[Q] Anyone returning for Galaxy S II - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of returning and possibly waiting for the Galaxy S II. I'm hesitant to with all the devs that are going to be on this phone. I just won't be able to afford the GS2 off contract and I'm not sure I'm completely happy with the thunderbolt.

No I will not. Samsung doesn't update and there source code is all messed up. They had it so the phone looked for music in system as well as SD card meaning you got to listen to ringtones. I forget which phone had the problem if you built a Rom using source code
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That sucks
That's rough. I upgraded from the OG droid and haven't had the chance to see many company's build quality or software updates besides what I've read. I know the original Galaxy was a hit therefore I assumed the community was happy with it. I picked up the T-bolt because I know a decent amount of people with HTC phones and I like the way their their construction. Unless we see another stock Motorola device it doesn't look like I will be able stay with them. I really loved my original Droid!

Not a chance.

Just pray to allah that you never need to get somewhere with GPS navigation

Samsung can eat my ass

is it coming out to verizon??

ApplCobbler said:
Just pray to allah that you never need to get somewhere with GPS navigation
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^^ LOL ^^ Thats funny and sad bc its true!

shaddix2 said:
Samsung can eat my ass
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i had to + you for this, I had a cativate, and got rid of it because of:
battery problems
****ty build
gps problems
and the lack of updates that should have happened in the 3 weeks I had it
on another note, if you get rid of the thunderbolt, you wont be grandfathered into such a great 4g data package that isn't capped, just saying

I thought that phone was going to AT&T-MOBILE, not Verizon? Am I wrong? Did I miss something in the last few weeks?

Droopie28 said:
i had to + you for this, I had a cativate, and got rid of it because of:
battery problems
****ty build
gps problems
and the lack of updates that should have happened in the 3 weeks I had it
on another note, if you get rid of the thunderbolt, you wont be grandfathered into such a great 4g data package that isn't capped, just saying
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Same here. I was dying waiting on the tbolt. Captivate was the bane of my existence for several months.

Never again. Samsung is terrible compared to HTC for following through with updates. The GPS is still crappy on all their Android phones and not a single one has been reliable. They also provide horrible tech support. I'm bitter after 3 different Samsung Android phones...
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3 Variants
WilliamStern said:
I thought that phone was going to AT&T-MOBILE, not Verizon? Am I wrong? Did I miss something in the last few weeks?
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I found this a couple days ago which caused me to post this thead.
I don't understand why it would be necessary for us to worry about carrier updates since their was such a huge dev community over on the GS.

Not sure why all teh hates toward Samsung as I have teh Galaxy Tab and love it (still have it). it runs Froyo and developers already started Gingerbread and Honeycomb.
I've found the GPS work flawlessly through a few quick tips (changing the mode and switch to automatic servers instead of fixed GPS server).
And yes teh battery is much better to our beloved TB but then again the tab is not on LTE so that makes sense. I would definitely consider the S II. Since my wife w AT&T now (2 more months to go), I could easily get the S II and give her TB if need to Or better yet, phone swap (wish it's wife swap tho lol)

Was there a huge community for the GS? I never heard much about it being hacked or anything. Was there ever a cyanogen release for it?


I see now. Thanks for the info. I do know that the galaxy phones does have a killer graphics processor. Wonder how much better of a chip they will have in the S2...

I came from the Nexus One and it pretty much sold me on HTC's build quality. And until the TBolt, HTC was relatively hacker friendly, but you saw that took all of three days to fix for the TBolt.
They are good at releasing their source code, which is all I need to get on CM, and ultimately that's all I was looking for. I wanted a good build, LTE, good network, and CM. We should have all of that inside of the next 60 days.

Coming from the fascinate I fan tell you Samsung sucks. Gps was a fail, it got marginally better after software updates but is still poor at best. Cellular antenna also sucks, while right next to two coworkers with a d1 and an dinc, my fascinate would get one or two less bars wherever we were. WiFi antenna also sucks, while standing 15 feet away from my router I would have maybe one bar on a good day, while my wife's dinc would have full bars. Software was absolutely horrible, I had to install "voodoo lagfix" to convert their filesystem from the ancient and horribly slow rfs to a much more common and much quicker ext4, which is what most manufacturers use. Their whole source code is an absolute abortion. Even with the amazing developers on the fascinate my phone never performed as good as the hardware should have. Processor, gpu, and screen were phenomenal and you would think that the phone would reflect that, but it didn't. If you want something pretty to look at, buy Samsung...if you want functionality, buy HTC. Sorry for the rant....
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[Q] Question about purchasing a new Vibrant

I'm in the market to upgrade my Touch Pro2. I want badly to get the Vibrant, but I was wondering what you guys think.
I've kind of narrowed it down to Vibrant and the Defy. I like the Vibrant screen, I've heard its speaker is clear, the reception is good and the camera is nice. I absolutely love the 4 inch screen size.
I'm tempted by the Defy because of what I've read about call quality, battery life, and toughness. It seems it's classified as a mid-range phone because of processor speed, which I think can be overclocked to put it on par with Vibrant speed.
I'm interested in the mt4g and G2 but I hear the speakerphone sucks and the camera is mediocre and the reception is spotty.
Am I right in the good stuff I've heard about the Vibrant? I know about the lag and the gps--is it so bad I'd hate the phone?
Would you recommend the defy or one of the htc's?
If I had it to do over, I'd get the Defy.
I was going insane trying to get out of San Francisco this evening b/c the GPS & lag is so ****ty.
It really depends, If I could've done it again I would have waited for the Nexus S, which may or may not have the same GPS issues, or even the G2 (if you can do without super amoled screen). I've also heard the G2 is $50 on a contract and will be one of the first phones to get gingerbread (after nexus s and nexus one).
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So two Vibrant owners respond and both say skip the Vibrant. Is that the general consensus on this board?
Thanks guys for your honest.
I love this phone anyone who doesn't want the one they have can give them to me
GabeJ said:
So two Vibrant owners respond and both say skip the Vibrant. Is that the general consensus on this board?
Thanks guys for your honest.
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Well, the vibrant is like any other phone.
Yes, it has problems.
Does it give you the moments when you go "DAMN MY PHONE MUST BE THE BEST ONE OUT THERE?" yes.
If your one of the Travelling type and uses GPS, i suggest you skip this phone, BUT i have been hearing they changed teh gps so it works perfectly now.
I say you get the Vibrant, overall its a perfect device, but if you want you can get NEXUS S which is the same thing, but with a few differences which kind of make it a little better.
Defy or Vibrant?
My personal choice, i haven't used teh Defy so.. i wouldn't know.
I've got an earlier Vibrant so my GPS is a bit flaky, but its still good enough for an occasional GPS-guided trip for me. Lag.. Occasionally. I ran some fixes earlier on that I felt improved things. But then I see others using their different models of phone and waiting, waiting.. I think its a "grass is always greener" sort of thing. Overall, while I wish I had native AOSP and a FFC (stock, not modded), I also wish I had a million bucks .. Can't get it all, right? I'd buy Vibrant again.
So, if I bought a new Vibrant it might not have a GPS issue, but it will definitely still be laggy? And the lag fixes don't completely alleviate the problem?
I'm sorry for all the questions. I live 1 hour away from any Tmobile store and I'm stuck in snow, so I can't just go play with them.
RE lag, if you're going on what I was saying -- My point was that it may have some lag, but no phone doesn't. I don't think it has excessive lag, and there are plenty of tweaks you can try out if you just need to eke out every last bit of speed.
Oh, and I feel your pain. I'm also an hour out, and I don't particularly like that store - few hours further to get a good one. Ordered on the phone personally. Call 'em up and tell the IVR you're checking your contract dates.
I have an older Vibrant and am in love with the phone, but got fed up with the gps. Just an hour ago talked to TMO and without any effort they decided to send me a replacement. Apparently (fingers crossed) these days the replacements they are shipping are retail units (newer batches), not refurbs.
On another thread we discussed how it looks like phones built on or after october do better GPS-wise. So, a week from now if I get a new one, I will be able to compare them side by side.
Btw, check my signature. Being a fervent Nexus One user, was very excited to get a G2, but less than a week was enough for me to dislike it in every possible aspect (to me the G2 is the direct sucessor of the N1 so I had assumed that I would love it as well). I did get the mega-download speed but had the very same 3G issues my N1 up to this day has, where gets stuck switching to HSUPA or something like that. Very annoying when using maps or navigation.
Of all the choices around, if I had to choose, I'd get another vibrant even though I'm a hardcore HTC fan. To top it off, looks like we will be able to run Gingerbread sooner than later. Much sooner. Supercurio has it already running and has already published the files to do so (pretty useless right now, but it has been 36h since he started).
So, I was going to get a Nexus S but after such development, looks like I'll be able to have gingerbread *and* sd card slot, on a non-banana shaped phone...lol. Ah, on the same thread someone ran this benchmark (don't remember the name, the one that shows a comlarative graph at the end) and the gingerVibrant ranked a tad faster than the Nexus One with Froyo, which is the fastest according to that particular program. In other words, faster than any other. Looks like JIT on the Hummingbird is here to stay. Also, seems the gingerVibrant does not have any lag issues, as apparently it is natively EXT4
Hope this helps you in your decission process.
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GabeJ said:
So, if I bought a new Vibrant it might not have a GPS issue, but it will definitely still be laggy? And the lag fixes don't completely alleviate the problem?
I'm sorry for all the questions. I live 1 hour away from any Tmobile store and I'm stuck in snow, so I can't just go play with them.
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It WON'T have gps issue i can say that for if you live near Dallas Texas.
I was just at the mall and went to Tmobile store, saw a vibrant, GPS is working, i asked them and they said they're shipping new ones with fixed GPS issues.
Not sure about where you live though.
Lag? What lag? I've never had a lag problem, only if your doing like EXCESSIVE things, like running music, facebook, email checking every second, downloading bunch of apps etc, yes it will lag, but it shouldn't, and even if it does and your planning on Flashing Custom Roms, the new froyo roms have NO lag what so ever, even with my heavy use.
I'll recommend you get a Vibrant anyday.
I'm a G2 Nexus one, blackberry pearl, curve and iPhone 3, 3GS, 4 user.
Vibrant has filled all my needs, G2 is pretty good too, i just hate call quality.
The call quality issue is big for me. I need a good speakerphone, good reception and voice quality. Those don't seem like I'm asking much, but from what I've heard, and experienced (I'm a Touch Pro2 user), htc falls short there. The G2 included, correct.
Bought two Vibrants a week or so ago, one for me, one for the wife... Wanted the G2 but when I got it in my hands, I had reservations about the spring and she wanted the Vibrant. The T-Mobile sales rep actually sent me to WalMart and they had the Vibrant for $50 (T-Mobile store $199.99)!!
Hers is stock and I'm running the Nero v1 ROM. She gets 6 hours of battery life (the first two days before I rooted mine was the the same) with normal use, and I get about 16. Even though its not a "4G" phone we're both getting some pretty great speeds. Neither of us have had lag or gps issues.
All in all it seems like a solid phone. It's fast, call quality is good, and the display is amazing. The speaker is good, I noticed at full volume the G2 sounded distorted and tinny, and this isn't so much the case with the Vibrant, although it does happen slightly.
There are roms out there to really let you customize it to your liking, and to address some of the phones shortcomings . Glad I didn't get the G2 because I'm lovin the Vibrant so far.
Is the GPS working correctly/quickly on both new vibrants? Was the walmart deal for upgrades or new customers?
GPS is working just fine on both. They acquire quickly and consistently. We did upgrades, but believe it was the same price for either.
I just got my vibrant from walmart for 50...all of walmarts advertised prices are for upgrades and add a lines.
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Out of curiosity, why not get the Nexus S instead of the Vibrant?
Chalup said:
Out of curiosity, why not get the Nexus S instead of the Vibrant?
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Cheaper, SD card, broken GPS...lol, and something I just posted in another thread:
Looks like it can do 3G in AT&T (!!!). Awaiting confirmation by anyone who has an unlocked Vibrant and AT&T service. Details are here but still awaiting confirmation...
If that turns out to be true, then it would be the first phone I know of that can do 3G on both major carriers in the States (!).
fosormic said:
Cheaper, SD card, broken GPS...lol, and something I just posted in another thread:
Looks like it can do 3G in AT&T (!!!). Awaiting confirmation by anyone who has an unlocked Vibrant and AT&T service. Details are here but still awaiting confirmation...
If that turns out to be true, then it would be the first phone I know of that can do 3G on both major carriers in the States (!).
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From what I remember reading, the Vibrant radio is only compatible with one of ATT's 3G frequencies, so in some 3G areas you can only get edge.
Chalup said:
From what I remember reading, the Vibrant radio is only compatible with one of ATT's 3G frequencies, so in some 3G areas you can only get edge.
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I would tend to agree, but just checked on my phone (on that secret menu) and found that it has both 850 and 1900 (both for 3G and plain GSM) in addition to the 1700 and 2100 TMO uses. This is AT&T's band map: http://cellularmaps.com/att_850_1900.shtml
EDIT: I confirmed what Chalup said. Only worked as 3G in one of the bands for me. Here.

What Instead of TBolt?

If the latest rumors are true and we won't be seeing a TBolt for a while .... what else are you guys looking forward to?
I like what we have had in the rootability of the HTC line up, hoping to stay w/them, but just curious to what else you guys/gals have been looking at in addition to this?
I think this was the only phone i was really looking forward too... but now I may have to reconsider after todays news..
The "stealth" looks ok but I dont want another phone with hard keys ( coming from X)
Then there is the Bionic... lol yeah right unless moto goes the route of the Xoom or there is a breakthough in bypassing by then.
The top LG phone is going GSM at first I hear.. will be a while till we see a version.
Same with the Galaxy 2, Gonna be gsm at first...
This really sucks.
I'm not leaving VZW and nothing else that we know is coming appeals to me like the TBolt. Hopefully they will get their crap together sooner rather than later. Sometimes being first (lte phone) is frustrating and disorganized.
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I'm going to hold out for the tbolt. I hate how blur is entirely so no bionic for me.
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I was really hoping the Thunderbolt would be released this month. I guess ill be holding off for the Bionic now to see how they compare...i really like the webtop app and hope that Motorolas statement about it being included in all high end smartphones includes the bionic.
Does anyone know how the modified blur on the bionic compares to the standard blur?
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chino0131 said:
I was really hoping the Thunderbolt would be released this month. I guess ill be holding off for the Bionic now to see how they compare...i really like the webtop app and hope that Motorolas statement about it being included in all high end smartphones includes the bionic.
Does anyone know how the modified blur on the bionic compares to the standard blur?
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Every review I've read says that the webtop is slow and frustrating with the Atrix. The Bionic is suppose to have half the ram, doubt it will be included at all or we would have heard about it.
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I almost made a thread like this. I have been considering exploring other options since the Thunderbolt release didn't go as expected. The Thunderbolt seems like an almost perfect device, but may have some flaws or setbacks. Possible issues with battery, 4G, Skype, and no Netflix. Granted, I don't believe they ever said it would have Netflix, but it would have been nice. And an HDMI port! I still can't get over that one. Why would you not put one on there, every other powerhouse phone has one.
Some other similar phones coming to Verizon to consider would be the Droid Bionic, LG Revolution, and the Samsung 4G phone.
Here is a video comparing the 4 phones. I think the guy may have some of his specs mixed up, but it is a good side by side.
But the thing is just the wait for all these other phones is gonna be that much longer. I doubt another one will be out the gate before TB because it's already been advertised as our first. Don't get me wrong, I'll love HTC and Android forever, but the wait is just making me want to jump ship to the Palm Pre 2. Laugh all you want, but it's pretty much the next option for me from what's currently available.
drago34 said:
I'm going to hold out for the tbolt. I hate how blur is entirely so no bionic for me.
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Is MotoBlur the Moto desktop/launcher on phones? My BF has the DroidPro and when I mess around w/his phone I don't notice anything really different about how it operates - but I think I remember reading someplace that the Pro doesn't have Blur.
If it is a desktop/launcher, can't folks just replace it w/LPro or ADW or something?
I must be way off on what Blur actually is? (and I'm running late and too lazy to search at the moment, lol).
dossa002 said:
But the thing is just the wait for all these other phones is gonna be that much longer. I doubt another one will be out the gate before TB because it's already been advertised as our first. Don't get me wrong, I'll love HTC and Android forever, but the wait is just making me want to jump ship to the Palm Pre 2. Laugh all you want, but it's pretty much the next option for me from what's currently available.
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It's not that the other phones will be released before the TB, it's that they will be released not long after now. Since the release dates are now pretty close to each other, would it be worth it to wait for a different phone?
The LG Revolution should be Q2 the last I heard. It has a 4.3" screen, HDMI out, and should have Netflix out of the box. It will also be the first voLTE to Verizon, making it as some people call it, a "true" 4G phone.
While the phone does has a front facing camera, the back camera is only a 5MP and single LED flash. No kickstand. Since it is an LG, it will lack a good interface like Sense, or even Motoblur. LG normally builds quality phones though.
I'm giving up. Going to get a Droid 1, root and customize it. I'll use that and decide if I even want Verizon's service at this point.
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animez said:
I'm not leaving VZW and nothing else that we know is coming appeals to me like the TBolt. Hopefully they will get their crap together sooner rather than later. Sometimes being first (lte phone) is frustrating and disorganized.
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metropcs has been selling lte phones for a few months now. but maybe not in your area....
As for leaving VZW i did that and got a galaxy s 4g on tmobile. i loved the price, and the speed when near a 4g tower.. however i still recieved dropped calls.. (the onle smart phone that did that to me on vzw was the iphone) and the 4g coverage is horrible and the speed is erratic in good coverage areas..
I had a falling apart droid 1 that I bought on launch day and needed something new I ended up getting a droid x off ebay and loading a custom rom and done.. now i feel i have plenty of time to wait out a decent lte phone... most of the other lte phones on vzw are scheduled to launch in second QTR so really the next 3 months...
I am going to wait for a little bit now...
I still have my D1 rooted, overclocked, customized, etc. But the thing is so outdated it lags with all the crap I have loaded on it. This puts me in a crappy situation because my contract has been up since january. I was waiting on this as my next phone. If I could find a cheap phone (aka under $50 D2, Dinc or DX), I would use that for the time being for the next few months. I just almost feel like I'm wasting time because I could have started the 2 year countdown for another phone by now.
red, i played with the atrix today, and while BLUR still blows nutt juice that phone had a sex like screen if you will and blur ran buttery smooth compared to the droid x or 2, it never studdered or got choked up and although quadrant doesnt tell you much, i watched the 3d test and the FPS where off the freakin charts sometimes i saw well over 100 and it maintained a constant 60+ easily, given this phone had absolutely no apps running or even installed other than att ****ware. i was truly impressed and downloaded a couple of games while i played with it, the tegra really shines on graphic intensive stuff, i also played with the docking unit and while ive read production units dont have multi touch the display did and i must say that it was impressive. first time i have been impressed with moto that much since november of 09 with the droid 1. Hopefully when we get some rock solid info on the bionic it will have the 1gb of ram and not 512, in talking to some knowledgeable peeps about they seem to think that this could be possible since it will be basically the same as the atrix and they seemed to think that the 512mb of ram was a misprint or just a wrong quote entirely, if so, i may say **** it and go with the locked bootloader just to have such a kick ass phone. the camera was either really impressive or the screen just made it look that good, all around i would say that the the atrix is currently the most dominant phone in the android world. galxy s2 looks nice but ive already fell for that once with the fascinate(btw is still eclair in stock for FYI) but still uses the over saturated SAMOLED with the same resolution something like 800x480 and that is getting to be old news especially after playing with atrix today, if you lose hope on the bolt, the bionic will def be a winner in my book bootloader and all. screw it................well maybe not with the bootloader, depends whether i get a semi when i play with it or not the first time.
No offense to eris owners, but if you really want to give up and set the bar extremely low so you will be satisfied with any new phone you get, i suggest get an eris. lol i laugh at people who say their rooted eris will smoke the DInc, ive owned both, and if i stuck a rocket up the micro usb port on the eris it still couldnt catch the trusty old DInc. Now, back to the search for strippers and cocaine
Yeah the 512 ram on the Bionic is a turn off. I thought it was supposed to have 1gb, but motorolas website says 512. It seems like most of verizons phones always fall short of the other networks counterparts. Even my HTC Touch Pro had less ram than all the other Touch Pros on every network.
ksizzle9 said:
No offense to eris owners, but if you really want to give up and set the bar extremely low so you will be satisfied with any new phone you get, i suggest get an eris. lol i laugh at people who say their rooted eris will smoke the DInc, ive owned both, and if i stuck a rocket up the micro usb port on the eris it still couldnt catch the trusty old DInc. Now, back to the search for strippers and cocaine
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So, if go to a Moto Razr I'll be more satisfied than my GingerTazz Eris?
I'm almost thinking of the incredible, wondering if I can get one for fairly cheap w/o going thru VZ that way I'll still only be locked into the rest of this contract (up in early 2012).
chimpsnest said:
So, if go to a Moto Razr I'll be more satisfied than my GingerTazz Eris?
I'm almost thinking of the incredible, wondering if I can get one for fairly cheap w/o going thru VZ that way I'll still only be locked into the rest of this contract (up in early 2012).
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yeah.. that is what i did ... except I went to the droidX so that I could get familiar with the 4.3inch size... I am very happy with this ... I have it rooted and am running the fission rom which is fast and stable. I came from a droid 1 that i purchased on launch day ... and it was starting to fall apart.. (no more sliders for me).... although I like the samsung galaxy s 4g i was concerned it did not have a message indicator light. I also stopped by an att store and played with an atrix and it was pretty sweet for the few minutes i spent with it...
either way it does look like another 3 months before we have any real phones from vzw ... I still think they are delaying these phones until they have there new lte pricing laid out... I don't think for a minute they will have unlimited lte on anything.
eagle17 said:
yeah.. that is what i did ... except I went to the droidX so that I could get familiar with the 4.3inch size... I am very happy with this ... I have it rooted and am running the fission rom which is fast and stable. I came from a droid 1 that i purchased on launch day ... and it was starting to fall apart.. (no more sliders for me).... although I like the samsung galaxy s 4g i was concerned it did not have a message indicator light. I also stopped by an att store and played with an atrix and it was pretty sweet for the few minutes i spent with it...
either way it does look like another 3 months before we have any real phones from vzw ... I still think they are delaying these phones until they have there new lte pricing laid out... I don't think for a minute they will have unlimited lte on anything.
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It'll either be a DInc, stay w/my Eris and keep working w/Tazz's fine ROM's or buy a B&N Nook Color and hack it (because I CAN! lol). I feel the need to spend $$ (I don't have) for no reason
EDIT: Out of curiosity, why would somebody buy a phone on eBay w/a bad ESN? I see phones FS on there w/bad ESN's and wondering what you would do with one? Just use it for development or parts?
You can usually use those phones on cricket and other services like that. Some people also buy them for parts.
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Anyone thinking of selling their Thunderbolt

i want to know if its really lived up to the hype i think it looks nice but the battery is smaller than my fascinate and the thunderbolt is more of a resource hog and it seems thats everyone biggest complaint
I will keep mine...Root is coming...
keeping it, a phone is a phone, but root makes it MY phone...
i'm keeping mine. i upgraded from the original droid so this is a fantastic phone even-though the battery isn't great. still, i think it will be a matter of finding a balance or tweaks to get the battery running longer. plus, someone said root is coming and that will be followed by some roms which will make this awesome phone run better and more efficiently.
shock2sys said:
someone said root is coming
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if you haven't seen the development section, they accomplished root on the first night, and last night we were able to get past write protection which means custom recovery to flash custom roms and such. Instructions will be posted later today and a "one-click" root method will be posted in about a week or so...
k if only someone in the marketplace was willing to sell their thunderbolt i am so ready to get it and last question i already have unlimited data plans do i need to also sign up for 4g LTE data if there is no 4g in this area
I am coming from a samsung omnia which was a total piece of junk. I think this phone is amazing. Battery life is not so good but I am sure it will get better once I work with it a little more. I am sure I will have a go at rooting it once they get the process more simplified. I cant wait to get some of the bloat off the phone.
BlackHoleSlam said:
k if only someone in the marketplace was willing to sell their thunderbolt i am so ready to get it and last question i already have unlimited data plans do i need to also sign up for 4g LTE data if there is no 4g in this area
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no, you do not6 need to sign up for a 4G plan if you currently have a unlimited 3G plan. I do not have 4G in my area yet either, was told I would be grandfathered in on the unlimited plan even after 4G rolls out nationwide.
chas1723 said:
I am coming from a samsung omnia which was a total piece of junk. I think this phone is amazing. Battery life is not so good but I am sure it will get better once I work with it a little more. I am sure I will have a go at rooting it once they get the process more simplified. I cant wait to get some of the bloat off the phone.
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Haha same here, Blazingwolf's ROM made it much better but after he stopped developing for it I used lioryte's barebones ROM. Sad part is that the Thunderbolt out of the box had better battery life than my Omnia currently does and it was replaced a year ago.
Edit: And no I will not be selling it, I will wait 8mos or so and we'll see. But I think so far other than being short Skype Mobile it's doing what I hoped it would.
I have waited for this phone since aug 2010 .... almost left verizon for the evo even tried to unlock a evo for verizon . i'll be keeping this phone for a while . the only problem is the battery which i solved by getting the extended battery today ..
For me its been worth the wait, I've been running with RIM for the past 3 years and wanted to buy all of the early android phones, but this one fits me the best. I've become anti Moto sin the locked boot loaders and the comments from some of the big wigs of the company, but it looks like HTC wants to get into the locking business too. But definitely loving the Tbolt and rooted and running VirusROM at this time, but I've found myself to be a ROM-aholic so I may jump around.
I had been looking forward to getting a top of the line device for some time and i feel that ive found it with the t-bolt. Already rooted and beyond pleased. Looking forward to digging into it a little deeper
The battery is fine after using titanium backup to freeze all the htc crap in a stock rom, and I'm sure aosp will make things even better.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
I was tempted to take it back as you have a 30 day return policy. Coming from the Incredible I was definitely impressed with the 4g speeds. But with all the "Forced Close" errors, the larger-than-expected form factor, and the lousy battery life I was seriously contemplating sending it back but then I heard that Verizon is going to move to a tiered data plan for the LTE 4G so I thought it better to get a phone and get the unlimited plan now so that when they switch over, I'd be grandfathered in with the unlimited plan.
So I'm keeping it.
Coming from the Nexus S, in some respects, the Bolt is a step backwards for me. Don't get me wrong it's a great device and the speeds of LTE is fantastic. However, super amoled of the NS is much better IMO as is the chipset used (hummingbird). The TB feels quite sluggish in comparison. So in the end LTE just isn't enough for me to keep the device.
IGottaDroid said:
I have waited for this phone since aug 2010 .... almost left verizon for the evo even tried to unlock a evo for verizon . i'll be keeping this phone for a while . the only problem is the battery which i solved by getting the extended battery today ..
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I have had 5 different android phones (X, D2, D1, D2G, DI) and ALL of them needed extra or extended batteries. Even with CM and Tasker.
I too Came from Fascinate And this thing Is alot smoother on browsing and Has Flash 10.2. The 3g speeds seem alot faster than Fascinate and 4g Blows it away. After dowloading an app to turn off 3g/4g Battery life Improves alot. Plus im liking how stock browser lets me switch to desktop only for Browsing and the bigger screen is cool too. not Missing Fascinate at all.
It's a huge upgrade from my Samsung Rogue (lol) so I'm loving mine, and hoping for an easy, relatively safe root before I do anything fancy
Not me ,I love this phone.It is just starting to get good here...
I just wonder how you can aquire a lte sim card cause my personal information is embedded on my sim so thats not going to be included when I sell the phone in 3 years
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App

(Q) Droid Charge vs. Droid incredible 2-replacement for Fascinate

So i called in about the issues with phone calls and I got offered an Droid X2, Droid Incredible 2 and an Droid Charge if i go in store. The tech said he'd personally go with the Droid Incredible 2 as a different brand since Sammy Fascinate was giving me issues and that coverage for 4G LTE was a little spotty due to it being a new technology and all, so he'd personally wait about a year more till he would get anything 4G related. Which makes sense.
So just wondering for the people that have made the switch to either the droid charge or the droid incredible 2 due to missed calls and text (which were utterly annoying... especially when the said calls got somehow forwarded to someone else(?!)), which ones did you guys decide and why?
I'm wondering is the droid incredible 2 has better hardware wise and snappier due to the extra ram or would the droid charge beat the droid incredbile 2 because of the hummingbird processor after changing it from an rfs filing system to ext4? Though from what I've heard and talked to, the charge is the same overall GPU and CPU as the fascinate just with updated 4G LTE radio and an Super Amoled Plus screen... and is the SLCD screen any good???
I can't quite decide which one to get as I'm kinda iffy on getting another samsung product.. especially if it were basically the same as the fascinate. I love my fascinate but having multiple missed calls without notification and forwarded ones is just plain bad.. . I have (or so says the coverage map..) 4G in my area but realistically I highly doubt its applicable since apparently I'm on the EDGE of 3G coverage radius so 3G is horrible for me. Though if 4G actually is covered much better than id have to go with that since coverage is better than no coverage.
Please help me decide which one to get and also which one are most of the devs from the Fassy team getting-for the ones with the same issue as others?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
So I went ahead and got the Droid Incredible 2 and I say I couldn't be happier with it because HTC Sense looks really nice for usability but also the fact that the launcher looks and acts good!! I'm so glad, done with TW! I will miss my SAMOLED screen though.. but I can still upgrade and I'm sure by that time HOPEFULLY they'll have something along the lines of Galaxy S2! That would be nice..
Thanks for all of you guys help!! Hope I made the right choice, though I seem to think I did haha. Anybody know a good case and skin to go with it??
EDIT: just got Miui mtb Tom on my phone and boy does MIUI look sexy on the fascinates screen.. and it runs real smooth with no problems on the ec09 modem surprisingly. I wish I had done this earlier... now I'm going to miss this screen and miui running on it.. it looks so nice haha. Tempted to switch from the dinc2 to the charge just for the screen itself running MIUI but I'm pretty sure I know I want some of that good HTC integration with Facebook lol.. . I'm well surprised with MIUI.. even though I somehow didn't get voodoo to correctly convert the phone. :/
Slic|< said:
So i called in about the issues with phone calls and I got offered an Droid X2, Droid Incredible 2 and an Droid Charge if i go in store. The tech said he'd personally go with the Droid Incredible 2 as a different brand since Sammy Fascinate was giving me issues and that coverage for 4G LTE was a little spotty due to it being a new technology and all, so he'd personally wait about a year more till he would get anything 4G related. Which makes sense.
So just wondering for the people that have made the switch to either the droid charge or the droid incredible 2 due to missed calls and text (which were utterly annoying... especially when the said calls got somehow forwarded to someone else(?!)), which ones did you guys decide and why?
I'm wondering is the droid incredible 2 has better hardware wise and snappier due to the extra ram or would the droid charge beat the droid incredbile 2 because of the hummingbird processor after changing it from an rfs filing system to ext4? Though from what I've heard and talked to, the charge is the same overall GPU and CPU as the fascinate just with updated 4G LTE radio and an Super Amoled Plus screen... and is the SLCD screen any good???
I can't quite decide which one to get as I'm kinda iffy on getting another samsung product.. especially if it were basically the same as the fascinate. I love my fascinate but having multiple missed calls without notification and forwarded ones is just plain bad.. . I have (or so says the coverage map..) 4G in my area but realistically I highly doubt its applicable since apparently I'm on the EDGE of 3G coverage radius so 3G is horrible for me. Though if 4G actually is covered much better than id have to go with that since coverage is better than no coverage.
Please help me decide which one to get and also which one are most of the devs from the Fassy team getting-for the ones with the same issue as others?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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I took the offer for a Charge the other day due to the problems with my Fassy, so I don't have it yet. That said, both are very nice phones. I've seen and played with the Dinc2 and its SLCD screen definitely gives the SAMOLED a little competition. It's also a little faster/snappier which is mostly due to the newer 1ghz processor it comes with as well as HTC's Sense UI (which I waaaaaay prefer over Touchwiz). The front facing camera (and better 8mp back camera) as well as global capabilities are nice as well. The Charge has it beat in the screen department with the SAMOLED+ screen and the data speed department with 4G, but seems to be a little big and bulky yet thin. Also some people don't like the physical buttons on the bottom instead of capacitive ones but they work nicely. It has the same front facing camera, back camera, and newer generation 1ghz processor but also includes HDMI out. Both come stock with 2.2 FroYo, however I'm hearing new Dinc2's are shipping with 2.3 Gingerbread which means no rooting/roms (for now ). If you have 4G coverage I would say Charge as it is arguably one of the best phones VZ has at the moment.
anoninja118 said:
I took the offer for a Charge the other day due to the problems with my Fassy, so I don't have it yet. That said, both are very nice phones. I've seen and played with the Dinc2 and its SLCD screen definitely gives the SAMOLED a little competition. It's also a little faster/snappier which is mostly due to the newer 1ghz processor it comes with as well as HTC's Sense UI (which I waaaaaay prefer over Touchwiz). The front facing camera (and better 8mp back camera) as well as global capabilities are nice as well. The Charge has it beat in the screen department with the SAMOLED+ screen and the data speed department with 4G, but seems to be a little big and bulky yet thin. Also some people don't like the physical buttons on the bottom instead of capacitive ones but they work nicely. It has the same front facing camera, back camera, and newer generation 1ghz processor but also includes HDMI out. Both come stock with 2.2 FroYo, however I'm hearing new Dinc2's are shipping with 2.3 Gingerbread which means no rooting/roms (for now ). If you have 4G coverage I would say Charge as it is arguably one of the best phones VZ has at the moment.
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i too went with the charge.. the SAMOLED+ screen is stunning, no other phones have screen quality and vibrance of samsung.. the charge also has 512mb of formatted ram as to wear the fascinate, has like 386 formatted. so a lil more ram, lil faster prossesor a bigger screen FFC HDMI out and 4G i dont see how anyone is having trouble making this desion.. in my opinion the only thing the INC2 has over the charge is Sense.. but i preffer Aosp so it doesnt matter regaurdless.
Go to verizon and play with both phones. Vzw sent me a dinc2 and a charge. Got the dinc2 on friday and played with it all weekend.
Today my charge arrived and while I was pretty sure I was keeping the dinc2, I ended up falling in love with the charge from the second I turned it on. The screen is bigger than the dinc2 and certainly more crisp. I wouldnt say its a huge difference but the blacks come thru much darker on the charge.
The dinc2 was a bit snappier when scrolling thru home screens or starting up apps. With that said it wasn't a huge difference. Since I had the opportunity to have both phones in my possession I did a little face off. It seemed like the dinc2 was better at scrolling and loading apps, the charge beats the dinc2 in the screen dept. And both phones felt pretty much even in respects to internet browsing off of my home fios wifi.
In the end the choice was made easy for me and boiled down to the 4.3 inch super AMOLED plus screen, Along with the familiarity of samsung. The dinc2 and my fassy are both in a box and on their way back to Texas via FEDEX.
I would highly reccomend going to verizon and toying around with both phones. Ultimately it's gonna boil down to which ever phone works best for you......
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
GrainOsand said:
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
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^^^ im still waiting u suck
GrainOsand said:
Go to verizon and play with both phones. Vzw sent me a dinc2 and a charge. Got the dinc2 on friday and played with it all weekend.
Today my charge arrived and while I was pretty sure I was keeping the dinc2, I ended up falling in love with the charge from the second I turned it on. The screen is bigger than the dinc2 and certainly more crisp. I wouldnt say its a huge difference but the blacks come thru much darker on the charge.
The dinc2 was a bit snappier when scrolling thru home screens or starting up apps. With that said it wasn't a huge difference. Since I had the opportunity to have both phones in my possession I did a little face off. It seemed like the dinc2 was better at scrolling and loading apps, the charge beats the dinc2 in the screen dept. And both phones felt pretty much even in respects to internet browsing off of my home fios wifi.
In the end the choice was made easy for me and boiled down to the 4.3 inch super AMOLED plus screen, Along with the familiarity of samsung. The dinc2 and my fassy are both in a box and on their way back to Texas via FEDEX.
I would highly reccomend going to verizon and toying around with both phones. Ultimately it's gonna boil down to which ever phone works best for you......
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
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I saw you and gunnermike and imnuts in the Charge forums, does that mean we're gonna get some of that Fassy awesoneness on the Charge???? (themes and kernels and such lol)
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
I was going thru the same choices this morning so i went to the store and after looking at both i decided on the charge also. Many people in IRC had lots of thoughts about both but they all said in the end its a personal preference. plus if you choose charge you have no choice but to go to the store anyhow.
my inc2 comes tomorrow, kind of excited....should be a nice change of pace from samsung stuff until the sgs2 drops
i'm pretty sure i know the answer here, but can anyone confirm that the charge replacement DOES or DOES NOT come with the pre installed 32g SD Card, required SIM Card and standard charging cables?
I gotta ask. Do you keep your phone until the replacement arrives or do they take your phone and your SOL until it comes?
foister82 said:
i'm pretty sure i know the answer here, but can anyone confirm that the charge replacement DOES or DOES NOT come with the pre installed 32g SD Card, required SIM Card and standard charging cables?
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my charge will come with everything according to the rep in the store I ordered it from, I simply have to go back to the store when I get it and activate the 4G sim card.. idk if that means sd card but that's not a deal breaker for me as I think I have another 16gb sitting around somewhere
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
Fasinationinmotion said:
I gotta ask. Do you keep your phone until the replacement arrives or do they take your phone and your SOL until it comes?
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keep it until the replacement comes, then you have to send it ALL back (according to tech support)
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
nitsuj17 said:
my inc2 comes tomorrow, kind of excited....should be a nice change of pace from samsung stuff until the sgs2 drops
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nice... its a neat phone, I played with it in the store
if it comes with GB you'll be SOL for rooting/roms (for now) but I'm sure that won't matter on a phone like that
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
anoninja118 said:
keep it until the replacement comes, then you have to send it ALL back (according to tech support)
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
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Thank you. Yeah I just ODIN'ed back to DI01. I think I'm gonna cry lol.
Fasinationinmotion said:
Thank you. Yeah I just ODIN'ed back to DI01. I think I'm gonna cry lol.
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I've been running stock ED04 waiting for it to show up and I think I will cry a little too when packaging up my Fassy...
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
I did the same as nitsuj. Decided to go dinc2 and take a break from Sammy. After playing with both on wifi ...I liked the dinc2 more.
With the added ram ..I felt the dinc2 was more snappy and responsive. On web pages, I felt the dinc2 scrolled much easier.
I agree...you can't beat the samoled ...but the slcd on dinc2 is good enough for me. I also likes the shape opposed to the charge.
Sadly...root is not an option on phones shipped with gb ...but I was extremely pleased with stock performance...and I have faith that eventually the dinc2 will get root.
As for all of the guys such as myself who are active on irc ... we should all plan on sticking around to help each other since the fascinate community is 2nd to none.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
anoninja118 said:
nice... its a neat phone, I played with it in the store
if it comes with GB you'll be SOL for rooting/roms (for now) but I'm sure that won't matter on a phone like that
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
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well *i* wont be sol if it comes with gb, but many would be
Fasinationinmotion said:
I gotta ask. Do you keep your phone until the replacement arrives or do they take your phone and your SOL until it comes?
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You keep it. Once you sign for your new phone it deactivates the old one and activates the new. Another FYI, I didn't receive my 4G sim w/ the phone so you may have to go to the store and get one.
anoninja118 said:
I saw you and gunnermike and imnuts in the Charge forums, does that mean we're gonna get some of that Fassy awesoneness on the Charge???? (themes and kernels and such lol)
tapatalked from my stock VZ Fascinate
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Themes for sure, im not much of a code guy tho. I was hoping to get nitsuj17 to the charge but he chose the dinc2. but imnuts is there and navenrob is gonna get a charge(he's taking donations). We really need JT or Sbrissen but JT doesnt have any interest and im not sure bout sbrissen....
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA App
For the people getting replacement phones, do they ship you the refurbs even for the Charge? Or are they new phones? I get missed calls once in a while, but not sure if out could get me a new phone (or if I even want one).
Also, does it affect your upgrade date?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

Any HTC Rezound to S4 converters? Questions...

Hey guys,
Hoping to get some feedback from former HTC Rezound owners who are now onto the S4 (seen a few in this forum).
I'm strongly considering turning to the S4 as my next phone after 3 straight HTC phones. I see that Verizon officially announced the One coming, but with HTC company in disarray, lack of updates on all my HTC phones, and only a 4mp camera (ultra pixel or not, it's not going to be enough for pix you need to crop), and no removable battery or sd card slot, I'm close to jumping over. I've rooted all my phones, but kinda sick of being a guinea pig with half working stuff on ROM's that wasn't supposed to be on my phone anyways, and constant issues, etc just to get close to the latest OS.
With the S4, wondering about comparison in signal strength (4G) that you've seen (just as strong, weaker, etc), GPS lock time, camera (speed and quality of pix), overall speed of the phone (opening apps, mail, etc), and comparative lag, etc.
I'm more interested in a 32gb model if it ever comes to Verizon, so I'm trying to hold out a little longer before making my move, but any input on comparing the 2 phones would be helpful in solidifying my decision! (wife has the S3 by the way, and it's pretty nice, although she has Sprint and never gets 4G)...
Yo, I'll fill you in and answer as much as I can. Just got my s4 last week, had the rezound for about 1.5 yrs. Awesome phone, like it, still like it, was kinda hard to switch. I even left the store without buying the S4, but went back the next day. Glad I did.
I ran the rez stock for a while, but for some time ran the roms by Neo. Mostly rage, but switched to Infection towards the end. This phone has been great for me so far.
-signal strength to me seems a little better for 4g, not major
- wifi is better for sure. Rez wasn't bad but you needed the back cover and maybe it degraded over time???
-GPS seems fine for me, but never had issues with Rez
-camera is fine for me, seems fast enough, good pics too
-I find phone super fast, faster than Rez was, I don't notice any lag. But I never had major issues with that on the Rez tho
For me, it was a slightly tough upgrade, but I'm happy. Biggest for me has been battery life. I had to charge my Rez every 24hrs, this things lasts me at least 2 days.
So far, all I have done is root with TWRP, and froze all the bloat. I haven't flashed any different roms (TW or other). Wanting to see what it is like close to stock for a bit first.
Been very happy with my decision. Would do again, would recommend.
Hope that helps.
I went form Rezound to S3 and now S4. I do not think you will be disappointed if you get an s4. The phone is superior in every way. My biggest gripe is that touchwiz is extremely ugly!! I use custom roms and themes so that does not really bother me too much. You will also notice that development here will be better than the Rezound. I was going to wait for the HTC One but the state of the company really scares me. I also like having the ability to expand storage. Hope this helps.
hpower1 said:
Yo, I'll fill you in and answer as much as I can. Just got my s4 last week, had the rezound for about 1.5 yrs. Awesome phone, like it, still like it, was kinda hard to switch. I even left the store without buying the S4, but went back the next day. Glad I did.
I ran the rez stock for a while, but for some time ran the roms by Neo. Mostly rage, but switched to Infection towards the end. This phone has been great for me so far.
-signal strength to me seems a little better for 4g, not major
- wifi is better for sure. Rez wasn't bad but you needed the back cover and maybe it degraded over time???
-GPS seems fine for me, but never had issues with Rez
-camera is fine for me, seems fast enough, good pics too
-I find phone super fast, faster than Rez was, I don't notice any lag. But I never had major issues with that on the Rez tho
For me, it was a slightly tough upgrade, but I'm happy. Biggest for me has been battery life. I had to charge my Rez every 24hrs, this things lasts me at least 2 days.
So far, all I have done is root with TWRP, and froze all the bloat. I haven't flashed any different roms (TW or other). Wanting to see what it is like close to stock for a bit first.
Been very happy with my decision. Would do again, would recommend.
Hope that helps.
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Very helpful - thanks! It's great to see good posts on the S4, but you don't know what kind of phone folks are coming from, so wanted to get a better perspective. Thanks.
jm700wx said:
I went form Rezound to S3 and now S4. I do not think you will be disappointed if you get an s4. The phone is superior in every way. My biggest gripe is that touchwiz is extremely ugly!! I use custom roms and themes so that does not really bother me too much. You will also notice that development here will be better than the Rezound. I was going to wait for the HTC One but the state of the company really scares me. I also like having the ability to expand storage. Hope this helps.
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I agree with the look not being totally appealing too. I'd probably do the same thing with a theme or shell (just saw a good review of the Yandex shell 3d launcher) as long as it doesn't lag or mess up the phone. Thanks.
Not sure I can add anything to what's already been said but I just made the jump from Rezound to S4 and I'm very happy. I was concerned with the transition to TouchWiz as I've used previous iterations on family members' phones and didn't like it. Sense was superior in nearly every way but to be honest, it could be worse and I'm getting used to it. I considered another HTC phone (DNA or One) but hated the idea of no SD card option and a non-removable battery. Speaking of battery, I don't think HTC is capable of manufacturing a phone with decent battery life.
Speed on the S4 is excellent though I've noticed some odd lag in the Google Maps app. I enabled developer menu and disabled all of the animations so that's helped. The Rezound was fast enough for me and if I had to go back to it, I don't think it would be an issue. Signal strength and quality are as good for me as with the Rezound. I was running VipreRez and had odd issues with WIFI whereby I had to disable/enable it now and then to stay connected...not an issue with the S4. GPS lock is very quick but I had no problems with the Rez. I don't use the camera much so I can't comment on that except to say that some of the camera modes on the S4 are pretty neat (possibly gimmicky).
The single largest difference is battery life and it's a MASSIVE difference. I could not make it through a day with the Rez if I used navigation, wireless tether or spent too much time talking. I use my phone only for business (no games) so for me it's phone calls, text, e-mail and a minor amount of navigation. I was constantly powering the phone from the car and plugging it in immediately upon returning home. The S4 has amazing battery life. I've easily made it 17+ hours with nearly 3 hours of screen on time, navigation and WIFI tether and been at or just below 30% at the end of the day.
The only issues I've had with the S4 have been adjusting to the size of the phone and lack of a search button. I have a difficult time reaching across the screen with one hand but I think I'll live with it. I used to press search and immediately type a client's name and get to them quickly. Now it takes an extra step or two but not a huge issue. Also, I miss the Sense clock..heh. I realize there are apps that emulate that clock but it was amazing. I thought the screen on the Rez was fantastic but the 5" screen on the S4 is truly amazing.
One last thing to mention. I always felt like the Rezound was the red-headed step-child of HTC phones. Not much dev support and accessories were difficult to come by. The S4 is a complete 180 from that due to the pervasive nature of the distribution. I expect loads of development and accessories for this phone.
Former Rezound user here too. I totally agreed with everything everyone has said. I did notice GPS , Wifi and 4G were a little better. I wasn't really nervous about TW . I actually like TW. Battery life is great as previously mentioned . Love the phone so far.
I went from the Rez to the S3 tp the S4. I really liked the build quality of the Rez. When I sold mine, it was like selling a child.
Wifi is awesome in comparison. 4G averages 25% higher in my tests. I guess it's just more consistent. Battery life is WAY better. I always had to have an extended battery on it. My S4 lasts me a whole day off intense use. I work IT and I'm on my phone all day. Development will be much better. Let's not even mention the screen comparison.
All in all, the upgrade is amazing. Worth every penny.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
Former Rezounder and I just got the S4 today. I'm so excited to have this phone and I'm very happy to hear all the good remarks from this thread. I expected to see that there is more development for this phone compared to the Rezound. I agree that it was the red headed step child too lol. Anyways I'm gonna get started on rooting
Get the s4. You will leave terrible battery life, heat, and poor development behind. You won't regret it. I don't miss my rez that much
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
I had the Rezound. After Google I/O and not hearing anything about the Moto X phone I decided to jump on the S4 bandwagon. I had my Rez for a little over a year. It was an okay phone, hated the battery life, even got the extended battery and always got weird looks for how big my phone was. But I've gotta commend developers like Neo or Chad for bringing us 4.2 to the Rez. For me the standout points with the S4 are battery life, the camera and very very smooth UI. I'm excited to see what the future brings, development is explosive with the bootloader being unlocked now. I really want to like the HTC One but I need HTC to show better support for their phones, there was no excuse for the Rezound to not have 4.1 by now, even the Droid Bionic has it!
Rezound to S4 and the very first thing I notice was how freaking light it was I even told the verizon rep if he put the battery in LOL but after the initial shock the phone is so good, the only thing I noticed was the lack of CDMA support unless I am missing something here but if you not in a 4g area you get a lot of dropped calls unless being on Global has something to do with it.
Great feedback guys! exactly what I was hoping to hear.Think I'm sold on getting the S4.
Already talked to a Verizon store rep about options to upgrade early without paying full retail and losing unlimited (Verizon really stinks about these new policies), but may wait a few more weeks to see if a 32gb version of the S4 will actually come to vzw or not...
I too had a Rezound and it's been passed down to my mother.. The Rezound is choppy and slow these days.. Still has a great screen though in my opinion.. the S4 is a no brainer to switch to.
---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------
jmk32 said:
Great feedback guys! exactly what I was hoping to hear.Think I'm sold on getting the S4.
Already talked to a Verizon store rep about options to upgrade early without paying full retail and losing unlimited (Verizon really stinks about these new policies), but may wait a few more weeks to see if a 32gb version of the S4 will actually come to vzw or not...
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What's the big gripe and deal with needing 32gb internal storage? I'm sure pretty soon we're going to have working apps2sd and it's not an issue anymore. . It's also one of the reasons Vzw was able to sell it 199 on contract still.
jmk32 said:
Great feedback guys! exactly what I was hoping to hear.Think I'm sold on getting the S4.
Already talked to a Verizon store rep about options to upgrade early without paying full retail and losing unlimited (Verizon really stinks about these new policies), but may wait a few more weeks to see if a 32gb version of the S4 will actually come to vzw or not...
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I was in the same boat as hpower1. I must have made 3 trips to the store to look at the S4. I went to a Corp store so I could buy it outright and put it on a 12 month payment plan. Didn't want to lose my unlimited plan. My wife and I only use about 1GB +/- per month but the "what if" factor kicked in. It helped sell me when I was on the phone with 611 and they told me that it wouldn't affect my upgrade. So if something else comes out in a year or so and we are not using over 2 or 4 GB per month that I could still my upgrade. They offered to buy back the Rezound but I declined. I moved it to another line to replace a D1. This thing (S4) is awesome. Light, fast, big screen. I put it in an OtterBox Defender case to help protect it. Makes it so much easier to hold. This is simply a GREAT phone. I got it last Friday night and couldn't take it any longer so Monday morning I rooted it just so I could disable some of the bloat and flash a mod that I wanted. Get it, you won't regret it. Also like others have said, the battery life is great but I have to admit that the Rezound got much better after flashing XenonHD and is still a great phone.
Oh, and I also installed a 64Gb card in it that I got off of Amazon.
Had my rezound for 1.5 years and it was definitely an above average phone with limited support from verizon and developers.
Although the developers that were there (Cleanrom) were terrific.
I had the incredible before the rezound so, like you, was contemplating waiting for the One.
I need to use spare batteries so I didn't bother waiting
For me, personally, everything is better with the s4 EXCEPT 4g signal strength.
Just to clarify, when I have proper strength, which is most of the time, the speed is superior.
What I'm talking about came to light last night.
I went to my first yankee game since getting s4 (I go to 30 games a year) last night and I had sporadic service, at best.
Maybe there was something in the air but my rezound got much better signal and data was good.
Since everyone else is saying theres is better with the s4, I'm beginning to lean towards it being a bad night at the stadium.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know my experience.
The phone is awesome, support on the forums is great (I'm running cleanrom now, but have tried hyperdrive too and it was equally good), and you will be very happy.
On a side note, Yankees won and I got to see Mo close which is a treat that is quickly coming to an end
jmk32 said:
Great feedback guys! exactly what I was hoping to hear.Think I'm sold on getting the S4.
Already talked to a Verizon store rep about options to upgrade early without paying full retail and losing unlimited (Verizon really stinks about these new policies), but may wait a few more weeks to see if a 32gb version of the S4 will actually come to vzw or not...
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You might regret it loosing ur unlimited plan , I did a payment plan.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
I rocked the rezound for awhile back when it came out and loved it! Probably one of my favorite android phones to use! The s4 is pretty nice I just say coming from a note 2 too but if Verizon does in fact release a HTC one with more 16 gb of storage I will get one and switch between it and s4 depending on how nice it is and stacks up against s4!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
nes4r2 said:
You might regret it loosing ur unlimited plan , I did a payment plan.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
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I won't give up my unlimited. It's sick how Verizon is gouging us lately and even pushing back upgrade dates - seriously Verizon?
I went to a Verizon store and the rep gave me some options how to keep unlimited whole still being able to upgrade a little early - something about adding a line and paying a little more per month. Gotta do what you gotta do I guess...
nes4r2 said:
What's the big gripe and deal with needing 32gb internal storage? I'm sure pretty soon we're going to have working apps2sd and it's not an issue anymore. . It's also one of the reasons Vzw was able to sell it 199 on contract still.
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But if we don't get apps2sd it could be a problem in the future with 1/2 the 16gb internal clogged with OS, etc. Who knows how big some apps will be in the future, so don't want to get stuck with potential limited space. I'm sure its fine for now. It's also one of the main gripes I've read from professional reviews. Plus I'm just sick of having all my iPads, kindles, etc always running out of room and just don't want to deal with that potential issue at some point.
If I don't hear more about a 32gb soon, I'm sure I'll cave in before too long...

