Disappointed in my Evo 3d - HTC EVO 3D

This is not to start a flame war, I was really looking forward to my evo 3d when it was coming out but now I'm leaning to the SG2. This is to list grievances of my new evo 3d that I believe make it sub-par.
- Very poor 4g service, I live about 1 - 1.5 miles away from a Clear tower and I get 0 bars of when the 4g wifi symbol is on, my 4g speeds are around 2.5 Mbps, thats impressive 3g speed but for 4g, come on. When I have plenty of bars the most I can get is 5-6 Mbps....
- Super light leakage, along with never dimming capacitive buttons - I have a huge lip of light leakage from the capacitive buttons that bother the hell out of me, I can see it in daylight and the buttons never turn off even when I'm watching a movie or netflix
- I really was looking forward to the 3d, but honestly, I don't care about it at all haha.
- Very thick phone, feels like a brick imo
I'll probably take it back and wait for the Galaxy S II, and if I don't like that, hell I'll wait for the new Nexus phone, do any of these things I've listed bother you?

This thread bothers me
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution

Xencer said:
This is not to start a flame war, I was really looking forward to my evo 3d when it was coming out but now I'm leaning to the SG2. This is to list grievances of my new evo 3d that I believe make it sub-par.
- Very poor 4g service, I live about 1 - 1.5 miles away from a Clear tower and I get 0 bars of when the 4g wifi symbol is on, my 4g speeds are around 2.5 Mbps, thats impressive 3g speed but for 4g, come on. When I have plenty of bars the most I can get is 5-6 Mbps....
- Super light leakage, along with never dimming capacitive buttons - I have a huge lip of light leakage from the capacitive buttons that bother the hell out of me, I can see it in daylight and the buttons never turn off even when I'm watching a movie or netflix
- I really was looking forward to the 3d, but honestly, I don't care about it at all haha.
- Very thick phone, feels like a brick imo
I'll probably take it back and wait for the Galaxy S II, and if I don't like that, hell I'll wait for the new Nexus phone, do any of these things I've listed bother you?
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1: 4G is very very spotty everywhere. That's a sprint thing, not necessarily an Evo 3D problem.
2: Light leakage... I don't really care, i have the Seidio case and it covers the edges, but when it was naked, it didn't really bother me. I had the OG Evo and got used to it there. (OG Evo leakage was BAD)
3: 3D is kinda cool, but, like many other gadgety things, is very limited and gimmicky.
4: I don't agree here. I LOVE the feel of the naked phone, I wish I didn't need a case for it, but I'm afraid for it. Haha.
All in all, it's your phone, if you don't love it, don't keep it. It's going to be as much a part of your life as your car.
As for my opinion? Sure, the phone has it's flaws, but it's an amazing piece of hardware, and coming up in a few months we will be able to make it do WTF ever we want with root/unlock.
Just keep in mind that everyone is going to have gripes about any phone they get, so just make sure you don't get your hopes up for the SGS2 to be perfect, cause it probably has some issues too.

I'm dissatisfied with this thread....do I make a topic about it nope... Man up and return it or exchange it... Or shut up.. these are all know problems with almost every early "stage" phone (hardware 002)
3D > iClone

1) my 3G is pretty bad, oddly my 4G is significantly more stable and faster than my 4G,
did you do the wimax and 3g tweaks yet? and the data reset?
2) no leakage at all (unlike my g2X which was terrible, when I had tmobile)
3) I wasnt feeling the 3D either, till encoded some movies on my own, now i like it a lot
4) weird I think the 3D is too slight, and light in comparison to the 4G,
I certainly say get what you want though...better hope CM7 hits the GSII, since they sent him one, otherwise a great phone will never get updated
the evo is already full steam ahead, and the bootloader hasnt even been unlocked yet
might want to take that into account

Xencer said:
This is not to start a flame war, I was really looking forward to my evo 3d when it was coming out but now I'm leaning to the SG2. This is to list grievances of my new evo 3d that I believe make it sub-par.
- Very poor 4g service, I live about 1 - 1.5 miles away from a Clear tower and I get 0 bars of when the 4g wifi symbol is on, my 4g speeds are around 2.5 Mbps, thats impressive 3g speed but for 4g, come on. When I have plenty of bars the most I can get is 5-6 Mbps....
- Super light leakage, along with never dimming capacitive buttons - I have a huge lip of light leakage from the capacitive buttons that bother the hell out of me, I can see it in daylight and the buttons never turn off even when I'm watching a movie or netflix
- I really was looking forward to the 3d, but honestly, I don't care about it at all haha.
- Very thick phone, feels like a brick imo
I'll probably take it back and wait for the Galaxy S II, and if I don't like that, hell I'll wait for the new Nexus phone, do any of these things I've listed bother you?
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take it back stop your tears and be gone

Amd4life said:
1) my 3G is pretty bad, oddly my 4G is significantly more stable and faster than my 4G,
did you do the wimax and 3g tweaks yet? and the data reset?
2) no leakage at all (unlike my g2X which was terrible, when I had tmobile)
3) I wasnt feeling the 3D either, till encoded some movies on my own, now i like it a lot
4) weird I think the 3D is too slight, and light in comparison to the 4G,
I certainly say get what you want though...better hope CM7 hits the GSII, since they sent him one, otherwise a great phone will never get updated
the evo is already full steam ahead, and the bootloader hasnt even been unlocked yet
might want to take that into account
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I agree with the movie part, watching 3d movies is pretty nifty. there would be no reason to watch movies on a phone if it didn't have something my regular tv didn't, 3D.
as for the light leaking at the bottom, it is annoying. my 3G speeds are slow as well, so at work i have to use 4G and carry a charger to charge in the middle of the day. the ear speaker quality is pretty bad. it's crackly and not clear at all and the back speaker is a bit low. the capacitive buttons not dimming do annoy me a lot as well, especially when i watch a movie. I downloaded screen filter app which has helped but it doesn't seem to work with Aldiko.
besides that, the phone is pretty snappy barring some slight stutter in the marketplace and when using live wallpaper (for a dual core phone, that is pretty sad). I could be happy with this phone if I had to keep it (if they are able to somehow fix the ear speaker clarity).

mattfmartin said:
This thread bothers me
Sent from my 3rd Dimension of Evolution
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Some of this sites members are starting to bother me...and the thread...if only I was a mod sigh
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

Amd4life said:
1) my 3G is pretty bad, oddly my 4G is significantly more stable and faster than my 4G,
did you do the wimax and 3g tweaks yet? and the data reset?
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I did the wimax tweaks (the faster reconnect/scanning) and that improved my 4G performance, but what 3G tweaks are out there? I'm noticing my 3G is really crappy too. It drops data a whole lot more than my Evo 4G - almost to the point that I'm thinking of returning the 3D to get my 4G back.

Unfortunately there are a fair amount of feeble members who can't take anyone wanting to express dissatisfaction with the 3D.
Issue is whether or not the discussion is solution-oriented or not.
Yours ended with 'does this bother you' implying you just came to ***** and see what kind of response you got. You were fortunate to get some constructive suggestions... Either follow up on them or move on.

pezhore said:
I did the wimax tweaks (the faster reconnect/scanning) and that improved my 4G performance, but what 3G tweaks are out there? I'm noticing my 3G is really crappy too. It drops data a whole lot more than my Evo 4G - almost to the point that I'm thinking of returning the 3D to get my 4G back.
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There ARE 3G tweaks involving removing proxies via the ##3282# mod. I'd say 75% of folks found it to help. Search 3G speeds

Another Bull**** thread... Whats annoying is not someone expressing thier opinion, but someone starting another thread on this. That's what gets people going. If you read peoples replys thier identical to other posts. Just post in a thread, don't start a new one. We get your upset about it, but everything the OP states is CLEARLY stated in other threads. It's like everyone what's to whine and get thier thoughts heard upfront......
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I actually think the phone is small and light, looks and feels smaller/lighter than my Evo 4G. Everytime I look down at it I think of my-coworkers Incredible. I bought the phone for the processor and the screen resolution, and didnt expect the 3D to be very impressive or something that I would really ever use. I gotta admit that the 3D is VERY impressive and I was totally shocked at how far things came out of the screen. Search "3d" on youtube and watch "youtube player in 3D". The sword and the fishing lure come away from the screen pretty far! Very impressive in my opinion. Aslo, Assasins Creed 3D looks pretty awesome to me as well... Every one can have a different opinion but I absolutely love my E3D. Maybe the fact that I wasnt expecting much from the 3D graphics is the reason that I am so pleased, but every one I have shown that video to was blown away that a phone could do that and said that they now wanna get the phone too. Oh, and 2900 plus Quadrant Advanced scores arent bad either

Can we go and litter your forums when you move to this new phone? Thanks, see you there.....

beyond882001 said:
Another Bull**** thread... Whats annoying is not someone expressing thier opinion, but someone starting another thread on this. That's what gets people going. If you read peoples replys thier identical to other posts. Just post in a thread, don't start a new one. We get your upset about it, but everything the OP states is CLEARLY stated in other threads. It's like everyone what's to whine and get thier thoughts heard upfront......
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Agree with this. I don't mind people having a negative opinion on the phone which sometimes can lead to me finding out something new. But really another new thread about it.
And again, why do people keep acting like they can switch to a SGS2? The thing has not been announced by Sprint so acting like it is going to be out any day and easy enough to switch to is just ludicrous.
Lastly, this thing is going to be rooted. It might be another couple months before that happens but when it does almost all of the complaints will be addressed. 3G will get better, battery life will improve, capactive buttons will turn off or any of a number of things. No phone is going to be perfect. If you think the SGS2 is going to be great, you really need to reevaluate your wants. The new Nexus phone (which won't be here until 2012) will have issues as well. And by that time, the 3D will be rooted and still be one of the best phones on the market.

I have a question.. Can anyone explain to me why prior to returning a phone people feel the need to post it here? If a person does not feel the phone is for them they go to Sprint, return the phone and its done. Whats the announcement on the board for?

Gawwd... I hate everything. The phone sucks, 3d is a dumb gimmick, I just bought it for its lame dualcore that sucks at benchmarks, which are impossible to see because the screen is at such a low resolution of 960x540 its pitiful. And I can't see the screen when in direct 109° sunlight.
Speeching of which. Gawd the sun is too bright. I'm disappointed in its brightness. And when I stare directly at it. It burns my eyes. Why even make it do that. That's stupid
And I sweat when it's too hot. Jeez... I don't see why they couldn't have just made me not do that or made it cooler or something. People don't sweat in Antarctica. I don't see why they can't do that here. It can't be that hard right?

felacio said:
Gawwd... I hate everything. The phone sucks, 3d is a dumb gimmick, I just bought it for its lame dualcore that sucks at benchmarks, which are impossible to see because the screen is at such a low resolution of 960x540 its pitiful. And I can't see the screen when in direct 109° sunlight.
Speeching of which. Gawd the sun is too bright. I'm disappointed in its brightness. And when I stare directly at it. It burns my eyes. Why even make it do that. That's stupid
And I sweat when it's too hot. Jeez... I don't see why they couldn't have just made me not do that or made it cooler or something. People don't sweat in Antarctica. I don't see why they can't do that here. It can't be that hard right?
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maybe you can chime in on my thread...this is getting out of hand

ppcpirate said:
I agree with the movie part, watching 3d movies is pretty nifty. there would be no reason to watch movies on a phone if it didn't have something my regular tv didn't, 3D.
as for the light leaking at the bottom, it is annoying. my 3G speeds are slow as well, so at work i have to use 4G and carry a charger to charge in the middle of the day. the ear speaker quality is pretty bad. it's crackly and not clear at all and the back speaker is a bit low. the capacitive buttons not dimming do annoy me a lot as well, especially when i watch a movie. I downloaded screen filter app which has helped but it doesn't seem to work with Aldiko.
besides that, the phone is pretty snappy barring some slight stutter in the marketplace and when using live wallpaper (for a dual core phone, that is pretty sad). I could be happy with this phone if I had to keep it (if they are able to somehow fix the ear speaker clarity).
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Have you tried this?


How is the EVO 3D

How is everyone liking their new phone? Is it everything its cracked up to be? Also how is the 3d function? I'm very curious. I get mine from best buy Friday and I can't wait....I'm jealous of all you early birds
the 3d Photo Feature is actually quite decent, much better than the Nintendo 3ds by far.
4g connects extremely fast.
Mind you the screen isn't wider but it is slightly loner than the EVO, the phone fits in the palm of your hand with ease.
camera button and 2d/3d switch is a great feature.
Very solid build, the battery door covers the entire rear of the phone.
Music beta on 4g connects and streams very nicely, haven't tried 3g yet because im still uploading my music to it's servers.
Overall im very impressed SO far
kingakuma said:
the 3d Photo Feature is actually quite decent, much better than the Nintendo 3ds by far.
4g connects extremely fast.
Mind you the screen isn't wider but it is slightly loner than the EVO, the phone fits in the palm of your hand with ease.
camera button and 2d/3d switch is a great feature.
Very solid build, the battery door covers the entire rear of the phone.
Music beta on 4g connects and streams very nicely, haven't tried 3g yet because im still uploading my music to it's servers.
Overall im very impressed SO far
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i assume this is all while pluged in? i know this is to soon to ask but battery?
actually battery life from what i have seen is actually really good, i turned it on at about 40-50% i didnt check how much it was charged it is charging now, my friends at sprin has been off the charger for like 6hrs and he is at 70%.
but as we all know each user experience is different
i love sense 3.0...its AMAZING. i feel in control of EVERYTHING!
How did so many people get it early! gahhhh
...friday can't come soon enough!
UPS here delivers like at 8:30 at night so while delivery is today for me, it's pretty much tomorrow anyway....lol fail.
I wish I could tell you how it is!
I decided to stick with my local and trusted Sprint store figuring a day or 2 won't hurt...it hurts...
I'm glad to see its going well for those of you who got the jump on us though. Keep us posted on early impressions...
You wanna know how sad I really am lol? Since I have to wait until Friday to get my phone, I went to bb to buy an evo 3d case to feel closer, but they wouldn't sell me 1 lol
I came from a launch date EVO 4G. I now have the younger, hotter faster sister.
3D is way better than I expected. Make sure you compose so foreground, subject and background elements are in the frame. My eyes have no problem adjusting, but of course, YMMV.
Fast, fast fast. Even sense. Which I will still dump for ADW launcher ex. Just because it fits my workflow.
Annoying that the charge port is on the side now instead of the bottom. Looks like it was a design compromise to get a larger battery on the bottom half of the phone.
Any evaluation of battery life can only be taken after at least a week of use.
Battery cover seems harder to remove because of the camera shutter button. Someone has already mentioned it.
Sprint just made me stay with them until Verizon gets an equivalent.
mrjaydee82 said:
You wanna know how sad I really am lol? Since I have to wait until Friday to get my phone, I went to bb to buy an evo 3d case to feel closer, but they wouldn't sell me 1 lol
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Sadly, I had the same experience. I should have ordered from Sprint but thought: HEY, I will have a couple of days to decide if I really want this phone. I should know better.
+1 Sweet little phone here
Ordered yesterday (Tues) a.m., Sprint free shipping next day and got it this morning.
Been playing non-stop for the past 4 hours. I honestly say I like the E3D "in general" better than my E4G.
In terms of physical attributes, the narrower frame has a better grip on hand, even it's a bit longer than the 4G. Voice quality is at least on par with the 4G (As I have custom ROM on the 4G, it is louder anyhow). Connection for BT, Wifi and 4G are faster to established.
The QhD screen takes a bit to get use to (Even in 2D mode). I had the same concern as the Nexus 4G came out as they seem a bit yellowish tint than the regular LCD screen. However browsing the net, watching movies and games it is more crisp on the eye.
The only gripe I have is the Micro usb port being on the right side, instead of the bottom. And of course, I have to re-train my hand to hold the phone as everytime the camera lens get smudge with finger prints...
Overall, I'll give it 9.5/10 rating. JMHO.
Well this is the thread I was looking for..so far so good then..ill take a 9.5 out of 10th..I think the charger on the side sucks as well especially if your using the kickstand case and viewing something..thanks for.the input guys
3D is better than I thought, after all the bad reviews. When installing Google earth, a 3D buildings layer is now available, but it isn't real 3D, just rendered like the PC version.
xo96 said:
Ordered yesterday (Tues) a.m., Sprint free shipping next day and got it this morning.
Been playing non-stop for the past 4 hours. I honestly say I like the E3D "in general" better than my E4G.
In terms of physical attributes, the narrower frame has a better grip on hand, even it's a bit longer than the 4G. Voice quality is at least on par with the 4G (As I have custom ROM on the 4G, it is louder anyhow). Connection for BT, Wifi and 4G are faster to established.
The QhD screen takes a bit to get use to (Even in 2D mode). I had the same concern as the Nexus 4G came out as they seem a bit yellowish tint than the regular LCD screen. However browsing the net, watching movies and games it is more crisp on the eye.
The only gripe I have is the Micro usb port being on the right side, instead of the bottom. And of course, I have to re-train my hand to hold the phone as everytime the camera lens get smudge with finger prints...
Overall, I'll give it 9.5/10 rating. JMHO.
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9.5!?!?!?! 9.5?!?!?!! From all the backlash of the people in the Evo 3D section on the negative reviews, I would think this phone would be a 10!!! FAILBOAT ACTIVATE!!!
Man I have a tough decision, I got this ns4g in my hand and I got the evo 3d in preorder.... I don't know if I should pull the trigger. The only thing that is keeping me from going to 3d heaven is the bootloader issue lol.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
izzzz good! Thumbs [email protected]@
Come on now you know a hack is coming. If guys can make my Nook Color run like unstoppable beast I can imagine what they can do with this beast. It got ranked as number 1 dual core in gpu and CPU category tegra 2 being the worst out of the 4 chips.
When I first witness the 3D, DAMN! FOR A MIN MY RIGHT EYE WAS HURTING ME! But I got use to it...
CuzinBucksBx said:
When I first witness the 3D, DAMN! FOR A MIN MY RIGHT EYE WAS HURTING ME! But I got use to it...
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yeah im still adjusting my eyes but when i do. im completely blown away especially with some of the youtube 3d videos. as far as liking it? I LOVE it.
Even coming from a Evo, I can still tell a difference. So far the battery life is perfect for the way I use it. like everyone else, im frustrated with the port on the side I keep wanting to plug it into the bottom. in short Im happy with my purchase and will be saying bye bye to the evo today.

So, Now that YOU have the EVO 3D, How is the...

How do you like the 3D Functionality of the phone? Obviously, if you don't have the phone, or have only gotten to be hands on for a few minutes, you can't really provide much input in regards to it. I know some claim it's a gimmick, or some other BS, but that just goes to show they've already made up their mind without actually truly using it.
I had a 65" 3D DLP TV and learned there were really 2 types of people, those who could see it and had no vision issues and liked it, and those whose eye sight needed improving and couldn't watch but briefly.
So now that you own the phone, what are your thoughts?
50 Char limit on poll answers Sux!
Once you get used to it in terms of angle and distance it is very very good. Much better than the 3DS. It is not the main reason why I bought the phone but it is definitely a very fun addition to have. Looks great in my opinion.
fmedina2 said:
Once you get used to it in terms of angle and distance it is very very good. Much better than the 3DS. It is not the main reason why I bought the phone but it is definitely a very fun addition to have. Looks great in my opinion.
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+1 3d quality is amazing. Especially because of the qhd display. I did not expect the pictures to look soo damn good. There's so much depth!
I think its amazing. At first I didn't understand how to use it as I have mild monovision but after raining my eyes with the help of my optometrist I can se it now. It's trippy as hell. It's not like the movies where things jump out at you. Its like looking out a window and seeing the world.
Sent from my 3vo.
+1 on all of these. It does take some getting used to but man its pretty. Looks like your looking through a little window
Edit: ha! We said the same thing
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I watched the Masters 2010 last year in 3D on the 65", and though I'm not much of a golf fan, the viewing experience made you feel like you were there. I kept wanting to reach out and move the people who were in front of the green out of the way.
I expect 95%+ of ACTUAL EVO 3D owners to state it's as expected, or better, though I do expect most people to have expectations exceeded. 3D is a cool feature. I didn't fully appreciate it until my entire Call of Duty 4 play-through was entirely on my 3D setup. Some of the missions on that game in 3D were awesome. Doing the snowy forest mission in particular was intense......in one word, definitely intense!
Of course sitting 6ft away from a 65" screen in 1080p 3D helped quite a bit. It pretty much filled my vision to the point where a turn of the head was needed to really see something at the edges of the screen. I went back through some of the missions while in 2D, and it wasn't anywhere near being the 3D experience. The difference is best equated to just watching the scenes from "Soaring" @ Disney World on a large TV, more so than being suspended on a device that puts you inside of a parabolic screen with the motion effects, blowing wind, and the scent device all working in 'full sensory harmony'. LOL
Of course, games like portal, Battle Field, and any other 3D game were badass too. The milk drop plugin for winamp has some awesome visuals as well. It will be interesting to see what 3D games turn out to be on the EVO 3D. Of course, it's not the same thing as a large 3D screen, it will certainly be more entertaining that just a typical 2D cell screen.
Occasionally 3D doesn't kick in when viewing 3d content. It's pretty rare but it does happen.
Watched five minutes of The Green Hornet in 2D; rebooted and it came on in 3D.
The phone also insists on converting 3D to 2D when sharing content so if you're planning a 3D flikr photostream or anything similar you'll have to find another way to create it.
What I'd really like to see is google earth in 3d. My virtual visits to Mount Everest would be so much more thrilling if google could pull that off.
I watched every review out there before i got mine and the expectations i had set from those reviews have been surpassed. Great stuff.
It's the first day of owning a new 200 dollar gadget for a forum full of fanboys. I don't think we'll get much of a unbiased response.
retnuh730 said:
It's the first day of owning a new 200 dollar gadget for a forum full of fanboys. I don't think we'll get much of a unbiased response.
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Well you have to look at it more like the fact that one pretty much knows what they're getting when they buy the phone.....which is actually $500, and I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't want it, but bought it anyway. And if you did find someone like that, I'm not sure how much credibility one could lend them given the fact that they impulsively bought something they knew they didn't want. If that's the case, they're probably insane and thought it would turn into a unicorn, so they could ride rainbows.
NoSoMo said:
Well you have to look at it more like the fact that one pretty much knows what they're getting when they buy the phone.....which is actually $500, and I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't want it, but bought it anyway. And if you did find someone like that, I'm not sure how much credibility one could lend them given the fact that they impulsively bought something they knew they didn't want. If that's the case, they're probably insane and thought it would turn into a unicorn, so they could ride rainbows.
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Wait, so you're saying it WON'T turn into a unicorn? **** that, i'm cancelling my order.
CyWhitfield said:
Wait, so you're saying it WON'T turn into a unicorn? **** that, i'm cancelling my order.
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I know man, such a let down. I was hoping it'd turn into a Jet fighter using Transformers Cube technology. Turns out it's just a damn cell phone w/ 3D capability.
I love it personally. I didn't think I would, I was in the 'gimmik' column. Now I think i would buy another 3d phone. I bought spiderman and asphalt 3d (broken). Greenhornet was cool in 3d, sukie movie tho.
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NoSoMo said:
I know man, such a let down. I was hoping it'd turn into a Jet fighter using Transformers Cube technology. Turns out it's just a damn cell phone w/ 3D capability.
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If mine doesn't have Halle Berry's number pre programed in the phone I'm turning it back in
So I was on the wait list, went in early, but there was only 1 other person in there. I figured I would take a look at it first before throwing down $550 as my upgrade isn't available for 3 months. I had the full intention of paying the full amount, as long as it met my expectations. I use an Epic 4G right now just as a reference to what I'm used to.
Just as a preface, I have better than 20/20 vision, and no issues seeing very small objects, details, and can focus on stereograms pretty easily, so I didn't expect too much of an issue from new screen.
I went over to the store and checked it out, the 3D is there, but its for those not familiar with the type of 3D, its more like a blurry 2D image until the stereogram effect kicks in (like when you stare at a patten and the 3d image drops). I did find the objects with a larger 'depth' are better seen by adjusting the distance of your eyes to the phone. You will notice the foreground objects become much more clearer with the backdrop having some of the double effect.
I did notice watching the Green Hornet that flashes / smaller details tended to double up, while the rest of the video was in 3D. Sometimes it would appear to change from 2D to 3D which was a bit distracting. Images seemed to be worse than the video feeds, and if you backed up about 3 feet from the phone, you could see 2-3 zones, much like a hologram when you shift it left to right, except you did not need to move to see the effect.
The phone itself felt snappy, but not much more than my Epic. Its early, so I expected it. I did some on screen keyboard texting just to see how it felt. It was decent, but tended to kick in the swype motions when I sped up which became typos.
Its not a bad phone, but for me, I wound up not purchasing it as the gimmick of the 3D wasn't strong enough to justify the full price, and with the motorola coming out at the end of the month with a better camera, and comparable specs (you can debate the Tegra 2 vs the 220/snap dual anywhere), it just didn't make sense for me.
I will let you know in an hour once I have time to play with the thing. On it's way now. Got a friend grabbing it from Best Buy right now.
Anonnie said:
Just as a preface, I have better than 20/20 vision, and no issues seeing very small objects, details, and can focus on stereograms pretty easily, so I didn't expect too much of an issue from new screen.
I went over to the store and checked it out, the 3D is there, but its for those not familiar with the type of 3D, its more like a blurry 2D image until the stereogram effect kicks in (like when you stare at a patten and the 3d image drops)
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People are confusing what type of vision issues present issues. It's not really at what distance you can see, though that can be an issue, it's more about eye dominance and other similar issues. If both of your eyes do not truly operate within fairly tight tolerances of each other, you will not enjoy it most likely.
I also prefaced the post itself to the actual owners, regardless if you were going to purchase it or not. Playing with something for 10 minutes isn't the same as owning it, regardless if you think you got the feel for it. One really needs to have it for hours, not minutes, before you actually get a feel for it. I'm willing to bet that no one has actually sat there playing with it for an hour while standing at the kiosk with 10 other people trying to get their hands on it. This is echoed by others who state, about THIS phone, that it was hours, not minutes, that the true feel was had.
I have a good friend, swore his eyes were perfect. Said he had 20/15....blah blah blah. He absolutely did nothing but knock 3D TVs....mine in particular. Funny enough it was originally, he didn't like it, it was a gimmick. Then it turned into 'well it gives me a headache'. 6 weeks later after he went to the eye doctor, he had himself a new regular item.....prescription glasses. Everyone else, unless they openly admitted vision issues, loved the 3D. I witnessed it over the course of 2 years. Some people are in denial about their eyes....because "it's not their eyes" ..... excuse me while I roll mine LMAO
retnuh730 said:
It's the first day of owning a new 200 dollar gadget for a forum full of fanboys. I don't think we'll get much of a unbiased response.
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Right, but it is also a forum of fanboys who have been biased by many subpar reviews and have been aniticpating to not like the phone and be underwhelmed. I think the general consensus is that the pro reviewers are either full of sh..t or are someone's payroll. I for one was averse to the idea of 3D but have been absolutely blown away by the quality and its useful implimentation. This is hands-down the best phone available right now..
It plays hell with my eyes, but I will get used to it.
No, I'm not happy to see you, that's a Shooter in my pocket.

[Q] Thinking about switching to an EVO 3d

I think i want to switch over to the 3d but I dont know if it would be worth it to me. Do you guys use the 3d that often? Do you miss the Kickstand from your old Evo4g?
shalkith said:
I think i want to switch over to the 3d but I dont know if it would be worth it to me. Do you guys use the 3d that often? Do you miss the Kickstand from your old Evo4g?
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While I have had almost no problems from the OS and underlying hardware there is a lot of software that is not the OS that I have had tons of problems with...like the camera. Also the 3G reception completely and totally blows comparatively. Especially if you are in a fringe area...or even close, apparently.
The 3D was a feature that I ridiculed from the first mention of it months ago...but it ends up that I miss that feature the most.
Miss it? Yeah, that radio sucked so bad that I just couldn't justify keeping that phone. Miss a couple business calls in a workday and suddenly everything else is far less easy to rationalize.
No business calls to worry about? That might have changed everything for me.
Here's to hoping the bootloader gets unlocked and the radio gets an update to fix this. Though from my experience the radio will get tons of updates, none of which have any apparent affect on signal strength.
daneurysm said:
While I have had almost no problems from the OS and underlying hardware there is a lot of software that is not the OS that I have had tons of problems with...like the camera. Also the 3G reception completely and totally blows comparatively. Especially if you are in a fringe area...or even close, apparently.
The 3D was a feature that I ridiculed from the first mention of it months ago...but it ends up that I miss that feature the most.
Miss it? Yeah, that radio sucked so bad that I just couldn't justify keeping that phone. Miss a couple business calls in a workday and suddenly everything else is far less easy to rationalize.
No business calls to worry about? That might have changed everything for me.
Here's to hoping the bootloader gets unlocked and the radio gets an update to fix this. Though from my experience the radio will get tons of updates, none of which have any apparent affect on signal strength.
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To be fair all of the radios aren't bad. I've had no problems with mine. As a matter of fact i sold my original EVO to my roommate and we were sitting in his room. He asked me if i could get reception cause his kept going in and out. I had full bars
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
jadoe05 said:
To be fair all of the radios aren't bad. I've had no problems with mine. As a matter of fact i sold my original EVO to my roommate and we were sitting in his room. He asked me if i could get reception cause his kept going in and out. I had full bars
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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I could have swapped through a few phones... but I like the chicks that run that radio shack and wanna stay on their cool side...I even got my gift card back in cash. they made sure my upgrade got reversed and everything....and they have limited stock of everything and opening up every box and breaking open the seal on every phone (which is impossible to put back together) would probably have complicated their lives.
...and I also suspect it is a regional thing based on roaming agreements and protocols... My phone was perfect and I had been in all-bars situations, and most of the time even though the meter was way low I had no problems--most of the time. I can't risk missing work calls, which never ever ever happened with my 4G....and I can't even imagine an E4G getting no signal and my E3D getting full bars even being possible.
I do hope this all gets sorted out cuz I'm wary about getting a Samsung anything. I'm a huge fan of HTC hardware...and I have no reservations about marching back into that same Radioshack and buying the same exact phone over again.
As you may know the Evo 3D may have an updated PRL than that of the original Evo so it is very possible to have much improved connection to the cell towers with the newer model. Any PRL changes?
i loved my OG evo, which my wife now has. rooted and running MikG 2.2.
i am learning to love the E3D. my take on the upgrade:
1. Battery: E3D blows the rooted OG out of the water. surfing the internet for 20min on my OG evo would drop 20% battery easy (yeah, I could sleep for hours without losing 1%, but use the thing and it was like a fat chick eating twinkies). The E3D stock I can surf the web, play games, 30min goes by and I've lose a couple to a few percent. outstanding. used to keep plugged in when I woke up in the morning checking my email and websites in bed, now I just unplug the dam thing, and don't even bother plugging it back in when I go to shower. Also, no 10% drop off the charger when it's been on too long. looks like the E3D goes up and down between 95% and 100% while on the charger, actually showing you the actual percent (unlike the OG evo, which showed 100% all the time when it could be anywhere between 88 and 100% in reality). I no longer think about wasting battery or when I can charge, it's quite freeing.
2. Speed: E3D is much faster, yes; some say instantaneous, but I don't think it is that fast. you'll definitely notice it using it. even the internet seems faster loading web pages and downloading apps from the market (I know, it's just processing stuff faster, it's the same internet lolz).
3. Sense 3.0: I don't note a huge advantage over the OG evo running MikG with sense 2.1 and elements of sense 3.0, to be honest. definitely flipping screens is more responsive, but speed aside, I was happy with sense on MikG.
4. screen resolution: much prettier at qHD. I have one of the screens that whites show up a little cream, and can especially notice it beside my OG evo, but oh well.
5. camera button: a waste. I was hoping that it would change the picture taking experience, but the half press to focus takes FOREVER. much faster to touch the screen to focus (I turn autofocus off, and just touch the screen for my focal point). pressing hardware button fully is to capture takes exactly the same amount of time to capture as pressing the screen button, but causes a touch of shake. I end up just being happier touching the screen than using the button. hoping there is a camera update (read: dev solution) that can give faster focus with a half press of the hardware camera button, otherwise I'll just be pimping it out using a third party app to open messaging or something (better yet, maybe I'll use it to open the camera).
6. 3D: i agree with daneurysm, I ridiculed 3D as well before release, but it actually turns out to be pretty cool. love taking 3D pics. it will be the rage of the future, guaranteed, and we have it first.
7. radios: I have had none of the radio issues (wifi signal drop, poor signal reception). I have had my 3G not want to turn off or on, but toggling airplane mode fixes it for me usually. I don't have wimax in my area so can't speak to that. my 3G was initially very slow, but ran the proxy hacks and it seems better; I don't use 3G enough to really say much more (almost always covered by wifi).
8. voice call quality: when I first got the E3D, first thing I did was make a phone call to my wife who I had just been talking to from the exact same spot on my OG evo. she called it a night and day difference, with the E3D sounding very muffled. I found myself raising my voice just so she could make out what I was saying. I have since run the EVRC-B hack, I think my voice call quality is probably comparable to the OG Evo now. A little disappointing considering it is supposed to have a noise cancelling mic, but what can you do.
9. Camera: 3D pics aside, just roughly, I think pics are at least as good as my OG evo in good lighting. the OG evo took great pics in great light, it was mid and low light where it sucked. the E3D, I feel, takes much better 2D pics in low light. so a win for the E3D in my book on all fronts, plus you have 3D pics. I don't care about 1080p video recording, ::shrug::. the E3D vs OG evo camera argument will rage on, just my 0.02.
other small things: my phone is HW 002, and has great build quality. no light leak, no dead/stuck pixels, no light holes at the bottom. the build quality is definitely better than my OG evo. the power button is much easier to press (find myself struggling to turn on my OG evo now, lol), and I have not had problems turning it on inadvertenly as some have. I do press the camera button accidentally all the time, but it does nothing if the camera app is not open. occasionally if I open the camera app with the 2D/3D selector already in the 3D position, it will actually be in 2D mode, but a quick resetting the switch and it is good to go. it sits nicer in the hand in one-handed portrait mode, but the OG Evo sat better in two handed portrait (for sure) and landscape (closer to a draw here). definitely easier typing in landscape in with the OG Evo due to the difference in screen dimensions, but i'll get used to it; I type mostly two-handed portrait anyways, which I am also still getting used to (I was much faster on the OG Evo, but it's just a matter of getting used to the new narrower screen width in portrait). I never really used the kickstand on my OG Evo, so I don't miss it. External speaker was definitely louder on the rooted OG Evo, but there were all sorts of volume hacks on most ROMs; probably the stock speaker volume was better on the OG. Has not been an issue for me, but I notice myself having to make sure the speaker is facing me/up when using speakerphone with volume all the way up.
My personal take home after a week of use: outstanding battery, better camera, faster processor; it's a win. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the 3D pics/vids, you'll wonder why they put the camera button on there, and it'll take a little to get used to typing fast again.
Ultimately, you won't regret upgrading from the OG EVO.
tatnai thank you very much for taking the time to write out that very informative post. I found it very useful myself so thank you.
I now am waiting for this handset to be lauched in the UK. The date was first rumoured to be the 11th of July, now rumoured to be the 6th August. I am waiting very impatiently for this but I know the wait will be worth it.
Great review. Sums it up for me exactly, except for the kickstand. I used it quite a bit.

Just got the 3D and...

Just got the 3d and noticed a few things, its really warm at around the camera on back, sprint network is trash can't even watch a YouTube video smoothly thru always stops to load, coming from tmobile nexus one then nexus s just wondering anyway to improve the data speeds? Beside that screen is beautiful phone seems very smooth as it should be but I really wish to step me data speed up...
*Any way to protect the camera lens Im worried about when I put the phone on a table...
How would I go about using tethering?
Get a gel case off Amazon or eBay for +/- $3 if your worried about the cameras , also the screen could crack if you dropped it. Better safe than sorry.
Proxy hack
to improve your data speeds, you'll need to call sprint and ask for your MSL.
For some reason on the evo 3d, the youtube app is **** (wifi, 3g, 4g) and nothing loads very fast. So I use the browser and go to youtube. It loads instantly.
Oh and just root and install a rom that allows you to tether (Read as:ALL roms here)
3G is very very bad... I can't do anything on 3G. Thankfully the 4G in my area is great.
fmedina2 said:
3G is very very bad... I can't do anything on 3G. Thankfully the 4G in my area is great.
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Do a profile reset.I just did a speed test over 3g right now and got 1300kpbs.... I get anywhere from 1-1.8 mbps depending on where i am in Orland Park.
I also have lots of problems with the 3G, and it seems to be unique to the Evo 3D. It sorta just goes out sometimes.
" *Any way to protect the camera lens Im worried about when I put the phone on a table..."
I use the case from tpu-cases.com as it protects the camera (see pic below). FYI it also fits in the HTC Car Dock with the insert removed so for me, it works and looks great.
Wow thanks guys for all the responses really appreciate it, any one notice that if you hold the phone with your right hand the service immediately goes down to like 2 bars is that were the antenna is?, an nice case up there bro how much bulk does it add also have a pic of it on the phone if its not to much trouble
The top half of the phone contains all of the electronics while the bottom half is pretty much all battery. With how many antennas this phone has it is easy to block them, but most of the time just sliding your hand down a bit is enough to get a full signal back. 4G on the other hand... it's always temperamental unless you are lucky enough to live in an area that is completely saturated with it.
+1 for the TPU case too, I got one to hold me over until the kick stand case came out but I'll probably end up sticking with it now. If you check in the Accessories section there should be a thread in there with a bunch of info about them
I can't even put my right hand near the in a heartbeat lessens the signal bars to 2 smh anything u can do?
(getting frustrating really fast smh)
Cool thanks^^, it may be just my phone but i am tethering as we speak when i send a message the 3g logo turns invisible an I lose allvmy bars for just a sec is thus normal?
It may be dropping down to 1x to send it, I don't know why it would need to but if it treats it like a call then it has to drop 3G for a split second so it can connect.
carlost24 said:
I can't even put my right hand near the in a heartbeat lessens the signal bars to 2 smh anything u can do?
(getting frustrating really fast smh)
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It just means your in a lower signal area... It happens to all phones.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D.
clules94 said:
Do a profile reset.I just did a speed test over 3g right now and got 1300kpbs.... I get anywhere from 1-1.8 mbps depending on where i am in Orland Park.
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He's in Orlando, FL. Not Orland Park, IL.
I know where he's coming from. I'm Orlando as well, and 3G is pretty ****ty. I've got full bars and only got .85Mbps down and .39 up. But, my Hero was even worse, so I'm not complaining.
eXplicit815 said:
He's in Orlando, FL. Not Orland Park, IL.
I know where he's coming from. I'm Orlando as well, and 3G is pretty ****ty. I've got full bars and only got .85Mbps down and .39 up. But, my Hero was even worse, so I'm not complaining.
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You think that's ****ty? I only get .3 Mbps... now that's ****ty.
spencer88 said:
You think that's ****ty? I only get .3 Mbps... now that's ****ty.
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I get .3 if I'm lucky. Luckily, 4G is pretty good around here.
Here's a pic of the back of the camera area with the tpu-cases. There's plenty of height above the cameras so that when you lay it flat on a table that it will be protected. IMO, it is as thin as your going to get and it will hold up for everyday use. It was never intended for the high impact stuff so obviously you have to go with the otterbox/Seidio Convert-type cases for drops and abuse.
BTW, I'm up on a hillside (L.A. area) notorious for bad reception but calling and 3G works great, when 4G is available it's incredibly fast on my EVO 3D. As you probably know, it's like that with all carriers, cell service will work better than others depending on where you are. If it's bad maybe you should consider asking for a Airwave/Airvana.
Hope this helps.
carlost24 said:
Just got the 3d and noticed a few things, its really warm at around the camera on back, sprint network is trash can't even watch a YouTube video smoothly thru always stops to load, coming from tmobile nexus one then nexus s just wondering anyway to improve the data speeds? Beside that screen is beautiful phone seems very smooth as it should be but I really wish to step me data speed up...
*Any way to protect the camera lens Im worried about when I put the phone on a table...
How would I go about using tethering?
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You have 30 days to evaluate the service. After 30 days don't complain.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Installing juice defender has really saved battery life and lessened heat around the camera. At least for me
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
If there really was a serious reception issue, like excessive dropped calls and such, Id expect HTC would address the problem and either push out an update or offer to repair the phone, not just deny or say "your holding it wrong" like another company would.
I'm currently on 1.11.651.3 a message popped up saying that I should upgrade to 1.13.651.3 but im hesitant to do so as I dont know how that would affect my signal since I've heard some people say that upgrading their software messed up their signal, any insight on this?

EVO 4G LTE Impressions

Hey guys.
Some of you may know me from the Evo 3D section. Recently, my 3D's touchscreen started to fail on me (a known quality-control issue) and I evaluated my options on repairing it and came to the conclusion a new phone is a better investment.
I've been researching the living crap out of the Galaxy Nexus and the 4G LTE (The GS3 is waaaay outside my price point). It seems more and more likely that the 4G LTE is simply a better phone.
So now, this thread. Before I pull the trigger, I want the scoop on this phone from the only users I trust; XDA users. Tell me what you love about this phone, what you hate, what to watch out for, whether or not you regret it, anything. As much detail as possible, please
This phone will genuinely have to last me two years (buying it off contract). I need to know that I can count on this in the same way I was able to count on my HTC Hero (which I feel was more dependable than the Evo 3D).
Thanks guys. I look forward to possibly joining you in this forum in the future.
What's up man?! Go ahead and pull the trigger is what I say. I didn't consider it that huge of an upgrade personally but I figured id try it out for 14 days and return then try the GS3 then make my decision. I ended up keeping it and deciding to do so very quickly.Lol. Very 1st thing that got me was the thinness and how great it felt holding.....it felt really nice....and the screen is ike candy for your eyes. My experience with sense 4 and the speed made me question the need to root (blasphemy I know) but I did anyway. I love the camera software and the phone charges fast and really last....the sleeping is incredible. I live everything about it except the shiney black top....other than that in my opion its the best Evo ever and top phone now.
Sent from my htc_jewel using Tapatalk 2
After my first experience with the EVO 3D (3 lemons in under a month), I thought I'd never own an HTC phone again. I went as far as saying I'd never piss on an HTC phone if it was on fire. This phone is making me eat those words. I don't even know why I gave them another chance but I'm glad I did. I wanted a great screen, fast processor, and a relatively "future proofed" phone and this totally fit the bill. It was between this and the Gnex but with the connectivity problems, notoriously weak antennae and glacial charging I rolled the dice on the EVO.
I'm really digging the snappiness overall, running Nova launcher and MeanICS 0.5 ROM. The screen is gorgeous, especially coming from a Photon, and the camera is just about neck and neck with my 4S (work phone). I've been shooting with it for about a week and love love love the pictures it takes.
The only thing I don't like is the car dock has a really finicky usb connector and no sound comes through said connector making it a real bummer when I want to use the phone as an aux music source.
With ROM floodgates starting to open, I heartily endorse this phone to anyone who is in the market. Even stock with Nova launcher works really well, I'm not a fan of Sense but I will admit it was way better than what came stock in the Evo 3D.
Omg we need a Liquid Rom in here! I haven't ran something from you since the HREO CDMA days! Your Sense Rom was the best!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I sold my preordered Evo for a pretty penny and bought a Galaxy Nexus for dirt cheap. While the Nexus was good, the battery made it just OK. It just wouldn't last. The screen was nice but put it next to the Evo and nice becomes wtf. The Evo comes with a microSD slot for my 64GB card (huge plus). The battery in the Evo lasts a whole day a whole night and in to the next afternoon. With heavy use, I mean playing with it constantly from games to web to calls it easily can last 12-15 hours. That right there sold me. I had the option for the GS3 as well. I was really thinking I would switch, considering I had the Epic and the Epic Touch. I.couldn't bring.myself.to return it. Too GREAT of a phone. Plus the kickstand is great. I watch a lot of Netflix while waiting for freight. There isn't a single con and a long list of pros. BUY IT!
Sent from my htc_jewel using xda premium
neopolotin75 said:
What's up man?! Go ahead and pull the trigger is what I say. I didn't consider it that huge of an upgrade personally but I figured id try it out for 14 days and return then try the GS3 then make my decision. I ended up keeping it and deciding to do so very quickly.Lol. Very 1st thing that got me was the thinness and how great it felt holding.....it felt really nice....and the screen is ike candy for your eyes. My experience with sense 4 and the speed made me question the need to root (blasphemy I know) but I did anyway. I love the camera software and the phone charges fast and really last....the sleeping is incredible. I live everything about it except the shiney black top....other than that in my opion its the best Evo ever and top phone now.
Sent from my htc_jewel using Tapatalk 2
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So it feels solid in your eyes? If I grip my Evo 3D even slightly firmly, I can feel the plastic creak. How are you doing on battery life? I'm an extremely minimal user of my phone.
DB13 said:
Omg we need a Liquid Rom in here! I haven't ran something from you since the HREO CDMA days! Your Sense Rom was the best!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Heh, I've been considering starting up a project like that again.
cunnyrydah said:
I sold my preordered Evo for a pretty penny and bought a Galaxy Nexus for dirt cheap. While the Nexus was good, the battery made it just OK. It just wouldn't last. The screen was nice but put it next to the Evo and nice becomes wtf. The Evo comes with a microSD slot for my 64GB card (huge plus). The battery in the Evo lasts a whole day a whole night and in to the next afternoon. With heavy use, I mean playing with it constantly from games to web to calls it easily can last 12-15 hours. That right there sold me. I had the option for the GS3 as well. I was really thinking I would switch, considering I had the Epic and the Epic Touch. I.couldn't bring.myself.to return it. Too GREAT of a phone. Plus the kickstand is great. I watch a lot of Netflix while waiting for freight. There isn't a single con and a long list of pros. BUY IT!
Sent from my htc_jewel using xda premium
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That's some very promising battery life, especially for my minimal use
soopermarkus said:
After my first experience with the EVO 3D (3 lemons in under a month), I thought I'd never own an HTC phone again. I went as far as saying I'd never piss on an HTC phone if it was on fire. This phone is making me eat those words. I don't even know why I gave them another chance but I'm glad I did. I wanted a great screen, fast processor, and a relatively "future proofed" phone and this totally fit the bill. It was between this and the Gnex but with the connectivity problems, notoriously weak antennae and glacial charging I rolled the dice on the EVO.
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Ah, someone who understands the build quality woes of the Evo 3D. In the short year I've owned it, the screen plate near the cap buttons has "sunk" down into the shell, the battery cover has become lose, the outer 'lining' is coming off, and the power button and volume buttons are almost hilariously mushy (never know if they're working).
I'm sorely searching for the build quality of HTC that I used to know, from the days of the Hero all the way back to the original Titan and Apache (those things were amazing). It seems you feel that they've recaptured this "Evo" namesake.
I'm really digging the snappiness overall, running Nova launcher and MeanICS 0.5 ROM. The screen is gorgeous, especially coming from a Photon, and the camera is just about neck and neck with my 4S (work phone). I've been shooting with it for about a week and love love love the pictures it takes.
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How's the screen at repelling fingerprints? I know that it's supposed to come with an oleo-phobic coating, but do you think it would be worth getting a screen protector?
Great phone; buy it! :good:
What's up liquid I think you should go ahead and get it there's nothing better at this point and to build quality is nothing like the evo 3d. My only issue is the lack of multitasking it reloads tabs almost..but I've heard that has been fixed on the hox...great device..makes the 3d look like a fat pig
LiquidSolstice said:
So it feels solid in your eyes? If I grip my Evo 3D even slightly firmly, I can feel the plastic creak. How are you doing on battery life? I'm an extremely minimal user of my phone.
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The quality is the best I ever felt......no plastic feel or creak like the 3d......When I first held it I was like WOW. I'm a heavy user when on station and I don't feel tethered to a plug.....it does very well but the way it sleeps is the best.....I can have 80 percent and go do 3 runs and several hrs later it still sits at 80......my 3D would have dropped by 20 lol
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
I've been a happy owner of the 3D for the past year, but after flashing the Virgin Mobile FW and finding out from Sprint that I have a free upgrade, I'm picking up the 4G LTE on Monday. I just figure the time is right to make the jump since as of now there's no downgrade for the FW, no official ICS release, and WiMax is dead. Base on this thread, I'm in!
The phone is awesome even stock I have no complaints could maybe use a radio update but that's it seeing how these dye radios are new I find signal to be acceptable for myself. Love the camera and I have no problems removed some screens tho since 7 is over kill lol
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Just don't put it in your skinny jeans pocket and you'll be fine. Would love to see your work on my LTE.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Also coming from the 3D, I decided to pull the trigger on this phone earlier this month.
Personal pros: Size, feel, battery life
Cons: Wifi/3G dropout, multitasking (primarily Sense reload)
I rooted immediately, switched to Apex Launcher, and tested a few custom ROMS.
Temp bricked it yesterday w/ the S-OFF method, and returned it to BB to swap out in hopes that it would fix the Wifi/3G dropouts. Wifi seems to be better, 3G dropouts still exist, so I'd imagine it'll be a radio/firmware fix in the future. I'd also imagine the aggressive and clumsy multitasking will also be resolved when source is released from HTC and we can get some custom kernels.
SG3 is released for the public on 7/1 @ BB, so I'll go back to play around w/ it a little bit before my 30 day window of opp. is closed. All in all, I'm leaning towards keeping the LTEvo due to the development community and overall feel of the phone.
Lastly, I was going to go right back and root after getting phone #2, but simply installing Apex over stock everything hasn't been bad. I think until source is released, I can deal with holding off on root. The apps I rely on work w/o root, FoxFi works w/o root (even though pointless w/ slow 3G data, but hey..), and honestly, until we can start overclocking, undervolting, etc., the only true benefit w/ root access is being able to F w/ the build.prop for GW purposes, density, and whatever. Not enough of a factor IMO to root just yet, though the ROMS available right now are promising!
Verdict: Go for the LTEvo. Enjoyed your work during the Hero days as well!
For the screen, the fingerprints have been less of an issue than my tbolt, but they are still there. I thought the screen really was "scratch proof" until I had it in a bag with my keys and I saw a little scratch right in the effing MIDDLE of the screen! Needless to say, I ordered a matte screen protector and will see if it kills the awesome-ness of how the screen looks and displays.
I honestly cannot agree more with what has already been said about this awesome phone. After coming from my tbolt with a rezound battery (i still use it to this day) and it's crappy battery life to this phone has totally restored my confidence in using smartphones. Instead of thinking "if i play this emulator or watch this video, I'll have to charge it again", I say "I will play this emulator or watch this video and not care because the battery WILL last". I know I sound crazy here, but the battery really is that good. In fact, it's that reason that I haven't rooted and put on a custom ROM because I'm afraid something will happen.
Performance wise, it is just plain sick. It runs the PSXEmulator tons smoother than my TBolt and sense is just awesome. I would consider rooting just for the dual-core mod where the second cpu is always running except for when the screen is off, but again, bye-bye insane battery life (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Physical feel of phone is sweet; the thinness is good and the material is nice; except for that bloody top back shiny cover that drives us OCD guys nuts with fingerprints :O But I did order a case because I'm afraid if I drop it, it will go bye-bye.
I researched heavily this phone and the galaxy nexus and from what I could tell, the nexus didn't have the same power as this phone and because of that, people complained that it ran slower than it should. Also the battery was only so-so.
I have yet to look back and do not regret the money I spent
firmbiz94 said:
What's up liquid I think you should go ahead and get it there's nothing better at this point and to build quality is nothing like the evo 3d. My only issue is the lack of multitasking it reloads tabs almost..but I've heard that has been fixed on the hox...great device..makes the 3d look like a fat pig
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I read that this was due to aggressive minfree values to keep Sense running smooth. Custom ROMs have already tweaked it, but I actually see this as a plus. I've always used extremely (read: ludicrous) aggressive minfree and OOM values, because I damn near never multitask, I only ever do one thing at a time.
neopolotin75 said:
The quality is the best I ever felt......no plastic feel or creak like the 3d......When I first held it I was like WOW. I'm a heavy user when on station and I don't feel tethered to a plug.....it does very well but the way it sleeps is the best.....I can have 80 percent and go do 3 runs and several hrs later it still sits at 80......my 3D would have dropped by 20 lol
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
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That is very, VERY nice to hear. I look forward to that
NYG140 said:
I've been a happy owner of the 3D for the past year, but after flashing the Virgin Mobile FW and finding out from Sprint that I have a free upgrade, I'm picking up the 4G LTE on Monday. I just figure the time is right to make the jump since as of now there's no downgrade for the FW, no official ICS release, and WiMax is dead. Base on this thread, I'm in!
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Yuck, I'm sorry you had to go through the Virgin FW mess. I thankfully was late in finding out about it and hence managed to see all the problems that came with it before I flashed, so I skipped it. Glad to hear you're getting an upgrade!
ckoadiyn said:
The phone is awesome even stock I have no complaints could maybe use a radio update but that's it seeing how these dye radios are new I find signal to be acceptable for myself. Love the camera and I have no problems removed some screens tho since 7 is over kill lol
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Radio update? Are signal woes really a concern?
BrianBaker said:
Just don't put it in your skinny jeans pocket and you'll be fine. Would love to see your work on my LTE.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Heh, no skinny jeans on this boy, don't worry. I might delve back into it again, we'll see.
pwrmedia said:
Also coming from the 3D, I decided to pull the trigger on this phone earlier this month.
Personal pros: Size, feel, battery life
Cons: Wifi/3G dropout, multitasking (primarily Sense reload)
I rooted immediately, switched to Apex Launcher, and tested a few custom ROMS.
Temp bricked it yesterday w/ the S-OFF method, and returned it to BB to swap out in hopes that it would fix the Wifi/3G dropouts. Wifi seems to be better, 3G dropouts still exist, so I'd imagine it'll be a radio/firmware fix in the future. I'd also imagine the aggressive and clumsy multitasking will also be resolved when source is released from HTC and we can get some custom kernels.
SG3 is released for the public on 7/1 @ BB, so I'll go back to play around w/ it a little bit before my 30 day window of opp. is closed. All in all, I'm leaning towards keeping the LTEvo due to the development community and overall feel of the phone.
Lastly, I was going to go right back and root after getting phone #2, but simply installing Apex over stock everything hasn't been bad. I think until source is released, I can deal with holding off on root. The apps I rely on work w/o root, FoxFi works w/o root (even though pointless w/ slow 3G data, but hey..), and honestly, until we can start overclocking, undervolting, etc., the only true benefit w/ root access is being able to F w/ the build.prop for GW purposes, density, and whatever. Not enough of a factor IMO to root just yet, though the ROMS available right now are promising!
Verdict: Go for the LTEvo. Enjoyed your work during the Hero days as well!
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It seems as though I might not need to root for a while either. I've actually not needed to tether in a long, long time with my 3D. Root was soley for performance desires. These connectivity issues are getting a it worrying though...
And thanks! I didn't realize my Hero ROM had such a reputation haha.
pogibry said:
For the screen, the fingerprints have been less of an issue than my tbolt, but they are still there. I thought the screen really was "scratch proof" until I had it in a bag with my keys and I saw a little scratch right in the effing MIDDLE of the screen! Needless to say, I ordered a matte screen protector and will see if it kills the awesome-ness of how the screen looks and displays.
I honestly cannot agree more with what has already been said about this awesome phone. After coming from my tbolt with a rezound battery (i still use it to this day) and it's crappy battery life to this phone has totally restored my confidence in using smartphones. Instead of thinking "if i play this emulator or watch this video, I'll have to charge it again", I say "I will play this emulator or watch this video and not care because the battery WILL last". I know I sound crazy here, but the battery really is that good. In fact, it's that reason that I haven't rooted and put on a custom ROM because I'm afraid something will happen.
Performance wise, it is just plain sick. It runs the PSXEmulator tons smoother than my TBolt and sense is just awesome. I would consider rooting just for the dual-core mod where the second cpu is always running except for when the screen is off, but again, bye-bye insane battery life (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Physical feel of phone is sweet; the thinness is good and the material is nice; except for that bloody top back shiny cover that drives us OCD guys nuts with fingerprints :O But I did order a case because I'm afraid if I drop it, it will go bye-bye.
I researched heavily this phone and the galaxy nexus and from what I could tell, the nexus didn't have the same power as this phone and because of that, people complained that it ran slower than it should. Also the battery was only so-so.
I have yet to look back and do not regret the money I spent
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It looks like the battery usage will be insane for me. All these use-cases appear to be with heavy usage and good battery life, so I can't wait to see what my mild usage will result in.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm loving reading all these experiences!
No signal is fine for me as I'm in a well covered area. I could be a tad stronger but that's about it.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
ckoadiyn said:
No signal is fine for me as I'm in a well covered area. I could be a tad stronger but that's about it.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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My 3D would always kill itself trying to find signal where I live. I'm hoping that won't be an issue with the LTE.
Amazon has some great prices on this phone in and out of contract.
pogibry said:
For the screen, the fingerprints have been less of an issue than my tbolt, but they are still there. I thought the screen really was "scratch proof" until I had it in a bag with my keys and I saw a little scratch right in the effing MIDDLE of the screen! Needless to say, I ordered a matte screen protector and will see if it kills the awesome-ness of how the screen looks and displays.
I honestly cannot agree more with what has already been said about this awesome phone. After coming from my tbolt with a rezound battery (i still use it to this day) and it's crappy battery life to this phone has totally restored my confidence in using smartphones. Instead of thinking "if i play this emulator or watch this video, I'll have to charge it again", I say "I will play this emulator or watch this video and not care because the battery WILL last". I know I sound crazy here, but the battery really is that good. In fact, it's that reason that I haven't rooted and put on a custom ROM because I'm afraid something will happen.
Performance wise, it is just plain sick. It runs the PSXEmulator tons smoother than my TBolt and sense is just awesome. I would consider rooting just for the dual-core mod where the second cpu is always running except for when the screen is off, but again, bye-bye insane battery life (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Physical feel of phone is sweet; the thinness is good and the material is nice; except for that bloody top back shiny cover that drives us OCD guys nuts with fingerprints :O But I did order a case because I'm afraid if I drop it, it will go bye-bye.
I researched heavily this phone and the galaxy nexus and from what I could tell, the nexus didn't have the same power as this phone and because of that, people complained that it ran slower than it should. Also the battery was only so-so.
I have yet to look back and do not regret the money I spent
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I'm running the nocturnal Rom and it has the dual core going but honestly I haven't noticed a difference. ....you should check it out.....it's been the smoothest for me so far
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2
I dont mind the killing of apps as much as I do the tabs in the web browser..sometimes esp. With online banking I run into issues..it happens pretty much instantly..I've adjusted my min free settings as well as flashed about every rom besides aosp and my phone still kills apps like that's its job..I would just like the option to adjust it or have it ignore my web browser as I'm pretty good about closing things out..buts that's my only issue and it will be fixed..the build is bar none and battery is sick..camera is on par with top cell phone cameras and the UI in the camera app is best in class..i never miss a shot ..it will be good to see u in here liquid..to defend against the trolls and fanboys LOL

