[Q] Display problem/ two dark lines - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I brought SGS2 yesterday and I just returned it back to the store. It had a screen problem: when I put just one colour on backround I observerd two horizontal lines on the half bottom of the screen...the lines are more visible on white or yellow colour. The lines are not seen verry clearly, only from different angles.Does anyone had the same problem?
...I made some photos of the screen just before taking back the phone, I'll upload them later.

There are numerous problems with the screen to be honest.
But there are also people who don't notice anything(i think most).
There is the famous yellow 1/3 of the left side.
But beside that I had some other problems, vertical/horizontal lines on grey colour. ANd other stuff where the screen didn't work as it should be for this high end phone.


[Q] SGS2 screen burn in

The photo below is an image of my phone displaying a light grey image in a dark room. The yellow tinted gradient on the left hand side is very apparent, but that is not what bothers me so much. If you carefully notice the area demarcated inside the red box, you will notice a horizontal band that is of a slightly darker grey. Is this a burn in? I have only had this handset for a couple of days, so I can't see how I'm already being affected by this phenomenon. One can also see how uneven the display is, overall.
Damn I saw your other post, seems like you were the unlucky guy who got the screwed up handset in the batch. Mine had a really faint tint on the left side which has now disappeared
Just go and exchange it. You will be much happier!
haha. ya, seems like I got the lemon of all lemons. Lets hope the replacement is ok.

[Q] Purple Spot at the bottom of screen

Has anyone's S3 experience the same problem as I do?
It only appear in the white background, and easily notice there is a purple ink spot bottom of the screen.
Bought the device 10 days, didn't notice until just now LOL ><" Perhaps, just appear?
Well, is there any way can remove the ink spot?
I've tried did the colour test in *#0*# but it seems nothing wrong.
I'm Noob, please guide me. =D
same problem here !! and i think its growing over time .. as i attach the device to the charger !
so whats up with that samsung !!?
Purple fade at bottom of the screen
I just opened and have this problem, at the bottom of the screen mainly on white background it fades from purple to white and covers gives whats on the screen in the place a purple tint? Sending it back tomorrow to get a new one!

Bright line on screen

I know that there are several old threads related to screen problems, but I can't seem to find anyone who has had the same issue I'm having. Many people have reported black lines, suction cup marks, etc. on the screen, but I have a fuzzy vertical line that is brighter than the rest of the screen. This is a new phone purchased on Ebay and has never been dropped. The line is visible on dark gray screens and is just left of center. Anyone else have anything like this?

[Q] Bluish burn-in on my screen

Hello, I own a i9100 and I have some burn-ins at the top of the screen that replicate some buttons of a browser or something, and some burn-ins at the bottom as well. I have read that leaving overnight an app that's constantly switching colours, with full brightness, could help a bit on that. I also read that leaving a blank screen (white image) on the same conditions (overnight, full brightness) would help as well. My question is, how true these both things are? I don't want to end with a bigger problem than the one I currently have. The burn-ins are most viewable at Blue, Red, and Black screen colors.(like if I put a background with one of those colors on it)
Never had any of these on my S2,but from my experience with the galaxy s plus,these tricks won't work.None will to be honest.It's permanent.This shows how immature amoled technology is.Learn to live with it or replace the screen if that bothers you much.
what a sign you got there...
Lucky you. Mine is not THAT noticeable if you're using it normally, but as soon as you open something with a plain color on it, the burn in shows itself on all its glory. So right now you can't tell if leaving the white image all the night or the thing switching colors will damage my screen more?
Well,back then when I tried every method you described above on my i9001,I didn't noticed any improvement nor any further damage.Even after running those for 10h+.So I assume it's safe.Can't say the same for the S2 though,have no problems with it.

New lg g2 out of the box faint white lines all over the screen, normal or not ???

I have a lg g2 out of the box faint white lines all over the screen, and i'm wondering is it normal or not ? I read a little today that there a 2 kind of screens out there. One screen is ok and the other has these white lines on it. I'm not sure if this is a defect or not. Some say these white faint lines are actually the digitizer visible on screen befause of the fabrication process. Other say that its kind of a defect and should return the product . My question is what is the truth ? is this a defect ? can it get even bad than faint lines in time ? or they will remain just faint lines ? Its not a deal breaker for me just yet , but if someone tells me that this will get bad bad I will return the phone . So please I need some imput
Do you mean those little Squares that make the screen look like a solar cell?
no , white vertical lines from top to buttom all over the screen , mostly visible on a white backround and open colours , they are all over the screen like a pattern , vertical , from top to buttom , very very faint , I can barely see them but they're there
nope,not normal. Faulty display. Send it to warranty. It will be replaced
Mhm. I do not have any of them... I would send it back for return... But maybe it's not bad at all.
Cause I read there a 2 types of panels lgd and jdi , one doesn't have these faint small barely visible vertical lines and the other does mand lg doesn't consider this a defect , that's why i'm so confused ), I've driven 2 a show center and played with one that's on display and I saw the lines also ...diffent store ) weird
Return, Now!
If u have a grid pattern that's normal. If u have two white lines u have a refurbished phone with wrong panel.
Have the same problem. Ordered the phone 2 weeks ago and since the beginning it has a small whitish smudge/spot on the left side of the notification area and 2 irregular parallel lines mid screen, under the first smudge. Visible most of all on a grey screen.
I didnt notice them at first, but in the right lighting at the right angle I can see white vertical lines.
As this is about .01% of the time, I'd say its normal. If you can see them more, send the phone back.
not normal for sure.I got mine replaced for the same problem..

