[Q] Startup Screen Help - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was playin around with different Roms lately and I tried out Cloudy's Rom and it changed the inital startup screen. The one you see when you immediately start the phone. It has a Android and a Owl onscreen and you see it until the phone moves on. Normally for TmoUS owners its a Red and WHite screen thats stock and something about Stick together. My question is this how do I get rid of the owl and Android picture and go back to the stock startup screen or at the very least the Energy startup screen? I'm new here relatively so please be patient if I've posted this in the wrong area plz.


[Q] problem with touch screen on xperia mini

hey everybody, i hope someone can help me, the thing is that my girlfriend have this phone right, and it came with android 2.0, i updated the phone to android 2.1 official and everything was normal, until a few days that it start to have problem with the touch screen. the problem is that sometimes she just put her finger close to the screen, she doesn't even touch it and the phone goes crazy and start to select things without touching the screen :S, another problem similar to that one, its that sometimes the screen freeze or something, you try to move betwen screens but it doesn't move propertly :S and an example is if you try to reset the phone (she have root and xrecovery) using the option that appears on the menu when press the power botton, you can press it, it doesn't do anything :S..so i change the rom for minicm7 (the last one that came out thins week) and apparently that problems is gone, the phone works fine, until today (i change it the rom yesterday) that the problem i mention before start to show up again :S, the only difference is that it doesn't happens so sudden as before, but we still want to know why than happens and how to fix it..please someone!
P.S: sorry for the speech xD
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[Q]Problem With Lock Screen Not Unlocking (video included)

Hey all,
I posted a video below of the problem I'm having with the CM7 lock screen not unlocking. This is the Lens lock screen that's integrated in CM7 and it will not let me get past it. I've tried rebooting, battery pull, wipe cache/davlik/format system and reapplied the ROM in CWM and still, nothing happens. I even tried a flashable zip of an ICS lock screen for CM7 from the Themes section here and this is still happening. The phone is a Motorola Triumph running CM7-TG-Reloaded ROM with a build date of 12-30-11.
Any ideas other than wiping it out completely and starting from scratch?
Have you tryed to grab the lense square higher then the square really is? I get the same bouncing effect when I put my finger in the middle of the square and then try to unlock it: I can't go down anough so the square bounces back up. So perhaps there is some kind of miscalibration which make your lockscreen think that your finger is lower on the screen then it is.
Also, try if you can get past it when you have to answer a phonecall. During that phonecall you can navigate into your phone and chance the lockscreen settings.
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[Q] Non-rooted Nexus 10 in bootloop!

As the title says, I was using my N10 quite a bit yesterday but just before I went to bed I noticed a strange icon (?) in the notification bar that I couldn't get rid of... kind of a white spot/circle fading out towards the edge... Anyway I turned off the Nexus using the power key and choosing shutdown. It was then stuck on the Nexus "X" screen loading for ages >10 minutes! Occasionally it partially loaded my lock screen but not for long enough for me to unlock it or anything, and then reverted back to the loading "X" screen. Anyway the only way I could "fix" it was to go into boot recovery and choose "data wipe/factory reset".
Its working now but I am slightly frustrated that I have lost all the photo's and downloads I saved onto it (I know I should have had a backup but I wasn't modding it or anything).
My questions are, has this happened to anyone else with stock rom and unroot and any idea what the icon was in the notification bar? Also, should I return it for a replacement?
Much appreciado!

[Q] Black screen on boot

Hi there,
I've been a lurker of xda for a while, but I have a question that I haven't been able to resolve since googling for about two hours or so.
I have a Nexus 5 on stock 5.1, rooted.
I changed my bootanimation.zip, and in the second stage of booting, where normally the stock boot animation changes brightness, the screen goes black. How can I make it so that the bootanimation keeps going until my phone is ready to run, and it reaches the unlock screen?
This is my first post so please excuse me if I've done anything wrong.

Please help - Samsung Galaxy S5 - Dark screen

Hi everyone!
I just received an used Galaxy S5 from someone and it was working properly, it was a gift for sure.
I had some fun exploring it as I never had any phone like that one, I downloaded something was spending time on that app and the phone was turned off because the battery was low.
When I charged it everything was ok but the opening screen like Samsung Galaxy S5 , powered by android and it never went to the main phone screen it was loading and like it couldn't load till the end.
So I was able to enter the recovery menu before booting and I believe I made some mess there including chosing the wipe system option and so on, anyway the phone finally restarted , went to normal screen but after some attemps it resulted in having Galaxy image on my screen when rebooting with some sort of extra image flowing in the background / some colour stuff etc. I just took it as it's reinstalling the soft from new , like a fabric version you know so I left the phone on table and it took like an hour and it wasn't finished , maybe I could have waited some long but I decided to reset the phone at this point and the screen went dark and never returned. I can observe some blue light in the top left corner of the phone, my friend took this phone from me yesterday and even tried to use some Odin software to install software however he made it all in let's call it Blind mode. Phone seems now to have some sort of voice in foreign language, I dont know what is it , but like a navigation in car.
Screen remained dark from that time and never came back.
Do you guys see any chances saving my phone ?
Appreciate any help and tips, ps: be aware I am not a phone pro and I know to much about reinstalling soft etc. but I have intentions to do it with instructions if necessary and if it could help
Hi let try to explain me better :
1.extra image flowing in the background / some colour stuff etc.
Do you mean when Samsung Logo appear like this :
you have burning effect which means your LCD is damaged it looks for example something like this :
When you say you hear Voice like in Car Navigation that means that Voice Assistent (Talkback) is On try to disable by fast pressing 3 times home button if not re-flash latest version of firmware just tell me what is 7 and 8 number from imei which you can find under the battery on sticker.
To send you correct firmware for your Phone Country Code .
Bad things if nothing of that can help you probably your screen is dead , or flat cable doesn't have good contact on mainboard .
Hi Teddy
Thanks for your time spent on trying to help me here ! It's really appreciated!
I would like to say that -> 1 . yes exactly I seen that image when everything worked properly and it seemed that my phone will have system reinstalled , this animation was loading for about 1 hour or so, and at this point I have cancelled it and my screen went dark forever!
2. No it's just dark totally dark nothing can be seen, everything was just perfect before ( phone is from Germany used about 3 years I guess as the battery has such date on it 2015.03... ) I live in Poland so it would be the best if the software was in polish language.
3. Yes I hear the TalkBack for sure and it's no problem to enable/disable it , anyways screen won't come back to become working properly
I believe I might have screwed this phone a little or maybe I am wrong and I didn't do anything bad at all why I am saying this : short story how it was
1. I received it few days back and I was there with my sister I took it from her and was enjoying it like a kid enjoys a new toy
2. I was having fun on it, it happened it was dead because battery went down to 0% but I charged and everything was perfect, after that I started downloading extra stuff -> android apps and I noticed after another charging it stuck on Samsung booting screen ( White letters on black background ) it didn't want to move forward to the system ( normal functioning ) - at this point I knew it won't probably load anymore and I won't be able to use it so we went to console let's call it ->
3. When we were in the console there were few options, to reboot, to remove something / swipe ( I am not perfect in english all right so I did it intuitionally ) , I believe I for sure chose to remove /swap system and then as you mentioned in YouTubue 4 sec video I could see the samsung loading screen with that beautiful logo and animation, so I thought the system is reinstalling and it will take a while, and here I waited about 40 mins - 1 hour and I gave up and restarted the phone here, after that the screen went totally dark and dead but... ->
5. But after rebooting I was still able to see just 1 option, not any other , this one option was to connect device via odin and install system , with android alien green funny picture on it , waiting for connection
6. Short after something happened and I couldn't see even that, screen was dark and remained dark for good
7. Yesterday phone was taken by my friend to his home and he claims he reinstalled system, it was possible to move intuitionally by fingers and voice navigation but screen never came back
8. Now it's impossible to see anything on the screen in fact, I can't even determine if I am accessing pre-boot menu where I could reinstall anything or not, really I can't know it so it's just dark , standard buttons on the bottom of the Galaxy S5 are bit highlighted by white light like an icon on the left and right of the bottom wide button
9. The diode on the top left of the phone happens to light regulary in blue / dark colour
10. That's really all - I don't know here whether I should go to some dude working on phones and if he tells me $50 to fix it in Poland it will be bit over 1/3 value of new phone so is this worth an effort I don't really know, nothing helps really I tried everything my colleague used to fix some iphones himself so he isn't totally newbie to this subject

