How To Connect Internet Dopod S300 To My Laptop - HTC Startrek

How To Connect Internet Dopod S300 To My Laptop .......?
Any Setting ..............?
PLz help me


Help me find software/drivers for my QTek 1010

I have bought a Wallaby QTek 1010, but without a drivers/software CD. Please help me: what do I need to install on my pc, to connect to my Wallaby (what software? what drivers?) And where can I download it?
(I did have searched the internet, but couldn't find enything )
1.) ActiveSync
2.) directly from Microsoft for free
Thanx! to try it out!
Hi i have a 1010 and have upgraded to w2003 from LumpiStefans rom kitchen, hasn't missed abeat since, so you may want to flash your rom and update.
Just downloaded ActiveSync on the Evil Empire's site, plugged the USB cord directly to my Qtek 1010 and the other end to the PC's USB port, still can't detect it!?
Bad cord?
Do I need the cradle?
I only have the unit and the charger, that's it.
Are you using the correct USB-Cable?
Is it designed for the XDA?
Which ROM Version dou you have on your device?
Have you configured ActiveSync on your PC for USB Connection?

Prophet with WM6.1 as a modem

I couldn't manage to get my Prophet with the WM6.1 Shadow 2.0 TE acting as a Modem.
Is there any driver for XP or Vista to connect to our recently upgraded tool and use the GPRS connection? (USB or Bluetooth).
Thanks in advance.

My phone modem is not detecting on wm6.1.

I have upgraded to wm6.1 from wm5 on my O2 xda atom. Now my phone modem is not detecting on my pc after I connect in internet sharing by usb.
When i select usb and click on connect, nothing happens on my pc.
Please help.
U can use direct internet . Do not use mode. it's internet share but u want activesyns 4.5. sorry for enlish language.
I got the solution. Just turn on modem in internet sharing and conect to the computer. In network connection a new connection will show just like lan. Browse the net. It is slow on my gprs. I don't know how to set the tcp/ip. It is automatically detecting. So it is slow. Have to find a solution.

o2 atom modem

i have a o2 atom, but i can't connect internet using o2 usb modem,does anyone have some tutor to connect internet on my pc, i am using win xp sp2 than'x
O2 atom when connect to pc then insert O2 xda atom cd and O2 >setting>system>link>usb>actvate
then connect your O2 to PC

Qtek 9100 Connection FTP via Wlan

I have a ask, can i connecet the Smartphone via Wlan with PC. (FTP share)
i dont find a tool to do that
sry for bad english.

