Upgrading Radios - Is it possible or is it just me? - Mogul, XV6800 ROM Development

I recently upgraded from Titan Radio ROM 3.42.30 to Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50 along with DCD 2.3.6.
I noticed my GPS is ALOT more jumpy around buildings when I'm downtown.
Is it possible that an older Radio allows a GPS chip to work better than a newer one? I'm asking because I see alot of people stay with old Radios and I always wonder why.

Anyone at all?

240sxer said:
Anyone at all?
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Not sure. Some say the earlier ones do. You can downgrade anytime. won't hurt any of your other software.

Well, 3.42.50 is ported from a Vogue, so maybe you should try 3.42.40 which is the newest native titan radio.

The radios do not make any difference.... Just find one that "you" perceive to be the best one for you......

indagroove said:
Well, 3.42.50 is ported from a Vogue, so maybe you should try 3.42.40 which is the newest native titan radio.
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Interesting, I just did some more searching and it seems like alot of titan owners are complaining from x.50. Gonna switch to x.40 tonight

azclown said:
The radios do not make any difference.... Just find one that "you" perceive to be the best one for you......
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I'm not the only one complaining about x.50 and GPS.

I"ve had the same issue with both .40 and .50. From what I remember, .50 skipped so much in some places that it would lose the satellite lock completely for a few seconds to a minute or more when I was using it while in the car. .40 is a little better, it doesn't seem to lose the lock nearly as much, if at all, but it does seem more "jumpy" than .30 was. I am testing .50 again right now to see if anything has changed.

I started with .30 had decent GPS locks, tho it was never under 2 minutes. .50 next, it's GPS was about the same on lock time but did disconnect from time to time, now on .40, still long locks, and in some cases 10+ minutes before it locks, a lot less disconnects.
Why was it we upgraded from .30? Did .40 or .50 offer anything other than slightly better signal? Where I live I can't tell a difference in signal, it just works. Anywhere in my town, even 8 miles out into the county, it just worked.
What would be any downsides with me rolling back to .30? At least it was more consistent on GPS locks.


Reverted Back DCD: 3.1.2 to 3.0.4

I have to give DCD all the credit in the world. His work has been awesome and I really love that he is in this forum working hard all the time. However, I had many problems with 3.1.2 and radio 3.39. Slow GPS among a lot of other things. I am a sprint user and I did everything properly with flashing etc. My phone worked great except for the GPS which was extremely slow. I decided to revert back.
I put virtually all of the blame on radio 3.39. I think that it is still in development therefore it is not ready for release. Also I think that the carrier cabs that need to be installed with 3.1.2 are also an issue.
After reverting back to 3.0.4 and radio 3.35 I can say that things are dramatically improved. My GPS locks in seconds everytime. 3.39 took so long that it was useless. I do not have internet issue nor outlook issues with 3.35 either.
So... I suggest that anyone who is having problems with 3.39 go back to 3.35 radio and also back to dcd3.0.4
I highly suggest that you first install the official sprint 3.35 release and make sure you let the customizations run as well for carrier cabs. Then flash 3.0.4. After flashing do a hard reset to make sure all kinks are out. Stick with radio 3.35 and 3.0.4 if you are having issues with 3.39 and 3.1.2.
I hope any of this made sense. If you do not know what 3.39, 3.35, 3.0.4, or 3.1.2 means then dont touch a thing
I have to give DCD all the credit in the world. His work has been awesome and I really love that he is in this forum working hard all the time. However, I had many problems with 3.1.2 and radio 3.39. Slow GPS among a lot of other things. I am a sprint user and I did everything properly with flashing etc. My phone worked great except for the GPS which was extremely slow. I decided to revert back.
I put virtually all of the blame on radio 3.39. I think that it is still in development therefore it is not ready for release. Also I think that the carrier cabs that need to be installed with 3.1.2 are also an issue.
After reverting back to 3.0.4 and radio 3.35 I can say that things are dramatically improved. My GPS locks in seconds everytime. 3.39 took so long that it was useless. I do not have internet issue nor outlook issues with 3.35 either.
So... I suggest that anyone who is having problems with 3.39 go back to 3.35 radio and also back to dcd3.0.4
I highly suggest that you first install the official sprint 3.35 release and make sure you let the customizations run as well for carrier cabs. Then flash 3.0.4. After flashing do a hard reset to make sure all kinks are out. Stick with radio 3.35 and 3.0.4 if you are having issues with 3.39 and 3.1.2.
I hope any of this made sense. If you do not know what 3.39, 3.35, 3.0.4, or 3.1.2 means then dont touch a thing
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Dude hold on a sec....before you go scaring everyone away from 3.1.2 and 3.39.10....did you say you were on Sprint and had extremely slow GPS?
Sprint users have NO excuse for not having instant locks with GPS. If you would have read the stickies at the top of this forum you would have found your answer for INSTANT GPS locks. It has nothing to do with what rom/radio you're using and EVERYTHING to do with what PRI version you have.
Personally, I have found absolutely nothing wrong with 3.1.2 and 3.39.10 and have used both for a while (no longer using 3.1.2 due to testing new builds, but STILL using 3.39.10).
A little reading of the important stuff goes a long way...
Not trying to scare anyone at all. I just saw that there were some posts about gps stuff and problems. I am in now way taking anything away from dcd or his kitchens/roms. DCD knows that I am a big fan of his and I have also tested his stuff. I am just trying to help those who are having issues, that is all.
Just the same way that we all have different programs that suit our needs, each of the current DCD Roms and other radio options offers some balance to some, and has drawbacks for others.
Some Roms have more beta feel, which gives some an edge and functionality that they can use. Some can't live with the buggy stuff (or figure out workarounds) so they keep what is familiar. This stuff is fun, lets keep it that way and let people brick their phone if they are talented enough to do it.
I went back to 304 myself because i couldn't get NoData working on 312. sounds like a chump reason but at 12$ a mb its a very important program to me. I kept radio 3.39 and have never had trouble with the GPS. Infact, when I compare the acquisition time of the titan to my Garmin Rhino and previous GPS units I'm still amazed at how fast all of the radio ROMs pick up GPS. Its totally comparable to a dedicated GPS unit. However, I'm on Telus.
All of the roms DCD has produced have been far better than stock, so this is in no way a complaint! Keep up the good work guys.
Ps. Is there a NoData like program that works on 3.12?
i've mentioned this before, but while 3.12 and radio 3.39 seem solid, i have experienced the same things. My GPS takes 5-7 minutes to lock, and when it does, it's normally 1/2-1 mile off. I didn't have these issues when i was with 3.04 and 3.37 (Alltel user here), but no complaints, the rest seems solid, so i've lived with GPS since i upgraded.
Like I said in the other thread...we've been working on a gps fix. Testing it now.
Yea I was going to test the GPS fix for 3.39 but I had to go back because I need the GPS too much.
gc14 said:
Like I said in the other thread...we've been working on a gps fix. Testing it now.
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I guess people dont want to read you lol
Thanks for the info!
Yea I was going to test the GPS fix for 3.39 but I had to go back because I need the GPS too much.
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Dude...you have Sprint!! You don't need to test that fix, you HAVE a fix that works. It's posted in the GPS sticky thread AND I made another thread dedicated to it....
My Sprint GPS is almost instant with DCD 3.1.2 and I didn't even have to read a sticky
My Sprint GPS is almost instant with DCD 3.1.2 and I didn't even have to read a sticky
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What is your PRI Version in Device Information?
PRI Version: 2.03_003
PRI Version: 2.03_003
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Ahh see...you have the updated PRI...
Now if all the Sprint users complaining about slow GPS would just read my post....
I've been on 3.04 and 3.35 radio for the whole time... I have no issues with anything. Phoen works great, reception is superb.
I'm sure DCD is cooking some crazy ****, and when he comes out with a major upgrade, but I dont see a need to reflash everytime there is a minor change made.
but I dont see a need to reflash everytime there is a minor change made.
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You do read the changelog right? Did you not see the changes made in 3.1.2 from 3.0.4. I wouldn't say they're "minor"
gc14 said:
Ahh see...you have the updated PRI...
Now if all the Sprint users complaining about slow GPS would just read my post....
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I'm running DCD 3.1.2 Radio 3.39.10 and PRI Ver. 2.00_003 and I get almost instant locks on GPS. I have no problems with GPS locking!!! Must be something in your machine.
I'm running DCD 3.1.2 Radio 3.39.10 and PRI Ver. 2.00_003 and I get almost instant locks on GPS. I have no problems with GPS locking!!! Must be something in your machine.
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....... huh?

Titan GPS issue 3.2ROM w/ 3.42.30 radio

Verizon 6800
ROM: DCD 3.2.0
Radio: 3.42.30
I've used multiple GPS apps so far such as HTC GPS Tool, GPS Viewer, etc and sometimes they see 1 sat, sometimes none. I live in Portland, OR .. there's definitely satellites above =)
I've let it scan for 30+ minutes.
I have gone through all the guides so far .. soft resets, turning on and off the GPS location, using astrogos loader before trying Google Maps, Navizon, Live Search, etc.
No dice.
Any ideas?
ever since I loaded this radio I have not been having luck getting gps locks either.
exact config as yours.
I also did the gps fix that GC posted
Would like to figure this out also
Well, if multiple people have the issue with this radio, maybe its a bunk release and we need to downgrade to something like 3.24.02.
I might try it later tonight if I get the chance.
EH, nm ...
Thats the release thread for the radio version we're on and people are obviously not having issues with it ... hmmmmm
Updates after more forum reading ...
I've done the GPS fix @: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400975
I'm set to GPS Mode 2.
Still no locks.
Another question ... if when using QPST you see that your 7500 modem is on COM5 vs where on most people's its on COM4, does that mean I should set the External GPS option on the phone to COM5 and start using that for everything going forward? I've tested both with no discernable difference in results testing .. but thought I should ask.
This may sound stupid, but have you been trying it outside or inside?
When I first tried to get a GPS lock back when I did the 2.1.0 flash, I tried in my room for hours. Sat it by my window, and the battery eventually drained trying to get a lock, with no luck.
Once I went outside, it was a completely different story. Even having the phone by a window wasn't good enough... I had to be outside to get any kind of GPS lock with it.
Issue resolved. Must have been something wrong with the radio firmware I used because I loaded another one and it worked.
Would you mind sharing which radio revision worked for you?
i just did another update dialing #228 and option 2
After the reboot, I got a lock in less than 10 seconds. Might be a coincedence but oh well.
The gps in this is so sporadic, sometimes it locks immediately, most times it takes forever
3.42.30 works good with sprint. Actually i get fastest lock out there out of all radios!
NotLutzik said:
3.42.30 works good with sprint. Actually i get fastest lock out there out of all radios!
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if ur on sprint you should have run the sprint gps fix, which includes updating the spring pri. you should be getting locks in under 10 seconds.
you should also be very thankful that u arent on verizon like me and happy when u get a 3 minutes gps lock.
(sometimes takes me alot more)
i still havent decided if its a phone problem or a location thing.
I live in NYC, so wherever i go im surrounded by buildings...big ones, and lots of em, so im sure this has alot to do with my crappy gps times.
anyone out there on verizon in NYC who gets good locking times?
just wondering
I was in NYC for a week and never got my GPS to work the whole time I was there. Otherwise my GPS works fine.

VZW radio 3.42.40 or 3.42.50 GPS Jumping

I first had DCD 3.2.5 and radio 3.42.30 and when 3.42.50 came out I upgraded to it. I noticed that my sats jump around alot and they never did before. I never used 3.42.40 so I was wondering if that would be just as good GPS wise as .50 but not jumping like .30 didn't. Just a question don't flame the noobie.
I have the EXACT same problem. I posted here, but no one seems to care:
How can I downgrade back to x.30?
I was getting like 5-10 second locks with .30 and then about 90 second locks with .50, I might be getting less Satalitte locks, I don't really know about that. I just downloaded .40 and I'm going to install that and try it and see what happens.. I hear some people have better luck with .40 then .50, then other people don't have any problems with .50. So, I don't know...
Well, I just down graded from .50 to .40 and now I'm getting only 13 second gps locks from inside my house with TomTom, and about 10 seconds with Google Maps. I was getting 90 second locks with .50 so it's a huge difference, so maybe it will make a difference with the jumping problem. I haven't tried it while driving around in my car yet, so I'm not sure how it will react, but I'm sure it will be better. It keeps jumping from 3, 4, and 5 satelites.
I downgraded from .50 to .40 and GPS acquisition does seem much faster.
I can confirm too, when I went from .30 to .50 my GPS went horrible jumping around everywhere. I decided to downsgrade to .40 and it seems ALOT better than .30 let alone the crappy .50.
where did you get the download for your radio
It is on the titan wiki. Find the wiki at the top of the page.
I have radio 3.42.40 but cannot get any locks whatsoever in google maps.
I am using ROM ver 3.08.666.1 (or Titan 21501 official RUU rom)
Is it the ROM I'm using that is having the problem?
I'm going to try ROM ver 21815 to see if there is an improvment
but any tips would be great this is my first time flashing or hacking a phone rom
Are you on verizon? If so what pri do you have under device info?

aGPS issues on Verizon? ip change?

I noticed that myself and a few other people are having problems getting a quick lock (or at all) over the past few days. It took me a few minutes today to get a lock and I am wondering if anyone (GC you still out there?) can test if the aGPS server was changed or if there is a reason this is different. I went through and nothing has changed for me.
I am willing to reflash to test but wanted to see if anyone on verizon could verify problems or an IP change for the server.
I noticed the same thing today..Took a long time.
I had problems too yesterday. Later towards the day I got it real fast again. Today still fast. Glad to see I wasn't the only one.
What is the current IP for the QPST method fix?
I tried the tutorial by GC14 for the first time, today, and I couldnt get a lock at all
Was is the same issue you guys had? Or did I do something wrong.
I have now tried this with a DCD rom/radio and the MR1 rom/radio, both gets no fix at all, and I tried it outdoors in open area away from buildings.
Whats the deal? (and what's the current IP please)
I noticed it yesterday (3/4) but I just saw this thread and figured I would try it again. Got a lock in 3secs.
As of yesterday I can no longer get GPS locks at all. No matter what the application they sit there waiting for the GPS forever. Before yesterday it would work flawlessly and under 5-10 second locks. now .. nothing.
Anyone else still having trouble?
Also, does anyone have a link to any updated configuration requirements, such as the newest IP, etc? I can't find the instructions page on the wiki.
Soft-reset your phone.
No problems here, usually in under 10 sec
abuttino said:
Soft-reset your phone.
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That is always the first thing I do after checking settings for any problem. I have been around for a while and try not to start threads unless I believe that it may be a situation that is not just me floundering around. I saw some other people complaining here and on PPC geeks about how it seemed that aGPS wasn't helping to lock, and it was confirmed by a few, for whatever reason.
I think it may have been a regional problem, or something to do with the towers that was isolated to the past couple of days. Today this evening it was back to normal.
Things have changed a bit after VZW picked up Alltell towers. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but VZW was previously paying Sprint or other providers to use their towers and then picked up Alltell towers that had some of the same coverage, VZW discontinued paying Sprint to borrow the signal for that area even if the Alltell signal is weaker.
I have driven an hour to work for seven years and days after the acquisition there are new dead spots in places that always had great reception, now it drops like clockwork in the same exact spot. It may be that the technology for those towers are being upgraded and they are working out some of the bugs, but what do I know.
HELP - No satellites, no lock, nothing!
ARGG! Someone please help. Here is the deal...
I have a Verizon Titan, and was running DCD 3.2.6 with 3.42.50 Radio. I decided I wanted to try the MR1 Verizon stock rom, so I upgraded to it and it's included radio. Then I did GC14's QPST tutorial for Verizon on his wiki page. It found satellites in TomTom, but would NEVER get a lock. I didn't like it, and the ROM was kinda slow anyway, so I flashed back to the previous DCD 3.2.6/radio setup.
I now do not even get an attempt at connecting. When I run TomTom is just searches for satellites for ever, but never even finds one. So I am not even finding the satellites, much less locking on. What happened? Before I did any of this I would gte a lock in about a minute or two. Now I cannot even find satellites!
Hmm, I misread your first post, I swore I saw you say you had Qwest, oh well.
Anyways, install an older Verizon rom that was pre-gps and then go thru the normal steps to unlock, and update the phone. Never install MR1 or MR2 again unless you want to have to do this all over again.
MR1 and MR2 both disable GPS via a PRI update that prevents any non authorized app from accessing GPS, tho there is a tool you can add that will allow some gps apps to work, but it only works if you leave MR1 installed, if you downgrade back to 3.2.6 without following my instructions above, then it won't work, period.
BillThyCat said:
Hmm, I misread your first post, I swore I saw you say you had Qwest, oh well.
Anyways, install an older Verizon rom that was pre-gps and then go thru the normal steps to unlock, and update the phone. Never install MR1 or MR2 again unless you want to have to do this all over again.
MR1 and MR2 both disable GPS via a PRI update that prevents any non authorized app from accessing GPS, tho there is a tool you can add that will allow some gps apps to work, but it only works if you leave MR1 installed, if you downgrade back to 3.2.6 without following my instructions above, then it won't work, period.
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Quest? hmm, no not me, been Verizon for the past 5 years.
Anyway, I relocked and downgraded to the 2.09 stock verizon ROM and old SPL. Now, I upgraded to the 3.42.50 radio and 3.2.6 DCD ROM. I discovered that there is a new TomTom version out, so I am currently aquiring that with new maps and all, but is there a program I can use NOW just to see if I get a fast GPS fix? one that doesnt have maps or anything, just a satellite status application basically?
-thanks, crobs808
I remembered I could use GPS Tuner, so nevermind on the request. I will post what happens after I figure out the new TomTom 7.915
Holy Flippin Cow!
I have a GPS fix deep inside a building, lol. WOW. Thanks everyone for the help, you guys are truly amazing at what you do, and give without reward. Thank you
Now using Tomtom 7.915 with USA+Canada maps 825.2159
crobs808 said:
Holy Flippin Cow!
I have a GPS fix deep inside a building, lol. WOW. Thanks everyone for the help, you guys are truly amazing at what you do, and give without reward. Thank you
Now using Tomtom 7.915 with USA+Canada maps 825.2159
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GPS issues are resolved for me too, and the new Tomtom is faster.

HD2 Radio's?

I remember from when i had my Touch Diamond that different radios changed the signal strength and increased battery life and some other stuff, is this the case for the HD2 as well?
Also there's a lot a radios floating about, which one is the best?
ok before you get flamed, there is no better Radio, yes you can change them but there all different for everybody, look in the Radio thread may of helped
Let the flaming begin
Demon_man said:
ok before you get flamed, there is no better Radio, yes you can change them but there all different for everybody, look in the Radio thread may of helped
Let the flaming begin
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TBF i have a touch diamond in my desk that has been heavily modified and with the diamond it is very much the case of there are 2 really good radios and the rest suck.
With the Leo on the other hand, it is very area and provider specific although most people tend use or There are some people using I have tried that one and had some major issues with it so i'm sticking with for now.
That should give you a starting block though. There is a radio thread somewhere so i would go check that out.
As has been said...it depends. Figure out where you spend the most time using the phone, and try different radios to see how they perform at that location or locations. A radio that works well at one location could be horrible in another. A different radio may work well in both locations.
HD2 Radio
The best Radio out there for the HD2 is Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
fabiane79 said:
The best Radio out there for the HD2 is Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
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just to prove the point, i find the 2.12.50 radio unusable, dropped calls, calls going straight to voicemail.... terrible.
@op,, as said above, you just gotta try them, see what works for you.

