[Q] Angry Birds Rio encrypts settings/highscores with AES - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey everyone,
i used to edit/backup my angry birds files. It worked fine with angry birds and angry birds seasons. But now with angry birds rio rovio encrypts the files with AES.
what i know so far from IDA pro:
for example GameLua::loadLuaFileToObject does
=> io::FileInputStream::read
=> lang::AESUtil::AESUtil(...)
=> lang::AESUtil::decrypt(...)
are any IDA excperts here who might help me figuring out the arguments to that decrypt call( the AES key). Or do you have any ideas on how to figure out the AES key at all?
Greets, Goddchen

Goddchen said:
Hey everyone,
i used to edit/backup my angry birds files. It worked fine with angry birds and angry birds seasons. But now with angry birds rio rovio encrypts the files with AES.
what i know so far from IDA pro:
for example GameLua::loadLuaFileToObject does
=> io::FileInputStream::read
=> lang::AESUtil::AESUtil(...)
=> lang::AESUtil::decrypt(...)
are any IDA excperts here who might help me figuring out the arguments to that decrypt call( the AES key). Or do you have any ideas on how to figure out the AES key at all?
Greets, Goddchen
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I'm afraid you can't decrypt an AES key with a current PC, considering it would take some good millions of years to bruteforce.
Your best bet would be finding an exploit into how the game implements this encryption, I guess.

sorry you might have misunderstood me.
i don't want to crack the key, i simply want to extract it. it has to be stored in the file somewhere.

Ever tryed the old fashion way of searching addys maybe even reversing the whole game? Wait I'm a computer game hacker idk about adroid games lol sorry uhmm I'm sure you can reverse enough to find the file but then again could it possibly be stored outside of the game itself?
Sent from my Vision using XDA Premium App

yes that's exactly what i want to do. i have already found the file loading/saving function that use the AESUtil, but i can't figure out where the actual key is stored
Could you have a look at it if i send you the binary file?
Greets, Goddchen

Yeah send them all to me every one you can find and I will search away hopefully its not somthing stupidly named that throws me off...and why hack a game like this anyways?
Sent from my Vision using XDA Premium App

Also have you tryed opening it up with a hexeditor? I know I know billions of lines of useless numbers for what you want but there is a chance it will be labled in there somewhere
Sent from my Vision using XDA Premium App

Yes i did that, and also decompiled the whole thing with IDA pro. That's why i know it's AES, because the read / write function use the AESUtil functions. But i can't figure out the address where the key is located...

Have you searched for aes or key I know it might sound funny but time after time I've found addys that way and and I toatally forgot that you used ida I use that to decompile dlls and mem dumps for my hacking on games...but pm me the files (idk never tryed sending files on here before so I'm not sure if its possible here if not pm for my email)
Sent from my Vision using XDA Premium App

you already have a PM

All assets/*/*.lua files are encrypted using AES, CBC mode with empty initial vector and 256-bit key = 'USCaPQpA4TSNVxMI1v9SK9UC0yZuAnb2' (yes, ascii only). After decryption you will see 7z file with real *.lua file inside.
Example in Python:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
AES.new('USCaPQpA4TSNVxMI1v9SK9UC0yZuAnb2', AES.MODE_CBC, '').decrypt(open('MainMenuPage.lua', 'r').read())
You should see a string starting with "7z" and after saving it to a file you should be able to open it using any 7z archiver.
Still I don't know about highscores.lua and settings.lua - these files are different. I'm afraid they aren't 7z files, so even if I'll decrypt them successfully, I'll just get some unknown binary files.

wow i'm impressed! where did you get the key from?

Hm, when trying to decrypt the highscores.lua or settings.lua i keep getting
"java.io.IOException: last block incomplete in decryption".
Do you have any experience with Java AES encryption?

I've played with this a little.
The provided key does decrypts other LUAs, but not the highscores...
They either used another key or messed up something after applying encryption.
The error is javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded
Again, I was able to decrypt level LUAs to plain 7z.
BTW: The highscores.lua is a plain text if decrypted correctly.

yes it should be plain lua files. This is the case for Angry Birds and Angry Birds Seasons, just RIO is encrypted
Can you please explain how to got your hands on the key you mentioned? Maybe this help me track down the key used to encrypt the highscores/settings.
Greets, Goddchen

still no progress
i also had a look at a hprof heap dump but counldn't find anything that looks like a 256 bit aes key...
Any more ideas?

highscores.lua and settings.lua are encrypted with AES, CBC mode, PKCS7 padding and key = '44iUY5aTrlaYoet9lapRlaK1Ehlec5i0'.
In my next post I will describe how I got these keys

Man! This is totally awesome! You're my hero!

Well... I have attached a debugger to native code, set breakpoints, analyzed registers, memory, etc. It wasn't that easy though. It took me several days to start debugging and get first key, but I got second one in about 1 hour.
Actually I don't really need that key, I can't even play Angry Birds Rio on my old G1, but it was challenging and I love challenges ;-) Plus I have learnt a LOT about gdb, assembler, ARM architecture, etc.
So I want to thank you, Goddchen, for giving me an opportunity to learn & play
Ok, let's move on...
First, I have disassembled libangrybirds.so using IDA Pro 5.5 . I was able to examine code and attach IDA to gdbserver on a device, but unfortunately it wasn't working properly. IDA was thinking that libangrybirds.so is a main binary of a process it attached to, but it should look into loaded shared libs instead. Weird, but I didn't find a way to attach it properly. And this is pity, because IDA is a great tool and it would make debugging a pleasure, but I had to use gdb instead.
Second, Android has problems with debugging multi-threaded native code. MT support was added in NDK r5 and because of some bug it's not possible on a system older than Gingerbread.
Third, you could attach gdb manually, but ndk-gdb script does great work for you. You will have to do some tricks to use it with 3rd party app though.
Fourth, it seems libangrybirds.so is a Java code compiled to native or something like that. There are objects like FileInputStream, ByteOutputStream, etc., but there are also some API differencies. We'll see String and Array<uchar> objects, but it's usually easy to find a pointer to simple uchar[].
Steps to start native code debugging:
Upgrade to Gingerbread (Yeah, I had to do that. Hacking requires you to sacrifice yourself a bit ;-) ). Or you could use an emulator.
Install NDK >= r5 .
Decode Angry Birds Rio using apktool. You could just unzip it, but decoded app is much more similiar to original sources, so it's more compatible with NDK. For example ndk-gdb reads AndroidManifest.xml to get package name. Of course you could fake simple AndroidManifest.xml and other files if you want.
Rename lib dir to libs.
Fake jni/Android.mk file. I have copied one from hello-jni sample and didn't even bother to modify module name: http://pastebin.com/HMBXt5cm .
Copy libs/armeabi*/libangrybirds.so to obj/local/armeabi*/ . Normally this is done by ndk-build command.
Fake libs/armeabi*/gdb.setup file. It should be something like: http://pastebin.com/BYm13RKz , but second line isn't that important.
Angry Birds Rio apk contains old gdbserver and you need one from NDK r5. Grab ${NDK_ROOT}/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/gdbserver and push it to /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsrio/lib .
Ufff... you could now try to run: ndk-gdb --verbose --launch=com.rovio.ka3d.App .
After few seconds you should see "(gdb)" prompt and game should be paused on the device.
Run 'info shared' and check if libangrybirds.so is loaded. If not then something is wrong.
Ok, let's find a key for levels lua files:
Set a breakpoint for GameLua::loadLevel() - find this method in IDA Pro and copy its EXPORT name:
(gdb) br _ZN7GameLua9loadLevelEN4lang6StringE
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80468e4c
Resume game and open some level. You should hit a breakpoint:
(gdb) c
[New Thread 5857]
[Switching to Thread 5857]
Breakpoint 1, 0x80468e4c in GameLua::loadLevel () from /home/brutall/t-angrybirds/com.rovio.angrybirdsrio-1/obj/local/armeabi/libangrybirds.so
Look into IDA and note there are 2 lang::String objects passed as first arguments to method, so pointers are in R1 and R2 registers. We need to examine these objects and find pointers to raw char[]. Fortunately lang::String is very simple wrapper around char[], so pointer is first (and only one, I think) member of String:
(gdb) x/4x $r1
0x4395e66c: 0x00a405f0 0x00153b28 0x804ec778 0x00000000
(gdb) x/s 0x00a405f0
0xa405f0: "levels/warehouse/Level190"
Yey, finally we see something
Let's move to lang::AESUtil::decrypt() method. It's named _ZN4lang7AESUtil7decryptERKNS_5ArrayIhEES4_RS2_, so:
(gdb) advance _ZN4lang7AESUtil7decryptERKNS_5ArrayIhEES4_RS2_
0x80539894 in lang::AESUtil::decrypt () from /home/brutall/t-angrybirds/com.rovio.angrybirdsrio-1/obj/local/armeabi/libangrybirds.so
As you can see decrypt() gets 3 Array<uchar> objects and 2 of them are const. It's quite easy to guess they're: key, encrypted data and container for decrypted data. Let's check this:
(gdb) x/4x $r1
0x1592b0: 0x00159528 0x00000020 0x00000020 0x7b206e65
0x00000020 = 32 - yes, length of AES key First 4 bytes of an Array object is a pointer to raw char[] and second 4 bytes contain length of an array. Now we could read contents of an Array:
(gdb) x/s 0x00159528
0x159528: "USCaPQpA4TSNVxMI1v9SK9UC0yZuAnb2a"
As you can see there are 33 chars instead of 32. This is because Array stores its length, so char[] isn't null-terminated. Ignore last "a" char.
We could also look into second const Array to be sure that encoded string is exactly the same as contents of lua file:
(gdb) x/4x $r2
0x4395d6f4: 0x009ca248 0x000004a0 0x000004a0 0x00000378
(gdb) x/4x 0x009ca248
0x9ca248: 0x3347b5dc 0x26048446 0x1a0c1231 0x35d3f99c
First 16 bytes are the same, length of data is also ok.
As you can see there is AES::BlockMode passed to AES:ecrypt(). It would be quite hard to interpret it without headers, so I was trying various block modes and I found that CBC with empty initial vector decodes to string starting with '7z'. For me that meant: mission successfull
Ok, highscores.lua and settings.lua files now. Technique is very similar, but there are some differences:
Different keys.
They aren't loaded using GameLua::loadLevel(), but GameLua::loadPersistentFile(). You could find this very easily, searching for "highscores.lua" in IDA.
If you examine GameLua::loadPersistentFile() method you will see it doesn't load files using FileInputStream, but io::AppDataInputStream, so we have to be sure, what exactly is being decrypted.
Annoying thing is that gdb can't catch highscores/settings loading, because they're loaded too soon - before gdb attach itself.
Maybe there is a better solution to last problem, but I've decided to add some Thread.sleep() call just after System.loadLibrary(), so gdb will attach before highscores.lua loading.
Open smali/com/rovio/ka3d/App.smali, and add 2 lines of code just after loadLibrary() call in onCreate() method:
invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V
const-wide/16 v0, 5000
invoke-static {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/Thread;->sleep(J)V
Run ndk-gdb --verbose --launch=com.rovio.ka3d.App .
Set a breakpoint for GameLua::loadPersistentFile() method and check which file is being loaded:
(gdb) br _ZN7GameLua18loadPersistentFileERKN4lang6StringE
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80457030
(gdb) c
[New Thread 6735]
[Switching to Thread 6735]
Breakpoint 1, 0x80457030 in GameLua::loadPersistentFile () from /home/brutall/t-angrybirds/com.rovio.angrybirdsrio-1/obj/local/armeabi/libangrybirds.so
(gdb) x/s $r2
0x4395e3b8: "highscores.lua"
I'm not sure why it's R2, not R1 and why there is no lang::String, but char[] directly. I think this isn't a pointer to String, but String itself, passed to method in registers, so its char[] is in R2.
Now advance to lang::AESUtil::decrypt() method and read key as usual:
(gdb) advance _ZN4lang7AESUtil7decryptERKNS_5ArrayIhEES4_RS2_
0x80539894 in lang::AESUtil::decrypt () from /home/brutall/t-angrybirds/com.rovio.angrybirdsrio-1/obj/local/armeabi/libangrybirds.so
(gdb) x/4x $r1
0x159294: 0x00159620 0x00000020 0x00000020 0x00159518
(gdb) x/s 0x00159620
0x159620: "44iUY5aTrlaYoet9lapRlaK1Ehlec5i0"
Because of that AppDataInputStream object, we need to check if encrypted data is the same as file contents. Pull highscores.lua file from a device and run:
(gdb) x/4x $r2
0x4395ddc4: 0x0015bc00 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000001
(gdb) x/16x 0x0015bc00
0x15bc00: 0x2271b777 0xe6f19f4c 0x2489a316 0xfae1aee2
0x15bc10: 0x82e0ef38 0xe84fc25d 0xb196adac 0xbf030439
0x15bc20: 0xb6b9bade 0x3046af12 0xe8eeeb0d 0x20e8037c
0x15bc30: 0x1a405edf 0xc218f7f6 0xc29209e2 0x9ad03e8c
Yeah, this is my highscores.lua file.
Same for settings.lua file to check if it's encrypted with the same key. It is.
After decrypting these files we'll see some weird chars at the end of decoded data. Few seconds on the Wikipedia and we'll know this is just PKCS7 padding scheme.
Now we have got everything we want
Ahh, not exactly everything... I would be really happy to know, how to properly attach IDA for debugging - it would be much easier, even if gdb interface is also very good.

wow thank you so much for that detailed description. I'll give a try in the next days to see if i can reproduce the whole thing on my own I'm really impressed


Mer Linux Port

I have been following the Android scene here pretty regularly but the os I have always really wanted is a full fledged Linux. I heard about, and wanted a N900 because of Maemo but I'm too poor to buy one . I then heard about the Mer project https://wiki.maemo.org/Mer to port Maemo to other devices and saw it booted on the kaiser http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=565480. On page two of that thread it is stated that someone (Mdrobnak) got it up and running pretty well on his Fuze with a couple tweaks to Xorg.conf, the kernel, and to the splash screen (resized to 640x480). I've been working over the past few days on getting it to start on my fuze but haret keeps giving errors about pc_clk_disable. I resized the splash, changed Xorg.conf to be 640x480 and did the rest of the directions on the Kaiser thread, but no luck. I would love to get a port of this going, as being able to use ~95% of Ubuntu packages working on my phone would be awesome. I wasn't quite sure how to patch the kernel; that would be the zImage, right? Any suggestions?
I'm going to be on #mer and #htc-linux irc on freenode quite a bit until we get this working well if anyone wants to discuss things, not that I can contribute much.
Would it be possible to create a rootfs.img file similar to how XDANDROID does it for people too lazy to partition their card or just plain suck like me?
Sounds interesting! Keep us updated!
Oh god! Ill be in 7th heaven if it's going to be done!
I think you can use the zImage of xdandroid, maybe it'll work
I tried the xdandroid zImage but it didn't work. This is really a call for help. I really don't know what I am doing, lol. I'm not even close to being a dev. Try out the steps on the Kaiser thread but use the stable 0.16 distribution as the testing links don't work. See if you can figure anything out.
Maemo on the Raph ? that would be great! maybe we could run it in dual boot with android and abandon WM for ever !
To get X working, use glemsom's kernel, and add msm_fb.fix_x=1 to cmdline.
For touchscreen, you might want to add msm_ts.raw=1 (but it can also work without it)
phhusson said:
To get X working, use glemsom's kernel, and add msm_fb.fix_x=1 to cmdline.
For touchscreen, you might want to add msm_ts.raw=1 (but it can also work without it)
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Thanks, phh. Will try it when I get home.
that's the old and ugly msm_fb refresh hack.
I will update here once I have xorg working on kovsky and kaiser.
Man, I actually feel like this is getting places. Got Phhusson from XDANDROID and dcordes from the original Android on Diamond thread. Quite the star power.
@dcordes: What needs to be edited to use VGA; just the first screen resolution dimensions in Xorg.conf?
what image are you using?
I'm using the Smartq5 from here: http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer/Releases/0.16. My main problem is with the kernel though I think; haret hangs after about 15 seconds; I'm gonna create a log of it.
On my Raph300 I can login on the terminal using the Q5 image. I was using the latest zimage from gelmsom. But kernel is screaming some stuff a bout a clock not having an ena bit and something about an rpcrouter being blocked. When I try to start X, I get an error loading libpicacces.so.0
I get that same error, but Haret hangs when I get it. Please share what you did: e.g. editing xorg, exact zImage used, what you used to partition, your default.txt, whether you edited the splash screen image etc. I'd like to get a database of sorts of people's configurations. Good to know though. Did you add Phhusson's tip to default.txt?
"To get X working, use glemsom's kernel, and add msm_fb.fix_x=1 to cmdline.
For touchscreen, you might want to add msm_ts.raw=1 (but it can also work without it)"
Yes i added the msm_fb.fix_x=1 to the cmdline. Unfortunatly it is not the solution for this problem. We have got some trouble with the libraries. Maybe something is missing.
LordKiwi said:
Yes i added the msm_fb.fix_x=1 to the cmdline. Unfortunatly it is not the solution for this problem. We have got some trouble with the libraries. Maybe something is missing.
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Last time I tried it worked automatically (I mean for X video output.) with msm_fb.fix_x=1
Sorry it works. JesusFreak and I extracted the tar file the wrong way.
I should have type tar -pxvf. I forgot the p which is very important.
Now it stops with a different error.
(**) FBDEV(0): using shadow framebuffer
(II) Loading sub module "shadow"
(II) LoadModule: "shadow"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libshadow.so
(II) Module shadow: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.6.0, module version = 1.1.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Invalid argument
(EE) FBDEV(0): mode initialization failed
Fatal server error:
AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
Dang it; I just can't get it to work. I'm the thread starter and I can't do it, lol. Here's what I did:
1. Downloaded 0.16 stable smartq5 rootfs.
2. Extracted the tar to my home folder. (Now that I think of it; I did it with archive manager not the command line, so no -p setting or anything. That could be the problem.)
3. Edited the xorg.conf file to change the resolution to 640x480.
4. Changed the splash screen size to 640x480.
5. Formatted my sd card to ext2 for 1.5 gb and fat32 for .5 gb using command line following these directions for ext2: http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer/Documentation/SmartQ_Installation_for_the_Windows_user and gparted for fat32.
6. I then used the directions on the same pagee as before to copy the file, except using cp instead of mv.
7. I copied haret, a zImage, and the startup.txt that I renamed to default.txt and edited to the fat32 partition.
8. I started Haret.
I attached my default.txt.
The formatting is done correct. You should try to use the tar command line wich you can find on the same page. It should solve the problem of loading the library.
•Type sudo tar -pxzvf *.gz and press return. This will now untar the entire 'rootfs' to the card. (Install Mer).
LordKiwi said:
Sorry it works. JesusFreak and I extracted the tar file the wrong way.
I should have type tar -pxvf. I forgot the p which is very important.
Now it stops with a different error.
(**) FBDEV(0): using shadow framebuffer
(II) Loading sub module "shadow"
(II) LoadModule: "shadow"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libshadow.so
(II) Module shadow: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.6.0, module version = 1.1.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO: Invalid argument
(EE) FBDEV(0): mode initialization failed
Fatal server error:
AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
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I'm an idiot....... I saved my startup.txt as startup.doc. That's why X didn't start.
0.17 release
Is possible run the 0.17 realease in raphael more fast than in N810?

[WIP] Open source RTL support for Android

I am working on an open source RTL support for Android and I need help testing...
I have attached a normal app (that should work on any Android 1.5 and up) that runs my method before calling drawText.
The purpose is to make drawText call to it so it will support BiDi.
It reads a file called /sdcard/test.txt from which it gets the test string.
It does not support newlines.
Try it and tell me what you think.
The reason I don't publish the source yet is because knowing how it works would prevent it from being tested properly.
I hope I'm putting this in the right forum...
Hebrew Supported...
Is it also, support the font for Hebrew?
Because in ver 2.1, the have Hebrew but sometimes you see square or ? signs.
TheAgent1982 said:
Is it also, support the font for Hebrew?
Because in ver 2.1, the have Hebrew but sometimes you see square or ? signs.
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The fonts exist, there's no work necessary on them, you have to push them to the device and that's it...
biditest with Android 2.2 FroYo (FRF50) Arabic test.txt
I tested with Android 2.2 FroYo (FRF50)
without /sdcard/test.txt and with my own text
I don't know about the Hebrew, the Arabic text are not joined (re-shaped) correctly
dudyk said:
The fonts exist, there's no work necessary on them, you have to push them to the device and that's it...
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I have TP2 running Android 2.1 .
So, any idea how to do it?
Thanks for writing an open source BiDi support.
I did a very short test:
1. It did not render the whole line of text.
2. It looks like it has problems when switching from one language to another. E.g. the closing bracket after the hebrew word is rendered as open.
I attached the original text files and screen shots.
In addition I attache a screen shot of TxtPad Light and how it is rendered there.
TheAgent1982 said:
Is it also, support the font for Hebrew?
Because in ver 2.1, the have Hebrew but sometimes you see square or ? signs.
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This might be a problem of character encoding.
I did a test with a UTF-8 file and a Hebrew ISO 8859-8. The first rendered the letters correct but the second showed only question marks. (See picture)
As alternative keyboard I recommend using either AnySoftKeyboard or SmartKeyboard.
It is in CM-5.0.8, with a fix on the issue list.
Dear Dudy,
Will your fix work for 2.1 as well? Can you give directions how to apply it to other ROMs? I own an HTC Desire, and would love to implement the fix. So far I just have the common StaticLayout fix.
EDIT: More specifically, it would be great if you can tell us which files to take from the CM update with the help of baksmali and smali in order to graft them into other distros. That's the way I implanted StaticLayout.smali in MoDaCo roms.
CM 5.0.8 is 2.1. It should apply to any 2.1/2.2 rom, just take my 4 commits from CM's git from framework base repository.
dudyk said:
CM 5.0.8 is 2.1. It should apply to any 2.1/2.2 rom, just take my 4 commits from CM's git from framework base repository.
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Thanks for the reply, Dudy. I'll be more specific about what I am trying to do: I am trying to pull the files with your patches from the CM-5.0.8 ROM without compiling anything.
With the StaticLayout fix, I used baksmali and smali to disassemble the classes.dex from framework.jar and replace StaticLayout.smali. This worked.
When I look at the page github.com/dudyk/android_frameworks_base/commit/1b0aca31c3e03a5a323276cd15a8df4203a1792c - the one with your commits (is that the right one?) I cannot figure out all the files that I would need to replace. Sorry, I am not a programmer...
I can pretty much figure out that all the files preceeded by core/java/android/ will be found with their exact names in the classes.dex from framework.jar. But I have no idea where to locate the compiled files that resulted from AndroidGraphics2D, the three Canvas files and the ResourceTypes.
If you can point me at the right direction I'll be able to convert a script that was used for the StaticLayout fix so that anyone with a Mac or Linux would be able to easily implement your fix to any none-odexed distro.
Thanks so much in advance!
you didn't add U+0600 support in your Canvas.java @ cyanogen's git
PapaDocta said:
you didn't add U+0600 support in your Canvas.java @ cyanogen's git
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Why do you say that? I tested for U0590 to U07B1, isn't that enough?
my bad.. i don't know how i overlooked the U07B1.... it's more than enough
Dear Dudy, I really need your help.
Back in the old days (a month ago), before your wonderful work, the best fix we had was Omri Baumer's StaticLayout fix. I was able to use the baksmali and the smali utilities to extract the smali file from framework.jar of CM, and graft it into ANY phone. Another user on the iAndroid forums created a script that automated everything.
I wanted to do the same with your fix. So I compiled a vanilla 2.1 and then applied only your patches, manually, and recompiled. I used baksmali to disassemble all the framework files, and discovered that the changed files were:
The two additional Canvas files were tagged as changed, but no textual difference is evident. So altogether we are talking about 5 files that ideally would be easily grafted into ANY device running 2.1, without recompilation.
The problem was that the new Canvas.smali file caused boot loops on my HTC Desire. Logcat caught this:
D/AndroidRuntime( 103): --- registering native functions ---
W/dalvikvm( 103): Unable to register: not native: Landroid/graphics/Canvas;.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V
E/JNIHelp ( 103): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Canvas'
E/AndroidRuntime( 103): Unable to register all android natives
This did NOT happen when I tried the vanilla Canvas.smali. So it must be something in your patches. If you can help me figure out how to fix this, your fix will be easily implemented into any un-odexed 2.1 device. The script is all reworked and ready... Just this problem needs ironing out.
Thanks so much - for your wonderful work, and for taking the time to read this.
ClassicalDude said:
I wanted to do the same with your fix. So I compiled a vanilla 2.1 and then applied only your patches, manually, and recompiled. I used baksmali to disassemble all the framework files, and discovered that the changed files were:
The two additional Canvas files were tagged as changed, but no textual difference is evident. So altogether we are talking about 5 files that ideally would be easily grafted into ANY device running 2.1, without recompilation.
The problem was that the new Canvas.smali file caused boot loops on my HTC Desire. Logcat caught this:
D/AndroidRuntime( 103): --- registering native functions ---
W/dalvikvm( 103): Unable to register: not native: Landroid/graphics/Canvas;.drawText (Ljava/lang/String;FFLandroid/graphics/Paint;)V
E/JNIHelp ( 103): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/graphics/Canvas'
E/AndroidRuntime( 103): Unable to register all android natives
This did NOT happen when I tried the vanilla Canvas.smali. So it must be something in your patches. If you can help me figure out how to fix this, your fix will be easily implemented into any un-odexed 2.1 device. The script is all reworked and ready... Just this problem needs ironing out.
Thanks so much - for your wonderful work, and for taking the time to read this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My changes add a native method (a C++ one) to the sources, from what I know, it is in the dex file, but maybe smali's files do not extract it, or extract it differently.
I never tried to disassemble files in android and reassemble them, so I have no idea how to help you besides describing the changes to you.
Do you think that HebVillian is using my fix this way? I believe that I'm the first to fix this for ROMs above 2.0 (BTW, it's in the froyo branch of CM as well).
I don't know about HebVillain. The maker of the rom was made aware of the way I patched StaticLayout, so it may well be. Perhaps he also read your thread and applied the actual patches...
I noticed that in one of your commits:
You added "native" to drawText. It is exactly the function in that line that is throwing the error on boot - about not being native. I tried recompiling with that particular change reversed, but it did not make a difference. Can you investigate the matter? Perhaps the way the Nexus 1 boots is different than that of other devices, and the checks are not as strict. If this is indeed a code problem, perhaps it needs to be addressed for the patch to be viable for other devices.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt - I am no programmer. Just following what I read and understand.
I have no idea if this helps, but googling the words
android registernatives
results in quite a few technical posts complaining about similar problems...
I am sorry for being a nag. But I hope I am getting closer to the source of the problem.
The Android emulator was able to boot up just fine with the patches applied. The logcat stated at the beginning of the runtime:
D/AndroidRuntime( 29): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 29): CheckJNI is ON
I/ ( 30): ServiceManager: 0xad08
D/AudioHardwareInterface( 30): setMode(NORMAL)
I/CameraService( 30): CameraService started: pid=30
The very same smali files, when applied to the HTC Desire's framework, generated the native error I quoted before. But logcat shows that the beginning of its runtime is indeed different:
D/AndroidRuntime( 197): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 197): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 197): Precise GC configured ON
D/dalvikvm( 197): creating instr width table
I/dalvikvm( 197): mlock: /data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected], fd=7
So - how do we make the Desire, or any other device, turn on CheckJNI and turn off precise GC?
EDIT: In one of CM's change logs it was written that Precise GC was turned off because of its memory consumption. I am just assuming that this is indeed the cause for my problems. How can we check it?
CheckJNI and Precise GC don't matter.
Repatched and recompiled 2.2 source. The emulator runs beautifully with or without JNI checks. My HTC desire, with a 2.2 rom, still complains about the same function not being native.
The port dudyk did to Omri Baumer's patch works partially - the numbers are not reversed, but the whole line is aligned to the left (with hebrew text appearing to the left of the number, instead of the right).
I have no idea what else to do or to check.
i tried the latest cm6 nightly build and still it won't align Arabic RTL correctly.. it aligns it as LTR and there no reshaping as well....

[IMEI] IMEI Generator

Current version: !IMEIme
Bug Fix
Fixed bug in use previous patch that could result in variable used before declared error.
Changed processing order when custom patches were to be used
The program will now process custom patches prior to editing framework.jar and build.prop edits. With new kernel patches requiring a new build.prop users would lose build.prop edits if the kernel was included in custom patches, the program will now patch any user modifications, then process IMEI generation and build.prop edits.
Updated to work with ROMs that do not include GSMPhone.smali
Recently, many ROMs are not including GSM phone utilities in framework.jar. I have added testing for missing GSMPhone.smali and patching via TelephonyManager.smali if necessary.
MANY of the support files have been updated to the newer versions (smali, baksmali, adb and components).
I encourage you to delete all files in your existing IMEI Generator folder and use the new !IMEIMe.exe to generate the files necessary.
The devices.dat file if you've used the previous version has several issues that prevents the device model from being correctly patched on many of the devices. This has been fixed here and in the device list thread.
There is a known issue with the GUI when your screen settings are set at 125% in Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Display... I will work on fixing that in the next release.
Bug reporting thread for !IMEIme
Device list thread
New features:
Will patch GSMPhone.smali if present in framework... patches TelephonyManager.smali otherwise.
I chose this method since more ROMs are coming out for wifi tablets that do not have GSM phone information included in framework.jar. I was playing with CM10.1 and discovered GSMPhone.smali is not present, thus I was getting unable to patch GSMPhone.smali error, and there was no patching for an IMEI. In all honesty... this should be irrelevent, since IMEI is only utilized in cellular communications on GSM phones... however... some applications MAY (xda free does) require an IMEI to work, even on wifi only devices.
ODEX files still in the works
odex file support... I think this solution will work on odex file systems as long as the patching is done on the ROM prior to flashing to device (anyone using odexed system please let us know) and I am working on in place patching on odexed systems... however, I am not completely comfortable since there is a lot of work done by the device itself during odexing of the modified files... I am very hesitant since any mistake could render a bricked device and I don't have a system to test with prior to release.
Previous Important Changes
The new version of the IMEI Generator will no longer overwrite your existing devices.dat file with the current. To use new devices.dat file, delete the old one prior to running the program, or download the new one and unzip it in the IMEI Generator directory.
Device Communications not necessary in certain situations
If you select to Update ROM, using Serial Number based IMEI and do not select Encrypt IMEI, the program will no longer need to communicate with the device when performing its tasks. The framework.jar patch will not hard patch the IMEI in this situation as before. This is useful for patching a ROM for distribution to multiple people, since they will all maintain unique IMEI's. This is accomplished with the following change in the framework.jar
.method public getDeviceId()Ljava/lang/String;
[b]changed[/b] iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/telephony/gsm/GSMPhone;->mImei:Ljava/lang/String;
[b]to[/b] sget-object v1, Landroid/os/Build;->SERIAL:Ljava/lang/String;
prior to patching in code to prepend "0"
.method public getDeviceSvn()Ljava/lang/String;
[b]changed[/b] iget-object v0, p0, Lcom/android/internal/telephony/gsm/GSMPhone;->mImeiSv:Ljava/lang/String;
[b]to[/b] sget-object v1, Landroid/os/Build;->SERIAL:Ljava/lang/String;
prior to patching in code to prepend "0"
To try to explain the above a little...
The above is always changed, no matter what IMEI generation method you select...
If you select Serial Number and New Type IMEI and not Encrypt: no other patching is done for the IMEI... this can be implemented on many devices, since each will have a unique serial number.
If you select Serial Number and do not select New Type: additional code is added to format the IMEI to the old standard ("00-" and "-"s)... this can be implemented on many devices for same reason.
If you select MAC Address or Encrypt (or both): additional code is added that results in the IMEI being hard coded, this makes it very much device specific.
If you select MAC Address or Encrypt (or both) and do not select New Type: additional code is added that results in the IMEI being hard coded as well as code to format the IMEI, this makes it very much device specific.
Use Custom Patch NOTE: This is only used when patching a ROM
This is going to take some major explanation, since I ran into so many possible scenarios...
One thing of note... the only additional lines added to updater-script will be for files in the base directory
The order of processing is:
1. Original ROM updater-script and files
2. Custom Patch zip file
3. Custom Patch folder
The program will utilize folders (from Patch zip file or Patch folder itself) named modboot, modsys, or system (not case sensitive in windows) as well as files in the base folder
Any files in modboot will be moved to the root of the **ROM**-IMEI.zip file and lines added to updater-script as needed
Any files in modsys will be moved to the system directory of the **ROM**-IMEI.zip file
If Custom Patch is checked...
/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script is extracted from the ROM
the program will ask you to select the Custom Patch Folder
If there is a zip file present in the folder the program will ask if you want to use it
You have 3 options, "Yes", "No" or "Cancel"
Yes = Use the zip file
No = Don't use it, select another
Cancel = Don't use a zip file
If you use a zip file, it will extract the zip file and process the updater-script in it for any additional lines needed
After the above, any non-zip files and modboot, modsys and system directories in the Patch Folder will be processed
I chose this order so you can have a "go to" patch zip file, and test other additions by using the file, folder options prior to including them in the zip.
Example here:
I have my custom patches in folder /CM7/UserMods with these contents:
The program processes patch.zip first, then overwrites any files with the files in modboot and modsys
It also processes /META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script for any lines extracting files to /boot and adds them to the original ROM updater-script if not already there.
It then adds lines for any files originally in /modboot to updater-script to extract them to /boot
"New IMEI Type" of IMEI which no longer has the "-"s in it, but maintain backward compatibility for those who already have IMEI's generated or prefer the old style. When the new type is selected in the GUI:
NOTE: Per the IMEI standards... Using a single 0 prepended to the IMEI indicates a TEST IMEI for a country with 3 digit international code... while it should have no implications to us since we are not on a cell... it may provide potential country validity issues... I will monitor this and resort to 00 prefix in the new type of IMEI if necessary.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Per the IMEI standards... For devices without an IMEI, they are to provide a unique serial number to be used... This program modifies framework.jar to allow this.
I am now patching framework.jar in the /com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/GSMPhone.smali file instead of /android/telephony/TelephonyManager.smali (this change is what allows the information to display in the about tablet information)
I am renaming and patching 2 functions... getDeviceID() and getDeviceSvn()
By patching the two functions in this file... the IMEI now shows in Settings... About Tablet... Status... no longer have to use external program or dial *#06# to verify the device is patched.
getDeviceID() shows it in IMEI
getDeviceSvn() shows it in IMEI SVN
You can rename or copy !IMEIme.ini to IMEIme.ini and the program will work.... useful for *nix users and probably mac users... since they have issues with special char actors (!)... While I like to use it in windows to keep the executable and ini file at the top of the file list in windows explorer... anyway...
The program looks for IMEIme.ini first and uses it if present... if it is not... it then looks for !IMEIme.ini (which will be there... because the program installs the generic !IMEIme.ini if it isn't ) This also provides a good way to keep your ini.. and see the new settings in the compiled in ini.
GUI selection and related ini setting
GUI: New IMEI Type
INI Setting:
New_Type =
; If 0 then the old type of "00-XXXXXX-YYYYYY-ZZZ" will be used
; If 1 then the new type of "00XXXXXXYYYYYYZZZ" will be used
No known or reported bugs to work out.
!IMEIme.ini file default settings and explanation:
;The setting options are 1 (use the option) or 0 (don't use the option)
;WiFi IP Address can be set to your Nook's IP address here to a default to use
;IMEI can be set to a default here... you can also set the seed you use for generation
;Setting Device_Manufacturer to anything will result in an edit to build.prop setting the entered manufacturer
;IF Device_Manufacturer is NOT blank then:
;Setting Manufacturer_Device to anything will result in an edit to build.prop setting the entered device
;NOTE: ONLY Device_Manufacturer is necessary for this edit... there have been no software that appears to
; require a device edit
;Setting LCD_Density will result in build.prop edit for this setting regardless of Device_Manufacturer setting
;Set all options in [Settings] section at the bottom
Use_In_Place = 1
; If 0 Disable In Place patching... useful for those who always update AOSP ROM files and never patches on device framework.jar
; If 1 Enables In Place patching if ADB is working
Use_Previous_Patch = 0
; If 0 Ignore IMEI.fix
; If 1 AND IMEI.fix exists... use it for patching
Use_Serial_Number = 1
; If 0 then do not base IMEI off of Device Serial Number
; If 1 then base IMEI off of Device Serial Number
; NOTE: This takes priority over Use_MAC_Address
Use_MAC_Address = 0
; If 0 then do not base IMEI off of Device MAC Address
; If 1 then base IMEI off of of DeOvice MAC Address (last 5 hex words) (2 bytes = 1 hex word)
; 0A is converted to 010, FF is converted to 255 etc.
; NOTE: Use_Serial_Number takes priority
Use_Manual_Input = 1
; If 0 then Manual Input disabled
; If 1 then Manual Input enabled
Encrypt_IMEI = 1
; If 0 then uses actual data for IMEI... i.e. Serial Number (last 15 digits) or MAC Address (last 5 hex words) is actual IMEI
; If 1 then program encrypts data for IMEI generation... hiding actual Device data
New_Type = 1
; If 0 then the old type of "00-XXXXXX-YYYYYY-ZZZ" will be used
; If 1 then the new type of "00XXXXXXYYYYYYZZZ" will be used
Use_ADB = 1
; If 0 then ADB is disabled... this will prevent In-Place updating from working all together
; If 1 then ADB is enabled... In-Place will work... IF adb is working on your device
; NOTE: This takes priority over Use_ADB(usb) and Use_ADB(WiFi)
Use_ADB(usb) = 1
; If 0 then ADB via USB connection is disabled... I use this since some ROM's have Debug Mode issues
; If 1 then ADB via USB is enabled and attempted first
; NOTE: Use_ADB takes priority over Use_ADB(usb) and Use_ADB(WiFi)
Use_ADB(WiFi) = 1
; If 0 then ADB via WiFi connection is disabled
; If 1 then ADB via WiFi is enabled... I use this since some ROM's have Debug Mode issues
; NOTE: Use_ADB takes priority over Use_ADB(usb) and Use_ADB(WiFi)
Clean_Up = 1
; If 0 then the program will leave all support files when cleaning up and exiting
; If 1 then the program will delete all support files when cleaning up and exiting if none of them
; existed at program start
Include_Patch = 0
; If 0 then custom patches is disabled
; If 1 then the program will prompt for custom patches to include
Device_Manufacturer =
; If blank then the program will not edit build.prop
; If anything other than blank the program will edit build.prop to include manufacturer
Manufacturer_Device =
; If blank then the program will not include device in build.prop edit
; IF anything other than blank the program will include device in build.prop edit
; NOTE: No build.prop edit will occur if Device_Manufacturer is blank
Device_Model =
; If blank then the program will not include model in build.prop edit
; IF anything other than blank the program will include model in build.prop edit
; NOTE: No build.prop edit will occur if Device_Manufacturer is blank
Build_Fingerprint =
; If blank then the program will not include Build Fingerprint in build.prop edit
; IF anything other than blank the program will include Build Fingerprint in build.prop edit
; NOTE: This edit will occur even if Device_Manufacturer is blank
LCD_Density =
; If blank then the program will not include LCD Density in build.prop edit
; IF anything other than blank the program will include LCD Density in build.prop edit
; NOTE: This edit will occur even if Device_Manufacturer is blank
WiFi_IP_Address =
; You can enter the default Device IP address here... especially useful if you are only using this on one device...
; or if you keep seperate folders for each device you use (!IMEIme.exe and !IMEIme.ini must be in each folder)...
; i.e. folder for "sister" containing the program and ini file at minimum.
; If blank the program will prompt you for the IP address of the device to establish ADB WiFi connection
; Enter a base 10 (integer) and it will be used as the IMEI (duplicated until 15 digits is reached)
; Enter your "seed" and the program will generate an IMEI based off of it
; NOTE: If you try to generate the old GENERIC IMEI the program will not do it
Use_In_Place = 0
Use_Previous_Patch = 0
Use_Serial_Number = 1
Use_MAC_Address = 0
Use_Manual_Input = 1
Encrypt_IMEI = 0
New_Type = 1
Use_IMEI(15) = 0
Use_ADB = 1
Use_ADB(usb) = 1
Use_ADB(WiFi) = 1
Clean_Up = 1
Include_Patch = 1
Device_Manufacturer =
Manufacturer_Device =
Device_Model =
Build_Fingerprint =
LCD_Density =
WiFi_IP_Address =
mthe0ry: Credit for the original IMEI patches released for us Nookers(TM). His original thread is here...
martian21: Took mthe0ry's work and maintained it for releases of CM7, upeating it for each nightly that needed a new one. Martian21's thread.
HacDan on irc.freenodes.net #nookcolor for helping me figure out patching GSMphone.smali instead of TelephonyManager.smali
Thank you's:
paleh0rse: I believe was the first to download and test this program... I think the first bug report too... helped many users with suggestions regarding their apps.
mr_fosi: Continues testing and reporting despite no need to. Tested a few private beta builds to help iron out a significant issue. Also providing information regarding Phone App *#06# IMEI test.
martian21: Set the wheels turning. Provides invaluable feedback and suggestions. He is an invaluable tester and Q&A guy. Thanks for dangling that bait
mellopete: Provided the very first bug report... prompted me to include necessary files in the program itself.
TheMainCat, 12paq and frankusb: Provided bug reports leading me to look at why some Windows versions didn't run the program initially.
Nayla1977: Bug report regarding a mistyped EndIf in my source.
jdexheimer: Bug report that lead me to find a problem with folders with spaces in them.
LinuxParadigm: Bug report regarding missmatching If - EndIf's.
BitingChaos: first public post to get me back on target.
dillweed, garrisj and many others: for PM's indicating the importance of this solution.
lemdaddy for reporting the bug that we tracked down to the java version and reporting back that it was the java version causing issues.
adusumilli for reporting the bug where IMEI was generated as "00-cat: c-an't o-pen"
topcaser for being persistent enough with the bug causing In-Place to fail in certain situations.
HacDan on IRC for leading me in the right direction to impliment the patching of GSMphone.smali.
We are all adults, if we break our toys... we only have ourselves to blame and we may have to buy new ones... (this will NOT break your Nook... I PROMISE you that! but it may break some of your apps... more on that later in post)
This program was initially ineteded to generate a unique IMEI based on your device S/N and update Dev's install zip files... it has become so much more, and as such there are many functions involved in this process.
Due to the complexity the program has taken on... far beyond what I initially intended... to report bugs please try to use the following as a template:
Function attempting: i.e. Updating ROM... In Place Upgrade... Update framwork saved on computer... etc.
Error Messages: any error message you receive... or the last message you saw prior to the issue.
End result: i.e. GSMphone.smali updated, ROM not... GSMphone.smali updated framework.jar not... etc....
Environment: ROM in same folder as IMEIme.exe... ROM on same drive as IMEIme.exe... ROM on different drive... etc. (same for framework if updating framework instead)
!IMEIme.ini settings: you can put your entire ini file if you'd like.
If you could take notes of EXACTLY what which selection in the GUI you have selected and any buttons you click on which prompt it would be EXTREMELY helpful...
As I said, this program has taken on functions I initially had not imagined including... the more features added, the more complex testing and tracking bugs becomes... I don't want to include a bunch of messages just for the sake of letting you know where in the code you are... would not be beneficial to you... more buttons to click for no reason, etc.
The more detailed you can be, the quicker I can see what is happening... otherwise I have to try to duplicate what I think you are doing when you get the error.
mr_fosi and martian21 have been very tedious in reporting bugs... I greatly appreciate their testing despite not needing to, and the manner in which they document what is going on....
Everyone should click "Thanks" on their bug report posts... they have been instrumental in getting the program where it is so far.
Some developers require a unique number that is supposed to be provided by hardware manufacturers that is unique to every device. This unique number (IMEI) is extremely important in devices utilizing cellular communications.
Since B&N has not registered IMEI numbers for the Nooks, the AOS's we are using do not acquire it as they do in other Android devices.
The developers that require a unique IMEI have been less than receptive of our devices and past methods to provide functionality to utilize their apps.
I decided to provide what I believe to be a viable solution to this problem.
What this program is:
It is a method to provide a unique IMEI (with reasonable certainty) for our Nooks.
It IS intended to be a supplement until IMEI is addressed in dev's ROM's.
It IS viable for Froyo... CM7... CM9... CM10...Honeycomb... MIUI.... AOKP... and others.
I can't think of any reason it will not work with ANY ROM you choose to utilize... if you run across one... just let me know and I'll see if I can't fix that.
What this program is not and does not do:
This is not a perfect solution to our Nook specific issues. Let me make it PERFECTLY CLEAR there is NO PERFECT SOLUTION We are generating an IMEI from something else... I use TEST IMEI patterns based off of our device serial number, to ensure apk devs wouldn't come down on us.
It is not targeting any specific AOS.
It is not guaranteed to be accepted by any other developers.
It is not intended to be the end all, beat all solution.
It is not intended to dissuade other developers from providing what they feel is a better method.
It will not cause any programs to show in the market. That has to be dealt with via APK developers and/or build.prop Manufacturer strings.
Potential issues:
There is NO legitimate solution to the IMEI issue we Nookers (TM) face... unless a group desires to register a block of them for our use... thus I am generating TEST IMEI's... ideal... no, but the only method available to us.
While I feel, with significant certainty, there will be no negative consequences from apk devs in general, I cannot speak for them, or their logic. This can easily be disabled by them again. That is on them, not me or us. By the same token, they can decide to stop providing their service for cause, I still have no control over that.
Above, I emphasize “with reasonable certainty” due to the fact that, in theory, you can wind up with an IMEI that 9 other Nooks that use this software has. That can only happen if the other 9 owners use this program and have a serial number within the same 10 as yours. This is even less likely with the New IMEI Type since it is using the right most 16 digits of a device serial number (and we know they all start with 2)
If everyone who has the same beginning 15 digits utilizes this program to generate an IMEI, you will all wind up with the same IMEI. Given the number of Nooks out there compared to the number of user's hacking them.... I find it extremely difficult to believe, with a reasonable certainty, that any 2 (much less 10) devices would ever wind up with the same IMEI generated by this program. This is prevented when using the New IMEI Type
What this program does/is capable of:
It allows you to extract framework.jar from a developers update zip file.
It will allow you to pull framework.jar from your Nook or use an existing framework.jar already stored on your computer.
It will generate an IMEI based on your Nook's serial number (or MAC Address) if adb is working on your system. If you have issues running adb via USB (ADB(USB)), it provides the opportunity to utilize adb via WiFi (ADB(WiFi)) for any computer-device communications.
It will provide you a method to manually input your serial number if you cannot connect to the device via adb. You can also input a “seed” (easy to remember word or phrase) and generate an IMEI based on the ASCII codes of the text you enter.
It will edit /com/android/internal/telephony/gsm/GSMPhone.smali to rename any existing getDeviceId() and getDeviceSvn() function to getDeviceId2() getDeviceSvn2() and append the patch to end of that file. NOTE: When the program "smali's" the resulting GSMphone.smali... it relocates the appended function to be before the renamed function.
It will save the patch as IMEI.fix, thus allowing you to utilize it for subsequent runs of the program. A caveat to this is... if you run it from the same folder on a friend's Nook... it will overwrite your original one if it is in the same folder or they will have the same IMEI as you do if you use Previous Run.
It will offer to push the patched framework.jar to your Nook... IF you opted to pull framework.jar from your Nook AND adb successfully worked to do that. This facilates in place upgrading.
It will backup the existing developers zip file appending “-IMEI” to it, distinguishing it is one this program has been used on. It will update this file, not the original developers file.
If there are issues with file names that become duplicate in a case insensitive OS such that windows is, it will warn you of this case and not remove the updated framework.jar to facilitate manual updating of the zip file.
This program is known to work on Java version 1.6.0_23 and known NOT to work on version 1.6.0_17 or earlier. If your system seems to work fine... but the nook does not give you an IMEI number... check your java version by typing this in a DOS window (start-run and type in cmd):
java -version
this will tell you the version of java you are running.
Java must be on your system. It must be in your system's path statement, or this program must be in the java/bin folder. It is possible that you must have java 32 bit version, this is being researched.
It will very likely break your swype, or any other app that utilizes IMEI for validation and you have used previous methods to circumvent their validation process.
It will likely break the same software if/when developers include a fix to the Nook IMEI situation in their AOS. Unless you opt to use this method again on their AOS to ensure you maintain the IMEI you used my program to generate.
Since I have opted to utilize test formed IMEI's to prevent duplicating someone's “real device” IMEI, software developers can easily shut us down again. That is their option. I am trying to provide a solution that is acceptable to both sides of the fence.
Closing statement:
As I desire to make this program as beneficial as possible... PLEASE provide any feedback and/or bug reports... just don't continue to push your ideals once it has been discussed... beating dead horses gets tiresome and just wastes precious time.
112 downloads of with bug when pervious fix was selected
1686 downloads of with no bugs reported
141 downloads of with CM10 in place bug that would cause BBSOB and never boot
197 downloads of (that actually appeared to be in the zip) with a few minor bugs... mostly in custom patching
648 downloads of with known GT for GameLoft issues
1123 downloads of 2.1 with no known bugs
182 downloads of 2.0a with a Generic IMEI bug
1919 downloads of 1.9 with no bug reports
3131 downloads of 1.8 with all bug reports being for non-nook devices
80 downloads of 1.7 with no bug reports
600 downloads of 1.6 with a couple of reports of In-Place update bug
880 downloads of 1.5a with 0 bug reports
148 downloads of 1.5 with a bug that could result in IMEI being generated without being properly formed.
36 downloads of 1.4 with a bug that could result in IMEI of "cat: can't open".
258 downloads of 1.3 with 0 bug reports... time to move on with next feature.
1618 downloads of 1.1 and the only bug noted has been tracked to the user's Java version.
12,758 downloads prior to the current version.
Bug reporting thread for !IMEIme
Device list thread
Looks like I have something new to mess with tomorrow night... thanks for working this, we owe ya!
Been looking forward to this! Thanks for your hard work DizzyDen.
Tested it out however it isn't finding 7zip. I've tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit version (on 64-bit Windows 7). I'm probably doing something wrong if so please feel free to enlighten me
martian21 said:
Been looking forward to this! Thanks for your hard work DizzyDen.
Tested it out however it isn't finding 7zip. I've tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit version (on 64-bit Windows 7). I'm probably doing something wrong if so please feel free to enlighten me
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It wasn't you... there's something weird with the API to the fileopendialog that changes the working directory... a TEMPORARY work around is to copy the zip file to the folder you are running the program from.
Updating to beta 2 to auto extract support files on run.
Beta 2 is up... OP updated... note the bold text... for now the zip file must be in the same folder as IMEIme.exe
That will be fixed shortly.
Updated to beta 3. OP updated.
Fixed file browse for update file.
Improved cleanup behind itself before exiting...
removes helper files
removes framework.jar
removes classes.dex
removes out folder
removes system folder (the one used to add framework.jar to the zip file)
Still debating ability to allow manual input of the IMEI or a serial number... but those that want to do it will probably figure out how to do it manually... its REALLY not that hard.
Will add random IMEI generation as an option. The only purpose I see for this is for those who don't want to use the generic IMEI and cannot get adb working... even with the included adb in this program.
Feedback and bug reports are welcome and will help improve the program.
Thank you for this
I had to copy my AdbWinApi.dll for it to work. It did not put the new framework.jar in the zip though. It made the files, but didn't update the zip. I moved it to the root of my drive and ran it as administrator, but it still didn't update the zip. I am using Windows 7 x64. I used the IMEI.fix file and updated the zip myself. Thanks again for this nice tool.
mellopete said:
I had to copy my AdbWinApi.dll for it to work. It did not put the new framework.jar in the zip though. It made the files, but didn't update the zip. I moved it to the root of my drive and ran it as administrator, but it still didn't update the zip. I am using Windows 7 x64. I used the IMEI.fix file and updated the zip myself. Thanks again for this nice tool.
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Did you use something prior to b3 ?
There was an issue I discovered that was preventing appending IMEI.fix to TelephoneProvider.smali that was fixed in b3.
I did my development on windows64 so that shouldn't be an issue.
As for the dll... I hadn't experience issues with that... but I can certainly add it to the program.
Both adb dll's will be included in all releases after b3.
Good job!
Can you explain more about how rom is being affected?and what to check?
Sent from my phiremod for Nook using Tapatalk
DizzyDen said:
Did you use something prior to b3 ?
There was an issue I discovered that was preventing appending IMEI.fix to TelephoneProvider.smali that was fixed in b3.
I did my development on windows64 so that shouldn't be an issue.
As for the dll... I hadn't experience issues with that... but I can certainly add it to the program.
Both adb dll's will be included in all releases after b3.
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b3 is the first one I tried. I didn't look at the classes.dex before it was deleted. I will check.
Good job!
Can you explain more about how rom is being affected?and what to check?
Sent from my phiremod for Nook using Tapatalk
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Read here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1004102
TelephonyManager.smali did not change.
mellopete said:
TelephonyManager.smali did not change.
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Please make sure b3 is the one you are using. When you originally posted... the thread was showing 0 downloads of that file.... or just wait a few minutes... beta 4 is on its way shortly.
To ensure TelephonyManager.smali is not changed you need to look in two places.... the easiest way is to search for getDeviceID
If it worked correctly you should find 2 instances... the first is the original function and my program renames it to getDeviceID2()... the second should be the one !IMEMe adds to the end of TelephonyManager.smali
Additionally... could you check and see if your run is actually overwriting update zip file.... see if there is a update ".zip.tmp" file left over... if it is there... the zipping is running into an issue overwriting the original file... I thought I had that issue worked out... but may need to add a check for that within my program.
I d/l b4, dropped it in a directory with just the .zip for n87 and ran it (win7 pro 64-bit). It errored out and here's the play-by-play of each of the windows which popped up one immediately after the other:
- I was warned about you being an unverified software publisher, which I OKed.
- "Windows cannot find 'java'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." I OKed this one as well.
- window titled "DizzyDen's IMEI Generator" containing: "Return Code is:0 and Error Code is: 1"
- window titled "DizzyDen's IMEI Generator" containing: "Java is required on your system. You can download the current version from http://java.com"
I have JRE6 on my machine, though it is not in the system PATH.
Oh, and there were files for 7za, adb, .dll's and .jar files left behind.
mr_fosi said:
I d/l b4, dropped it in a directory with just the .zip for n87 and ran it (win7 pro 64-bit). It errored out and here's the play-by-play of each of the windows which popped up one immediately after the other:
- I was warned about you being an unverified software publisher, which I OKed.
- "Windows cannot find 'java'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." I OKed this one as well.
- window titled "DizzyDen's IMEI Generator" containing: "Return Code is:0 and Error Code is: 1"
- window titled "DizzyDen's IMEI Generator" containing: "Java is required on your system. You can download the current version from http://java.com"
I have JRE6 on my machine, though it is not in the system PATH.
Oh, and there were files for 7za, adb, .dll's and .jar files left behind.
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java will need to be in your path... I have no way of including all possible locations of where it could be installed... and it is way too big to include with my program.
The left over files is due to the program exiting when it did... I will fix that in next beta... should have waited until java was tested to extract them... or have it perform cleanup before exiting on any errors... sorry bout that.... you can leave them... when you have successful run (or run beta 5 or later) it will clean them up.
For now you may have to run as administrator.... I will try to add code to avoid this in the short future.
BTW. Nowhere does getDeviceID does it say that it must be a well formed IMEI.
nemith said:
BTW. Nowhere does getDeviceID does it say that it must be a well formed IMEI.
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As much as I admire your work... I am honored that you are even checking this out.
I do understand that as of now it is not required... but I figure if I utilize standards (as much as there are anyway) we may avoid future issues if dev's start checking for well formed IMEI's.
I figure if I'm going to make this... I might as well make it right.
As far as I can determine... if a sw dev implemented IMEI checks, the only thing that could cause them to shut down someone using this would be to check that it is a "TEST" IMEI... but I don't see that happening, because hardware manufacturers do use these in testing.
DizzyDen said:
java will need to be in your path... I have no way of including all possible locations of where it could be installed... and it is way too big to include with my program.
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Roger that. Should the instructions then note either the required change to PATH or that the file must be run in the user's jre#\bin directory?
DizzyDen said:
The left over files is due to the program exiting when it did... I will fix that in next beta...
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I figured as much, but thought you should know.
DizzyDen said:
For now you may have to run as administrator...
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I ran it this way and got the same behavior.
I'll keep a lookout for further versions, test them and report.
Beta 5 is up... OP updated to include Java requirements... thank you mr_fosi for pointing this out.
Good job!
Can you explain more about how rom is being affected?and what to check?
Sent from my phiremod for Nook using Tapatalk
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Did you find the information in the thread linked in response to your questions?
TY mellopete for that.
- Plugged NC into USB port.
- Copied new B5 exe and n87 zip to java\jre6\bin directory.
- Ran exe as admin.
- Prompted for .zip check ("is this correct") and it was, so I OKed it. Not OKing it gave me the option to browse for the file, which I cancelled, resulting in a termination of the prog with a few more dialogs. Any extracted files were cleaned up an prog close, except for adb.exe (which I deal with below).
- Re-ran, exe, chose the detected n87 .zip.
- Displayed correct serial.
- Displayed correct generated 17-digit IMEI.
- Dialog contents "Modifying" gave error "Unable to open file", which I OKed.
- Several more dialogs flew by in rapid succession without error, ending with "Updating ROM" overlaid by "Updated ROM file has been saved as: cm_encore_full-87-IMEI.zip".
- Not all ancillary files were cleaned up. Two files remained: 1) IMEI.fix, a plain txt file containing the correct code to insert the generated IMEI and 2)adb.exe which could not be removed because it was still running the devices server. Running "adb kill-server" in the java\jre6\bin directory allowed me to remove adb.exe.
- A check of the modified smali showed only one instance of "getDeviceId" indicating that the smali had not been modified to add the code to spoof the IMEI.
I would also not have been able to eject my NC, had I tried, until I killed the adb server. Looks like one more line of code to add before cleanup.

[Updated: JUN 15] Easier XMir Setup (Now with Libertine!)

EDIT: I bring you the new OFFICIAL way of installing X11 applications, I've been neglecting this thread way too much and need to give it some love.
The old instructions (OLD METHOD) are no longer needed as of April on the rc and rc-proposed channels, this should work on all channels however (tested up to latest devel-proposed image)
NOTE: You still need a writable image for the first parts of this, after you install the tools, it can go back to read-only.
1) Open Terminal
2) Install the following packages: libertine libertine-tools python3-libertine-chroot
3) Open the Ubuntu Store and install the scope: libertine-scope
4) Open the Libertine application that's now available in your launcher and follow instructions, it will set up a Ubuntu Vivid chroot in your home directory, install the components needed, and drop you at the package management screen. From here, you can update and add PPAs to the container via the Settings Icon -> Manage Container, Install packages via the plus icon, etc.
5) Favorite the Libertine XApps scope by swiping up on the home screen and hitting the star, then open the scope and you'll see any applications you installed there.
If you cannot install your container via the Libertine application (I know that it didn't have support for chroot until recently, not sure if that version has landed yet), you can install your container via the teminal, so open your terminal but DO NOT sudo su. All Libertine-container-manager commands MUST be done as phablet.
To create a container (this line will likely change when Xenial drops as Libertine will be switching to LXC on Xenial):
libertine-container-manager --create -i <container id> -n <friendly name (this shows up in the Libertine app)> -t chroot
Using this command, the system will build the new libertine container, wait until it's finished and then you can continue by using the installed Libertine application.
Onscreen Keyboard in Libertine Applications
THIS CAN FINALLY BE DONE! The only con to it, is that it is mostly unusable in applications that open dialog boxes along the bottom of the screen, the XMir window does not scroll up like native applications do to give a better viewing window. (I have been told that this will change in OTA-12 when the keyboard support drops for Libertine/Puritine apps)
To install on-screen keyboard:
Open Libertine and add ppa:brandontschaefer/maliit to your container. Then hit update in Manage Containers. Once done, install the following, maliit-inputcontext-gtk2, maliit-inputcontext-gtk3, maliit-framework. After that, setup is complete in your container, now we need to do some extra work outside the container to make it pass the GTK_IM_MODULE variable we need over to Libertine. To do this, add this line to your .bashrc or if you have a writable image, you can add this to the systemwide profile (not sure if this will be replaced on OTA though):
export GTK_IM_MODULE=maliitphablet
Restart the tablet OS, Open an application such as Libreoffice Writer and BEHOLD!
You can also manage your container via the terminal with libertine-container-manager. To get a root shell without installing mate terminal (You can't get a root shell via this method (installing a term), Proot acts like fakeroot all over your container's rootfs), you can use the following:
- l-c-m exec -c bash (This command does not mount any user directories (/home/phablet will not exist) and is best used for making changes to the container's rootfs)
or if you only need a user shell:
- DISPLAY= libertine-launch <containerid (default is vivid)> bash (This mounts user directories, but is no different than if you installed something like mate-terminal and ran it. The reason we are passing an empty DISPLAY variable is because libertine-launch will refuse to start if DISPLAY isn't set, even it if doesn't exist.)
- DPI Hacks: To change the DPI of applications in Libertine, you need a new way to make the .Xdefaults file as only the XDG User directories get mounted inside the libertine container, not your entire Home. To do this, install your favorite editor inside of the libertine container (I find nano to be the easiest for new users), and open Terminal, then follow these instructions:
1) Open your editor to ~/.local/share/libertine-container/user-data/[my container id, default = vivid]/.Xdefaults and fill it with the following:
Xft.dpi: 175
or what your preferred DPI is. On the Nexus 7 flo the comfortable DPI is 175 with an application font size of 14 (I use Liberation Sans which comes from Libreoffice).
- You can make your applications look great still, you don't have to be stuck with the default Raleigh GTK style. Download and install LXAppearance in your container and add ppa:noobslab/themes then start installing themes. Enjoy! The Ubuntu Touch Themes are wonderful and FlatPlat works well with the system UI as well.
Some cons to this:
- It requires at least 3GBs available in your internal storage (wherever your home folder resides) to store a full, non-touch Ubuntu Vivid container.
- It survives OTAs, the only thing able to break this would be a change to XMir, PRoot, or Libertine. Which is landing in the images shortly by default so there's not much of a chance to break this.
- Nothing you do will break your UTouch system. Unlike the old method, this only installs the items needed to run the container, which are to become standard inside the images very soon.
EDIT: I have not tested this in stable, rc, rc-proposed yet. Only the dev-proposed channel.
So there is some questioning I see going on about how to run things like Firefox efficiently and well. So I figured I'd write up a little something for it.
First you'll want to set your DPI in ~/.Xdefaults, as I have a Nexus 7, mine looks similar to this:
Xft.dpi: 240
Note that you may need to do some additional tweaking.
Now that you have Xdefaults made, install the ubuntu-pocket-desktop and matchbox-window-manager packages (along with the program you wish to use, for this tutorial, I'll use libreoffice).
Create a file in /bin called wm-wrapper.sh (or whatever you choose here, just remember the name), fill it with:
matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -use_dialog_mode const-horiz &
exec [email protected]
and save it, then chmod a+x it.
EDIT: For this next part, I recommend copying the .desktop to ~/.local/share/applications to avoid them being overwritten on package updates.
Now, navigate to /usr/share/applications/ and open the .desktop file for the application you are wanting to run. Add the following lines under [Desktop]:
Change the Exec line so that your wrapper (in my case wm-wrapper.sh) is in front of the executable, such that the line becomes (or similar):
Exec=/bin/wm-wrapper.sh libreoffice %U
Save it, then search for your application in the Unity Scopes. Open it up and you should see your application running as an XMir app easy. For future applications, you will simply need to do the changes to it's .desktop file.
EDIT: A helpful redditor gave me this tip to enable sending touch events over to Xmir. Setting the GTK_TEST_TOUCHSCREEN environment variable to 1 will apparently remove hover events and the like (events that are not normally sent with a touch screen, but with a mouse). I have not had time to take a look at this yet however so YMMV.
Thanks man, gonna try this on my n4 later today. ?
thumbzzzz said:
Thanks man, gonna try this on my n4 later today.
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No problem, Like I said, not sure if it works on other channels, but it works great on the dev-proposed channel. You will also want to close applications using their menu items as closing the Xmir root window will cause the application to terminate without asking to save anything. Libreoffice can get around this via Document Recovery though.
I had been working on this for a good solid week testing applications and different ways to get X11 applications working so I could make it a full workstation, so I figured why not post my findings since the Ubuntu forum doesn't seem to get much love.
Thanks for the matchbox tip! It works quite nicely, especially, it brings a nice onscreen keyboard with it. I use the following setup now:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=GEdit in Matchbox
Exec=/home/phablet/bin/matchbox-wrapper.sh gedit
export DISPLAY=:1
sleep 1
# xlogo
# xeyes
# x11vnc -forever -nopw -quiet -display $DISPLAY &
matchbox-window-manager &
sleep 1
matchbox-keyboard &
[email protected]
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/223110/what-are-the-keyboard-shortcuts-for-matchbox-window-manager
Together with the Xft.dpi setting (I use 220) this gives me a quite usable editor. If you have any other tips ShadowEO, I'd love to hear them!
One thing I'd like to figure out is how to modify the DPI for the Mir GDK Backend. Currently GTK3 applications started with the backend are way to small.
ShadowEO said:
One thing I'd like to figure out is how to modify the DPI for the Mir GDK Backend. Currently GTK3 applications started with the backend are way to small.
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Do you have a specific example? Which application are you looking at?
doniks said:
Do you have a specific example? Which application are you looking at?
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Sorry, for some reason I wasn't subscribed to this post (weird.)
Anyway the specific application I was looking at was gedit, when started with the native GDK Mir backend, it is almost unusable with touch as the elements are so small. GDK_SCALE doesn't work and neither does any of the GTK dconf settings for scaling.
Also, I have switched to using rc-proposed, so any more changes I do will likely be able to be installed without worrying about the snapshot channel.
Also messing with some touch-screen specific .gtk2.0-rc entries seem to help, but since I reformatted, I don't quite have those offhand at the moment. I'll have to look them up again.
Thanks a lot for all these useful explanations! Finally I was able to run Firefox on my bq E4.5 (rc-proposed)! But I have a few questions:
1) I don't have any on-screen keyboard
2) it works like with a mouse (no touch scrolling for instance)
Is there something I can do about that?
takri said:
Thanks a lot for all these useful explanations! Finally I was able to run Firefox on my bq E4.5 (rc-proposed)! But I have a few questions:
1) I don't have any on-screen keyboard
2) it works like with a mouse (no touch scrolling for instance)
Is there something I can do about that?
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You could try the touchegg package for multi touch gestures, I haven't gotten around to testing it yet. As for keyboard, you can use onboard for most applications or if the application is a QT application, it will pop up the system keyboard (behavior was exhibited by calibre)
ShadowEO said:
You could try the touchegg package for multi touch gestures, I haven't gotten around to testing it yet. As for keyboard, you can use onboard for most applications or if the application is a QT application, it will pop up the system keyboard (behavior was exhibited by calibre)
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Thanks a lot for your answer. Sorry I don't know much yet about all this so my questions might be silly!
1) I installed touchegg but I don't know how to make it work
2) I have no keyboard in any app I installed (caja, gedit, firefox, ...)
Another question: I have a bq E4.5 and although I have 3.5G of free space on my internal memory the space available for apt-get-ed apps is much smaller (I have 50M left after installing just those few apps above). So no way to try libreoffice or other heavier app. Do you know if there is a solution for that?
Thank you very much!
takri said:
2) I have no keyboard in any app I installed (caja, gedit, firefox, ...)
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If you use the matchbox setup I described above then you should have a keyboard.
Another question: I have a bq E4.5 and although I have 3.5G of free space on my internal memory the space available for apt-get-ed apps is much smaller (I have 50M left after installing just those few apps above). So no way to try libreoffice or other heavier app. Do you know if there is a solution for that?
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This website describes a tweak to put the apt cache on an external SD card. It's in German, but the command lines should be clear enough. Let us know how it goes.
You would need to run touchegg in the wrapper. Sadly wth keyboard, the only applications that will get the system keyboard are QT based applications. GTK+ and other applications will require onboard to be installed. I messed around with trying to install maliit-context-gtk2 to get the system keyboard to show in all apps, but that broke the keyboard completely.
Remember XMir is better used with a physical keyboard since it doesn't trigger the Ubuntu keyboard for everything.
You can also make the system img bigger if using MultiROM: you simply run e2fsck -fp /path/to/Ubuntu.IMG and resize2fs <target size> /path/to/Ubuntu.IMG.
ShadowEO said:
You would need to run touchegg in the wrapper.
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I've played around with this a bit, but I can't get touchegg to work. I start an xmir application, then log in via ssh from my desktop. After setting the DISPLAY variable, I can start more X applications ok. After starting touchegg I see an output like this:
Reading config from "/home/phablet/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf"
Try to make a multitouch gesture. If everything goes well the information about the gesture must appear
[+] Avaliable gesture:
Name -> Flick
[+] Avaliable gesture:
Name -> Drag
[+] Avaliable gesture:
Name -> Pinch
[+] Avaliable gesture:
Name -> Rotate
[+] Avaliable gesture:
Name -> Tap
[+] Avaliable gesture:
Name -> Touch
I assume that I am supposed to see some more output when a touch gesture is recognised by touchegg, but nothing ever shows up.
I can see touch events with either xinput or evtest
$ xinput test "xmir-fake-touch-pointer:0"
motion a[0]=36317 a[1]=42290
button press 1
motion a[0]=36590 a[1]=41730
motion a[0]=36645 a[1]=41275
motion a[0]=36536 a[1]=40469
motion a[0]=36263 a[1]=39524
motion a[0]=35935 a[1]=39034
motion a[0]=34897 a[1]=38019
motion a[0]=33532 a[1]=36934
motion a[0]=32713 a[1]=36303
motion a[0]=31839 a[1]=35778
motion a[0]=31293 a[1]=35533
motion a[0]=30856 a[1]=35323
motion a[0]=30638 a[1]=35253
motion a[0]=30419 a[1]=35148
motion a[0]=30255 a[1]=35078
motion a[0]=29928 a[1]=34903
motion a[0]=29873 a[1]=34868
motion a[0]=29873 a[1]=34868
motion a[0]=29873 a[1]=34868
button release 1
$ evtest /dev/input/event0
Input driver version is 1.0.1
Input device ID: bus 0x0 vendor 0x0 product 0x0 version 0x0
Input device name: "elan-touchscreen"
Supported events:
Event type 0 (EV_SYN)
Event type 1 (EV_KEY)
Event type 3 (EV_ABS)
Event code 47 (ABS_MT_SLOT)
Value 0
Min 0
Max 9
Event code 48 (ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR)
Value 0
Min 0
Max 31
Event code 53 (ABS_MT_POSITION_X)
Value 0
Min 0
Max 1343
Event code 54 (ABS_MT_POSITION_Y)
Value 0
Min 0
Max 2239
Event code 57 (ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID)
Value 0
Min 0
Max 65535
Event code 58 (ABS_MT_PRESSURE)
Value 0
Min 0
Max 255
Property type 1 (INPUT_PROP_DIRECT)
Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
Event: time 9936.473027, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 57 (ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID), value 1159
Event: time 9936.473088, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 48 (ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR), value 12
Event: time 9936.473088, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 58 (ABS_MT_PRESSURE), value 27
Event: time 9936.473118, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 53 (ABS_MT_POSITION_X), value 338
Event: time 9936.473118, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 54 (ABS_MT_POSITION_Y), value 1059
Event: time 9936.473149, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 9936.509709, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 48 (ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR), value 11
Event: time 9936.509709, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 58 (ABS_MT_PRESSURE), value 43
Event: time 9936.509709, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 53 (ABS_MT_POSITION_X), value 351
Event: time 9936.509739, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 54 (ABS_MT_POSITION_Y), value 1061
Event: time 9936.509739, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 9936.512791, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 58 (ABS_MT_PRESSURE), value 46
Event: time 9936.512791, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 53 (ABS_MT_POSITION_X), value 357
Event: time 9936.512791, type 3 (EV_ABS), code 54 (ABS_MT_POSITION_Y), value 1063
Some websites point to synclient for the configuration of touchegg, but that doesn't seem to work in Xmir:
$ synclient
Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?
Does anyone else have more luck with touchegg?
While researching it, I stumbled over references to xSwipe, but I haven't looked into that any further.
ShadowEO said:
You would need to run touchegg in the wrapper. Sadly wth keyboard, the only applications that will get the system keyboard are QT based applications. GTK+ and other applications will require onboard to be installed. I messed around with trying to install maliit-context-gtk2 to get the system keyboard to show in all apps, but that broke the keyboard completely.
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Just to reiterate, the matchbox-keyboard works fine for me!
Oh, and one thing I wanted to share: The firefox extension Grab and Drag allows a more natural touch screen style drag-to-scroll.
I completely forgot the matchbox keyboard while writing that reply, I'm not sure what's going on with touchegg as I haven't had a chance to play with it on Ubuntu touch. It could be that XMir isn't actually passing that much information about touch events.
matchbox-window-manager struggle
I am on the new Aquarius m10 Ubuntu tablet.
Tried to run tome applications and realized the X11 and Mir problem.
Came across your solution! Thank you for sharring!
Well, I dont seem to be able to install matchbox-window-manager
It shows a lot of missing dependencies and I am not abble to install them manually either..
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
matchbox-window-manager : Depends: libmatchbox1 (>= 1.7-1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libstartup-notification0 (>= 0.2) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libxsettings-client0 but it is not going to be installed
Any light?? Thank you very much
eskizon said:
I am on the new Aquarius m10 Ubuntu tablet.
Tried to run tome applications and realized the X11 and Mir problem.
Came across your solution! Thank you for sharring!
Well, I dont seem to be able to install matchbox-window-manager
It shows a lot of missing dependencies and I am not abble to install them manually either..
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
matchbox-window-manager : Depends: libmatchbox1 (>= 1.7-1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libstartup-notification0 (>= 0.2) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libxsettings-client0 but it is not going to be installed
Any light?? Thank you very much
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Mhm, not sure. You do have set it to read-write and you did an apt update, right?
doniks said:
Mhm, not sure. You do have set it to read-write and you did an apt update, right?
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Thanks for sharing this info! I also own the M10 ubuntu tablet and try to run some X11 apps.
I am able to apt-get matchbox-window-manager. But it won't start and says it can't find the display.
Running either:
matchbox-window-manager -d :0
as a normal user or root always returns: "can't open display! check your DISPLAY variable.".
ubuntu-pocket-desktop is up to date and I also set the DPI in ~/.Xdefaults.
What could be the reason it can't find the display? What could I try?
Tazard4 said:
What could be the reason it can't find the display?
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You don't have an X server running. At least not at :0.
What could I try?
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Follow the instructions in the original post or in my post #4.
Bumping this thread as I've edited the OP with the official instructions for running Legacy X Applications on Ubuntu Touch. As well as information about getting the system maliit-based OSK showing in X Applications (It's not that great though, you still may have better luck with matchbox-keyboard/on-board, but not sure how you'd even start those in Libertine.)

Question how to use perfetto (or any equivalent known to mankind) offline ON ANDROID to READ a system trace

so I have been searching everything I could think of on the internet trying to figure out how to read a system trace natively made by Android 13 on my Pixel 6 on the phone itself because I'm not with my computer and can't use it and it doesn't seem to be possible. now there's a web page application but it requires that you be connected to the internet and requires that your system traces be minuscule tiny or that you learn how to use an Android phone without a graphic user interface because I'm sorry My bad I'm not a programmer I don't really want to be and they want me to code something into my browser on my phone I don't even know how to do that just so that I can open a file as large as the trace I made I just want to figure out why my phone is doing something that it shouldn't be doing(several somethings actually randomly failing to allow internet connection to my Xbox beta app randomly shutting down screen recordings in the middle and booting my screen black and kicking me out of Android so that I have to log back in randomly running a work profile I didn't install the list goes on) so I can stop it from doing that please if anyone out there knows anyway at all on this Earth to open and read a file who's extension is perfetto-Trace without plugging into a computer just like you know on my phone I swear to God I'll do anything I'm begging you please help a ***** out cuz this girl is on her last ragged edged nerve over all this it's too much for one girl to figure out
perfetto is an open source tool provided by google. you can download the binaries they already provided for android. you can download your device specific binaries
Release Perfetto v35.0 · google/perfetto
v35.0 - 2023-06-07: Tracing service and probes: * Compression has been moved from perfetto_cmd to traced. Now compression is supported even with write_into_file. The `compress_from_cli`...
you need to install a terminal emulator , I suggest the Termux from fdroid.
then setup and initialize everything in Termux (I can't explain now, you can google it)
the from the extracted zip file of perfetto binaries, copy them to termux
``cp -r [directory path of the extracted] .``
``cd [directory name of the extracted] ``
The supported output formats are:
text - protobuf text format: a text based representation of protos
json - Chrome JSON format: the format used by chrome://tracing systrace: the ftrace text format used by Android systrace
Converting to systrace text format
./traceconv systrace [input proto file] [output systrace file]
example, systrace format are more human readable and easier
./traceconv systrace sample-trace.perfetto-trace sample-trace.systrace
Same way,
Converting to Chrome Tracing JSON format which is so familiar
./traceconv json [input proto file] [output json file]
is this way it will give a human readable output. now you can view output with a text editor
although reading a big file of 50-100MB May not be possible because of chunk issue. but Mostly it will show otherwise no hope. there's very limited tools out there
You can inbox me if you need assistance.
[Its my first answer on XDA]

