[Q] Voice recording => Notification sound - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey is there any quick way to make voice recordings on the tb into notification sounds? My wife wants to record our baby talking and make it as her default text message sound.
Currently what I'm doing is using Miksoft's Mobile AMR Converter to turn it into a wav, then I edit it in Audacity and save it as an mp3, then move it back to my sdcard/media/notifications folder. (Just copying the .amr or converted .wav to the notifications folder doesn't work.)
Not that that process is difficult, but (and I speak for all husbands out there) the fewer steps there are on a honey-do list the more likely I'll actually do it.
Thanks in advance.


Now to convert midi/poly ringtones to wm 2003 format

There is a utility called PSMPlayer which can save a regular MIDI file as a Ringtone. This saved MIDI format is compatible with WM2003.
how to do it:
1) open psmplayer
2) file> open > locate a midi file on your system.
3) play it to see if it sounds ok
4) click the RED circle icon
5) give the poly ring tone a name
6) tick the box "ring tone mode"
7) click ok, this will ask for a place to save the file to. Then click save
8) close program
9) copy the file you just made to your windows/rings dir.
there you go, a working poly ringtone
PS thanks to sheran_g for the link to the proggy
but somehow the files don't sound good? like the speaker breaks up or something?
Yeah i got the same thing..
they dont sound good and sometimes they are change to a lower Volume very low.
Any Ideas???
yeah me too,
Can anyone (developers included) create a guide to have GOOD sounding polyphonic ringtones on the xda ???
Free Burgers* waiting
*meat flavour :wink:
This seems like a shortcoming in the Qtek/XDA. There are only 6 fixed instruments on it. When creating your ringtone, you need to figure out what the instruments are so that you get the best sounding tone. Also, there seems to be no volume regulation so that's why it sounds really bad (as if your speaker is going to blow :wink: )
In my personal opinion, WM2003 midi ringtones have a loooong way to evolve yet.
I use 2 programs from acoustica.com pull out about a 10 second piece of a midi file and convert it to a wma file and then stick that in the rings folder. It's about 12k in size and sounds great! Good luck! - Jim
may one ask what the two programs are you use from accoustica?
I cant find any that say about midi..

SMS Tone

Where do I change the SMS tone in WM6, the "You've got message" from PDAViet is starting to annoy me
Thanks in advance
that is a good question
i would like to know that aswel my girlfriend is starting to lol everytime my phone goes off. if any one can help use please let me us know thanks
Go to Settings --> Sound & Notification --> Notification Tab --> Messaging: New text message
Ok works, thanks alot!!
i want to know if there is anyway that you can put a mp3 as ringtone or a wav file or something plaese help thanks
i use ringo mobile for that. wav, mp3, aac, ogg, wma ... no problem for ringo making as ringtone or sms... i manage my ringtone groups with ringo. thats more comfortable =)
just copy any mp3,wma in the windows directory and then select it from settings>>sounds and notifications>>notifications, then choose event and assign a sound
windshearx said:
just copy any mp3,wma in the windows directory and then select it from settings>>sounds and notifications>>notifications, then choose event and assign a sound
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If I am not mistaken, I think that only wav works for SMS. mp3 or wma works for incoming calls only
Here are mine if you are looking for some "inspirations"
well if you ever saw the movie eurotrip, you may enjoy this .wav/.mp3 file
enjoy lol
EDIT: I have a .wav for an alert tone, and .mp3 for my ringtone (not this mp3 but something else)...and everything is on my SD card (in the root directory, never tried hiding it in a folder)
EDIT SQUARED: I uploaded another .zip file, it has two mp3 ringtones that i use, my email notification noise, and two other .wav files (the old and new SNCF tone)

custom message tones

how do you get custom tones to play, different for phone calls, and messages, and emails, do people use a specific program or the included software. also, where would i put mp3s or others to use as message tones...ringtones ive got, but not for messages.
ringtones can be mp3 and wma and... and can be located in
my documents and in windows\ and such
sounds for notification as found in settings sounds and notifications
have to be wav not mp3 and have to be located in windows\

(solved) how to change message notification sound?

Hi guys!
Just wondering how to change the sound which is played when a sms comes in ( or email or calendar and so on) to one of my own mp3 sounds ( not just a sound preinstalled with the phone from that list in the sound settings)
Greets felikz
So how was it solved?
Apologies, answer was in this thread:
And you can use mp3's for notifications, just enable SD card notifications, place your file in the sdcard/media/audio/notifications directory then bounce (reboot) your phone.
Create the directory if you don't already have it. Other useful directories are /alarms and /notifications.

[Q] [SOLVED + GUIDE] Custom Ringtone not repeating when ringing - Live with walkman

Thread title says it all
The ringtones which comes with ROMs working as they should. But when i set downloaded MP3 ringtone, it ring only once when phone have incoming call. Any one know how to fix these?
I found out a way. You just need to convert your (mp3 or whatever) tone to ogg and add this meta data to the file.
You can use this FREE program to convert your tone to ogg and add the required mete data

