How does a novice associate the file types for Adobe LE 2? - HTC Startrek

I am still new to the forum, but love the work of Erofich and Gnat StarTrek is like new!! However, I have tried more than one cab and version for the Adobe LE, but no matter with one (currently the 2885XX version) PDF attachments and files will not open in Adobe LE. I have to open Adobe LE first and then browse to the file, which I had to save to Main Memory or Storage Card, in order to open and view the file. I presume there is some registry entry not made. I am not into hacking my registry, so is there a CAB which will associate the files?
Cingular 3125
WM 6.1

you can use total commander and change the file association

Thank you for responding so quickly. However, what is Total Commander? Where is it? And if it is a program to be installed on the client, not sure that is possible.....the Smartphone is mine and I receive a stipend for it from the company, but the desktop is the company's. That is why CAB's are preferred.


Totorial: XDAII Extended-Rom

I had a hard time to upgrade and modify my xda2 so I decided to make a small tutorial for everyone with the information’s I found on the forum. It’s not perfect but it could help.
Thank's to every one who made all this possible!!
Before starting I recommend every one to make a back-up of your rom
1- Extended Rom:
Your XDA2 has an Invisible Extended Rom in the device containing the operator’s configuration files and software.
Modifying it will allow you to customize the boot image and to choose the programs you wish to install during the setup of the device.
To show the extended rom on your device your need to apply this small hack and then open your file explorer:
2- Files contained in the Extend Rom:
Seems to only set the CellBroadcast setting to enabled or disabled. (I guess this refers to the Reception of News via SMS by selecting channels of interested. Quite expensive I think and only interesting for phones that do not have any other capabilities of receiving and displaying information).
T-Mobile NL sets it on, with O2 it's switched off.
Installs the CallerID application from IA Style and the Photo Contacts extension. There are other programs that are able to provide this functionality but I use it.
The camera application for taking pictures and recording videos. AFAIK there is currently no alternative to this one, you should leave it in your ROM.
Includes the GPRS Monitor from SPB Soft. Very useful I would recommend it unless you aren't going to use GPRS anyway.
RingTone plugin player. Allow you to play back RingTones in the following formats: mid,3gp,mp4. Also seems to register the audio/midi MIME type for playback of midi files directly from Internet Explorer.
By default the XDA can play back only wav and wma audio files (AFAIK)
Installs the Arcsoft MMS application for composing and sending MMS messages. (not contained in Qtek):
Installs the "Video MMS.exe" file into the Windows folder. When you start it you are in camera mode immediately and after you have recorded a picture or video you get into MMS composition mode.
This seems to be just an easier way to compose MMS messages since the main MMS Application (see above) is already able to compose MMS messages. (named OEM_4AP_WWE.CAB in Qtek ROM)
Installs the following files: GPRSAuthentication.exe, BTSetting.exe, STK.exe and WModem.exe
I am not sure if these are customized versions or if the normal ROM doesn't contain them. Well perhaps not because these are specific to the Phone edition so they can't be present in the main ROM, maybe they are contained in the Radio ROM, but probably they are only contained here, meaning you shouldn't remove this cab file. (named in Qtek ROM)
Installs files for Bluetooth: AudioGW.dll, BthASPlugIn.dll, rilgsm.dll, Serial3.dll and Wavedev.dll. Also contains the new feature of mapping a (dynamic) serial port for BT.
I think you should not remove it.
TM_phone_class10.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Installs several registry settings regarding phone functionality. (See my other post regarding this topic: (not contained in Qtek):
Contains some of the settings contained in the previous one anyway. I'm not sure if it does anything else but I don't think so. (not contained in Qtek):
Implements several settings specific to T-Mobile (NL): Restricts video types for MMS. Adds connection and gateway settings for MMS connection via T-Mobile NL. Adds a T-Mobile profile to GPRS Monitor.
I would not install this cab unless you live in NL! (not contained in Qtek):
Sets the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\3rdversion\MSYSTEM1 value to the provider name.
Not required! (not contained in Qtek):
Adjusts all the "theming" stuff: Changes colors, installs Today-theme, installs T-Mobile Dialpad, sets T-Mobile ringtone.
If you don't like you xda2 look like a pink pig you should leave this out.
(You can extract single items from the cab file if you like)
t-mobile_shortcuts_only(UK).PPC2002_ARM.CAB (not contained in Qtek):
Contains some strange things that seem to me rather useless: "WebDisplayText t-zones", "T-Mobile Resetter.exe", "T-Mobile PIE Launcher.exe", "TMobileWebToday.dll", "T-Mobile Homepage Plugin".
I wouldn't install this one! ( in Qtek):
Seems to only set the version number of the extended ROM in the registry.
3- Modifying and editing your Extended Rom:
Most of the latest XDA2 have a write protected Extended Rom
A) For NOT Write Protected Extended Rom:
If your XDA2 Extended Rom is not write protected just add the new files you want, you can find on the forum many different extend rom files (O2, T_Mobile, Orange) and kitchen your own extended Rom by adding the cab files directly in the Extended_rom directory and soft reset.
B) For Write Protected Extended Rom:
The only way for the moment (until we find a way to make the rom writable) is to use the upgrade programs used by the operators and ER2003Edit program.
1)- Download
2) Simply unpack the complete T-Mobile Rom update file (it's a zipped EXE) into a folder.
There you will find these 6 files:
- HimaClearJumpCode.exe
- HimaGetDeviceData.exe
- HimaUpgradeUt.exe
- ms_.nbf <----- this is the file which holds Ext Rom!
- NK.nbf (main rom)
- Radio_.nbf (radio rom)
3) Delete the other *.nbf files to prevent updating the full XDA2/MDA2 rom. You only need "ms_.nbf" and the "*.exe" files!
4) Now modify the ms_.nbf with the tool softworkz kindly provided.
5) After this, install the modified ext-rom to your XDA2/MDA2 by starting "HimaUpgradeUt.exe" and follow the instructions!
6) If you get a country code error during the install you will need to modify the country code included in the ms_.nbf file
- Download xda2nbftool
- Put xda2nbftool.exe in the same folder as your ms_.nbf file
- Run xda2nbftool.exe from Command Prompt and type the following command
xda2nbftool.exe -so O2 -v ms_.nbf
Replace O2 by your operator’s name (ex: orange, O2 etc)
It should now work!
nice one Yann
I had a go at doing the "if your extended rom is protected"
I down loaded the file
1)- Download
and accidentally ran it.... I know I was stupid... I now have an I-Mate instead of a XDA - O2. Please help can I get the O2 back is there a programme that does the same as the one I just have used. It has changed every thing the radio stack, the other bits of software, I am just pleased it still works of calls.
I couldn’t find the indivuiual HimaUpgradeUt.exe programme any ware.
Please help I am really stuck at the minute!!
The bit I didn’t understand was the bit about unpack the exe. Which I now understand how to do. Although I have upgraded to Rom 1.52.00wwe, radio version 1.06.01, I can haply say I have the original O2 rom back in place with additional programmes installed in the Ex-Rom. I had a fair bit of space so I popped some music files in as well!!!!
Thanks for all the help!!!!
thanks yann for the perfect summary
as newby i needed something clear like this to dare my first rom changes, and i successfully did!
it would be even more perfect if also somehow the program settings/passwords could be cooked in/restored from the extended rom. i searched the forum but could not find any hints.
Are there methods for this ?
Perhaps a silly question, but I'm fairly conservative when it comes to messing around with my device.
How do you find out or know if your Ext ROM is write protected or not? I know that I can add applications to my Ext ROM and it does not seem like I should be able to do that if it's write protected, but then again I'm not sure if this matters.
ed, if you can copy files to your ext-rom via activesync, it is per definition not write-protected.
your not that conservative, because you already run a tool or edited the registry to be able to see the ext-rom
Well I guess you are right I do like to play around, as I get more comfortable doing so. It is this Forum, guys like you, and some other forums that have made this possible for me to do. For some reason I'm more comfortable in general hacking around a desktop pc than a PPC.
I thought my Ext ROM must not be write protected. When I deleted the TMD files, described here as useless, I got the message that they were read only, but they did go away from the Ext ROM Folder. I do not notice a big difference, however, nor did it free up that much memory. I was thinking that I might need to do more then this. Do I?
So basically, if my Ext ROM is not right protected, and I have been already loading programs into the Ext ROM, I’m pretty much at the place people are trying to get with the Ext ROM Cook ER...Edit. Is that correct or am I missing something here?
I do not like flashing rom (or bios) on either my desktop or PDA (if not absolute sure to fix bugs). However flashing the PDA's ext-rom can basically not screw up the PDA because you don't touch the OS, so I flashed the ext-rom to get familiar with the PDA flashing in general (and also to have a restore of my standard used software after a hard-reset).
About your ext-rom; I do not recognise your situation. I would say if it is read-only the file will not disappear (like with my PDA).
I did notice while editing the ext-rom file for flashing that the file is fixed ~16MB, regardless of which cab's are included or deleted.
Maybe this is the same effect that you see when deleting the file in the ext-rom ???????? (although I can imagine both effects have no relation)
Camera Programs
I made a custom ROM with the following programs:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
Awesome, alot less bloat, but.... Camera doesn't work.. Application says Camera is not a valid Pocket PC application. :: grumble ::
Did I miss something?? Camera.exe is there, but doesn't work
My Ext ROM is not write protected, and I'm able to run applications in the EXT ROM Folder. I deleted the 2 TMD and the T-Mobile cab files, but I have not nticed a big difference, nor is my GPRS back to always on, which it should be now.
Perhaps the device requires another hard reset without these cab files in place prior to the changes taking actual effect. Does anyone know if my assumption is accurate about the required hard reset?
what dictates if the ExtROM is write protected or not? is it the version? or the hardware itself? or a mix of the version with the OS checks?
cuz i believe the ROM version is dictated by the does that mean we can hack the cab (or use a diff version) to disable the write protection?
i'm using a himalaya btw.
I have a question or two.
I'd also like to know if it is possible to modify CAB files so they install an application and then also put in your purchased key or serial depending on the application so it's already registered to yourself. It seems like it must be possible because the GPRS Monitor on the T-Mobile Extended ROM is already Registered when you try and register it yet I was under the impression it normally has to have a key entered to turn it into the full version with no limits.
This would be great if this was possible, if it's a key file then it's simple to copy it over but how about automatic registry entries? Are these done similar to Windows .reg files? Does anyone have any info if a .reg file can be make and run from the Extended ROM to make changes to the registry? This would also allow me to key in a few other things I'd like presetup.
Is there a way to see what registry changes a CAB file makes other than from purchasing MagicCAB? Is there a free program like this? It seems like a reasonable program from the info but I don't want to spend 10 dollars on a program I might only use once or twice.
Acutally, one more while I'm here. Does anyone have a CAB installation version of CabInstl which puts a shortcut in the Programs or an easy way for me to make that? I've set it up so it will copy the EXE in manually along with a shortcut but I've yet to try it. I think it should work OK I imagine, just might be neater and have an uninstall if it's in a CAB format?
Can you delete files from the extended ROM script? Just so I can clear out a few folders of things I don't want in there when I do a hard reset?
Thanks for all your help. I'm looking forward to making a super kick ass Extended ROM for myself, I'm half way there
Updating the indirect way
Had a few problems with the updating process... and thought i would explain how I got around them!
First I updated to the standard 16007DE ROM
Then I installed the Extended Rom Viewer, and then because it is protected, i copied the contents to my HDD.
Then i tried to open the Rom update from T-mobile with the Extended ROM editor, but kept on getting file access errors The only one i could open was the NL 13006 version. So I changed the splash screen, deleted the origianl contents, and then inserted the contents from my updated original Extended ROM, as well as a few other bits that i could find, IE the extended ROM viewer. It is updating at the moment, So I hope it all works.
I have a few questions though!
Does anyone know a way in which I can automatically install a few themes, and a few ringtones? I have a few MIDI files that i want to be installed into the windows\rings folder, and the themes need to go in a folder called themes in My Documents. I also wanted to ask if there is a way to extract the CAB from another program, for instance Voice Commander. It is an MSI, but only works in windows!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Greets from Hannover, Germany
Juggs :?
Is this going to work:
- Download ER2003Edit
- Download the O2 XDA2 ROM 1.60.50
- Download the T-Mobile MDA2 ROM 1.60.36
- Remove O2 apps i don't want to use
- Add applications from T-mobile rom which i want to use
- Change ROM provider from O2 rom to to T-Mobile
- Save new O2 ROM and upgrade
But... I want to add custom ring tones to contacts, and if possible also want to add custom picture. Also my camera must be able to work. Which software do i need for this?
Because.. All i want to upgrade is today theme to O2's and also the software to 1.60.50... Does the O2 rom also has an "" ?
Greek full support language for qtek 2020
this is a very intresting site!
Can anyone tell me is exist & where can i dinf an extended rom for qtek 2020 with full support of greek language?
Also there any newer version than the 1.66.00 wwe extended1.66.130 radio 1.10.00 wihich my qtek 2020 has??
best regards
A) For NOT Write Protected Extended Rom:
If your XDA2 Extended Rom is not write protected just add the new files you want, you can find on the forum many different extend rom files (O2, T_Mobile, Orange) and kitchen your own extended Rom by adding the cab files directly in the Extended_rom directory and soft reset.
B) For Write Protected Extended Rom:
The only way for the moment (until we find a way to make the rom writable) is to use the upgrade programs used by the operators and ER2003Edit program.
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2 questions for you,
1. how do i know whether my rom is the editable 1 or the non editable one?
2. I tried option A, just mergly adding the CAB files into the EXTROM but... when the hard reset was perform it did not install the CAB files i added in? what could be the prob i know there is a "autorun.exe" in it but i dunno whether will it affect the process. I also notice a "config.txt" in the extrom, tried editing it but it seems that nothing happen
Reason for adding the cab files is because i was using a 1.72.00 rom with radio stack 1.12 but intend to change it to radio stack 1.14 and also try cooking up my own rom in the ktchen but after doin so its like nothing happen. need some advice for cooking roms in the kitchen been searching the forum... found a few but its all talking about Linux platform.
Hi Kelvin,
The way to know if your rom is not writ protected is if you see a folder called extended_rom in the root of XDAII and if you can add files in it.
If not, there’s a nice tool to make the extended_rom visible and to make it writable.
2) The config.txt is made to lunch the programs in the extended rom when you hard reset the XDA or when it starts for the first time.
You just need to put the cab files in your extended_rom folder and edit the config.txt this way:
I added the cab file vxIPConfig.ppc3_arm.CAB in the folder extended_rom
and added this line in config.txt
CAB: \Extended_ROM\vxIPConfig.ppc3_arm.CAB
hi yann,
i tried doing that way as i figured out that config is like a startup "prg" to actually start the programs installing when hard reset is performed. But the thing is i cannot make the programs i added in the install after the hard reset is perform. I don't know why but the rest of the cab files can be done. Do adding of all this cab files into the ROM consider cooking ROM??? not really fimilar with the terms of cooking ROM unless that is the way.


The current version I've found doesn't work...
Any suggestion ??
I'm running Reader 2, from the adobe website, and it works perfectly.
When you run it for the first time though, it does appear to freeze at the splash screen. Actually a couple of dialog boxes pop up in the background (you can see them appearing by their animations). Just tap Yes (or where the Yes soft key normally should be) on all of the boxes. There should be about four or five of them.
It's just WM5 asking whether you want to allow it to run these new EXE files.
Try ClearVue PDF....
i try ClearVue PDF from Original Himalaya device and a litle edit with CE manager. It's work very well... :wink: :wink:
hi guys,
the key thing is: use adobe 2.0 for ppc english language version. all localized version (like the german one for me) do not run under wm2005. english version does!
hope this helps.

[Updated:14-May] Opera Mini 4.2 CAB/OEM for VGA/QVGA

Opera Mini CAB for Windows mobile 5/6/6.1
UPDATED 14-May-2009
Updated to Opera Mini4.2 Buid 13918 (20090303)
New JBed 20090216.5.1
two seperate versions for Hi-Resolution and Low-Resolution screens.
Large fonts for VGA devices
Small fonts for QVGA devices
I created this cab to use in my Himalaya & Diamond I keep this in the ExtROM (SD Card) so that I don’t have to re install this every time I hard reset or upgrade my ROM through new builds.
This CAB will install the following software and tweaks:
1. Jbed Java-VM (Latest)
2. Opera mini 4.2
3. Signing Opera mini as trusted(So that annoying confirmation prompt to network
connection and to Saving/uploading files is removed.
4. Direct shortcut for opera mini in Start->Programs->Internet.
Shortcut for Jbed under Start->Programs->Accessories
5. Nice opera icon for the shortcut & to be used in the today launchers.
Traditionally to do this all you had to transfer several files and do several taps and clicks on your PPC & PC, but with this you can do them all by just tapping the CAB.
You can add this cab to your Extended ROM or add the files as an OEM to your ROM in cooking, so after each hard reset your favorite browser is available right there. You can simply synchronize the bookmarks in two taps.
You don’t need to install any other JVM, ‘cos this already installs Jbed, the best full screen JVM that also supports soft keys. Try some Nokia s60-v3 games on it…
NOTE: Make a backup of the folder “APPDB” which may either in your Jbed installation folder. If you wish to remove this application and want to restore the previous apps, simply restore this folder.
Happy Installation….
If you are already using Jbed and hundreds of other JAVA software too, you may prefer the tweaks but not to loose the other softwares. If that’s the case you can follow the steps I have described and apply them and copy the Cab in to your Extended ROM so that it will only take effect after your next reset.
Signing Opera mini As trusted…
One of the only negatives of using Jbed, over Jeodek, used to be that any time an application wanted to access to the Internet, Jbed would ask twice if you want to allow the action. It will also forget this permission next time you ran the application, so you would have to give permission every time you ran a Midlet that tried to access the Internet. Thank GOD, a work around for this annoyance has been found!
1.) Copy the file \windows\appdb\selector.utf to your PC
(make sure backup this file first in case something goes wrong!)
2.) Remove read-only attribute
3.) Extract the file “sign_operamini.exe”
from my zip to the same folder and run it.
4.) It will patch the selector.utf and create a backup too.
5.) Now replace the selector.utf file in the pocket PC with the patched.
6.) DONE
Making a direct shortcut to Opera Mini (or any other Java Midlet)
Since Opera Mini is a Java Midlet application, one annoying aspect is that to run Opera Mini, you must first run the Java Midlet, tap on the "Applications" list item, then tap on the "Opera Mini 4 beta" item. Luckily, some users out there have figured out how to create a shortcut that launches Opera Mini (or any other Java app) directly. Assuming you haven't installed any other Java apps, you need to create a shortcut file (e.g., opera.lnk) pointing to
("\windows\jbed.exe -run s0_")
The magic portion is the number after the the letter "s" in the shortcut target. This is the list position of the Java Midlet in the Jbed application list. If you install Jbed as a fresh install and then directly install Opera Mini, just use the number "0" to refer to Opera Mini ("\windows\jbed.exe -run s0_"). If you install another MIDlet (after Opera Mini), its index will become 1, then the next installed Midlet will have an index of 2, and so on. The last installed MIDlet will have the last index.
So go to any text editor and create the link, the replace the extention TXT with LNK.
A pre-made shortcut file can be found here.
28#"\windows\jbed.exe" -run s0_
Making a icon for Opera Mini shortcut
I have created a icon dll file to be used as the shortcut icon. Copy “ Opera_Icon.dll “ to “\windows\appdb\” folder and add the following part to the end of your shortcut link.
So the link should be like this,
28#"\Windows\jbed.exe" -run s0_?\Windows\Appdb\opera_icon.dll,0
I have also attached a .ico file to be used in other launchers.
Opera Mini 4 on Windows Mobile as Default Browser
XDA-Devs forum member shlomki has released the hacks in CAB format so that they’re very easy to install. These CABs are for ARM processors and for Pocket PC only (not smartphones). You can try them too..
• WM5 OperaMiniAsDefaultBrowser -
• WM6 OperaMiniAsDefaultBrowser -
• WM6 OperaMiniAsDefaultBrowser -
Using the 'WITH SELECTION DIALOG" cab, you get the dialog box to select either IE or Opera Mini as the browser to open the link each time you click on a link in a email, contact or in the messenger.
Opera Mini Large Fonts (VGA).CAB (2.9MB)
Opera Mini Small Fonts (QVGA).CAB (2.9MB) (1.42MB)
Opera_Mini_tweaks.ZIP (980kB)
shiranmotha said:
Is is legal to post a cab installer for Opera mini 4.1 here? I don't wanna get banned....!
The cab will install the following softwares & tweaks...
1.Jbed java VM,
3.Signing OM (so that annoying confirmation prompt to network connection & saving files is removed)
4.Opera mini dirrect shortcut in Start->Programs->internet (so that you dont need to open the midlet manager & then click OPERA.
5.Nice opera icon for the shortcut & to be used in today launchers.
Traditionally to do this all you had to transfer several files and do several taps on screen. Now you can do them all in one tap.
You can add this in the extended_rom or even cook in your rom to make OM4.1 available through hard resets automatically.
You dont need to install other JVMs after your hard resets, 'cos this cab already installs Jbed.
You man have to re install your other java files if you are already using Jbed as your current midlet manager.
But is it Ok to post here???
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Stop playing, lol. It's good of you to ask, but of course it's ok to post your 'tweaked' opera mini. I'd love to try it out. Only sheer ignorance and a total disregard gets you banned for xda.
nice dude
So, Opera Mini 4.1 CAB for Windows mobile?
Waiting for you to post your tweaked cab files. Appreciate your help
yes please!
Since you haven't tried to hack apart the EXE, and since it's free for download, I think it should be fine. Although, just to be sure, I'd host it somewhere other than on this site, so Opera can't try and destry XDA-Devs...
Is opera Mini better than Opera Mobile??
jugulator said:
Is opera Mini better than Opera Mobile??
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That depends
Opera Mobile is a stand alone, high memory high bandwidth program that renders web pages as the are. Opera Mini runs within a Java program and renders pages for better display on a small screen. Opera mini also has much smaller bandwidth and memory usage.
Begging you to post it, it would make my life allot easier.
Opera Mini also synchs its bookmarks with Opera 9.5 beta on the desktop. For me that's a big plus point.
Waiting for this tweaked Opera Mini cab is almost as exciting as waiting a new L26 or Dutty Diamond rom, lol.
A howto to remove the security message when Opera Mini tries to connect to the Internet would be also fine!
I have make this from a half year for German Users but now without Esmertec Jbed, because Esmertec have send a mail and say that this is not legal.
dodo-dk said:
I have make this from a half year for German Users but now without Esmertec Jbed, because Esmertec have send a mail and say that this is not legal.
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Two questions, do these cabs enable you to do simillar things indicated in the first post in this thread? I'm not home to use google translator to interpret what's being said referring those cabs. Also, can you post these cabs here because I did notice that one of those cabs is just over 3MB. I'm assuming that it's a tweaked Opera Mini 4.1.
dodo-dk said:
I have make this from a half year for German Users but now without Esmertec Jbed, because Esmertec have send a mail and say that this is not legal.
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is it working? i've download it, install without problems, it make shortcut in start menu, but when i try to run it, it crash (i've tried two last versions)
Files uploaded. Try NOW
It woks
OK. It works fine for me.
Device: Axim X51V
OS: WM6.1 A07 Football Edition
thanks a lot!
shiranmotha said:
Files uploaded. Try NOW
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What's the build of the Jbed is? Is it the latest(20080428.2.1)?
aa125690 said:
What's the build of the Jbed is? Is it the latest(20080428.2.1)?
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It's v2.1 (20070802). I prefer that version, because if I use 3.1 (20080222) the cab will be over double the current size. When the new Jbed is installed in the SD card (which is not possible in the older versions) I got some problems with Opera Mini. As the new Opera mini frequently access the file system but not in a constant manner, it freezes for about 5sec once a while. This is because it cannot access the SD cards as fast as the main memory. This is not there if you use a expensive, good memory card. But most of us Sri Lankans (asians) go for cheape onces more...
ok, thanks for the post. You posted two cabs, so which one do I have to install if I want Opera Mini as my default browser and it creates an icon in my ppc folder? The opera mini cab or the Opera Mini Tweaks cab. I'm under the impression that I dont have to create any mortscripts, etc, and hoping all I need to do is install a cab. thanks in advance.

[Consolidated] Evernote blank notes

Update: Fix found thanks to EmporerBen @ the Evernote Forums.
Replace the \Windows\webview.dll file on your phone with the one in the zip file attached to this post.
[Original post]
I've started this thread to try and get to the bottom of a bizzare issue with the Evernote WinMo application on builds.
Evernote is (usually) an excellent, free note-taking application that syncs to the web. You can sign up for a free acount [here]
The issue is that in newer builds of Windows Mobile 6.5.5, you can't see the contents of any of any notes. They all show as blank.
The notes show fine in the list and thumbnails view, but not when they're opened to view the whole note.
The issue is present on multiple devices and from multiple ROM chefs.
From my research, I think I've narrowed the first report of the issue down to build 23519 or there abouts.
Older, builds work fine. I've confirmed build (the one with the start button still at the top) works.
I've tested this on my own device, an HD2 and found:
Not working:
Evernote have said that the issue is because the newer builds use Opera as the default browser, but this is not true.
Both sets of ROMs have Opera 10 (beta 3 I think) set as the default browser, and Evernote works on the v21895 ROMs, regardless if the default browser setting is IE or Opera.
I've logged a support issue (I'm a payed member) with Evernote, and the issue is being discussed in their forums as well.
Does anybody have any ideas about either a fix or troubleshooting this further?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
blank note
empty note
shows nothing
can't see notes
Just wanted to second this
I have been enjoying the crap out of this new build, and then......No evernote.
Evernote is like, the App that i use most heavily.
Seems i have to scoot back down to the 219 build unless someone has some insight.
Just echoing this, it's a big problem ... Works fine in pre-6.5.5 releases.
Does anybody have a link to download for WM? I tried several times and it doesn't work at all.
EmporerBen found the solution here:
Updated OP with fix
I am not able to paste webview.dll into the windows directory. I tried using Resco and still I am not able to backup a copy of the original file or paste the new version into the directory.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
If someone can make it into a cab file that will work (i.e. will automatically update the dll for you without you having to get too clever).
I think (not tested it!) this is a cab file containing the updated webview.dll:
but that's certainly what the thread suggests and I've checked out the setup.xml in the cab file - <characteristic type="webview.dll" translation="install">
The problem for those who are using WM6.5.x ROM's and have webview.dll stored in ROM, is that it's unable to replace the file with older one.
Found an ugly but effective solution to resolve this issue without reflashing.
1. Download webview.dll from the first post.
2. Rename downloaded webview.dll for example as webvie1.dll.
3. Put it in the Windows directory.
4. Open your favorite registry editor (I use SKTools Lite), find entries with webview.dll and change them to webvie1.dll.
5. Soft reset.
It works for me on ETEN Glofiish x610 with cooked WM6.5.3 ROM and resolved problems with Evernote Mobile and Blade WiKi.
(sorry for my english)

Watch MMS-messages of my smartphone HTC HD2, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, on pc

I'm desperately looking for informations how to save and watch the MMS-messages of my smartphone HTC HD2, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, CE OS 5.2.21864 (Build 21864.5.0.81),
on to a personal computer.
Thank you very much!
Only way I see of doing that with full play viewing is by using windows 6.5 developer kit on the PC with arcsoft mms installed then copying your cemail.vol to the PC virtual WM6.5.
You then have a full WM6.5 environment on the PC.
Applications like imobile had sms backup with PC viewer but it does not show MMS as just checked with my HD2.
DotFreds pimbackup has mms backup support but no external viewer.
SPB Backup (link in my sig) has PC viewer that can open cemail & see text of sms & MMS but no player or image viewer unfortunately.
arcsoft mms & wm6.5 developer kit should be available if google & search xda .
I have developer suite & probably arcsoft too should be needed.
Mister B said:
Only way I see of doing that with full play viewing is by using windows 6.5 developer kit on the PC ...
Thank you very much for quick and well-meant answering Mister B!
I installed Windows 6SDK on my PC but:
- PimBackup-file (“txt-mode” backup file 3MB) restores only SMS, MMS without any text, only special characters
- SPB Backup and Sprite Backup (each backup file 90MB) causes “unexpected error” when restoring.
In my opinion the usable storage (“main storage/data storage: 5MB of 32MB free” // “memsize=256” // “storage card” = folder of hard disc of PC = 200GB free) is too small and as far as I know it is not possible to enlarge.
Please, do you have further advices?
What do you think about:
- Via google I read about a “MMS-extractor” which displays “*.dat”-files of folder “My documents\UA contents”. On my smartphone (HTC HD2, windows mobile 6.5 professional, T-Mobile LEO, November 2009) there is not this folder.
But what about “*.mpb”-files in folder “windows\messaging”. Do they contain the complete MMS (sender, date, text and picture)? Do you know about a reader for mpb-files?
- I red about Microsoft “transfer my data” for lumia smartphones. Do you know, is it possible to transfer my MMS to a lumia smartphone? And is it possible to save and view MMS of lumia to a PC?
Thank you very very much!
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I would not use the backup tools for getting the content to the PC wm6sdk.
I would manually copy the cemail.vol & the windows/messaging folder & my documents/uacontents (contains mms files-logs) from phone to the PC or extract these files from likes of a SPB BackUp file .
you'll need install the arcsoft mms cab to the wm6sdk.
I have manually transferred sms & contacts to the sdk before (some time back) never done mms though but should work as long as have all supporting files transferred.

