[Q] Internet Surfing - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi This my name is Camillo.
i have a question about my Hd2.
The problem is that if i am on the internet i always been directed to the mobile page, but isnt there a way so that i can go to the normal webpage. i wil really make things a lot easyer. sorry about my inglish. thank you in advance.

Your browser identifies itself as beeing a mobile device.
It is a service of the site to direct you to theit mobile version: less data transfer, less use of flash, silverlight and that kind of stuff.
Mostly those sites have a button to see the original site often at the top or at the bottom of the page.
Other possibility is to change your User Agent string (opera:config) to "Opera/9.64(Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1" (without quotes) note original user agent string before changing, so you can revert.
This identifies as a windows opera browser, but possibly websites will not be full functioning.

Also from the settings of the browser

tank you, but can you explain how to.do this to change the string

Just do what I do. Keep Google as a homepage and at the bottom of the page there is a mobile and 'classic' option, click the Classic and you are sorted.
There are registry fixes, but I can never be bothered to change the values and strings.

i have used the google option and it worked like a charm. tank you all for your time and answers.


[Q] Changing the default search engine

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a way to change my HTC HD2's default search engine from google mobile to classic google. Both on the Internet tab on Sense and both on Opera's search.
Anyone knows how to do it?
Thanks in Advance, HTCOmnipotent
for the search box on the tab
for opera read up on changing the custom useragent.
Manilla solution works, But I've already changed my user-agent and it's not working.
I believe that it's because it doesn't search in google but sends a query to Opera's site which redirects to google mobile. The question is if there's a way around it?
Thanks for the quick reply, HTCOmnipotent.
i use opera 9.7 and just tested with custom user agent
Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/886; U; en) Presto/2.4.15
gives real google.
i think some opera versions as you say use the opera proxy, and isn't there a turbo mode in opera mini? think that would have the same effect.
however, i can't see that would matter, (other than for location dependant services) the proxy "should" pass on the user agent it gets given.
Maybe, but the redirecting link will always link to the mobile version. It's a server side thingy, has nothing to do with the user-agent.
heh well in that case all i can suggest is use opera 9.7, works for me
If you ARE on 9.7 then its something else.

[REQ] Opera Mobile 9.7 User Agent Cab

I found this intersting topic
"I've figured out how to get Opera Mobile 10 Beta 3 to only display websites in desktop view without getting redirected to a mobile version of the site. UPDATE: Works in Opera 10 Final too!
The first 2 steps are pretty common knowledge, but they don't work for all sites. It's the 3rd step that makes every website work for me.
Step 1: Set a custom user agent string
This tells websites what kind of device you are using to browse the site (desktop computer, smartphone, etc).
Goto opera:config -> User Prefs -> Custom User-Agent
Find a desktop user agent string, type it in, and save. I'm using the one from my Firefox browser on my home desktop (it can be found by clicking Help -> About Mozilla Firefox). Mine looks like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
You can use whatever string you can find that works. I've even seen people use an iPhone user agent to get iPhone versions of websites.
Step 2: Spoof a user agent ID
This tells websites what client you are using.
Goto opera:config -> User Agent -> Spoof User Agent ID
Type in the number corresponding to a browser to identify as that browser
Global values:
1 = Opera
2 = Mozilla
3 = Internet Explorer
Site-specific values:
4 = Mozilla, Opera not mentioned
5 = Internet Explorer, Opera not mentioned
Don't forget to save. I have mine set to 2, so websites think I'm using Firefox
Step 3: Set custom HTTP_Accept parameters
This one is hard to explain, but it basically tells the website which versions (i.e. desktop or mobile) are acceptable for viewing.
Goto opera:config -> Network -> HTTP Accept
Type this in exactly:
text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, application/x-obml2d, multipart/mixed, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
Please note that this is just the default entry minus the one element that allows for mobile/wap viewing.
Also in the Network section, go to HostName Expansion Prefix and delete wap from the list. Remember to save. Exit the browser and everything should work like a desktop from now on! You can go to www.whatsmyuseragent.com to check and see if everything is right. If you still want to view mobile versions of sites, you'll have to type in the specific mobile URL for that site (I keep mobile versions of my bookmarks just in case I get stuck on EDGE or a slow connection).
Hope this helps! If anyone with web-coding experience would like to explain further or correct anything I did wrong, please be my guest!"
by Eman3000; thx!
It's really useful and it does work everywhere.
However it takes ages to do it everytime.. can anyone make this process a lot faster? like write a .cab and/or a .reg?
Loved it!
Been looking for alternative browser for this sole reason. Nice and easy workaround (with proper credits given and a link to the source... you rock). Thanks for the share.
The opera repo thread is riddled with so much "spam" posts that I'm sure I'd have never found it. Definitely the most useful hack I read in quite a while.
EDIT: I used this in Opera 9.5. Did some digging and this info seems to be stored in opera.ini (stored in Application Data in Opera's folder... don't know if this is a constant over versions) which somewhat makes the cab method unfeasable (considering that it would affect all of the other user settings...). Also compared complete registry dumps and nothing was changed so the reg method is out. Would be however possible to Mortscript this (may need to be adapted according to Opera version which could be a pain).
EDIT2: Searched xda and found this. Took a peek with MSCEInf and found these cabs just change a few lines in the registry (no files). No for my version but may interest you.
you also can use my free software "UA_Change" :
or here :
All Opera Mobile/Mini versions: Official thread
Yes, there is great information collected in here, have a deep read to 1st page
frmariam said:
Been looking for alternative browser for this sole reason. Nice and easy workaround (with proper credits given and a link to the source... you rock). Thanks for the share.
The opera repo thread is riddled with so much "spam" posts that I'm sure I'd have never found it. Definitely the most useful hack I read in quite a while.
EDIT: I used this in Opera 9.5. Did some digging and this info seems to be stored in opera.ini (stored in Application Data in Opera's folder... don't know if this is a constant over versions) which somewhat makes the cab method unfeasable (considering that it would affect all of the other user settings...). Also compared complete registry dumps and nothing was changed so the reg method is out. Would be however possible to Mortscript this (may need to be adapted according to Opera version which could be a pain).
EDIT2: Searched xda and found this. Took a peek with MSCEInf and found these cabs just change a few lines in the registry (no files). No for my version but may interest you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Glad it helped!
the setting are stored in "opera.ini" you said..
how about a banal copy-paste from the old ROM to the new one of this file?
I also use opera 9.7, latest build. Are the setting still stored in the opera.ini file?
EDIT: Someone says yes.. someone no.. mhmhm... Anyone has a proven answer pls?
What's Mortscript?
Corwin9S said:
you also can use my free software "UA_Change" :
or here :
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What you said changes only the UA
In the process I wrote in the first post there's other tricks not related to the UA setting. Also I don't speak french
but thx.
orb3000 said:
Yes, there is great information collected in here, have a deep read to 1st page
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
looked as deep as I could.. didn't find anything answering my question.. lol
So, opera is the best brower for android. I solved the problem by this way too. Thanks you for your tip, and opera too.
you the man
you are freaking awesome.. i would need a degree in networking to be able to do those stuffs
thank you

no html 'real web browsing' on optimus?

the previous android phones i'd been using on t-mobile all provided real, desktop/laptop-like web browsing experiences on the phone. not the constrained and formatted for mobile web http://[B]m[/B].espn.com type browsing. so i was a little disappointed when i activated my optimus v on virgin for the first time today and started browsing to notice that the mobile web always loads websites in the constrained format.
is this a limitation of the handset? is there a setting in the mobile browser that you can perhaps change to view it in real html? or is it a limitation of the network even (virgin/sprint)?
Every serious webpage has somewhere at the end of page an optiom to change to desktop version. For example when you go on Google it gives you desktop/html onl/mobile options.
By defult the site is responsible to decide which version to bring you. It does that by reading you device type, which saiz android.
For example facebook forwards you to touch.facebook.com on smarthphone and m.facebook.com for featurephones.
Any yes browser has a setting to "fool" site what you are using. You can chance user agent in setting all browsers can do this, the options are android/iphone/desktop.....
But i leave this to android, if you chance to desktop you will see desktop facebook, which is much worse than touch version. It is easier to just find at the bottom the link to change to desktop version for sites that think android should be viewing mobile optimized, sily them.
Change your browser's user agent to Desktop or something like that. Skyfire, Dolphin HD, etc lets you do that easily.
For the default browser, check this link.

[Q] Avoid mobile version of certain sites?

I've a Galaxy SII,wife has an android 2.3 tablet.On some sites,it brings me straight to the mobile version of the site which I dont want.Some do give me the option of going to full site but certain sites dont.Is there a way I can block the 2 devices from automatically going to mobile version of sites and just go straight to normal version instead?Thanks in advance
Not really. It's not the devices that decide whether to go on mobile version of a web site. It's the web site that decides, based upon your web browser user-agent.
The only hack to force a website to serve you its full version would be to use a web browser that allows user-agent spoofing and change it to a desktop web browser user-agent. But then, depending on which user agent you use, you could have bugs because the website would think it's another device talking to him .
Thanks,so looks like it cant be done?
Why not giving a try to opera mobile? Im not sure if it is available for tablets but it's worth a shot, user agent can be changed from mobile to desktop trough the settings > advanced > user agent option
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
Opera Mobile is a great browser with a lot of features, including the ability to switch the user-agent from "mobile" or "tablet" to "desktop".
This should serve you the full page.
But i think there is only a Setting for the whole browser, not for each site.
So you have to change the Setting (only 3 clicks) everytime
I think "Doplhin Browser" also supports changing the user agent, but i don't use Dolphin myself..

[Q] Q: How to hide the Android ID to Websites/Server ?

Dear all,
hoping you can help me I would like to ask you, if you know how to change Android´s behaviour to identify itself against websites or the Exchange server ?
I don´t want to let anybody on the server side know, what device I do have/use.
Anybody an idea how to let my Android phone look like e.g. an Microsoft device to the exchange server ?
I am not sure I got what you're asking for...
I suppose you mean how to change the useragent, that is the string which tells the webserver who you are or, at least, what kind of browser you're using.
If you use opera mobile and turn the useragent into "desktop" the php code will drive you to the desktop version of the webpage, instead of the mobile one.
But still you'll be identified as one who's surfing the net with an android phone.
If you really want to turn yourself into something else and let the webserver believe that you're on windows explore or firefox for desktop or whatever you like, it's just a little bit more difficult.
You just have to write, instead of the URL,
opera: config
then you'll get a config-mask and look for
User Agent
tap on it a fill the "Spoof UserAgent ID" with the appropriate string, that you can easily find via a google search.

