[Q] Stuck in APX Mode - G Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Long missive below, so fair warning – I have put in as much detail as I can remember to help out troubleshooting and I have read every thread on APX mode I can find both on this board and others.
I’ve gone and done it now, my GTab formerly running VEGAn-Tab 5.1.1 is stuck booting only to APX mode. So what did I do, and what have I tried?
* Immediately after purchase, I loaded ClockworkMod .8, then VEGAn 5.1.1. Absolutely no issues.
* Started looking into the various kernels, decided to try Clemsyn’s since it seemed to support VPN’s without any hassle (I don’t have any Linux experience, so to me moving module files around is a hassle). It worked great, my VPN to home worked. I successfully upgraded several times to his Version5 without any problems.
* Loaded a ton of apps, the vast majority worked just fine. I loaded App2SD, and moved most of the larger apps to the SD card. I also I think moved LauncherPro to the SD Card, which caused minor problems later.
* Inserted a 512MB USB stick. It worked. However when the GTab rebooted with it in, I received a ton of FC’s for apps loaded to the SD Card that load on startup, including LauncherPro. I can’t remember what exactly I did to fix that, I remember somehow getting the regular launcher to load, then uninstalling LauncherPro and a ton of other apps. Reloaded those but didn’t move them to the SD Card. Everything back to normal.
* Decided I wanted a boot screen other than the birds, so I made one following the instructions in that thread. Like everyone else, my graphic failed on partition 6 but worked on partition 7. No problems after that.
* Yesterday I inserted a 4GB USB stick. It didn’t work. Rather stupidly based on my earlier experience with the 512, but confident I could fix anything that broke, I rebooted the machine with the stick still inserted. As expected, a ton of FC’s, this time though the apps were not loaded on the SD Card. Not good. I also could not get into the regular launcher to uninstall things. No problem, I was planning to switch to the Gingerbread edition of VEGAn anyway. I force rebooted (held the power button down about 10 seconds).
* The GTab came back to life in APX mode. Not good, but not fatal either. I downloaded NVFlash and the Win7 x64 drivers, I had no problem connecting the GTab and my laptop. Now feeling a little better, but still annoyed.
* Read the “[STICKY][ROM] nvflash FULL restore, using bekit's original image (Instructions)” thread on recovery backward and forwards twice to make sure I understood what I was doing. Came to the conclusion that all I needed to do at this point is unzip the two files (one with NVFlash, the other with the stock images) into one subdirectory, and run the .bat file. I did that, watched NVFlash create and format about 10 subdirectories, then load the images to them. NVFlash reported success, and my GTab rebooted into stock TnT. The usual FC’s on bootup, after chasing those away, I enabled WIfi, and let it download the latest firmware – 3588. It asked to install, I said yes. It asked to reboot I said yes. It rebooted into APX mode.
* Now I am really annoyed, this isn’t supposed to happen, though I did find I think 2 guys that are stuck in APX mode, looks like one returned his, the other leaves it on a dock and does not touch it. I don’t have the dock, I don’t like the stock TnT, and since I ordered the custom carbon fiber backing sticker and the “android eating the apple” sticker and they look great on the back I am not in favor of returning it at this time.
* So I spent another couple of hours on the web reading. I read the “[UTILITY] G-Tablet Format” thread on formatting the device, I downloaded that zip file, it looks much like the regular NVFlash recovery process. Actually exactly the same, but it looks like the .img files are different and the NVFlash file is different. It ran, and said it was successful. The GTab rebooted, and said I think “Magic number mismatch”. I rebooted again, expecting to see a magic number error, which would give me the greenlight to go into NVFlash Recovery mode, but failure - right back into APX mode. I wanted to do try the format and then restore to stock process back to back, but it seems that the machine has to reboot after any NVFlash action. Right back to APX mode, NVFlash to stock worked the same as before, loaded then APX mode on reboot.
* I tried using NVFlash to stock but adding CWM .8 on partition 9. No difference, right back to APX mode, no chance to get CWM to load. I read that using a single command to push only CWM to partition 9, then while holding down the plus sign pushing the image. That actually worked, it rebooted into CWM. Everything seemed to work as expected, I could mount the system and data directories, format them, reformat the SDCard, change it’s size to 2048/0. I tried wiping the DELVIK cache, it returned an error saying a file existed but then said it was successful. I don’t remember what it said when I did that the very first time when loading VEGAn 5.1.1, so that might be the expected behavior. Either way, I rebooted and right back to APX mode.
* I read somewhere that flashing CWM to partition 10 worked. I swapped around .img files so that it was pushed to 10 instead of 9. Upon reboot, it went straight to CWM. I had the same experience as before, upon reboot after that it went to APX mode instead of back to CWM.
* I popped the back off and tried booting while shorting out the 4 pins, no change, though I could get to APX mode anyway so I wasn’t expecting a miracle. The button next to those 4 pins didn’t make a difference either.
* I tried booting while holding down the vol- button, and again with both the vol- and + being held down. Neither worked.
* I downloaded the SDK to try ADB mode. It made me download the Java DK, no problem. The SDK does not see the JDK, but I didn’t reboot the laptop, since I was still in #Tegratab (thanks BadFrog for your help). I will do that when I get home and get ADB to work, but I don’t know what to do when I get that done. ADB works, I needed to load the 32 bit version of the JDK, even though I have an x64 machine. ADB works, so I am happy. Now to see if that helps the overall problem.
* I did after booting into CWM load VEGAn Gingerbread and Clemsyn’s GB Beta 2 kernel. After next rebooting into APX mode, I pushed CWM to partition 9, and it tried booting into GB but never got past the animated GB screen. I will try that again later today with 5.1.1 and the Ver5 kernel and see if it makes any difference. I can probably live with it booting into APX mode if I can push CWM to Par9 and get it to boot back into 5.1.1 when needed. z4root didn't help either.
* So in conclusion, I am stuck in APX mode no matter what I tried. I think it is partition related, because of the problems after inserting the USB sticks, and since it will reboot after NVFlash into whatever seems to be in partition 10. In the DOS world that is easy to fix, especially when doing a system wipe and rebuild. I tried using NVFlash to say partition 10 is the boot partition, that didn’t work, NVFlash actually didn’t seem to do anything and I had to do a CTRL-C to end it.
Any suggestions, other than peel my stickers off and mail it back to Amazon.com?
* 1239CET 25 Mar 11 - Edited, I tried z4root, it didn't help my problem.
* 1345CET 25 Mar 11 - ADB now working. Win7x64 Ult.
* 1725CET 26 Mar 11 - Unit RMA'd to Amazon - I was on day 30 so off it went, the replacement just shipped so they will cross in the mail.

Bump for more visibility

Very nice detailed post - you certainly did your homework. With that in mind I don't think I have much to add.
Yes, I remember one user who would reboot into APX mode all the time. I think there was one other person who would reboot into Fastboot all the time. And I don't think those problems were ever resolved.
Question: What is the model # on your device? I want to make sure it's it's not a 320, as at least one user on this board got a 320 and not a 300 (he got it from SEARS online). A 320 is a 1GB "v2" Malata device and those nvflash files might not work with them.
Here's another suggestion before you give up. Since nvflash seems to be the problem, maybe try another nvflash such as the Adam. The Adam nvflash DOES work on the GTAB. Maybe it will "jump-start" something for you.
Adam nvflash (Windows): http://api.notionink.com/fix/windows/LCD.zip
Adam nvflash (Linux): http://api.notionink.com/fix/linux/LCD.zip
Normally I wouldn't suggest this, but you are ready to return so there's not much to lose. You can always re-flash back to 1105 bekit, before you return it. These files will alter the booloader to that of an Adam, but again you can undo with the GTAB nvflash if needed.

Yep, mine is stuck in APX mode and the only way to "boot" it is to nvflash it.
I've set it up with VEGAn 5.1.1 and another kernel and my wife uses it. It sits on the dock (charging) when she's not using it and is never turned off/rebooted. If it does go off, I just nvflash it to boot (using the --format_partition 2 command) and once it boots the bootloader and formats partition 2 it proceeds to run.
I gave up (and also since my wife is using it I can't test other methods to make it work) and will later probably get myself one of the newer tablets (Samsung or Motorola or Toshiba...who knows) and pass my fully functional Gtablet to my wife.

roebeet said:
Here's another suggestion before you give up. Since nvflash seems to be the problem, maybe try another nvflash such as the Adam. The Adam nvflash DOES work on the GTAB. Maybe it will "jump-start" something for you.
Adam nvflash (Windows): http://api.notionink.com/fix/windows/LCD.zip
Adam nvflash (Linux): http://api.notionink.com/fix/linux/LCD.zip
Normally I wouldn't suggest this, but you are ready to return so there's not much to lose. You can always re-flash back to 1105 bekit, before you return it. These files will alter the booloader to that of an Adam, but again you can undo with the GTAB nvflash if needed.
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Good sugestion, but unfortunately the nvflash in the adam recovery rom is the same as the one in the FORMAT images (151K), it seem to be better under windows since it list partition in text, the other when asked for a list of partition output a binary files.
As for the bekit1105 I usually do (when trying other rom or tnt5) NVFLASH FORMAT IMG, THEN NVFLASH the 1105 with the partition #9 replacing the clockwork .8 alway worked for me.
If it was me I would try to re-partition under windows the flash section, I am not sure how to do it with adb but if possible I would do it there.
I also notived the unit seem to be making sure the flash is partitioned in 2 section (2GB/16GB) inside system/etc/inandop.sh maybe that would be a couple of command to run by hand in adb, I know partition of flash can be tricky at time and it may be the reason the unit is falling to apx..
Would be a good idea to extract the partition list to confirm all their size a legit too.. either way don't give up I am quite sure someone will figure out a way of those half bricked unit...

michaeljwestii said:
Decided I wanted a boot screen other than the birds, so I made one following the instructions in that thread. Like everyone else, my graphic failed on partition 6 but worked on partition 7. No problems after that.
Any suggestions, other than peel my stickers off and mail it back to Amazon.com?
* 1239CET 25 Mar 11 - Edited, I tried z4root, it didn't help my problem.
* 1345CET 25 Mar 11 - ADB now working. Win7x64 Ult.
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I really think something is wrong there, the correct partition for the bmp is definitely #6 in my tablet,
however in the other recovery (nvflash_gtablet_46_2010112600.zip) in roebeet's dropbox the #6 and #7 are inverted... 16MB vs 4MB but their .cfg is correct
So if you flashed the bird on 7 it's a surprise for me that it worked...
also I am wondering did you change the size if the partition in the .cfg files prior to flashing ??? or did you simply swapped the files? I noticed a few post where people where changing the recovery partition without adjusting the size in the .cfg file...
I would really like to see the list of your partition...
sound like the geek way to ask a girl for a show
read this... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=934023
your boot configuration table may be bad... so maybe another rom like roebeet suggested would help...

Actually it's bekit's dropbox.
Some of the newer gTAB's have partitions 6 and 7 reversed:
My first gTAB (the one I currently own) was setup this way, but one dev unit I got in December had them reversed, and bekit had one that was reversed as well. I actually flashed the 1105 bekit image and it had worked for me, at the time.

I do not think the image can be the cause of this problem (as long as the size in the cfg is correct), however I think something is wrong in the early boot process in his case...
The guy in this toshiba forum are playing quite a lot with their partition with nvflash...
Interestingly, reading my partition 11 on my tab end with an error...
Z:\>nvflash -r --read 11 part-11.img
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
receiving file: part-11.img, expected size: 209715200 bytes
/ 209584128/209715200 bytes receiveddata receive failure NvError 0x120000
command failure: read failed
like if the partition was not the correct size by a few bytes...

I was looking at the ADAM recovery and I think it may explain why some tablet are boot looping or bricked...
the file name they use for the .bct files tell us something...
They specify their FLASH (HY27UF084G2B) number in their boot config, this is probably due to the fact that they change their IC from time to time (flash are often on high allocation so manufacture often have more than one supplier) and those change seem to be important enough that they use it as their boot config... (bct probably need to match the memory... or even configure memory speed etc)
This mean that flashing with a BCT that is not specific to the type of memory installed may be bad... but there's no proof that viewsonic had unit with different memory, unless it's one of the difference between the 300 and 320 unit you where mentioning..

Interesting. One thing about the Adam and the VEGA that I always liked is that we have at least on vendor-based nvflash config from them. Even the Viewpad10s has one. But we never got an official one for the gTablet - bekit's version is fantastic and still the defacto standard, but it's not the vendor's.
I keep wondering if the latest holdout on their stock release is because they want to deploy an nvflash version. It's not in the realm of impossibility, given that the Viewpad10s already has one. And it would certainly be a good way to give users a backout in case the update.zip fails (Viewsonic, you reading this?). A vendor-based nvflash config would be a wonderful thing, if they offered it. Well, we can hope....

Did you try in nvflash to set the boot partition ?
--setboot N
sets the boot partition to partition N

roebeet said:
Interesting. One thing about the Adam and the VEGA that I always liked is that we have at least on vendor-based nvflash config from them. Even the Viewpad10s has one. But we never got an official one for the gTablet - bekit's version is fantastic and still the defacto standard, but it's not the vendor's.
I keep wondering if the latest holdout on their stock release is because they want to deploy an nvflash version. It's not in the realm of impossibility, given that the Viewpad10s already has one. And it would certainly be a good way to give users a backout in case the update.zip fails (Viewsonic, you reading this?). A vendor-based nvflash config would be a wonderful thing, if they offered it. Well, we can hope....
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I think it would better and safer if people would do a capture of their unit rom instead of using a generic one as a backup.
Would be nice to see one from Viewsonic as well, I hope they hear you!

P00r said:
I think it would better and safer if people would do a capture of their unit rom instead of using a generic one as a backup.
Would be nice to see one from Viewsonic as well, I hope they hear you!
I tried to locate that viewpad recovery with no sucess, ca you point me in the right direction ? tnx
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Well, it WAS here:
But now it seems to have been pulled. Weird. Maybe check back in a day or two. I already looked at their firmware and it's very similar to the Advent Vega 1.0.9 firmware (sister devices).

I have downloaded the VEGA image restore, they left inside the utility used to create the .BCT files
the help for this utility confirm the bct is linked to the flash chips
as well as to the image (not sure which...)
Usage: buildbct [options] Configfile ImageFilename ChipName
-h, --help, -? Display this message.
-d, --debug Output debugging information.
Configfile File with configuration information
ImageFilename Output image Filename
ChipName Name of the chip, currently valid --ap15
This mean using a generic bct may be risky if viewsonic have more than 1 type of hardware tablet with the same name...

Makes a lot of sense, to me. I honestly think we've been very lucky so far (most of us). Bekit and I must have the same device as his backup has never failed me. And, as you can imagine, I have flashed my device a LOT.
We don't know the hardware differences - why are some of the newer devices shipped with switched partitions? Why is it that at least one XDA user got a 320, when they paid for a 300? And if those Woot devices really are new, who's to say that the hardware inside isn't slightly different. Maybe our mods won't work on them regardless of what we do.
The other problems are that 1) Viewsonic isn't telling us and 2) we aren't keeping any metrics on this. We had this issue with the Pandigital Novel, but it was only two boards - eventually we could find ways to distinguish between the two (we called them "v1" and "v2" boards. I even opened them up and could tell that way. But, so far, we don't know if this is the case with the GTablet.

This 320 series will be interesting to watch
I do not think the order of the partition should have any impact, looking at other device they are all organised diferently, only their descriptor and file system seem to matter (YAFFS for the user accesible section) but it does show they played with it

Thanks for the comments and help
Thanks everyone for the comments and help. I checked Amazon and since I was on day 30, I did an online RMA and sent it back, so I didn't try the Adam idea. I did confirm it is not a model 320 though.
P00r - I did try the Setboot N command, pointing it at partition 10, since when I put the CWM image there it booted to it. NVFlash hung and I CTRL-C'd it after about 3 minutes.
When I swapped partition 6 & 7, I did swap the config info also, so the partition size and file system were correct per the cfg file normally.
The bad GTab and new replacement will cross in the mail, hopefully Gojimi's GB is out of experimental and into Beta by then

The whole BCT is still a mystery (to me at least). I've posted about that, and if I recall, responded to official viewsonic suggesting they provide info on that plus partition table, etc. I have yet to find any info on what the BCT actually is, but have seen from posts on wetpaint that messing with it or changing it can bork your device.
That's one of the reasons I'm still stock. Don't want to get into a situation where nvflash is the only resort.
The other reason I haven't tried to flash using nvflash is the bad blocks I mentioned awhile ago, and not being able to nvflash/read all my partitions. Figured that if it can't read all partitions, it probably won't be able to write them either .
Just ordered a 2nd Gtab from the woot deal, so I'm curious if that'll show bad blocks in dmesg, and if I'll be able to read all partitions w nvfash w the new one...

When the new tablet comes in, I'll pull the partition list and post it. Is there any other info from a bone-stock machine anyone would think is useful?

michaeljwestii said:
When the new tablet comes in, I'll pull the partition list and post it. Is there any other info from a bone-stock machine anyone would think is useful?
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Happy to hear you cane exchange it!
Can you try extracting all the partition, I got an error on my partition 11, and I think Jim is right about the bct also used to map bad block in the flash...
I am just curious to see if this error is there on a virgin unit!
I can send you a batch files for the command


Clear Cache and Data from Stock Recovery

I've seen a number of requests for this functionality and recently it became necessary for one user who had a disabled Home Key to clear cache and data without the use of ClockworkMod. I have reserached two methods to address this issue. These instructions require some familiarity of android, computer and tablet terminology and usage. Feel free to ask for clarifications in comments. Here we go...
Method I - Stock Recovery Command File
Technical: Stock Recovery command file can be used to perform a few additional functions as well as to alter the path to update files. These commands will execute with all privileges available to recovery mode.
Advantages: Very easy to use. Very little technical knowledge required. No third party software is required for use.
Prerequisites: You will need a MicroSD card formatted FAT32 and a method for transferring files from your computer to the MicroSD.
1) Prepare a text file named "command" (no file extension) with one of the following commands on a single line. The wipe data command will wipe both data and cache. Wipe cache will wipe cache only.
2) Place the file in a folder named "recovery" in the root directory of your MicroSD card.
3) From a powered down state, insert the MicroSD card into your tablet and boot into recovery by powering it on while holding down the Volume Up key.
4) Allow the command to execute completely then the tablet should reboot (this may not occur automatically depending on firmware installed).
Method II - Updater Script
Technical: The attached "Updater Scripts" perform delete commands (recursively if necessary) on the named directory or file(s). The directories are mounted automatically by the system before the script executes but it could be easily revised to include that step if necessary. The partitioning, formatting and directory structure are left untouched. Only files are deleted.
Advantages: No third party software is necessary for execution. Relatively easy to modify for more surgical precision (i.e. leaving installed apps but clearing possibly corrupted system data). Included example: "Clear Battery Stats"
Prerequisites: You will need a MicroSD card formatted FAT32 and a method for transferring files from your computer to the MicroSD.
1) Download the attached archive (ClearData.zip) to your computer.
2) Extract the files to your computer. You should then have a folder named "recovery" (which contains a file named "command") and an additional archive named "update.zip"
3) Place the recovery folder and the update.zip in the root directory of the MicroSD card.
4) From a powered down state, insert the MicroSD card into your tablet and boot into recovery by powering it on while holding down the Volume Up key.
5) Allow the script to execute completely then reboot the tablet (this may occur automatically depending on firmware installed).
This will become handy someday.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
You're welcome. One quick note... the new stock recovery adds a menu simiilar to ClockworkMod. These methods will still work since the recovery folder/command file are checked first but it really isn't as necessary any more.
Need Help
Tried both methods above but either way I get to the viewsonic splash with the message "Booting recovery kernel image" in the upper left and it just stays there, stuck there, I left it for a long time to see and it never leaves that screen.
Any ideas?
Me too
I can't get into clockworkmod either. My machine is running faster. I almost hate to mess it more.
lrgche said:
Tried both methods above but either way I get to the viewsonic splash with the message "Booting recovery kernel image" in the upper left and it just stays there, stuck there, I left it for a long time to see and it never leaves that screen.
Any ideas?
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That's an indication that you may have more serious problems. nvflash will be required. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=861950
Once done you will likely need to install ClockworkMod and repartition your internal storage.
Loukoebel said:
I can't get into clockworkmod either. My machine is running faster. I almost hate to mess it more.
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If your tablet boots properly but you can't get into CWM then it probably isn't installed properly (or at all). http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=865245
Keep in mind that CWM is NOT compatible with all ROMs. Make sure the developer for your chosen ROM recommends it before installing it.
Does your method in opening post have to be run from external micro sdcard?
Both methods are performed with an external MicroSD card. They will work from internal also but it is a little more difficult to get the files in place if your tablet is not booting properly.
K J Rad said:
Both methods are performed with an external MicroSD card. They will work from internal also but it is a little more difficult to get the files in place if your tablet is not booting properly.
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so your method is a simple way to replace one of the main uses of Clockword MOD?--Plus you stay stock more or less.
That is correct. Method II can also be modified to be less intrusive (leave user apps installed) or embedded into update scripts to perform a wipe during new ROM installs.
K J Rad said:
That is correct. Method II can also be modified to be less intrusive (leave user apps installed) or embedded into update scripts to perform a wipe during new ROM installs.
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Wipe data does what--remove the apps installed?
And the partitions?
Your post is very interesting. It implies that you have a knowledge of the g-tabs partition structure. I have played with Linux off and on for the last 10+ years. When I began, I used Slackware and when you set it up you had to manually create partition tables using fdisk. You were only required to create two - the data partition and a swap partition but it was often recommended that you create several others - one to contain the home directory to prevent users from using all the disk space (in the days of small disks) for example. It appears that there are a lot of partition on the g-tab. Up to now, I have used various wiping tools like clockwork or calkulins wipe all on faith. I would really like to know what all the partitions are and what is in them. I have used terminal to get to the root folder and tried to do an fdisk to display the partitions but try as I might everything remains hidden. It would seem that a script like yours could be adapted to do many things but I would certainly want to understand the structure a little better before I did anything. I have searched and been unable to find that information. Can you point a way for the curious to learn more about the partition structure on the g-tab?
Wish I had a direction I could point you in. What I've found so far has mostly been stumbled upon while looking for something else. What I can tell you is this...
1) When using fdisk in Android you must specify the device to look at. Try something like: fdisk /dev/block/mccblk3 That should list the current partitions as defined by CWM or whatever was used originally.
2) Within one of those partitions in the list generated above are sub-partitions holding the bootloader, system, data, etc partitions. You can see how they're described in the .cfg files in the nvflash restores that are lying about.
lsu205 said:
Wipe data does what--remove the apps installed?
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Removes user apps and their associated data as well as system related data and settings.
K J Rad - any idea if the partition size can be set with these methods (2048 & 0) in case I can't get clockwork installed?
CodeNamePapa said:
K J Rad - any idea if the partition size can be set with these methods (2048 & 0) in case I can't get clockwork installed?
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I'm looking for a solution to that problem. Unfortunately these methods still require the ability to get into recovery mode which likely won't work if you're having trouble getting CWM installed.
If, however, you can get into recovery... then it is theoretically possible to create a script that would accomplish that. As soon as I have one I'll be adding it to the mix ;-)
Edit: I've found something I think will work. Will do some testing tonight. It will still require access to recovery.
I wasn't sure if you saw my other post but I am seeing no partition 0 when I NVFlash with a verifypartition.
I haven't yet but I will. Let's try to keep this thread on topic. Thanks.
More thoughts:
because I went w/ cyan7 is it possible i have a "bad" kernel and that the stock bekit-1105 or the roebeet-3588 files are crashing w/ the kernel in place already?
I know custom ROMs can have a custom kernel applied separately, but I have no idea whether cyan7 loads it's own kernel...
I have yet to try the nvflash_gtablet_46 version, as I see the img files w/in are different from the original 1105 .zip
read on another thread that part 2 and part 3 aren't loading for other users when doing nvflash - I did notice that it pauses, runs some stuff, then starts loading part 4 through to the last part, then success. - do part 2 and 3 run for you?
edit: I see a 4349 downgrade.zip in another thread for those who got the OTA update but want to go back to stock 3588 prior to jumping off somewhere else - I can't expect that would help me as I can't do squat w/ recovery yet, but could that possibly "reset" any bad kernel problems? - again, I'm just thinking out loud.
This is well outside the scope of this thread but I find some of what you mention interesting so I'll address it and then end any further off topic discussions.
I did not build nor have I ever used Cyan7 so I have no basis for an opinion on the matter other than this... Each ROM comes with a kernel installed so if properly done an nvflash should overwrite any "bad" kernel.
Part2 and Part3 do indeed load, they are just displayed differently than the other Parts. Just minutes ago I flashed down from Mountain Laurel (4349 based with the new bootloader and recovery) with absolutely no trouble. I can, and have, read back those partitions after an nvflash to prove that point.
The 4349 downgrade will only work for you if recovery is working. Having never used it I don't know that it would "reset" the kernel but any subsequent flashing of a new ROM image would.
I am working on a stock recovery solution for partitioning but it isn't likely to help anyone who is stuck in an APX loop. I do have some ideas on what might help for that condition but I haven't been able to get my hands on one for testing and trying to help people here is like being a consulting mechanic for a car repair that's in someone else's shop having work done on it that you're not being told about.
I'll be happy to address any further comments or questions regarding your specific issue in an appropriate thread or via PM. Thanks.

[Q] Internal SD Card "Read Only"

I am having a rather challenging issue. I moved from branch 1.1 and Vegan GE- RC1 to 1.2 NVflash 20110508 CWM5504 and flashed the TeamDRH-AOSP-Preview-1F-LDPI. So the issue is that I cannot write to, wipe, reformat or partition my internal sdcard. I had to flash the ICS ROM from my external sdcard and reboot system, but the screen locks on the TeamDRH title graphic page after loading all of the apps. I tried different releases of CWM55XX, but no difference.
Running CWM, I have re-partitioned to 4096/0, then 2048/0, formatted/cleared/wiped every partition, run the keycheck and tried pretty much every function CW has but nothing can touch the files on the drive!
I can get into APX and CWM. I can mount the USB port and view the internal drive. I can move, add and delete files and windows explorer shows that each action is completed. I renamed the old Update.zip to Update-Old.zip and it changes in explorer. But as soon as I unmount USB the changes are lost. When I go into CWM and try to install the zips, the only zip files showing are the update.zip and Vegan…zip. I tried to go back to Vegan, but it boot loops.
I tried rr5678’s G-Tablet Format utility that completely erases all traces of anything in the G-Tablet's ROM storage space. It showed all of the steps as completed. I got the red letter message at power on, immediately flashed the 1.2 NVflash/CWM and it functioned perfectly. But, still, no change or effect on the old files on the internal sdcard.
At this point, after way too many hours researching, reading and rereading, it may be that either I have a corrupt config file, (which is beyond my limited expertise to determine) or a bad microdrive.
I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on resolving this. I want my GTab back!!! (It would be extra nice to have ICS, as well!)
galyons said:
Running CWM, I have re-partitioned to 4096/0, then 2048/0, formatted/cleared/wiped every partition, run the keycheck and tried pretty much every function CW has but nothing can touch the files on the drive!
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This is a known problem that sometimes develops on some gTabs with a non-standard kind (compared to the majority of gTabs) of internal SD card.
There is no known "fix" for the problem. There is a workaround on page 5 of that thread, though.
But, first, I'd like you to get me the output of a dmesg command and then run through a set of tests (see posts #88 and #66) and get me their exact output.
Ok, I will read enough to see if i can figure out how to get the test results. Gonna take me a couple of days. Thank you for the guidance!
Well, I downloaded the Knoppix image, burned a bootable CD, booted Knoppix, hassled through getting connected to the internet, reread the threads and gave it a "go". Got buried in abd...dmesg and bailed. I would love to provide all of the diagnostic messages, but quite honestly, do not want to invest more time to become marginally able to do so.
So...RMA and boxed off to US Merchants. Hopefully you can discover a fix, rather than a work around for this issue. But the work around is infinitely better than an ever boot looping tablet!!
Thanks again for your help to me and others!!

NT8 boot ONLY via SDCard - RESOLVED!

This issue was resolved by Meghd00t's new REPART.IMG file. See this post on that thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=26060323&postcount=151cool:
I have the 8gb model Nook Tablet and (mistakenly) tried to flash CWM & CM7a to the EMMC of my tablet. At that time, there were no warnings about how the internal flash version would brick the NT8.
Now, my tablet will not boot to ANYTHING on the internal memory. I do NOT get the stock "reset" warnings - or even a flash of light. No matter how I try to boot it (with or without cable, with or without the Nook button) or how long I hold the buttons down, it still remains with a BLACK SCREEN.
However, the SDCard will boot properly.
I followed the instructions on this thread ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1515788) precisely to reset the BootData. I did NOT receive any errors. However, it still will not boot internally.
I then tried sigmabeta's process to flash CM9 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=25661314) to the internal emmc (which is supposed to work on NT8). The flash process (via SD/CWM) went properly and I did not receive any errors. However, I still cannot get anything to boot (except my SDCards).
If I put my CM7a (bootable) SDCard (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1481826) into the NT8, it boots and runs great! Likewise meghd00t's recovery/CWM sdcard boots and runs properly.
I can do ADB & FASTBOOT and I have even done the dd to download my partitions (for backup) and then dd copies from online onto the device's partitions. Still no joy.
However, even after dd'ing a downloaded copy of p5 to the device, ADB still reports my TRUE serial number? It seems that the dd to part5 did not take?
The only other thing that I have found, that seems significant, is the fact that when I am in CWM, I cannot mount the EMMC. I can ADB/shell into the device but that did not allow me to mount the emmc either.
Any ideas how I can get this thing to boot internally? How can I force the device to mount the emmc?
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If you have tried all the unbrick methods out there with no luck, then throw it to the wall and see it is fixes .
~ Veronica
Final "fix"
lavero.burgos said:
If you have tried all the unbrick methods out there with no luck, then throw it to the wall and see it is fixes .
~ Veronica
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Not sure that I have tried ALL of them, that is why I am still searching. Also, people come up with new ideas that have not previously been published.
Thanks for all YOUR help. Especially the dd to fix bootdata.
Sure wish someone would come up with a solution for this problem. There seems to be quite a few of us who are looking for answers.
Sent from my Nook Tablet using XDA
I have been reading for a while and I didn’t want to the answer because the answers are already in the Dev. area. I rather have people do some research and learn to solve their own problem rather than listen to someone else that might misled to do something even worse.
NT already has a recovery in place; factory restores (eight failed boot method). Most people do not know this and try something in an environment that they are not familiar with, Ubuntu. If you are using Windows, then you can resolve it in Windows. You do not need to repartition, format, or delete partitions. I have learned that many people like to format things apparently.
The most common problem seems to be; my NT does not turn on or my nook only boot with sdcard. It is not technically true; your NT actually turns on. The backlight just doesn’t turn on because you format/replace the x-loader/bootloader. X-loader loads the bootloader. You know the bootloader work if you see the “n” logo screen. If your NT restart after the "n" logo screen, it mean bad recovery.img/boot.img.
How did this happen? You flash the wrong MLO file to your x-loader, you used an old CWM (experimental one) and formatted your sdcard or you like to format things.
How do I resolve this? First thing is to make a proper CWM sdcard, one with proper partition table. You can compile your own CWM recovery when you compile CM7. Second, flash stock 1.4.2 rom, which contain the latest x-loader, bootloader, boot, and recovery files that works on both 8GB/16GB NT. This will restore your NT to stock android gingerbread.
If you happen to format the rom partition, you need to restore it with a backup and perform the eight failed boot method. This will restore your proper rom partition data along with the stock android. It is all in my thread in the Dev. area.
If you happen to screw up your partition table, obviously this will not help you until you fix your partition table.
Existing solutions
succulent said:
I have been reading for a while and I didn’t want to the answer because the answers are already in the Dev. area. I rather have people do some research and learn to solve their own problem rather than listen to someone else that might misled to do something even worse.
NT already has a recovery in place; factory restores (eight failed boot method). Most people do not know this and try something in an environment that they are not familiar with, Ubuntu. If you are using Windows, then you can resolve it in Windows. You do not need to repartition, format, or delete partitions. I have learned that many people like to format things apparently.
The most common problem seems to be; my NT does not turn on or my nook only boot with sdcard. It is not technically true; your NT actually turns on. The backlight just doesn’t turn on because you format/replace the x-loader/bootloader. X-loader loads the bootloader. You know the bootloader work if you see the “n” logo screen. If your NT restart after the "n" logo screen, it mean bad recovery.img/boot.img.
How did this happen? You flash the wrong MLO file to your x-loader, you used an old CWM (experimental one) and formatted your sdcard or you like to format things.
How do I resolve this? First thing is to make a proper CWM sdcard, one with proper partition table. You can compile your own CWM recovery when you compile CM7. Second, flash stock 1.4.2 rom, which contain the latest x-loader, bootloader, boot, and recovery files that works on both 8GB/16GB NT. This will restore your NT to stock android gingerbread.
If you happen to format the rom partition, you need to restore it with a backup and perform the eight failed boot method. This will restore your proper rom partition data along with the stock android. It is all in my thread in the Dev. area.
If you happen to screw up your partition table, obviously this will not help you until you fix your partition table.
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Thanks for the info. I do appreciate it and I will be trying some of your suggestions later today when I get home.
One problem (that seems to be easing up a bit) is the fact that few posters distinguish WHICH version of the NT that they are working with. The NT16 "solutions" became the NT8 "problems." It would be great if everyone posted WHICH version they have.
The other issue is (as you stated) when you follow a guide to fix an issue, it CAN mess up your device even worse that it was. Then, you have TWO issues to deal with - rather than just one as before. I am afraid that is where I am now.
One question: You mention "compiling" CWM. Are you referring to the technical term of compiling code into an executible? Or, are you simply referring to the process of putting a working image onto an SDCard? I can do the latter without issue but I have never compiled code.
I do use Ubuntu Linux so many of the Windows driver issues are moot for me. However, I do have a dual boot with XP in on the other side - just in case I need to do some Windows-only stuff.
I really appreciate the help. I am no novice but I am not a developer either. I can usually search, read, try, and work out the problems that I (and other less technical users) experience. That is what my website is all about - translating the really "tech" jargon into everyday language for non-techies to follow. But this one has stumped me (and at least a few others) for the past couple of months.
succulent said:
I have learned that many people like to format things apparently.
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Sent from my NookTablet using Tapatalk
I've noticed this as well. People really need to do more reading before randomly selecting/flashing things.

[Q] Development for Tizzbird N1 ?

Hi! So I'm wondering if anyone know if there is\have been any development for
the Tizzbird Stick N1 (M\G) ?
We have this Android-stick in stock at my store, but I'm not sure if I'm going to get it or not yet. Depends the development, as I'd really like to see the capabilities for it. I believe it's a lowbrand tho. so I might be out of luck.
Anyone know anything?
I searched the forums, and did a google search. Didnt find much.
Dag M.
Hi there!
I own one of those, and there are a handful of (german-speaking) people activly posting in this forum http://forum.tizzbird-tv.de/ about the Tizzbird N1. - The problem with that forum is that they heavily censor it - as soon as anyone posts info on how to "get in", or if someone asks uncomfortable questions - those posts gets deleted.
They sell it really cheap for 30€ (not all the time, but twice for one day @ redcoon) and although the Wifi-Chip (or the drivers for it) are really crappy, the media player part is really nice.
update: I've did a little research, and here is a little list of relevant links about the tizzbird n1:
==== Marketing Product Pages ====
==== Official Firmware ====
==== German Support Forum (posting info about root-access prohibited) ====
==== GPL-Code for Tizzbird N10, N20 & N30 - but not for N1? ====
==== Kernel Sources ? ====
Yeah, the pretend to be "community friendly and supportive" but once you actually start digging in, they get quite agressive and boot you out.
Anyways, I got a N1 a couple of days myself now (snagged it for 30 bucks at another RedCoon sale ) and I am surprised.
Got it pretty much only to tinker around with it and this thing suits more perfectly for that than I imagined.
Esp. that fact they used a simple SD card as "internal flash storage" - my guess is because a simple SD is cheaper than an actual eMMC flash chip, but it's so cool on so many levels for us.
I already found out how to replace the 4GB SD with a bigger one (have a 16GB in mine ATM).
I'll post some more details about it here later, got a few things I want to test and/or prepare first (thinking of some "easy to use cloning script"), but long story short:
You need to copy the bootloader to the very end (last few blocks) of the SD you want to use.
Once the BL is at the proper place it already boots from the new SD again, to be sure everything is as it's supposed to be one should apply an update via USB (I'm not 100% sure about a possible pointer to the BL that needs to be corrected, which the update does).
After that the partition information has to be edited to make the userdata partition larger and you're done.
thanks for the info HellcatDroid!
It would be great if you could elaborate on how to put the bootloader at the end of the sd-card.
Also I would love to get info how to get root into the stock firmware, that crippled down root-firmware that they allow to exist in the official tizzbird forum doesn't really satisfy my needs
I did it via a hex editor, but it should be doable with a few "dd" commands as well - that's one of the things I still want to try, find the propper dd params to copy the BL over.
If you dumped the original SD into a file using dd, at the very end of the image file you will find the bootloader and the very last block of the SD is a "header" telling the bootrom of the N1 a few things about it, so it can properly locate and load it.
So what you got to do is to copy those last ~230k from the image to the end of the new SD card.
As said, I'll try to write a small shell script that does it.
The rooting is even more easy (Stonecold would kill me if he'd read this, lol):
For when running on Linux (no can do on Windows, as Windows doesn't know the ext4 FS):
Since you got the SD in your PC anyways already, just mount partition 2 (e.g. if the SD is sdc on your PC, mount /dev/sdc2).
That is the partition where the Android system is sitting on.
Then just copy over the files needed for root to where they need to go, chown/chmod them properly, unmount and done
I used the "update-supersu.zip" I had for my Nexus7 to grab the required files.
But I'm planning to make a simple rooting script as well.
So if all goes as planned it'll come down to
- insert original SD
- run script 1
- insert new SD
- run script 2
- to root run script 3
brilliant! I would love to see those scripts
way easier than start tinkering with that stuff myself
One thing I wonder about - over at the official forum you said that a simple dd copy didn't work - is that if the target sd-card is bigger or also for an sd-card of equals size? because with equal size simple dd copy of the sd-card should still work, even if some things need so be exactly at the end.
Yup, just a dd didn't work because the new SD card was larger and the bootloader ended up being somewhere in the middle of the card instead of at the end.
While your thought of "dd to equal size cards" is totally correct, it might still fail due to the fact every card is not 100% exact same size counting down to last byte.
There ususally is a tiny size difference (a few bytes to kbytes) between cards, even if they are supposed to be same, so the bootloader might end up truncated or not exactely at the end.
If, however, the size of the cards is 100% the same, down to the last byte, then yes, a simple dd clone would work.
HellcatDroid said:
... There ususally is a tiny size difference (a few bytes to kbytes) between cards, even if they are supposed to be same, so the bootloader might end up truncated or not exactely at the end. ...
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Oh! Didn't know that. I thought same marketing size means not the same size they write on the box, but at least the same size between those that are marketed with the same GB numbers on their stickers.
OK, here we go, I slapped together a few scripts for prepping a new (and larger) SD card to work in the N1 and while having the SD in the PC to aplly some root.
* hints at attachment of this post
The scripts might still have problems and not work on any Linux out there, but it's a start.
If there's more people interested and joining in on this I might continue but for now I got what I wanted - more storage and root.
I think I destroyed my MiniSC cand! The N1 is dead. I tried to insert the card in a linux and gparted did not see anything. What can I do?
thank you for your help
somade said:
I think I destroyed my MiniSC cand! The N1 is dead. I tried to insert the card in a linux and gparted did not see anything. What can I do?
thank you for your help
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Could you post how you got there? what did you do to the sd-card that destroyed it?
If you got a dump from a working state of the SD you can just dd it back onto the card.
If you don't, it can still be recovered but might need bit more work.
Two options:
find someone who gives you a dump of their card and use the write-card script from my above post to write it to your SD.
Problem with this: a working dump contains copyrighted code, like the bootloader, it technically it's "not OK" to share it
we come up with another script that only contains an "empty" image (i.e. only partitioning information) and that takes the bootloader and recovery from the official update and gets the card into a state that it boots into recovery and lets you install a working system using the official update from USB (option in the recovery menu)
Option 2 would be nicer, IMO.
I'll try to make up said script
Thank you for your immediate answer!.
Actually I dont know what has happened, maybe the sharp instrument I used to remove the plastic cover scratch it...But now when I put it in a card reader the led of the reader switch off and the card is heated!!!. And also when I put it in the N1 the blue led turns off!.
So I bought a new empty micro Sd .
Waiting for your script to partition the new card and then boot in recovery mode and install a firmware....
Because I am not expert to linux please give me a lot of details how to do this.
Thanks again!
HellcatDroid said:
we come up with another script that only contains an "empty" image (i.e. only partitioning information) and that takes the bootloader and recovery from the official update and gets the card into a state that it boots into recovery and lets you install a working system using the official update from USB (option in the recovery menu
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Do you think the bootloader is even part of the offical updates? wouldn't it be "best practice" to leave the bootloader partition alone as long as possible (and normally firmware updates don't need to change the bootloader)
update: something else I've just found, those might be kernel sources for our Tizzbird N1:
Yep, the bootloader is in the update - at least in the 3.20 one.
And yes, usually the bootloader shouldn't be touched because that's usually the one thing that can "perma-brick" Android devices.
However, sometimes the manufacturer updates it (fixing bugs, adding functionality) - on my Nexus7 they updated the bootloader on pretty much every update and also Samsung updates their bootloaders every now and then (and every single update flashes the current one).
Last, not least, on the N1 the bootloader isn't on a partition but at unpartitioned space at the very last blocks of the SD (=> reason for a simple dd to a larger card not booting).
Ohyay at the possible kernel sources!
It'd be so cool if that's really sources able to build a kernel for the N1 with - I think we might be able to even get custom recovery (CWM and the likes) on the N1 if those sources work
OK, while trying to recreate a working SD card w/o using a dump of a working one I found out a few more things - some of them still need figuring out if we wanna do it properly.
There seem to be TWO bootloaders!
A stage1 bootloader of ~1kB size located at the third and second last block of the SD. If it's missing the N1 can't boot and it looks like ARM code (haven't tried to disassamble it yet), I assume the bootrom loads and executes that piece of code which in turn parses the header (see below) and load/starts the stage2 bootloader (the one also found in the FW update).
The very last block of the SD is a "header block" with some information beeing parsed either by the bootrom or (more likely) the stage1 bootloader.
The headerblock contains (among numerous other unkown data) the size of the ("stage2") bootloader (the one that then actually loads and boots the Linux kernel of the Android OS, this is also the one contained in the FW update) and the usable size of the SD card! (everything works fine though if the SD size is wrong and a proper FW update updates the header during writing of the bootloader and also sets the correct size).
Also, the headerblock has a checksum of which I have no clue on how it is generated.
All that is just educated guesses and might be totally off, but for now it looks like it's not too far off.
So, for now we can assume the following boot sequence:
-> loads stage1 bootloader from fixed position "SDsize - 3 blocks" (1 block = 512bytes)
stage1 bootloader at fixed position on SD
-> checks checksum of headerblock (?), gets size of stage2 bootloader from headerblock, locates stage2 bootloader based on it's size and loads/executes it
stage2 bootloader on variable position on SD
-> base initialisation of hardware
-> checks for recovery trigger (the red button on the remote control) and boots kernel from partition 6 if trigger present
-> boots kernel from partition 1 if recovery was not triggered
-> enters fastboot mode when booting the kernel fails
-> loads base drivers and boots up the system
you're brilliant Hellcat!
And did you also find both bootloader stages inside the firmware updates?
Another question that came to my mind while reading your post (fastboot..)
Is there a way to use the Tizzbird as USB-slave? So to make use of adb and fastboot and such stuff? Okey adb could also be used via network I guess..
somade said:
I think I destroyed my MiniSC cand! The N1 is dead. I tried to insert the card in a linux and gparted did not see anything. What can I do?
thank you for your help
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Somade, do you have a linux running on your pc? If no, download and get a knoppix running. and then contact me via pm. I have the original n1 image so no problem to recover the n1.
sebastian.heyn said:
Somade, do you have a linux running on your pc? If no, download and get a knoppix running. and then contact me via pm. I have the original n1 image so no problem to recover the n1.
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Welcome to our rouge and non-censored Tizzbird N1 forum Sebastian!
I wonder if you found us here, if the German Tizzbird support also already knows about us
update: I just remembered, I've sent you the link as PM over in the official forums, thats how you landed here.
Sharing your sd-card image might be a copyright violation, and if you're profile name is strongly linked to you're real identity you should definitly be cautious with such things on public forums...
kaefert said:
And did you also find both bootloader stages inside the firmware updates?
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Nope, unfortunately the stage1 bootloader is not in the update :-/
kaefert said:
Is there a way to use the Tizzbird as USB-slave? So to make use of adb and fastboot and such stuff? Okey adb could also be used via network I guess..
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Yeah, it works, even officially XD
Go to the TizzBird settings -> "System Settings" -> "Advanced Settings"
It has an option "OTG Mode" there, set it to "Debug".
If you have your N1 connected to your PC via the micro-USB port (and hence your PC powering the N1!) you can use ADB and fastboot just as usual
I have not yet tried if that option is persistant, i.e. it survives a power loss.
When booting the kernel fails it should fall back to fastboot mode, so flashing a new kernel w/o pulling the SD should be possible - need to test this a bit more, though.
What works is, if you're rooted and and you fire the command "reboot bootloader" from a root shell, that gets you into fastboot mode no matter what (given you applied above mentioned setting first).
But needing a running system to get into fastboot mode kinda defeats the purpose of it - this aint Ouya which is a total fail when it comes to fastboot XD
---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------
kaefert said:
I wonder if you found us here, if the German Tizzbird support also already knows about us
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Eventually they will, I'd say.
And I'd love to see their faces when they do XD

How to install Cyanogenmod 12.1 on Stock Nook Tablet using SD Card?

Hey! I am trying to get Cyanogenmod 12.1 on my stock Nook Tablet. I no longer use the Nook Tablet as often and would like to give it a new life by making it an Android. After reading a ton of articles and forums, I have tried a ton of them, but none of them seem to work successfully. One of them I tried was, Install CM for acclaim on the wiki.cyanogenmod.org website , the process went successfully until I rebooted and it continued to boot me to the regular Nook setup. I think it is because the Clockworkmod Recovery is outdated. I also see that Cyanogenmod's latest recovery is also available, but how do I put it on my SD card successfully. Please provide a step to step guide for me. Thank you!
BornReady_ said:
Hey! I am trying to get Cyanogenmod 12.1 on my stock Nook Tablet. I no longer use the Nook Tablet as often and would like to give it a new life by making it an Android. After reading a ton of articles and forums, I have tried a ton of them, but none of them seem to work successfully. One of them I tried was, Install CM for acclaim on the wiki.cyanogenmod.org website , the process went successfully until I rebooted and it continued to boot me to the regular Nook setup. I think it is because the Clockworkmod Recovery is outdated. I also see that Cyanogenmod's latest recovery is also available, but how do I put it on my SD card successfully. Please provide a step to step guide for me. Thank you!
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I just did this about a week ago (finally) and there are no better instructions for getting started than those provided by digixmax here. Just ignore the statements about CM 11 and forge ahead. Later in that thread there are a variety of recommendations for file substitutions in the method if you are aiming for CM 12 instead of 11. I followed the ones here. These also work.
My own discovery was that you should ignore the TWRP error messages about being unable to mount '/bootdata'. I finally came across that somewhere and it proved to be true for me.
Take it slow. Gather together all the files you will need first. Then prep the SD card (don't forget to set the flag). Then copy the files over in the order specified. It matters. Then go for it! (don't neglect to backup the stock system before wiping things--you may be glad you did).
My start-up with CM 12.1 was really rough and I thought I might abandon it but after a few days and quite a number of reboots things settled down. Maybe that has something to do with coming from CM 10.2.1, maybe not. Anyway, the system is no worse than CM 10.2.1 and I don't have trouble with cold or warm boots hanging like I used to with CM 10.2.1.
My pet peeves are listed here and/or here but may be idiosynchratic to my device or particular flash.
nmyshkin said:
I just did this about a week ago (finally) and there are no better instructions for getting started than those provided by digixmax here. Just ignore the statements about CM 11 and forge ahead. Later in that thread there are a variety of recommendations for file substitutions in the method if you are aiming for CM 12 instead of 11. I followed the ones here. These also work.
My own discovery was that you should ignore the TWRP error messages about being unable to mount '/bootdata'. I finally came across that somewhere and it proved to be true for me.
Take it slow. Gather together all the files you will need first. Then prep the SD card (don't forget to set the flag). Then copy the files over in the order specified. It matters. Then go for it! (don't neglect to backup the stock system before wiping things--you may be glad you did).
My start-up with CM 12.1 was really rough and I thought I might abandon it but after a few days and quite a number of reboots things settled down. Maybe that has something to do with coming from CM 10.2.1, maybe not. Anyway, the system is no worse than CM 10.2.1 and I don't have trouble with cold or warm boots hanging like I used to with CM 10.2.1.
My pet peeves are listed here and/or here but may be idiosynchratic to my device or particular flash.
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I literally just finished sending a message to digixmax when you posted this. I remember seeing you in the other forum, trying to get CM12.1 to install. I did all this instructions over and over for hours, but I keep getting stuck at the CyanoBoot section. I get the Boot Menu, but then the SDC Recovery option isn't available, I see it, but it isn't clickable.
BornReady_ said:
I literally just finished sending a message to digixmax when you posted this. I remember seeing you in the other forum, trying to get CM12.1 to install. I did all this instructions over and over for hours, but I keep getting stuck at the CyanoBoot section. I get the Boot Menu, but then the SDC Recovery option isn't available, I see it, but it isn't clickable.
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OK, so as soon as the cyanoboot screen appears you hold down the N button, right?
Also, did you boot with the power cable connected?
nmyshkin said:
OK, so as soon as the cyanoboot screen appears you hold down the N button, right?
Also, did you boot with the power cable connected?
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Yes, I booted with the power cable connected, I tried on being connected to the laptop and power wall as well. I also held down the N button, which is why I got to the Boot Menu.
Bear with me
Are you sure you got the SD card version of TWRP?
Yes, 100% sure.
BornReady_ said:
Yes, 100% sure.
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Well that was interesting! We're "live" apparently
I want to help but I'm not digixmax... I'll bet he has an idea. Wait for him to get back to you while I rummage around.
Lol, thanks for the help anyways though. I will have to wait for digixmax.
Wow, everytime you mention digixmax, he replies. He just privated messaged me in return.
If you can get to the CyanoBoot menu but its menu entry for "SDC recovery" is greyed out then it's because CyanoBoot (flashing_boot.img) cannot find a recovery.img file on your bootable SDcard.
Which version of SD-based recovery did you download and use?
You might want to wait for and check against the answer to my inquiry post at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=65016892&postcount=41 (I no longer have a NT and as such cannot vouch for any specific recent recovery versions).
I'm sorry, I should have been more precise. I don't know if it will help, but this is the TWRP recovery image I used successfully when I tried this process. That's v.
digixmax said:
If you can get to the CyanoBoot menu but its menu entry for "SDC recovery" is greyed out then it's because CyanoBoot (flashing_boot.img) cannot find a recovery.img file on your bootable SDcard.
Which version of SD-based recovery did you download and use?
You might want to wait for and check against the answer to my inquiry post at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=65016892&postcount=41 (I no longer have a NT and as such cannot vouch for any specific recent recovery versions).
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I have seen everyone else's folders and they seem to include "flashing_boot.img" However, the file I downloaded from your page only has "flashing_boot" When I try to rename the file, the Nook Tablet won't even turn on anymore at all. Matter of fact, I can't even get to the Boot Menu now, it keeps having that red line that states, "booti: bad boot image magic (in memory)" I'm losing hope...
BornReady_ said:
I have seen everyone else's folders and they seem to include "flashing_boot.img" However, the file I downloaded from your page only has "flashing_boot" When I try to rename the file, the Nook Tablet won't even turn on anymore at all. Matter of fact, I can't even get to the Boot Menu now, it keeps having that red line that states, "booti: bad boot image magic (in memory)" I'm losing hope...
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Don't give up. If you're using a Windows machine to prepare the card then whether the .IMG is displayed or not depends on your settings. It does not show on mine but a look at the file properties shows it is an .IMG file.
So that's the wrong tree. SDCards have been known to be problematic so if you have another around you might want to give it a try. You also might do a slow (complete) format on it before preparing it from scratch.
The other thing, of course, is the integrity of the individual files. Checking the MD5 values is a pain but sometimes reveals a bad download.
nmyshkin said:
Don't give up. If you're using a Windows machine to prepare the card then whether the .IMG is displayed or not depends on your settings. It does not show on mine but a look at the file properties shows it is an .IMG file.
So that's the wrong tree. SDCards have been known to be problematic so if you have another around you might want to give it a try. You also might do a slow (complete) format on it before preparing it from scratch.
The other thing, of course, is the integrity of the individual files. Checking the MD5 values is a pain but sometimes reveals a bad download.
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I have tried everything. It doesn't seem to work. I'm also sure there aren't issues with downloading because I have redownloaded the files over 7 times. Is there a way I can download the folder of files that you used to install cyanogenmod?
BornReady_ said:
I have tried everything. It doesn't seem to work. I'm also sure there aren't issues with downloading because I have redownloaded the files over 7 times. Is there a way I can download the folder of files that you used to install cyanogenmod?
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I've already shut down my computer for the night. I'll have a look at the size that an image of the card would be. Maybe that's the easiest way if there's room in my dropbox. If you've read through the CM11/12 thread you know I ran into problems and if you were to look at the CM10 thread you'd find me floundering around there also, so I know how frustrating it can be. And then suddenly it just works.
I'll let you know tomorrow.
BornReady_ said:
I have seen everyone else's folders and they seem to include "flashing_boot.img" However, the file I downloaded from your page only has "flashing_boot" When I try to rename the file, the Nook Tablet won't even turn on anymore at all. Matter of fact, I can't even get to the Boot Menu now, it keeps having that red line that states, "booti: bad boot image magic (in memory)" I'm losing hope...
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As @nmyshkin pointed out, it's most likely because your Windows Explorer is configured not to display the file-name extension, so when you try to rename "flashing_boot" to "flashing_boot.img" you in effect end up with a file with name "flashing_boot.img.img".
This is likely also the root cause of your original problem: if you now just rename the TWRP recovery file you had downloaded (which already has the hidden .img extension) to "recovery" (and not "recovery.img" lest you end up with a file named "recovery.img.img") then CyanoBoot will see the recovery file.
For avoidance of doubt, just set your Windows Explorer to display file-name extension.
digixmax said:
As @nmyshkin pointed out, it's most likely because your Windows Explorer is configured not to display the file-name extension, so when you try to rename "flashing_boot" to "flashing_boot.img" you in effect end up with a file with name "flashing_boot.img.img".
This is likely also the root cause of your original problem: if you now just rename the TWRP recovery file you had downloaded (which already has the hidden .img extension) to "recovery" (and not "recovery.img" lest you end up with a file named "recovery.img.img") then CyanoBoot will see the recovery file.
For avoidance of doubt, just set your Windows Explorer to display file-name extension.
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You are totally correct. I enabled Windows Explorer to display file-name extension and the TWRP recovery file turned out as "recovery.img.img" I am going to try it out now and reply with if it works or not.
Alright, I have been trying and following the instructions clearly, but it keeps giving me the red line stating, "booti: bad boot image magic (in memory)" now. I have gotten to the Boot Menu before, but now it won't even let me get there. What does this message mean?
BornReady_ said:
Alright, I have been trying and following the instructions clearly, but it keeps giving me the red line stating, "booti: bad boot image magic (in memory)" now. I have gotten to the Boot Menu before, but now it won't even let me get there. What does this message mean?
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Is flashing_boot file on your SD card correctly named "flashing_boot.img", and not "flashing_boot.img.img"?

