touchscreen area malfunction - Touch Cruise Accessories

leaving aside the dead or blocked pixels, I encountered an issue with my HTC TC WM6.1 touchscreen in the X (close button) area only - I know it still works, because the X flashes when I use the finger or the pen, it activates the phone and it even triggers a vibration response (when activated) but it no longer functions properly, as it doesn't close the programs anymore (don't think that the Close function is disabled, because it doesn't have the OK function either) and the window remains active on the screen.
It happened gradually, but al the neighboring areas assigned to other apps work just fine.
It's true, I spent some time tweaking, but I was carefull when modifying.
Have you experienced something similar? Can it be undone
thank you.

Assuming you got any backup, restore last registry backup(touchscreen keys only)


Cingular 3125 Reg Key

Is there a registry tweak to allow the speakerphone to stay enabled when you close the flip? Currently it ends the call.
I believe the same thing happened with the old MPx220 and the MPx200 but nothing was ever figured out for these phones.
I would like to know this as well.
Bump - Speakerphone while lid closed...
Any news on this?
My Googling is telling me thus far - NO! NO! and NO!
Any Russian Gurus care to negate this?
Ok, I am trying to figure this out, here is what I have so far,
I have two 3125's, one was running an old dopod rom and the other the most recent Cingular release. (will get numbers later)
On the old phone, if I hit the "lock keys setting" (press and hold home button), while on a call with the speaker phone on, I can close the phone, the call continues and the outer display shows the call info (ie, who the call is to and connection time)
One the newer phone, with the same setting, the phone just hangs up when you close it.
I backed up the old phone with sprite backup, then ran sprite on the newer phone thinking maybe the registry setting would carry over (in case I was missing something), but the newer phone still just hung up when closed during a call.
After several rom changes I remembered why I quit using the old phone, the charging port came loose and does not work, so my guess would be that the old phone stays on due to the broken charging port, what leads me to this is of course if you have the headset in, the phone can be closed while on a call.
Where does that leave us? It would seem that the issue is not a registry value change (although I won't give up on trying to find one) but a software issue and until someone figures out how to change it were are stuck with no closed speaker phone.

new to htc and to hero.. performance issues

bought a HERO a month ago.
Initially things were fine, but then the phone has developed a lot of lag.
When I tap the PHONE button at the bottom of the home screen, it takes almost 3-4 seconds before the keypad comes up.
When I click on an Email account, it takes up to 5 seconds for the email list to load, and an equal amount of time before a tapped email opens up.
All this used to happen in less than a second earlier. I have not installed any apps from the market which are running at any time, and even loading up the phone in safe mode has not made a difference.
Also, the trackball is not being very responsive. It takes a good amount of pressing it before moving it around for the trackball to work. Is the trackball supposed to not do anything if moved very lightly, or if i just brush it softly with my finger and it moves, but nothing happens on the screen? It works only if there is significant pressure on the trackball.
htc has a stock answer for everything "HARD RESET". i don't even know if there is a way to backup all the data including contacts, messages etc and then put them back again after a hard reset.
I wonder if the phone is defective in some way?
Just flash a new ROM. Also, I know many people will disagree with me, but get TasKiller (the one by Thibaut Nicholas), as kill all the tasks. When the phone starts functioning again, go to TasKiller and ignore all the tasks that start up first (should be the bare minimum ones), and then turn on Auto-Taskkill. This way when you put the phone to sleep, all the running tasks except for the necessary ones will be killed. I've found this keeps my phone very fast

[Q] LG Thrive (Optimus) Semi-Bricked?

Yesterday I rooted my LG Thrive (part of the Optimus One family) and everything went fine. I was playing around with overclocking and removing bloatware using ROM Toolbox. Eventually however, I realized I wanted to remove some AT&T bloatware apps from initial startup. I was able to disable some through the program, but when doing so the app was freezing and I would just press the zoom button to return and then continue disabling additional apps. In doing so however, I'm certain this messed things up big time. I restarted my phone to see if these disabled apps would still start. The unlock screen came up but the touchscreen was inactive (it wouldn't respond to touch anywhere) as were any of the buttons on the phone (even the power button). I'm guessing I disabled quite an important startup service somehow along the lines. This is the same situtation in safe mode.
I was able to unlock the phone if I receive a text or call, then the touchscreen becomes active and allows me to unlock and use the phone. However, there is no desktop - it's a black screen with taskbar on top. The messaging app works as well as the device receives emails. But aside from the taskbar on the top, there's nothing.
I don't know where to go from here. Do I just try to install cyanogenmod over everything - if so, could someone point me in the right direciton? (I'm running a linux system as my desktop in case someone suggets a program to use for flashing). Or is there a simple fix to this issue I caused?
Thanks everyone!

[Q] HTC One Max screen comes on during calls, causing all sorts of problems

My HTC One Max's screen often comes on during calls. Then the touch screen reads my face's contact with the screen and acts according to what it thinks I selected. I have ended up several menu layers into apps that opened because of this. But worse, I have frequently had my calls mute - so the person I am talking to can no longer hear me.
I have had my HTC One Max less than a month, and it has had to be replaced twice, once because the 3G radio didn't work, and the second time because of this issue. Well, the current replacement has the same issue too. I used Android Sensor Box to test the functioning of the proximity sensor, which should be what controls this function. It appears to work, but my experience tells me that it stops working a few minutes into a call.
Your ideas and suggestions are welcome. I love the phone, but this is a problem I can't live with.
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
My suggestion is to always press the power button during calls that way the phone only comes back on if you hit the power button again... The reason it comes on now during calls because your ear / side of your head covers and uncovers the sensors at the top of your phone so to eliminate that just turn the screen off by pressing the power button it work 100% for me, my wife had the same problem until I told her to start doing that.. Lmk if that works!!
Sent from my HTC6600LVW using Tapatalk

Display sometimes add touch (always the same place)

First i noticed that whenever i chat with someone over messenger, it starts calling them randomly while i type.
I thought it's about messenger and i cleared the cache and reinstalled it. Problem is still occurring.
Later, i noticed in one game that screen does that touch again - on the very same spot as in messenger - somewhere in the top right corner (where's the call button in messenger).
I turned off the phone, waited 2-3 minutes and then turned it on. Problem is still occurring.
I started service "thing" (found on the internet what to type in the dial to activate it) and tested the touch screen, everything seems to be okay. So from my experience it seems it's not hardware problem. Do you have any suggestion or experience with this kind of problem? I wish i could fix my phone
And one more thing, it happens only when i'm touching the screen too, it wont do that when i leave it alone and just watch the display.

