Sense Music Player stops playing every file at different time - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hey guys,
i searched for similar threads and found some..but none of them was really answered.
i have a problem with the sense music player:
when i start to play a song, everything's fine. but suddenly, it stops playing (around the half of the song).
the only chance i have is to jump to the beginning or to the next song..but with every file its the same.
my music is on sd card, but there is no problem with what can i do?
does it contain to CHT 2.0? (but i'm sure, others dont have that problem)
htc hd2
1.48 stock rom
1921 manila (CHT 2.0 final)


This patch below should solve your problem of music pausing halfway at each track:

great, i'll try it. thanks

great, it worked
thanks man

You're welcome!


So I have a question about streaming video.

First of all let me thank EVERYONE who contributed to this site. I'm new to the Hermes world and everything I needed to know on how to flash my phone was documented in a very easy to understand way. My cingular 8525 is now running the cooked WMXL 0.20 relase with an upgraded radio from 1.16 to I couldn't be happier.
One thing i've always wondered about my device is when I go to a site like half the time i try and stream a video i get a blank screen and can only hear sound. Maybe if i stop and start the video a few times i'll finally be able to actually see it. What gives? Upgrading to WMXL didn't seem to fix this problem.
What does the Streaming Media program do in WMXL?
Please do a search on streaming video and you will get this post
Matt-Helm said:
First of all let me thank EVERYONE who contributed to this site. I'm new to the Hermes world and everything I needed to know on how to flash my phone was documented in a very easy to understand way. My cingular 8525 is now running the cooked WMXL 0.20 relase with an upgraded radio from 1.16 to I couldn't be happier.
One thing i've always wondered about my device is when I go to a site like half the time i try and stream a video i get a blank screen and can only hear sound. Maybe if i stop and start the video a few times i'll finally be able to actually see it. What gives? Upgrading to WMXL didn't seem to fix this problem.
What does the Streaming Media program do in WMXL?
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The issue with no video but only audio seems to occur when the videobitrate of the videostream is too high to be handled by wmp.
For pocketpcmedia you should try to select to "low" bitrate stream (but these sometimes also have a videobitrate wich is too high)
Do you have any examples for streams where this happens?
The streaming media Program is used for streaming in 3gp format. You can for example select the "3gp" streaming format in Orb. Then when you select a videostream in Orb you will see the streaming media program starting.

Music stops after a few minutes from SD card

I have a really annoying issue on WM6. When playing music using HTC AudioManager or WMP from an SD card the audio will stop after 5 minutes as though the SD card is getting powered off. Is this normal and is there a known fix?
I have had the same issue with Shadow and Crystal but previously used WM5 which was not a problem.
Anks said:
I have a really annoying issue on WM6. When playing music using HTC AudioManager or WMP from an SD card the audio will stop after 5 minutes as though the SD card is getting powered off. Is this normal and is there a known fix?
I have had the same issue with Shadow and Crystal but previously used WM5 which was not a problem.
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YUp... I'm facing the same issue with all WM6 roms ....
I have tried lots of different roms and the only time I had that problem was when I used the original Touch X by Gullum, Great rom apart from that , I just upgraded to version Xb from Gullum now works fine. Just for Info I am using a Platinum 4gb Card.
umm.. so weird, I never face that problem before
what's ur ROM?
i've never had that problem before, only some skipping when using by BT headset, an overclock fixed that.
Same problem here i'm using Shadow Touch edition.
After music stops i open storage card from file explorer and all the data looks scrambled... Then, when i reinsert storage card, everything works fine for a few minutes and than the same thing happens again...
Same problem here, I am using Crystal 5.1 and just posted the problem before I view this thread. Is there a fix for this?
When I was in Touch X/XB the Music Player played a longer time before the application close but in Crystal I think it closes after at least 3 songs(in the SD card) or so.
I use Shadow Touch rom and it have the same problem, I even disable the setting for turn device off for ..... .
thank you.
I used Crystal 5.0 and now Shadow Touch and have the same problem with both. I altered the registery settings for SD Card power management also which made no difference.
would be great if there was a solution but I'm also glad I'm not the only one.
i think the music stops after a while due to disappearing sd put this into your registry problem will be solved...
this happens only with htc audio manager,it is application problem,actually htc audio manager closes by itself,you do not describe the problem correctly,it excists in kaiser 5.1 and shadow touch too.when i use windows media or other application,there is no problem,htc audio manager bug only.
Yup. I've had Audio Manager close on me even as I am using it. Anyone else comment?
let me try media player n c.
maybe hma4 or cloudafa can answer?
have try it on Media player, no problem at alll....
problem from Audio Manager.
I don't like WMP's EQ setting, hurts my ears.
download and extract (anywahere except extrom) and got to folder and run audiomanager.exe 495Kb file music wont stop but your screen plugin may not work so you assign it to WMPon registry
kamalneet said:
download and extract (anywahere except extrom) and got to folder and run audiomanager.exe 495Kb file music wont stop but your screen plugin may not work so you assign it to WMPon registry
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Thanks for the fix! I wonder where is the registry for the Crystal 5.1?
How can I apply this fix? is there a cab for this?
This solution does not works.Thanks anyway!
d1srupt3r said:
Thanks for the fix! I wonder where is the registry for the Crystal 5.1?
How can I apply this fix? is there a cab for this?
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kamalneet said:
download and extract (anywahere except extrom) and got to folder and run audiomanager.exe 495Kb file music wont stop but your screen plugin may not work so you assign it to WMPon registry
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what it is actually??
I will try it later...

New User Here

Hey guys, new owner to the Tytan here, I got Sprint's version though.
So far so good with the phone but i do have a couple nitpicks...
I already read about the battery life, i think the one i got at first was used or something cause not even using wifi a lot or bluetooth i was avg less than a day! I got another battery, hopefully it works better...
1st Question: I noticed Windows Media Player has no equalizer, what kind of programs out there do you guys reccomend for playing music that have more options than WMP?
2) I tried playing videos through youtube but WMP keeps giving me error messages saying "cannot read file" What can i do?
I got others but i can't remeber now.
Thanks for your help!
NOT sure about the equalizer...Search for tcpmp and the flashvideobundle and you can get youtube.
prepsssuck said:
NOT sure about the equalizer...Search for tcpmp and the flashvideobundle and you can get youtube.
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tcpmp has equalizer incorporated. it is an excellent media player
post removed

[Q] Problem with video playback on my own cooked ROM

Hi all,
i hope i'm in the right section.
I'm tryng to cook my own ROM in ITA language 0410, taking for base OEM and EXT 2.10, sys 21985.
I transfer all the necessary files 0410.mui.exe from official 1.66 to my kitchen and upgraded MUI strings if necessary.
I'use manila 2012 and after days of work, now ROM it's perfect, but i've a big problem with my own video playback from Album Tab (but aslo with WMP).
I can hear voice, but i can't see any video.
I've no prolem with the photos.
Another little problem is that Album TAB don't autorotate as in official rom,
while music TAB have no proble.
Can you help me solve this problem?
Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks in advance.
Little edit. i have problem also in youtube video playback.
stalvatero said:
Hi all,
i hope i'm in the right section.
I'm tryng to cook my own ROM in ITA language 0410, taking for base OEM and EXT 2.10, sys 21985.
I transfer all the necessary files 0410.mui.exe from official 1.66 to my kitchen and upgraded MUI strings if necessary.
I'use manila 2012 and after days of work, now ROM it's perfect, but i've a big problem with my own video playback from Album Tab (but aslo with WMP).
I can hear voice, but i can't see any video.
I've no prolem with the photos.
Another little problem is that Album TAB don't autorotate as in official rom,
while music TAB have no proble.
Can you help me solve this problem?
Sorry for my bad english.
Thanks in advance.
Little edit. i have problem also in youtube video playback.
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Have you found a solution to this issue yet?
Because I too have cooked my own ROM on my HTC Imagio & My brother's HTC Pure and have simular issues that your having with your HD2. But my issue is the sound cuts right off and video often would freeze up the my device. When playing video through Album & YouTube.
I have tried like 2 to 3 different versions of Album, Full Screen player, DShow, Media Toolkit, m Hub, etc... I tried anything that my lead to the issue. I also tried not including youtube...still nothing.
I am using:
Manila v2.5.2012

Help!!! How to get rid of freezes while playing a video?

Since July I have an annoying problem with playing a video which was made by camera in VGA.
It freezes every 1 - 2 seconds.
I have problems only with this type of video.
Which packages do I have to replace?
Or do I have to do something else in my kitchen?
P.S. Tried 2.14 - 3.14 Drivers.
Does anyone know, how to solve this problem?
Please, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try core player, it reads many formats and is very smooth
nickytheshaft said:
try core player, it reads many formats and is very smooth
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TCPMP (The Core Pocket Media Player) is a free alternative. This is where CorePlayer came from. It plays any format with the best results, it can even display subtitles. It will make the best use of your hardware. Assuming you have an HD2, it will play DVD Rip movies without any problems, just as you get them on your computer.
I want to get rid of freezes for default (HTC) player, because I want my HD2 work better with default soft.
You could try installing leo cpu speed and disable speed scaling, that may help.
Sounds like an issue reading from the sd card though, it may be worth backing up your files and formatting the card.
Did you change roms recently, i.e. around July 1st?
I made the last my rom yesterday.
And this issue have all my users.
Doesn't anyone know how to solve my problem?
If you could upload a sample captured video, then somebody can try in their mobile and then you identify its an issue with player or recording format,bitrate etc.

