Home screen tabs missing in settings! - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Guys, need your help again... I was trying to find a good ereader, ended up
downloading the LEO ONLY Ereader tab from Energy's add on page.. Installed but couldn't find it, so decided to uninstall.. Soft reseted and now, when I go to settings ---> Personalize ---> Home screen tabs
there are no tabs seen.. all the wordings are gone! What have I done and how can I undo it guys? Thanks for your help again!


Prophet Touch XB all release

I installed last prophet touch XB (K1 release) but i also tested the XB, I guess they are the same and there is only a changing theme.
So I have phew concerns with these release:
-Is it possible to go back to classic today menu, because the windows like rapidly sucks when there is a lot of subfolders or programs in menu and it becomes unreadable.---- I found how to deactivate it, so don't waste your time with that
-Still in these menu how to remove dead links?there's is a lot of dead links!!
-Is there any way to use the new HTC photo viewer by default from the camera menu?
Except these things, this last rom seems to be great
Hope i'll find someoe to help me
Do you mean the start menu, by classic today menu?
If so, Click the Start Menu, go down to QuickMenu, then Option...
From there, you can tell it not to start on System start.
What i did was unselect the "Replace system's start-menu", that way when i click on the windows icon on the top left, i get the Quick Menu, but if i click on the word "Start", i get the traditional start menu
To remove the dead links, In file explorer, navigate to: Windows>Start Menu, and delete or fix the broken links.
Hope this helps
thx for your help.
Ps: Matt are you working for a societe which name start with a G?

HTC Home tab missing from Today settings

hi guys
i have the HTC home 1.6 plugin installed on my prophet. somehow, the htc home settings does not appear on my Today settings page. i cant choose what tabs i want i.e favourite people, launcher etc. i'm stuck with the default home,weather and launcher.
i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. even tried installing htc home plugin 2.1 but no joy. is there any registry settings i am missing?
also, any chance i can change the default keypad input skin from the ugly silve/blue one to a black one from HTC?
Help required here too...
Greeting expats,
I too missing home tab setting whereby you select some options. It happened after installing "HTC.Home.Eng.6Tab". Is there any "cab file" for the HTC tab setting. Pls help me too...
By default only 5 tabs is enabled. You can change the Tab by editing this registry key:
HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/HTCHome Tabsetting. Initially the key will be this string: "1,2,3,4,5" This enable the Home,
QuickDial, Weather, Launcher and Music in that order.
If you want to add the profile tab simply change it to: "1,2,3,4,5,6" with the profile tab being the last.
"1,4,2,5,6,3" will change the order to: Home, Launcher, QuickDial, Music, profile and weather.
"1,2,4,5" will display only four tabs: Home, QuickDial, Launcher and Music.
and Soft reset.

[Q] Stocks Tab (How to put it back)

I know this is a stupid question but for the life of me I just can`t remember how to do it. I think senility is setting in.
With my Touch Diamond, my TouchHD, and now my HD2 and numerous ROM installs I`ve removed and adjusted my tabs and I now want to put my stocks tab back in the bottom slider bar. I`ve tried every settings page and searched here and can`t find how to do it. I can even picture the screen that lets me do it but can I find it.
It should be under;
Settings > Personalise > Sense Tabs.......
Tick the little box next to stocks and then ok..
Hope that helps.....
Thanks mate. I am a plank. I was on the settings page and for some reason it opened with the security tab at the top. All I had to do was scroll down and lo and behold there is the personalise tab.
Can`t believe how stupid I am, it must be the heat.
Now where are my tablets
lol......... we all have those kind of days

[Q] Viewsonic G-Tablet

First of all, let me say, you all are awesome! Without you, my tablet would be so plain! I just got it this past week, and after watching videos and reading through your forums, I knew I had to try to root mine.
So, I have a question - and it may seem silly, but I've looked all through my tablet at settings and such, and I cannot find a way to fix this little problem.
I used Clockworks and I loaded Vegan version 7 as my OS. I love the Vegan, but in checking things out and personalizing it, I put some of the main icons on the bottom of my main screen. One of those main icons is the one that you touch to pull up a screen with all your apps on it. Well, somehow or another (I just can't figure out what happened) I managed to do something that caused the icon to malfunction. When you touch the app icon, instead of showing me a screen of all my apps, it shows a see-through blank screen.
I cannot figure out how to fix this so the icon will bring up a screen of my apps again. I figure the icon works as a shortcut to get to the directory of my apps, but I just cannot figure out how to fix it. I don't really know if it's something I did or if it is a glitch in the program.
Any thoughts?
Menu- Settings- Apllications- manage aplications - then unistall it and try reinstalling it.
Have you tried changing your launcher to something else? Maybe VT Launcher is fouled?
Steve in CT
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB using Tapatalk
Thank you, but there is no launcher icon in those settings to uninstall and reinstall. I thought maybe deleting the icon that was on the screen and then reapplying the icon to the desktop would help, but it didn't - I still just get a blank screen with no program apps showing.
I appreciate you responding. I'm still stuck with the problem, if anybody else wants to give it a try.
Do you think maybe I should just reinstall the VEgan program? Will my apps still be there when I do that?
momicajack said:
Thank you, but there is no launcher icon in those settings to uninstall and reinstall. I thought maybe deleting the icon that was on the screen and then reapplying the icon to the desktop would help, but it didn't - I still just get a blank screen with no program apps showing.
I appreciate you responding. I'm still stuck with the problem, if anybody else wants to give it a try.
Do you think maybe I should just reinstall the VEgan program? Will my apps still be there when I do that?
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Click to collapse
You've probably created a blank 'catalog'.
The App drawer allows you to create catalogs of different apps (so you can organize your app drawer, etc).
After opening your App Drawer, press menu and see if you don't have some options regarding catalogs.

[Q] Post Root - Keyboard and App Menu Issues

First, I'd like to say a huge thanks to the developers on XDA for everything you've done for my wife's new Nook Tablet and my old HTC Hero CDMA that's now running ICS (you rock jaybob)! You guys are all awesome!
On to my problems...
First, rooted the wife's Nook Tablet, did the partial debloat (worked flawlessly Indirect, after I fixed a driver issue on my end...had to uninstall it and grab it to install the proper drivers before it installed the usb mass storage device driver, otherwise ADB wouldn't see it).
All the B&N stuff is there and using Go Launcher on the "android" side. Here's my first issue...some menus (Beautiful Widgets & Astro File Manager to name a few) and a few other random apps have white text on the menu making it essentially impossible to read what that option is. I played around a little with the Go Launcher settings, but can't find anything to darken the text. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Second, wife doesn't like the stock android keyboard because each letter you press the preview of that character pops up right above it. I know it's a throwback to when you had small screens and it's just a confirmation of the letter your pressing, but she finds it very distracting (I don't even notice it! heh heh) Tried installing other keyboards but since there's no way to go to the stock android settings (only goes to nook settings), I can't enable the keyboards. I tried going to the nook hidden settings and selecting a new keyboard from there, but only the "android keyboard" shows up, not the other couple I tried installing.
Last, is there any way to bring up the stock android settings options?
Swore I'd never say this to keep like sounding like a noob instead of just a lurker, but I looked around the forums and didn't see any questions that addressed my "problems" ...so if there are answers to these somewhere, a link would be appreciated.
I have the feeling these are issues that can't be fixed until get access to the bootloader/recovery and get the ability to cook custom ROMs.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Harvick_29 said:
Here's my first issue...some menus (Beautiful Widgets & Astro File Manager to name a few) and a few other random apps have white text on the menu making it essentially impossible to read what that option is. I played around a little with the Go Launcher settings, but can't find anything to darken the text. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Harvick_29 said:
Second, wife doesn't like the stock android keyboard because each letter you press the preview of that character pops up right above it. I know it's a throwback to when you had small screens and it's just a confirmation of the letter your pressing, but she finds it very distracting (I don't even notice it! heh heh) Tried installing other keyboards but since there's no way to go to the stock android settings (only goes to nook settings), I can't enable the keyboards. I tried going to the nook hidden settings and selecting a new keyboard from there, but only the "android keyboard" shows up, not the other couple I tried installing.
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Click to collapse
Harvick_29 said:
Last, is there any way to bring up the stock android settings options?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The stock android settings menu doesn't exist. Try using the Hidden Settings app to get to the most common settings.
Ahh...that explains it...was looking in the wrong forum! lol I think I was searching my HTC Hero forum since that's where I default to. The keyboard fix worked. Gonna try the menu thing later after I finish reading all the posts.

