[Q] Custom Browser User Agent string - Streak 5 Android Development

I've been trying to change Streak's stock browser's default UA (as I know a lot of people have been trying for a while). I went and pulled Browser.apk from the /system/app and extracted the files inside.
I then went through each of the files and found the following in classes.dex:
At data offset:
0x00030DD1 to 0x00030E4A
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16
0x00030E4D to 0x00030EDA
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7; en-us) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/530.17
These are the exact same UA strings I get when I switch to the Iphone and Desktop user agent through about:debug in the browser.
I assume changing these strings will change the UA of the respective settings under about:debug settings mode in the default browser. However, I haven't tried as the actual ua string I am looking for is the default.
The default user agent string on my Dell Streak is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-gb; Dell Streak Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
(currently using DJ_Steve's 1.4.6 Froyo rom)
Ultimately, I have these few questions, and am hoping someone out there can help:
1. I can't seem to find it in the Browser.apk, and am just wondering if it is a shared UA in webview for all the different network accessing applications?
2. If I change the default UA, would it affect all applications that uses the network?
3. Where is the default UA string kept?
4. For the about:debug method of changing the user agent string, is there a way to force the settings to persist after exit and restart of the browser application?
I apologize if I sound like I don't know what I am talking about, as this is my first android device, and my knowledge of linux/computers is generally quite limited.
Thanks ahead of time to anyone who can help out.


[TOOL] [20-JAN-2011] fixOperaFlash v1.5.5.20

After I saw few open threads about how to enable Flash into Opera browser, I decide to create this tool, which will automatically install and configure everything you need to run your Opera with Flash support.
With other words: No need to install Flash Lite... Yes, just Plug&Flash!
Find some time and read hilaireg's post from here, who explains the exact "Flash situation".
This flash plugin announce itself as Flash 9 compatible to play back any ActionScript 2.0 SWF content. However, it is based on Flash 8 technology and that why this plugin doesn't support ActionScript 3.0... This is the reason why most of the sites still want to upgrade it, but some of them will work.
Every Opera 9.50/9.70 build, which support plugins and works with v2.1 initialization files. Also support latest 9.70 builds, which using registry instead of ini files.
You can try and share your experience with your version/build here, but for me Opera 9.70 #35443 is the best flash-wise build so far (my personal preference).
This tool work also on your PC, if you start it from Opera's root folder, but this is another story...
Windows Mobile
5.0 / 6.0 / 6.1 / 6.5 / 6.5.1
.NET Compact Framework
v2.0 / v3.5
Opera 9.5 builds:
1522, 1938, 1957, 2372, 2392, 2745, 2808
15233, 15529, 15613, 15746, 15750
16070, 16277, 16643, 16702, 16730, 16844, 16983
17323, 17518, 17658, 17775, 17963, 17992
Opera 9.7 builds (w/o Turbo Mode and Widgets):
35166, 35267, 35393, 35432, 35443, 35461, 35523, 35541, 35758, 36028
WWW sites:
YouTube.com (IEActiveX.dll)
DailyMotion.com (IEActiveX.dll)
SpeedTest.net (flash.dll)
HTC.com (flash.dll)
hilaireg (who really amaze me with his testing/findings)
André N. Klingsheim (for this list of all mobile phone brands released by the WURFL project)
orb3000 (for All Opera Mobile versions: Official thread)
animelover (who show me how to register the Flash plugin and also tested 1st beta)
bnm7bnm, barty22 and indagroove from ppcgeeks forum (they pointed me in the right direction)
homeward (02.OCT.2009)
njbreaker (23.OCT.2009)
L. Staal (06.NOV.2009)
M. Pauck (15.APR.2010)
M. Mascia (05.DEC.2010)
quisxx (13.DEC.2010)
v1.5.5.20 [20-JAN-2011]
fixed application crash with some Opera versions
these tweaks are no longer available: Maximum open tabs and Disk cache
Full change log, can be found in post #3.
Check "HOW TO FOR DUMMIES" below in post #2.
Check "FAQs" below in post #2.
Check upcoming changes in post #3.
Check the list of supported devices in post #4.
Use the right feedback form!
If you consider to report something, please do it in this thread by filling form below:
Device name
Opera build
Attach these files, located into Opera's root folder:
opera.ini (file not exists if you are running Opera 9.70 build#35393+)
This tool can be distributed "as is", but you will have to link current thread as homepage!
Start fixOperaFlash.exe from inside Opera's root folder (press to continue if warning message for running Opera pop up), but don't deploy yet!
Open Tools menu and check state of the "Push Internet" check-box:
If checked, remove the check-box and click [OK] on pop up message for restart!
If unchecked, run your Opera browser and exit it from Menu -> Exit -> OK
Follow this procedure:
If your device is not included into "UAProf Device" list, this tool probably will not succeed (depend from your ROM). Check post #4 for more info.
Backup files are with .bup extension, inside Opera's folder. They holding Opera's default settings, before applying the Patch and you can restore them back whenever you want.
Full uninstall of the changes can be made from inside About tab -> button Rollback.
There will be light at the end of this tunnel! Times, when this application will be shrunken by more than 1.5MB
Q: Why I can't pass trough "Deploy Flash Libraries" screen?
A: Install SdkCerts.cab (attached in this post) first, then run my tool.
Q: Already have SdkCerts.cab installed, but I am still on "Deploy Flash Libraries" screen. What now?
A: Press again "Deploy Flash Libraries" button. Now uncheck "silent" and then uncheck "delete" (if appear) and try again. If you are still there, install \Windows\FlashLib.cab manually.
Q: Is there any alternative method for "Deploy Flash Libraries", because I can't make it?
A: From Tools menu, choose Advanced -> Flash Package -> Deploy. Restart your PPC on all cost after deployment.
Q: Do I have to disable Push Internet and how exactly to do this?
A: Yes, just run my tool and disable Push Internet from Tools menu. After that, restart Opera and close it from Menu -> Exit and choose OK (to close Opera).
Q: My Opera is closed, but still have warning about running Opera! Is there anything I can do here?
A: Yes, just run Opera and close it from Menu -> Exit and choose OK (to close Opera).
Q: The libraries successfully deployed, but which settings to choose?
A: Leave "Safe Mode" checked, and register IEActiveX.dll (recommended)
Q: I can't register that IEActiveX.dll, because of disabled [Register] button. What to do?
A: Nothing. Seams that IEActiveX.dll is already registered, but you can check it in the "Registered Flash Library" (upper part of the main form).
Q: Why all check boxes from INI tab are disabled?
A: Because they are auto configured by "Safe Mode" checkbox.
Q: Why my [Restore] and [Fix It!] buttons are unavailable?
A: Your Opera path is incorrect (with RED background).
Q: What is wrong with my Opera path? I checked it and it is absolutely correct!
A: If your path is correct, then this tool can't find at least one of these opera.ini or axobjects.ini files.
Q: I have installed Opera 9.5 and 9.7 and I want to keep it in that way. Is there a way to modify them?
A: Of course. Start the tool and from Opera root folder, choose 1st path and [Fix it]. Repeat that step for 2nd path and restart.
Q: My Opera path is correct (with GREEN background), but [Restore] button is unavailable. Why?
A: Obviously, nothing to restore. Backup will be created on first [Fix it] on checked INI files.
Q: Is there a way to uninstall all changes?
A: Yes, from About tab -> [Rollback] button.
Q: Do I have to soft reset my device after the apply the this fix?
A: Yes, every time when pop up appear for that!
Q: My device is not supported. What can I do?
A: First, read post #4. Then if it isn't in list yet, don't choose device and proceed with [Fix it] button. Send back your fixOperaFlash.log file!!!
Q: What exactly means UAProf?
A: User Agent Profile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UAProf
Q: My device doesn't have UAProfs, but how to be sure?
A: Check this site, but note, that not all devices have UAProfs.
Q: My device is in the list(post #4) of supported devices, but I can't see it inside your tool. What can I do?
A: Download fixOperaFlash.ini(mirror) and overwrite your local copy inside \Windows directory. After that run fixOperaFlash.exe.
Q: Does this tool work with latest Opera builds?
A: Yes so far, but please share your experience.
Q: Does this tool work with latest stable Opera 8.65?
A: Opera 8.65 uses old initialization files, so it will not work with my tool.
Q: Does this tool work with latest Opera 10 betas?
A: No, while it doesn't support plugins. And don't ask me when. Thanks!
Q: Does this tool works with turned on Opera's Turbo Speed Preview?
A: No, there is a reason to call it Preview.
Q: Does this tool works on sites like www.hulu.com?
A: Sorry, not yet.
Q: The tool crash with this message: "An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found". Any ideas?
A: Please, install first this cab and after that install this cab file and start again fixOperaFlash. Send me back the new error message. Thanks!
Q: Doesn't work at all! Any ideas?
A: Sure, will try to help you. You need to use the feedback form, but don't forget to attach the files which I mention in it!
Q: How to...
A: Check "HOW TO FOR DUMMIES" and "HOW TO VIDEOS" again.
Lac of time, but will try to keep this up to date.
History / Upcoming
v1.5.5.20 [20-JAN-2011]
fixed application crash with some Opera versions
these tweaks are no longer available: Maximum open tabs and Disk cache
v1.5.4.20 [12-JUN-2010]
Flash Library version
added Registry backup/restore functionality
improved Opera10 support
improved Flash version check
fixed Maximum allowed tabs slider's value set
fixed Disk cache slider's value set
fixed some minor bugs
v1.5.4.0 [23-NOV-2009]
Flash Library version
First Opera10 support attempt
fixed First Browser Launch check box
v1.5.3.0 [16-NOV-2009]
Flash Library version
added Tools -> Advanced -> First Time Launch
added registry backup for newest 9.7 Opera's builds (restore in progress)
added [Restore] and [Rollback] will affect all Opera's root folders
fixed crash bug on initialize version of newest 9.7 Opera's builds
fixed screen rotation bug
v1.5.2.0 [22-OCT-2009]
Flash Library package version
added deploy button to be disabled if Opera is still running
added "UAProf URL Enable" key, which claims to be used from newest 9.70 builds
fixed crash bug when trying to initialize "Tabs" with value grater than 9
fixed crash bug when trying to initialize "Cache" with value grater than 20MB
fixed Asus-P750 support
v1.5.1.0 [06-OCT-2009]
Flash Library package version
added more supported devices (iPAQ hx4700 will never be between them)
added File -> View -> override_download.ini, errors.log and fixOperaFlash.log
added soft reset dialog after Push Internet state changed
changed name of the "INI" tab to "FIX", to be more accurate with newest Opera 9.7
changed name of "Patch" button to "Fix it!", to be more accurate with tab name
added Zoom Slider bar fix (thanks to Riekr)
fixed Push Internet toggle menu
fixed crash bug, when trying to patch if some ini key is divided on two rows (thanks to homeward)
v1.5.0.0 [25-SEP-2009]
Flash Library package version
added support for featured builds, which using registry instead of ini files
added auto-detect patch destination (registry or ini files)
added Max open tabs picker (up to 9)
added Tools -> Advanced -> Debug Mode
reduced patch timing
v1.4.9.0 [16-SEP-2009]
Flash Library version
added flash7 player for compatibility
added Language list box (Safe Mode dependent)
added <language> variable inside fixOperaFlash.ini file
added Disk Cache size picker (up to 20MB)
added Elf, Elfin, Hermes, Max4G devices
v1.4.8.0 [10-SEP-2009]
Flash Library version
added Tools -> User Agent string
added Opera version support list (all Opera with v2.1 initialization file)
added variable <version> inside fixOperaFlash.ini
added Available Players list box (still in development)
added Tools -> Advanced -> Registry menu
replaced Opera root folder text box with editable list box
auto detect supported UAProf device, but it is still ROM dependent
auto detect Opera's folder also include "\Application Data\Opera9\" folder
auto detect Opera's version for each root directory
Opera's version list box is Safe Mode protected
v1.4.7.0 [01-SEP-2009]
Flash Library version
added patch methods (Standard and Template)
methods are unlocked on turned off "Safe mode" and for supported device only
added ability to discard Opera IsRunning check for current session
added console.log file, which contains background errors while browsing
auto detect Opera's folder also include "\Program Files\Opera Mibile\" folder
fixed ASCII to UTF-8 file encoding
fixed crash bug, while trying to read non existing registry key
fixed crash bug, while patching without UAProf supported device
v1.4.6.0 [25-AUG-2009]
Flash Library version
fixed File -> Information, which will no longer overwrite fixOperaFlash.log
v1.4.5.0 [24-AUG-2009]
removed read-only attribute on ini files before patching
added Advanced -> Mimic Deployment, which will allow you to work with the tool w/o need of Flash package deployment
added Advanced -> Flash Package management menu, for Extract, Deploy and Uninstall
added Advanced -> Libraries management menu, for Delete and Unregister all Flash ActiveX DLL(s)
implemented soft reset ability
added auto detection and uninstall an oldest Flash package
added UAProf Device support (check post #4 for list of supported devices)
excluded flash.dll and NPLFL3ppc.dll from Flash package for now (lots of bugs)
fixed unregistration of IEActiveX.dll
moved "Auto INI configuration" into INI tab and renamed to "Safe Mode"
removed check box "opera1.ini", which file will be copy from patched opera.ini
removed check box "NPLFL3ppc.dll into Plugins". which will be controlled from "Register NPLFL3ppc.dll as plugin" check box.
fixed Default browser check
fixed crash bug on backup file creation
fixed crash bug on Browser JavaScript check
v1.4.4 [18-AUG-2009]
added rollback(uninstall) functionality
added Restore, Patch and Rollback confirm messages
added compression to reduce package to 46%
added extended Log information
added File -> "Information"
renamed "Uninstall" to "Rollback" to fit the procedure
removed File -> "Save LOG"
fixed bug with fixOperaFlash.log file creation
fixed bug that Opera switch to landscape mode on the first loaded page (thanks TinTin)
v1.4.3 [16-AUG-2009]
added warning message about running Opera browser (tested only with newest builds)
added fixOperaFlash.log, which contain the last Patch log information
added File -> "Save LOG", which will manually save fixOperaFlash.log
added Tools -> "Flash version" menu, which will show you the exact reported version from your Browser (internet is required)
added Tools -> "Push Internet" menu, to toggle that feature On/Off
added Tools -> "Default browser" menu, to toggle Opera/IE as default browser
revamped About tab
added red color for each missing .ini file inside Opera root directory
fixed Extraction and Deploying process
fixed flash.dll directory
fixed Opera path checks, but presence of opera.ini and axobjects.ini is required
v1.4.2 [13-AUG-2009]
added "Auto INI configuration" check box (will pick up recommended settings depend on DLL)
added ability for manual installation (by switch off 1)silent and 2)delete parameters)
v1.4.1 [12-AUG-2009]
downgrade from CF3.5 to CF2.0 (ouch!)
added few checks, for recommended check boxes' values (depend on registered ActiveX DLL)
added ability to observe all Opera's INI files (Tools -> View menu)
v1.4 [11-AUG-2009]
added "NPFL3ppc.dll into Plugins' dir" check box
added Tools -> View menu, which will allow you to observe Opera's INI files
added File -> Exit menu
fixed bug, showing most objects zoomed out by default
fixed the INI parser (no more crashes!)
fixed path text box - will check correctly for Opera's root folder
fixed Plugins dir creation
fixed NPFL3ppc.dll extraction
v1.3 [10-AUG-2009]
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
Deployment of the Flash Libraries
Ability to manually change the active Flash library
Automatically backup selected INI files on first manipulation
Restore ability
v1.2 [06-AUG-2009]
Deployed flash.dll
Fixed DLL registration
v1.1 [05-AUG-2009]
First public release
fixOperaFlash DB
Custom User-Agent=Acer_S200 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://support.acer.com/UAprofile/Acer_S200_Profile.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Apache Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/apache-2.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Artemis Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/artemis-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P320 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/ASUS-GalaxyMini-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P526 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/ASUS-Pegasus-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P527 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/ASUS-P527-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P550 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/ASUS-P550-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P552 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/ASUS-GalaxyMini2-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P565 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/Xda_Zest.xml
Custom User-Agent=ASUS_P750 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://uaprofile.asus.com/uaprof/ASUS-P750-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Diamond Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/diamond-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_Diamond2_T5353 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_Touch_Diamond2_T5353-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_P3450 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/elf-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_P3451 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/brightstar/ELFIN-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_P4600 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/att/P4600-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_P3400 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/Gene-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=Gigabyte_GSmart Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://eip2.gigabytecm.com/GIGABYTE-g-smart.xml
Custom User-Agent=Gigabyte_MS800 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://eip2.gigabytecm.com/GIGABYTE-MS800.xml
Custom User-Agent=Gigabyte_T600 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://eip2.gigabytecm.com/GIGABYTE-g-smart-vga.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Hermes Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/hermes-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HP_iPAQ_510/1.0 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.hp.com/ipaqcarrier/hpipaq510v10.xml
Custom User-Agent=HP_iPAQ_610/1.0 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.hp.com/ipaqcarrier/hpipaq610v10.xml
Custom User-Agent=HP_iPAQ_910/1.0 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.hp.com/ipaqcarrier/hpipaq910v10.xml
Custom User-Agent=HP_iPAQ_6815/1.0 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.hp.com/ipaqcarrier/hpipaqrw6815v10.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Kaiser Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/kaiser-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=LG_KS20 Opera <version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://gsm.lge.com/html/gsm/LG-KS20.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_MAX_4G Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/quartz-1.0.xml
[Mini HD]
Custom User-Agent=HD_mini_T5555 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_HD_mini_T5555-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Polaris Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/Polaris-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Rhodium Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/Rhodium-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=SAMSUNG_SGH_i780 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://wap.samsungmobile.com/uaprof/SGH-i780.xml
Custom User-Agent=SAMSUNG_SGH_i900 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://wap.samsungmobile.com/uaprof/SGH-i900.xml
Custom User-Agent=SAMSUNG_GT_i8000 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://wap.samsungmobile.com/uaprof/GT-i8000.xml
Custom User-Agent=Sprint/HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7380 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/RhodiumW-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_HD_T8285 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/Touch_HD_T8285-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7379 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/RhodiumW-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=Toshiba_G810 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://gphone.toshiba.co.jp/tech/profiles/UAPROF/EUR1/G810-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=Toshiba_TG01 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://gphone.toshiba.co.jp/tech/profiles/UAPROF/EUR1/TG01-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_3G_T3232 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_Touch_3G_T3232-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_Cruise_T4242 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_Touch_Cruise_T4242-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_Dual Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/Nike-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_HD_T8282 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_Touch_HD_T8282-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_HD2_T8585 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_HD2_T8585-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_Pro_T7272 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_Touch_Pro_T7272-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7373 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7373-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Trinity_P3600 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/Trinity-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=Vodafone/HTC_Touch_Diamond2 Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/voda/HTC_Touch_Diamond2-1.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Wizard Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/wizard-2.0.xml
Custom User-Agent=HTC_Xperia Opera/<version> (Windows NT 5.1; U; <language>)
UAProf URL=http://www.htcmms.com.tw/gen/X1i-1.0.xml
If your device is not included, check your OPERA.INI file or this site for these two keys and report them back.
You can manually update your fixOperaFlas.ini (mirror) as you copy it into "\Windows" directory on your device.
aDEO said:
With other words: No need to install Flash Lite... Yes, just Plug&Flash!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, will give it a try!
Just tested!
Although the performance of video playback on youtube for example is bad!
This is due to hardware i guess.
Thanks! By far the easiest way to enable flash.
P.S.: Tested on Tess 1.5
Doesnt seem to work
Tried a couple of sites that I know to have Flash on them and none seem to work. FYI, running Opera 9.5 Build 16702 on WM6.1 on a Diamond 2 WVGA. I installed by running your exe from the Storage card (just in case that makes a difference)
mlk said:
Tried a couple of sites that I know to have Flash on them and none seem to work. FYI, running Opera 9.5 Build 16702 on WM6.1 on a Diamond 2 WVGA. I installed by running your exe from the Storage card (just in case that makes a difference)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I suppose that your Opera is not installed in the default \windows\opera9\ path. In that case (for now), you will have to run this tool from Opera's folder. This will be fixed when I have more time, sorry.
Best regards,
does this really enable flash without having to install flashlite? i just uninstalled my flashlite and launched your app and youtube no longer works... just goes back to how it was when i first got my htc diamond. i have the original build of opera on it... just to see how useful it would be.
On another note, is flash supposed to be working with flashlite for the oem opera? i think build 1907. or did juggallo flashlite cab make the changes for me?
My Flash-test site tells me that Opera told to site it uses flash but nothing on display: ROM in signature and opera integrated in ROM.
PS: I tried run it in Windows\Opera9 without success and soft reset too
PPS: Good project! I use the slow IE because flash player
Hello everyone,
After the investigation of your non working Flash, think that I found the missing part! Unfortunately, I will need few hours to complete the installation process, so, be patient.
Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards,
Very Nice
no working with 9.7 beta
I just tried on a HTC elfin with Onyx ROM (6.5) and then nothing place working.
When lauching exe, all options are equal to false.
Opera is in /Program Files/Opera Mobile/ naming (opera9-ml)
I hope the next release
azerttyu said:
I just tried on a HTC elfin with Onyx ROM (6.5) and then nothing place working.
When lauching exe, all options are equal to false.
Opera is in /Program Files/Opera Mobile/ naming (opera9-ml)
I hope the next release
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Download version 1.2 (first post) and it will work, but in your case you will have to run this exe from /Program Files/Opera Mobile/ folder. GL
Best regards,
next attempt!
Hello everyone,
Next attempt and changes:
v1.2 [06-AUG-2009]
- Deployed flash.dll
- Fixed DLL registration
Best regards,
aDEO said:
Hello everyone,
Next attempt and changes:
v1.2 [06-AUG-2009]
- Deployed flash.dll
- Fixed DLL registration
Best regards,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It says:
couldnt find DLL PInvoke
Even if i start it from Opera9 Folder or any other folders.
Do i have to uninstall the previous revision?
Thanks in advance
Kinto said:
It says:
couldnt find DLL PInvoke
Even if i start it from Opera9 Folder or any other folders.
Do i have to uninstall the previous revision?
Thanks in advance
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you have flash.dll in that folder? If so, delete it and start fixOperaFlashPlayer.exe again.
Best regards,
aDEO said:
Do you have flash.dll in that folder? If so, delete it and start fixOperaFlashPlayer.exe again.
Best regards,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
same error here. I don't have any flash.dll in Windows/opera9 folder.
I found one in Windows/Macromedia, i've delete it, but still got an error.
No files on \windows\macromedia folder
However with the first revision of your executable, i could load www.speedtest.net, so i got no problem whatsoever.
I can't run it, I have opera 97b1 and I copy fixOperaFlashPlayer.exe to \sd card\Program Files\Opera Mobile\ but still "Unable to locate Opera's folder".

[Request] UA Strings from Custom ROM's

Hope this is the right place to post this, but I wanted to know if I could get people to post their UI Strings from Various ROM's for a Web Development project I am working on.
ROM Name and Version:
UA String:
To get your UA String, just use your device and browse to: http://whatsmyuseragent.com/
You will see your User Agent at the top of the page, Copy/Paste that if you can.
Any help would be appreciated.
Device: Nexus One (T-Mobile)
Carrier: T-Mobile
ROM Name and Version: Eclair 2.1-update1 Build ERE27
UA String: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Nexus One Build/ERE27) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17
Mines the default for CM506, there is an option to modify it.
HTTP_USER_AGENT:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Nexus O EPE54B) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530. HTTP_X_VIA:Harmony proxy
Opera/9.80 (12ME/MIDp; Opera Mini/5.0.18302/812; U; en) Presto/2.4.15
britoso said:
Mines the default for CM506, there is an option to modify it.
HTTP_USER_AGENT:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Nexus O EPE54B) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530. HTTP_X_VIA:Harmony proxy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In the option to edit it, would it allow you to put in the stock UA String and be identified as that?
Talderon said:
In the option to edit it, would it allow you to put in the stock UA String and be identified as that?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cant easily edit it, It has four options: Android,Desktop,iPhone,IE6

(Working again)Howto: P769* CM 10.1 T-Mobile Wifi tether block bypass *Root Required*

Note: This is for CM 10.1. For ICS/JB users try my other tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2201062
Here are instructions on how to get tethering working on all of my wifi devices without any special Proxies or VPNs.
This does work for other operating systems/protocols/ports/ and all browsers(Windows,OSX, other tablets etc..) :
The original idea is provided by a google code user in post #122 here: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=38563
*** Root is required ***
*** CM 10.1 is required *** Here is the version I have tested on: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2216542 (Other JB and L9 hardware versions may work)
Test Wifi NAT
1.) Backup Rom via CWM recovery.
2.) Enable the built-in wifi tethering from here: Settings --> More... --> Tethering & portable hotspot --> Portable Wi-Fi hotspot(Check this box)
3.) Launch "Terminal Emulator" and figure out your Radio Device Names and IP addresses (Install it from the market if you don't have this app).
a.) `su -`
b.) `netcfg`
***Look for the 3 lines that say "UP" and that also have non-zero IP addresses(
***Keep note of the device name(first column) and Subnet(last column).
wlan0 UP
rmnet0 UP​
4.) Disable the built-in wifi tethering.
5.) Enable NAT routing of tethered device traffic so that data requests look as though they are coming from the phone instead of your tethered device.
a.) `iptables -tnat -A natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING -s -o rmnet0 -j MASQUERADE`
***Note: You will need to change the strings in "Red" to match the subnet of your wifi IP address & device name of your cellular device.
If your wifi device(mine is wlan0) IP is you will use subnet​
Update: 2/15/2014
6.) Change the user agent on your browser:
User agent strings:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.34 Safari/534.24
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.73.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.1 Safari/537.73.11
a.) Chrome:
Select menu
Select tools
Select extensions
Select "Get more extensions"
Search for "user agent switcher"
Pick the one you want and set the user agent.​
b.) Firefox:
Select "Tools"
Select "Add-ons"
Select "Get Add-ons"
Search "user agent switcher"
Pick the one you want and set the user agent.​
c.) IE:
Search for "user agent switcher"
Pick the one you want and set the user agent.​
7.) Enable the built-in wifi tethering and see if everything works. ​
Enable Wifi NAT at boot:
1.) Install script:
a.) If you are on a JB based ROM that can utilize init scripts in /etc/init.d/ you can place the attached script in this directory(Remove ".txt" from the file name).
b.) Set the permissions on the file to 755(rwx-rx-rx).
a.) If you are on a version of JB that does not unilize init scripts you can use a script manager app to run the script when the phone boots(SManager from the play store is an option).​
2.) Reboot the device and try tethering to be sure everything is working. ​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It looks like T-Mobile is blocking this now. This tutorial currently does not work.
Update: Working again. I have updated the original post with more information.

Sharing JavaScript Code That Helps Identify HMS Devices

Huawei browser provides below UAs(User Agents) data, based on whether the device is the HMS or GMS. The following are four cases (Note : browser version, HMS version, GMS version, and device information will change accordingly):
1. If both the HMS and GMS are installed, the following information is displayed:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; LYA-AL00; HMSCore/4.0.0 GMS/10.4)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Mobile Safari/537.36
2. If only the HMS is installed, the following information is displayed:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; LYA-AL00; HMSCore/4.0.0)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Mobile Safari/537.36
3. If only the GMS is installed, the command output is as follows:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; LYA-AL00; GMS/10.4)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Mobile Safari/537.36
4. If there is no HMS or GMS, the following information is displayed:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; LYA-AL00)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Mobile Safari/537.36
Get above values using navigator.userAgent
For details about Huawei developers and HMS, visit the website.

Change useragent of Webview engine

I have a somewhat strange problem and trying to describe it.
Currently I am on stock ROM
I am using Outlook and O365. When I log in to O365 account, the webview sends the useragent:
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; ANE-LX1 Build/HUAWEIANE-L21; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/107.0.5304.105 Mobile Safari/537.36 PKeyAuth/1.0
If Android "9" or if HUAWEI is in the text of the useragent my company blocks the access.
Some time ago I was using an EMUI ROM greater than and I was able to change the text entry "HUAWEIANE-L21" in one of the build.props
Android "9" I was able to change to "12" (ro.build.version.release=12).
In Stock ROM, unfortunately I can't find "HUAWEIANE-L21" in the biuld.props anymore and I don't remember how I changed it back then.
Can someone please look in the build.props in /system and /vendor at Stock ROM >
Or does anyone have a tip, where the webview takes the useragent information from.
I'm on Magisk root and i dont want to update >
I found the solution in Magisk Module MagiskHideProps. If this module installed, the default /system/build.props will ignored.
Set "ro.build.id" by MagiskHideProps command in terminal -> "props ro.build.id Samsung" (Usage: props NAME VALUE)
This will change the default "ro.build.id=HUAWEIANE-L21" to ""ro.build.id=Samsung"
Can check by "getprop | grep ro.build.id
UserAgent is changed now.

