mdusan - Click Themes and Apps

Have you tried Android Commander for copying files from root to comp an from comp in the root. You can install or uninstall apps from the commanmder. Of course you must havee rooted phone. I liked it because it's look like total commander and is very usefull. And you must have android sdk or must have placed commander in the folder where is adb. exe on the computer.
Android Commander 0.7.7:


I need some help

i downloaded a bunch of themes and cracks but i dont know how to put them when they are in manilla form where do i place those files?
you copy manila files to the windows folder using total commander. you cannot use file explorer.

[Q] Possible to extract/read file from system folder on unrooted phone?

As question says: Is it possible to read files from system folder on an unrooted phone and copy them to pc or sd card?
Hi, I am new to this and one of the first things I did was unlocking my bootloader and rooting the device. So I do not really know, but I think that you can use the app rootexplorer on unrooted stock firmware as well. You won't be able to write, but I am pretty sure that you can read thus copy. If you are on windows you can give android commander a chance. This is a port of the famous windows commander to read out the smartfone. There you would even be able to copy your wished data to you connected pc.
Greetings, Klaus

[Q] Manually installing apps

Alright well because of my situation I do not have Wi-Fi for the next 5 months. I have internet (obviously). Well I have 0 apps from the android market and that is also astro. When I try to put apps onto my SD card I cannot install them (obviously). Debating on rooting it and I am running Android Ver 3.1. Does anybody have any ideas for my issue?
Did you try installing those apps with the option "Allow unknown sources" (something like that) checked, in the Definitions->Applications menu?
Yes I have tried to do that. what I have done is go into the file transfer, transfer to a folder, locate file still on the file transfer app and push on it. The open file selection in grayed out.
Install adb drivers for the tab on your computer. Turn on USB Debugging. Find an apk install file of ES File Explorer or Astro. Connect your tab to pc via usb cable. Install this apk onto your tab by typing the following command into cmd: 'adb install fullpathtoapk' where fullpathtofile is for e.g 'd:\install.apk'
Find the adb drivers here:
If i helped, press the thanks button!
Try installing something like the Astro File Manager on your tablet. After you copied the app file from your PC into the tablet's SD, run Astro, locate the file an then install it (this, inside Astro)...
As putente said, although Sony's File Transfer app cannot open apk's, most file explorers such as ES File Explorer, Solid Explorer, and Astro File Manager will have their associations set so that apk's can be opened using the built-in (and available offline) Package Installer. So, first use either adb install or WiFi to install a good file manager, then load your apk's on your external SD, browse to them in your new file manager, and open with the Package Installer.
Thank you
Thank you xyancompgeek, you led me into the right dirrection. Yeah Wifi would have been a nice option but I am kinda on deployment so that helps out a lot with passing the time

Rooted Phone, Viewing files/folders

Hi Guys,
Just a quick question. My phone is rooted. When I plug it into the PC, I want to be able to see all the files/folders that I'm able to view when I look through a "root folder app" on my phone.
Is this possible?
In the wonderful world of adb, yes.
Sorry , but from standart window explorer you can't see ever folder . There are some differences in permissions and because of your device is linux and pc is windows you can't see everything without adb , but you can install Root Explorer and see it from your device
Guessing ADB mode is the only way of accessing the root files/folders then?
Was hoping to create a java script that extracts the messages.db from one of the root folders.
Edit - Can you only select ADB mode through Eclipse?
Edit 2# - Does ADB mode need to be selected every time you wish to access root files / folders?

Bluestack: How can I transfer files into folders in SDcard w/o using SharedFolder?

I am facing a problem and maybe you can help me.
How can i access a folder within the SDcard of Bluestacks with my Windows Explorer?
For example: I have a folder directing to and called SDcard/Games and I want to transfer files from the Windows Explorer directly to THAT specific folder and not by using the SharedFolder.
The thing is that on Regedit you can change the Key defining the Path Bluestacks accesses files on your PC in Windows Explorer, but there is no way to change the pre-defined Path which directs from the PC (Windows Explorer) to Bluestack's SharedFolder.
Basically I just want to set my own Path to which my files I transfer from Windows Explorer to Bluestack are send and not the one that comes with installation (SDcard/windows/SharedFolder)

