Sd card organization - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone,
I have a question or maybe someone can give me some advice?
Is there an application that can do this or maybe a terminal app, and someone knows the commands to enter?
I am very anal and a complete neat freak, so my sd card on my xperia looks very unorganized. I have tried to create a folder called android and move all the dependent files to android there but the folders and files just get recreated.
I would love to have my sd card Folders look like:
Android (defualt for android),
and so on.
does anyone know how this type of organization could be done, I have an X10a rooted. So could i not open a terminal and change the default path to my sd card to a folder rather than the root of the card.
So this would make android put anything it wanted to write to the sd card into a folder called Android.
Hope someone is as anal as me and has figured out a way to do this.

I agree and would also like to know if there's an option to deal with this. I think it's absurd that Android defaults to dumping temp files an app folders all over the sdcard with no actual organization. I can't think think of a single reason why it can't just put all of these things in an "Android" folder and make a giant mess out of that, instead of doing it right in the sdcard root.
This was posted in July and this is the first response. Anyone have any ideas?

Root explorer paid app will allow to create folders and move stuff around
sent from my Commodore 64

would also really like to know if it can be tidied up
what about dynamic links like the same way apps2sd works
Just an idea

Bump, still searching for a solution to this

I would think that with all the mods, this might be able to be done.
I'm going to ask if the moderators good move this thread to a more general forum like the android q&a?
would be nice to have all sym links go to an android folder, instead of the root of the sd card. or maybe the android files need to be on root?
still searching......

I am afraid this cant be done - every Android app has a ability to write wherever on sdcard. There is dierectory Android, which is default for every android app data.
Some developers respect it some not, many apps dont write do /sdcard/Android but creates their own dirs wherever on sdcard.
I think about one solution, because I am linux geek and hopefully many thinks could be done on Android similar way
Repartition the sdcard with two discs - one to be mounted as /mnt/sdcard - where all of the junk stuff and android configs will be stored as usual and second one partition (bigger) mounted eg. as /mnt/ext_sdcard
But there is one problem, because not all of apps are able to work with files on eternal storage....


Where are the wallpapers/ringtones located?

My phone is rooted, i've cleaned out most of the bloatware and i'm starting to customize it to my own, but i'm trying to find out where to put my music/ringtones/pictures/wallpapers and i'm kind of lost.
When I mount and open it to view files, these are the folders in my internal storage
Can someone please tell me exactly where to put all of my things? It would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks!
For your Music,, you can put them in any folder,, the OS does a screen on the SD Card on every boot and it will detect your music. So basically just put them in a folder named Music.
The Ringtones go in \system\media\audio\Ringtones
Pictures Goes in DCIM, wallpapers can be put in the same directory cuz when the OS scans the SD Card it will detect your wallpapers as pictures.
The built in wallpapers are in an .APK so you can not have your wallpapers added to the built in...
^ I think you could probably take the TWwallpaper .apk and extract it to find the pics and delete/add them and then rezip it?
this is where the backgrounds are. I wonder if you could just add/delete them in this folder using root explorer?
I have never done it.. but it seems like it could be done.
eortizr said:
The Ringtones go in \system\media\audio\Ringtones
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So, I have the same question (having just successfully flashed), but am confused about the answer. In the poster's question, as in my phone, there is no "system" directory.
I still have in the root directory of the internal memory. Apparently the poster had already removed the .zip file of whatever version he/she flashed from the root directory. The only place I can find a \system\media\audio\Ringtones directory is in that zip file. I see all of my currently available ringtones there, and can't find them in any other directory. (This seems odd, as I'd have expected them to be created somewhere else in phone's internal memory, as part of the flashing process).
Are you saying to just go ahead and treat like a directory, and drag a file into the directory in that file?
P.s. I have that "is this so obvious to everybody but me?" feeling, since xKrazYx626 seemed to have no problem understanding your answer
You guys need to get root explorer to view these directories
Project-V 6/11/11
Shortbus-Driver said:
You guys need to get root explorer to view these directories
Project-V 6/11/11
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+1 to that shortbus

Why do programs with root not see past the data folder?

Hey all, I'm a noob. But I got my NT pretty much where I want it to be. I realize now that the extra space is in the data file system (yeah, I can use the extra gigs). Now, my biggest problem is that my .cbz .cbr files do not have a default program or association. This is a problem because my root accessible comic readers will read to the data folder but when you open up the data folder it says nothing is there. At this point, I just need a comic app that links up .cbz .cbr s as the default program for those file types so that I can open the file from on of my file expolorer programs. Or I need to figure out a way that allows my rooted comic apps to actually go into the data folder. Why won't these programs look into the file system past data?
I did try the permanence method to link a usrdata file to the mnt/internal file, but while it creates the mnt/internal file it does not fill it in with my files...which sucks (I just folled the instructions and I think it may require the snowball mod). I do like the B&N reader for my epubs, so I don't want to use the snowball mod
And even in snowball could not work, in OP is posted that many apps can still be incompatible
Sent from XDA using one of my Android Toys

[Q] Google Music saved to external SD card solution?

Ok this is going to be a bit of thread necromancy, but another user, GMtom1 was helpful enought to find the thread, albeit for another phone, but this might be able to solve one of the problems people have been having with their phone and it not utilizing the external SD cards correctly. Or not, I'm hoping someone smarter than me can lend a hand.
And without further ado....
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​ sdcard/android/data/com.​
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​ (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
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This seems like a workable solution to me but like I said, anyone smarter out there?
I think it would be a lot easier just to change the mounts:
SDCard = External
SDcard2 = internal
I have been searching on a way to do that but I cant find anything...
I know it's been awhile since anyone has posted on this, but I was having this issue on CM10 and found a solution.
I changed the script to say: mount -o bind /external_sd/GoogleMusic/ /sdcard/Android/data/
The issue I was having was the naming convention for the internal & external storage. Depending on the file explorer I used, the name for the external SD card varied from "ext_sd", "external_sd", "sdcard1". The name for the internal storage also varied between "sdcard" & "sdcard0".
Also, some of the threads I found that were discussing this problem had the "/mnt/" in front of the "ext_sd". When I tried that, it didn't work for me.
YMMV, but I thought I would share the solution that worked for me.
omadhaun said:
I know it's been awhile since anyone has posted on this, but I was having this issue on CM10 and found a solution.
I changed the script to say: mount -o bind /external_sd/GoogleMusic/ /sdcard/Android/data/
The issue I was having was the naming convention for the internal & external storage. Depending on the file explorer I used, the name for the external SD card varied from "ext_sd", "external_sd", "sdcard1". The name for the internal storage also varied between "sdcard" & "sdcard0".
Also, some of the threads I found that were discussing this problem had the "/mnt/" in front of the "ext_sd". When I tried that, it didn't work for me.
YMMV, but I thought I would share the solution that worked for me.
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THANK YOU, I've been searching for something like this for weeks! I'm going to give this a shot tonight in hopes that I can free up my internal SD which is currently full! I hope this work and I'll keep you posted.

Can't delete directory on Internal Storage

tl;dr `rm -rf <directory>` returns "Directory not empty"
I noticed that the old folder for Google Currents [/storage/sdcard0/Android/data/] kept showing up regardless of how many times I 'cleaned it' with the app SD Maid. ES File Explorer returns that it contains 7 folders and contains 0 bytes and cannot be deleted.
Instead of letting an app handle it, I just mounted my phone with go-mptfs and decided to `rm -rf` from there. That returns "Directory not empty". There's two folders each with the same amount of sub-folders with similar names. Both contain files that are registered as 4GB with crazy characters as their name [according to my file manager]. `ls -al` won't list anything in any of the directories, but it will spit out that it can't find anything.
`rm -rf` through adb shell spits out the same error as before and Windows Explorer shows the same files with 4GB sizes. Despite the files appearing to be deleted through a file manager they still appear on the phone.
I'm completely stumped here. The only idea I've come across that makes a little sense is fsck, but I'd like to hear other ideas before I venture into unknown territories.
I have had I think the same issue with fders in a few occasions. For a while what I was doing was just renaming them BAD. Since it would not let me delete them. I had the same kind of issues where something in the folder would just refuse to be deleted. I THINK some part of the file got corrupted between doing something on a windows machine and my phone.
After I had a few BAD, BAD1, Etc files I finally decided to back up all my WANTED/NEEDED files and apps or whatever I had on my sdcard (internal) to a PC. This took a while with almost the whole sdcard filled. Once it was done I was then able to go into recovery and format my sdcard (internal) via cwm recovery. Then I restored all my files/folders I wanted/needed back to phone. It is the ONLY WAY I was able to get rid of it. Hope this helps ya.
Sent from My SGH-I777 Running Spiderman Themed AOKP or Spiderman Themed CM10
Thanks for the idea! I forgot about CWM's ability to format the storage it detects. I feel that may be the way I have to go, but I'd like someone to comment on the fsck idea first.
SquidLord said:
Thanks for the idea! I forgot about CWM's ability to format the storage it detects. I feel that may be the way I have to go, but I'd like someone to comment on the fsck idea first.
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Hi… I also experiencing same problem like you.
Do you manage to delete those file without going through format feature via CWM Recovery?
You can also try the file manager from mrrobinson aroma.
It loads from, could work.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app

Media Folders Creation

I have a Asus ROG Phone 3 and have a few questions.
Anytime I reboot my phone and go to check my internal storage, Android is automatically creating the following folders ASUS, Movies, Music, TwinApps, and Subtitles folder.
I assume this is just the default Behavior but does anyone know of a way to disable that or just to keep those folders deleted forever?
My phone is rooted, and I'm tech savvy as hell but I can't figure it out.
Anyone have a clue if the service/app that is remaking these folders is Android itself or somerhing from Asus?
I also recently switched to Android 12 and I noticed something strange, anytime I try to edit or access /sdcard/Android/OBB folder I can't edit anything in it, I can't copy or paste anything into that folder if I can even view it.
Mind you this is with root and using a file manager I've been using for years that I know works. Did something change in the background of A12?
Lastly does anyone know if there is a way to change the default save location for screenshots and/or DCIM camera folder?
1) most of the folders are created by android Media scanner but at least one is Asus specific. in theory any app can create own folders, if allowed in permissions.
2) you need file explorer that is updated to support scoped storage so it can view media files from other apps, for example SD Maid.
3) in camera app itself one can switch storage location to MicroSD card. not sure about screenshots, though.

