[Q] Notification - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello XDA,
I'm fairly new so please excuse me if this has already been addressed or answered. I've searched but haven't found an answer so if there's a post on this, please reply with a link and I'll do the rest.
Okay, when I get a text message, the message alert goes off. But say I'm not with my phone, or in a loud environment, is there a way to get the phone to vibrate and play the alert when I get an sms? Also, is there a way to get the phone to periodically alert me when there is an unread text ? My last phone (GSM HTC Hero) had an LED that would flash. But this phone, the Samsung Vibrant, doesn't have an LED, and apparently no way of letting me know I missed a text message.
If not, is there an app that might provide that functionality?
Thanks in advanced for any reply.


Thank you.
This is exactly what I was looking for. If only it would occasionally vibrate, it would be perfect.
Thanks again.

Look in the Market for SMS Popup. It has a lot of notification options (custom vibrate patterns, notification icon), it can turn on the screen, and it can also remind you in time increments.
If you decide to go this route, be sure to turn off your default messaging notifications, so you dont get double.


Message Notification Error

When i get a text or email the trackball flashes and also the LED. But once i have read the message, they continue to flash. Does anyone know of a setting that needs to be changed or is the phone a bit faulty.
It's a software bug. Usually those kind of bugs doesn't mean that the hardware is faulty, faulty hardware would result in no wifi, no GSM signal, screen failures etc ...
Pull down the status bar notification thingy, even if it's empty. The LED will stop blinking.
Yes, this is annoying :/
Thanks, that seems to stop it. As you say it is a software bug and needs fixing.
Is there any way to change how long these items flash for? If I get an SMS or have a missed call etc I really would like them to flash indefinately as I will often not even look at my phone for a few hours and I don't want to have to bring it out of standy just to see if there may have been a message.
Here it helps to pull down the notification area. It always stops after I've done that
Pressing the lighted trackball should take you to the notifying app
Thats kind of what I was expecting anyway. If you have a flashing indicator for a new sms or email, say, it would be nice if it took you straight to that app on clicking the trackball.
Then you dont have to pull down the notifications and work out which item to click. If you have multiple notifications, then each click would go through them in order, removing the notification each time.
graculusthegreenbird said:
Thats kind of what I was expecting anyway. If you have a flashing indicator for a new sms or email, say, it would be nice if it took you straight to that app on clicking the trackball.
Then you dont have to pull down the notifications and work out which item to click. If you have multiple notifications, then each click would go through them in order, removing the notification each time.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That would be excellent

New text message backlight / alert light

Hi All,
long time reader, first time poster.
I can normally find the answer to any question I have by just looking though the forum or by googling it.
I've only had my HD2 a few months and am very pleased. After over 6 happy years using the XDA2 I thought it was time for a change.
Here's my question. On the XDA2 when a new text message arrived the screen backlight would come on for the set time & the red alert light would flash until I read the text.
With my HD2 this does not happen, so if I don't hear the text message audio alert I don't know I've got a new text.
Can I change my settings to make this happen on the HD2?
I'm on T-mobile, ROM, the only none standard thing about the phone is co0kie's home tab.
thanks in advance,
don't know about screen, but there is quite nice app to blink keypad on missed call, sms, email etc.: LeoExtendedNotifications
this app will let you turn on extended notifications. it does not work with vibration but audio works good. mite have to install it twice, just go to settings-sounds and notifications and turn on all your sounds as this resets them and turn what you want to repeat.
p107r0 said:
don't know about screen, but there is quite nice app to blink keypad on missed call, sms, email etc.:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Installed last night & working fine. Just what I wanted!

[Q] Shut off screen light up?

I think we've agreed that the screen is the biggest battery draw on this phone.
I am on the stock ROM, and my screen lights up whenever anything happens on the phone. Any notifications light the screen up. Email/text/etc screen comes on to display the notification in addition to the sound.
Is there a way to keep the sound, and notification in the status bar, but keep the screen from lighting up?
I get a ton of emails M-F not to mention text messages and I don't need the screen firing up every time I get one. Hearing it is good, but I'm sure I'd save battery with the screen forced to stay off. Incremental savings? Maybe. But every little bit, right?
SMS Popup
I just discovered this when I flashed Unofficial. It has settings to disable the screen coming on when a text message arrives - at least it's a start, particularly if you get a lot of texts.
docfreed said:
I just discovered this when I flashed Unofficial. It has settings to disable the screen coming on when a text message arrives - at least it's a start, particularly if you get a lot of texts.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is that setting not in the stock ROM?
How do you get to it in yours?

[Q] Vibration and keyboard/sms questions

One thing that's a love/hate thing for me with this phone is the vibration. It's super loud and powerful. At first I loved it, but at work, it's actually a little obnoxious. Every time I get a text you can hear it from the other side of the room. I know with some phones there's options for pattern and intensity.. haven't seemed to find this. Anyone have an idea? I know I could also turn off vibrate notifications and just put the ring volume lower, but that can be just as distracting. And then I have to change it back to vibration on when I leave work.
Also one of my big issues is with the keyboard disappearing after every text I send. I'm using the stock Sense keyboard. I'm unsure if this is controlled by the keyboard itself or the messaging app. Normally this phone is super speedy, but every text I send, the keyboard disappears, and then it requires about 3 seconds before I can load it back up again if I'm sending back to back texts. I've seen this option in other messaging apps to hide/keep the board after sent message. Anyone see this functionality anywhere?
I've got everything stock, btw.

No notifications during chat conversation?

I am using a note 3 with stock 5.0 rooted..
When I get a text.. My phone vibrates and played my notification sound... This works fine.. However.. When I am done reading a text sometimes I just set my phone down with the conversation still open.. And when I receive a new text the phone assumes I am just looking at the conversation because it's open and doesn't give me any kind of notification or vibration what so ever... My girlfriend has got upset on more than one occasion be a use I didn't text her back.. Cause I would check the phone then set it down and then she would text me like 3 times and my phone doesn't tell me.
How can I get it to make a sound or vibrate for every text? Regardless if the app is open or not
bump... would really appreciate some help on this
Yes, my phone on android 5.0 behaves the same.
Generally after reading a text, I usually press home button or lock the screen to make sure i don't miss such notifications..

