microsoft deepfish - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin

Does anybody have the files for the web application?

Yes! here you go. activation code is: 8735644102444130

Why can't I navigate through it? I can see is but I can't make it do anything.

Use your navigation button so that you get a gray box. move it around and push again to zoom in.

Ive been looking for this, thank you

does this work on mda running wm5?
You can download it direct from MS...

They stopped taking people a while ago

im surprised there is not more buzz about this!
But, I am happy with piscal for my WM6. Nothing matches the swiping support.
I will definitely be trying out (and possibly replacing piscal with) deepfish, when its out of beta of course.


Anyone have a blackberry connect cab file for this phone???

Trying to combine my devices and have been looking for the cab file. It shows on Rim's website that there is one but checked the web and cannot find it. Any help on finding this will be appreciated.
Ditto...but for my HTC S620
Try this one. No promises. Back up before you install, etc...
It installs on the phone, but when you click on the icon to configure, nothing happen
Well, it didn't for me, and I made sure to install in main memory as well. Anyone else have better luck?
won't even run it.. someone on the wizard thread even got to PIN stage..wonder how..
It installe don my phone
I will goto work and see if I can get the oin to change and see if it works. Also need to find a blackberry desktop manager for smartphone because the rugular one of course not detect it but it we need one to generate a pin for this. Anyone have any ideas?
I'd be delighted to test it with BES account, because it needs oly PIN and IMEI, but my qtek 8500 won't run the soft at all...
Installed fine on mine. Just dont have anyway of testing it now!
hmm an I crazy? I installed it on 8310 and 8500, it won't run on any of two.. Just an icon in the start menu that does nothing..
I spoke to soon. The icon does nothing (
I wrote to RIM, requesting a client status
Let's see what they say, eh?
lol, RIM is known for its ignorance to VIP vendors, not to say individual customers..

Voice dialing soft?

Here I go again with my upgrading issues. I recently upgraded my ROM to PK Black thanks to olipro unlocker, the whole athena project, HeartofDarkness, and ITXDA. THANKS FOR A GREAT ROM and all your help.
My new issue......I need a voice dialer that works. The dialer that was in the shipped ROM of my 7501 was great. Is there a place that I can get thdialer in CAB to re-install to my device? I am currently using VOICE_Tri. It does work but only when the phone is actively on/unlocked. So if my phone is in my pocket and or locked, I cannot dial. The original dialer worked when my phone was locked or not near me. I really want this back. Can anyone suggest a dialer that works that I don't have to buy? Can I strip it from the HTC ROM?
Thanks in advance.
Try this! You might have to purchase this one though!
You're welcome, really.
Do you remember what you used prior to upgrading ?
Heavyweights are:
- Microsoft Voice Command (doesn't need training);
- Cyberon Voice Dial (requires tagging).
Both are commercial products, but since you rightfully own a device that was provided with either, there shouldn't be much problems if you did bit of searching on the forum or googling and found workable archives...
HeartOfDarkness said:
You're welcome, really.
Do you remember what you used prior to upgrading ?
Heavyweights are:
- Microsoft Voice Command (doesn't need training);
- Cyberon Voice Dial (requires tagging).
Both are commercial products, but since you rightfully own a device that was provided with either, there shouldn't be much problems if you did bit of searching on the forum or googling and found workable archives...
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The voice dialer I was using previously was included in the shipped firmware on my 7501. I have no idea who made it or if it was simply part of the ROM. I did try the one offered on mahmood's site and it seems to be working well enough for now. I will use this latest one until I find another. I did have Microsoft's version when I had other devices but I often had trouble using it with a BT device. There was one that I read about that announces your incoming calls and other little neat things, but with all my reading, I forgot its name. So, long story short, I am ok for now, but still always on the prowl for biger, better, faster, smarter, easier etc.
So keep me in mind if something surfaces that is a dowlaoad (pref. free) that I can try.
BTW, do you know how to get PocketCM off of my device?
Kenjari said:
Try this! You might have to purchase this one though!
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Looks like it would one to try, but do you know if it is unistallable once it's on. I still trying to get Pocket CM out of my device.
you might have to use a registry delete on that one. some how it installed in your registry...thats why you cant easily remove it. try resco registry. you should be able get in and delete it with that software.
BTW...that link to that Voice dialer...yes it removes once you go into settings and Remove Programs. I dont think however, that it gives you the option to save your settings. But who cares.... Good Luck buddy!
Kenjari said:
you might have to use a registry delete on that one. some how it installed in your registry...thats why you cant easily remove it. try resco registry. you should be able get in and delete it with that software.
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I have never used a registry editor. How does it work? What do I do?

Newb wanting to put SCLPC++ 0-051 on hermes 8525

Hi all, first I want to say that this site is UNBELEIVABLE!!! I've learned more in one day of reading threads than I did in the weeks I spent researching the 8525 before I bought it! Now to my questions....I am seriouly in love with the touch cube interface I have been reading about and seeing all over the web, I am exstatic that Slither has made one that is compatible with my Hermes, my questions are...if I install it on my phone will I lose anything as far as applications and/or functionality? is it a Permanent change? and am I still able to use my slide out QWERTY?(In ALL the vids I've seen of the program, I've never seen anyone acctually USE the slide out QWERTY)
Your phone will still be completely functional with Slither's SCLPC++ on it. Remember, you don't actually install run it as a program on the phone. It exists outside of the regular OS, and simply acts as a application launcher/dialer. There is also a great configuration tool for it available here on the boards.
If you don't have fTouchFlo on your phone, you'll need to install that first, and then configure it to launch the cube with an upswipe if you desire that. Personally, I'm not big on that method; I edit my registry to change my left soft key to open the cube.
...and no, it is not permanent. You simply delete the file. Read the thread where Slither explains how and what to do to get it working. As for your question about the keyboard, the cube will not change to landscape when the keyboard is out, but it will still launch just fine and work as promised.
Thank you so much I also found a FTouchFlo on the HTC wiki Forums ( ) Is this one any good and what is the difference between this one and Sliver's? Also will I be able to change the back ground of my Home screen or will I need to install the HHC(HTC Home Configurator)?
fTouchFlo is made by another user, not Slither2006. See here:
Just get the last one on there, v.1.4.1. efrost also makes a commercial version of it, but I've never tried it.
As for you Home screen, I assume you mean the HTC Home plugin. Yes, HHC is invaluable for customizing that.
...I do suggest that you search for some of these answers, though.

Completely Remove Sprint Picture Mail Account - How?

I have zero interest in Sprint Picture Mail. However, the account is sort of "hardwired" into the phone and there is no (official) way to disable it that I can find. It doesn't even show up in the list of accounts under Options in Pocket Outlook.
Does anybody know some sort of tweak to get rid of this account?
This would include...
1. Removing it from "send" options when emailing pictures (album)
2. Account chooser for Pocket Oulook
3. TF3D icon on the mail tab
thx1200 said:
I have zero interest in Sprint Picture Mail. However, the account is sort of "hardwired" into the phone and there is no (official) way to disable it that I can find. It doesn't even show up in the list of accounts under Options in Pocket Outlook.
Does anybody know some sort of tweak to get rid of this account?
This would include...
1. Removing it from "send" options when emailing pictures (album)
2. Account chooser for Pocket Oulook
3. TF3D icon on the mail tab
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I believe its an extra cab that installs after a hard reset. Try hard resetting, and stopping the customization.
If there are any Sprint cabs you want they are floating around here or ppcgeeks.
sporklover said:
I believe its an extra cab that installs after a hard reset. Try hard resetting, and stopping the customization.
If there are any Sprint cabs you want they are floating around here or ppcgeeks.
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Well, that's definitely a solution, but I'd rather not have to hard reset my device. I have the settings just the way I like it now.
Does anybody know how to get rid of it after it's already installed?
just stick a peice of black tape over the portion that says picturemail on your phone...
t0mmyr said:
just stick a peice of black tape over the portion that says picturemail on your phone...
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Thank you for the incredibly constructive answer. You are my hero. Jerk.
thx1200 said:
I have zero interest in Sprint Picture Mail. However, the account is sort of "hardwired" into the phone and there is no (official) way to disable it that I can find. It doesn't even show up in the list of accounts under Options in Pocket Outlook.
Does anybody know some sort of tweak to get rid of this account?
This would include...
1. Removing it from "send" options when emailing pictures (album)
2. Account chooser for Pocket Oulook
3. TF3D icon on the mail tab
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I'd love to know how to dump this as well without a hard reset and manually adding the all the other useful cabs myself.
Thanks for posing the question, now to wait for a good answer....
Try downloading the cab from somewhere, installing it, it will say the previous version has to be removed, after it removes the previous version, hit cancel to not install the new version.
Might be worth a shot, although I don't know why you wouldn't want picture mail, it's not like you have to use it, but why remove features?
clamknuckle said:
Try downloading the cab from somewhere, installing it, it will say the previous version has to be removed, after it removes the previous version, hit cancel to not install the new version.
Might be worth a shot, although I don't know why you wouldn't want picture mail, it's not like you have to use it, but why remove features?
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That is a good idea. I'll have to try that!
As for why, good question. I don't really know why it bothers me so much. Maybe just because I like less clutter? Maybe it's an OCD type of thing. :-D One of the first things I did was install Advanced Config and remove the sprint music/tv tabs because i didn't want to use them, even though i didn't have to use them. :-D
clamknuckle said:
Try downloading the cab from somewhere, installing it, it will say the previous version has to be removed, after it removes the previous version, hit cancel to not install the new version.
Might be worth a shot, although I don't know why you wouldn't want picture mail, it's not like you have to use it, but why remove features?
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I'm definitely going to try that! Good idea.
As for why, I don't like the extra account when I got from my text to email accounts BUT the main reason is because it works like POO POO! I hate how it is so damn clunky in it's operation and even though I don't use it to send picmail, if I get a picmail it goes in there.
I applaud Sprint for trying but damn, try a little harder next time. I could have done without this particular crap a$$ feature.
I'm also very interested in dumping Sprint Picture Mail. Since we're limited to six accounts in Pocket Outlook, its being there keeps me from adding in another account I actually use, so it's frustrating that they would add that in by default. Tried deleting all of the registry keys, installed files etc that are done as part of the CAB installer, but it's STILL there! Haven't been able to figure out how to bypass the customization step, otherwise I'd do a HR in a heartbeat and see if skipping the CAB install would work, so still awaiting a solution to this...
i tried but sprint mail was not completely removed , i even installed the other version and it got completely installed and i could not un install it using memaid ! there should be a smarter way toget rid of this sprint B/S.
i don't think it can be removed this way.
you will need to load a custom rom without the picmail.
in the time you have wasted waiting for an easy solution you could have flashed and reloaded all of your settings.
Not everybody wants a to use a cooked ROM. You know, it really gets tiring when know-it-alls pop into threads and instead of contributing something useful just say "you should have just done x,y,z instead of doing what you actually wanted to do." It's already been established earlier in the thread that hard resetting (which running a cooked ROM requires) is not an acceptible solution. I do not appear to be alone in wanting an alternative solution. If you don't have a solution or a constructive comment, can't you just, you know, not post anything?
maan76 - Thanks for trying that method out. I've been too busy to tinker. At some point, I'm going to try scouring the registry and DLLs in \Windows\. Pocket Office is extended just like any other MS app -- through DLLs. So unless Picture Mail has been hardwired through some bizarre method or bundled together with a load of other useful features into one big unremovable DLL, I have got to think that there must be some DLL somewhere that can be unregistered somehow -- it just hasn't been discovered yet. I hope anyway! But you never know...
lafester said:
i don't think it can be removed this way.
you will need to load a custom rom without the picmail.
in the time you have wasted waiting for an easy solution you could have flashed and reloaded all of your settings.
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I echo thx2100 but will say the MAIN reasons I don't want to just run a cooked ROM right now is that the only real advantage at this time is they are light on the apps to free up ram. I come from the 6700 and 6800 and I'm in heaven with the speed and ease that the TP has when running multiple apps.
None of the new ROM's right now really dazzle me but if one comes around that is hot sh$# then I might run it.
With my stock ROM I have no surprises and only one really annoying feature which is the picmail but I can live with.
yep I totally agree thx 200,that there is no need for the cooked ROMs right now for the TP , why I am risking myself in a cooked ROM ?????????? to save RAM nop ! RAM is highhhhhhh and we have plenty of it in tp not like the mogul when the people were racing to build a ROM with higher free RAM after booting ! to save couple megabytes !, now with this strong hardware in TP , we have plenty of RAM .
the other reason which drove us before for flashing ROMs is the new applications (ex Manila for htc 6800 mogul ,u tube......etc) now we ve got the most updated versions of these software in the touch pro.
no logic reason for flashing ROMs at this moment , probably when new software will come up or super tweaks that require flashing ROMs , but definetely not now , we are still new and still learning about the Touch pro.I am seeing junior members building ROMs cause it is easy with this 288 MB RAM , I bet nobody was able to build ROMs for the Apache or the Mogul cause of the limited RAM.
we have a long way in improvement in touch pro before building ROMs.
thx1200 said:
maan76 - Thanks for trying that method out. I've been too busy to tinker. At some point, I'm going to try scouring the registry and DLLs in \Windows\. Pocket Office is extended just like any other MS app -- through DLLs. So unless Picture Mail has been hardwired through some bizarre method or bundled together with a load of other useful features into one big unremovable DLL, I have got to think that there must be some DLL somewhere that can be unregistered somehow -- it just hasn't been discovered yet. I hope anyway! But you never know...
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Using MSCEInfo, I've been able to identify every registry change and file modification made by the Sprint PictureMail CAB and have undone them all to no effect. So, either some other routine is making changes related to PicMail or it's hardcoded into the ROM. Hopefully, it's not the latter...
Good luck and please let us know if you find out how to do it. I've pretty much given up and am just waiting to find a stripped down ROM for the Sprint Touch Pro that doesn't include PictureMail, Touch Guide Mobile or any of the other bloatware that Sprint decided we had to have.
Solution Removal Sprint Picture Mail
I found the solution this morning and I successfully removed the sprint picture mail and I also successfully added my yahoo mail
here what you need to do
1-install the sprint picture mail Cab
2-using resco file explorer or anything else go to windows folder
3-in resco explorer , unclick hide hidden files and unclick hilde file extensions
4-look for sprint picture mail cab , next to it you will find sprint picture mail.exe and some other files cary the same name.
5-this .exe is made by the second installation you just made not ROM related , but still you can not remove it ,for some reason.
so rename it into anything .exe , and do the same for the rest of the files including the cab , not delete them all you should be able to do so .
I did these steps exactly in that order and I opened the messages folder and I was soooo happy not seeing the picture mail account .
Good luck guys
maan76 said:
I found the solution this morning and I successfully removed the sprint picture mail and I also successfully added my yahoo mail
here what you need to do
1-install the sprint picture mail Cab
2-using resco file explorer or anything else go to windows folder
3-in resco explorer , unclick hide hidden files and unclick hilde file extensions
4-look for sprint picture mail cab , next to it you will find sprint picture mail.exe and some other files cary the same name.
5-this .exe is made by the second installation you just made not ROM related , but still you can not remove it ,for some reason.
so rename it into anything .exe , and do the same for the rest of the files including the cab , not delete them all you should be able to do so .
I did these steps exactly in that order and I opened the messages folder and I was soooo happy not seeing the picture mail account .
Good luck guys
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I used Total Commander and removed the file and it worked.
Thank you very much! Now to test how picmails are recieved now.
mrrogers1 said:
I used Total Commander and removed the file and it worked.
Thank you very much! Now to test how picmails are recieved now.
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Can you point out which specific cab you installed (was it just the one built into the TP ROM?) and which file(s) you removed to get this to work?
Also, can you confirm that this removed the Sprint PictureMail account from both the Outlook account list AND the Mail TF3D tab???
del4 said:
Can you point out which specific cab you installed (was it just the one built into the TP ROM?) and which file(s) you removed to get this to work?
Also, can you confirm that this removed the Sprint PictureMail account from both the Outlook account list AND the Mail TF3D tab???
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Well I seem to have completely broke my ability to get picmail so I'll hold back on any instructions. I'll do some more testing and may just have to install the freakn program again.... OR I might load up a bare bones ROM and load cab's I see fit, 1 will undoubtedly NOT make the cut.

[APP] Repli - A simple freeware SMS auto-reply

A little background:
The other day I was looking for a simple SMS auto-reply to function as an away message of sorts for when I'm busy and can't actively reply to texts. My search turned up two candidates, SMS Minder and Mobliza. SMS Minder was exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately it simply did not work for me. It must've been something about my ROM, but it just ignored any texts that I received. I then paid the few bucks for Mobliza, which worked well, but it "blocked" the texts from my inbox, preventing me from viewing them later which I did not care for. I had been looking for an excuse to play around with Windows Mobile development, so I fired up Visual Studio and had a crack at it. Four hours later, here is the first release of what I got.
How to use it:
At the top of the window is a drop-down list of messages. Choose one or type in your own.
Press Start.
That's it. It'll send that message to anybody who texts you until you press Stop or exit the program.
Shows who it has replied to. Uses the contact picture if available so you can see at a glance. Useful if you're using this while driving and you are curious who texted you but you don't want to be distracted.
Unlike other programs of this nature, this one does not interfere with the text in anyway. It still goes to your normal inbox. It still gives the ringtone and vibrates like usual. This is by design.
Custom messages. Save your list of custom replies in the settings window, or simply type one into the main window quick if you're in a hurry.
Features coming later:
White/blacklists. Controls who does and doesn't get the replies.
Others? Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in this.
This program requires the .NET Framework 3.5 to function.
Thanks for taking a look, hope someone finds this useful
5/31 7:40PM: Added support for saving custom messages; check the Settings menu for more. Also packaged in a cab so it can be installed and used like a proper program now.
5/30 8:30PM: Works better with QVGA devices now. I played around with the emulators, and it turns out that QVGA devices have a different DPI than VGA+ devices. So although the program ran fine on QVGA devices, it wouldn't show any actual messages it responded to, just said "and 1 more."
5/30 3:51PM: Initial release
I'm gonna try it tomorrow.
This sounds like Just the application I was looking for. Here in NY state, it is illegal to text while driving. IMHO, It is kind of dumb to text while driving, anywhere.
I have been looking for a way to send an automatic text to let people know that "I am driving now...will text later."
I am going to give this program a try tomorrow morning, and will keep you posted.
I'm also in NY state, one of the reasons I was looking for something like this
Looking forward to what you think about it.
Great. Will try it out and let you know. Thanks.
This looks really nice, as there are several times in class or when driving that I'd prefer to have an auto-reply rather than have to keep people waiting.
Couple of suggestions though:
Whitelist/Blacklist, as you said in the first post. Would help if there's certain people that you MUST be in contact with. Maybe even a extra vibrate when a message comes from a blacklist person?
Time-based activation, so that it auto-texts during class hours
Keep it up!
Maybe GPS-based activation when a user-defined speed is detected, so that it automatically starts replying to any texts when one gets in the car and start driving?
I just installed this app on my TP2 and had a friend send me a test text. It works really well. My only question is, will I have to start the application from the zip file every time I want to use Repli? There is no icon or shortcut placed in the start menu and it is not listed as a program when I search the program files in File Manager. It doesn't seem to use a lot memory so is it designed to stay open at all times. Thanks for you great effort.
Looks interesting, will test it out later..
Thanks for sharing
ken52787 said:
A little background:
The other day I was looking for a simple SMS auto-reply to function as an away message of sorts for when I'm busy and can't actively reply to texts. My search turned up two candidates, SMS Minder and Mobliza. SMS Minder was exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately it simply did not work for me. It must've been something about my ROM, but it just ignored any texts that I received. I then paid the few bucks for Mobliza, which worked well, but it "blocked" the texts from my inbox, preventing me from viewing them later which I did not care for. I had been looking for an excuse to play around with Windows Mobile development, so I fired up Visual Studio and had a crack at it. Four hours later, here is the first release of what I got.
How to use it:
At the top of the window is a drop-down list of messages. Choose one or type in your own.
Press Start.
That's it. It'll send that message to anybody who texts you until you press Stop or exit the program.
It keeps track of who it replies to. If the person is in your contacts, it displays their name, photo, and message. If they aren't, it simply shows the phone number and message.
Unlike other programs I've tried, this one does not interfere with the text in anyway. It still goes to your normal inbox. It still gives the ringtone and vibrates like usual. This is by design, I didn't like how Mobliza blocked that.
I haven't been able to test this since I only have a VGA WinMo device, but I've wrote it as resolution independent as I could. It works in landscape and portrait, and should theoretically work on devices with other resolutions (WVGA, QVGA, etc?). Hopefully you guys will be able to give me feedback on this one.
Features I might add later:
Saving of custom messages. Right now it starts up with the same four messages every time, you can't save your custom messages between runs. I'll add this in the next release.
White/blacklists. I'll add this if there's any demand.
Others? Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in this.
I should also mention that this requires the .NET Framework 3.5. It's also a tiny exe file, I didn't package it up as a cab or anything. So drop the exe on your device and run it. I didn't add much error-handling so don't be surprised if the program crashes for you. If it does, please let me know what you were doing and what exception it throws so I can fix it up.
Thanks for taking a look, hope someone finds this useful
5/30 8:30PM: Works better with QVGA devices now. I played around with the emulators, and it turns out that QVGA devices have a different DPI than VGA+ devices. So although the program ran fine on QVGA devices, it wouldn't show any actual messages it responded to, just said "and 1 more."
5/30 3:51PM: Initial release
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Made a quick .cab file, but no icon yet. Thanks for the cool app!
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I just posted an update. I added support for custom messages now with saving and loading. I made a lot of progress on whitelists and blacklists, but its not ready for primetime quite yet. Also, I finally packaged it as a cab so you can install it like its a real program now.
Keep the feedback coming
new version works well with the custom messages, but i cannot start the app. It just stays on the start. first version started though. Thanks.
Sorry about that. I changed the way the program initialized the SMS catching. Guess it doesn't work universally that way. Try the updated cab.
ken52787 said:
Sorry about that. I changed the way the program initialized the SMS catching. Guess it doesn't work universally that way. Try the updated cab.
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works now, thx..
Not working for me, on a stock ROM HD2 . I start it and ask someone to send me a test sms and it does nothing. My freind got no response.
kensong said:
Not working for me, on a stock ROM HD2 . I start it and ask someone to send me a test sms and it does nothing. My freind got no response.
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A few questions to help me debug:
1. When you press the Start button, does it switch to say "Stop"?
2. When your friend texts you, does the message show up in the window?
katradar said:
This sounds like Just the application I was looking for. Here in NY state, it is illegal to text while driving. IMHO, It is kind of dumb to text while driving, anywhere.
I have been looking for a way to send an automatic text to let people know that "I am driving now...will text later."
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Looks great! I downloaded it and will try it out.
ken52787 said:
A few questions to help me debug:
1. When you press the Start button, does it switch to say "Stop"?
2. When your friend texts you, does the message show up in the window?
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1. Yes, I see "Stop" after I pressed Start. I did not exit but minimise the application before receiving message.
2. The message did not show up in Repli. Only in my SMS InBox.
Appreciate your work on this. Very useful.
This is great!
I tested out the program yesterday while traveling. I think it is a fantastic idea. It worked the whole time. You can use it for so many other things! Meetings, Emergencies, Etc. I especially like the fact that it tells you who you have to get back to. This way you don't forget about them.
I did find a bug.
1) You have to hit "exit" - not the "x" at the top of the screen. If you use the "ok" button on your phone, or tap the "x" at the top of the screen, you get an error message that tells you:
"An unexpected error has occurred in Repli.exe. Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information." Then when you choose "Details" you get this message:
" Error
Repli.exe Applicationlauncherenableexception at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.MessageInterception.MessageInterceptor.Unregister(StringapplicationLaunchId) at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.MessageInterception.MessageInterceptor.Finalize()"
Thanks for making the Icon for the start menu! It makes life soooo much easier. Also, thanks for making customized replies available.
Thank you so much for this wonderful little application! It is going to be a real life (and money/ticket) saver!!
katradar said:
I tested out the program yesterday while traveling. I think it is a fantastic idea. It worked the whole time. You can use it for so many other things! Meetings, Emergencies, Etc. I especially like the fact that it tells you who you have to get back to. This way you don't forget about them.
I did find a couple of bugs.
1) You have to hit "exit" - not the "x" at the top of the screen. If you use the "ok" button on your phone, or tap the "x" at the top of the screen, you get an error message that tells you:
"An unexpected error has occurred in Repli.exe. Select Quit and then restart this program, or select Details for more information." Then when you choose "Details" you get this message:
" Error
Repli.exe Applicationlauncherenableexception at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.MessageInterception.MessageInterceptor.Unregister(StringapplicationLaunchId) at Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.MessageInterception.MessageInterceptor.Finalize()"
2) I would really like to be able to save my own personnal auto reply, based on why I can't text at the time. Sometimes I get in a hurry, and don't have time to re-type my auto message. (But that's just me)
The program really does need an icon. Even to just put it in your menus list. But...
My solution, for now, is: I copied the program into My Documents, so when I use file explorer, it is on the first page and I don't have to go looking for where I put it. Once I have used the program, it stays in "recent programs" on your start menu until I soft reset. (I have start-clean so when I reset, the recent programs folder gets emptied.)
Thank you so much for this wonderful little application! It is going to be a real life (and money/ticket) saver!!
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Glad you like it! It sounds like you're using an old version though. Install the cab file in the first post, it has an icon and lets you save your messages. Let me know if that version still gives you those exceptions if you close it with the OK button. Thanks
kensong said:
Not working for me, on a stock ROM HD2 . I start it and ask someone to send me a test sms and it does nothing. My freind got no response.
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Same here, doesnt seem to like HD2's?

