Backlight comes on for no reason - G4

I am using MB on G4 and am loving it.
The only annoyance I have is that the backlight keeps coming on for no reason.
It makes me think I am getting a text and then when a text doesn't arrive I feel a big sense of rejection which puts me in a negative spin and so on.
This could lead to an episode of depression that could possibly eventually lose me my career and stop me affording food for my wife and 17 children.
Please , help me feed my poor little ones and show me how to fix this

This is a bug i had in nearly every WM6 i tested!
There is a workaround, read this thread:

bhayani said:
I feel a big sense of rejection which puts me in a negative spin and so on.
This could lead to an episode of depression that could possibly eventually lose me my career and stop me affording food for my wife and 17 children.
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i like that line..


Stop the stupid ap 4.0 posts.

haha made u look
rom is coming when its ready. u guys just keep making me laugh with all this stuff
but i do agree it should stop with all that sh*t
Obviously, you have not experienced being a member of another WiMo forum. The impatience and so called stupidity shown here is nothing compared to those experienced by Jiggs in the Atom forum. Hats off to Jiggs for being soooooo patient with noobies, overly arrogant and just plain stupid people.
Look at the bright side, if the AP team is enjoying and finding amusement in the "stupid post" then who are any one of us to complain.
This is a forum. Unless democracy is dead, then everyone has the right to post stupid opinions or to simply act like a kid. There is no rules here citing anything contrary to this.
Of all those posting here, only a handful of you are complaining against stupid posts. Maybe everyone not just you need to stop complaining and try to loosen up. Live life and enjoy. Act like a kid once in a while. It will make you fell young again.
yetdy said:
Obviously, you have not experienced being a member of another WiMo forum. The impatience and so called stupidity shown here is nothing compared to those experienced by Jiggs in the Atom forum. Hats off to Jiggs for being soooooo patient with noobies, overly arrogant and just plain stupid people.
Look at the bright side, if the AP team is enjoying and finding amusement in the "stupid post" then who are any one of us to complain.
This is a forum. Unless democracy is dead, then everyone has the right to post stupid opinions or to simply act like a kid. There is no rules here citing anything contrary to this.
Of all those posting here, only a handful of you are complaining against stupid posts. Maybe everyone not just you need to stop complaining and try to loosen up. Live life and enjoy. Act like a kid once in a while. It will make you fell young again.
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High Five
Really crazy, i believe 90% of the users here are kids.
PAPPL said:
Really crazy, i believe 90% of the users here are kids.
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I'm a big kid
I have a mental age of about 12 but I'm nearly 4 times that...
im surprised youe on this early confucious... arent you going to work or something? im sitting here outside my school... nice sunny day on my athena. tbh i should be doing some work or something, but reading all the posts since last night is way funnier.
BAZ LUHRMANN, Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99…Wear Sunscreen
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The
long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the
rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering
experience…I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust
me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you
can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you
really looked….You’re not as fat as you imagine.
Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective
as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles
in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the
kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing everyday that scares you
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are
reckless with yours.
Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re
behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.
Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in
doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the
most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with
their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds know still don’t.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children, maybe you
won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on
your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself
too much or berate yourself either - your choices are half chance, so are
everybody else’s. Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of
it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever
Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people
most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold
on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older
you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in
Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will
philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when
you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children
respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe
you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.
Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time it’s 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from
the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and it for more than
it’s worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen…
i love that song
I love that song too. And I hope the forum will come alive again tonight. But posting a complete song lyrics on a forum?
yeah, i fancy another night of talking ranodmly about nothing to do with ap4, just because were all united in one thing, waiting for ap4
It's indeed utterly useless but hey we need something to pass the time...
Still waiting... (grumble)
(grumbles louder)
mabury10 said:
I love that song too. And I hope the forum will come alive again tonight. But posting a complete song lyrics on a forum?
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Do you believe this topic is a SERIOUS topic? Stop the stupid ap 4.0 posts? Semi official 4.0..?, Non official 4.0?
This isn't a SONG, is a LESSON I am not SINGING, no MUSIC, no *.mp3 attachments. Someone could learn, others just listen, but I believe that there is more to learn in those worlds about what's going on here, than in the 80% of the messages posted in the Athena mobile 6 3d in the last week
And IMHO it answers to many questions too!
yerp... i absolutely love that song... think of it this way, in the last week, us lot in the athena forum who are normally quiet people have all posted loads... but its still probably a tenth of the number of posts per day in the kaiser forum, and their phone is crippled.
but in all seriousness, does it matter if we are having a bit of a joke while were all pressing refresh every 5 minutes waiting for pawel to post some more info about the rom. Its better than sitting pressing f5, and not doing anything else lol
hehe nice to see a great mood here. im actually side testing 19202 to see if theres less problems with it then with 19181. so far the answer seems yes. i dont think u would mind me spending a extra day to get u all the absolute latest build right?
is that an extra day, so it would be released tonight, and the alternative tomorrow..... or is it an extra day over the already unknown release date?
either way, i dont mind
Pawel062 said:
hehe nice to see a great mood here. im actually side testing 19202 to see if theres less problems with it then with 19181. so far the answer seems yes. i dont think u would mind me spending a extra day to get u all the absolute latest build right?
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One problem with wanting us to have the latest build (and sure we want it though). There's allways tomorrow that brings an even newer build. Please don't keep us waiting on that...
well i have no new test roms so that means theres no new build yet. i think i can say with confidence this time that the rom will be out within the next week. we just need to properly test the new 19202 build for 48 hrs and fix any bugs.
Pawel062 said:
well i have no new test roms so that means theres no new build yet. i think i can say with confidence this time that the rom will be out within the next week. we just need to properly test the new 19202 build for 48 hrs and fix any bugs.
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That's very hopeful!
We go to it! What're you hanging around here on this forum...?

3D with no phone!!!

Ok I think I just went crazy or something. I had been messing around with my phone a bit, kinda just looking around the house in 3D for about 15 minutes or so. I put the phone up and went to my back yard when all of a sudden I noticed my whole yard was in 3D...LOL!!! I know it is real life 3D but I was in focus like I was looking at my phone.
It only lasted a minute or two but believe me it was there. Kinda strange and I did re-focus back to normal vision but it spooked me for a sec... I guess my question would be is this a good thing or bad thing. I mean it is giving the eyes some exercise but I think maybe it should be used in moderation? I know we are all different and my eyes are lets say really older than most but I was just curious if anybody else has had this happen. Kinda funny when it does...
ok first things first,, put the bong down, then go make a sandwich.
haha, j/k (or am I?)
I'll volunteer to be a test subject and take a tour of the house tomorrow watching my phones display. Will report back..
Ok that was about as funny as it gets...good one. For the record I was straight. At least I think I was because it kinda felt like a buzz...LOL!!!
nebenezer said:
ok first things first,, put the bong down, then go make a sandwich.
haha, j/k (or am I?)
I'll volunteer to be a test subject and take a tour of the house tomorrow watching my phones display. Will report back..
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Ur tripping
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
I'd say leave the mushrooms alone, doesn't sound like a bong issue LOL. That's crazy maybe use the 3d aspect in moderation.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
WHAT!! i thought is was just me!!
I think that the way the parralax display works is like the old 3D pictures. You have to unfocus your eyes just enough to see the hidden image. Looking at it long enough make cause the eyes focus to stay that way temporarily. It is cool, and you have to focus closely to see the 3D well.
I HATE guitar hero, but I played it and after a while the walls move as well as anything you look at. I believe his eyes gave him that affect until they refocused.
Hi, my names Sean, and I've been drug free for over 5 years now and enjoying life. I'm so happy I was able to find the way to TRUE happiness. I want to thank you all for the support and I offer my support as well.
Hey Sean good to here from ya. Drug free here also and proud of it...Life is a good natural high for me now. I guess my eyes are kinda old and the transformation between the 3D and normal kinda took it's time getting there. I must admit I got spooked for a second...then hey this is cool...then hey it's gone...LOL!!!
toxicfumes22 said:
I HATE guitar hero, but I played it and after a while the walls move as well as anything you look at. I believe his eyes gave him that affect until they refocused.
Hi, my names Sean, and I've been drug free for over 5 years now and enjoying life. I'm so happy I was able to find the way to TRUE happiness. I want to thank you all for the support and I offer my support as well.
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The real world happens to be three dimensional .....
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I have something like this happen when I close my eyes after extended 3d viewing. Kinda see images in the same way they are presented on the screen.
Then again, when i close my eyes after a lot of tetris or most puzzle games I see the game objects in motion.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
lol and I thought I was crazy when I told her about this happening to me...glad I'm not alone.
sEnt to yoV from anOther d3mensiDn
for all we know this stereoscopic 3D is going to turn us all into mental patients with long term usage
sEnt to yoV from anOther d3mensiDn
It's the way your eyes are focusing. I get the effect too. Not noticeable unless I'm really concentrating on it.
I've noticed this effect after looking at a lot of 3d pictures while I was tired. It went away after I slept it off. I suspect the eyes either get tired of moving and sort of stick in their focus, or the tired mind can't bypass hard line recognition because after its been flooded with the sharp depth delineations from the phones 3d screen.
Geez I almost went 3d reading that...LOL!!! Pretty deep stuff.
jiminitaur said:
I've noticed this effect after looking at a lot of 3d pictures while I was tired. It went away after I slept it off. I suspect the eyes either get tired of moving and sort of stick in their focus, or the tired mind can't bypass hard line recognition because after its been flooded with the sharp depth delineations from the phones 3d screen.
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This happened to me too! My wife thinks I'm crazy, but I know what the OP is saying. I think your brain just starts thinking about depth more than it normally does. It's like my 3D elevated my brain to another level...

Returned Prime - But included meaningful personal thoughts here..

Here's a "useless" post from me: I regrettably returned my Prime today to OD. I was having questionable wifi performance on my Prime. I'm a PC/Network tech that has everything I own tweaked to perfection, including my router. It's the RT-N16 (Asus). 7' away, signal dropped from 20Mbps down to 11Mbps. With Bluetooth on, it dropped to 325Kbps. The serial # started with B___ (I think BCKOS?) I don't have it in front of me, but it's the older hardware version. Anyway, so I had it boxed up two days ago, but unboxed it last night, as I really didn't want to return it. I figured since I had done a hard reset, that MAYBE it would magically fix itself. However, I spent a few hours browsing XDA, and testing the prime as much as I could and still ended up boxing it back up and shipping it out today. Looking around at other options, as I need something for work, I honestly don't want anything else. I want my Prime back... Just... Working.
My buddy is also looking for a tablet, and before I decided to return mine, he was about to purchase one. I called him yesterday and just told him to hold off.. It IS the best tablet out there, but the few quirks just need fixed before it's something I can recommend.
Issues I had with mine:
1. GPS was horrible (never flexed tablet to see if it'd fix it)
2. Wifi at close range worked good, anything more than 5' dropped considerably
3. With Bluetooth on & connected to headset would bring Wifi speeds to a crawl
4. Browser would hang on loading pages, and wouldn't allow scrolling, often times would state that "browser is unresponsive" and ask if i wanted to wait or close
5. Background formatting was a hassle. Nothing ever fit right (unless i followed some 3rd party tweaks)
6. Updates for Camera/GPS never did anything or improved anything.
7. Tegra 3 Optimized games would hang. Often times screen would go haywire or would open & close instantly without loading the game.
Ultimately, it came down to this: I honestly think that the OP was correct that the pins are the main culprit. I don't think it's something that can be fixed via a software update. Also, I am pretty upset that Asus is making the customer pay for shipping. It is their fault these tablets are having these problems, not the customer. I have always been a fan of Asus, and I'm not going to say that the problems with this tablet are going to make me never purchase another Asus product again.. I mean, look at their history with mainboards & video cards.. Some have issues, but you all know that if you were going to put your trust into either of those products, Asus would be something you would feel comfortable recommending.
I don't feel that we should say "poor Asus" and stroke their ego. I think us, as consumers should stand our ground and demand free shipping to the repair facility for a mistake they made. Just as they'd expect you to pay if you broke it and needed it fixed. They broke it, they fix it. Pretty plain and simple. Anyway, good luck to everyone here. I will be closely monitoring this forum, as I really want the issues resolved quickly.. I can't wait to have that beast in my arms again.
Unfortunately I'm in the same boat. Mine is going back this weekend. I gave it two weeks, but random browser freezes, minor light bleed, game crashes, gps, low wifi power, and all the rest add up to a poor user experience. Make your opinion known with your wallet.
briderx said:
My buddy is also looking for a tablet, and before I decided to return mine, he was about to purchase one. I called him yesterday and just told him to hold off..
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If the pogo pins turn out to be the reason for different wireless performance between Prime's, Asus is going to have to come clean like they did with GPS. They can either do it actively (mea culpa) or passively (change the design on future units). If they take the latter path someone here on XDA will figure it out. Regardless, this seems potentially too big to ignore so hopefully there will be some sort of communication and/or design change. Once either occurs people can buy/re-buy with confidence. An uglier route would be for Asus to continue to produce low volumes of Prime's as-is to save face until the TF700's are available. It's obviously not a customer-centric approach but recoups their investment in the Prime and maintains a revenue stream in the short-term. Although the returns have to be killing them from a profitability perspective.
I've been accused of being a conspiracy theorist so I never mentioned this before. But if you watch this official Asus video from CES, their rep makes a big deal at the beginning about the Prime being sold alongside the TF700. Later in the video when talking about the TF700's back cover design he twice mentions the Prime in the past tense saying "had" and "did have." Don't shoot the messenger.
Kobald said:
After that, I might re-consider my position.
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You guys that are taking such a "the Prime's great" stance might want to be a little less confident in your positions. There are issues large and small that affect more than just a handful of devices. Some of the people that have provided commentary on the more serious wireless issues have been h/w engineers and what’s been discussed can’t be fixed with a Band Aid. This isn't just a case of "fanboys" vs. "haters" like you typically see in most forums.
With today's discussion on the pogo pin choice for connecting the Wi-Fi chip to its antennas, there's some serious questions that need to be answered. As all these issues keep accumulating, keep in the back of your mind Asus announced a new device with identical features to the Prime less than three weeks after it was released. They may co-exist peacefully for a long time or Asus could pull the Prime (or put a non-HD display on the TF700 and call it the TF600) soon after it's released as a way of addressing the Prime's shortcomings. With the amount of returns, RMA’s for repair, and scarcity which points to manufacturing issues, what profit their making is quickly evaporating. And no company continues to produce a product they don't make money on. If they do pull or replace the Prime, many will remember those that staunchly supported the Prime when logic dictates there's something very troubling about how it’s come to market.
BarryH_GEG said:
And no company continues to produce a product they don't make money on. If they do pull or replace the Prime, many will remember those that staunchly supported the Prime when logic dictates there's something very troubling about how it’s come to market.
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There you go, putting Asus on the spot again. There is NO WAY they released this tablet without knowing about the GPS, WiFi, WiFi+BT issues. They knew about all of it, but their analysts computed that selling it "as is" would be more profitable than recalling it and fixing it.
For 99% of us, we are happy with screen bleed, bad WiFi range, no GPS, screen colors bad, chargers that fall apart, no BT with Wifi, dead pixels and random reboots. Those issues are non-issues, we love our Primes unconditionally.
Go troll someplace else.
Kobald said:
For 99% of us, we are happy with screen bleed, bad WiFi range, no GPS, screen colors bad, chargers that fall apart, no BT with Wifi, dead pixels and random reboots. Those issues are non-issues, we love our Primes unconditionally.
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If you're being facetious, that's hysterical.
Go troll someplace else.
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If you're being serious, those are big words for someone with a whopping 19 posts, all in this forum, and all this month.
I'm almost 1-for-2 thanks for posts though.
Kobald said:
I'm almost 1-for-1 thanks for posts though.
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Not a difficult strategy to accumulate "thanks." Demandarin's gotten hundreds that way in a few weeks. Simply jump in to any thread that has an even slightly negative slant and unleash a torrent of positive adjectives. That way, those that are blinded by love for their Prime's will in unison give you tons of thanks for contributing nothing of substance to the discussion. Keep up the good work. You should be at a 100 thanks in no time if that's what you're aiming for.
BarryH_GEG said:
Not a difficult strategy to accumulate "thanks." Demandarin's gotten hundreds that way in a few weeks. Simply jump in to any thread that has an even slightly negative slant and unleash a torrent of positive adjectives. That way, those that are blinded by love for their Prime's will in unison give you tons of thanks for contributing nothing of substance to the discussion. Keep up the good work. You should be at a 100 thanks in no time if that's what you're aiming for.
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Not my goal Barry, I just try to point out the obvious. I actually agree with most of your posts and have sent you Thanks.
I haven't been around long, but Asus really screwed the pooch on TFP. But for some unknown reason, some people act like TFP is a dear family member and defend it way beyond reason.
Kobald said:
Not my goal Barry, I just try to point out the obvious. I actually agree with most of your posts and have sent you Thanks.
I haven't been around long, but Asus really screwed the pooch on TFP. But for some unknown reason, some people act like TFP is a dear family member and defend it way beyond reason.
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Well shoot, you were being facetious. I love wicked humor.
Kobald said:
Cool starry bra.
This morning I woke up, took a shower and went to work. Then I went to lunch.
My TFP has screen bleed, bad WiFi, WiFi/BT issues, no GPS and creaky screen. I don't ask for advice or sympathy. I suck it up and deal with it, knowing that my TFP is the most awesome tablet ever designed.
Good luck with your A700, iPad3, whatever when it comes out. But for the next 2 weeks or so, my TFP will smoke the specs of your next device.
After that, I might re-consider my position.
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I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but if you were talking to me (OP), look at my post:
briderx said:
I will be closely monitoring this forum, as I really want the issues resolved quickly.. I can't wait to have that beast in my arms again.
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Meaning: I loved my Prime.. No question, hands down it was awesome. Unfortunately for me, using this for business (as I also stated in OP) wasn't an option. And, again, as I stated above, I will be repurchasing it. Just, after the issues that I have with it are fixed. I didn't complain and ask for opinions either.. I formulated my own and acted on my opinion well before posting this.
What's the point of a forum, if you can only post good things about a product? I don't have to agree with your statements, nor do you have to agree with mine.. Both are acceptable! I say, by all means man, if it works for you, keep it! I would too if I didn't have to rely on adequate wifi, or the occasional GPS lock. I was fine with the games crashing.. I didn't want it for games. But all the problems added up to something I feel would ultimately be useless for me to utilize.
If you weren't talking to me, disregard all the above
I get 10 meg down approx 30-35 feet away through 4 walls. The same or better tests than I get with my other devices.
I used to be able to lock GPS still, but not moving, after a pinch near the GPS connector I can lock fine while going 70mph.
No crashes.
No screen bleed.
No color issues or bright spots.
No force closing apps so far.
Dock connects solidly and works great.
Sucks to be y`all.
Yeah, my screen was perfect.. The light bleed was next to zero.. Nothing more than any other devices I own. I also had no dead pixels. Upon upgrading to ICS (did it within the first 5 hours owning it) I had I think 2 random reboots, that was the first day I owned it. Didn't have any after that. I didn't want to pinch the screen, because I was scared of denting it or breaking it, and knowing my luck, it would have happened moments before returning it . I contemplated picking up a newer serial # one, but while in OD, they didn't have any in stock.. I was hoping maybe they had one on display that I could have checked to see if performance was better (browser/wifi) and then just grab another. I posted my serial # above to also let people know, that I was evidently in the group with "older hardware". So, my experiences may have been a bit limited.. I feel naked without mine now
Edit: Kids also keep asking me to get it back because I purchased a few of the Bearenstain Bears books, as well as some free books for kids on the kindle marketplace.. Probably the one thing I miss most. Ha.
Not that it matter or you care, but I have the BC serial that is "older hardware."
Gary posted a possible fix of manually reverting back to HC, changing some setting to what appears to be "normal" and then re-updating to ICS. I didn't touch a thing before upgrading to ICS, but I know some of you got yours before ICS was out.
redpoint13 said:
Not that it matter or you care, but I have the BC serial that is "older hardware."
Gary posted a possible fix of manually reverting back to HC, changing some setting to what appears to be "normal" and then re-updating to ICS. I didn't touch a thing before upgrading to ICS, but I know some of you got yours before ICS was out.
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What's it supposed to do? I'm curious.. It'd be nice if it fixed some of the app lockups i experienced & the browser sluggishness.. I did mention above, that I did do a factory reset (not manual downgrade then re-upgrade like you posted) hoping maybe that'd fix some of it..
briderx said:
What's it supposed to do? I'm curious.. It'd be nice if it fixed some of the app lockups i experienced & the browser sluggishness.. I did mention above, that I did do a factory reset (not manual downgrade then re-upgrade like you posted) hoping maybe that'd fix some of it..
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He did not mention what the cuplrit was, but I think it was in reference to the random crashing.
redpoint13 said:
I get 10 meg down approx 30-35 feet away through 4 walls. The same or better tests than I get with my other devices.
I used to be able to lock GPS still, but not moving, after a pinch near the GPS connector I can lock fine while going 70mph.
No crashes.
No screen bleed.
No color issues or bright spots.
No force closing apps so far.
Dock connects solidly and works great.
Sucks to be y`all.
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Trust me, this won't last. You'll notice some form or fashion of screen defects in a couple of weeks, just in time for your policy to have expired for a return/exchange... in which case you will be forced to ship it off to ASUS.
That will be the cost of your smug sense of self-worth.
I don't believe in a "perfect" TFP, because that would be less likely than seeing a Double-Rainbow, all the way.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
Reignzone said:
Trust me, this won't last. You'll notice some form or fashion of screen defects in a couple of weeks, just in time for your policy to have expired for a return/exchange... in which case you will be forced to ship it off to ASUS.
That will be the cost of your smug sense of self-worth.
I don't believe in a "perfect" TFP, because that would be less likely than seeing a Double-Rainbow, all the way.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
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Yes of course, I'll trust the random guy on a forum. I won't consider the multiple friends with them who don't have issues. When a hundred people on a forum complain that means every tablet is bunk.
And by the way, every rainbow is a double rainbow, look a little harder next time.
redpoint13 said:
Yes of course, I'll trust the random guy on a forum. I won't consider the multiple friends with them who don't have issues. When a hundred people on a forum complain that means every tablet is bunk.
And by the way, every rainbow is a double rainbow, look a little harder next time.
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Yeah, but is it all the way across the sky?
briderx said:
Yeah, but is it all the way across the sky?
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It's always the same as the main rainbow, just dimmer and the colors are flipped. I have seen plenty, along with a triple rainbow across the whole sky outside of redrocks in I believe 2008.

Satisfaction POLL - Like or Dislike

I like my prime, and don't care whether you do or not.
Well do you? or not?
BTW if you want to post a sad or happy story, post away but vote first.
Edit JD made a good point if you cant return it but wish you could vote under the appropriate return slot
no option for depends if I can get a refund or not cause then I won't have a choice
jdbaker82 said:
no option for depends if I can get a refund or not cause then I won't have a choice
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nope keeping it real simple, just curious about the basics yes, no, maybe, and returning.
blackinjun said:
nope keeping it real simple, just curious about the basics yes, no, maybe, and returning.
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some people would return but no longer have the option just saying your missing that from the poll cause that's my vote. I would return for a refund if I could
I'll like even more with an unlocked BL . First tablet I've ever owned and am completely satisfied. The 1 thing I wish it had was a USB port but I'm happy.
Majority speaks so far. Just like in other polls.
demandarin said:
Majority speaks so far. Just like in other polls.
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Yeah it's interesting, I just wanted something not shaded, I probably shouldn't have even mentioned that I like mine
blackinjun said:
Yeah it's interesting, I just wanted something not shaded, I probably shouldn't have even mentioned that I like mine
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Its fair enough. All I would want is people to vote honestly. N I feel the ones that like the prime always do. That's how all this type polls turn out the same. Majority loves the prime n want to keep it. We know prime has its flaws, for me GPS. But when you get a good working one, like, its too hard to deny that this is a great device. Just glad I don't have to deal with issues to take away from my enjoyment of it. Its like the prime stays glued to my hands my ipad just sits n collect dust now if my girl not using
I voted "Not decided". I have only had for a few hours and I Love everything about this Tablet except for the Wifi weakness and that might not be a deal breaker. The reason I got a Tablet was for my wife to take to meetings where she needs Wifi access for Webpages and the ability for her to transfer Documents and Data she has on our PC to the Tablet and vice versa. We had a 7 year old Laptop she had been using and it was time for an update anyhow and she loves the size and weight of a tablet. The Prime is PERFECT for her if she can get good WiFi at Conference meetings in Convention Centers and Hotels. She really doesn't have a meeting until April where she needs the Tablet so I am going to have to try to test the Wifi in some areas before hand since I have the 14 days I can return to Best Buy.
How often will you "wife" get to use it?
Back to dislike. Boo for sleep issue!
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
About 70% so far like the prime and keeping it. This number will only get higher.
This is all The Delphi effect. The opinion of the masses will have more merit than the opinion of one random chosen person. Sociologists have discovered that and that alone determines the mood of what's really going on. Whenever it comes time to poll voting, those displeased or riddled with issues can never muster up the numbers to truely reflect the what's really going on. Also the excuse of oh people returned tablet n moved on is b.s. they mostly all still here watching and posting here. Seen tons that "Supposedly" returned device for good or "Done" with forums yet they hang around to make sure to try to bash. Lol its all funny actually but very obvious.
The Delphi effect will always determines what's really going on within a mass or group. Poll votes show only on the surface, front page general news, may look bad, but overall its a completely different story and complete opposite of what's it seeming like.
If you don't know what the Delphi effect means, look it up. Then all this will start to make sense on what's really going on.
clap your hands y'all, it's alright.
I have four Android tablets and sold off the fifth. My Prime is the best of the lot. It is not perfect, but the best.
Love it and Keeping it....even if I have been bitten by the last update....I have confidence that ASUS will resolve the issues, its a new device on new software....its prime (pun intended) for issues.....but the sheer power of this device is awesome...and am a proud to own this beast.
I Like the style on mine personally that's about it. It works real good if I sit right beside my router and use it. Probably going to take it back, I love the design though I just wish my WiFi was better, then I would keep it for sure. I might just wait and get the Lenovo Tegra 3 or Samsung Tegra 3 when they come out. I hate to wait though, that's the only thing that will let me keep this is if I fell like I don't want to wait 4-5 months for the other Tegra 3s, but I heard Acer was coming out soon, like in a month or so. Just not a big fan of Acer Tegra 3. I Might get Samsung 8.9 just to hold me over. Its got a dual core 1.4, which will probably overclock close to 2.0GHZ dual core so I'm assuming its runs pretty good.
demandarin said:
About 70% so far like the prime and keeping it. This number will only get higher.
This is all The Delphi effect. The opinion of the masses will have more merit than the opinion of one random chosen person. Sociologists have discovered that and that alone determines the mood of what's really going on. Whenever it comes time to poll voting, those displeased or riddled with issues can never muster up the numbers to truely reflect the what's really going on. Also the excuse of oh people returned tablet n moved on is b.s. they mostly all still here watching and posting here. Seen tons that "Supposedly" returned device for good or "Done" with forums yet they hang around to make sure to try to bash. Lol its all funny actually but very obvious.
The Delphi effect will always determines what's really going on within a mass or group. Poll votes show only on the surface, front page general news, may look bad, but overall its a completely different story and complete opposite of what's it seeming like.
If you don't know what the Delphi effect means, look it up. Then all this will start to make sense on what's really going on.
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You add to your theory here I finally voted in one of these polls. I love my prime and will certainly be keeping it.
Wifi works fine everywhere I have used it having no trouble getting and holding a signal. At home I get 100% throughput of my 6mbps line and the router is in the very corner of my bedroom and I lay on the couch on complete opposite corner. My house is about 1500sqft and single level so it's through a door down the hall and around the corner from me.
Screen is great, two tiny spots of lightbleed on bottom left that is only visible on boot screen, it is utterly invisible during use and if it wasn't I would be returning it as I'm a videophile and it would drive me insane. No dead or stuck pixels either as a single one is unacceptable for me on any of my personally owned devices.
Battery is fine and in fact I haven't charged it in over two days now, granted only used it very lightly due to available time but that is still fantastic. The current charge is still 60% in fact.
I only use bluetooth for transferring small files between the tablet and my phone so haven't been able to test slowing of wifi with bluetooth headphones, and not having any wireless headphones probably won't be anytime soon. I do know it's not detrimental to my wife when I am actively using my sixaxis controller with an app of the same name though as I can still browse net without issue and launch ROMs off a mounted folder from my NAS.
Never had a single reboot or sleep of death either (knock on wood).
Don't know what else I can cover really, but the fact this is the first poll I have voted in and I am happy as I am with it shows some proof of the motivation that those that are happy with it have to actively hunt and vote on these things. I just recently started being louder about my satisfaction due to the extremely repetitive nature of a handful of negative posters.
My battery is draining faster after the most recent OTA and I've experienced a couple of lockups over the past week but not enough to make me want to return. I feel like these minor issues will be ironed out by Asus in the next OTA. Hopefully something else won't break, lol.
Cappurnikus said:
My battery is draining faster after the most recent OTA and I've experienced a couple of lockups over the past week but not enough to make me want to return. I feel like these minor issues will be ironed out by Asus in the next OTA. Hopefully something else won't break, lol.
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As I look at my prime I just noticed a little issue that was fixed in the latest OTA. In the stock weather widget it was showing %% and is now showing %. That to me was a tiny issue...and guess what....they fixed it. So something like battery drain will get fixed. ASUS is known for fast responses to their customers. I am not worried about it...they will fix it.

Right, that's it: I'm done with this piece of crap

First off: I am not anti-Google. I use all the main Google apps. I have had four Android phones, own 2 Nexus 7's and would take Android over iOS any day of the week.
I am through with this piece of crap that passes for the Nexus 10.
Since buying this thing when it first came out I have had to put up with dodgy wifi connections, creaky flexing back panels, random freezes and reboots, and - worst of all - deal-breakingly poor quality control on the screens. I have been through several RMAs with Google Play (to the point where they are refusing to send me any more replacements - and at the moment they are not even replying to my emails) and am now on my 5th device. All of the devices have had unacceptable levels of light bleed, and - worse still - blotchy screens with uneven yellow or blue tints. I have been through nightmares with the Play store and TNT trying to get devices returned and shipped, and have a pile of email correspondence so long that it could be turned into a Peter Jackson trilogy. The Play store is staffed by some of the greatest morons that I have ever had the misfortune to have to deal with. I have constantly been given wrong or misleading information, and have had to harass and badger them at every stage to get anything done. I still have a device listed as 'pending' on my Google Wallet that has long since been returned, despite being told on numerous occasions that an 'expert' was going to remove it.
For anyone with a perfect device, or who is just happy with their's however it is: I am genuinely pleased for you. This could, and more importantly, should, have been an amazing piece of kit. But as it is, my time with the Nexus 10 has been, without any shadow of a doubt, the absolute worst customer experience I have had in my entire life, by a long country mile.
My blotchy, creaky, light bleedy slab of **** is going back. I'll be getting a full refund and returning to my long neglected iPad. Which actually works like it's supposed to.
my two cents
When you got the second sample and were still unhappy then it was masochistic to keep trying. You should have given up and ended the pain way before getting to the fifth device. Clearly it is not designed to the quality you require and most, if not all, of the samples were probably typical of the quality of everyone else's.
Crap is in the eye of the beholder. Many others, including myself, are not sensitive to the defects you point out. I don't care about an occasional reboot (which only happened in the first day for me), the light bleed, case cracking sounds, etc. Different people have different needs.
You were asking the support people to make the product right for you, which is probably impossible given that particular design. How do you expect them to behave? They certainly aren't going to say the nexus 10 is **** and they also can't say that you are wrong. The nexus 10 is not **** for most people and you are not wrong for wanting a particular level of quality.
To make a long story short you should walk away and spend your energy finding something better instead of banging your head against a lost cause.
+1 for "my two cents"
Well it took me forever to get a good one... Returns and repairs but its pretty good now.
Funny you praise the nexus 7 while cursing this one. I got 8 crap n7s in a row. Finding one without bleed and lifted screen is like finding a unicorn. The ones not plagued by screen issues are pretty cool... The same can be said for the n10.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
boominski said:
First off: I am not anti-Google. I use all the main Google apps. I have had four Android phones, own 2 Nexus 7's and would take Android over iOS any day of the week.
I am through with this piece of crap that passes for the Nexus 10.
Since buying this thing when it first came out I have had to put up with dodgy wifi connections, creaky flexing back panels, random freezes and reboots, and - worst of all - deal-breakingly poor quality control on the screens. I have been through several RMAs with Google Play (to the point where they are refusing to send me any more replacements - and at the moment they are not even replying to my emails) and am now on my 5th device. All of the devices have had unacceptable levels of light bleed, and - worse still - blotchy screens with uneven yellow or blue tints. I have been through nightmares with the Play store and TNT trying to get devices returned and shipped, and have a pile of email correspondence so long that it could be turned into a Peter Jackson trilogy. The Play store is staffed by some of the greatest morons that I have ever had the misfortune to have to deal with. I have constantly been given wrong or misleading information, and have had to harass and badger them at every stage to get anything done. I still have a device listed as 'pending' on my Google Wallet that has long since been returned, despite being told on numerous occasions that an 'expert' was going to remove it.
For anyone with a perfect device, or who is just happy with their's however it is: I am genuinely pleased for you. This could, and more importantly, should, have been an amazing piece of kit. But as it is, my time with the Nexus 10 has been, without any shadow of a doubt, the absolute worst customer experience I have had in my entire life, by a long country mile.
My blotchy, creaky, light bleedy slab of **** is going back. I'll be getting a full refund and returning to my long neglected iPad. Which actually works like it's supposed to.
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Cool story
You know, I can see your point, but I can't see how it merits a new thread here.
What do we gain from reading it? What do you gain from us having read it? (I can totally understand what you gained by writing it, but why not pin in on a wall, be it real or virtual?).
Randomwalker said:
You know, I can see your point, but I can't see how it merits a new thread here.
What do we gain from reading it? What do you gain from us having read it? (I can totally understand what you gained by writing it, but why not pin in on a wall, be it real or virtual?).
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It is possible @boominski is a troll. Just saying.
Randomwalker said:
You know, I can see your point, but I can't see how it merits a new thread here.
What do we gain from reading it? What do you gain from us having read it? (I can totally understand what you gained by writing it, but why not pin in on a wall, be it real or virtual?).
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He is sharing his bad experience. Anyone looking to buy a Nexus 10 should be aware of both the good side, and bad sides.
espionage724 said:
He is sharing his bad experience. Anyone looking to buy a Nexus 10 should be aware of both the good side, and bad sides.
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There is a difference between useful sharing of a bad experience and trashing it. He seems to be saying that he was harmed and the world owes him something. No company owes anyone anything unless they misrepresent the product or are outright fraudulent.
I actually feel sorry for the support team on this one. Sending 5 units is beyond the call of duty. I would quit responding to his emails also. A friend of mine worked in support and he called these customers "screamers". There was nothing you could do to make them happy. He wanted to tell them to give up and buy a competitors product but he could have lost his job for saying that.
It is *possible* he is an apple fan coming here to troll. I'm not accusing him but I've seen this on other forums many times. The fact that he says he is going back to his iPad is a clue.
I feel so sorry to the customer service handle your case.
Such customer shall be doing such job to learn the lesson.
Requesting 5 times changing was ridiculous. If 2nd change not fulfil your requirements. Stop continue and by just requested for full refund as it was known the thing never right nor matter how many times you change it.
It was great for your continue using back your satisfied iPad.
Think twice in future before repeating such hilarious attitude.
Idk, on one hand, if he really wanted the device, 5 tries at it doesn't seem too bad. On the other hand, if decent QC was actually existent, then so many replacements wouldn't have to be issued to find an "acceptable" device (for $400 I wouldn't deal with excessive screen bleed nor a creaky back either; luckily I have neither on my first device though).
So, it's either deal with the QC flaws on a $400 device, or annoy CS because of lack of QC. Maybe annoying them will actually make Google/Samsung do some better QC
As for the Apple part, I do agree it is kind of unnecessary. But then again if that's the tablet that works for him, then meh.
mchahn said:
There is a difference between useful sharing of a bad experience and trashing it. He seems to be saying that he was harmed and the world owes him something. No company owes anyone anything unless they misrepresent the product or are outright fraudulent.
I actually feel sorry for the support team on this one. Sending 5 units is beyond the call of duty. I would quit responding to his emails also. A friend of mine worked in support and he called these customers "screamers". There was nothing you could do to make them happy. He wanted to tell them to give up and buy a competitors product but he could have lost his job for saying that.
It is *possible* he is an apple fan coming here to troll. I'm not accusing him but I've seen this on other forums many times. The fact that he says he is going back to his iPad is a clue.
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Not trolling at all. Actually reading this on my Nexus 7 rather than my iPad. Android is so far ahead of iOS it feels like a backward step to have to use it. Was going to sell the thing if the Nexus 10 turned out right. Such a shame since the N10 pisses all over the iPad in every respect. Apart from the defective screen, obviously. I can overlook the creaks (put it in a case) and the light bleed (don't watch films in the dark).I can even overlook the WiFi and reboot issues, but an uneven screen is a deal breaker. I use my tablets primarily for reading, so yellow patches are highly distracting. And as for the Play Store staff: I have come across some who have been extremely helpful, but I've also been repeatedly given wrong information, lied to and messed about. The customer service is genuinely appalling. As for just giving in: it took me three exchanges to get a decent iPad (uneven screen again), so am not inclined to throw in the towel. What would make me happy? A reasonably uniform screen. I'm not looking for perfection. I know these are mass produced consumer products. But equally I see no reason to spend £300 on something sub-standard. If Google don't want me returning things then they should get their quality control sorted out. And yes - writing this has been cathartic.
Good bye
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
espionage724 said:
He is sharing his bad experience. Anyone looking to buy a Nexus 10 should be aware of both the good side, and bad sides.
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As someone who has worked in retail for 17 year in positions that involve selling the general public goods what you hear from over the top customers is usually about 40% truth and 60% exaggeration in the hopes it will escalate their problem and get it resolved quickly to `their' satisifaction. Typically what is considered `their satisfaction' is a set of goal posts that never stops moving.
The replacement collectors I pay no attention to.. There is one dude around here that his signature is how he's had 5 Nexus 10 replacements and 5 Nexus 4 replacements.. Seriously.. I can't take that seriously..
styckx said:
As someone who has worked in retail for 17 year in positions that involve selling the general public goods what you hear from over the top customers is usually about 40% truth and 60% exaggeration in the hopes it will escalate their problem and get it resolved quickly to `their' satisifaction. Typically what is considered `their satisfaction' is a set of goal posts that never stops moving.
The replacement collectors I pay no attention to.. There is one dude around here that his signature is how he's had 5 Nexus 10 replacements and 5 Nexus 4 replacements.. Seriously.. I can't take that seriously..
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Which part of my post do you think is an exaggeration? The part where I said that I wasn't looking for perfection, could live with light bleed, wifi drop-outs and reboots, but drew the line at wanting a 'reasonably' even screen in terms of temperature and light distribution was a clue as to what I consider my 'goalposts' to be. My iPad isn't perfect: the screen is not 100% uniform and it has minor light bleed. My Nexus 7 isn't perfect: it has some light bleed, wifi drop-outs and the screen flicker issue. My Android phone isn't perfect: the screen is not 100% even. But are they acceptable? Yes. Because. even though consumer devices are not perfect, they are of a 'reasonable' quality.
That = 'goalposts'.
Why is that too hard for some people to understand?
Nothing in this world is perfection.
From all you write, you are finding for perfection but just not admit only.
Why life so hard? You can't be happy and satisfied forever as you are too towards for perfection. They is no such thing in this world!
this thing is sooo slugish and freezes after 4.2.2 update
this thing is going to my sisters 7 year old. I already told him if he drops and breaks it he will be doing us all a favor. ever since the 4.2.2 update it became laggy in all areas.
i think the only good thing about this thing was the ppi.....i did a lot of ebook reading.
I ordered ( just got the confirmation from microsoft) a surface pro. sorry google, i tried so many times along with 4 rma's and i just cant do this any more. please open those brick motar stores you keep talking about. it will make it easier for us to return your products.
The customer service representatives tell you to return it until you get one you are satisfied with. Not the other way around. They are quick to offer another RMA. I stopped after the second one had horrible light bleed because I didn't want to play THEIR game any more. I got a refund and got the hell out of the crappy RMA merry go round. I'm waiting to hear if they have fixed the quality control issues but sadly it still sounds like a crap shoot.
voodooevil said:
this thing is going to my sisters 7 year old. I already told him if he drops and breaks it he will be doing us all a favor. ever since the 4.2.2 update it became laggy in all areas.
i think the only good thing about this thing was the ppi.....i did a lot of ebook reading.
I ordered ( just got the confirmation from microsoft) a surface pro. sorry google, i tried so many times along with 4 rma's and i just cant do this any more. please open those brick motar stores you keep talking about. it will make it easier for us to return your products.
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Really? for me after 4.2.2 I find the tablet is more responsiveness and battery life is improved - not sluggish at all. I have not had a reboot so far while using the tabet but did experience a few wifi drops (reconnected after a few seconds). Still trying to figure out where wifi drops happen as I'm running a Asus RT-N66U (with Tomato firmware).
I am running stock and lost root after the OTA upgrade. Have you tried a factory reset?
I genuinely can't believe that people see the need to RMA their N10 (or any device) due to the smallest things that they've found by specifically looking for them. Yes my N10 has light bleed and yes it did have problems with rebooting (before 4.2.2) but it doesn't bother me.
I would never use an LCD screen on full brightness in a dark room so will never notice the small amounts of light bleed it has. The reboots are a software issue that can be fixed by an update and are so infrequent that they are almost insignificant anyway. And a 'creaky back' definitely doesn't warrant getting the thing replaced; it's plastic so is bound to creak when you purposely flex it which you're not supposed to do.
Is anyone else shocked by the sheer number of people that will happily request multiple replacements because of the stupidest things and then wonder why the price increases or the customer service seems rushed? They've somehow got pay for all the testing, repackaging, restocking and reselling of these apparently 'defective' devices.

