battery issue - P3400 ROM Development

i have the rom on my new gene how.its cool man.but my battery work only for 1 hour....and when gprs is on only 25m..this is also happen with ankit 6.5...what is the problems ...i had done battery clibration mentioned in the forum but nothing help.plz tell me..i lose 1% drainage every 1minute......should i buy new one..

It seems to be a battery problem. Try another battery.

Get a new battery.

saurabh88 said:
i have the rom on my new gene how.its cool man.but my battery work only for 1 hour....and when gprs is on only 25m..this is also happen with ankit 6.5...what is the problems ...i had done battery clibration mentioned in the forum but nothing help.plz tell me..i lose 1% drainage every 1minute......should i buy new one..
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How new is your device???
If it is still within the warranty check with the service center...also try to remove the memory card and try using for some time and monitor the battery happens some times a bad memory card can suck all the power from the device...if it is kinda phone which is older 2 yr or more then get a new battery...hope you find this usefull...

my gene is 18months was good when i had my original wm5..that time i got 2days costly it is...should i get original or duplicate?

I always recommend original replacements. Sometime ago I lost a cell phone because of a fake battery.

I do not think duplicate batteries are worth it. They never ever give you performance (as a matter of fact, their performance will be most likely worse than your existing battery ).
BTW can you try Pro User's ROM? And give us a feed back? The Gene is a very complex device (thanks to HTC ). All are Gene, but all are different, some issues come with some devices, while they are totally non existent in other phones. If you are reading the forum for some time, I hope you understand what I mean. BTW, if I am not wrong, Battery should be around INR 2000/-.

saurabh88 said:
my gene is 18months was good when i had my original wm5..that time i got 2days costly it is...should i get original or duplicate?
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did you try using the phone after removing the memory card?is the battery draining at 1% every minute even after removing the memory card??

@saurabh: Try Krazy prousers ROM V2R3. Earlier also a discussion happended on battery issue. May go thru the thread

hey strange but after removing 4gb kingston card i got 5 hrs battery at u r right about bad memory card...any helpful solution for that thing

buy a new SD
may be ur SD is gone bad or some thing or try buying a 2GB sd maybe another brand like transcend im using this 2GB and its not affecting my battery
and note when u use things like the M2D it drains battery so try sumits pro users im sure by my experience that ur battery performance will improve
saurabh88 said:
hey strange but after removing 4gb kingston card i got 5 hrs battery at u r right about bad memory card...any helpful solution for that thing
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saurabh88 said:
hey strange but after removing 4gb kingston card i got 5 hrs battery at u r right about bad memory card...any helpful solution for that thing
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cool man....try to use the phone without the mem card for a few days so that you would know for sure if it was the memory card...when you know for sure then you can buy a new SD...good luck man...

And if you like WM 6.5 Try the new Pro Users WM 6.5 Edition, you will love the battery life it gives. With Pro Users WM 6.1 I was getting about 2-2.5 days backup, now i am getting 3.5 to 4 days! whoa! Thats super cool for a smartphone.

thanks for quickly reply and making life easier.thanks a lot.... but another question of about downgrading to my original wm5 which i had what's ur guidance for me....plz help....and how can i do it?

4 days????
im really u get 4 days man the best i get is around 2 days max but then im a heavy user i also dont have a land line so all calls official and personal on this phone only
or may be u don't use ur phone as much as me
krazy_about_technology said:
And if you like WM 6.5 Try the new Pro Users WM 6.5 Edition, you will love the battery life it gives. With Pro Users WM 6.1 I was getting about 2-2.5 days backup, now i am getting 3.5 to 4 days! whoa! Thats super cool for a smartphone.
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yes Haree,while using pro6.5 maximum battery life for me is 2 days ,i don't know how Sumit's gene is giving 4 days backup.

@Hari and Rakesh : Yes i am not a very heavy phone user, on gene particularly. It is for official purpose only. For other battery busting tasks, i use a nokia 1600 But i use my touch screen too much, more than anybody of you, due to always searching for new registry tweaks, analyzing system files, internet browsing, email checking, etc. Other than this i use my phone for listening to songs with AudioBooster ON for 1.5 hours everyday (I am quiet a bhajan fan, i find them very soothing, so i listen to them everyday strange for a tech guy, isn't it? But thats the way I am, a little different ). Plus about 1-2 hours of bluetooth on mode. I am gettting 3.5 to 4 days with all this

hey i got new battery cost 1500ru..and i want to ask one question.i always download from net at night..putiing my phone with is it safe way?plz give me some guidance about hiw to and when to charge battery

Yes its safe. But over time, if you don't calibrate your battery for long time, the first battery bar will start to go down fast. So make sure you re-calibrate your battery at least a month. To do that, follow these steps :
1. Discharge phone completely using games, music, videos etc and then take battery out.
2. Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.
3. Put back the battery but don't turn on the phone.
4. Charge it in switched off condition, until the power LED becomes green.
5. Restart the phone now.
Thats it

thanks for reply


Does 2.06 provide better battery life?

I read through all the threads about the new upgrades, but I have not seen anyone talk about power consumption and battery life.
Can someone who has done the upgrade lay out the differences?
It seems to have improved, but I've done quite a few hard resets and other various testing, so I can't say how much.. But it definitely seems to have improved..
thuggin said:
I read through all the threads about the new upgrades, but I have not seen anyone talk about power consumption and battery life.
Can someone who has done the upgrade lay out the differences?
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About twice a week I have HELL days were the phone gets a work out and tomarrow is one of them.
The old Cingular ROM:
Turn on Phone at 6am-by 12 noon it would be dead, I use a lot of 3G and video streaming.
Tomarrow will be the first hell day since the new ROM, so I will report back tomarrow night and let you know how it goes.
After several days with the new ROM and a full day with the new 1.33 radio it appears that battery life is definitely improved.
I am running radio 1.27 and i can say that with this .rom battery has improved somewhat from what i saw in 1.20.....
The battery life is definitely better on the new ROMs. I'm running 1.27 Radio ROM and with a 3000mah battery my phone last around 10 hours now.
I certainly hope so. I would like to consider myself a power user. I have my push email downloading every 2 minutes. So I am usually dead by 3pm. I hope this will be better under those conditions.
Are people here using the battery saving hacks on the Wiki or are you using the default ROM settings? I have not checked, they might be the same in the new ROM.
I'm only using the default ROM settings.. Minus a few CABs in the extended ROM, but those are mostly things that annoy me anyway (like the Good Email and such)..
sk0t said:
I'm only using the default ROM settings.. Minus a few CABs in the extended ROM, but those are mostly things that annoy me anyway (like the Good Email and such)..
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Has anyone tried the tweaks on the Wiki with this ROM? If so, how much battery asving do you get and what are the possible side effects?
bat life is so much better.... it would almost be dead by 10pm.. not its still over half by 10

WM 6.1 and Battery Life

Upgrade from wm5.0 to wm6.0 and then wm6.1 has been worth the effort and it has definitely given new lease of lief to HTC Gene- Both Old and New
One of the issues which is commonly being reported is faster draining of battery life after upgrade to wm6.1. I am infering this not only by the postings in this Forum , but many other similar forums on the net.
This issue is being mainly reported by HTC Old gene users, if I am correct.
The reported reasons for faster battery drain are multiple. Few of them are
1. Upgrade from wm6.0 to wm6.1 results in faster battery drain. I understand W6.1 upgrade is must and really makes your gene fast, However I could never calibrate/compare both these OS on the battery parameter.
2. Manilla ROMs eat the battery fast.
3. Suprisingly and Interestingly- I also read (across some forums) even the SIM cards have also a role to play. HTC gene with SIM card of one teleoperator had different battery drain experience when compared to SIM of the other teleoperator.
4. SD card use may also affect the battery use.
5. Even there is one suggestion, we should never flash a mobile when SIM is in. It may damage the SIM. Have anybody experienced this? I have flashed my gene mutliple times with always the SIM Card in HTC gene and I faced no issues (was I not doing the right thing)
All WM 6.1 users may have varied opinions on Battery life issue.
techmate said:
Upgrade from wm5.0 to wm6.0 and then wm6.1 has been worth the effort and it has definitely given new lease of lief to HTC Gene- Both Old and New
This issue is being mainly reported by HTC Old gene users, if I am correct.
The reported reasons for faster battery drain are multiple. Few of them are
5. Even there is one suggestion, we should never flash a mobile when SIM is in. It may damage the SIM. Have anybody experienced this? I have flashed my gene mutliple times with always the SIM Card in HTC gene and I faced no issues (was I not doing the right thing)
All WM 6.1 users may have varied opinions on Battery life issue.
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I have always been flashing ROM with the SIM in the mobile...can someone confirm if we do have to remove the sim while flashing...
Sumit,ankit,Ramersonw whats your thought on this...
Flashing Correct Roms never damage sim cards. And the reason why SDCard is recommended to be removed is because in some firmware, mostly in old gene, the bootloader gets stuck when it enconters RUU connection from both cable as well as an SD Card, which as you might know can also be used to flash ROMs. this problem is not seen in New GENE (as far as i know). But sim cards have nothing to do with flashing, i can say this after 800+ flashes i have done.
Ya, you are correct I also did not face any issue flashing the ROM with SIM on. I mentioned this in my post, as I saw this one of the suggestion/view from someone on some forum.
BTW could anybody share has upgrade from WM5 to WM6.1 seen substantial battery experience?
I find WM6.1 a much improved ROM , but is it correct that WM5 ROM are more battery friendly?
^I dont quiet agree with the battery thing. There is something wrong with the old gene XIP that chefs in this forum including me have got. Because, the problem doesnt exists on New Gene. I think, if we can find a WM 6 rom for old gene and then use its XIP to port 6.1 ROMs, battery problem will be solved. I am deeply investigating this issue and its got something to do with Filesystem drivers and filters, that i am sure. lets see
i think its just the Phone
this is what i feel is the reason for batt life
i think it is about usage i think this is not designed for a person like me who is in sales and has heavy call in comming and outgoing i did not feel any batt problem when i was using non WM phone so may be WM os takes up a lot of batt is what i feel u see the whole of last week i was using my spare Motorola ( non WM)and the batt life was great 2 days and its an old mobile
so my feeling is this phone isnt made for heavy phone user its for light users who are at office and have the option of recharging the batt as an when they want
pls not im one of those guys who has changed my phone in every 6 months and the last one was this gene (hope i dont change again cant afford anymore )
the above is my feeling after using almost every brand of Non WM and now using WM phone
techmate said:
Ya, you are correct I also did not face any issue flashing the ROM with SIM on. I mentioned this in my post, as I saw this one of the suggestion/view from someone on some forum.
BTW could anybody share has upgrade from WM5 to WM6.1 seen substantial battery experience?
I find WM6.1 a much improved ROM , but is it correct that WM5 ROM are more battery friendly?
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No Hari, that is not the case. I talk to my girlfriend hours with this phone, still i get 2 days of backup. Its just because of the battery issue we are having for old gene.
True something is amiss in ROM for OLD GENE. I find your V1.04 much battery friendly but a more sophisticated version V2.0 hard on battery.
Is it that newer builds may have some compatability/hardware issue with OLD Gene or some features actually not meant for OLD Gene are hard on battery life?
Remember HTC 3400 (OLD GENE) has only been launched with WM5.0 and officially no ROM upgrade has been given by them
People like you have and some great developers /contributors have kept the HTC gene live
BTW during these discussions if we are able to find some tweaks for battery issues that will be great and will really help all of us.
I am Agree with u. I also use my new Gene with Ur's 6.1 V2 R1, and also I am Is in sales and doing a lots of call, checking lotus Note Mail. My Battery Life is fine. It goes hole day..
techmate said:
Upgrade from wm5.0 to wm6.0 and then wm6.1 has been worth the effort and it has definitely given new lease of lief to HTC Gene- Both Old and New
2. Manilla ROMs eat the battery fast.
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Hi buddy i am just sharing my experience here i have tried lomlom's fusion ROM in the past ....i have been using it for at least a good 3 months or so which is a manila ROM and i have not seen any decrease in battery performance and to mention i have a OLD i don't think that Manila ROM's eat the battery fast...
Re: Battery Life Vs Network
One thing you guys are missing out is battery life is directly dependent on the signal strength, the worse the strength, the more battery the device will eat up, trying always to get a good signal. When I am travelling on train, my battery wont last even 12 hours . Even without talking. So take a note of that too. And my personal experience with AirTel is that network quality is very poor, as far as Kolkata goes, where as Vodafone has the best quality, so whenever I put in my Vodafone SIM, my battery life automatically increases. Please note that even if your signal is showing 100%, it may not be actual. As most of you must have noticed, the moment you make a call or recieve a call, signal strength drops (not always though). For example in my office (With airtel), the signal strength is always 100%, but to attend a call, everyone has to run out of the office .
You have a very good point there Shaunak
i think u did not get wat i meant @Krazy
what i meant is their are 8XXX and 7xxx old gene mine is a 8xxx old gene
what i meant is pls chek if this batt problem is with the users of 8XXX old gene or 7XXX old gene because im having no battery problem with any of ur Prouser roms so thought if may be we can clear it out it might help u
its not about my phone and ur phone(we are both using 8xxx) im asking could it be about 8xxx and 7xxx old gene just a suggestion on an area we can chek on
krazy_about_technology said:
No Hari, that is not the case. I talk to my girlfriend hours with this phone, still i get 2 days of backup. Its just because of the battery issue we are having for old gene.
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@hari : Oh, i did not got what you intended. Sorry, and thanks for enlightening me
@everyone: Yeah, so far we have tried checked ONBL, SPL and GSM versions but they dont tell anything about which gene is having battery problems and which don't. I request people to try posting the serial nos also if they are having battery problem.
Registry tweaks for battery
Hi all,
I was wondering whether the various regsitry tweaks for battery power usage work. I found some of them while browsing some of the forums
As said while illustrating these tips " I owe No Responsibility for any damage"
I just found them on the forums, am using them and sharing them to you. I will share my experience and request you to use them at your own risk.
1. HKLM\Comm\AsyncMac1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0
2. HKLM\Comm\Irsir1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0
3. HKLM\Comm\PPTP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0
4. HKLM\Comm\L2TP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0
5. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Cl ass\SDMemory_Class]
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 0
Good Luck.
These tweaks are already there in Schaps Advance Config Tool, just for enlightenment of everyone
Krazy thats great. I somewhow missed it. However I find by default these are disabled.
My experience is the tweaks work and are worth a try (enable the power management features).
Ya, by default for some strange reason, they are disabled. I'll try to find on the net if there is any reason for this. I have turned these on, and checking performance. Lets see.
BTW, .NET programmers here should check out a software called Pocket C#, its a compiler and IDE using which you can create .NET software on the phone itself, i really liked it. I made a small puzzle program using it on my phone itself

HTC HD2 general battery consumption issues

I have an almost new HTC HD2. I am testing various ROMs and radios to find the reason for why is my HD2 going through battery so quick.
At this point I am with HD2O v18 ROM and 2.15.50 radio. This is the best combo for me so far in terms of battery use. Even so, my phone, with everything but 2G turned of, I'm getting 38-39mA. With turned on screen with brightness on auto, and everything else turned of except 2G, I'm getting 100-130mA. This all seems to much to me.
I also sometimes boot AmeriCanAndroid from SD card, and there it's even worse. 60mA on standby and 120-140 on everything off but auto screen brightness.
Any ideas?
What kind of battery consumption are you getting?
i had problem like this when i used wm6.5 but then i flashed Nexus rom on nand and the bettery is good as stand by i leave it for 3 days without charging or some thing like that and every thing is fine ... give it a shoot
Thank you for your time and advice. I'll keep it in mind. But for now, I'd like to stick to WM, and solve the drain problem. Android doesn't suite me.
you welcome man,
hahaha i thought android wouldn't suite me too in the first because im wm freak, but then i found android really good .... if only microsoft didn't stop supporting it
I'm coming from Android on SE x10 which I have been using for four months. And when I say it doesn't suit me, I'm being very mild.
Anywayz, it's better to stick to the original subject. Another thing just came to my mind. Could an old SIM cause battery drain issues in standby? I have a first generation SIM dating to 1998 or 1999. SIM from last millenium.
I read somewhere that old SIMs can cause trouble on modern phones...
hahaha i don't know, first time i hear about the SIM and battery thing ... anyway good luck man solving the problem ... and when it solved let me know what was the reason
Just like I thought, the 12 years old SIM was a problem. Today I got the new SIM, and voila; 4mA on standby, I'm really surprised that nobody thought of this earlier. Not even HTC customer service.
So advice for everyone out there; if your phones have high battery drain on all ROMs/Radios, before anything else, check your SIM. And this applies to all modern phones, not just HD2. I had the same problem with SE X10.
I had the same issue when i used sd card and different android bults even nexu's and I also have a ancient sim.
The drain with the sd was 60mA in standby and more that 200mA with great spikes in normal use.(winmo 6.5 in nand)
Since I made a clean Nand install with NexusGingerbread current in standby is from 4 to 8 mA and in use about 160mA.
So if you ever decide to go in android better have a nand install.
HD2 is a great phone and i think that it is limited with stock os.
it's a common problem, it happens at random when you use WinMo a bit before running android.
use something like exceller's multi build loader, and set it to auto launch at the desired time (even 10-15 seconds work) and this problem should go away.
I also noticed that my battery consumption goes high on some build when using these apps:
setCPU (I know, strange!)
circle launcher
perfect viewer (sometimes, and only when it's running in the background, an app killer solves this)
I can't think of any other app. so if the above methd doesn't work, try to uninstall these apps if you have them one by one, reboot (turn off then on) after each uninstallation and try the phone for a few hours.
Normally, standby consumption shouldn't be higher than 15 mA/h and most of the time it should be lower than 10.

A sereus problem of s2

I love S2 for every feature in it
But thats my 3rd mobile which is causing Android Os High Battery Usage problem and there is still no cause i find yet
tomorrow i bought a used s2 of o2 carrier which was unlocked for my country everything was fine i check that in market android os and system was on 2 %
but i just did factory reset for deleting data which was of old owner
and BOOOM here comes the android os high usage problem again
now i am trying everything like factory reset,firmware changing but still no chance and its draining battery its my 3rd mobile which cause my same problem and 3 of them was s2
i also try to find one click gremlin remover for s2 but its not available because that thing was my last hope please tell me what to do
Hi ...
As of I know it's better u try out custom roms..
Resurrection remix is the best ics ROM available..n it has got great battery life with siyah kernel..
Just search for the ROM in xda n install it .. :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
zainbintariq12345 said:
I love S2 for every feature in it
But thats my 3rd mobile which is causing Android Os High Battery Usage problem and there is still no cause i find yet
tomorrow i bought a used s2 of o2 carrier which was unlocked for my country everything was fine i check that in market android os and system was on 2 %
but i just did factory reset for deleting data which was of old owner
and BOOOM here comes the android os high usage problem again
now i am trying everything like factory reset,firmware changing but still no chance and its draining battery its my 3rd mobile which cause my same problem and 3 of them was s2
i also try to find one click gremlin remover for s2 but its not available because that thing was my last hope please tell me what to do
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The android os high battery usage could not be a problem though.. I think that if you keep your screen on for sometime, the screen on time will go to the first place.. and I suggest you to try ParanoidAndroid Jelly Bean
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
first of all it should be spelled "serious"
and now if you are coming from a different OS like symbian or ios then here is the hard truth all android phones pretty much have comparatively(to symbian) low battery....
and give it some time,a few battery cycles will improve battery life...
ps:i am on stock 4.0.3 rom my s2 only lasts 1.5 days max only if i don't play games.....
reddead66 said:
first of all it should be spelled "serious"
and now if you are coming from a different OS like symbian or ios then here is the hard truth all android phones pretty much have comparatively(to symbian) low battery....
and give it some time,a few battery cycles will improve battery life...
ps:i am on stock 4.0.3 rom my s2 only lasts 1.5 days max only if i don't play games.....
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Brother thank you for reply and sorry i was in hurry so thats why it cause some spell mistake
and secondly i already mentioned that i got this problem on every s2 i bought i am trying to fight with that problem from past 1 year
and now i just buy an used s2 and it was good in start but i just did a factory reset and its start causing me problems
i am not new on android i know 1 day is good enough for it but what if its not even giving me one day?
zainbintariq12345 said:
Brother thank you for reply and sorry i was in hurry so thats why it cause some spell mistake
and secondly i already mentioned that i got this problem on every s2 i bought i am trying to fight with that problem from past 1 year
and now i just buy an used s2 and it was good in start but i just did a factory reset and its start causing me problems
i am not new on android i know 1 day is good enough for it but what if its not even giving me one day?
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so you are facing problems only after factory reset??
did you install any particular app, maybe that is causing the drain...
i would suggest to do a factory reset once more and check without installing any app the battery life
TouchWiz gives high battery drain compared to custom ROM's, probably due to the bloatware.
I will never use TouchWiz on an android/galaxy phone, I will always use custom ROMS
richfreestone said:
TouchWiz gives high battery drain compared to custom ROM's, probably due to the bloatware.
I will never use TouchWiz on an android/galaxy phone, I will always use custom ROMS
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So bro which is good Rom and kernel for improving battery
try using custom rom? I am using sensation rom 3.5 now and i like it
zainbintariq12345 said:
So bro which is good Rom and kernel for improving battery
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Generally most people will agree that Resurrection Remix is a very good ROM for battery. But most ROM s that d not use the touch wiz is probably better.
Kibrisli7 said:
Generally most people will agree that Resurrection Remix is a very good ROM for battery. But most ROM s that d not use the touch wiz is probably better.
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So you guys saying that Touchwiz is main problem? so please tell me any rom which is touchwiz and samsung apps and Bugs free
actually it was a bug in android 4.0.3 which displayed high android os battery consumption that was fixed in 4.0.4 by google
bluefa1con said:
actually it was a bug in android 4.0.3 which displayed high android os battery consumption that was fixed in 4.0.4 by google
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Really? That is so much good news to hear, Can any one tell me what should i do after flashing new firmware in my s2 , Some peoples saying dont delete battery stats files its cause some fuel alert wakelocks and some are saying only deleting battery stats files can give you correct reading actually i was thinking that the cause of android Os high battery usage will be the incorrect reading of battery what you say ?
reddead66 said:
and give it some time,a few battery cycles will improve battery life...
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ONE complete battery cycle will re calibrate the fuel gauge chip. Once when i cycled my battery it stuck on 1% for over 4 hours. It does NOT give you longer battery life, rather it re calibrates the battery indicator.
OP if you want better battery life try this:
Use a custom rom, or a frankenrom if you like the stock feel, or a rom modded for better battery life
Look into what services are running and remove the ones that are running when not expected
remove the facebook app,
use less widgets (since they use more battery),
choose a darker background (AMOLED screens use the most power for white),
turn down the brightness,
have GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth off when not needed,
turn off auto updates,
anything that automatically checks for stuff, turn that off or increase the delay,
Use a kernel that supports under-volting and under-clocking. You have a powerful phone which rarely needs to use all the power. Under-volting and under-clocking can help you get even several hours longer out of your device without a noticeable impact
Turn off those damn task killers. Its more efficient to not have a task running than to close it every 5 minutes and have it auto start up again. task killers were great for android 1.3, not so great for 4.0
In my class there is one other guy with an S2 and every day i hear his battery beep at him that its dying. I can go about 2 days of similar usage with no battery problems. Why? Because i spent time and effort to learn why my battery was draining and how to make my device run as smooth as i can.
TLR Do some research. If you want everything given to you buy an iPhone.
pileot said:
ONE complete battery cycle will re calibrate the fuel gauge chip. Once when i cycled my battery it stuck on 1% for over 4 hours. It does NOT give you longer battery life, rather it re calibrates the battery indicator.
OP if you want better battery life try this:
Use a custom rom, or a frankenrom if you like the stock feel, or a rom modded for better battery life
Look into what services are running and remove the ones that are running when not expected
remove the facebook app,
use less widgets (since they use more battery),
choose a darker background (AMOLED screens use the most power for white),
turn down the brightness,
have GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth off when not needed,
turn off auto updates,
anything that automatically checks for stuff, turn that off or increase the delay,
Use a kernel that supports under-volting and under-clocking. You have a powerful phone which rarely needs to use all the power. Under-volting and under-clocking can help you get even several hours longer out of your device without a noticeable impact
Turn off those damn task killers. Its more efficient to not have a task running than to close it every 5 minutes and have it auto start up again. task killers were great for android 1.3, not so great for 4.0
In my class there is one other guy with an S2 and every day i hear his battery beep at him that its dying. I can go about 2 days of similar usage with no battery problems. Why? Because i spent time and effort to learn why my battery was draining and how to make my device run as smooth as i can.
TLR Do some research. If you want everything given to you buy an iPhone.
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Brother i am suffering from a very sereus problem i dont know my android system and android os battery usage goes to high i celibrate my battery many times but its not working for me
zain, dont fret yourself over the battery backup duration. With frequent usage, you will have to charge twice a day at the most. Your battery will still last 2 years.
xdevz said:
zain, dont fret yourself over the battery backup duration. With frequent usage, you will have to charge twice a day at the most. Your battery will still last 2 years.
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Dear the first s2 i bought in 2011 and that time i used that mobile with the way i want to means i charge it at night and it give me whole day and i enjoy internet movies and many thing so thats why i am trying very hard to get my those days back but that android os bug is my worst enemy
zainbintariq12345 said:
Dear the first s2 i bought in 2011 and that time i used that mobile with the way i want to means i charge it at night and it give me whole day and i enjoy internet movies and many thing so thats why i am trying very hard to get my those days back but that android os bug is my worst enemy
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Give up on Samsung ROMs and try some custom ROMs
Battery life on ICS is worse than gb but I can get 3 hour screen time and the phone lasts for over a day which is more than fine
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
quick tip
kernel settings or rom settings and quick qovernor setting switch it to ondemand

battery drain

hello friend
i have evo 3d with stock 4.0.3... my mobile wifi and data always enable... that my my battery work just for 4 hours or maimun 5 hours i always need to put my mobile on charging...
is there any kernel .... that have less battery drain....
if u gays know please paste the link
thanks in advance...
Maybe a bad flash, or you have to let the rom settle.
Can you tell me what exactly is draining your battery? (settings > battery)
There is some forbidden kernel somewhere which may do some good. But i advice you to flash another rom, stock rom sucks.
Are you in a low signal area? My battery life is horrendous when I am. Also what is your screen on time? Four to five hours of screen on time would be excellent.
I am using the same stock rom,but I always keep the wifi and mobile network off. I usually turn them on when I really need them. I DON'T think rom change could solve your problem if you always keep wifi on. My advice, you might try it.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda app-developers app
faizan_950 said:
hello friend
i have evo 3d with stock 4.0.3... my mobile wifi and data always enable... that my my battery work just for 4 hours or maimun 5 hours i always need to put my mobile on charging...
is there any kernel .... that have less battery drain....
if u gays know please paste the link
thanks in advance...
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you supposed to say guys right? haha ,i use miui always lasts 48 hours on newest official version
kernel makes all the difference on battery drain, i would suggest you try a completely stock rom and judge the drain over a couple of days
Battery drain is always going to vary from rom to rom and user, everyone uses different apps, sync times etc, so saying that your best bet is to flash different roms with different kernels and test which combination works for you
( Don't ask me for help as I couldn't care if your phone explodes, eh! )
i need something as well. i get about 8 hrs during normal use and minimal 3g usage.
yeah are you roaming alot? how old is your battery? how much are you actually using it? i could see if your on it the whole 4hrs then it would die. if your gonna root ive had incredible battery life with the meanROM v45.
what is the best battery replacement for e3d?
i'm on mikvirgin 1.01.
hardware 0002
stock htc kernel
been seeing a ton of new battery drain since installing the latest swype.
so, i guess my point is: what was the last thing you remember installing since you noticed battery drain.
i know, i hear this all over xda.
but, it's for a reason.
ply a little practicality and solutions just show themselves!
my battery life is pretty good . i do alot of data streaming w subsonic and pandora ect too.
i'm usin paranoid android 2.52, w 3.0.6poonkang that it comes with i believe. im gonna run it up and down a few times and see what kind life i get w this rom, i'm coming from elegancia!, which was a great rom too. def worth the flash! ill report bat stats soon!
My phone needs everey ~8 hours a charge but mobile data and 3G is always on (Custom Firmware).
Think about a battery replacement.
Have you thought about using software in addition? I've had good luck using Juice Defender on my 3D

