[Q] S/MIME support for Android - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Could someone explain why there is no support for S/MIME in Android?
Is this because libraries are missing, no intererst in the community, etc?
Are there plans to add SMIME to Andoid (it is supported on Windows Mobile and BlackBerry).
Full support would be great (both creating and receiving SMIME messages), but for now I would settle for just the receiving part, thus being able to read received SMIME encoded messages sent by Outlook/Exchange.
I would really like to send my emails signed (using Exchange/Outlook), but have stopped since both iPhone and Android are incapable of reading those signed messages. I know I can set an option in Outlook to include a non signed text message for non SMIME capable devices, but attachements are then not visible, as they are always SMIME encoded..
Erik Cheizoo

S/MIME support for Android
i recently wrote an application to provide smime support on android:
the application is called "x509tools" and in the market or search for smime.
feedback and enhancments request are welcome at android [at] rundquadrat.at

minos could you provide us tablet users with no android market, with a direct link for the apk? I would realy like to evaluate your software...

direct link to x509tools
sorry didn't no that you poor tables user have no access
Get X509Tools direclty:

Sjeiz said:
Could someone explain why there is no support for S/MIME in Android?
Is this because libraries are missing, no intererst in the community, etc?
Are there plans to add SMIME to Andoid (it is supported on Windows Mobile and BlackBerry).
Full support would be great (both creating and receiving SMIME messages), but for now I would settle for just the receiving part, thus being able to read received SMIME encoded messages sent by Outlook/Exchange.
I would really like to send my emails signed (using Exchange/Outlook), but have stopped since both iPhone and Android are incapable of reading those signed messages. I know I can set an option in Outlook to include a non signed text message for non SMIME capable devices, but attachements are then not visible, as they are always SMIME encoded..
Erik Cheizoo
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On your android phone I go to
Settings --> Accounts & Sync
From there you click add account at the bottom, then click corporate.
On the next screen, type in your email address and password be sure to use the full [email protected]
optionally check the send from this account by default
then make it look like this picture obviously changing things as they apply to you
hope this will hope you.

Yeah Great answer
My wife have at the moment exactly this kind of situation...
Her company policy says that they are using s/mime protocol and even if I am doing whatsoever ---> android phone is not support that smime and I cannot get working mail/calendar/contacts in native android apps.
Moxier mail can do this but however it doesn't work reliably...
So when android support smime??
Oh... I forgot... My wifey have Desire HD with Android revolution HD 5.1.11

Touchdown and Moxier both support SMIME on Android.

I'm using this program and it works like a charm with ANY email client on Android:
Djigzo S/MIME Email encryption, from the author “Djigzo”
For Blackberry devices, download the app from: http://www.djigzo.com/bb.html

i hardly find any S/MIME info regarding android.
any news here?

R2Mail2 seems to be the only/best email app that includes SMIME and PGP.
There is CypherMail, but that says it can't verify clear signed messages.


Is there a better email client for WM6?

What I'm looking for are:
- Ability to have more than 5 email accounts.
- Ability to create mailing list, or a group of email accounts.
- Still have push mail capability, still able to display mail correctly.
Alternatively, is there an add-on to the standard outlook email application that would give us the mailing list capability?
I tried searching the net, but have not come across anything yet. Does anyone know of a solution?
Thanks and cheers.
How about FlexMail 2007 by WebIS?
Ninja1 said:
How about FlexMail 2007 by WebIS?
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As I understand it FlexMail uses a different method of pushing (IMAP IDLE rather than Direct Push).
Ninja1 said:
How about FlexMail 2007 by WebIS?
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Thanks Ninja1 for your info.
Have you tried it? Can you share your experience with us on FlexMail 2007?
If it has the feature that I look for, the method of pushing does not matter to me I guess.
I'm now playing with the trail version. Will report how well it satisfies my requirement of mailing list, and push mail.... Thanks again Ninja1
I don't see the mailing list feature any where within flexmail. Or may be it is a well hidden feature. How do I create a mailing list containing a group of email accounts, so that I need not compile this each time I need to send mail to a group of people?
Flexmail is da ****... It also handles SMS's.. All messages/mail in 1 App..
Madhadder said:
Flexmail is da ****... It also handles SMS's.. All messages/mail in 1 App..
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It's a lovely application, but it does not seem to have the ability to create mailing list. Or have I overlooked something?
Weird Software
If you have multiple mail ids associated to a contact, Flexmail 2007 doesn't allow you to select the mail id, it always select the primary id.
eaglesteve said:
It's a lovely application, but it does not seem to have the ability to create mailing list. Or have I overlooked something?
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The other way to do this is via server... I guess Flexmail did that to prevent people from spamming using their phone...
I'd like a clone of the Iphone's email client. I hate to harp on about it but this is Apple's FIRST attempt and it's pretty much the mutt's nuts.
Microsoft's attempt at HTML email in comparison is ugly, unfriendly and clunky...I mean what's all that 'scroll right' bollocks about??? Just show us the f**king page in a smooth, user-friendly way, allow us to add multiple accounts and switch them on and off as and when required and we will all be happy no doubt.
I've come back to a Windows Mobile device from an iPhone (perhaps because I'm sadistic) and I'm really lamenting the lack of features which I iitially deemed 'showy' on the iPhone when I first saw Steve Jobs showing it off.
I expect that Apple have poached all of Microsoft's best programmers, or else Microsoft have been dedicating 0.0002 percent of their focus to the Windows Mobile O.S.
Sorry for drifting a little off-topic. I will persevere with my Windows Mobile device in the interim and will also be on the hunt for a genuinely enjoyable and multi-functional Email replacement for Windows Mobile - or praying that they see fit to update the built-in one and stem the tide of XDA regulars pouring to Steve Jobs' door.
Let's face it - we've got more options than ever before - Microsoft now have a lot of competition and surely cant afford to keep making applications with the drab look of a chinese Cect iPhone clone's menu system, and relying on HTC to pick up the pieces.
Soon HTC and their incredibly talented programming team will bugger off to Android and we will start to see PROPER email clients, FULL ports of Openoffice, Thunderbird, Google Chrome/Firefox and Pidgin for example - on an open-source network.
I just hope that Microsoft get their act together before my upgrade arrives in february or else this time I'm gone for good.
I sure agree with Leoni
I just checked my wife's iPhone and I must say the email client is just too good , sent a couple of my HTML emails and I must say it was just the way as they appear in normal outlook.
I am having a Touch HD 800x480 screen and I get to see crappy links while my wife with a
iphone 480x30 screen sees just super HTML emails with all the proper formatting and pictures.
Come on MS , give us a proper email client , after all these years we are in 09 for pet's sake.
since we are off topic, might as well continue.
I have a BB 9000 for email and I still think BB is the most bullet proof email.
Recently I went to a Nokia E71 and the email client reminds me of the MS one, although it seems to rend emails better.
Ultimately as I have a yahoo email account, i don't really need internal email clients and yahoo2go version 3 is just excellent. It is available for symbian, BB and WM. unfortunately the yahoo2go client looks [email protected] on the Athena VGA display - hopefully it will be updated for VGA WM soon.
Also, have you tried profimail ? I hear it is good. its not technically push, but set up with IMAP you won't notice the difference. There is a trial version

[Q] Help with Exchange email

Hey guys-
I had been using TouchDown Exchange to access my work email. When I first got android I asked my IT department if they could set it up for me but they replied that they "don't support Android, and because there are so many different android phones, they probably wouldn't ever support". Anyways, I found I could use the web-exchange server (http://xxx.xxxxxxxx.com/exchange/) as my domain on the android app and it would end up sync'ing my email to my phone.
I guess they eventually found out I was doing this somehow and they blocked it. They do support the iPhone, though, and through a coworker I was able to get the server and domain that they use.
Is there anyway I can trick the server into thinking I'm using an iPhone so it will allow me to connect and sync? I tried using the "ActiveSync Device String" and setting it to "iPhone" before connecting to the server, but that didn't work. I don't know much about exchange servers if you couldn't tell, but is there a way they can authorize only certain users to connect? Could I potentially borrow my girlfriends iphone, have them set it up on her device, and then once I get the login permissions, switch the info over to my fascinate?
Sorry to any IT administrators out there, I bet this post will annoy you haha. I just want to have email on my phone because I hate walking into work in the morning and getting blindsided by an email that was sent to me at 2am.
Thanks in advance for your help guys.
Our IT department also has a "no android" policy but I figured out that if I left the Domain blank and used the Webmail url as the Exchange server address everything would sync perfectly. I started out using Touchdown but dropped it for the stock email client.
They specifically denied your phone from syncing via ActiveSync? Even with Touchdown, which more fully supports the ActiveSync protocol than even the iPhone? Sounds like your IT guys are morons. I can fully understand not wanting to support Android phones because of all the variances. I know, because I work for an ASP hosting company that does just that. But really, if they wont support Touchdown, they're just shooting themselves in the foot, because that app will work the sane no matter what Android phone it's installed on, meaning you will have a standardized mail platform for Android that supports any and all necessary security features, including full encryption of the local mail database and any data it stores on the SD card.
I don't know if you'll get anywhere with it, but I would recommend showing the the feature list for Touchdown, including the security features, and ask them to support that one app. If you make the case that they only need to support one app for any Android phone, they should be willing to work with you on that.
Besides, every serious corporate user should be using Touchdown anyway. The stock mail client, no matter what Android phone you have, is lacking some of the most basic features, is buggy,and is essentially useless. And if days encryption is required, you're out of luck with the stock clients. Exchange syncing is really an afterthought by Google, and until they make enterprise features and data security a primary focus, things wont get any better.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate
Oh, and btw, I'm not an expert on the matter, but I know that mobile device syncing can be disabled on a per-user basis. What I'm not sure about is if it can actually allow only certain devices to connect or not.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate

How can Android be missing this?

I am re-posting this from another user on a different forum. He/She wrote exactly what I wanted to say so why change it?
The major shortfall of Android ICS is the inability to handle standard Internet Calendar Sharing (ICS) meeting requests (calendar invitations) sent via email.
Every other platform in the world seems able to handle a meeting invitation sent from a calendar application, whether that is from Microsoft Outlook (worldwide standard in the business world), an iCal file from an Apple device. The web-based version of gmail correctly handles calendar invites and prompts one to respond with a "Yes/No/Maybe" reply.
The native Android gmail app shows either just a blank email or sometimes the text details of a meeting invite. There is no ability to respond to the meeting request. Instead, Android places the item on the Calendar and expects the user to respond to it there. The problem with this approach is the one needs to know where to look on the calendar.
A Google search shows that this has been a known issue for years, yet Google does nothing about it.
Short of ditching the native gmail app for a functional third-party app, how can one enable gmail to handle meeting requests the way every other email application does?
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What I want to know is how a black and white screen BlackBerry from the stone ages can read and reply to meeting requests yet my dual-core, multitasking juggernaut of a phone can't preform this simple function. How on earth can Android/Google turn off business users like this??? I am aware that some 3rd party apps on Android do provide this function but they all require you to connect to an exchange server! W T F Google??????
jets76 said:
I am re-posting this from another user on a different forum. He/She wrote exactly what I wanted to say so why change it?
What I want to know is how a black and white screen BlackBerry from the stone ages can read and reply to meeting requests yet my dual-core, multitasking juggernaut of a phone can't preform this simple function. How on earth can Android/Google turn off business users like this??? I am aware that some 3rd party apps on Android do provide this function but they all require you to connect to an exchange server! W T F Google??????
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My sensation seems to handle it ok. And im not using exchange.
Sent from my SX-SP715A using XDA
What email app?
dunno what's wrong with my ics but its working fine here, im getting invitation popups and i can respond yes/no/maybe. it seems though that the mail itself is rawtext if you open it, but the invitation will be triggered when the time is proper.
molesarecoming said:
dunno what's wrong with my ics but its working fine here, im getting invitation popups and i can respond yes/no/maybe.
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Same here, got no problems.
jets76 said:
I am re-posting this from another user on a different forum. He/She wrote exactly what I wanted to say so why change it?
What I want to know is how a black and white screen BlackBerry from the stone ages can read and reply to meeting requests yet my dual-core, multitasking juggernaut of a phone can't preform this simple function. How on earth can Android/Google turn off business users like this??? I am aware that some 3rd party apps on Android do provide this function but they all require you to connect to an exchange server! W T F Google??????
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Not sure what caused your issues. I've had invites and responded from the following without problems:
1. Lotus Domino
2. MS Exchange
My systems:
1. Plain Gmail and Gmail calendar (for personal stuffs).
2. Google Apps Gmail and Google Apps Calendar (for business stuffs).
Hope that helps.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Are you saying that in the Android phone's gmail app you get meeting request emails and have the YES/NO/MAYBE buttons available? If YES are you using and ms exchange server? If NO, did the person send the request from a gmail email address?
Invitation Plugin
Check if Invitation Plugin application can solve your issue. It opens ics invites in default calendar where you can accept/decline event.
You can get this app on Google Play:
For it to work you need to enable 'Automatically add invitations to my calendar' setting in Google Calendar
It requires Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Hope that helps.
(Sorry I cannot post links yet just add http to urls)
Working for me

Email stopped working on WM6.5.5

I'm using rom as in my signature.
gmail & hotmail accounts setup as pop3 have suddenly stopped working, I get error message like below .
messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device
make sure settings & connection correct & try again
Settings are all correct & we got same fault on more than one HD2 and same via wifi or 3G .
Assuming certificate issue or protocol change the WM6.5.5 inbuilt mail app can't handle .
Had a cert expired warning message for some time but could click accept to carry on ignoring cert issue !
What email situation others having on WM6.5.5 roms ?
Will look into certs & updating but any info from others would be good ...
Well after some research & testing it is ssl protocol change.
mail works fine on a no ssl test setup, after some searching & replies in other threads issue is crypt.dll in wm6.5 only supporting sha1 and now sha2 in use .
newer crypt sha2 is available but looks to need implementation during rom building rather than easily copying/patching it in a device running rom. :-/
Unable add crypt files to roms that protected, unprotected roms would probably work with simple copying of crypt files to running rom but as most are protected (inc NRG) then it will not work.
Also unable dump from protected nbh so will need start from scratch.
If NRG had supplied a kitchen sometime after he retired from WM development it would of been a 15minute job to add the newer crypt package ...
2 easy email solutions is third party apps, profimail & nPOPuk, both work but built in outlook was/is a neat mail client.
amazingly the nPOPuk open ssl works as had better protocol standard .
apps added below if needed (all freeware). npop not nicest to use but is light & runs sd card with no installer .
Other solution is using rebuilt roms with crypt.dll already fixed. Poyensa has done this & some can be found in WM6.5 Rom area .
Try Re-routing Emails Through Local Email Service
Firstly, thank you for continuing to provide support for the magnificent HD2 - I'm on my 5th and will continue until it proves impossible - I'm currently using the Australian Telstra model T9193 but have also had a U.S. T-Mobile model and the original T8585 model.
Secondly, I had the same problem with emails for the last 12-24 months as GMail, Microsoft, Yahoo and others progressively increased their POP3 email security to TLS exclusively, however there are still many email services that continue to use SSL only, for example, iiNet and Telstra, both in Australia. All I do is make use of the free option provided by all the major email services, to forward all my emails onto another email service, from where they can come directly to my HD2 and via which I can still send out emails. For example, I configured my POP3 Microsoft Outlook email account (and others) to forward all arriving emails onto my POP3 iiNet email account, which in turn forwards all emails that arrive there onto my HD2 WM6.5 Pocket Email manager App. It all works seamlessly, just as it always did when all the services arrived separately.
The only confusion that may arise is if your correspondents realise that you give one email address which they can use to contact you but all your responses come from another email address. Frankly, no one I communicate with is savvy enough to even notice.
Cheers, and thanks again.
^ That is a good point .
I do the same for my mums phone as she has a tiscali email with ability use old ssl or none.
Problem is I have no services offering suitable email or see any available. another option could be via web hosting if you got one and have some email setting control .
Is a pain, shame the dll not easily overwritten in device rom as easy tidy fix for everyone .
Thank you for researching this. I had to pull my Tilt2 out of retirement when my M8 tanked on a WM10 build. Was able to revive it, but now that I've got the Tilt out, I plan to at least catch it up on things...
Mister B said:
Unable add crypt files to roms that protected, unprotected roms would probably work with simple copying of crypt files to running rom but as most are protected (inc NRG) then it will not work.
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Dude, this crypt dll is a part of XIP - that means - no way to copy anything to ready rom. Besides - yesterday I just for fun cooked 29366 rom for Leo TMOUS - even with new crypt dll in xip outlook sync does not work. So - just forget it. Gmail seems to work.

Native CalDAV/CardDAV support?

Lately I have been wondering why Android still does not have native support for CalDAV & CardDAV, when both have been the de-facto open standard for contacts and calendar sync for years. Is there no native support because Google wants it to make it more difficult to use alternatives to their services? (In my case: NextCloud/ownCloud, which I can add right away even to an old Iphone, but still do not work with android out of the box without something like DAVDroid) Or are there plans to integrate it into future versions?
What's the problem with installing an app? Android has a native API for contacts and calendars, so I guess they can't be accused of making it "difficult". They probably just don't want to make it "too easy".
One could also ask why 99,9% of app developers don't support APK distribution but require users to use GApps & Play Store …
xv22gk said:
What's the problem with installing an app? …
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Which is not answering my question whether it is planned to have native support for CalDAV/CardDAV.
CardDAV / CalDAV are open standards for data exchange just like IMAP, NTP, SMTP and so on. It would be only natural for android to support them

