Official Titan Rom/Radio/SPL Compatibility List - PLEASE READ BEFORE FLASHING!! - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

Failure to comply with this list may result in non working phone/data, may cause your device to enter into a reboot loop, or you may not be able to boot at all!!
Stock Rom(s):
Stock Carrier Rom - Windows Mobile 6.0
Compatible Radio(s):
Radio 1.30.60 (Verizon Stock)
Radio 1.32.00 (Sprint Stock)
Radio 1.40.00 (Recommended)
Radio 1.47.00
Radio 1.47.01
Radio 1.59.10a (From Vogue)
Radio 2.06.0D (From Vogue)
Radio 2.13.0D (From Vogue)
Non GPS/EVDO Rev.A Rom(s):
dcd 1.7.0 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19199
dcd 1.6.10 - Windows Mobile 6.0
Compatible Radio(s):
Radio 1.30.60 (Verizon Stock)
Radio 1.32.00 (Sprint Stock)
Radio 1.40.00 (Recommended)
Radio 1.47.00
Radio 1.47.01
Radio 1.59.10a (From Vogue)
Radio 2.06.0D (From Vogue)
Radio 2.13.0D (From Vogue)
GPS/EVDO Rev.A Beta Rom(s):
dcd 2.3.x - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19199
dcd 2.2.x - Windows Mobile 6.1
dcd 2.1.0 - Windows Mobile 6.1 BETA
dcd 2.0.0 - Windows Mobile 6.0
Compatible Radio(s):
Radio 3.27 (From Sprint Leaked Beta)
GPS/EVDO Rev.A Rom(s):
dcd 3.2.6 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.20275
dcd 3.2.5 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.20273
dcd 3.2.3 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19965
dcd 3.2.2 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19960
dcd 3.2.1 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19958
dcd 3.2.0 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19958
dcd 3.1.6 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19214
dcd 3.1.2 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19213
dcd 3.1.1 - Windows Mobile 6.1
dcd 3.0.4 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19209
dcd 3.0.1 - Windows Mobile 6.1
Compatible Radio(s):
Radio 3.42.50 (From Official Bell Vogue Rom)
Radio 3.42.30 (From Official Sprint Vogue Rom)
Radio 3.42.02 (From Official Sprint 3.56 Rom)
Radio 3.39.10 (From Pre-Released Sprint 3.49 Rom)
Radio 3.37.75 (From Official Verizon 3.57 Rom)
Radio 3.37.71 (From Pre-Released Verizon 3.56 Rom)
Radio 3.37.20 (From Official Alltel 3.35 Rom)
Radio 3.35.04 (From Official Sprint 3.35 Rom)
For more information about the Titan, how to aquire these roms/radios, and how to flash, please refer to the Official Titan Wiki
For SPL compatibility, please see next post.

Failure to comply with this list WILL cause your device to either freeze at boot, or not boot at all!!
Stock Rom(s):
Stock Carrier Rom - Windows Mobile 6.0
Compatible SPL(s):
SPL 1.04 (Stock SPL)
SPL 1.06 (Titan Relocker)
Non GPS/EVDO Rev.A Rom(s):
dcd 1.7.0 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19199
dcd 1.6.10 - Windows Mobile 6.0
Compatible SPL(s):
SPL 1.20 (Hard-SPL 1.20-olipro)
GPS/EVDO Rev.A Beta Rom(s):
dcd 2.3.x - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19199
dcd 2.2.x - Windows Mobile 6.1
dcd 2.1.0 - Windows Mobile 6.1 BETA
dcd 2.0.0 - Windows Mobile 6.0
Compatible SPL(s):
SPL 2.47 (2.47No2Chem Titan SPL EVT) (Recommended)
SPL 2.40 (Hard-SPL 2.40-olipro)
GPS/EVDO Rev.A Rom(s):
dcd 3.2.6 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.20275
dcd 3.2.5 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.20273
dcd 3.2.3 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19965
dcd 3.2.2 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19960
dcd 3.2.1 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19958
dcd 3.2.0 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19958
dcd 3.1.6 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19214
dcd 3.1.2 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19213
dcd 3.1.1 - Windows Mobile 6.1
dcd 3.0.4 - Windows Mobile 6.1 OS 5.2.19209
dcd 3.0.1 - Windows Mobile 6.1
Compatible SPL(s):
SPL 2.47 (2.47No2Chem Titan SPL EVT) (Recommended)
SPL 2.40 (Hard-SPL 2.40-olipro)
For more information about the Titan, how to aquire these SPL's, and how to correctly update your bootloader, please refer to the Official Titan Wiki.

Another Reserved

I wanna reserve my post too... ;P

The Wiki generally should have up-to-date listing for each of the available ROMs/Kitchens and their associated radios. Thanks gcincotta, though it should probably be best to keep such information in one spot where we can all easily update and refer people to. Threads grow, can get confusing with questions and misinformation, and only the thread starter can re-edit the first post. The Wiki isn't just for one person to edit, so the more each of us get accustomed to editing and keeping the Titan Wiki up-to-date the better for all.
Titan with GPS Home Page
Titan older ROMs Home Page

The Wiki generally should have up-to-date listing for each of the available ROMs/Kitchens and their associated radios. Thanks gcincotta, though it should probably be best to keep such information in one spot where we can all easily update and refer people to. Threads grow, can get confusing with questions and misinformation, and only the thread starter can re-edit the first post. The Wiki isn't just for one person to edit, so the more each of us get accustomed to editing and keeping the Titan Wiki up-to-date the better for all.
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Key, the wiki is a nice tool for such information, but sadly people do not check it. This forum NEEDS a sticky like this. I'm not discouraging people from using the wiki, as it is very useful, but I believe this thread will help a LOT of people. I hope you will be on board. In fact, I'll even post a link to the wiki in the original post. Thanks.

Oh of course I'll help and not discourage this, I just wanted to make the reminder that we do have the wiki to keep up-to-date, as it's slightly falling behind. If you haven't already I've just sent a message of to mikechannon to make this thread a sticky.

Someone should sticky this.

............... I've also requested TalynOne's awesome GPS FAQ to be made a sticky as well.

Hopefully someone with some no2chem rom expertise can post and let me know which builds fall under what category for his stuff.

no2chem's 5060 build uses 3.35.04 on up, but I can't remember which older build switched from radio 3.27....

How about some links on the front post to each of the ROMs and Radios.

maskedlion said:
How about some links on the front post to each of the ROMs and Radios.
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Naw....on that point my opinion is to discourage it. General items can be great but at what point do too many sticky threads at the top become too cluttered and actually discourage their intent of quick glancing info...?
General stickies require less maintenance for administrators to remove the outdated or supplemented ROM/Kitchen sticky threads and replace with another. Plus who's ROM/Kitchen or app get's the bonus of a sticky thread? This forum is fantastic without competition between developers and everyone working respectfully together. I can see one person making a request for their thread to become a sticky and then the dominoes falling of others doing the same and moderators eventually getting frustrated at being called up to maintain it. We could try and get one of our regulars moderator status, but I don't think that's necessary.
For ROMs/Kitchens/Apps, I think the way we have it now works just fine. The Wiki already has links to ROMs and radios, where all kitchen builders and any member here can update at will. To find any of that from the first page of the forum it is only 2 links deep (from the Titan Wiki sticky thread). The forum search function also gets neglected by some. gcincotta could keep updating the first post in this thread with direct links to the mentioned builds, but that can be a lot of extra & regular work for one person. The current ROM/Kitchen threads don't get sunk too far back in the forum as long as interest and posts to those threads remain active.
The worst case scenerio is to have the first page of this upgrading forum confused and full of stickies....almost like that found at PPGeeks....

Maybe you mis-read my post or meant to quote someone else.
Each of the ROMs and Radios are already referred to in the first post of this thread. My suggestion is to make the text in the first post for each of the ROMs and Radios referenced into a hyperlink that would allow the reader to link to the forum thread where the ROM or Radio that they are interested in is detailed. In no way would I like to see more sticky threads, I think the one is fine.

Also, by what account is the 3.39.10 Radio considered to be the best? Is there any benefit to it over the 3.35 radio or are we flashing for the sake of flasing?

Sorry maskedlion, yeah I rushed & barely glanced at your post... That's up to gcincotta if he wants to take on the load or not. As it is, I think he's done a fine job.
My preference would be for each of the ROM/Radio groupings to link directly to the Wiki pages for Titan with GPS Home Page, Titan older pre-GPS ROMs Home Page, and Titan Stock Home Page. Only one place then to maintain but still returning the info and links to the needed threads/files.

The purpose for this sticky is for reference for newcomers to our community. Yes, the information is available on the wiki, but most people who come here don't bother to read much as it is before flashing, nevermind go to another site to read up on it.
I've seen post after post after post flooding dcd's kitchen thread from people who have flashed a 3.x.x rom and are using the 3.27 radio, or worse, come from stock and just flash a 3.x.x rom. My intent for this was/is for it to catch their eye beforehand.
I'm not posting instructions on how to aquire said roms/radios, nor am I posting where to find them, that's what the search function is for and that's why we have a wiki.
To maskedillion regarding radio 3.39.10, when Sprint/HTC released their update activating GPS/RevA they also released radio 3.35.04. With their recent update, they have released radio 3.39.10. New firmware is new firmware. I'm sure Sprint/HTC wouldn't have bothered to release a new radio if there wasn't SOME improvement. Radio 3.37.20 was released from Alltel/HTC with their update activating GPS/RevA. My question to you is, if you're an engineer writing radio firmware, would you bother to sit down and write new firmware just for the sake of it? Or would you write new firmware if you have additions/updates to make to the old firmware? I'm an engineer myself and I write firmware for a living, and I would choose the latter. If people don't want to use the new radio they don't have to, but I'm personally recommending it due to pure common sense.

gcincotta said:
With their recent update, they have released radio 3.39.10. New firmware is new firmware. I'm sure Sprint/HTC wouldn't have bothered to release a new radio if there wasn't SOME improvement.
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It should be noted that the Sprint 3.39.10 radio and associated OS was leaked (as 3.27) from their internal testing and hasn't been released to the public. was leaked...but it's probably not as "experimental" as was 3.27. When 3.27 was leaked it was while testing GPS/ that both have been released (with 3.35.04), I highly doubt 3.39.10 is as buggy as 3.27. Sprint may release an even newer radio when they officially release this update, and if so I'll indicate that on the first page. I will indicate that it is a pre-released radio though.

My 2 cents:
On the stock rom radios, at least on verizon, I had problems with 1.40, but found 1.47 and 2.13 the best of that bunch.
On the latest rom radios, again with verizon, I would rank them 3.39>3.35>3.37. I found them all similar on cell, and wifi; but found 3.35 a little better than 3.37 on gps and bluetooth, and 3.39 to be better on gps and much better on bluetooth than either of the other two.
I don't pay a lot of attention to battery life (always prepared after 2.5 years with the battery poor samsung i730) and imo it depends alot on your location, but 3.39 seems a little better in that category as well.


Radio to enable GPS

Hi Friends:
Thanks for your suggestions...My SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800 has the SPL-2.40.Olipro and then I fashed it with RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3.35.651.2_RS_TITAN_3.35.04_4350H_SPCS_AM_Ship.exe and I get the following:
CE OS 5.2.1629 (Build 18136.0.4.8)
ROM version: 3.35.651.2
ROM date: 02/22/08
Radio version: 3.35.04
Protocol version: DCAAXAM-4350H
Hardware version: 0003
PRL version: 60610
PRI version: 2.00_003
Browser version: MSIE 6.0
ok...I would like to know if dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.0.1 and Radio 3.35.04 will enable GPS in my SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800
p.s. dcd's titan rom 2.1.0...Radio 3.27.00 or higher is required. This radio enables GPS and EvDO rev A.
Techman, if I'm not mistaken (someone correct me if I'm wrong), the sprint ROM will enable GPS and RevA. There is no need to switch to DCDs rom, unless you just want to. However, you should not need to do anything else with the radio...just the ROM.
Try this:
Hi klwheat:
Thanks for your reply....but I would like to have Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional...that's why my question
dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.0.1 with Radio 3.35.04?
dcd's titan rom 2.1.0 with Radio 3.27.00?
will enable GPS in my SPRINT HTC MOGUL PPC-6800?
both will enable it just fine, ive found 3.0.1 + 3.35.04 to be far less buggy than radio 3.27.00
Hi defaultdotxbe:
Thanks for your recommendation
dcd's titan rom 2.1.0 with Radio 3.27.00?
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Ok first off....dcd rom 2.1.0 uses WM6.1 in I would definitely steer clear from that (no offense to dcd, as it was GREAT to have it at the time)
Second, Radio 3.27.00 was a leaked beta radio from the leaked sprint test in...full of bugs, drops data connection frequently etc.
dcd 3.0.1 is based off the official sprint/htc release update, uses wm 6.1 rtm, not beta, and radio 3.35.04 is an official radio release.
That should answer your question.
Techman, sorry about the confusion. Good luck with the update. My understanding is that if you upgrade the radio via the official sprint rom, and then the ROM with DCDs, RevA and GPS should both be enabled, and you'll get 6.1. Hope that helps, I just received my 6800 finally yesterday...and am waiting until this evening to get into it too deep. Right now the weather is nice (a rarity in WA) and I'm going riding!
GPS feature Inquiry
I am planning on going on a trip and relying on google maps as primary source of guidence. I have a titan and am using radio 3.27 if this is of any consequence. My question is if carrier reception is poor or non existant will gps still function. You'll have to excuse me if this is a dumb question. I am pc, mac buff, new to ppc. My iphone lacks gps, and all this fresh software I have obtained for my titan the last 5 months so this is my only source of gps but I will buy a standard garmin roadnav if need be, just hate to add more devices to my windsheild.

Upgrade Radio ROM to

I am currently running WM5 (for details and radio - see signature) on my Tmobile Vario II and have HardSPL'd it. After reading a lot of posts wiki and reference forums (mentioned below) on power tests, suggesting this radio to be fairing the best, i have closed on to upgrade this version.
However, i could see that all the people upgrading did have WM6. The question is that is it OK to do a radio only upgrade to with WM5 running.
Has any one had issues with on WM5?
Already referred:
sahuja said: it OK to do a radio only upgrade to with WM5 running....
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Yes its fine, flash carefull though remember the radio flash is the most risky. Make sure your not using a USB hub or have ANY chance of interrupting th process.
Thanks mrvanx.
If i flash Schaps WM6Pro Hermes 4.31 WWE Full, will it do/ask for the radio upgrade also? If yes to which version? If no then how stable is my current Radio i.e.
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
with respect to Is it worth upgrading considering the risk you have mentioned?

[RADIO]Raphael Radio Thread - Latest Raphael Radio [27 November 2009]

I take no responsability or will be held liable over anything going wrong, so to make things clear "you flash these ROMs at your own risk!"
A bit of info, for those not familiar with the whole process.
Before flashing any radio to your device,
Please make sure your device has HardSPL by OliNex.
Flashing a new Radio ROM using CustomRUU, doesn't hard reset your device... But, if you are novice at the whole process, I would consider backing up your data anyway, just incase.
The same rules apply flashing a radio as they do a ROM, your device needs to have a battery charged to 50% or over.
Make sure when you flashing radio's, you use the one that works best for you, a radio that performs well for one person may not nescessarily work good for you.
Read the thread first before asking "trouble shooting" questions, they may have been answered already.
----------------------------------------------------- Diamond Radio's --------------------------------------------------------------
It is possible to flash Diamond Radio's, on the Raphael.
Before it's possible to so however, your device needs to be Security Unlocked which, you can get information about here.
The Diamond Radio Thread
Information on editing the Diamond radio to work on your Raphael is here.
I'll say my thanks now to those who make the radio's available, obtaining, extracting etc... and to those who make the tools that allow us to do this.
Last but not least to Jcespi2005 for helping me out with this thread.
Please let me know if there is something you'd like me to include and of course let me know about the radio's and I'll update the thread accordingly.
[Mod Edit2]
If you want to use VOIP on yor device you will need a corresponding Rillphone for your Radio.
You can fin these on this thread:
[Mod Edit3]
More Radio Ratings at:
Rate your radio [Original Raphael Radios]
Extracted from Official Raphael ROMs. - AT&T -HTC - HTC - Cingular - Cingular - Extract Official Shipped Orange ROM ESN - AT&T - Official Shipped Australian ROM - Official ROM (Newest) - Raphael Radio from Test rom - Mirror - Raphael Radio (04-13-09) - Mirror - Raphael Radio (06-04-09) - Official Hotfix from HTC (South Africa) - 11-06-09 - Roaming Hotfix from HTC (South Korea) - 11-27-09
Working Radio's From Other Device's.
Working Radio's From Other Device's.​
The "SECURITY UNLOCK" is different to SIM Lock and HardSPL, the way to identify if your
device is "SECURITY UNLOCKED" is if it says "Security Unlocked" in the TRI Colour Bootloader Screen
To get your device security unlocked go here
Diamond Radio | Mirror
Diamond Radio | Mirror
Diamond Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror
Diamond Radio 1.05.25.BS14 | Mirror
Diamond Radio | Mirror
Diamond Radio | Mirror
Xperia Radio | Mirror
Quartz Radio | Mirror
Diamond Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror
Xperia Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror
Quartz Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror
Blackstone Radio | Mirror 23 April 2009
Quartz Radio 1.12.25.WSD 3 May 2009
Xperia Radio
Diamond Radio 06/16/09
Xperia Radio 4th July 2009
BlackStone Radio | Mirror (Newest) 16 September 2009​
Thanks to Jcespi2005, KevlarSource, AllTheWay, Nik3r, P1Tater and Captain_Throwback.
thanks for starting the thread
Now I wanna be as tactfull as possible but this information is already available in the wiki pages, and a thread for each radio is again already available. Whats wrong with it as it is??
Remember (having read the sticky threads and the announcement) the wiki is a VERY usefull resource which can be updated by ANYBODY so lets try using that shall we?
Wiki,ok it is handy,altough i also think it is handy to have a radio tread...on the wiki i cannot do a reply of how good or bad a version of a radio is.
mrvanx said:
Now I wanna be as tactfull as possible but this information is already available in the wiki pages, and a thread for each radio is again already available. Whats wrong with it as it is??
Remember (having read the sticky threads and the announcement) the wiki is a VERY usefull resource which can be updated by ANYBODY so lets try using that shall we?
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Very true, but without prejudice and in my defence, other's will find this usfull as already expressed by members in other threads in the Raph forum regarding the issue. You only have to look at how successful the "Ultimate Radio Thread" over in the Kaiser forum is, a lot of people dont go anywhere near the Wiki and this brings the "One stop shop" right to the front. Also with a thread like this, the opening of other "threads per radio" gets reduced?
mrvanx said:
Now I wanna be as tactfull as possible but this information is already available in the wiki pages, and a thread for each radio is again already available. Whats wrong with it as it is??
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Nothing wrong with the wiki but ppl can fins usefull a thread to talk about all radio ROMs and post the self experienceds with all of this so the rest ppl can see what radio can be better... wiki is really good information, but one thread with all radio ROM information to allow ppl ask for anyone compared with anyone can be usefull... i think...
The wiki can be edited by anyone, but is not so dinamic like a thread, and ppl can't ask or share experiences in the wiki...
This can be like the one started by Alltheway in Kaiser forum, just a thread with all Touch Pro radio ROM information.
jcespi2005 said:
Nothing wrong with the wiki but ppl can fins usefull a thread to talk about all radio ROMs and post the self experienceds with all of this so the rest ppl can see what radio can be better... wiki is really good information, but one thread with all radio ROM information to allow ppl ask for anyone compared with anyone can be usefull... i think...
The wiki can be edited by anyone, but is not so dinamic like a thread, and ppl can't ask or share experiences in the wiki...
This can be like the one started by Alltheway in Kaiser forum, just a thread with all Touch Pro radio ROM information.
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I absolutely agree with jcespi2005. The wiki is great but it is for "hard facts" which apply to everyone. As for radio-roms every radio has its advantages and they also depend largely on your personal phone-provider and your personal settings. So it think the wiki and this thread are both very useful and i wouldn't like to miss any of them.
As for the real purpose of this thread:
I have tested three radios so far:, and
For me .32 is the best. It seems to have a better 3g reception and in every other way to be as good as ver .28.
DeepThought said:
I absolutely agree with jcespi2005. The wiki is great but it is for "hard facts" which apply to everyone. As for radio-roms every radio has its advantages and they also depend largely on your personal phone-provider and your personal settings. So it think the wiki and this thread are both very useful and i wouldn't like to miss any of them.
As for the real purpose of this thread:
I have tested three radios so far:, and
For me .32 is the best. It seems to have a better 3g reception and in every other way to be as good as ver .28.
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How is GPS for you in .32? Seemed to be worse then in .28 for me... much worse.
Didn't have a chance to test gps yet but hopefully tomorrow I will!
dagrim1 said:
How is GPS for you in .32? Seemed to be worse then in .28 for me... much worse.
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Results may vary on country and provider....
(in other words (iow): update your profile, that could help others answering your questions)
dagrim1 said:
How is GPS for you in .32? Seemed to be worse then in .28 for me... much worse.
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Thats what my question was going to be, .28 is a lot better for me than .19 was (btw im in the UK) and i dont seem to have much of a lag problem with GPS that others experience, incidentley does anyone else that has the TP from Vodafone UK share my "Not too bad" experience with GPS performance with the .28 radio.
Still on .28 here,maybey tomorrow i gonna test out .32 (also test gps with.32),at this moment .28 is much better as .19 (my original radio).
First i have to tweak and install progams again on my pro,just flashed the new RomeOS 1.20
RavenY2K3 said:
Thats what my question was going to be, .28 is a lot better for me than .19 was (btw im in the UK) and i dont seem to have much of a lag problem with GPS that others experience, incidentley does anyone else that has the TP from Vodafone UK share my "Not too bad" experience with GPS performance with the .28 radio.
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Completely agree! vodafone TP with .28. Might leave .32 for a bit though.
...btw I understand that reception is relative to the version AND local cell provider but...
...GPS reception is not relevant the country, provider or anything such!
if a radio has better GPS reception in Uganda, it probably has better reception in Alaska and Paris too
...and please people if possible when you test a radio and decide it is better or worse, do test GPS too (I know it can be difficult some times - but if you have a stable path to/from work, it's not that hard, you can see differences in a day)
NLS said:
...btw I understand that reception is relative to the version AND local cell provider but...
...GPS reception is not relevant the country, provider or anything such!
if a radio has better GPS reception in Uganda, it probably has better reception in Alaska and Paris too
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Yes, i agree, GPS is not related to cell provider or country, but the software used to show your map possition and guide trough are related, so perhaps is a good idea to place the GPS software version used to test and map version too. This can help to understand the issue GPS overall for a radio version...
BTW, .32 is slight better than .28 for me using TomTom 7.451 and 7.25 Iberia Map... haven't tested iGo8, but i'll do it later.
Well from my experience between the other radio's available at the minute (excluding .32) .28 is by far the best from the tests if done, I've still got my Kaiser and I get both side-by-side and test the new radio's for fix, accuracy etc...
In my job,it involves a lot of driving in the Derbyshire country side in the UK, a lot of winding roads and .28 seem's to be the best, but what i was trying to suggest in my last post, is maybe there's something in the Original Vodafone UK ROM, settings and the like, that maybe the reason why users of the stock vodafone ROM, don't display the same sort of GPS problems, or experince them less, that other users experince?
RavenY2K3 said:
In my job,it involves a lot of driving in the Derbyshire country side in the UK, a lot of winding roads and .28 seem's to be the best, but what i was trying to suggest in my last post, is maybe there's something in the Original Vodafone UK ROM, settings and the like, that maybe the reason why users of the stock vodafone ROM, don't display the same sort of GPS problems, or experince them less, that other users experince?
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Would be a good idea to have a dump of this vodafone UK stock ROM to take a look
jcespi2005 said:
Would be a good idea to have a dump of this vodafone UK stock ROM to take a look
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I think you may already have it, you've made a reconstructed one over on your "How to Reconstruct a Raphael Dumped ROM & Reconstructed ROMs" thread.
I can make a fresh dump if you prefer though.

Cleanest/Most Popular 6.1 rom as of 2DEC08??

I'm a newbie here and considering the purchase of a used X7500 with WM6.0. The current owner has a problem with the bluetooth not functioning. I'm wondering if this might be a common problem with 6.0 and if the new cooked 6.1 (4 – if that’s the latest rom version) might solve such an issue?
Also, would someone mind directing me to the page that has the most popular /cleanest 6.1 rom? I’m tearing my hair out trying to figure out which is the safest/best one to use. I realize that such questions have been asked before, but it's still a big job trying to sift through all the possibilities. Perhaps a sticky including an on-going tally chart with download frequencies or something, together with tags that users could add about what issues their hoping to overcome with the ROM download?? Just a suggestion...
Peter (Bamse1)
Hard to say....
LATEST usually is better, generally speaking we have to choose FIRST the SPL
Unlocked AThena means SPL 1.2. The newest ATHENA (X7510) needs more ROM space so AP4 Team developed the AP4 ROM TOGETHER with a tool to increase the ROM space, and the SPL becames SPL 3.5.
WARNING: you can flash ONLY SPL compatible ROMs, this means NO ORIGINAL ROM is SPL 3.5 . You have to revert it back to 1.2 to flash any official rom
We have a sticky thread here with the ROM links, ALL WM6 or 6.1
Latest Micky's (5.1, 6.1) are the best (IMHO) 6.1 latest is WM6.1, stable build with manila 2d and newest Internet Explorer , little less stable than 5.1, rock solid. I use SPL 3.5, I like to have ALL the utility needed into the ROM.
You can choose sogarth base AND sogarth kitchen to do-it-yourself or IRUS lite-vanilla ROM (the AP4 vanilla)
I will suggest this roadmap:
Start with IRUS spl 1.2, then
Flash AP4, latest AP team release an you will have the SPL 3.5 too
Then check sogarth, or Irus Vanilla-Lite release
Michy 5.1 or 6.1 to check the manila 2d and the increased responsiveness
Wait for the next michy's release if you want really lite and newest build
Thank you for replying so quickly Sergiopi. Still, the lingo is a bit overwhelming for a newbie like me. For instance, one issue is confusing: You write that SPL 3.5 is intended for the X7510 but later on your roadmap you suggest AP4 (including SPL3.5) for the X7500. To confirm, this will not harm the X7500, correct?
If I understand half of what you say then I may 'liberate' the UNLOCKED X7500 with an OEM WM6.0 (from HTC) by
1. Flashing IRUS SPL 1.2 (No turning back now right?)
2. Then flashing AP4 (Question: is AP4 WM6.0 or 6.1?)
3. Here it gets confusing for me. If I understand correctly then "sogarth, or Irus Vanilla-Lite release Michy 5.1 or 6.1 to check the manila 2d" are all different update versions stemming from AP4?? For instance is Michy 6.1 a 'cooked' version of WM6.1, along with the rest of them?
I don't need everything tweaked to the max, just a stable and reliable system that has all the functionality the X7500 is capable of together with the basic apps... a modest aim don't you agree?
The cream on top would be to replace the stylus with TouchFLO 3D - is this possible with one of the cooked roms you mention? However, this is not really necessary - kind of gimmicky from one point of view I suppose. In fact, did I read somewhere that FLO actually slows things down?
bamse1 said:
Thank you for replying so quickly Sergiopi. Still, the lingo is a bit overwhelming for a newbie like me. For instance, one issue is confusing: You write that SPL 3.5 is intended for the X7510 but later on your roadmap you suggest AP4 (including SPL3.5) for the X7500. To confirm, this will not harm the X7500, correct?
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SPL 3.5 is needed on X7500 to have the newest features in the ROM
bamse1 said:
If I understand half of what you say then I may 'liberate' the UNLOCKED X7500 with an OEM WM6.0 (from HTC) by
1. Flashing IRUS SPL 1.2 (No turning back now right?)
2. Then flashing AP4 (Question: is AP4 WM6.0 or 6.1?)
3. Here it gets confusing for me. If I understand correctly then "sogarth, or Irus Vanilla-Lite release Michy 5.1 or 6.1 to check the manila 2d" are all different update versions stemming from AP4?? For instance is Michy 6.1 a 'cooked' version of WM6.1, along with the rest of them?
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If you have a "STOCK", SIM unlocked X7500, to flash a non official ROM you need to flash the SPL 1.2 FIRST ( )
THEN you need to upgrade the radio 1.57 or 1.58, I am using 1.57
THEN you can flash the newest OS, (ALL cooked ROM are OS only, no RADIO, even if I am not sure about radio in the sogarth one, and the newest RADIO is needed by WM 6.1)
1) SPL 1.2 comes from Athena Wrapper, you can revert back but isn't easy for a newbie..
2) AP4 shoulh be WM6.1 OS check the thread Michy's are WM6.1
3) NO, IRUS vanilla comes from AP4, sogarth ? (may be they used some common base ROM) michy's aren't from AP4
bamse1 said:
I don't need everything tweaked to the max, just a stable and reliable system that has all the functionality the X7500 is capable of together with the basic apps... a modest aim don't you agree?
The cream on top would be to replace the stylus with TouchFLO 3D - is this possible with one of the cooked roms you mention? However, this is not really necessary - kind of gimmicky from one point of view I suppose. In fact, did I read somewhere that FLO actually slows things down?
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Touchflo 3d isn't available for athena, Manila 2d looks like (and works like) T3D, reducing available RAM and slowing down the system
Start testing, from your requirements I think you will like Michy's 6.1 (play with T3D clone and disable it after a while ) and the announced Michy's vanilla. AP team announced some news, but it was one month ago and they are still testing...
Well this certainly helps dry up the mist! The point about the radio seems like an important addition. I'm still not clear about one point however:
2) AP4 shoulh be WM6.1 OS check the thread Michy's are WM6.1 ... 3) NO, IRUS vanilla comes from AP4, sogarth ? (maybe they used some common base ROM) michy's aren't from AP4
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Again, my primary aim is to get the cleanest and most fully-functional version of WM6.1 with the least amount of steps or tweaking. Assuming that A4 is 6.1 (haven't checked yet) then why is it necessary (or preferable) to flash sogarth, or the Irus Vanilla-Lite release (of A4) AND, then, add Michy 6.1 (to check the manila 2d?) which is also 6.1? It sounds like Michy's 6.1 is the way to go (with or without the T3D clone) but I don't understand why you suggest to flash sogarth/IRUS Vanilla first? Is it to get 2D? But elsewhere you suggest that Micky 6.1 includes 2D? Finally, you also suggest adding the announced Michy's vanilla... Can I do this and bypass sogarth/Irus Vanilla-Lite? I guess I'm still not clear about the difference between A4 (sogarth/irus vanilla) and Michy's work, and how or why these apparently need/should coexist on the STOCK Athena/Advantage X7500 (ie. NOT Ameo/simlocked)?
There is another question about adding apps once the cooked ROM 6.1 has been installed. Somewhere I read that these ROMs don't allow new apps, so you need to get it right the first time or redo the entire process. Is this correct? I suppose the cooks have taken this into account with their ROMs, which is perhaps one reason behind their multiplicity?!
I appreciate your patience! This is all new stuff and I'm still trying to get my head around it.
I also wish to add a private message quote from Brau0303 on the topic that helps nuance the discussion:
We were all noobes at some point so no worries. As to the best rom (my friend that is purely subjective, I was fond of the AP Teams rom and the work done by MichyPrima, you will find two main flavors of rom for the Athena, roms intended for the normal 1.2x SPL and those intended for the 3.xx SPL the custom SPL/unlocker is required for any non factory rom flashing and the main difference between 1.2x & 3.xx SPL is 1.2x retains the factory rom flash partition, 3.xx re-partitions the rom flash area to allow for larger roms like AP-4 and above. you must be careful and please read all the documentation prior to flashing or you could damage your Athena.
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This leads me to a new question: Is there any value in retaining the factory rom partition or is it a no-brainer to reclaim the space with a 3.X partition? In other words, is it possible to have WM6.1 with the factory partition in place, e.g. in case one may want to reset the device to a factory setting for resale purposes?
bamse1 said:
Well this certainly helps dry up the mist! The point about the radio seems like an important addition. I'm still not clear about one point however:
Again, my primary aim is to get the cleanest and most fully-functional version of WM6.1 with the least amount of steps or tweaking. Assuming that A4 is 6.1 (haven't checked yet) then why is it necessary (or preferable) to flash sogarth, or the Irus Vanilla-Lite release (of A4) AND, then, add Michy 6.1 (to check the manila 2d?) which is also 6.1? It sounds like Michy's 6.1 is the way to go (with or without the T3D clone) but I don't understand why you suggest to flash sogarth/IRUS Vanilla first? Is it to get 2D? But elsewhere you suggest that Micky 6.1 includes 2D? Finally, you also suggest adding the announced Michy's vanilla... Can I do this and bypass sogarth/Irus Vanilla-Lite? I guess I'm still not clear about the difference between A4 (sogarth/irus vanilla) and Michy's work, and how or why these apparently need/should coexist on the STOCK Athena/Advantage X7500 (ie. NOT Ameo/simlocked)?
There is another question about adding apps once the cooked ROM 6.1 has been installed. Somewhere I read that these ROMs don't allow new apps, so you need to get it right the first time or redo the entire process. Is this correct? I suppose the cooks have taken this into account with their ROMs, which is perhaps one reason behind their multiplicity?!
I appreciate your patience! This is all new stuff and I'm still trying to get my head around it.
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VANILLA-LITE SPL 1.2 means the cleanest, and no needs for SPL 3.5, BUT is an OLD WM6.1 Build. It means NO newest Internet Explorer, NO enhanced contact/messaging, NO rotation sensor enabled and some other bugs
SPL 3.5 means more complete ROM (more space, more built-in utilities) and a LATEST OS Build is commonly better
ALL ROMs allow the installation of new applications (may be you mean UPDATED version of the built-in applications isnt allowed, but a good chef knows the problem and use some tricks)
SPL 3.5 is a two way road, you can go back. My suggestion was... YOU choose the best ROM, and start testing (and stop talking ) flash some ROM and you will have more experience (and less questions )
Let me also add Lakeman's message reply:
I like michys roms and usually play with his latest creations. michy4.1 is reportably the most stable. there is a thread by sergiopi with links to all the roms at the top of the winmobile6 forum and i would recommend reading the beginers guide I wrote as well
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Also, thanks for your consistent replies sergiopi. One comment: I don't own a X7500 yet so unfortunately I can' t begin experimenting. In fact, I want to avoid experimenting by writing and talking on this forum! Isn't that the smart thing to do anyway, rather than brick a device?
Here is a recent follow-up from Brau0303. I asked him to clarify what the SPL is:
Yes much of this can be overwhelming, SPL is not actually directly part of the device OS (think of it more as a bios type component) and you have to have the special versions of the SPL to unlock the ability to flash custom roms) I think the upgrade to 6.1 is worth it. many of the basic roms will work on a spl 1.20 olinex device, but the more feature rich roms that are based on the x7510 version require the 3.xx spl because it re-partitions the flash rom space. hope this helps.
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You can also read more about SPL here:
and of course the wiki here: Questions?
Hi Brau0303, I've taken the liberty to post your reply on the public thread. I hope you don't mind. In the process I came up with a new question: is there any value in retaining the factory rom partition or is it a no-brainer to reclaim the space with a 3.X partition? In other words, is it possible to have WM6.1 with the factory partition in place, e.g. in case one may want to reset the device to a factory setting for resale purposes?
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Response from Brau0303:
Well if you go the way of spl 3.x you can only flash roms intended for 3.x, cmonex created a utility that allows you to go back to the spl 1.2x and standard factory settings/partition. I can say that it does work because i used it when I sold my Athena.
Cheers, BR
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have that much clear now. Thanks BR. I guess the main issue for me now is wading through all the lingo to decipher what cooks refer to when they label their ROMS (which ones go with which device/rom series). One question that is still bugging me - what is the relationship between AP4 and Michy 4/5/6? Sergiopi suggested that I flash both, but doesn't one overwrite the other? They are both ROMS correct? (As you write below, I only need one rom.)
Originally Posted by bamse1
Again, thanks for your reply. I noticed in your signature that it appears like you're running a cooked SPL with a stock ROM. I didn't realize it was possible to change the SPL alone and run a stock rom, if I am assuming correctly. What is the advantage of that may I ask?
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Originally Posted by Brau0303
Cheers, Peter
Well as I had said the SPL is not tied directly to the rom, the special spl allows you to flash cooked roms, you can not flash them with a stock spl (only allows flashing of released factory roms) here are the main components
SPL - loading the special spl version allows you to flash cooked roms (you can install this and still run stock roms)
Radio - you can flash a radio version without having to flash any other stuff (some roms require certian radio versions)
ROM - contains the WM OS and all the others required drivers and programs and such
Cheers, BR
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Checking SPL
Hi mate
I thought I would answer your pm here
You need to have the phone in your hands to do this , but from the beginners guide
"Check Bootloader Screen
Throughout this forum you will be referred to your SPL.
This is the Secondary Program Language and on your unadulterated ppc it will be 1.1
Olipro's original unlocker upgraded this to 1.1x but the unlocker above will change it to SPL 1.2
You can see if this has already been done by putting your phone into the Bootloader screen.
This is done by holding the camera button completely in and then pressing the reset button.
You will now see a red/green/blue and white striped screen telling you the device id and SPL version.
If you see SPL 1.2 , you are good to go to load any SPL 1.2 Rom"
further to this you may also see SPL3.5.
If you have this you can only flash SPL 3.5 roms
The bootloader screen is also where you can see what radio is installed
AP4 stands for Athena Project rom no 4
there is supposed to be AP5 in the works.
regards Michael
Hi Lakeman,
Thank you. Your post helps clear things up even more. I think I understand the progression from SPL 1.2 to 3.5 as well as the Radio upgrade. But Im still confussed when it comes to the what I think is the ROM side: AP4/5, Michy, and IRUS/vanilla... and left with 1-2 questions:
-Several have seemed suggested Michy 4/5/6 on top of or together with AP4/5 (see earlier posts). Sergiopi also mentioned a Sogarth or Irus Vanilla-Lite release. I'm just not clear about how these fit together, or if they should fit together. For instance, doesn't one rom overwrite the previous?
- Also, are AP4/5 and Michy 4/5/6 all SPL 3.5 versions? Does it matter?
I guess my main issue now is wading through all the ROM lingo and labels and how these (apparently) are used together.

Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 Where to Get it?

Hi everyone, dcd's server doesn't have the link for Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 anymore. It also isn't located on the Mogul's wiki. Anyone have a location for the file?
Looks like RyanMogul has it in his shared as well.
dcd has it.
His link is working now. Wasn't earlier. thanks.
Read on another thread that the above Radio is a hacked version from the vogue. People have recommended rolling back to the official sprint rom and or using the official titan alltel rom. Alltel ROM HTC PPC6800 WM6.1 LBS Update – Version 3.52.671.9
Here is the link:

