[Q] RUU files and modification - Droid Eris Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am a noob and I am trying to determine the layout of files and how things work. I have extracted the files from a verizon RUU and have a couple of questions. What is the .NB0 and .NB files? Is it possible to take the .img files and modify them or are they going to be signed by verizon and unchangeable? Where does the PRI exist in this?


How to get the NBH file from original shiped exe file?

Already got the answer. Just use WinRAR to extract. Thanks.
I use cabextract under Cygwin. Don't know if there's a better/easier way.

Files from ROM

I guys. I kinda need some help. I flashed Transformer 1.0 and some files are missing.
I reaaaaaally don't wanna flash it again so can you please post those files for me? or just teach me a way to retrieve them from the rom? (loved to do that)
I used the exes from the kitchen rom soft from the forum and got access to the os.nb files but still the files I need aren't there.
I guess maybe they're on the nbf file from pdaviet's temp rom but couldn't access the files inside it.
The files are the exes for:
msn live(pmsnlive something .exe)
the terminal exe
Could you mail them or post them on rapidshare? I can put a full path and name here from the files here...
Thanks in advance
got the timewizard.exe around the forum
but still some files missing
did you a hard reset?
Yes I did. when it prompted me for the calibration.
I did it again and everything's fine now!

make an nbh for the dcd 3.0 kitchen

does anyone know how to make a nbh file to replace the one in the ruu folder.
Run BuildNB.bat in the Kitchen root folder and when the ROMUpdateUtility.exe starts, cancel it and the .nbh file will be updated in the RUU folder.
Either that or just delete or move the old nbh out of the RUU folder...
i meant making one that will allow me to change the rom version name to one that i want and change the startup boot splash to one that i created

OEM's For Custom ROM's

This is probably a easy question but I have been struggling to find an answer. I downloaded a custom kitchen because I wanted one of the .exe files from it, but when I go into the OEM section there is a folder for the .exe. Inside the folder are the imageinfo.bin, imageinfo.txt and S00 files. Is there a way to get this back to the exe format so I can just copy the file to my phone? I tried loading the custom ROM and copying the exe from the windows folder and it would not allow me to do that either. Any help is appreciated
Those are packages for cooking including the registry files, drivers and other random files needed for the app to work. I would not use those... just type in what your looking for followed by .cab into the search bar and should be able to find it
I realize the rgu file contains the registery entries, but I really need the exe for wmodem used it the ROM. I have tried the wmodem cab files with no success.
snag nueRecMod...
drag the folder containing imageinfo.bin, etc onto nueRecMod.exe in windows explorer
look inside the nueRecMod folder for your compiled module
That works great. Thanks man!!!

Overwriting Files

Hello, i need to edit an existing file under the windows DIR.
I can edit the file in Total Commander but can't re-save the file.
I have copied the file on to my laptop, edited the file again but not able to force the file back into the windows DIR.
Anyone know how to do this?
No one able to help me out?
I guess you are trying to overwrite an HTC ROM File. To do that you need to unlock the ROM somehow....

