[Q] Installing Ubuntu errors. Any ideas. - Vibrant Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Been playing and searching for any possible solution's for hours now, and have not come up with anything.
I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Vibrant, which is Rooted and currently running Nero V3, with Voodoo disabled.
Everything has been downloaded and placed on the sdcard, although when running the commands, I get this.
D:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
/ $ su
# cd /sdcard/ubuntu
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
# sh ./ubuntu.sh
sh ./ubuntu.sh
modprobe: chdir( No such file or directory
←[H←[Jrm failed for -f, No such file or directory
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory
rm failed for -f, No such file or directory
mkdir failed for /data/local/mnt, File exists
←[H←[Jrm failed for -/system/bin/mountonly, No such file or directory
Unable to chmod bootlinux: Operation not permitted
Ubuntu Chroot Bootloader v0.1
Ubuntu Bootloader is now installed!
This process does NOT damage Android OS!
To enter the Debian Linux console just type 'bootlinux'
At first I thought it was a Busybox issue, though that seems to run fine. Just a quick command to show.
# cp
BusyBox v1.18.0 (2010-12-30 04:44:34 CST) multi-call binary.
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY
-a Same as -dpR
-R,-r Recurse
-d,-P Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
-L Follow all symlinks
-H Follow symlinks on command line
-p Preserve file attributes if possible
-f Overwrite
-i Prompt before overwrite
-l,-s Create (sym)links
Anyone have some guidance to make this work? Its not a big deal. Just want to try some linux only apps I use at work.


How to root an Android Virtual Device?

I want to root my Android 4.0.4 virtual device for developing.......... How to root it?
Here you go ... ;-)
Paresh Kalinani said:
I want to root my Android 4.0.4 virtual device for developing.......... How to root it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The following method is actually for 2.2 virtual machine ... but should work fine for 4.0 too ... i'll confirm after i have tested it ... meanwhile you can try it ..
You'll require
'su' binary
'busybox binary'
SU BINARY : See post's end
BUSY BOX BINARY : see posts end
Then, we need to start the emulator by providing extra partition size to /system. This can be done only through command-line
emulator -avd MyAndroid -partition-size 128 -no-snapshot-load
Make sure the AVD “MyAndroid” is already created. The “-no-snapshot-load” option is used if we enabled the snapshot. As a result, we will start the emulator with extra disk space for /system. By this, we can adding extra files to /system later.
Then, we need to use “adb shell” to remount the /system so that we have write access to the /system.
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
Then, we can push the su and busybox to the /system/xbin.
adb push su /system/xbin/
adb push busybox /system/xbin/
Now, to actually make the su work properly, we need to chmod it,
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/busybox
Now, we need to install Superuser.apk (which you can get together with “su”). We can install it with “adb install” command. It is required when the other apps request for “su”.
We can try our “su” with Root Checker Basic or Stericson Busy-box.
Now, that is rooting. You might feel happy with it. However, if we restart the emulator, without snapshot, all the “su” does not work any more. So, we are going to customise the ROM image.
Now, if we restart the emulator, everything will return to default. No more “su” and Android Market. Why? The reason is because whatever we done to the /system, it will not save to the ROM image.
The /system is actually from the system.img, installed with android-2.2 in my case. This file is mounted in emulator as yaffs2 file system format. In order to customise this ROM image, I have tried several ways.
Using unyaffs, it can only extract the image, but I cannot continue. I can simply pull the /system using adb command without it.
Using yaffs2utils, unyaffs2 produced nothing. And the image built by mkyaffs2 does not allow the emulator to boot.
Using mkyaffsimage, also not work as above.
Some resources mentioned that, we can get the mkyaffs2image utility when building the Android source. But the problem is, to get the source, it requires a lot of disk space and need a long time to download.
So, what is the best way to modify the system.img? I even tried the low level way using dd to extract the /dev/block/mtdblock0, but failed.
Finally, I tried to solve it with userdata-qemu.img. This is the /data folder that will always modified when we install apps in the emulator. Restarting the emulator does not reset /data. Therefore, we can simply create the ROM image from /data. We can done it simply clean all the /data.
adb shell busybox rm -R /data/*
This will remove everything is /data, except “lost+found” folder.
adb shell busybox ls /data
Check with ls command, make sure only “lost+found” left.
Now, since the /system contains the “su”, “busybox”, Market and Google Services Framework we have done earlier, we need to copy the whole /system to the /data.
adb shell busybox cp -a /system/* /data/
adb shell busybox ls /data
As a result, the /data is identical to the /system.
Now, we have the userdata-qemu.img file in the AVD folder, which is modified. Close the emulator. Then, we can use the userdata-qemu.img file as the system image. We can rename it to system.img, or calling it as the system with “-system” option from the emulator command-line.
Start the emulator with this customised system.img, now, we have busybox by default, and also Android Market. :good::highfive:
If you are doing this on windows make sure you CD to here for issuing the commands:
Don't use the stuff in C:\Program Files\Android. That is the wrong location.
The below gets your GAPPS too. You can download Cyanogens GAPPS to get what you need. Just edit the necessary lines below.
cd %profilename%\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\
.\tools\emulator -avd MyAndroid -partition-size 2047 -no-snapshot-load -verbose
echo wait for boot
.\platform-tools\adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
.\platform-tools\adb push %~dp0platform-tools\su /system/xbin/
.\platform-tools\adb push %~dp0platform-tools\busybox /system/xbin/
.\platform-tools\adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
.\platform-tools\adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/busybox
.\platform-tools\adb shell busybox rm -R /data/*
.\platform-tools\adb shell busybox ls /data
.\platform-tools\adb shell busybox ls /data
.\platform-tools\adb push %profilename%\Downloads\gapps-ics-20120317-signed\system /system
.\platform-tools\adb shell busybox cp -a /system/* /data/
Which busybox binary?
You don't say which of the various busybox files in the .7z archive is to be used on the AVD?
I try to push the su, I got this message:
C:\adb>adb push sources\root\su /system/xbin
failed to copy 'sources\root\su' to '/system/xbin/su': Directory not empty
Then try push the Superuser.apk
C:\adb>adb push sources\root\system\app\Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk
failed to copy 'sources\root\system\app\Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/Superuser
.apk': Out of memory
I think that's because of this:
View attachment 1617834
How to make the System ROM space more freely???
Sorry for my noob question. Now, I see.
I have done untill rename userdata-qemu.img to system.img
But while I run from AVD Manager, my AVD got bootloop.
That's because you haven't started your emulator with additional space. Use the -partition-size option as per niranjan94's post above.
I found an even better way to make a /system image, and adapted it for use on Windows hosts and using the x86 emulator images now available.
Place this batch file in the same folder as the mkfs.yaffs2.x86 binary and you'll get an emulator image updated to your liking and ready to run.
@echo off
adb -e remount
echo Pushing mkfs.yaffs2.x86 to device...
adb -e push mkfs.yaffs2.x86 /data/local/
echo Executing chmod 770 /data/local/mkfs.yaffs2.x86
adb -e shell chmod 770 /data/local/mkfs.yaffs2.x86
echo Setting /system partition to read-only (Just to be safe!)
adb -e shell mount -o ro,remount /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
echo Creating YAFFS2 image of /system
adb -e shell /data/local/mkfs.yaffs2.x86 /system/ /mnt/sdcard/_system.img
echo Pulling image to local directory...
adb -e pull /mnt/sdcard/_system.img
echo Cleaning....
adb -e shell rm /data/local/mkfs.yaffs2.x86
adb -e shell rm /mnt/sdcard/_system.img
echo OK
Don't work on 4.2.2 emulator
Ι mean I push it, give permissions, install su.apk ... still nothing...
On 4.2.2 emulator
I got the same error on 4.2.2 emulator.
So I tried with size 256:
emulator -avd Andy2 -partition-size 256 -no-snapshot-load
and it worked fine.
Also, I'm using CPU ARM (armeabi-v7a). So for busybox I used the binary from this thread:
Error while trying to permanent patch rooted android
While trying to root my android emulator where I delete all the files in the /data/ folder and copy files from /system/ to /data/, I am getting the following error,
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
cp: write error: No space left on device
Could anyone help me how to overcome this issue?
i've followed your instructions step by step and didn't encounter any problems while executing the commands, but the emulator is not getting rooted according to the Root Checker app (see also the screenshot attached). Could you help me please to solve this issue?
Here is an enumeration of the commands I've entered into the console:
emulator -avd Huawei -partition-size 256 -no-snapshot-load
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system
adb push "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Superuser-3.0.7-efghi-signed\system\bin\su" /system/xbin/
adb push "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\busybox binary\busybox" /system/xbin/
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/busybox
adb install "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Superuser-3.0.7-efghi-signed\system\app\Superuser.apk"
adb install "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Root Checker App.apk"
I have the device created in AVD, started, but for the life of me I cannot open ADB:
[email protected]:~$ sudo adb devices
[sudo] password for joel:
List of devices attached
[email protected]:~$
What to I have to do to trick the virtual device in advertising ADB? Developer is on, USB debugging is on. Using a virtual device as closely matching the LG Optimus F3Q as I can recall (so API 16 / Android 4.1.2 loaded).
Many thanks.
EDIT: Figured it out. Need to use the adb provided in the Android SDK (in the platform-tools directory), not any other version (I was using the Debian-provided one).
Unable to root nexus 4 avd
I tried to root Nexus_4_API_21.avd (lollipop) following commands from the post exactly.
I used latest versions of superuser, and busybox.
But at the end emulator is not rooted.
Could someone help with with this, if you have rooted avd please share it so that I can download.
Thank you.
I tried to root with Lollipop, Kitkat, and even Gingerbread, but it doesn't work.
Under Lollipop and Kitkat, it's not rooted, but under Gingerbread, I can't install any application afterwards.
When I try to, the emulator looks like it reboots, but it never goes to the end, and keeps showing the Android logo glowing.
For android 4, 5 and 6 I write manual in russian. Read it here: http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=318487&view=findpost&p=45421931
Worked for me with AVD Lollipop and Marshmallow.

[ROOT]Sony Xperia Tablet S SGPT121US ICS 4.0.3 ROOTED!!

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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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Guide to Root your Xperia Tablet S​!! ATTENTION: I am not responsible if you brick or damage your device, use at your OWN RISK!!​
Files you need:
All in one Xperia Tablet root.zip
ADB Tools
VpnFaker.apk (Attachment)
ATTENTION: For those who are not using the US firmware, the attached VpnFaker.apk may not be suitable for your tablet.
Please follow these steps(click me) to resign the VpnFaker.apk. Thanks to WonderEkin
***Pls Execute the command line by line***
Unzip those files into a dir, Open cmd console, cd to that dir
Run the following command and press Restore on your tablet
adb restore settings.ab
Check the result
adb shell ls -ld /data/data/com.android.settings/a
[COLOR="Green"]drwxrwxrwx system system a[/COLOR]
And continue, ignore the "rm -r a" permission denied error
adb shell
cd /data/data/com.android.settings
rm -r a
while : ; do ln -s /data a/file99; done
While the loop is running, open another cmd console and run
adb restore settings.ab
Once the restore process is completed, you can press CTRL+C on the 1st cmd console to break the loop
Check the /data permission
adb shell ls -ld /data
[COLOR="Green"]drwxrwxrwx system system data[/COLOR]
Then continue
adb push busybox /data/local/tmp
adb push rootkit.tar.gz /data/local/tmp
adb push Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp
adb push su /data/local/tmp
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod 755 busybox
./busybox tar zxf rootkit.tar.gz
Push the resigned VpnFaker.apk(resign by ZipSigner 2) and update the timestamp
adb push VpnFaker.apk /data/local/tmp
adb shell
touch -t 1346025600 /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk
Now, replace the VpnDialogs (ignore "cp: can't open 'system/xxxxxxx': Permission denied" while you execute "/data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r system system2")
adb shell
cd /data
/data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r system system2
/data/local/tmp/busybox find system2 -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \;
/data/local/tmp/busybox find system2 -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;
mv system system-
mv system2 system
mv app app-
mkdir app
mv /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk /data/app
Make sure the datatime is 2012/08/27 00:00
TZ=0 ls -l /data/app
[COLOR="green"]-rw-r--r-- shell shell 198580 2012-08-27 00:00 VpnFaker.apk[/COLOR]
Generate the packages.xml
/data/local/tmp/busybox sed -f /data/local/tmp/packages.xml.sed system-/packages.xml > system/packages.xml
And double check the result
/data/local/tmp/busybox grep vpndialogs system/packages.xml
[COLOR="green"]<updated-package name="com.android.vpndialogs" codepath="/system/app/VpnDialogs.apk" nativelibrarypath="/data/data/com.android.vpndialogs/lib" flags="1" ft="136f14be668" it="136f14be668" ut="136f14be668" version="15" shareduserid="1000">
<package name="com.android.vpndialogs" codepath="/data/app/VpnFaker.apk" nativelibrarypath="/data/data/com.android.vpndialogs/lib" flags="1" ft="1396560b400" it="1396560b400" ut="1396560b400" version="45" shareduserid="1000">[/COLOR]
Exit adb shell and reboot, you should see something like "Android is updating" during startup.
adb reboot
Start the injected Terminal Emulator
adb shell am start -n com.android.vpndialogs/.Term
In Terminal Emulator
You should see the uid is 1000(system)
Still in the Terminal Emulator, ignore the script error
Now back to the cmd console
adb shell
Check the uid is 2000(shell)
chown 0.0 /data/local/tmp/_su
chmod 6755 /data/local/tmp/_su
Check the root access uid 0(root)
Backup /system (you may just skip it)
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=/mnt/sdcard/system.ext4 bs=128K
Copy su & Superuser.apk to /system
/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o rw,remount /system
/data/local/tmp/busybox cp /data/local/tmp/_su /system/xbin
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/_su
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/_su
/data/local/tmp/busybox cp /data/local/tmp/su /system/xbin
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
/data/local/tmp/busybox cp /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk /system/app
/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o ro,remount /system
Check the /system _su is working or not
Should be uid 0(root)
And move the original /data/app & /data/system back (the original steps will keep the VpnFaker.apk, but i skip it)
cd /data
mv app app2
mv app- app
mv system system2
mv system- system
Reboot your tab
adb reboot
Now, your Sony Xperia Tablet S ICS 4.0.3 should be rooted.
Credits Yupandra2012 for link to Original Root Method.
& WonderEkin for his Translation from Japanese to English.
I have the Sony Tablet S and this is as far as I can get:
c:\SonyTablet>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ cd /data
cd /data
[email protected]:/data $ /data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r system system2
/data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r system system2
cp: can't open 'system/entropy.dat': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/batterystats.bin': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/users/userlist.xml': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/users/0.xml': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/accounts.db': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/accounts.db-journal': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/called_pre_boots.dat': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/wallpaper_info.xml': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/appwidgets.xml': Permission denied
1|[email protected]:/data $
Any ideas?
This Thread is for Xperia Tablet S, but anyways you ignore this error and complete the rest of the steps, I had the same error, ignored it and it worked for me.
Another road block:
c:\STS>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ cd /data
cd /data
[email protected]:/data $ /data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r system system2
/data/local/tmp/busybox cp -r system system2
cp: can't open 'system/entropy.dat': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/batterystats.bin': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/users/userlist.xml': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/users/0.xml': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/accounts.db': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/accounts.db-journal': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/called_pre_boots.dat': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/wallpaper_info.xml': Permission denied
cp: can't open 'system/appwidgets.xml': Permission denied
1|[email protected]:/data $ /data/local/tmp/busybox find system2 -type f -exec chmod
666 {} \;
d system2 -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \; <
[email protected]:/data $ /data/local/tmp/busybox find system2 -type d -exec chmod 7
77 {} \;
system2 -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \; <
[email protected]:/data $ mv system system-
mv system system-
[email protected]:/data $ mv system2 system
mv system2 system
[email protected]:/data $ mv app app-
mv app app-
[email protected]:/data $ mkdir app
mkdir app
[email protected]:/data $ mv /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk /data/app
mv /data/local/tmp/VpnFaker.apk /data/app
[email protected]:/data $ TZ=0 ls -l /data/app
TZ=0 ls -l /data/app
-rw-rw-rw- shell shell 200436 2012-08-27 00:00 VpnFaker.apk
[email protected]:/data $ /data/local/tmp/busybox sed -f /data/local/tmp/packages.xm
l.sed system-/packages.xml > system/packages.xml
tem-/packages.xml > system/packages.xml <
/system/bin/sh: cannot create system/packages.xml: Permission denied
1|[email protected]:/data $ /data/local/tmp/busybox grep vpndialogs system/packages.
p vpndialogs system/packages.xml <
<package name="com.android.vpndialogs" codePath="/system/app/VpnDialogs.apk" nat
iveLibraryPath="/data/data/com.android.vpndialogs/lib" flags="1" ft="138eb7f41b0
" it="138eb7f41b0" ut="138eb7f41b0" version="15" sharedUserId="1000">
[email protected]:/data $ exit
c:\STS>adb reboot
c:\STS>adb shell am start -n com.android.vpndialogs/.Term
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.vpndialogs/.Term }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs.Term} does
not exist.
There were a few things that didn't match up along the way as well...
I am lost...
same here:
adb shell am start -n com.android.vpndialogs/.Term
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.vpndialogs/.Term }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs.Term} does
not exist.
Do you type this in?
while : ; do ln -s /data a/file99; done
Now, can you please upload a system dump of Xperia Tablet S?
Guys the error you are facing means missing terminal emulator is not installed on your device. make sure you have terminal emulator downloaded and installed from Google play. Also note you will face errors with the onload scripts using the emulator just ignore it and resume normally.
could you upload the terminal emulator?
zorbakun said:
Guys the error you are facing means missing terminal emulator is not installed on your device. make sure you have terminal emulator downloaded and installed from Google play. Also note you will face errors with the onload scripts using the emulator just ignore it and resume normally.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am a user in China,and my tablet S cant's download any app from googleplay.Can you upload the terminal emulator?
Thank you very much.
txiangyang said:
I am a user in China,and my tablet S cant's download any app from googleplay.Can you upload the terminal emulator?
Thank you very much.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The Vpnfaker.apk has already injected with terminal emulator. Moreover, all installed apps will temporary missing during the process.
as WonderEkin pointed out, people with problem (Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs.Term} does
not exist.) don't have the US version of the device hence They will need to re-sign the VpnFaker.apk as described here and start all over again from the beginning.
Guide has been updated to reflect the same.
Credits to WonderEkin
This method works like a charm. Yay for rooted Tablet S!
Thank you so much!
I was getting this:
adb shell am start -n com.android.vpndialogs/.Term
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.vpndialogs/.Term }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs.Term} does not exist.
I have a Tablet S, US Tablet, US Firmware, what am I suppose to do with the VpnFaker.apk?
"ATTENTION: For those who are not using the US firmware, the attached VpnFaker.apk may not be suitable for your tablet.
Please follow these steps(click me) to resign the VpnFaker.apk. Thanks to WonderEkin"
Not clear to me...
Is this only for new xperia tab s or does it work for the old tab s?
WOW so fast ..
Even though Sony Xperia Tablet S ain't Global out there yet ..
Great Job .​
typo86 said:
I was getting this:
adb shell am start -n com.android.vpndialogs/.Term
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.vpndialogs/.Term }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs.Term} does not exist.
I have a Tablet S, US Tablet, US Firmware, what am I suppose to do with the VpnFaker.apk?
"ATTENTION: For those who are not using the US firmware, the attached VpnFaker.apk may not be suitable for your tablet.
Please follow these steps(click me) to resign the VpnFaker.apk. Thanks to WonderEkin"
Not clear to me...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you don't have the US version of the tablet, then you may need to re-sign the VpnFaker.apk, but since you own the US version, then no need to resign it. just make sure you follow the procedure carefully one step at a time, and if possible have terminal emulator installed on your tab as well.
Roscobigfoot said:
Is this only for new xperia tab s or does it work for the old tab s?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check this thread for old Sony Tablet S.
SWFlyerUK said:
Do you type this in?
while : ; do ln -s /data a/file99; done
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes you do.
Still no luck...
Tried it both ways, followed instructions and I still end up here:
adb shell am start -n com.android.vpndialogs/.Term
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.android.vpndialogs/.Term }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.android.vpndialogs/com.android.vpndialogs.Term} does not exist.
US old Tablet S, US Firmware...Is there anyone with a US tablet that has been able to root this way?
Now you can use my new All in one Xperia Tablet Root.zip for easier process, just extract it to an easy path like C:/Xperia root/ then open CMD pointing to the same path and Follow the guide in the first page.

[Q] Superboot image for Motorola Moto G

I'm trying to root my german Motorola Moto G using a superboot image. This topic is very new for me so I followed the Instructions of Mikael Q Kuisma using the original boot.img from the stock ROM. In addition I want to have my image to install a superuser App. So I registered a service in the `init.rc` file which just runs the installer shell script. I register the service like this:
service installsu /system/bin/sh /superuser/install.sh
class main
user root
group root
As far as i understood this service is run once as root when all other services of the class main are run. Am I right?
The superuser app I want to install is the one from Koushik Doutta. My install.sh script looks like this:
mount -o remount,rw /system
chattr -i /system/bin/su
chattr -i /system/xbin/su
rm -f /system/bin/su
rm -f /system/xbin/su
rm -f /system/app/Superuser.*
rm -f /system/app/Supersu.*
rm -f /system/app/superuser.*
rm -f /system/app/supersu.*
rm -f /system/app/SuperUser.*
rm -f /system/app/SuperSU.*
cp /superuser/su /system/xbin/su
chown 0:0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
cp /superuser/Superuser.apk /system/app
chmod 644 /system/app/Superuser.apk
chattr -i /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
cp /superuser/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
touch /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon
mount -o remount,ro /system
This is basically the update-android script from the archive but without all the conditionals.
"ls -l" inside the superuser folder gives:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 44 Nov 30 22:18 install-recovery.sh
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 737 Jan 7 11:29 install.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 283084 Nov 30 22:25 reboot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 311872 Nov 30 22:25 su
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2025538 Nov 30 22:25 Superuser.apk
I think this are the correct permissions?!
The image splitting tool of Mikael Q Kuisma warned me that a different version of mkbootimg was used to create the original boot image an suggested which variables I had to change in the source code. I did this and compiled my own version. The unmkbootimg tool also gave me the complete command including parameters to build the new image. I used it without any modifications.
Finally, the problem: It doesn't root my phone.
It seems like the installer script is never run, because I can't find the su binary using "adb shell ls /system/xbin/". Also the phone does not boot directly into Android. It shows me the Motorola logo, turns black, shows the unlock warning, shows boot animation and then Android is loaded. I don't have a reboot command inside the script, so shouldn't it boot straight to Android when I boot with "fastboot boot <new boot.img>"?
Is it possible to get kernel logs without being root?

Shell Script error

I am trying to make a simple shell script and I am getting constant errors.
So i made a test.sh file and saved it in /data because /sdcard is excuetable protected.
The shell file contains:
cd /sdcard
mkdir test
su -c "rm /data/test.sh"
echo Done!
So then I typed the command chmod 777 /data/test.sh
I also tried chown root:shell /data/test.sh
And then /data/test.sh and it returned: tmp-mksh: /data/test.sh: No such file or directory
So then I tried running: sh /data/test.sh and it returned:
No such file or directoryrd
I even tried executing the script from a root shell interface but still no luck same result as above.
Forgot to mention I am running 4.4.4 on a moto g that is rooted and has busybox installed.

[Q] Help With Shell Scripting

I am trying to make a simple shell script and I am getting constant errors.
So i made a test.sh file and saved it in /data because /sdcard is excuetable protected.
The shell file contains:
su -c "cd /data"
su -c " ls /data"
su -c "mkdir test"
cd /sdcard
mkdir test
echo Done!
So then I typed the command chmod 777 /data/test.sh
And then /data/test.sh and it returned: tmp-mksh: /data/test.sh: No such file or directory
So then I tried running: sh /data/test.sh and it returned:
No such file or directoryrd
I also tried using 755 in the chmod command and it did not work as well. I also tried chown root:shell /data/test.sh
I even moved the shell script to /data/local/tmp and tried there but still no luck.
So I have 2 questions, how do I get my shell script to work and how do I run a command as superuser in a shell script?

