Atrix Display and Body Question? - Atrix 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have had a Nexus One for a while and I'm quite pleased with its display, I just want to know overall how is the feel with Atrix comparing to Nexus One? Please just forget about Nexus S or Captivate or iPhone 4!
Also I want to know about the feel of the device, is it too cheap and plastic? I've used an HTC Legend for a while and feels great!

Sorry I posted in wrong place!

I haven't seen the Nexus One AMOLED in a while, but I bet it has better colors than any Moto display. This 'qHD' thing isn't too great. The pentile is alright because the pixels are so small, but the colors are muted and the color bit-depth isn't too great either (gradients look bad). Its a decent display though. The higher resolution really makes up for it.
The quality of the phone is excellent. I would give it an 8/10 (iP4 would be 9/10). Moto makes some of the physically highest quality devices. HTC is good too (particularly they're good at the little detail touches), but I've found their stuff not holding up over time. Moto has been around much longer than most phone makers so they know what they're doing in terms of hardware.
I'd really like to see a Nokia android phone though. Would probably be the best one since they kinda invented the cell phone. Unfortunately they went with WP7

OK I am not trying to be an Asshat, I have tried to be helpful on these boards. But for everyone saying an iPhone is better, please go purchase that and post on their forums.
Ok, build quality from N1 to Atrix....
Atrix is bigger (obviously) and I find it slippery. The build does not feel plasticky to me, probably because of the way the back cover grips around the edges of the Atrix.
Screens, I have not noticed the pentile as much with the Atrix. Yes likley due to the pixel size. And after everyones complaining about the colors, I find the screen vibrant and quite pleasing.
I think coming from the N1 you will find this phone faster with a nicer screen. A very nice upgrade to say the least.
Of course, I am a fan of the phone.

Coming from the Captivate, I am very pleased with the aesthetics of the phone. Comparatively, it feels just as sturdy as the Captivate did. The screen resolution makes up for the difference in display types between the two phones. The only real difference I see is when viewed from an angle, the Captivate looks better. I got a body glove case for both phones, and they feel very similar. I don't feel that the Atrix is any slicker than the Captivate. I worried about dropping the Captivate when I first got it. With out a case, I probably would have.
Hands down IMO, the Atrix is a better unit. Functionality is far superior and the GPS actually tracks flawlessly (Stationary and in motion) as it should. Add in the FFC, LED, dual cores, and flash, I am very happy with it. Now if only Motorola would release the access to the bootloader so that we can have some real fun with this thing, all would be right in the world (ok, almost).

Thanks, I think I got my answer...I will buy it when it arrives in Canada


For whoever cares, my thoughts on the pentile screen

After everyone saying that it's soooo different and no one can tell its even Pentile, I thought I would love this phone, especially with it's thinness!
Went to verizon today to check it out (they had one on display). Still obviously pentile. Granted, a LITTLE better than the bionic, but it's still no where as close to as crisp as ANY phone that doesnt sport the Pentile matrix, like the thunderbolt, iphone, even blackberry Torch.
I don't know about you all, but I CAN'T STAND IT. It's so ugly to me to have jagged looking edges and lines through you're screen. My old Blackberry Storm 1 did better than this.
I'm really hoping the pentile on the Galaxy Nexus is better than this, or else I'm just still going to be wishing I had something like the galaxy SII
Hey, thanks for your opinion, I am interested in what people who have actually seen the thing in person have to say. The stores near me dont have it on display yet so I appreciate the info!!
If u like this phone just buy it, forget abt the screen and battery, just buy and enjoy.
It'll be the same thing probably on the Nexus. It really isn't that big of a deal so don't worry about it.
Yeah it really isn't THAT big of a deal but I just don't understand what's so hard about using a little bit better of a screen. I think the nexus will at least make up for the screen with ics and the on screen buttons and NFC. Though much thicker :/. I can't wait to really feel how light this razr is once its out of the display clunky holder thing.
It felt reallllyyyy light even with that thing on there and the thinness is incredible. I sold my bionic a few weeks ago and I have been using a 4s, and I'm getting so sick of not having my 4g. This razr will be a nice change, though the screen definitely looks subpar. I just wish there was a phone on Verizon that I could show to apple fanboys and them not say that their retina display looks better. Because, fact of the matter is, it does look much better(the retina display).
It's almost sad to me that Motorola and Samsung and such brag about their screens being 720p and such when their pixel densities are still less than the retina display, and the pentile is still obvious(assuming the nexus is still the same).
I don't know, I'm just ranting.
The razr did feel very quick however, and the camera app worked VERY WELL. The shutter lag was very low! Much faster than the bionic and it reminded me of a galaxy nexus video displaying the no shutter lag. Though the pictures weren't what I was used to with the 4s, they still turned out pretty nice looking.
guitarevan07 said:
Yeah it really isn't THAT big of a deal but I just don't understand what's so hard about using a little bit better of a screen. I think the nexus will at least make up for the screen with ics and the on screen buttons and NFC. Though much thicker :/. I can't wait to really feel how light this razr is once its out of the display clunky holder thing.
It felt reallllyyyy light even with that thing on there and the thinness is incredible. I sold my bionic a few weeks ago and I have been using a 4s, and I'm getting so sick of not having my 4g. This razr will be a nice change, though the screen definitely looks subpar. I just wish there was a phone on Verizon that I could show to apple fanboys and them not say that their retina display looks better. Because, fact of the matter is, it does look much better(the retina display).
It's almost sad to me that Motorola and Samsung and such brag about their screens being 720p and such when their pixel densities are still less than the retina display, and the pentile is still obvious(assuming the nexus is still the same).
I don't know, I'm just ranting.
The razr did feel very quick however, and the camera app worked VERY WELL. The shutter lag was very low! Much faster than the bionic and it reminded me of a galaxy nexus video displaying the no shutter lag. Though the pictures weren't what I was used to with the 4s, they still turned out pretty nice looking.
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I know what you can show them! Show them the iphone 5 while they still have the 4s! Jk jk. On a serious note think about the screen sizes, 3.7 vs 4.3 and 4.65, they don't even compare. Yes it looks sharp and such, wait till they do a 4 + inch screen, and then if they can keep the same pixel density more power to them. But seriously I've been through 5 phones this year on Verizon alone: 1.) Thunderbolt 2.) Droid Charge 3.) Droid x2 4.) Droid 3 5.) Droid Bionic . To be honest the X2 screen was the worse out of them all, that phone was just utter garbage. The Droid 3 and Bionic screens although pentile, were still acceptable for day to day use and netflix. Seriously if I want breathtaking visuals I'll go home and watch something on my dual 30 inch setup.
Were you disgusted with the display on your Bionic? If you can't stomach the pentile display... There's always the HTC Rezound that you could go for. I will personally wait for the RAZR to come to my anxiously awaiting hands via fedex 11/11 by 10 am gg priority shipping. If the screen is that terrible but I like the speed/feel of the phone I'll probably stick with it. To me high quality build is a HUGE factor, I can't stand HTC/Samsung's cheap plastic build. In the end it's your own personal preferences, I'm not bothered at all by the sub pentile matrix.
zetsumeikuro said:
I know what you can show them! Show them the iphone 5 while they still have the 4s! Jk jk. On a serious note think about the screen sizes, 3.7 vs 4.3 and 4.65, they don't even compare. Yes it looks sharp and such, wait till they do a 4 + inch screen, and then if they can keep the same pixel density more power to them. But seriously I've been through 5 phones this year on Verizon alone: 1.) Thunderbolt 2.) Droid Charge 3.) Droid x2 4.) Droid 3 5.) Droid Bionic . To be honest the X2 screen was the worse out of them all, that phone was just utter garbage. The Droid 3 and Bionic screens although pentile, were still acceptable for day to day use and netflix. Seriously if I want breathtaking visuals I'll go home and watch something on my dual 30 inch setup.
Were you disgusted with the display on your Bionic? If you can't stomach the pentile display... There's always the HTC Rezound that you could go for. I will personally wait for the RAZR to come to my anxiously awaiting hands via fedex 11/11 by 10 am gg priority shipping. If the screen is that terrible but I like the speed/feel of the phone I'll probably stick with it. To me high quality build is a HUGE factor, I can't stand HTC/Samsung's cheap plastic build. In the end it's your own personal preferences, I'm not bothered at all by the sub pentile matrix.
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OK ... this post is going to sound antagonistic but it REALLY isnt meant that way ....
are we putting too much emphasis on this Pentile issue ? I mean most of us are upgrading from phones that are a year or two old (in my case an original HTC Desire).
I assume (correct me if im wrong) that the RAZR screen (and the Nexus screen and Rezound screen - not coming to the UK) will blow my Desire screen out of the water !?
Seriously ... I have very good vision but am I genuinely going to spot Pentile without going right up to the screen and looking for it.
I think my Desire is Pentile isnt it ? and ive never considered that blocky or seen any halo effect and thats a much lower resolution !?!
Please dont take offence if you really do notice the difference but im just trying to get some perspective into this discussion .....
wilbur-force said:
OK ... this post is going to sound antagonistic but it REALLY isnt meant that way ....
are we putting too much emphasis on this Pentile issue ? I mean most of us are upgrading from phones that are a year or two old (in my case an original HTC Desire).
I assume (correct me if im wrong) that the RAZR screen (and the Nexus screen and Rezound screen - not coming to the UK) will blow my Desire screen out of the water !?
Seriously ... I have very good vision but am I genuinely going to spot Pentile without going right up to the screen and looking for it.
I think my Desire is Pentile isnt it ? and ive never considered that blocky or seen any halo effect and thats a much lower resolution !?!
Please dont take offence if you really do notice the difference but im just trying to get some perspective into this discussion .....
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No offense taken at all! I am very attention to detail, and yes you can notice the pixelation to some level (more so on the droid x2 (the most) droid 3 bionic not enough to bother me). I can't personally say anything about the RAZR, but looking at the color saturation looks nice. To be honest I really don't care if it is pixelated even slightly. The OP is the one making the fit about the PenTile display. I don't agree with him, but he is entitled to his opinion, and I will respect that. In the end it's all about personal preference, I for one am okay with the PenTile technology. The main gripe I'd say besides the blocky/jagged text would be the discoloration, but the AMOLED on the RAZR seems to take care of that.
Edit: Derp iPhone screen 3.5 D:.
zetsumeikuro said:
No offense taken at all! I am very attention to detail, and yes you can notice the pixelation to some level (more so on the droid x2 (the most) droid 3 bionic not enough to bother me). I can't personally say anything about the RAZR, but looking at the color saturation looks nice. To be honest I really don't care if it is pixelated even slightly. The OP is the one making the fit about the PenTile display. I don't agree with him, but he is entitled to his opinion, and I will respect that. In the end it's all about personal preference, I for one am okay with the PenTile technology. The main gripe I'd say besides the blocky/jagged text would be the discoloration, but the AMOLED on the RAZR seems to take care of that.
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sorry .... i probably 'quoted' the wrong post
just trying to suggest that this is probably going to be a better display than what most of us 'currently' have and probably in the top 5 (?) displays out on the market (or due out imminently) ???
or am i wrong .... ?
construction ALONE is a good enough reason to get this.
The cheap 4$ plastic of the Sasmsungs doesn't justify even a 1080p display, it just looks and feels like 98' cheap gameboy.... Not to mention the SGS screen is one of the worst in the industry today with absolutely NO WHITES and a green hue all over the place.. It's just a very bad engineered screen to fit Samsung's cheap phone.
Fif23 said:
construction ALONE is a good enough reason to get this.
The cheap 4$ plastic of the Sasmsungs doesn't justify even a 1080p display, it just looks and feels like 98' cheap gameboy.... Not to mention the SGS screen is one of the worst in the industry today with absolutely NO WHITES and a green hue all over the place.. It's just a very bad engineered screen to fit Samsung's cheap phone.
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True ... construction is a biggy for me. i run a junior football squad (soccer for our American friends) and my phone is often used in the wind and rain around mud etc.
My Desire has stood up pretty well but (in my opinion) the Desire has been the last of the 'sturdy' HTC builds .... to be honest I really fancy a change from HTC too. Will I miss sense ? possibly, however my current 'build' is a Senseless ROM anyway.
I like the look of the RAZR, and need an SD slot (or at least 32gb - which seems to rule out the UK Nexus). Wavering, but the RAZR is still front runner ....
wilbur-force said:
sorry .... i probably 'quoted' the wrong post
just trying to suggest that this is probably going to be a better display than what most of us 'currently' have and probably in the top 5 (?) displays out on the market (or due out imminently) ???
or am i wrong .... ?
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Yes it will be one of the "better' displays on the market for sure. Regardless of it having a PenTile matrix, it still has good color saturation and unmatched visibility outdoors. I will have my RAZR in another 2-3 days or so, and I will report back here with how the screen is.
I was disgusted by the screen because I wanted it to be leaps and bounds better than the bionic screen, and it wasn't. It was just slightly better.
You all will love you're phones I'm sure, I'm just a snob about the pentiles. For some reason I can't stand it. Especially after looking at the gsII screens. bleh.
guitarevan07 said:
I was disgusted by the screen because I wanted it to be leaps and bounds better than the bionic screen, and it wasn't. It was just slightly better.
You all will love you're phones I'm sure, I'm just a snob about the pentiles. For some reason I can't stand it. Especially after looking at the gsII screens. bleh.
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Me too. But after playing with one for about 10 min the screen on the razr looks beautiful to me. And with the bionic right next to it, I see a huge difference. Thats just me though.
Sir, if you think the SGS-II screen is a better screen, then your statement regarding the Razr screen kinda loses some of it's validity because scientifically, the SGS-II screen is showing you FAKE colors, the white is really really dark, under ANY brightness setting, and the rest of the picture is GREEN in such high levels that it's an insult to any good set of eyes.
In the comparison pictures I have seen, the RAZR's panel, although similar, has MUCH better whites and less of a green hue.
If you meant that you liked the SMOOTHNESS of the SGS screen, in term of pixel arrangement, then maybe ! I'll see when I get one.
The way I see it, the IPHONE has the most advanced, natural display on the market today... Nothing comes close really.
BUT the overall package of the RAZR is what's appealing.
thank you for your thoughts.
Fif23 said:
Sir, if you think the SGS-II screen is a better screen, then your statement regarding the Razr screen kinda loses some of it's validity because scientifically, the SGS-II screen is showing you FAKE colors, the white is really really dark, under ANY brightness setting, and the rest of the picture is GREEN in such high levels that it's an insult to any good set of eyes.
In the comparison pictures I have seen, the RAZR's panel, although similar, has MUCH better whites and less of a green hue.
If you meant that you liked the SMOOTHNESS of the SGS screen, in term of pixel arrangement, then maybe ! I'll see when I get one.
The way I see it, the IPHONE has the most advanced, natural display on the market today... Nothing comes close really.
BUT the overall package of the RAZR is what's appealing.
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I would MUCH rather have th SGSII screen than the Razr's. Like I said, the pentile is just horrible in my opinion. Maybe you're right about the greens and all. I'm just saying first impressions, when I picked up the phone, the pentile was noticeable. Make me look back at my iphone and be like, wtf is this?
This is what Gizmodo's review says about the screen:
"We ragged on the Bionic's screen pretty hard. The RAZR's is a lot better. It's not perfect, but it's better. The new Droid's screen is Super AMOLED Advanced. What does the "Advanced" mean? Seriously, nobody has any idea, which means it's probably just marketing speak. "Advanced" aside, its Super AMOLEDness delivers deep blacks and vivid, accurate colors. There's still some pixilation, though. In fact, it's almost as severe as the Bionic's, but with the increased saturation and straight-up deliciousness, it doesn't draw your attention quite as much. It's certainly not as sharp as the 720p display on the HTC Rezound or the iPhone 4S' Retina, but it certainly won't make your eyes bleed."
I gotta say I really don't care whether it is pentile or RGB, I just want to be able to view sites in desktop mode without having to zoom in, (sites like engadget), and still be able to CLEARLY read text beyond the like headlines. At this point, I have yet to see a pentile screen where I can do this...
I was disappointed when I got a Nexus S because I couldn't view pages as well as I used to on my much older Motorola Milestone (Droid 1). And the Atrix, even with its qHD display appeared to be a step backwards from the Milestone. This is one of the things I like to do to test out a new phone, and I have a feeling the RAZR will disappoint in this regard. Out of all of the phones I have checked out lately, the HTC Raider (Vivid in the US) appears to have the clearest rendering of websites in full desktop mode. Regardless, the RAZR's screen is still a step forward and I would really like to see it in person, but until then, threads like this and OP's opinion provide an interesting read.
android is choice ...
... i played with the razr for 10min and i just can say it`s a great device, pure black, nice reading ... pentile or not, cool phone.

Is it me or is the 3d not even in the same ball park

I know this may have been discussed, but I went to look at the samsung nexus and samsung galaxy sII and wow do theses phone blow the 3d away. I was really surprised. The 3d is not even in the same ball park. I like my 3d but the 2 just make it feel so cheap. The screen doesnt even compair to either 2. The cameras are so much better than the 3d. If anyone says different they are on crack. Come a few more weeks i'll be able to upgrade and once sprint gets the samsung nexus I will defiantly make the switch. I have always had htc phones but its time to move on to bigger and better things.
They may seem nice at first but I've had nothing but bad experiences with samsung phones. I'm just one person though...I'm gonna stick with htc. Just my 2 cents.
We're comin from a pure power source.
it's just you.
to each his own though. my honest opinion of the s2 was that it felt cheap like a toy and had no "robust" feel to it. the earpiece speaker/call quality was **** compared to my 3D, the screen was low resolution, it had all kinds of bugs, and the OS looked like something from a nintendo game.
i will reluctantly be buying a nexus as well, reluctantly. and it will just be to try it out. i am skeptical simply because it is a samsung.
cds36 said:
I know this may have been discussed, but I went to look at the samsung nexus and samsung galaxy sII and wow do theses phone blow the 3d away. I was really surprised. The 3d is not even in the same ball park. I like my 3d but the 2 just make it feel so cheap. The screen doesnt even compair to either 2. The cameras are so much better than the 3d. If anyone says different they are on crack. Come a few more weeks i'll be able to upgrade and once sprint gets the samsung nexus I will defiantly make the switch. I have always had htc phones but its time to move on to bigger and better things.
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I'm gonna help you out and predict most people's responses:
Troll, have a good life, great story bro, etc.
You might consider giving a better argument. For instance, my gf's galaxy nexus seems to have a brighter and sharper screen. It's also a light phone. The camera appears to instantly take the shots. In fact I took a photo with it of a moving car and the car was barely blurred.
Yeah im in no way bashing Htc I was just really surprised. I know getting updates from samsung is like pulling teeth thats why im going with the nexus straight google.
karate134 said:
I'm gonna help you out and predict most people's responses:
Troll, have a good life, great story bro, etc.
You might consider giving a better argument. For instance, my gf's galaxy nexus seems to have a brighter and sharper screen. It's also a light phone. The camera appears to instantly take the shots. In fact I took a photo with it of a moving car and the car was barely blurred.
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True ... The argument just go see for yourself and compair. Like I said i like my 3d, but these just seem to be in a different class.
I hated how the EVO 3D felt in contrast to my Exhibit II 4G. Something about the overall plasticness that makes it feel lighter and more better.
Not to mention, the plastic body helps absorb shock much better than the dense material HTC uses. I'm glad I got rid of my EVO with its crappy radio.
My 2¢
I've had them all.
Motorola - best antenna
Samsung - lightest
HTC - most development
Or you could just go buy an iphone. Studies have shown, if you own an iPhone you're more likely to have sex
Go for it and enjoy! I'm happy with my 3D and the better dev community here.
Yes it is in the same ball park! I had the SGS2 for about 5 months and yes it was very good and I loved the super amoled plus screen, the things i don't like about it is that if feels cheap in the hand and the lack of Led Notifs (yes you can get bln but that doesn't cut it) Also Touchwiz sucks. From personal experience I would say the SGS2 devs are superb and it does have a great community, I have not looked around the 3D's forum to compare the two, even if it did have a bad community I don't mind as I got this phone at a great price and ill hopefully have it until it's life is over (which I hope isn't soon)
If you want a phone that feels like you could break it apart with you hands by all means go for the Sgs2. The galaxy nexus on the other hand I have to agree that it does look like it's in another league.
fpineda101 said:
Go for it and enjoy! I'm happy with my 3D and the better dev community here.
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Dev support here is huge, and never liked Samsung aside from their screens to an extent...
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I liked using my Evo 3D. I'm using a Nexus S 4G right now (got a really good deal), and I just love the screen. The amoled screen, to me, looks much better than the TFT displays HTC uses. The 3D screen is light years ahead of the Evo 4G screen with it's pink hues when displaying at white background.
I will also say the camera sensors in the samsung devices are of better quality than what HTC uses. Again, this is in my experience, and I'm also not a professional photographer.
To say the 3D is not in the same ballpark as the SGSII, or Galaxy Nexus really isn't fair. At the time of release, the 3D was almost on top of the world. Shortly thereafter, the GSII came out, with its exynos processor, which has better performance than the Snapdragon used in the HTC devices.
Also, the Galaxy Nexus is a newer phone, with a larger screen, higher resolution, plus it's running the latest version of Android. This phone will eventually become "crappy" as the quad core devices come out, or future versions of android roll out that make this phone "sluggish". No phone stays on top for very long. The Nexus One, and Evo 4G are the only phones that have largely kept their halo status, despite their age.
in my opinion from first glance its easy to choose the gs2 or galaxy nexus over the e3d. but after having played with all 3 and knowing ppl with the others and there expierence im gonna go ahead and stick with htc..
screen wise although i love how awesome the super amoleds look the low resolution on the gs2 with such a big screen is a super turn off for me. the galaxy nexus on the other hand is just pure awesomeness screen wise. but the e3d's size and resolution are way more important than how vibrant it is. and this one might just be me but i find the slcd color reproduction to be way more accurate and not excessively vibrant as oppsed to samoled but the blacks suck..
as for the processor i still cant figure out why everyone goes crazy over the exynos its an awesome processor but as is the msm8660 in the e3d neither chip beats the other outright both having strong and weak points. and if uve played with a sense 3.5 or ics rom u know how awesome this phone will be when we do eventually get our update. right now thou its still great sense 3.0 isnt as fluid as 3.5 or above but its fast and runs apps amazingly. i cant stand touchwiz but thats not important because some ppl do. only stock android or sense for me
camera ill give that one to samsung they win big time haha. but the e3d camera still gets the job done and with the right settings i still manage to get some great shots.
i want to get the nexus ive been wanting one forever but the only thing stopping me is the lack of a microsd which isnt to crazy because id still have the same amount of memory i do now but there is no room for expansion which sucks. and i might actually miss sense to much. the widgets mainly but for me sense makes android so easy to get around.
and the build quality of sammy phones is just terrible. such great hardware put into this cheap plastic shell feels like a toy. i love my evo and my e3d ive dropped em several times and have no dents or scratches on my screens and ive never used a case the worse ive gotten is wear marks from using them for so long...
dont overlook the e3d it stands up really well against those two. they all got their perks that make em great just pick which is right for you.
I'm not sure why everyone gets hung up on the "poor build quality" of the samsung devices. They are made of plastic, and are light weight. Other than that, they are built very solidly. They do have glossy plastic, which shows scratches much easier than on matte plastic. The Evo 3D is entirely encased in a plastic wrapper, but it's heavy. The weight is the only difference in "build quailty".
HTC has had issues with light leakage around their screens. Dust getting between the digitizer and the LCD. I've heard of samsung phones getting blown speakers, lower signal quality (both wifi and 3G/4G), and lack of updates, but beyond that, their devices are fairly solid. HTC has recently been putting out better quality devices, so they have learned from past mistakes.
I'm just curious to see if there are truly a higher percentage of breakage with samsung phones, vs HTC phones.
Please note: I'm not hating on HTC phones, as every smartphone I've ever owned, with the exception of the Nexus S 4G, have been made by HTC. I just don't hear about samsung phones breaking all the time.
The nexus just came out, it should be "better"
The gs2 is good too but they have made like 10 skus of one device and mismatched different hardware on each one which blows for the end user
big screen with no HD, this one has this chip, 4g here not 4g there.... pure milk age of there first widely popular phone
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It's you. One word. Touchwiz.. At least we have the option of either sense, aosp, or miui.
I love my 3D. My next phone will be the next HTC Lte phone in sprints lineup.
Sprint EVO 3D.
HW version: 002
TWRP v1.1.1
Hboot 1.4.1000
for me its the glossy plastic that feels cheap. the lightweight is nice but i prefer a lil weight like the e3d gives u a better grip on it in my opinion. my cousin had the vibrant and any drop wouldnt break the phone but would eat chunks of that plastic were with the plastic htc uses it doesnt dent so easily worst u get is a nice scratch. the galaxy nexus seems interesting because it looks and feels much higher quality imo but i havent heard much if it actually is.
now for defects i havent experienced any and this is my 3rd htc android phone (hero, evo, evo3d) now im probably just lucky as both my evos were launch day and my hero i bought after at&t decided to rape me with some bull**** bill lol. i know there have been defects and although they r bad i much rather have light leakage or dust as opposed to weak signal and no gps.. but thats what warranties are for. there will always be a bad apple in a bunch as long as i can get it replaced for free i wont complain about it
i dont hate samsung btw. there phones are nice ive been considering getting one but for now im liking what htc has been doing and unless samsung changes it up its probably gonna stick that way because from the rumors of sense 4.0 i think im going to fall in love all over again..
only gripe i have with htc that i think they should consider is jumping on the samoled bandwagon as long as they keep the high resolution it would make them the top choice haha
Having had the Sprint version of the SGSII for a few months, I can definitely say this phone is in the same ballpark. My main issue with the SGSII (again, I'm only referring to the Epic Touch 4g here, I have no experience with the other versions) was the build quality, followed by the array of annoying bugs.
The build quality was particularly bad, the plastic felt very cheap and was scuffed extremely easily. The back of the phone is made from some of the thinnest and flimsiest plastic ever, it would come off so easily. The redeeming factor here was the screen, it was fantastic and easily one of the best screens on the market right here. The resolution was a little low but definitely not bad.
Moving on to the bugs...
The first bug that became apparent to me (and practically everyone else) was the random loss of service that would occur. It became very annoying when your phone would randomly drop out of service and stay like that until you clear the RAM or reboot the phone. Many people couldn't even use the phone for a business phone because they had to remain in contact with people, and having to check constantly for LoS was a HUGE annoyance. Next is the GPS, utterly terrible, there are no other words to describe it, it would take up to 20 minutes at times just to get a lock. I remember on one occasion a few days after buying the phone, I was planning on going to a concert and using it to navigate (Between the Buried and Me/Tesseract/Animals as Leaders ) but on the way back I could not receive a lock on the satellites and by the grace of god I somehow managed to make my way back home.
Still, the SGSII is an amazing phone with great specs, but in my personal opinion, from the build quality and support from htc alone, this is better.
Jesus guys....... no offense, but are we comparing a phone that was released June of last year. Buy what you like!! All three are great phones!!
I've handled the E4GT, the GNex, and, of course, my own Evo 3D.
And I prefer the 3D by far. The E4GT, while fluid, feels too insubstantial for my tastes. The 3D is thick and heavy, and I love that. My Evo 4G survived drop after drop and it still works, and I'm confident my 3D will be able to do the same (In fact, near the end of my time using the OG Evo, I would throw it every time it overheated and shut off; still nothing wrong with it besides a few scratches and that overheating issue).
The E4GT may have a better camera, but the 3D is no slouch itself. I have been very satisfied with the pictures I have taken; I'm not a professional photographer by any means, and most of you are in the same boat.
I have always looked at Sense as superior to Touchwiz. Touchwiz is more fluid, but Sense seems to have better integration and it just feels more solid.
It's the development community that makes the difference though. Compared to the 3D, the development community for the E4GT is abysmal. As said by Viperboy, "I really can't wait to get the Galaxy Nexus & get rid of the E4GT. What a development failure, IMO. Phone is great but no good development." Last I checked they barely if at all have CM and MIUI, and they don't have much at all for ICS.
The GNex is a good phone, but the specs are a bit disappointing and I don't see it as being an immensely better phone once other phones start to run ICS. It's main advantage is the screen.

Thinking of buying a Titan to replace my Focus

Hi all. I am thinking about buying a Titan to replace my Focus but i haven't followed this phone too closely and i would love some input.
The Focus is a great size and Windows Phone is fantastic but it feels like a Samsung, meaning cheap and plastic. Also I would like a front facing camera.
Most of my phones have been HTC and I miss the quality feel of an HTC device. I'm concerned about the size of the device and whether it will fit well in my pocket. Spec wise it isn't much bigger than the HD2 but that doesn't always tell the whole story.
Anyway the reason for posting is to ask whether there are any known issues to be aware of, are there any model or versions to look for when buying second hand and is there a working unlock for this device?
Lastly has anyone made the move from the Focus to the Titan and if so what are your thoughts?
I think alot of people with the AT&T Titan is having issues. The only issue I have right now is that the WiFi randomly loses the connection so I gotta go into settings>wifi and just let it search, it finds the hotspot and automatically connects to it again. Annoying.
I have a Titan on AT&T, as does my girlfriend. We have had zero issues so far. Call quality could be a little better, but overall I have no complaints about the device. It definitely feels solid and quality built when handling it, and has a decent heft to it that you obviously don't get with plastic devices.
I'd say if you are looking to make the switch, go ahead and do it. From what I have experienced, it's a great device. I came from a GS2 on Sprint and the size of this phone actually does not bother me. I am 5'9" tall with "normal" sized hands and I can still perform all functions on this device with one hand.
I have the same experience: came from the Focus and haven't looked back. I don't have the connection issues many experience, but I agree that the call quality is horrible. I've never had so many people have trouble hearing me - it's almost unusable on speaker phone because nobody can understand me. Fortunately, I hate being on the phone.
Another thing is that my wife has dropped her Focus hundreds of times and it always breaks apart on impact with minimal damage. I don't drop my phone often, but I had the same experience with my Focus. Of course, when I was getting used to the size of my Titan, I did drop it once, just one day before my case arrived. Naturally, there was a huge gouge in the metal body. It's solid, but it's not as forgiving as the "cheap, plasticky" Focus.
Oh, so one other point: the Titan is huge, initially, but you get used to it really quickly. I laugh when people talk about how 4.7 is too big, and that it might as well be a tablet, that phones will start shrinking again. ( I'm not so sure...this phone, because of its thinness, is easy to get used to. It now feels "normal" size and my wife's Focus feels "dinky." ...and the Focus screen wasn't all that tiny either!
Here are some of my early gripes with the Titan, but it's pretty much outdated at this point, because I really have very few gripes anymore about this awesome phone. And at a penny (same price I paid on Black Friday), you canNOT go wrong.
Thanks. If the price is right I’ll probably pick one up.
One other thing I’m curious about. I started with WP7 using the original dft rom on an HD2 and I thought the screen response and especially the keyboard were outstanding. I’m less impressed with the responsiveness of the Focus. I’ve seen mixed comments about the Titan, anyone have current thoughts about this?
Will_nonya said:
Thanks. If the price is right I’ll probably pick one up.
One other thing I’m curious about. I started with WP7 using the original dft rom on an HD2 and I thought the screen response and especially the keyboard were outstanding. I’m less impressed with the responsiveness of the Focus. I’ve seen mixed comments about the Titan, anyone have current thoughts about this?
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I think the screen of the Titan is a bit unresponsive/slow compared to my iPhone in terms of tracking the finger. iPhone tracks it 100% correct and fast while the Titan seem to either struggle or have a speed limit on the screen.
Will_nonya said:
Thanks. If the price is right I’ll probably pick one up.
One other thing I’m curious about. I started with WP7 using the original dft rom on an HD2 and I thought the screen response and especially the keyboard were outstanding. I’m less impressed with the responsiveness of the Focus. I’ve seen mixed comments about the Titan, anyone have current thoughts about this?
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Is a penny the right price? ATT has it on sale again. I had a Focus. I moved to the Titan. I had all the issues mentioned,lol. I did all the fixes mentioned in this forum and I'm tickled pink. I gave my Focus to my girlfriend. Had my Titan since December. Yesterday my girlfriend wanted my to add something to her phone. When I grabbed the Focus, I couldn't believe how tiny it looked. I had trouble typing on the keyboard because the letters looked so small. Titan has ruined me! I can't get a smaller phone,lol.
ArtieQ said:
I think the screen of the Titan is a bit unresponsive/slow compared to my iPhone in terms of tracking the finger. iPhone tracks it 100% correct and fast while the Titan seem to either struggle or have a speed limit on the screen.
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ArtieQ, my experience with the iphone obviously differs from yours but ill take the point as "it could be better"
I went and played with a Titan today and i was pretty impressed with it until i changed it to the same green theme in had on the Focus. The colors were completely different. Ive always thought that the Focus was a bit much but in a direct comparison the Titan seems to go to the opposite extreme.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA
I went from the Arrive to the Titan. I haven't looked back. I'm 5'10" and comfort isn't an issue. I don't even notice the phone in my pocket (I never use a case except at work). I have had zero issues that most people express except for the occasional keyboard problem (minor issue compared to the text limit of the Arrive). Build quality is right on par from what I expect from HTC. No plastic feeling here. I agree with bennyj71, I'm amazed how tiny the wife's 4.3" phone seems after using this phone the last 4 months.
Thats cause the focus uses a super amoled screen colors tend to be better QUOTE=Will_nonya;23348196]ArtieQ, my experience with the iphone obviously differs from yours but ill take the point as "it could be better"
thats because the focus uses a super amoled screen colors tends to be more vibrant
I went and played with a Titan today and i was pretty impressed with it until i changed it to the same green theme in had on the Focus. The colors were completely different. Ive always thought that the Focus was a bit much but in a direct comparison the Titan seems to go to the opposite extreme.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA[/QUOTE]
Sent from my PI39100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
The only issues I ever had with my Titan are the WP7.5 ones with disappearing keyboard etc that the latest update has gotten rid of.
The handset feels great to hold and use and fits easier in your pocket than you might think, forget about any docking stations except the specific one though! I like the battery cover being one whole side of the phone too, makes it seem more solid.
The camera is really really good, useful having the front facing one too and to help with photos, the screen quality is miles better than my old phone the HTC HD7.
Literally the only thing I can think of that annoys me is that there aren't more theme colours!!!
In all it's a great phone to have and people although mocking, will actually be jealous of the screen size!
I love HTC hardware. It just feels so much better in your hand than Samsung was certainly no exception. It also seemed to perform very well.
The only thing that gives me pause is the washed out look of the screen. Some colors that are briaght and vibrant, and arguably over saturated, on the Focus were washed out and not even close to the same shade.
The only other consideration is how the Lumina 900 will compare. Assuming that it is well build I'm honestly more interested in the Nokia software but i have a long history with HTC.
Will_nonya said:
I love HTC hardware. It just feels so much better in your hand than Samsung was certainly no exception. It also seemed to perform very well.
The only thing that gives me pause is the washed out look of the screen. Some colors that are briaght and vibrant, and arguably over saturated, on the Focus were washed out and not even close to the same shade.
The only other consideration is how the Lumina 900 will compare. Assuming that it is well build I'm honestly more interested in the Nokia software but i have a long history with HTC.
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Can't disagree with the build quality, but I do disagree about the screen. Nothing about it is washed out to me, and I also came from the Focus. I also have heard that the Focus S is even MORE saturated, and I've definitely come to prefer the Titans more realistic colors. More under "screen colors" here:
Go and get the Titan. you won't be disappointed.

Deeply Sad

Saw the 'S' today in the flesh and................what a disappointment. Compared it to Galaxy 2 just on appearance and thought............
Not impressed.
It may have some technical tour de force BUT the physical appearance of the device leaves me cold. It is heavy, p-lasticky and does not exude quality at all. Arc S was ther too and looked so much better and my X10 looked like a nicer device than the 'S'.
it was going to be my next phone BUT this has really turned e off. it does not come across as a quality product in its 'box presentation'. Note I am not commenting on its technical performance. On looks alone it is, in the flesh, a piece of large, fresh water fish.
Sh 1 t.
Bennachie said:
Saw the 'S' today in the flesh and................what a disappointment. Compared it to Galaxy 2 just on appearance and thought............
Not impressed.
It may have some technical tour de force BUT the physical appearance of the device leaves me cold. It is heavy, p-lasticky and does not exude quality at all. Arc S was ther too and looked so much better and my X10 looked like a nicer device than the 'S'.
it was going to be my next phone BUT this has really turned e off. it does not come across as a quality product in its 'box presentation'. Note I am not commenting on its technical performance. On looks alone it is, in the flesh, a piece of large, fresh water fish.
Sh 1 t.
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Well maybe for you but for me it's the best phone in years (and have seen them all lol)
But why post in a user forum here puzzles me when you don't like it...
If somebody compares X S to SGS II, which looks like a plastic piece of shoot,
and says X S is "less impressive" or whatever, I say: buy better glasses,
or just don't use this stuff because it influences your perception.
How long will we read here about the ****n.. Scheissung.
I mean everybody has a different taste and for sure X S can be controversial.
But it's still well made, impressive and distinctive device.
doministry said:
I mean everybody has a different taste and for sure X S can be controversial.
But it's still well made, impressive and distinctive device.
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But, what a feel - just got my S
Well it's your opinion of course but the SG2 is butt ugly compared to this phone and that's my opinion I love the design and look of it, the sg1 and 2 feel like a fischer price toy phone in my hands.
Oke, thx for your opinion.
But mine is totally the other way around, I think this is one of the most awesome smartphone designs since whatever.
I in fact like the weight, the SGSII is way to light for me, feels like a plastic toyphone from wallmart or something. And it feels way more plasticy than the Xperia S imo.
I should receive mine this week and will be able to give my opinion, but I must say that until now I've never touched more plasticky high end devices than Samsung phones... Samsung sports nice specs, pentile or low res screens and the most shiny scratchable plastics... so much that their most advanced development in terms of materials so far has been non shiny plasticky battery covers...
Maybe Xperia S is 2 mm thicker and that could be a problem if you only want the slimmest device, but apart from that I seriously doubt it could feel worse than a Plastic-Samsung phone
And for the Arc, the plastics were not so good, in fact X10i seemed to use a nicer soft touch battery cover.
Maybe you just don't like the design, and that's all right because nothing appeals to everyone, but low quality plasticky compared with a Samsung? Hilarious.

ATRIX user opinions

Hey guys ! I own a HTC EVO 3D right now, but I'm going to switch it for an ATRIX 4G tomorrow.
I want to ask you... How do you feel about the ATRIX's screen? I know it's a TFT LCD with the RGBW matrix, which is what makes my brain twist and say "OH SH*T NO". What's your say on that?
Also... voice quality... Is it loud & clear enough? I mean, compared to other phones you might have owned...
And the camera?
And... most of all... the chipset?! How is it going for you?! I hear it is actually less performant & more power-hungry than Qualcomm's dual core, but I don't really know...
awh its a great phone......but stock gb rom sucks. u wud love it if you are a social networking fan!! for me im pretty happy with my cm flavored atrix. the chip is good, camera is okay.....and about sound i dont give huge scores! display hmmm u shud love it!!
njarun said:
awh its a great phone......but stock gb rom sucks. u wud love it if you are a social networking fan!! for me im pretty happy with my cm flavored atrix. the chip is good, camera is okay.....and about sound i dont give huge scores! display hmmm u shud love it!!
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This whole weekend I've been going back and forth, deciding to trade it for an ATRIX, then changing my mind and returning to HTC... Now I was sure I was gonna make the switch, but here I go again, returning to HTC.
The ATRIX's screen is TFT, as opposed to HTC's S-LCD, and that wouldn't be THAT MUCH of a problem if it didn't had the RGBW matrix... I read a lot on the phone, and that would just ruin my experience, probably making me feel the urge to blend the phone or something.
I think I'll stick to HTC... If only Motorola were to use standard RGB...
good luck
njarun said:
good luck
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I feel somewhat bad for all this (the whole back and forth thing). No phone has everything you need... at least not without some drawbacks, GOD DAMN IT
Sense is hard to leave, especially with sense 4 out now.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
Formhault said:
I feel somewhat bad for all this (the whole back and forth thing). No phone has everything you need... at least not without some drawbacks, GOD DAMN IT
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as you are concerned about the screen, maybe i can help a little. first off, i have really great eyesight, pentile matrix displays make me want to hurt people, but its not all bad. the qHD resolution makes the subpixles much harder to see, i personally can only see them when its about a foot or closer to my face, some colors i can see it farther away, such as green, i can see some distortion about a foot and a half away form my face. but its very hard to see, its a HUGE difference form say, a captivates pentile screen.
next thing to keep in mind is the colors. yellow is a big complaint, i dont notice it to much but the colors are far from perfect, i feel the screen is a hair cold by default, and there are ways to reduce the blue if you are rooted, i did a guide on it a while ago.
last thing is gradients, they look bad, that is the only thing i really am disappointed with, you can see artifacting as the colors shift, although i dont know if im crazy but it seems better then before.
keep in mind that all of these things you will get use to with a little time, i got use to them quickly and i am a stickler for screen quality. one of the goods of the screen though is the battery life, the type of display saves a ton of juice thus making one of the longest lasting phones of its time. now that, I love.
im not trying to bash my own phone here, i love it, and always will, its an amazing device and was everything i wanted when i got it. the screen is something i can live with, and the the battery life plus the higher resolution makes up for it in my book.
let me know if there is anything else you want to know, hope i was a little helpful.
gh123man said:
as you are concerned about the screen, maybe i can help a little. first off, i have really great eyesight, pentile matrix displays make me want to hurt people, but its not all bad. the qHD resolution makes the subpixles much harder to see, i personally can only see them when its about a foot or closer to my face, some colors i can see it farther away, such as green, i can see some distortion about a foot and a half away form my face. but its very hard to see, its a HUGE difference form say, a captivates pentile screen.
next thing to keep in mind is the colors. yellow is a big complaint, i dont notice it to much but the colors are far from perfect, i feel the screen is a hair cold by default, and there are ways to reduce the blue if you are rooted, i did a guide on it a while ago.
last thing is gradients, they look bad, that is the only thing i really am disappointed with, you can see artifacting as the colors shift, although i dont know if im crazy but it seems better then before.
keep in mind that all of these things you will get use to with a little time, i got use to them quickly and i am a stickler for screen quality. one of the goods of the screen though is the battery life, the type of display saves a ton of juice thus making one of the longest lasting phones of its time. now that, I love.
im not trying to bash my own phone here, i love it, and always will, its an amazing device and was everything i wanted when i got it. the screen is something i can live with, and the the battery life plus the higher resolution makes up for it in my book.
let me know if there is anything else you want to know, hope i was a little helpful.
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I do a lot of reading on my phone, and having that screen would kill me... Plus the gradients thing... I noticed it in a 480p YouTube video, ffs, lol.
The battery is all nice, the chipset seems good enough, but even though the screen is all bright in the sun, its downs are making me wanna throw rocks at it, lol.
Sent from my LeeDrOiD-loaded EVO 3D
You know what, I think I'm gonna give the ATRIX a try. I'm going in a couple of hours to see that guy to make the trade.
Got the phone. Tinkered with it already. Love it so far! This PenTile isn't really awful.
Formhault said:
Got the phone. Tinkered with it already. Love it so far! This PenTile isn't really awful.
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Which phone do you like better now since you got the Atrix? Just curious.
Sent from my ATRIX using the Premium XDA App
Voelker45 said:
Which phone do you like better now since you got the Atrix? Just curious.
Sent from my ATRIX using the Premium XDA App
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It's hard for me to answer this.
I loved the EVO 3D. The back design made it attractive, and the overall body... it was nice, alright. Also, the big screen was neat.
There were a few things that made me change the phone. The screen was somewhat yellowish (had to use Filter Your Screen to add a blue alpha so it would not be so yellowish on white menus and so brownish on gray menus - but that still didn't fix it 100%). The earpiece was creaky, and so was the loudspeaker on maximum volume...
I wanted the ATRIX for it has a bigger battery, a decent chipset, and a more robust design. I mean... the body is more compact - feels better in the hand, more secure, I'd say. Besides, on this phone I no longer feel the urge to smash it on the wall for yellow whites or creaky voices in-calls.
Also, the screen is just AMAZING. Even though it's a TFT, and it's got PenTile, I find it really nice. The whites are PURE WHITE. The blacks are BLACK!!! Also, if you know that ICS wallpaper... it really looks better on the ATRIX. The colors were somewhat washed on the EVO 3D - proof that S-LCD still needed work. To be honest, I think this TFT screen can be compared to the Samsung Galaxy S's SUPER AMOLED.
Even if I turn down the screen's brightness to the minimum, the whites still blind me during night time, especially if I hold the phone somewhat close to my face. On full brightness, in the sunlight, it ROCKS !!!
The only thing I wished for is some aluminium on the body. It's all plasticky... good thing I have an iCase Pro (MOMAX) case, otherwise... I wouldn't really like it .
Formhault said:
It's hard for me to answer this.
I loved the EVO 3D. The back design made it attractive, and the overall body... it was nice, alright. Also, the big screen was neat.
There were a few things that made me change the phone. The screen was somewhat yellowish (had to use Filter Your Screen to add a blue alpha so it would not be so yellowish on white menus and so brownish on gray menus - but that still didn't fix it 100%). The earpiece was creaky, and so was the loudspeaker on maximum volume...
I wanted the ATRIX for it has a bigger battery, a decent chipset, and a more robust design. I mean... the body is more compact - feels better in the hand, more secure, I'd say. Besides, on this phone I no longer feel the urge to smash it on the wall for yellow whites or creaky voices in-calls.
Also, the screen is just AMAZING. Even though it's a TFT, and it's got PenTile, I find it really nice. The whites are PURE WHITE. The blacks are BLACK!!! Also, if you know that ICS wallpaper... it really looks better on the ATRIX. The colors were somewhat washed on the EVO 3D - proof that S-LCD still needed work. To be honest, I think this TFT screen can be compared to the Samsung Galaxy S's SUPER AMOLED.
Even if I turn down the screen's brightness to the minimum, the whites still blind me during night time, especially if I hold the phone somewhat close to my face. On full brightness, in the sunlight, it ROCKS !!!
The only thing I wished for is some aluminium on the body. It's all plasticky... good thing I have an iCase Pro (MOMAX) case, otherwise... I wouldn't really like it .
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Welcome to the atrix family
Sent from my MB860
Formhault said:
It's hard for me to answer this.
I loved the EVO 3D. The back design made it attractive, and the overall body... it was nice, alright. Also, the big screen was neat.
There were a few things that made me change the phone. The screen was somewhat yellowish (had to use Filter Your Screen to add a blue alpha so it would not be so yellowish on white menus and so brownish on gray menus - but that still didn't fix it 100%). The earpiece was creaky, and so was the loudspeaker on maximum volume...
I wanted the ATRIX for it has a bigger battery, a decent chipset, and a more robust design. I mean... the body is more compact - feels better in the hand, more secure, I'd say. Besides, on this phone I no longer feel the urge to smash it on the wall for yellow whites or creaky voices in-calls.
Also, the screen is just AMAZING. Even though it's a TFT, and it's got PenTile, I find it really nice. The whites are PURE WHITE. The blacks are BLACK!!! Also, if you know that ICS wallpaper... it really looks better on the ATRIX. The colors were somewhat washed on the EVO 3D - proof that S-LCD still needed work. To be honest, I think this TFT screen can be compared to the Samsung Galaxy S's SUPER AMOLED.
Even if I turn down the screen's brightness to the minimum, the whites still blind me during night time, especially if I hold the phone somewhat close to my face. On full brightness, in the sunlight, it ROCKS !!!
The only thing I wished for is some aluminium on the body. It's all plasticky... good thing I have an iCase Pro (MOMAX) case, otherwise... I wouldn't really like it .
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Good reasons and observations. I really liked that. They way you responded about the evo 3d, I wouldn't buy that at all. Thanks for sharing.
Sent from my ATRIX using the Premium XDA App
bimasakti85 said:
Welcome to the atrix family
Sent from my MB860
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Voelker45 said:
Good reasons and observations. I really liked that. They way you responded about the evo 3d, I wouldn't buy that at all. Thanks for sharing.
Sent from my ATRIX using the Premium XDA App
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Don't get me wrong... MY phone was a bad unit - about the yellowish screen. Another friend had the 3VO and it was white, but compared to my ATRIX now, the ATRIX is white and his 3VO yellow.
The creaking earpiece was also a problem that occured later - I believe some water got in, idk.
The EVO 3D is a great phone.
Sent from my Neutrino-loaded ATRIX
Formhault said:
Don't get me wrong... MY phone was a bad unit - about the yellowish screen. Another friend had the 3VO and it was white, but compared to my ATRIX now, the ATRIX is white and his 3VO yellow.
The creaking earpiece was also a problem that occured later - I believe some water got in, idk.
The EVO 3D is a great phone.
Sent from my Neutrino-loaded ATRIX
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Nice Review. The atrix is a BEAST especially when throwing Neutrino behind it!
I came from a iPhone 4 to the Atrix a few months ago and it has it's ups and downs. My only real gripe of any consequence is the battery life. It isnt terrible, but you have to do a little tweaking (at least with CM7, I found so). I've been playing with ICS on it and so far have noticed a slight improvement in that arena. Plus ICS feels like a much nicer UI overall.
I love the size of the screen on, and I personally have found no problem with it. My main use for the phone (other than calls) is web browsing and reading using the Kindle and nook, and aldiko book readers.
And music playback of course. I have one playlist or another going most of the time if I am not talking to someone (desk job, might as well get my tune on).
My headphone jack failed a month or so after I bought the phone (used, off ebay), and while it was at Motorola getting fixed (warranty job, only paid shipping to them) I was back on my I4 for a couple weeks and I felt a lot better getting the Atrix back, and not just for Android. You just get addicted to the larger screen so easy.
My secondary gripe of any matter is the placement of the power button. Just feels very awkward to use 1 handed. But I added a wake on volume mod instead, and that problem was solved.
Genomerio said:
I came from a iPhone 4 to the Atrix a few months ago and it has it's ups and downs. My only real gripe of any consequence is the battery life. It isnt terrible, but you have to do a little tweaking (at least with CM7, I found so). I've been playing with ICS on it and so far have noticed a slight improvement in that arena. Plus ICS feels like a much nicer UI overall.
I love the size of the screen on, and I personally have found no problem with it. My main use for the phone (other than calls) is web browsing and reading using the Kindle and nook, and aldiko book readers.
And music playback of course. I have one playlist or another going most of the time if I am not talking to someone (desk job, might as well get my tune on).
My headphone jack failed a month or so after I bought the phone (used, off ebay), and while it was at Motorola getting fixed (warranty job, only paid shipping to them) I was back on my I4 for a couple weeks and I felt a lot better getting the Atrix back, and not just for Android. You just get addicted to the larger screen so easy.
My secondary gripe of any matter is the placement of the power button. Just feels very awkward to use 1 handed. But I added a wake on volume mod instead, and that problem was solved.
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I hate the iPhone. Overpriced, tiny 3.5 incher... Besides, Android is much better. Otherwise I would have gotten an iPhone...
If the EVO 3D unit I had didn't had those few things that I didn't like about (malfunctions, that is), I would've sticked to it. Just letting ya know. I consider the EVO 3D above the ATRIX (in some aspects, at leasts).
But compared to the iPhone 4S... The ATRIX wins big time. Bigger battery, better CPU, bigger RAM, better/nicer OS, bigger screen... The only thing I'm concerned about is the GPU. I know it's an 8-core UltraLowPower processor, but... does it really perform as good as/better than the PowerVR's or Adreno's?! I, for one, would say no but that might be some driver-related issue, which should/might be fixed when the official ICS drops...
Im glad you liked the Atrix. Its a pretty dam nice phone, im im love with it. Very fast and smooth. qHD screens are awesome. Great battery life. Feels very nice on my hand. Nice design, IMO. Welcome to the atrix family.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA
Formhault said:
But compared to the iPhone 4S... The ATRIX wins big time. Bigger battery, better CPU, bigger RAM, better/nicer OS, bigger screen... The only thing I'm concerned about is the GPU. I know it's an 8-core UltraLowPower processor, but... does it really perform as good as/better than the PowerVR's or Adreno's?! I, for one, would say no but that might be some driver-related issue, which should/might be fixed when the official ICS drops...
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Ouch, gonna have to disagree there. Nothing really beats iPhones os, its sooo simple and easy to use. Best thing about it is that they DONT need quad core, even my ipad2 runs perfect with gaming. The OS is so perfectly optimized that even with my wife's 3gs, there are only a few hiccups. The one thing that I will agree with is the 3.5 inch screen. That's too small. Imagine a 4.3 inch with that retina display....mmmm......
But these are all personal opinions, and no one will ever agree.
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