dir da mal kein stress! Hab meins zweimal einfach so eingesendet! Das war denen egal! Die kloppen einfach wieder ihre Firmware drauf und fertig! Aber wenn du sicher gehn willst such den original firmware thread. Da findest du den ROm!
It's no problem to send the xda with changed software to repair! I did it twice and no problem!
I don´t know which version the original bootloader was.
Which one is the threat you are mentioned? I found some german 02 rom´s but none of them had the bootloader- and splashscreen.
doublede said:
I don´t know which version the original bootloader was.
Which one is the threat you are mentioned? I found some german 02 rom´s but none of them had the bootloader- and splashscreen.
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Did you find it? If yes can you share it to me?
I still need the full O2 Rom

XDA neo nach update tot

egal welches rom ich flashe mein neo bleibt immer im startbild hängen.habe alle threads schon gelesen und ausprobiert, nix geht kann ich meinen neo jetzt wegschmeissen?
bitte um hilfe.auch downgrade auf aku 2.20 geht nicht
gefor32 said:
egal welches rom ich flashe mein neo bleibt immer im startbild hängen.habe alle threads schon gelesen und ausprobiert, nix geht kann ich meinen neo jetzt wegschmeissen?
bitte um hilfe.auch downgrade auf aku 2.20 geht nicht
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Umm... This is an english forum, but with my (non existant) knowledge of German, I'm guessing you haven't hardSPLed your device and so it's stuck in bootloader...
Since you're German, and I saw the word "neo" I'm guessing it's an O2 branded device.
To get the official WM5 ROM, I'd start with the O2 germany site (http://www.o2germany.de/) but I really don't know enough german to find anything there
Actually! Look here: http://www.o2online.de/nw/support/downloads/software/xda/xdaneo/index.html
Enjoy, but try english next time!
EDIT: Direct link: http://www.o2online.de/nw/assets/blobs/software/xdaneo-update.exe
xda neo nach update tot
ok i try in english
i was on the homepage O2 Germany but the neo downgrade to wm 5 not works. it is an error like this" this nbf file is to old use a never nbf file"
i made hardspl and since i do this nothing works.my device hang up on startscreen wm 6.1.
is my neo dead? can i put him to dumb?
ipl is:2.20.001
spl :3.08.001
gefor32 said:
ok i try in english
i was on the homepage O2 Germany but the neo downgrade to wm 5 not works. it is an error like this" this nbf file is to old use a never nbf file"
i made hardspl and since i do this nothing works.my device hang up on startscreen wm 6.1.
is my neo dead? can i put him to dumb?
ipl is:2.20.001
spl :3.08.001
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Okay! Easier to understand
What you will need to do is to put your device into bootloader (http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=prophet_bootloader) and then flash an NVID ROM from here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Prophet_ROMs
Once that is done, you can then flash your O2 ROM.
thank you l3v5y i try it now and post later what happens
sorry but my english is very bad
gefor32 said:
thank you l3v5y i try it now and post later what happens
sorry but my english is very bad
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Your English is good enough to understand easily!
My German is worse!
Good luck!
Nothing goes on, my prophet is still dead and nothing can help me.
think must buy a new xda
gefor32 said:
Nothing goes on, my prophet is still dead and nothing can help me.
think must buy a new xda
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What are the IPL and SPL of your device, and how far into loading can it go?
Hallo gefor32,
Ich habe meinen Prohet vorige Woche zum glück ohne Probleme auf WM6.1 gebracht
Animelover hat hierzu eine super Doku in Deutsch mit allen Links verfasst:
Ich habe aber hier im Forum auch einige Post gelesen die ähnliche Probleme hatten, da sie die falsche Rom geladen hatten.
Mehr hierzu unter:
Ich nehme an, dass du diese schon gelesen hast.
Falls nicht, hoffe ich, dass sie dir weiter hilft.
Please write in english dudes, we're an international community and others may find a solution for their own problem, too!!!
Like l3v5y said before, try to flash the latest Qtek 2.20.739 GER without IPL/SPL and after that the desired ROM you want to play with!
gefor32 said:
ok i try in english
i was on the homepage O2 Germany but the neo downgrade to wm 5 not works. it is an error like this" this nbf file is to old use proscar a never nbf file"
i made hardspl and since i do this nothing works.my device hang up on startscreen wm 6.1.
is my neo dead? can i put him to dumb?
ipl is:2.20.001
spl :3.08.001
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Hello gefor32, please send me a PM message. I think I can help you
I hope someone help him in the last 6 month. A little late you think.

German O2 Radio Rom

Can anybody provide me with this radio-rom - the one from germanys xda diamond pro?
Thank you in advance
how can I dump the Radio-Rom?
Akuma said:
how can I dump the Radio-Rom?
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Can you please tell me the version of the rom?
Take a look in Start->Einstellungen->System->Gerät und dann die Zahl hinter dem Eintrag Funkempfänger!
Vielen Dank
PS: Du hast doch das originale Radio-Rom noch drauf oder?
RadioRom Version is
This is the original o2 German radio rom.
You have this radio in the wiki
Wiki is our friend
jcespi2005 said:
You have this radio in the wiki
Wiki is our friend
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Perfect that we have it already - but first since i know the number, i could identify it.
however thank you all, because now i can send my device back to try to get a fix for the annoying gps issue.

