Leaving Gtablet on - G Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I use my Gtablet all day and I always shut it off and turn it back on ( boot it up) and ofcourse that takes 2 minutes or so.
Will it do any harm (or kill battery etc) if I leave the Gtablet on all the time like a pc ( maybe re-booting once a week or so) and just hit the power button to shut the screen off. Just dont want to kill my device by leaving it on all day and night. Just curious if anyone does this and if theres any harm to the device.

It will drain battery faster, so you will have to charge it more. That will probably reduce the life of the battery as well, since it will have more cycles.
I do the same as you, turn it on when I first use it and shut it down at night. No reason to drain a battery overnight, IMO.

Forgot to add that I leave it plugged in and charging all the time until I use . But yeah I guess turning it on at night and shutting off before bed is not a bad idea.
Thank you.

I've been confused by this situation, becuase when I first got mine, I made the opposite comment and was made too look like an idiot.
There was a post a while ago regarding how to get better battey life. People were complaining that their G-Tablet would lose too much battery life when left in sleep at night (not plugged in) I made the comment "Why not just turn it off?" and people responded with "Because it's a tablet."
Having NO IDEA what they meant, I asked what they were taloking about. Basically they explained to me that a tablet should be treated as a cellphone, not a computer. "You don't turn your phone off at night, do you?" was one question asked of me.
I'm still lost, becuase frankly, I think that they were just being stupid. The tablet IS more like a computer than a phone, as far as battery drain goes. I'd be in a world of trouble if my battery only had a 10 hour drain while in standby.
SO, I turn it off, and leave it plugged in at night. I use it all day, then plug it in (while on) in the evening so that I can access it if needed. Then, before bed, I turn it off, and just let it charge all night. occasionally, I will leave it plugged in an on at night. I figured that's what I do with my cell phone too, right?

Leave it on, all the time.
My wife and I both leave ours on, all the time (well she has too because it will not boot once turned off unless I nvflash it). There is no reason to turn it off unless you have to have longer than a day for battery life and are opposed to charging it every day.
I take it off the charger at 7:00am when I leave for work and then put it back on the charger later that night. Depending on how much I used it (were lots of apps updated, did I run another titanium backup, etc...) determines if I need to plug in earlier or not.
My wife leaves hers on the dock and takes it off to use, then places it back when done.
To help with battery life though you can set the screen timeout to a low time...so once you stop using it....the screen will timeout quickly and put the tablet to sleep.

Here is my very uninformed opinion on this debate.
The PC is designed for you to turn it off when you're not using it. The phone/tablet is designed to be on all the time and just be put to sleep when you're not using it.
The first sign of this is the OS itself. In windows and mac platform, once a program is running it will continue to run and run and run like that annoying rabbit until you stop it. And if you leave those programs running in the background they will do nothing but eat up your memory. What you then have to do every once in a while is to reboot.
In fact, back in the first gulf war there was an incident where a computer controlling the anti-missile defense system of a base was left on too long. They kept leaving it on because they were worried about incoming missiles. When the real missiles came flying, the system had already used up all its memory and made inaccurate calculations to counter. I think a few people died as a result. The incident could have been prevented if they had rebooted the computer. I remember reading about it back then.
Anyway, android is designed for your phone, which is meant to be on literally all the time. Especially with froyo and up, there are built-in systems to shut down running apps that aren't being used. Memory cycles also act differently so you don't run out of memory the way you do with PC.
Another thing is there is such a thing as turning it on and off too much. A significant determination of the lifetime of your electronic devices is how many times you turn it on and off. Not only that, The lifetime of your battery (how many cycles of charges you can have) also depends on the age more so than the actual number of times you recharge it.
You can very easily experiment with this by buying a brand new camera battery and just let it sit there. After a couple years, even though you've barely used it, you could only get less than an hour (sometimes even much less) even though when you bought it it's suppose to last your camera a whole 3 hours with a full charge.
That said, I'm running calkulin+clemsyn combo with cpu master setting the speed to 1.0 ghz most of the time. It's only when I want to impress people do I put it up to 1.5 ghz. I've tried both methods. For a couple weeks, I would turn it off every night and on every morning. Then for the next couple weeks I've been keeping it on all the time and only putting it to sleep while docked at night.
And I know this is only anecdotal evidence and is perhaps meaningless in science (I'm a researcher) but the gtab appears to be working a lot smoother and better when left on all the time.
Just my 2 cents.

It's a tablet, by design it suppose be turned on and be ready to use in no time at all when you fancy to dig up internet or watch movie, netflix etc.
The one way to achieve such readiness is to never shut it down. But from other hand, why waste energy when not in use.
So, here we go with "sleep" mode which is by the way implemented in Android 2.2 and 2.3 very poorly (in comparison with iOS). gTablet with Froyo, GB would typically loose 0.9-1.5% of charge per hour "sleeping" and then again there might be runaway apps which stuck in endless loop and will kill your battery in no time.
I've tried lot's of things and nothing can bring down discharge rate in "sleep" mode less then numbers above. So, I just keep my gtablet charging overnight.
Sometimes I just shut it down. Especially, when I found the way to speed-up cold start from 2 min. previously down to 40 sec.

Thanks all very informative and appreciate all the opinions.

I turn my gtab off at night but charge it only when necessary. I never use it while plugged in. I don't see the parallel between gtab & cell phone since I've not missed a call on gtab

My tablet is never turned off, unless the battery dies.
Part of the whole point of the tablet paradigm is the instant-on/instant-off concept. Remember, putting it to sleep uses very minimal amounts of power. Most functions go into standby, its a lot more than just "screen off". If I don't use the tablet much during the day, it can easily last until the next before having to charge again. Putting it into airplane mode and leaving it on all night will probably not consume that much more power than booting it up again in the morning (remember, when the CPU is being used it consumes more energy. Booting up is intense, sleeping is not).
Heck, I heard HP was considering leaving out the ability to power off their WebOS tablet (coming from the world of Palm, where many devices did not have the ability to shut down completely).
Stop comparing it to a computer- they aren't exactly phones, think of them as something more like a giant PDA. The same way you didn't have to shut down your old Palm Pilot throughout the day- imagine waiting for it to boot up each time you wanted to quickly check your calendar! The idea was to quickly turn on, do something and turn off. That's what a tablet is supposed to be.

Seems most here are bringing personal preference/philosophy into this. The question is what was best for the tablet. So, I looked it up...
The biggest factor is the battery, of course. gTabs have Li-ion polymer batteries. Here's a decent synopsis:
Li-ion and Li-ion polymer: Used on a lot of newer devices, has no "memory" effect, should be recharged as often as possible, actually likes to be charged and draining it regularly can cause the usage time to be shortened, can NEVER be overcharged so whenever you're near a charger put it on there. Besides those benefits a li-ion battery is lighter and smaller but the chemical can hold more charge than Ni-cad and Ni-mh.
So the one reply to your question said to error on the side of draining the li-ion batteries. This is incorrect information. You want to charge the battery before it gets below a 20% charge. Also batteries will not go bad from accidentally doing the incorrect charging procedure here and there but normally follow the correct procedure.
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Yes, I remember 5-6 years ago, there was a whole movement about li-on and polymer batteries (which are VERY different, btw) being charged as often as possible.
My theory is that this was started by battery manufacturers, as every person I know who followed this philosophy needed to replace their batteries during the useful life of the product (be it cell phone, laptop, etc).
The general theory (and the one I have had success with), is to NOT plug it in unless you are ready to charge it 100%. How often you charge doesn't matter, however do not disconnect a battery if it is in the middle of being charged.
But aside from all this, I thought the question was how is the G-Tablet supposed to be used.
The answer is, like a tablet. Not like a computer. If the G-tablet can't be used the way a tablet is supposed to be used, its not a very good tablet then, is it?

TarheelGrad1998 said:
Seems most here are bringing personal preference/philosophy into this. The question is what was best for the tablet. So, I looked it up...
The biggest factor is the battery, of course. gTabs have Li-ion polymer batteries. Here's a decent synopsis:
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I thought the biggest question was the effect of powering off on the tablet's battery and internal memory/performance.
Charging aside, what effect does turning it off regularly have on the device?

TJEvans said:
I thought the biggest question was the effect of powering off on the tablet's battery and internal memory/performance.
Charging aside, what effect does turning it off regularly have on the device?
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Powering off? Should really have no effect on battery life in the long run. The cons are that you have to wait for it to boot back up again which takes substantial power and time.

Dishe said:
Powering off? Should really have no effect on battery life in the long run. The cons are that you have to wait for it to boot back up again which takes substantial power and time.
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When I don't have enough time to wait for my Gtab to boot up, I'll get into a new line of work - oh that's right I'm retired

buchaneer.nl said:
When I don't have enough time to wait for my Gtab to boot up, I'll get into a new line of work - oh that's right I'm retired
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And you're modding an android device? Wow...
Sorry, I'm just too used to people from your generation not being able to find the 'any' key. No offense intended. My elderly dad belongs to your generation. And so is my g/f's mom.

goodintentions said:
And you're modding an android device? Wow...
Sorry, I'm just too used to people from your generation not being able to find the 'any' key. No offense intended. My elderly dad belongs to your generation. And so is my g/f's mom.
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Good grief, even I'm offended!
On behalf of the rest of the forum, I would like to apologize for goodintentions.
Meanwhile, buchaneer.nl, part of the philosophy of the tablet concept is that it is supposed to be always on. Otherwise, if you intend to use it like a computer a netbook is an infinitely more functional tool for the same money. No hacking about to enable Skype, Netflix, Hulu, you get full office and a keyboard, etc. They are just different paradigms and designed for different uses.
A tablet is supposed to be casual use. Turn it on, turn off. Hold it. charge it when it beeps. Repeat.

Dishe said:
Good grief, even I'm offended!
On behalf of the rest of the forum, I would like to apologize for goodintentions.
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Why is that offensive? I'm sure when I get past the BIG 30 I will find it hard to operate the new neural interface devices and the star trek transporter-like technology.
When I was in college, one of my engineering professors was 90 years old and could write programs in like 50 languages. So, I'm well aware that not everyone from that generation is tech illiterate. That said, a very large number are. It's a fact.

TJEvans said:
I thought the biggest question was the effect of powering off on the tablet's battery and internal memory/performance.
Charging aside, what effect does turning it off regularly have on the device?
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The question was, is it better to turn it off, or does it do harm to leave it on all the time. The answer is it doesn't matter, so long as you perform proper charging of the battery.
As has been said, this is not like a computer, which has hard disks drives which wear out from spinning (and thus, reboots take a toll on the device). So rebooting does no harm, other than impatience for waiting.
And I guess as part of the over 30 crowd, I remember when booting a computer took FOREVER. So to me, booting the gTablet is nothing. I leave it on if I know I'll be using it in the near future, but otherwise, I turn it off.


Best Way to Drain Battery Fast, and Completley?

I understand that Battery Status has a drain meter, but what is the fastest way to completley drain your battery. I have Bluetooth/Wifi running, with the screen always on, and at it's brightest level. It's just not happening as fast as I would like.
try doing a lot of data transfer...via the internet, if you have free internet, or via bluetooth, since you have blutetooth running. also try playing some music files...or use your phone to talk...talk time on the phone is about 4 hours or so...while standby is considerable longer (2-3 days?).
make alot of calls
Lol. This is an easy one. Just turn on all your connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM). Turn screen to full brightness. Then, run your camera. If you really want to drain ur battery, install WebCamera Plus, and stream the camera video over WiFi with your screen on max brightness with the processor overclocked to 260 mhz or so. This will drain ur battery really quick.
Or if your looking for a quick and dirty way, short it out. with a wire and a resystor connect + to -.
one difficulty in draining completely is that when you get to 10%, you'll get a bunch of notifications on low battery and at 5% your phone will constantly turn off by itself to "preserve data." how to drain the last 5%, not sure. there might be some sort of option to turn that off, but you might have to hunt around for that part...
DON'T hook any kind of resister to your battery. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, you can cause serious damage to it.
You can turn off all notification nags in the power section, and then follow the general instructions for running everything at once. I drained mine in a little less than an hour that way.
Okay and now the big question. What do you want to do that for? What's the general idea behind it?
with a lithium ion battery, there is no memory. therefore, no need to EVER run it completely dead. lithium ion batteries have a certain # of full to dead cycles. the best way to ensure that your battery will last a long time is to try to keep it as close to full as possible.
moto211 said:
with a lithium ion battery, there is no memory. therefore, no need to EVER run it completely dead. lithium ion batteries have a certain # of full to dead cycles. the best way to ensure that your battery will last a long time is to try to keep it as close to full as possible.
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I was just going to post this, I am surprised nobody said it sooner!
Seriously, do not drain a lithium cell, keep it topped up where possible, you don't need to drain it before a charge.
Anyone that says you do is misinformed.
i thought so too
i thought so too, but the instruction of the xda flame stated that you should drain it completely and avoid charging short time/intermittently. now, i am confused.
divi168 said:
i thought so too, but the instruction of the xda flame stated that you should drain it completely and avoid charging short time/intermittently. now, i am confused.
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The manual book says so...now i am confused as well
ive got an htc desire 820....it has been turned off coz of overcharging...now i cant turn it on.....how cann i drainn my batter...NOTE;battery is sealed
Just read through things like this I did that with all my **** turned on lmao and it drained faster than I knew it hahahah
Hwya said:
Just read through things like this I did that with all my **** turned on lmao and it drained faster than I knew it hahahah
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Why did you replied to a 10 year old thread?
Heck, what am I doing? :laugh:
Camera uses more battery than playing a movie?
Anyway what I do:
Max brightness, plug in high impedance headphones (LG V30+ that uses quad-dac and higher than average powered amp), full-screen Netflix movie, turn on all wireless radios.

Battery Drain - hardware or software?

First of all, hello to everyone. I have been reading through a lot of threads here in the last few weeks after getting my HD2, especially the ones about battery life.
I have never owned a smartphone, so I have no comparison but I'm barely getting through 1 day of use when fully charged! And I'm not even using it that much yet, Wifi is off, no data transfers, just some texting and calls. I have installed Bandswitch and Battlog, didn't really help though.
Got the phone brand new (T-Mobile US) and haven't done any major tweaking yet, it's still pretty much stock with a few programs that I installed so far.
Do you guys have a similar experience or is it completely different? I love the phone, but if I dont even get through one day of use (and I want to use the phone in the future, not just for surfing but for music streaming or web browsing), I would have to bring it back.
Any help appreciated!
It's just something you have to live with, buy a spare battery, or the extended battery, flash a lighter ROM, adjust screen brightness turn off push e-mails etc etc.
I can get 2 days battery from very light use. i.e. a few texts and calls a day, no Wi-Fi, bluetooth or internet browsing. That's just how smartphones are.
So how do you do it on a daily basis?
My battery is fully charged in the morning and lets assume I'm using the phone for what I bought it for - some music streaming, gps here and there if I need it, some web browsing, calls and texts etc.
I haven't even started using most of the features of the phone and my battery has died twice on my already while I was out at night.
How can that be normal or acceptable? I can't charge my battery every 6h...
brutzel1 said:
So how do you do it on a daily basis?
My battery is fully charged in the morning and lets assume I'm using the phone for what I bought it for - some music streaming, gps here and there if I need it, some web browsing, calls and texts etc.
I haven't even started using most of the features of the phone and my battery has died twice on my already while I was out at night.
How can that be normal or acceptable? I can't charge my battery every 6h...
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Maybe you shouldn't have a smart phone? Battery technology is ****, it's a shame, but it's true. The only thing I can suggest is a spare battery, I carry one everywhere.
I generally watch an hour and a half of video a day on my phone, text, call, use the internet and I can still make a 9 hour day with 40%+ battery left, and just incase I am out and about in the evening before I have a chance to get the phone on charge I have the spare.
But with that said half hours charge from the mains will give you a good 30% topup I very seldom have to swap the batterys and I use a pretty juicy ROM.
Kalavere said:
It's just something you have to live with
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or maybe not
Given his kind of use, 2 days should be normal. Right now I'm squeezing 3 days out of this battery, and that's only because I swap it out when it's at 10%, otherwise it could be a little longer... and a few calls here and there is not the only thing I did with it... it's still my work pda after all
Since it's pretty much stock, unless it gets better with time (the first recharging cycles are the worst) and even after a hard reset it won't get better, it probably is something wrong not software related.
Install battclock and check the standby battery drain, shouldn't be much higher than 4mA, up to 7mA could be normal, any higher than that, especially if significant, and you've got something wrong, and found the cause to the short battery life.
First off, buy a couple of cheap oem batteries from here...
Now, these eBay batteries have performed slightly better than the original battery...
Some of us smartphone users are so used to poor battery life we have power charging cradles at home work and car just to keep the charge up... And have spare batteries every in case of emergency...
I take my phone off the charger at 6am to go to work... My avg day is 6-10 calls, 20 reminders, an hour of UNO, an hour as a wifi router and I return home at 5pm with 50-60% battery life...
they are trying to make batteries smaller and thinner so they can make the phones thinner and smaller so battery life is compromised. But you do need to give it some time to settle in.
Back up batteries and cradles to charge them are cheap and an easy solution. So are extra chargers to keep at work, in the car, etc. Most people can charge their phone at least an hour during the day and that should give you all you need.
The only smartphone that I didn't carry an extra battery for was the moto q9c, because it came with an extended life battery. But on these phones, that probably isn't the best option.
So what did you guys do to improve the battery life of your HD2? Are there any specific programs (I heared about G-Profile) you are not supposed to use or did you guys just deinstall all the T-Mobile Apps?
If I can just get 1 day of actual use out of it I am OK with that. I just dont want to have die every second or third day if I use more often than normal...
Any suggestions or may tests I could do? I feel like I could stream music on Slacker for about 90 Minutes and the battery would be dead...
EDIT: Just did Battlog for about 15 Minutes, my phone uses between 15ma and 31ma when in standby. So where do I start, how do I find the culprit?
I love huge screen HTC devices and Im a power user, so my solutions for power issues are:
Callpod Fueltank Duo
Mugen Extended-size High-capacity 2600mAh Battery for HTC HD2
There is a 15% discount right now, better hurry.
Extra chargers and thats it! Now I browse, calls, emails, music, videos, TV stream (Slingplayer) and maximize all of the other features of my HD2 t9193.
Software and the end-user are the cause behind battery drain. I've got 2.5days out of moderate use so I don't think it's the hardware at all.
Methods for testing battery consumption and proof it is typically software related
At the risk of looking like I'm trying to hijack this thread, I started a discussion on this particular subject a while ago as feedback on my finding after reading almost all the threads I could find regarding battery use on the HD2. Lude219 is 100% correct, the issue is always software related (yea, I know there might be exceptions to the rule) and my phone was a prime example of that.
See the thread below that explains how to measure your battery consumption, has logs and screen shots from users you have high consumption and also people who have systems where battery life is more than 48 hours so that you can compare your results.
I'm also sure it's software related. My phone would use app. 2% overnight with all connections closed. This i tested over months. Then suddenly without me changing anything drastic software wise, it pulled 5% per 3-4 hours. So after going thru all the cleaning routines nothing helped exept a good "ram cleaning" . Somehow or other the phone starts processes over time wich consume alot of power. One would have to look into it with a process manager to find out what exactly it is. WinMo seems to be quite sofisticated looking at all the running processes. So my view is , keeping the system tidy might be the only way to save the extra power.This is where the huge diffrence to other platforms seems to be, it can take quite a while until you have configured your phone the way you need it. I am useing the stock rom 1.66 German
thanks you guys for participating and sharing your thoughts.
But now, here is a thinker:
Last night, I let my battery drain all the way to zero and then recharged it at night. The only other thing I did was installing BSBTweaks and Touch X Taskmanager. I also changed my Bandswitch Settings to turn off data when not used and put it at 60 sec (instead of 500 sec before).
And I couldnt believe what I was seeing, I took my phone off the charger this morning around 8.30am and now at 7pm I am still at 84%!!! I did not use the phone heavily but sent and received a few texts, made 1 call and played around with it for a little bit. Similiarly to what I did in the beginning after I got the phone, but then the battery had almost died at 7pm!
I am super happy and hope it stays like that but cannot explain why all the sudden it is that different...
Hi everyone,
This is a very usefull thread, for me it is, thanks to everybody that answered.
regrding the last post, a noobish quesition is
”Bandswitch Settings to turn off data when not used and put it at 60 sec (instead of 500 sec before): how do i do this?”
I remember stumbling upon this setting the day i got the phone and started viciously going through it.
Somehow it didnt store in my memory the path i went that day so i can try doing what the man sugested.
So if anyone can lay a hand, much obliged.
i lost 12 pct over night in 9 hours with my radio turned off last night and only gmail and texts were open...
with battlog how do i do the test so it stays in standby? it keeps turning the screen on and off when i run benchmark
You may want to flash a new radio. Try a new one each day and measure battery life. I use radio 2.12.50 and have had a good experience.
yeah but with my radio turned off the radio shouldnt affect it shoudl it?
i use blackberry to stream pandora radio thru aux for about 8 hours a day and it still has 2 bars left after that.
HD2 just sits there and kills the battery lol
what kind of phone is that when you have to disable all its functions every time you dont use it?
seriously this is called unfinished product or poor design, that is beeing sold to customers as a next best thing.
you guys can argue with me all you want. i heard many excuses from users advocating the companies. such as. if you dont like this than pay more for a better product. well HD2 is a better product, its a 500 dollar phone damn it.
but you dont realize that even the "better" products suffer from same underdevelopment syndrome.
companies spend millions on consumer research and consumers spend millions on **** they dont need every year. cows eat grass, consumers eat garbage made by big companies.
where are the better products? they dont exist because it became "normal" to have a faulty OS or for your phone buttons to fall off, or battery to explode.
companies worked long and hard to make consumers get used to the idea that garbage is just a part of life, and worked long and hard to minimize costs of production, and cut corners.
which corners?
the final QA testing that is not beeing done by a company, so they can release the phone 3 months earlier, the consumers pay for the phone and test it.
we work for the company and we pay for it instead of getting paid.
the phone breaks oh how sad ,
company takes note(dont use this cheap glue or the buttons fall off, get a lil more expensive glue next year)
so they use better glue and cut another corner and we buy another "new and improved phone" and this time screen goes dim oh dang not again...and it continues.
do you disconnect your car battery every night so it doesnt die? or when you buy a lexus do you drive with your AC off because it cant pull the car around when ac is on same time as the stereo?

Battery management when not in use

I know that it's never a good idea to leave full or empty batteries just stay without use for too long. I don't use TF201 every day and I have it shut down when I don't use it, I am wondering how the battery should be managed and if any of you have any experiences with maintaining your previous devices, like TF101 or others, in similar conditions.
I charge the device after use and then it stays that way a day or two without use due to me not having lectures or enough time off work to play with it. When I do play with it, I don't use more than 20% of battery life and then I dock it with keyboard again (which charges it again even if it is turned off, which is really nice).
Are there any bad side effects of having the device powered off and not used for a day or two? Or letting the keyboard charge the device while it is powered off? Or leaving it in charged state for a few days?
Since I cannot change the battery on TF201, I am super OCD about the battery situation to make sure it works properly throughout the ~2 years I'll be using it.
I let it drain completely then recharge it. I don't power it off, just let 'er sleep in between work, driving, eating, etc.
Moderate usage will give me a couple days worth out of it. Charge during sleepy time, wake up, disconnect, repeat.
I found this article very interesting on batteries. Debunked alot of myths surrounding the type of battery we have.
demandarin said:
I found this article very interesting on batteries. Debunked alot of myths surrounding the type of battery we have.
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Really good article, thanks!
Problem is that TF201 is a special puppy, since its dock recharges the tablet even when tablet is shut off. It's not recomended to keep the battery 'full' nor 'empty' and problem with TF201 is that it keeps tablet full or drains the dock while keeping tablet full, even if tablet is shut down.
I am just wondering if this behavior is bad for battery life in the long run if I don't use it for a few days (I certainly won't keep it 'on' for days and not use it, this will certainly make it go through more recharge cycles in the long run).
That article is good for managing a single-battery device, but since tablet with dock takes over a lot of charge-or-not decisions, it's a little different.
It's basically question about which is worse, going through definite amount of recharge cycles quicker because it is on and needs to be charged every now and then or letting it shut down and used when needed like a laptop.
Maybe I'm thinking too much and it doesn't really matter, but it just made me curious since I never had TF101, so I can't really rely on that experience.
We can buy the TF201 battery, can't we?
If yes, I don't think you should worry much.
Within a year or two, the battery should be still in perfect or near perfect condition.
If not, then buy a new battery.
By that time frame, most of us would have been buy a new tablet anyway
Make sense? no?
gogol said:
We can buy the TF201 battery, can't we?
If yes, I don't think you should worry much.
Within a year or two, the battery should be still in perfect or near perfect condition.
If not, then buy a new battery.
By that time frame, most of us would have been buy a new tablet anyway
Make sense? no?
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TF201 battery is not user-replaceable. It needs to be done by ASUS or you're breaking warranty. I don't even think ASUS will sell these batteries.
kristovaher said:
TF201 battery is not user-replaceable. It needs to be done by ASUS or you're breaking warranty. I don't even think ASUS will sell these batteries.
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Ok, thanks for the info, I did not know that.
But still, if I have a tablet, I won't keep it for more than 2 years most probably
And on my experience, for two years, battery will still be good.
gogol said:
Ok, thanks for the info, I did not know that.
But still, if I have a tablet, I won't keep it for more than 2 years most probably
And on my experience, for two years, battery will still be good.
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Yeah, possible. I'll shake that OCD'ness off me then I suppose. I've just always had user-replaceable battery Android devices simply because I don't pay attention to how badly I mistreat the battery, I can always replace it. But with TF201 I have to pay some attention
Is there a way to signal the keyboard dock to start charging only when the tablet has 20% charge left?
I leave the dock connected all the time and the tablet is constantly being charged by the dock.
the lithium ion battery is fine you can let it sit for months and months, you can charge it every 5 minutes, you dont have to let it drain out or manage it just let it do its thing!

Do we need to "condition" the battery?

I've heard several different opinions on this. Condition or not to Condition the battery.
Do we need to condition this thing?
How are you doing it?
What kind of results are you getting?
Thanks in advance.
The battery is lithium Ion so you really shouldn't have to from my understanding.
People do even tho is not necessary, for some reason I don't but after a few day battery has gotten better
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I mentioned this earlier -- I know it's a li ion that shouldn't need conditioning but when I first got mine my battery life was absolutely horrible. I went through two full discharge/recharge cycles and it seems to be much better now.
Currently 11 hours on battery, 50 minutes screen on, played a couple of games, downloaded a couple of apps, 15 minutes of voice calls, and battery is at 80%.
The way it was when I first got it, I'd probably be at 40 or 50% right now, if not even lower.
I'm also running juice defender and have stopped using the gmail app because you can't set the sync interval on it. Instead I've been using the built in email app and have it set to sync every 30 minutes. Not sure if any of this is doing anything but my battery life is definitely better than when I first got the phone. At first it was so bad that I came very close to just returning the phone.
BonesHopkins said:
I mentioned this earlier -- I know it's a li ion that shouldn't need conditioning but when I first got mine my battery life was absolutely horrible. I went through two full discharge/recharge cycles and it seems to be much better now.
Currently 11 hours on battery, 50 minutes screen on, played a couple of games, downloaded a couple of apps, 15 minutes of voice calls, and battery is at 80%.
The way it was when I first got it, I'd probably be at 40 or 50% right now, if not even lower.
I'm also running juice defender and have stopped using the gmail app because you can't set the sync interval on it. Instead I've been using the built in email app and have it set to sync every 30 minutes. Not sure if any of this is doing anything but my battery life is definitely better than when I first got the phone. At first it was so bad that I came very close to just returning the phone.
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That's true for me as well now that you mentioned it. First day, I got about 4 1/2 hours with it before i was down to 10%. I was shocked! Each day it has gotten a little better. Over the last 36 hours it has last a full days before a charge. It doesn't really make much sense to me that they are li-ion which shouldn't need conditioned but it seems that we do need to do this. A friend suggested I condition it when I got it and before I started heavily using it, I guess he was right.
Li-ion batteries don't need conditioned. Any signs of conditioning you see may be some sort of conditioning/learning of the OS.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
mlin said:
Li-ion batteries don't need conditioned. Any signs of conditioning you see may be some sort of conditioning/learning of the OS.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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What he said.
BonesHopkins said:
Currently 11 hours on battery, 50 minutes screen on, played a couple of games, downloaded a couple of apps, 15 minutes of voice calls, and battery is at 80%.
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See this kinda stuff freaks me out. I had one decent charge so far, had the phone a week, have been doing full discharge/charge the whole time. Sitting at 38% right now on 16 hours, about half of that was asleep with power save on (its been dropping 20-30% overnight) and only 48 minutes screen time. I dunno how long it should take to improve but it seems like its not taking this long for anyone else.
erikk said:
What he said.
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What they said.
This is a very informative site. I've quoted it's recommendations concerning the circuit in the battery that needs calibration before......
here's the link to that page there.....
codo27 said:
See this kinda stuff freaks me out. I had one decent charge so far, had the phone a week, have been doing full discharge/charge the whole time. Sitting at 38% right now on 16 hours, about half of that was asleep with power save on (its been dropping 20-30% overnight) and only 48 minutes screen time. I dunno how long it should take to improve but it seems like its not taking this long for anyone else.
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How long do you usually sleep for???
Seriously though, 20 - 30% overnight sounds like a lot. I tested mine and it dropped about 8% in roughly 7 hours of zero use while I was sleeping. I think even that is a little excessive but I can live with it.
Have you tried running something like Juice Defender? It seems to have made a difference with mine. When I got my S3 last week it was about the same as yours. I did a couple of complete discharge/charge cycles, installed juice defender, and have been going into the task manager and app manager and turning off all the crap that doesn't turn off automatically. It has made a difference.
Oh, and I also did the APN trick to disable LTE. Not sure if that has made any difference but with everything combined the battery seems to be doing a lot better than it was at first.
Don't "they" say that you should not use task managers as they don't work well with the phones? I'm no expert here, so don't quote me, but my understanding is that the One S and Siii owe a lot of their excellent battery lives to their own internal task managing.
Correct me if I'm wrong here.
ickster said:
Don't "they" say that you should not use task managers as they don't work well with the phones? I'm no expert here, so don't quote me, but my understanding is that the One S and Siii owe a lot of their excellent battery lives to their own internal task managing.
Correct me if I'm wrong here.
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The internal task managing is the reason you shouldn't use 3rd part task managers. That's the whole point. Android has done this since 2.0
Having said that, there's nothing inherently wrong with killing a task that is misbehaving... most things that say not to use task managers really mean to not (a) turn on auto task-killing, or (b) kill tasks across the board, albeit manually, under the false impression that freeing up RAM is a good thing.
When you guys say full discharge do you mean draining the battery till it shuts off or going down to 10%, I was under the impression that fully discharging would harm the battery.
MCKang25 said:
When you guys say full discharge do you mean draining the battery till it shuts off or going down to 10%, I was under the impression that fully discharging would harm the battery.
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I discharged it till zero. Then I turned the phone on and let it shut off again. I did this until the phone wouldn't even try to turn on any more.
BonesHopkins said:
I discharged it till zero. Then I turned the phone on and let it shut off again. I did this until the phone wouldn't even try to turn on any more.
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Doing this enough times has the potential to damage your battery. Leaving it at 2% - 5% will not make a difference in the "calibration" compared to completely killing the battery.
Killing the battery may work for you, but I want others to be aware of the potential of damaging the battery.
Just my 2cents for the day.
Here. Is a link to battery charging for Li-ion. I have another site that is great in explaining these things. I have a couple of R/C trucks and this info is great to know and have. The same applies. To our phones charge rates. I would hope that when a dev makes up or mods a kernel that they have a basic knowledge of charge rates and the rest of the equations. Foe our batteries this is literally. Life and death. It could also cause a phone to burst into flames. Especially. If we use after market batteries that have poor protection circuitry in them.
I will find the other link later and post it up here to give a possible better understanding of these things. But, try not to rely on me as I tend to forget things a lot. Car accidents will do that to you when you crush your skull. Any way, GIYF.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA
You basically only need to do the "calibration" once. And the phone has limits set that will neither undercharge nor overcharge them.
edit I think heat is your batteries worst enemy.
BonesHopkins said:
I discharged it till zero. Then I turned the phone on and let it shut off again. I did this until the phone wouldn't even try to turn on any more.
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This is the WORST thing you can do to a Li-Ion battery. I mean literally you can lose 10% of its life from doing this or even cause the battery to stop charging at all.
Li-ion should never be discharged too low, and there are several safeguards to prevent this from happening. The equipment cuts off when the battery discharges to about 3.0V/cell, stopping the current flow. If the discharge continues to about 2.70V/cell or lower, the battery’s protection circuit puts the battery into a sleep mode. This renders the pack unserviceable and a recharge with most chargers is not possible. To prevent a battery from falling asleep, apply a partial charge before a long storage period.
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Seriously everyone should spend a couple hours on that site at some point. Half the information will probably be way over your head (or at least it was mine) but there's enough good information that even half of it is definitely worth learning.
Here is the other site that I was talking about. Though it is for R/C battery packs it should still grant a measure of understanding to the workings of these batteries.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA
BonesHopkins said:
I discharged it till zero. Then I turned the phone on and let it shut off again. I did this until the phone wouldn't even try to turn on any more.
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Take into account though. These batteries have circuitry. Built into them to prevent you from truly discharging. It all the way. That doesn't mean that it can not discharge all the way. Things like humidity can play its roll in taking a Li-ion or Lipo battery past the kill zone point. If you know that you will not be using the battery for a good period of time or it is strictly an in case of an emergency battery. Place it into a plastic bag and suck out all of the air that you can and seal it. A zip lock bag works best. Place it in the refrigerator or freezer. There is very little moisture. In there. And what ever moisture makes its way in when you open the fridge. Or freezer will not have time to get into the zip lock bag. The lack of moisture slows the discharge process down especially in the summer. Also the chilling of the battery's chemical. Compounds slows the molecular interactions down. Its a helpful two fold process.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA

[Q] Battery has lost capacity

My Nook is 10.5 months old and I have recently noticed it only hold charge for 2-3 hours.
I am still running 1.40 and rooted so I could block OTA. I haven't done any other modifications to the tablet.
Is this a common problem? I need to charge this thing everyday now, where before I could go several days without recharge.
Thanks for the help.
sgschwend said:
My Nook is 10.5 months old and I have recently noticed it only hold charge for 2-3 hours.
I am still running 1.40 and rooted so I could block OTA. I haven't done any other modifications to the tablet.
Is this a common problem? I need to charge this thing everyday now, where before I could go several days without recharge.
Thanks for the help.
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haven't used stock in a long time, but is there an option to turn wifi off when the tablet goes to sleep? ur wifi might be sucking up power continuously if it doesn't shut off.
Yes, that is correct, Wifi can be switch off. And I have done that. But the drain has become very significant.
I am considering going for a warranty repair, but my guess I will get a refurb with another weak battery, and hassled because I have rooted and blocked OTA.
Are most folks just running off their chargers?
If folks have bad batteries are they replacing them themselves?
sgschwend said:
Yes, that is correct, Wifi can be switch off. And I have done that. But the drain has become very significant.
I am considering going for a warranty repair, but my guess I will get a refurb with another weak battery, and hassled because I have rooted and blocked OTA.
Are most folks just running off their chargers?
If folks have bad batteries are they replacing them themselves?
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you can attempt to request for a new nook tablet placement. After two refurbished replacements with the same problem as my original NT. they sent me a new Nook Tablet and so far so good. It's worth a shot.
Came off the island today and went to the big green city. Stopped at BN and did some talking with them and also to the service center at the same time. The service center said they would send me a refurb. My 3-4hour of run time is way under the 11.5 hours you should get for the e-reader mode only. That fella felt like the battery developes memory and needed to be fully discarded to combat that occurring. I can not find any technical document that supports this idea. There are not NiCad batteries.
Anyway if I send my tablet in I will end up with 1.4.3 instead of 1.4.0.
When you get your replacement
Once you get your replacement, it's a good idea not to charge it until it show very low percentage on any nicad rechargeable batteries. When you charge it, don't remove it from the charger until it reaches 100%. Also don't have a habit of plugin it in when finish using it, plan ahead so that you can have a fully discharge battery before recharging. Your NT battery charge will hold a lot longer threw time if you do it this way. You also can try this app to see if it works.
sgschwend said:
Came off the island today and went to the big green city. Stopped at BN and did some talking with them and also to the service center at the same time. The service center said they would send me a refurb. My 3-4hour of run time is way under the 11.5 hours you should get for the e-reader mode only. That fella felt like the battery developes memory and needed to be fully discarded to combat that occurring. I can not find any technical document that supports this idea. There are not NiCad batteries.
Anyway if I send my tablet in I will end up with 1.4.3 instead of 1.4.0.
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Good advise, thanks,
I put in some effort to side load the battery stats reset software and found a application call: Battery HD. I loaded this app instead. It provides a graph of the charge and discharge rate. From the graph I can see that my battery is OK. I became aware of some funnies going on when I woke up at 3 am and saw the display on. With the discharge rate as specified I now believe I have some application causing me trouble. I don't have much on the table, Titanium, MX video, Amazon apps.
I shut the unit off last night and it came back right to the same charge. Tonight I will leave it on and check the graph to see if there was an load and when. The application has a gross report on the power used separated by function instead of application. It also has a calibration test that tests the three main functions and reports the discharge rate.
Anyway, I will post what the nightly current hog is if I can find it.
sgschwend said:
Good advise, thanks,
I put in some effort to side load the battery stats reset software and found a application call: Battery HD. I loaded this app instead. It provides a graph of the charge and discharge rate. From the graph I can see that my battery is OK. I became aware of some funnies going on when I woke up at 3 am and saw the display on. With the discharge rate as specified I now believe I have some application causing me trouble. I don't have much on the table, Titanium, MX video, Amazon apps.
I shut the unit off last night and it came back right to the same charge. Tonight I will leave it on and check the graph to see if there was an load and when. The application has a gross report on the power used separated by function instead of application. It also has a calibration test that tests the three main functions and reports the discharge rate.
Anyway, I will post what the nightly current hog is if I can find it.
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My friends NT has been having issue with screen turning on by itself. Seemed to narrow it down to aldiko app. Not sure why it's happening. Performed a clean install of CM7 and issue came back. I keep thinking it's hardware related, trying to convince him to try a different ROM, but he's stuck on using CM7. If you find a reason for your tablet screen turning on let us know so maybe I can help him get his issue resolved. Thanks...
Sent from my AT100 using xda premium
Vector2nds said:
Once you get your replacement, it's a good idea not to charge it until it show very low percentage on any nicad rechargeable batteries. When you charge it, don't remove it from the charger until it reaches 100%. Also don't have a habit of plugin it in when finish using it, plan ahead so that you can have a fully discharge battery before recharging. Your NT battery charge will hold a lot longer threw time if you do it this way. You also can try this app to see if it works.
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That's actually bad advice for any lithium based battery - like the NT's lithium ion battery. LiON batteries don't like to be fully discharged and they don't like heat, especially heat when they are fully charged. That means avoid full discharges and avoid charging it to full every time, and do charge the battery more frequently (keeping the charge level between 20% and 80% for example). Partial discharge on LiON is just fine; they don't suffer memory effect.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
rete said:
That's actually bad advice for any lithium based battery - like the NT's lithium ion battery. LiON batteries don't like to be fully discharged and they don't like heat, especially heat when they are fully charged. That means avoid full discharges and avoid charging it to full every time, and do charge the battery more frequently (keeping the charge level between 20% and 80% for example). Partial discharge on LiON is just fine; they don't suffer memory effect.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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I have said it in past post, I need glasses. I totally missed this part while reading "There are not NiCad batteries" the word not always gets me.Sorry about that sgschwend. I did not even know, thanks for the info update.
Well, I always appreciate advice, my view is that it becomes a starting point and it is up to the reader to combine it with a working course of action.
As to phantom startup/turnons I checked last night and there wasn't one. I will continue till I find it. The summary screen does say what type of application is turning on so that should help. The only gotcha will be if the battery application changes how the tablet works to the point that the issue will not occur. I don't think this is very likely.
The battery application (battery HD) makes a nice graph so you can look at the slope and see what is going on, it also lists the run time for various activities based on the current battery charge. Interesting to note the Nook charger overcharges a bit and the battery does warm up some. When it cools down the charge is just under 100%. This is not an ideal situation, it would be better for the charger to slow to a point that the battery temperature is not elevated near the end of its cycle. Splitting hairs perhaps. My discharge rate matches the tablets specs even with the battery application running.
Second day of monitoring the device operated correctly. I did check and found that I have a Titanium backup batch job setup to run every day a 3 am. Which coincides with time I observed the device display turning on. I will move the time and see if the issue moves too.
Also turn off push notifications that certain apps have. They suck up a lot of battery. Install the Better Battery Stats app (search xda for it). Won't have to pay unless you want to. Monitor the partial wake locks to determine what apps are using battery during sleep.
I have a similar problem, i got a nook with cm7 and the battery doesn't last at all, i charged it yesterday and let it all night without touching it to see how long would it last and after 12 hours i got 30% and it says 70% of the battery was drained by the andoid os, it says that the processor was working for 2hrs!
i got it and stared looking for an answer to this problem and in less than 10 min it has drained 4% of the total charge, this didn't happened with the stock firmware so I'm thinking about trying jelly bean and if it doesn't get better i will have to go back to the stock firmware
Hwong, I think you hit it on the head. Last evening my NookT had a much higher current draw, loosing 20% in 12 hours. I saw this when I checked it a midnight. I had left the Nook with the battery monitor application in the graph mode, likely running as an active application instead of a "monitor" mode. Titanium Backup did run last night but it runs for such a short period it did not even show up on the graph.
So I really don't know which application or notification is causing me a problem but the issue I have had is like loosing 20% of my battery in a 6-8 hour period. Which to me looks like an application is running that shouldn't and the time I observed the screen on would do it too. As I started this post I am still on 1.4.0, rooted, OTA blocked with hidden commands.
I did a hard factory reset and wipped the caché, now my nook has been charged for 2 days on sleep mode with the wifi on.
I believe the problem was caused by an application, i believe it was the launcher and theme i was used, i re-installed it yesterday and the tablet started to drain battery quickly again so i cleaned the data used by them and uninstalled them.
The battery monitor widget use to say my battery would last 2 hrs of video playing, now it says it should last 8:30, closer to the 9hrs promissed by B&N.
It all about old sins. I found that I was jumping around in the normal Nook UI and not using the back button. So several things were still running in the background. Even though that little darling looks the same, that background stuff is a killer. I did a quick test with the battery monitor by leaving it in the graphic mode and sure enough the discharge rate went up 400%, just a dumb graph in the background plotting Voltage versus time. When I use the back button on the application graph, the current draws goes to near zero.
It really does a nice job of standby or sleep.
Maybe this will help.
You could use titanium backup to freeze the apps that you think could be causing more than usual battery drain and maybe narrow the issue down?:fingers-crossed:
sgschwend said:
It all about old sins. I found that I was jumping around in the normal Nook UI and not using the back button. So several things were still running in the background. Even though that little darling looks the same, that background stuff is a killer. I did a quick test with the battery monitor by leaving it in the graphic mode and sure enough the discharge rate went up 400%, just a dumb graph in the background plotting Voltage versus time. When I use the back button on the application graph, the current draws goes to near zero.
It really does a nice job of standby or sleep.
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