[RES] RILPHONE.DLL and "how to" with a Radio - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

I post this under the ROM dev for numerous reasons.
The Radio thread is scattered with confusing information about it.
You may wreck your phone by just copying it over the existing one.
There seems to be a requirement to be met by the ROM (patched NK.EXE if I recall right).
There seems to be a patch if NK is not patched by the chef.
Can one really explain what's behind that file and interaction with the Radio?
Admins, if you mind this post here either delete or move though I think it's ROM

tyguy said:
I post this under the ROM dev for numerous reasons.
The Radio thread is scattered with confusing information about it.
You may wreck your phone by just copying it over the existing one.
There seems to be a requirement to be met by the ROM (patched NK.EXE if I recall right).
There seems to be a patch if NK is not patched by the chef.
Can one really explain what's behind that file and interaction with the Radio?
Admins, if you mind this post here either delete or move though I think it's ROM
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I can answer part of this.
The NK.exe must be patched to allow signed dll files to be added to the rom.
I have not heard of any way to get around the nk.exe patch. If there is Id like to hear it
It remains to be seen if the rilphone dll really makes much difference radio wise. However it does contain some carrier specific stuff in some cases. Da_G is more capable of explaining the technical details.

Thanks arupp I thought so too that there isn't a patch though one of the chefs had a comment on that
I couldn't find it.

Thank you for starting this thread. I had searched everywhere for the Cmonex's autopatcher, but couldnt find it. Da_G also referenced it in the Radio thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3229451&postcount=1012

so to patch or not to patch. That is the question.
Do i patch if i have a custom ROM?
Do i patch if i have the leaked version of the touch pro ROM official HTC (well almost) ?
Good thread thanks.

Found the thread Monx and Da_G referenced here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=384137
Post with patcher here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2812111&postcount=23
Wtf??? i need to read the thread a few more times bc im still not sure what to do

Cmonex's autopatcher program is not really intended for the end-user, but more for the chef (it needs to be applied to xip.bin or os.nb.payload)
Her post says it might work directly on the .nbh before you flash it, but it's not guaranteed. I haven't tried it that way either - only directly on nk.exe inside the xip.
So, what you want to do is use the autopatcher directly on the .nbh - but again her post says it's not guaranteed to work.

Da_G thanks for chiming in!
So let me recap:
NK.EXE patch tool designed for chefs, not for Joe Doe users
No direct patch/fix for existing installation
Patch to be applied in ROM image NBH not Radio image NBH (---> hard reset)
Effects not really clear
From what I've read the rilphone.dll interacts with the Radio ROM and may be beneficial for reception and battery life but it's not proven that there will be a positive effect on the GPS for example (we all have lag ).
Furthermore, wrong ril... /Radio combo my make Radio unusable.
For GPS issues a NVRAM fix must be applied (early hardware boot-stage fix) which may not be even possible with the current ROM basis.
Keep your hands off copying whatever rilphone.dll files are flying around in the Radio thread into your Windows dir and play it secure until the chefs figured it out BUT keep this post updated for general information.
Please tell me if I'm wrong.

tyguy said:
Da_G thanks for chiming in!
So let me recap:
NK.EXE patch tool designed for chefs, not for Joe Doe users
No direct patch/fix for existing installation
Patch to be applied in ROM image NBH not Radio image NBH (---> hard reset)
Effects not really clear
From what I've read the rilphone.dll interacts with the Radio ROM and may be beneficial for reception and battery life but it's not proven that there will be a positive effect on the GPS for example (we all have lag ).
Furthermore, wrong ril... /Radio combo my make Radio unusable.
For GPS issues a NVRAM fix must be applied (early hardware boot-stage fix) which may not be even possible with the current ROM basis.
Keep your hands off copying whatever rilphone.dll files are flying around in the Radio thread into your Windows dir and play it secure until the chefs figured it out BUT keep this post updated for general information.
Please tell me if I'm wrong.
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I can say the majoriity of custom roms have the nk.exe patched. If you dont know if your rom is patched ask your chef.

if you look at rilphone.dll in a PE viewer app, you'll see some references in the file to "AGPS". I think it's simply setting AGPS on or Off......or it might be more than that but I do see some references to AGPS in that dll (using the latest dll provided in the 5.05 release which is about 500kb in size)

I notice that my reception varies with different ROMs. I would say that I was getting the best reception with the 5.05 ROM and the Radio. Then when I switched to some custom ROMs, things get a bit worse. The signal strength seems to vary more and I find the phone often switching between 3G and Edge or between Edge and GPRS/GSM. It keeps doing that even when I stay in the same place. I'll make a call with 5 bars of Edge and by the end of the call, be on GPRS when I didn't physically more. Or sometimes the phone will hang on to an HSDPA signal until I drop a call and never switch to Edge, which has 3 or 4 bars of signal strength once it finally does switch. I would imagine that all this switching to different signals is wasting battery too.
1) Could this be an issue with the custom ROMs rilphone.dll? I'm using EnergyROM 1.1a and at the moment.
2) How can I know which radio version my ROMs rilphone.dll is designed to work with?
3) Does having that NK.exe patched allow me to just copy in a different version of the file with no adverse affects?

TheSopranos16 said:
I notice that my reception varies with different ROMs. I would say that I was getting the best reception with the 5.05 ROM and the Radio. Then when I switched to some custom ROMs, things get a bit worse. The signal strength seems to vary more and I find the phone often switching between 3G and Edge or between Edge and GPRS/GSM. It keeps doing that even when I stay in the same place. I'll make a call with 5 bars of Edge and by the end of the call, be on GPRS when I didn't physically more. Or sometimes the phone will hang on to an HSDPA signal until I drop a call and never switch to Edge, which has 3 or 4 bars of signal strength once it finally does switch. I would imagine that all this switching to different signals is wasting battery too.
1) Could this be an issue with the custom ROMs rilphone.dll? I'm using EnergyROM 1.1a and at the moment.
2) How can I know which radio version my ROMs rilphone.dll is designed to work with?
3) Does having that NK.exe patched allow me to just copy in a different version of the file with no adverse affects?
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Only NRGZ28 should be able to answer your ????
As he as mentioned in 1st page of thread "
This ROM is CE OS 5.2.20764 (build 20764.1.4.3) and the version is: 5.05.405.1 ,all from official Raphael ROM." using same build with which radio is attached. Obviously it should have same DLL file if he has not altered it during cooking.......

Here's a bit more of a technical explanation for the whole thing:
rilphone.dll is the 'interpreter", or the "middle man" inbetween the Microsoft-desgined "Radio Interface Layer" or RIL - you can think of it as the Radio ROM speaks spanish, and Windows Mobile speaks english.. so when a program wants to do something involving the cellular radio, say, determining the signal strength to display the "bars", it issues a command to the RIL.. the RIL forwards this command to rilphone.dll, which interprets it into an AT Command. rilphone.dll then communicates through a standard serial port connection through SMD9: to communicate back and forth with the Radio ROM. Any responses are then translated again by rilphone.dll, and passed on to the RIL.
So, let's say a new command gets added to the radio. In this case we'll use a new command that was in fact added in 5.05, [email protected] - if the rilphone.dll is not updated, it is not aware of this new radio command, and will never issue it to the radio ROM. So you'd potentially be missing out on whatever that command does. Also, if a change is made to the required format of some other AT Command, the rilphone.dll will not be aware of this change and still be using the old format.
Carrier-specific rilphone.dll's also have features that generic ones do not (such as the 5.05 rilphone.dll in the htc-branded build most custom roms are using) - one such feature is CNAP support for Rogers - it seems support is built into all radio ROM's, but if rilphone.dll does not have specific support for CNAP, it never reads the caller name into the registry for display on the dialer. There are a number of similar carrier-specific features i've observed.
That should cover the function of rilphone.dll and the reason you'd want to keep it on-parity with the radio ROM... and in some cases why you'd want to use an older rilphone.dll (to maintain support for CNAP, etc)
Now on to the nk.exe patch -
nk.exe is the "boot process" for Windows Mobile.. it brings up hardware to initial values and displays the radio/protocol/build version info on the intial boot screen.. nk.exe controls such low-level things as the size of the page pool, certificate checking, etc.
This is where the nk.exe patch comes into play.. it replaces the code that checks certificates with a "No Operation" - so the system now trusts all code installed, regardless of if it has been signed by a trusted provider or not - this is a good thing, as you control all code being installed on the device, rather than the OEM, and one would presume at the point you want such checks removed, you know better than the OEM
Without the nk.exe patch, when you replace rilphone.dll, the system checks it against it's internal certificate store, finds that it's not signed with a trusted certificate, and refuses to load it. This is why replacing rilphone.dll on unpatched ROM's results in no radio function.
Once you have a patched nk.exe you can replace any trusted file in the system with an unsigned file and not have to worry about the checks - note you no longer need sdkcerts.cab either as this is intended to load onto your device's root certificate store, and then manually sign the files you're replacing with the sdk certificates, then it would be loaded up as a trusted file.. however this doesn't work on drivers that are loaded early in the boot process, as there are 2 "states" of the certificate store - one early boot state where the drivers are loaded, where it's using a pre-defined set of root certificates (specifically sysroots.p7b in XIP, which contains 17 certificates from trusted root providers) - the 2nd "state" of the certificate store is farther on in the boot process, after drivers and services are loaded - this is when it would load in the sdk certificates and allow you to load manually-signed drivers. But again this is too late in the boot process to allow sdkcerts.cab to work for Drivers and Services - which is why the nk.exe patch is needed.
Note that any files/modules cooked into ROM are automagically treated as trusted, regardless of nk.exe patching status or if the files are actually signed with a trusted authority - it's assumed by Windows Mobile if the file is cooked into ROM, it must be trusted.
Incidentally, I believe this is the reason HTC created the "BootLauncher" service - so that they could load up services signed with their own stuff after creation of the ROM (patches, hotfixes, etc). Basically BootLauncher loads up during the services stage, and waits for a pre-defined period of time before then loading it's own set of services (wait time and services to load are defined in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\BootLauncher)
the autopatcher searches for a string to replace, so it might work on the .nbh.. the feeling i get from cmonex's post is that she didn't design or test it against that scenario, but it might work
Hope that sheds some light on the situation, and isn't too complicated!

Hi DA_g
Thank you Da_g for such a beneficial explanation....
I hope its going more complicated now..... as you have explained
"Carrier-specific rilphone.dll's also have features that generic ones do not (such as the 5.05 rilphone.dll in the htc-branded build most custom roms are using) - one such feature is CNAP support for Rogers - it seems support is built into all radio ROM's, but if rilphone.dll does not have specific support for CNAP, it never reads the caller name into the registry for display on the dialer. There are a number of similar carrier-specific features i've observed."
all radios have Carrier-specific rilphone.dll's so obviously all its not only with (Raphael radio) all other radio's i.e, for example .16,.19,.28,.32,.20 if so obviously the results would be not stable for all the users with different ROM's and Radio's.......... Now the big ? rilphone.dll should be programed for different carriers to the specific radio

The way it seems to work from my observations is this:
Carrier X issues a "ROM Request" to HTC, specifying what support and configuration they require (such as CNAP support for rogers)
HTC then assembles the ROM to their specifications, using the latest drivers, etc, available at the time.
All radio rom's seem to include support for all carrier-specific options, they just need a rilphone.dll that is aware of the particular option to enable it.
So for us to get a newer rilphone.dll with rogers support (say, 5.05), rogers would need to issue a "ROM Request" to HTC, and they would need to fill it.. then we would have the rogers 5.05 rilphone.dll.
Using an older rilphone.dll has unknown effects (as it will not be aware of newer features in new radio version, etc) but so far has not shown to cause specific issues.

Hi DA_g
I need your help regarding this...how to edit rilphone.dll i am working as switch engineer for Ericsson india for GSM ...hope fully i would be able to understand some of the specifications present in this file.

Editing a .dll is beyond the scope of my ability to explain in a forum post, you need to do some research into reverse engineering and ARM disassembly..
Particularly, if this screenshot scares you: http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/pix/idalarge.gif
You probably don't want to even get into it

Da_G said:
Editing a .dll is beyond the scope of my ability to explain in a forum post, you need to do some research into reverse engineering and ARM disassembly..
Particularly, if this screenshot scares you: http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/pix/idalarge.gif
You probably don't want to even get into it
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Ha ha ha really it is scary...............
But in my opinion individual Radio should be mapped to rilphone.dll with carrier specification with out this non of the radio would give best result .....
Depends on one using carriers with different frequencies for example.... i got tp with radio ver .28 (raphael) which is made for IDEA operator which uses 1800mhz freq, where power of the cell site & TP might be programmed vious according in rilphone.dll.....
i did SIM unlock.....Now i am using TP on Airtel operator which work on dual band 900 & 1800 so it is obvious that RADIO would not give me best results.
Results are vigorous ....dropped calls, voice break, poor coverage, poor battery performance,e.t.c................
So all ROM with associated with RADIO would work better on TP who uses specified Carrier...
Is there a way to get or create an universal rilphone.dll ?

Only someone with access to rilphone.dll source code could create a universal rilphone.dll.
Quite doubtful that HTC would be interested in doing this

aruppenthal said:
I can answer part of this.
The NK.exe must be patched to allow signed dll files to be added to the rom.
I have not heard of any way to get around the nk.exe patch. If there is Id like to hear it
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I think you mean unsigned.
there is a way around... you import your own certificate into the device's trusted certs store and then sign the system DLL with your cert and copy it over... WM accepts this no problem and this is exactly how I used to do things.


Home-cooked 1.72.902 upgrade package (1.72.00/1.17.00) T-Mob

I just put together the following pieces
OS 1.72.00WWE
Radio 1.17.00
ExtROM 1.72.902
"CountryCode" = TMOBILE
All configured for T-Mobile NL
Plz. Post any comments
(Plz. note this thread replaces http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=11781 )
8-11-2004 20:57 GMT: New version V2 uploaded.
I added a small archive containing the changed ExtROM files to solve the earlier reported errors (not updating ExtROM version and not making IIWPO un-installable).
Comment on IIWPO and making it un-installable: After having customized & installed IIWPO, you will have to do one of the following to make it un-installable if youre using the 1.72.902 ExtROM:
a. Another hard-reset
b. Running Version_172_902.cab from the ExtROM
NOTE: This thread is being replaced by
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am d/l'ing right now and will be installing shortly...
One request... You might want to include the cab for setting up IIWPO in case someone is installing it into the phone.
edsub Thanks.
Question tho. Can I use this for T-Mobile USA and does it fix the MMS problem ?
asking because the version says NL, isnt that the Netherlands country code ?
Thanks again
Well from first look everything seemed ok.
THese are a few of the things I have noticed since loading.
1. The ext rom version # doesn't show up in the info
2. If you use the IIWPO then it still shows in the remove list
3. The new apps from the 187 version will not install no matter what you do. (I have tried adding the ver # in the Reg, both 902, and 187 (not at same time)) Niether worked.
These are the few things that I have found since loading. If I find any more I will loet you know. Other than these I think you havea winner here!
I was wondering about the streaming MMS, the new bluetooth stack, and some of the other new versions of software that came in the 181,187 packages, and why you didn't include or update to them? Was there some incompatibality issue?
Thanks and great job!
Re: Home-cooked 1.72.902 upgrade package (1.72.00/1.17.00) T
edsub said:
I just put together the following pieces
OS 1.72.00WWE
Radio 1.17.00
ExtROM 1.72.902
"CountryCode" = TMOBILE
All configured for T-Mobile NL
Plz. Post any comments
(Plz. note this thread replaces http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=11781 )
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Is SRS included?
SRS is not included due to the fact that I don't see any use for it personally. Since it is an ExtROM installer, you could add it yourself.
The NL is only there because some sdetting are more or less specific to the Netherlands. I had feedback on my earlier 1.72.901 package that it worked for other countries (incl USA) as well. Be prepared that the date format will be dutch by default (easy to change via settings though).
Also MMS is suposed to be working (but I have not tried it due to lack of interest in MMS)
The ExtRom# is not showing because some bug in the Version_172_902.cab. Working on that now.
IIWPO not showing in the remove programs list is a bit more difficult than it seems if you install for the first time. Normally you would boot up the device with new rom. IIWPO is NOT installed at this point. Once you have customised & installed IIWPO, you will have to do ANOTHER hard-reset (ie run the ExtRom contents again) to disable the uninstall. You could force this by hand first time to re-run Version_172_902.cab after installing the customised IIWPO. BUT as this cab is not OK, it wont work anyway. Working on that now.
I did not find the time to look into the new O2 apps. If someone finds a solutiuon here, I am more than happy to includew it in a new version.
For the streaming MMS, the new bluetooth stack, and some of the other new versions of software that came in the 181,187 the basic reason is lack of time. I dont know what 'extra' new there is on bluetooth in the O2 builds? OS Rom 1.72 allready has an updated BT stack that fixes most open issues. I have no experience (& interest) in MMS / streaming MMS . . .
I suppose the issue with TomTom locking up without GPS enabled is not solved with this rom ?
I know: wishful thinking..........
@Pleun: Nope. I WISH I would have solved that one!!! FYI: I tested he new TomTom GPS 3.07. It doesnt solve any locking issue and next to that makes my Headset react very slow. Also the 'Bluetooth GPS' option that is supposed to solve the locking has gone, at least with my installation. Not advisable. I reverted back to TomTom GPS 3.03.
@all: I solved the issue of not setting the Ext Rom version and making IIWPO non-uninstallable. New version V2 will be up in 10mins (incl. incremental fix for all that downloaded the version from yesterday).
New V2 is up now. See first post in thread.
Plz keep posting comments to make this upgade better
edsub said:
New V2 is up now. See first post in thread.
Plz keep posting comments to make this upgade better
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I feel like my MDA2 is a little bit slower to respond not sure why! I added PocketMVP, Belkin Bluetooth GPS, Resco Explorer 2003 V5.0 and .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP2 for Pocket PC 2003.
I am having problem with Belkin BT GPS; I got it to bond, detect the COM port (COM5) and baud rate(4800) to use but my MDA2 hangs up and had to soft reset. Any idea why?
I will try to install one by one and see what's causing it and report here.
edsub thanx for me it works great its a great improvement!
machine seems faster and no more lock-ups.
Keep up the good work (ill be following you)
p.s only one thing my battery seems to give me no more than 4 hours of on-time
4 hours is very different from my (and others!) experience. The 1.72 rom should even improve battery life.
My battery lasts for about 1,5 days (not measured but recalled from my memory) with approx 1-1.5 hours on the phone and bluetooth permanently switched on . . .
were can I download this rom from?
from the first msg in this thread : RUU172902WWE_eDsuBsofT V2.exe
Hi me again, dont want to sound stupid but I've tried both Opera and Explorer and cannot find any executable file in the first post. Normally it appear in some sort of info box but none to be seen on this thread and the link to the previous one!?!?! Is this something to do with XP SP2?
Anonymous said:
Hi me again, dont want to sound stupid but I've tried both Opera and Explorer and cannot find any executable file in the first post. Normally it appear in some sort of info box but none to be seen on this thread and the link to the previous one!?!?! Is this something to do with XP SP2?
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You cannot download it as a guest! If you are a member of this forum you have to log-in before you can see the file you want to download. That's what I encountered before so just try logging in first.
Good luck!
THank you very much superperry. Should have registered before but was always too lazy.
I have put together rom upgrade 1.72.903
This thread can be closed. See http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?p=68652#68652 for the new one
Edit: The new upgrade files are now available (see refered post)
An error need help please
I downloaded the files then followed the instruction below but now I get error
the flashing process
first the devicedata is obtained from the device, with HimaGetDeviceData.exe, this gets the operatorname, and language/country code from the extended rom, sector 2 of the BDK.
Then a tool 'HimaClearJumpCode' is executed, which erases the jump at the start of the kernel. causing the bootloader to start at next reboot.
the upgrade tool then connects to the bootloader of the xda, via serial over usb. ( port \\.\WCEUSBSH001 )
warning do not just run the 'HimaClearJumpCode' program, it will erase part of your OS rom, after which you will have to repair your device by running an entire upgrade again.

NB to NBF compilation

I'm hoping that those in the know may be able to clear up a few things for us.
I've been thinking about joining in on the GPS development stuff and I noticed that there was a complete trinity dopod rom featuring radio and the 107 radio bootloader which would make it a candidate for the 1.04 bootloader type 2 radio upgrade. I've run the upgrade to grab the NBH out of temp and used NBHextract to get all the parts.
I'm assuming (possibly wrongly) that the next step would be to use either typhoonnbfdecode or alpinenbfdecode (I've got the most recent activestate distribution, stuck in the extra repositories and downloaded the modules) to encode the gsm nb into a radio_.nbf to replace in one of the radio-only upgrades. This is where I don't know what params I should be passing, or even if I'm completely off my block.
Uh, and can someone verify what the last .xx means in the radio roms because the last time I saw pof post it was .10 and .01 meaning opposites of GPS enabled/disabled but we're seeing .11 radios.
Edit: Yeah, looks like I'm completely off my block and missing a few steps.
NBF format is the same used in HTC Universal ROMs, typhoonnbfdecode or alpinenbfdecode are not good to encode in this NBF format, you can use HTC64 Extended ROM tool to make the nbf file:
1. decode any existing radio in nbf format
2. replace radio_.fat file with your extracted GSM.nb file
3. encode the radio again​
Radio ending in .x1 means GPS is enabled, Radio ending in .x0 means GPS is not enabled. The first digit I don't know what it means.
Cheers pof... I'll put that radio together later. AKU3.3 temptations aside... whenever it hits the ftp
O.k... task done, radio working on the Hermes (haven't checked call quality but haven't had a problem since day one with any of them). Haven't checked the GPS stuff yet, will do in a bit.
Anywhere on the ftp where we should put Trinity "reconstituted" radios?
Great, put it on Hermes upload folder and I will move it to a "trinity" folder under hermes extracted radios
Done, filename is Trinity1.24.00.11toHermesType2.zip.
GPS with [email protected]=1,1,3,3 gave me some "longer" GPGSV lines after a little while, so I guess we're getting some info.
GPRS/3G connections didn't die unlike some feedback we had on the earlier trinity rom.
Nothing else seemed to die either.
Now I'm off to look at what these lines actually mean...
Pyranwolf said:
Done, filename is Trinity1.24.00.11toHermesType2.zip.
GPS with [email protected]=1,1,3,3 gave me some "longer" GPGSV lines after a little while, so I guess we're getting some info.
GPRS/3G connections didn't die unlike some feedback we had on the earlier trinity rom.
Nothing else seemed to die either.
Now I'm off to look at what these lines actually mean...
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check our thread (technical discussion) you will find alot of infos there.. i've just flashed aku 3.3 (modding to german atm) including the gps
so i will see if something is different now with the gps..

DCD 3.0.4 for the Titan Kitchen

DCD if you dont like what im doing just tell me to delete this post and i will.
All credit goes to DCD one of the best kitchen and Rom maker's out there.
If it wasn't for him our 6800's would be almost useless.
This is for the people who are using the titan kitchen. I took DCD's latest build and repackaged it for the PPCKitchen.org Titan Kitchen located
here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=23206
Place it in your BuildOS/Kitchens directory and then extract "Titan_DCD_3.01_Selections.txt" and place it in the BuildOS/Projects directory.
Now you can create your own custom DCD rom using the new kitchen and DCD's latest build.
I've been using this for about 20 hrs and the rom is very stable.
Thanks again DCD u Da MAN!!!!!!!!
Make Sure to remove---> _fixed <---from the end of the file before u place it in the kitchens folder.
http://rapidshare.com/files/108106961/Titan_DCD_3.0.4_FIXED.rar REALLY FIXED this time LOL
thank i'm looking for this. I ran into error error nk.dat
AstronusX said:
thank i'm looking for this. I ran into error error nk.dat
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Sorry i forgot to change it from os.paylod to nk.fat, im up loading a fix right now thanks.
Errors in PPCkitchen
King - Thanks for putting this together
Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message (a bunch).
I downloaded the main file and did the updater.
When I go into BuildOS and select DCD 3.0.4 5054 or 5060, I am bombarded with error messages "Internal Error - Option.xml GUID not found (PROGRAM - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) where the "Program" is the name of the program and the x's are registry keys.
After I click ok 100 times to get through to the Kitchen, it allows me to select programs and build the OS, but once I install it, nothing actually gets installed on the phone.
Do you know what is causing this? Any help would be appreciated.
mfrish said:
King - Thanks for putting this together
Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message (a bunch).
I downloaded the main file and did the updater.
When I go into BuildOS and select DCD 3.0.4 5054 or 5060, I am bombarded with error messages "Internal Error - Option.xml GUID not found (PROGRAM - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) where the "Program" is the name of the program and the x's are registry keys.
After I click ok 100 times to get through to the Kitchen, it allows me to select programs and build the OS, but once I install it, nothing actually gets installed on the phone.
Do you know what is causing this? Any help would be appreciated.
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Is this your first time using the kitchen?
King_tee - I had to do alot of editing to get ALL the errors to go away. I had to remove the welcomehead96.png, also had to remove a few other items.... like remotedesktop..... I guess I should have taken a log of what I did....
Edit - However - VERY nice job getting it to where it is..... Thank you
Thanks will try. The BuildOS in the regular kitchen is crashing so I can now cook a kitchen.
Also will my OEMs made for the 3.0.1 rom work if I put them in the build os directory. I didn't use the OEMizer w/ BuildOS. It appears to be the same just w/ a different save directory.
azclown said:
King_tee - I had to do alot of editing to get ALL the errors to go away. I had to remove the welcomehead96.png, also had to remove a few other items.... like remotedesktop..... I guess I should have taken a log of what I did....
Edit - However - VERY nice job getting it to where it is..... Thank you
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No prob az i forgot about getting rid of those files. I thought i got all of them. I will upload a new file with the fixes for those who haven't downloaded it yet.
Let me know if its working for you guys
As of this morning, the version I downloaded still gives an error (can't find HTC Sliding Sound module) when trying to load the selections.txt file for the DCD kitchen.
drgreenberg said:
As of this morning, the version I downloaded still gives an error (can't find HTC Sliding Sound module) when trying to load the selections.txt file for the DCD kitchen.
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The sliding sounds module is in the DCD OEM's folder......when u open it up in the kitchen it should come up as a selectable OEM. At then point all you have to do is select it.
Does the kitchen work for Bell phones? It does not seem to be in the carrier list.
jondixon said:
Does the kitchen work for Bell phones? It does not seem to be in the carrier list.
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I don't know if it does.Are you are referring to the ppckitchen or DCD's Kitchen?
What i have provided is just a modified version of DCD's work (all credit goes to him) that will work in the ppckitchen.
You can check over here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=23206
if you are talking about the ppckitchen, and they should be able to answer your questions.
If you asking about the DCD kitchen you can ask over here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=385336 and im sure he will help you out.
I guess the obvious question is, what's the difference between the two kitchens?
DCD's kitchen is built around his ROM. The PPCkitchen kitchen isn't designed for any specific ROM or device.
Advantages of DCD's kitchen:
It's what DCD is using, so you know it builds his ROM like he intended it.
Advantages of PPCkitchen's kitchen:
Easy to install.
Prettier front end.
More error checking.
More OEMs to pick from.
Self updating.
Device dependency/exclusions supported
Carrier dependency/exclusions supported
OEM dependency/exclusions supported
Easy to move same configuration from one kitchen to the next.
Effortless switching between ROM configurations and kitchens
Splash/animation support
gguruusa said:
DCD's kitchen is built around his ROM. The PPCkitchen kitchen isn't designed for any specific ROM or device.
Advantages of DCD's kitchen:
It's what DCD is using, so you know it builds his ROM like he intended it.
Advantages of PPCkitchen's kitchen:
Easy to install.
Prettier front end.
More error checking.
More OEMs to pick from.
Self updating.
Device dependency/exclusions supported
Carrier dependency/exclusions supported
OEM dependency/exclusions supported
Easy to move same configuration from one kitchen to the next.
Effortless switching between ROM configurations and kitchens
Splash/animation support
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I honestly don't think you give DCD enough credit for his work.... Here are some more Advantages....
Easy to use
Builds a basic ROM with only 2 clicks of the mouse.
Can be used behind firewalls.
No IP logging when you use it. (I had been told this was logged with your login name)
In all fairness both systems work very well, while the PPC kitchen has a more elegant streamlined interface, I do believe the end result is the same, a working ROM the way "I" want it.
hey guy anybody else getting an error unable to make file
when it goes to unpack the ppcgeeksoem rar
azclown said:
I honestly don't think you give DCD enough credit for his work.... Here are some more Advantages....
Easy to use
Builds a basic ROM with only 2 clicks of the mouse.
Can be used behind firewalls.
No IP logging when you use it. (I had been told this was logged with your login name)
In all fairness both systems work very well, while the PPC kitchen has a more elegant streamlined interface, I do believe the end result is the same, a working ROM the way "I" want it.
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Could be because DCD has only a little to do with what we're talking about (which I gave him credit for). That's Bepe's buildos you're looking at, and essentially what we're comparing is Bepe's buildos w/ DCD integrated against PPCKitchen's buildos w/ DCD integrated.
You can't seriously suggest that Bepe's buildos is easier to use - the interface is practically identical! Both are about the same difficulty to use in their most basic, unaltered configurations, and both can build a basic rom w/ 2 clicks. Installing, configuring, starting, and maintaining is a lot different however...the nod hands down goes to ppckitchen there. Once you get past a basic configuration, PPCkitchen's buildos is unchallenged.
The proxy/firewall thing is fixed (general release this weekend) and it doesn't log IPs (never has).
Bepe's buildos get's the nod for no internet connection required, and the previous version (I don't know about v2) get's the nod for Linux compatible. Bepe's buildos also get's the nod for being more interfaceable to other projects and having more projects using it, but none of that is related to the original question (except maybe linux compatibility). [EDIT: v2 isn't native linux compatible, so no nod there.]
All of this is not too suprising, as PPCkitchen's buildos is, at it's core, an evolution of Bepe's Buildos.
I give credit to all sources DCD's kitchen / PPC Geeks kitchen and more.
They both offer the tools to make a ROM to your likings, some better then other, but the fact of the matter is that it gets the job done.
What PPC Geeks version is doing is making a bit more user friendly ( in my opinion ), but I still used DCD's kitchens because I really don't add any extra OEM's to my ROM's unless it is a specifically Themed ROM and then again I can get it done with both kitchens with ease.
I guess users will just have to test them both out themselves to see if they prefer one or the other.
What would be great is if we can have a Modifier / virtual simulator / kitchen where we can find ways to modify our ROM's / PPC's to their best potential ( such as drivers, RAM Management that works / compatibility with different OS and maybe interface change support ).
A virtual simulator to test out all of our modifications by simulating our respective device just as if we were to cook the ROM ( this could save tons of time rather then just flashing all the time or preventing an accidental bricking of your phone)
And a Universal kitchen for practically any Device ( well TITAN at least for our use ) that works on XP, Vista, MAC, and even Linux.
Im sure with all the developers on this forum and on ppcgeeks we would be able to get this done some time in the future.
Just an Idea....
[email protected]$ said:
What would be great is if we can have a Modifier / virtual simulator / kitchen where we can find ways to modify our ROM's / PPC's to their best potential ( such as drivers, RAM Management that works / compatibility with different OS and maybe interface change support ).
A virtual simulator to test out all of our modifications by simulating our respective device just as if we were to cook the ROM ( this could save tons of time rather then just flashing all the time or preventing an accidental bricking of your phone)
And a Universal kitchen for practically any Device ( well TITAN at least for our use ) that works on XP, Vista, MAC, and even Linux.
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PPCkitchen buildos is actually the closest you can come currently for easily swapping components around, and there's a universal kitchen here on xda that supports many devices (way more devices than PPCkitchen does).
Don't hold your breath on the hardware emulator
lightbiter said:
hey guy anybody else getting an error unable to make file
when it goes to unpack the ppcgeeksoem rar
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You'll have to elaborate a little better. If I had to guess, however, I'd say that you might have an older version of winrar installed. As a workaround, you can manually extract and modify the selections to use the extracted dir instead of the .rar.

[RES][COOKING] rilphoneAuto: auto RIL DLL selection based on user's current radio ROM

*** MOVED! The dev thread for this app is now in Development and Hacking, HERE
---original post---
I recently got into cooking my own personal ROMs, and realized that every time I get a new kitchen/ROM or flash a new radio, I have to make sure the rilphone.dll file is the correct one for my radio. Well, more accurately, I realized how annoying it can be.
Yes, it can be done with UC and the appropriate CAB for the user's current radio, but I wanted to create an easier way to do it so that the user doesn't have to think about it. Considering how many times the TP/Fuze keyboard layout question is asked here, I'd say any kind of automation is good automation
My answer to this issue is rilphoneAuto.exe, a .NET CF 2.0 app that reads the user's current radio version, determines if the appropriate RIL DLL is available (through a configuration XML file), and edits the "DLL" entry under HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL to point to this particular DLL.
In order for this app to work, you have to include all the RIL DLLs you'd like to support in your ROM, and change the rilphoneAuto.xml file to have an entry for each of those DLLs. It's a very simple format, don't worry
I have attached version 1.0 of rilphoneAuto in OEM and EXT formats. Both attachments contain the app, RIL DLLs version and, and the XML config file preconfigured with the aforementioned DLLs.
*** IMPORTANT: You must add rilphoneAuto to one of your config*.txt files in order for the app to start on first boot customization. I don't know if that can be done from inside the OEM or EXT packages. The line you'll need to add is:
Please leave feedback. Thanks!
Looks like a good addition, i'll try it out on my ROMs.
frickin awesome!
you should post this on the development & hacking forum, a lot of other devices users could use this too!
Good idea. I'll do that.
awesome as hell for all the users into radio switching and even those who arent. they'll have improved functionality and not even know it, just by flashing their radio.
so this is in the rom i just updated to
if i change my radio after the initial boot does the phone change the necasarry settings? or is it now up to me?
rilphoneAuto should only run on first boot, so if you changed your radio, you should re-run it by executing \Windows\rilphoneAuto.exe and then rebooting.

[RESOLVED] ROM Version/Date Relocated

I've been struggling over the past few days trying to get the latest AT&T ROM working in a kitchen. I've tried three different workstations and two Virtual Machines assuming it was an environmental issue.
As a result, I decided to create a fresh new "old style" (PkgToolsBuildOS) kitchen on the assumption that something was wrong with my kitchens.
Noticed the following anomalies in the fresh new kitchen:
Noticed that when performing a Find Date/Rom Version on PAYLOAD or Find Date/ROM Version on XIP_OUT.BIN using XIPPORTEREX 1.2 rev32 , I get the following information:
Date: 06/May/2009
Rom Version: [K] InitDr
I've used the standard process that I always use which yields a working OS.NB.PAYLOAD and even validated it against Aruppenthal & Da_G's sk00ling.
Essentially: PP Unlock, NoCert Patch, PP = 6 MB ... same OEMXIP & MSIXP kernel for now just to try and get it to work.
2) Compiled ROM
If I change the ROM Version & update the Date (as per usual), the ROM compiles fine and boots. However, I am unable to connect to browse the Internet even though the 3G/H data connection appear indicating that a connection is established.
The ROM, OEM, SYS are all 20771 (5.511.502.2) for now just to try and get it to work using my Rogers SIM.
Has anyone else run into similar anomalies before? Cause I'd sure love to know what the heck I'm missing/doing wrong.
* EDIT *
Some of the "paranoid" measures I have done: Rootkit Scan, Full Anti-Virus Scan, Mem Test, Hard Drive Diag, CHKDSK, Restart, typical IT stuff ...
I'm not really sure what could be wrong, but if you need the dump set up for Visual, I had no problems dumping it and uploaded the untouched "Kitchen" to my FTP. Its labeled correctly as the build number 5.11.xxxx. I wish Icould help more, as you have helped me out a bunch.
EDIT: I did dump a ROM recently and got the same Version ID with xipporter as you have mentioned, but thought nothing of it. And I dont remember which it was, so sorry still not very helpful.
The ROM Version "garbage" is odd and IMHO should not be like that - your confirmation that you saw the same thing is very helpful ... at least I'm not losing my mind completely.
I'm trying to keep a PkgToolsBuildOS (5.3) and a Visual Kitchen (9.8) going for folks to use.
I had gone through all of the effort to port 21051 (SYS) and 20771 (OEM) in the hopes of posting it up before the end of the weekend ... then I started running into these unexplained issues and ended up scrubbing the lot.
I'm in the midst of recreating a new Visual Kitchen (9.8) and am discovering additional files in the OEM folder that weren't there before in older versions of the Visual Kitchen - not sure what it means yet; sure hope it doesn't mean having to recreate a kitchen everytime there's an update to the tools.
hilaireg said:
I've been struggling over the past few days trying to get the latest AT&T ROM working in a kitchen. I've tried three different workstations and two Virtual Machines assuming it was an environmental issue.
As a result, I decided to create a fresh new "old style" (PkgToolsBuildOS) kitchen on the assumption that something was wrong with my kitchens.
Noticed the following anomalies in the fresh new kitchen:
Noticed that when performing a Find Date/Rom Version on PAYLOAD or Find Date/ROM Version on XIP_OUT.BIN using XIPPORTEREX 1.2 rev32 , I get the following information:
Date: 06/May/2009
Rom Version: [K] InitDr
I've used the standard process that I always use which yields a working OS.NB.PAYLOAD and even validated it against Aruppenthal & Da_G's sk00ling.
Essentially: PP Unlock, NoCert Patch, PP = 6 MB ... same OEMXIP & MSIXP kernel for now just to try and get it to work.
2) Compiled ROM
If I change the ROM Version & update the Date (as per usual), the ROM compiles fine and boots. However, I am unable to connect to browse the Internet even though the 3G/H data connection appear indicating that a connection is established.
The ROM, OEM, SYS are all 20771 (5.511.502.2) for now just to try and get it to work using my Rogers SIM.
Has anyone else run into similar anomalies before? Cause I'd sure love to know what the heck I'm missing/doing wrong.
* EDIT *
Some of the "paranoid" measures I have done: Rootkit Scan, Full Anti-Virus Scan, Mem Test, Hard Drive Diag, CHKDSK, Restart, typical IT stuff ...
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Several of the new builds are this way. Its because the date info has been moved. Until someone figures out which part needs hex edited we are stuck with stock dat Version changes fine.
Are you saying that we should *no longer* be changing the ROM Version and ROM Date?
In my case the Date "looked" ok but the ROM Version was bogus.
Which leads to these questions:
Does this also mean that PagePool Unlock, NoCert Patching, PagePool sizing are also in jeopardy of moving? (I know you or others won't have an answer for this one as it's in the hands of the OEM).
Does this mean that PkgToolsBuildOS kitchens and supporting tools are now at end-of-life?
Hate that when I forget to read the memo
Well, after an all-nighter ...
I can confirm that attempting to change the ROM Version and/or ROM Date via XIPPorterEX, PkgToolsBuildOS6.x-5.3, or Visual Kitchen 9.8 will indeed mess up the ROM - at least on the Raphael.
hilaireg said:
Well, after an all-nighter ...
I can confirm that attempting to change the ROM Version and/or ROM Date via XIPPorterEX, PkgToolsBuildOS6.x-5.3, or Visual Kitchen 9.8 will indeed mess up the ROM - at least on the Raphael.
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So am I correct in assuming that when I change the PP in the 21806 version (as posted by Da_G) it is not really changing the PP. I did wonder why the amount of RAM didnt increase
B4PJS said:
So am I correct in assuming that when I change the PP in the 21806 version (as posted by Da_G) it is not really changing the PP. I did wonder why the amount of RAM didnt increase
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The PagePool seems ok on my 6.1 builds at the moment but Da_G could best confirm that as he's been on this "circuit" way longer than I.
An observation I made, while I've been working on this, is that the PP size on the AT&T 5.11.502.2 seems to be set 1MB ... at least that's what XIPPorterEX 1.2 rev32 reports when I issue a change to the PagePool to 16MB on a non-reduced ULDR os.nb.payload.
Hmmm, Wonder why when I change my PP to 0 I still only have 197mb Total instead of about 213mb total? Might have to do a test and set it higher to see if my free space decreases
UPDATE: Direct From Da_Grand Pubba ...
Just had a quick chat with Da_G and he confirms that there's been a change in the XIP modules.
At first glance, he noticed that the NK.EXE module has three (3) new resource strings. So in short, if the ROM Version happens to display [K] InitDr (which is [K] InitDriverGlobals) DO NOT attempt to change the Date/ROM Version.
He also had a quick look for Certificate Patching, PagePool Unlock, and PagePool resizing - these appear to be untouched at the moment.

