Bug in browser text areas - Optimus One, P500, V General

I found a very annoying bug in the stock browser (not present in Dolphin).
When writing in a big text area (such as the one to input this message) it happens that the text goes automatically to a new line when reaching the end of the screen, so you should able to see all the text.
This behavior is correct, but there's an ugly bug that causes the screen to automatically scroll right (as if the text was only in one line), so at a certain point I'm no more able to see the text I'm writing, because while the text is placed in a new line, the scroll forces me to view a blank area. There's definitely no way to disable this, and even if you scroll back to the area in which the text can be seen, when pressing the text area to write another word you are automatically scrolled back to the wrong position.
Do you experience this problem too?
Ok actually this is a known bug in android, and this is the URL http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=9828

Ever since i strted using dolphin hd, nevr used my stock browser


Sprint Touch Pro jumps to missed calls while typing a text.

This is the third one I've gotten with the same problem.
I've read through 11 pages of the forum and did a search but no one seems to have my problem.. however everyone I know who has a Sprint Touch Pro has the same issue.
I get a text, I tap the notification on the bottom Touch FLO 3D screen (the text icon with the yellow circle w/ # of txts that are new.)
I view the message.
I tap MENU at the bottom right. I tap reply. Slide open the keyboard, and begin typing the reply and the minute I type any key (sometimes specifically "R") it automatically flips to the call history screen and uses the last letter I typed to find related calls in my call log starting with the letter.
The same also applies if I press "NEW" on the TF3D screen and slide the keyboard open.
It takes whatever I message I was typing and throws it into drafts - which is now full of messages from all the attempts I've made to text and puts me into call history.
I called HTC about this - one person admitted to knowing about the problem but they said there is no fix - the next time I called they knew nothing about it.
This is just one of several issues I have with this phone. There MUST be a fix for this somewhere on here... HELP! ITS DRIVING ME INSANE!
eightyf0ur said:
This is the third one I've gotten with the same problem.
I've read through 11 pages of the forum and did a search but no one seems to have my problem.. however everyone I know who has a Sprint Touch Pro has the same issue.
I get a text, I tap the notification on the bottom Touch FLO 3D screen (the text icon with the yellow circle w/ # of txts that are new.)
I view the message.
I tap MENU at the bottom right. I tap reply. Slide open the keyboard, and begin typing the reply and the minute I type any key (sometimes specifically "R") it automatically flips to the call history screen and uses the last letter I typed to find related calls in my call log starting with the letter.
The same also applies if I press "NEW" on the TF3D screen and slide the keyboard open.
It takes whatever I message I was typing and throws it into drafts - which is now full of messages from all the attempts I've made to text and puts me into call history.
I called HTC about this - one person admitted to knowing about the problem but they said there is no fix - the next time I called they knew nothing about it.
This is just one of several issues I have with this phone. There MUST be a fix for this somewhere on here... HELP! ITS DRIVING ME INSANE!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The reason this is happening is simple. When you open the keyboard the cursor is not in the text box where you are going to type. So the moment you hit a key it starts to look up calls matching those letters. So to avoid this just tap into the text box then start typing. I don't know if there is a permanent fix for this so you don't have to tap in the text box.
The reason all of those messages are going into the drafts is really quite simple as well. Windows mobile saves your messages, text or email, which you are creating so that if the screen switches, i.e. a call comes through etc. you don't loose everything you have just typed.
If you do #1 you shouldn't have issues with #2.
Thanks for the reply - but it's not that simple. Half the time the cursor IS in the text box, it allows me to begin typing a message (reply or new) - however half way through the text (maybe the third word in) it throws my message into drafts and begins pulling up items in my call history or contacts.
I've tried "tapping the text box" to place the cursor - that didn't work either. Still does the same thing.
I miss my Mogul.. it never did this. If this can't get fixed I'm moving to the Palm Pre LOL.
I have this same problem
I have this problem too.
It is most annoying to be halfway through a txt or email and suddenly have it start searching through the contacts.
It isn't an issue of the cursor being in the wrong place. It just starts doing it randomly. I did notice less of a problem with it when I flashed a new ROM
My Fuze did this (as does my brother's Touch Pro) all the damn time. When I updated my phone it stopped. I think my brother's Touch Pro still does it quite frequently.
It's is EXTREMELY obnoxious. I tried contacting HTC directly, but they were not helpful. I was able to send probably 1 out of 3 messages without being interrupted.

Strange behaviour since 1.2.A.1.174 update

Since I updated to 1.2.A.1.174 I've noticed a couple of problems
Embedded Youtube videos no longer work (The video player launches, the busy spinner spins for a while, then I get a "This video cannot be played" message)
The "Categories" option in the YouTube app never finds anything anymore (but videos on the front page play ok)
Text displays oddly in the web browser - text disappears when the letters reach the bottom of the screen, rather than scrolling off. This is most noticable when letters with trailing tails (g, q, etc) disappear sooner, leaving words with letters missing at the bottom of the screen
Anyone else seeing these, or has my update (or the subsequent universal root and crapware removal) gone wrong?
benjymous said:
Text displays oddly in the web browser - text disappears when the letters reach the bottom of the screen, rather than scrolling off. This is most noticable when letters with trailing tails (g, q, etc) disappear sooner, leaving words with letters missing at the bottom of the screen
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I noticed this in aContacts app - the work "log" shows as "lo " etc. Thought it was a bug in the app as that's the only place I've noticed it though.
I have a feeling YouTube being broken is unrelated to the update - I've noticed that the categories view loads fine when my phone is on 3G, but fails over my home wifi, so there might be something else going on. I haven't tried playing embedded videos over 3g yet, as I don't want to waste my bandwidth!

Problem when reading - Text is highlighted too easily

I haven't seen a thread on this yet and want to see if in the only one with this problem.
When reading on the browser or some other sort of free form text, inevitably I will end up selecting/highlighting text as I up because of how easy they made it for text to be selected. The usual way of highlighting text to copy it is to hold your finger for 1-2 seconds over a word to begin selecting. Here, however, whenever you tap on a word it is automatically selected. It isn't a deal breaker, but does make it difficult to read any sort of article or text without being annoyed.
Is there any the way to change this or to mitigate it? Thanks!
Nope there is no way of changing this behaviour.
I personally don't have this problem you are pointing, I can read and scroll without ever select the text.
There is a small difference between tapping, and swipe your finger over the screen to do a scroll.
BTW, you dont keep your fingers onscreen while reading, do you? hehe
Are you using a screen protector? Besides being able to protect the screen, they also reduce sensitivity.

Few annoyances I have, are there any solutions for them?

Last night I has 3 minor annoyances with my Incredible, but really android in general.
1. When entering text in an input field in my browser (Opera), like a username or searching @ google.com. When I enter text that is longer than the input box I can't see the text in its entirety, I have to scroll left and right to see it all.
Are there any tweaks to enlarge the box or something like that?
2. When I search for a word in a webpage the keyboard takes up 4/5 of the screen and it's very hard to see the text. If I click into the website the search box gets hidden and I have to go through the menus to get to it again. I feel this is a keyboard issue, maybe a resizable keyboard or one that doesn't take up so much room when searching.
3. When I get linked to youtube in facebook, it will usually launch it with my browser and take me to the mobile site. When I want to email the link it always uses the mobile version of the link, is there a way to always send the regular youtube.com link without having to view the desktop version of the website?
Does anyone have any ideas?
For #1 and 2 you can type into the address bar, go back out of keyboard, and the cut and paste to desired text box.

Distorted text rendering in Chrome on many pages

About a week or 2 ago I started having font rendering issues in Chrome on my Note 4 (SM-N910V). It's not always, but frequent enough that it's driving me crazy. I have cleared the cache, uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome and still the same issue. When it happens, it's like only part of the text characters are displayed or even complete words are missing, but they're still there because if I highlight and select the blank areas around the partial displayed text, the remaining text will usually finally display. Sometimes they will correct themselves if I scroll down a few. Also, sometimes the text on a page my render perfectly and appear fine, and then while I'm reading it, suddenly just change to the distorted text as I mentioned above. It seems to be specific to Chrome and Chrome Beta, because I installed Firefox, and so far, no issue with text rendering in Firefox. I hope someone more knowledgeable than me can explain what is happening.
I have pictures which should help a lot.
1st pic shows the text at its worst, 2nd shows after I select a word and how it clears up the text in that section, 3rd shows when I select more than one word, how the remaining text area corrects itself also. Then an extra one for another example.

