[Q] Beginner question on simple apk decoding/editing with smali - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How do you change where config files and libraries are stored for a particular apk? I want to move some config files to /system but I don't know how to get the app to recognize them once I move them. I already decoded the thing and have access to all the smali files, but don't know what to do with them. If anyone could just point me in the right direction so I could learn more about this, about what file tells the install where to look, that would be fantastic. Like, why does a library work if it is in /system/lib/ OR if it is in /data/data/apkname/lib/?


what can I delete from system/app via Kitchen

Using dsicda's kitchen.
What is the minimum set of apks required in the /system/app folder.
i.e. I wish to create a minimum install in /system/app and move everything else to /data/app. Cant find what I'm looking for via google search, not really sure what keywords to use.
Anyone suggest or better still - provide a link.
Got it! Just for anyone watching this thread...
One would need to examine the manifest files in the APKs to determine if the APK can be installed into external storage (i.e. does not include the android:installLocation "internalOnly" directive).

[Q] Where are file extensions such as ".mp4" and ".mp3" located in an .apk?

[Q] Where are file extensions such as ".mp4" and ".mp3" located in an .apk?
I know it might be hard to understand the way I try to explain this conundrum but I've been up all night trying to figure this stuff out myself to no avail. I'm trying to rip the assets from a particular game/application (SONIC CD), and after decompiling it's contents via apktool, I'm greeted with pretty much nothing but .smali files. However, opening some of these reveal paths that are non-existent and files that cannot be found in any of the folders extracted. Pretty much all of them are scripts aside from the icons (.pngs) and a couple .xmls. Opening up "VideoActivity.smali" in the soniccd folder shows that they exist within the data I've ripped but I cannot find them.
Can anyone lend me a hand here? :fingers-crossed:

[Q] Unable to re-compile (using autoapktool / apktool)

** I dont have enough posts yet so cannot start thread in the correct section, so posted it below here in general **
I have all the content ready to add to an app and been searching for the right template and came across an app that has the look and feel I want.
I used autoapktool2.0.0 and it dissasembles the app fine so you can access the xml and other files. I am also able to edit a test apk and recompile and sign it with the above software fine. It creates 2 different folders one build which has a created classes file and one called dist that has the completed recompiled apk
however, when i try one specific apk I am able to decompile it fine, but when it comes to recompiling it after making a tiny test edit it will not do it.
I creates the classes file fine but it does not recompile the whole source files into an apk, so the dist folder is not created.
Why will it not recompile the whole thing?, is there something I am doing wrong or is the thing protected?
can someone test it for me using same methods I done and see what their result is?
(no errors were given when recompiling, it acted as if it was complete but it was not, as no apk created)

[Q] How to edit graphics in a Non-System Android App?

I wanted to change the graphics of a certain app to my liking. But I guess it can't be achieved in the non-system apps at least not by me. I tried the apktool to decompress it and then edit the the files I needed to, but it won't compile back?! Can anyone tell me what is going wrong. I have attached the whole screenshot of what error my apktool is showing me.
Also in the build folder I'm only getting classes.dex file and nothing more.

Use Smali code to decide if app starts or not?

Hi i wanted to see if there are any tuts out there i can use to make an app check if a file exist. I will be editing apks that are already complied so i will need a tut on how to do this by editing .smali files. For example . If Key.txt exist in root of storage app starts. If it doesnt app crashes. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?

