[**OFFICIAL DELL HC ROLLING OUT?**] Streak7 Community Looking for Assistance/Devs - Android

According to several members that have contacted DELL, the official Honeycomb OTA is supposed to roll out within 48 hours.
We'd love to have someone there w/ HC experience to help us tweak things out and get it flashed!
Hello fellow xda members,
I know many devs and community members are busy enjoying and developing for many new shiny phones and tablet, but today i turn and ask for your help.
There is a small community of DELL Streak 7 owners along with ONE DEV who are trying to bring some life and a lot of improvements into our small and pitiful tablet running Tegra2.
Our current Honeycomb 3.2 build is running off the XOOM dump. We have some features and errors that of course, because there is no native dump for the streak, are having problems fixing.
I come asking as a poor newb, because i really tried to learn how to learn to modify ROMs and i couldn't do it, for your support.
Our one and only dev right now is DJ_Steve (Click here for profile), who has done and continues to do a freaking amazing job. He has achieved what many thought was not possible; making honeycomb work for our small tablet.
If any of you guys out there have any time and ability to spare, we would REALLY appreciate your support and expertise.
DELL has said they would release a HC update, but as we know, so has every other android manufacturer; most lie.
So, I come representing many, and humbly ask, will you help us out?
If you feel as though you can, please do not hesitate to contact DJ_Steve or visit our small part of paradise, as our link is below.
******7/29 UPDATE*********
We would truly really appreciate the support of any and all developers who can contribute in any possible way.
If it's of any incentive, you can now get the DELL Streak 7 @ Staples for $200+Tax after you apply this $100 coupon:
Thank you for your time & Best Regards,
You can find more information here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=970
Here is our HoneyStreak7 thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1088225

kickin it up

Up again. We now have an additional dev onboard as well as some members who've started learning android rom compiling!
Please don't hesitate to post on our forums or contact me or dj_steve if you can help out

would be nice to get more devs working on the streak7. I would be happy if one could get gingerbread running on it.


Athena Android Bounty Thread

After spending a huge amount of time trying to get a working android to boot on the athena I am thinking that maybe if enough people are interested in donating we can get some devs interested in helping us.
Initially I would like to get android 2.0 to work, my thinking is to firstly get people to commit to donate to getting android to boot.
The other option is to get enough together to buy a 2nd hand athena to donate to a dev to work on.
Please post here if you wish to donate to the project and how much you are willing to pledge.
Devs: PM me for details of the relevant git etc if you are interested in this.
Donation list:
Avengerpenguin £20
UniversalCitizen £20
Hey I just made another donation - as drewid - and I am excited that you are talking about this and working on it. Thank you!
I saw your twitter post a little while back and was wondering if you had finally got a working build tested after losing your adapter? I am so psyched for Android but I know it will be a while still.
I am going back to the drawing board this evening to test more WM ROMS since my current one and the last 4 before it have not seemed stable. I feel like I am nearing the end of my patience for Windows Mobile at this point, but I like the device. I have to get it stable and with enough features to keep on using it.
If you don't mind me asking, do you still like WM? If you had to recommend a best ROM to use on my 7501 which one would YOU recommend? I just want reasonable speed and good web browsing, stability. I can add SPB Mobile shell again for pizazz since I bought it a while back but it doesn't always seem stable on recent ROMS.
Thank you again for working so hard on this and all your ROMS work! I wish I knew development so I could help out more.
-=Drew / UniversalCitizen
UniversalCitizen said:
Hey I just made another donation - as drewid - and I am excited that you are talking about this and working on it. Thank you!
I saw your twitter post a little while back and was wondering if you had finally got a working build tested after losing your adapter? I am so psyched for Android but I know it will be a while still.
I am going back to the drawing board this evening to test more WM ROMS since my current one and the last 4 before it have not seemed stable. I feel like I am nearing the end of my patience for Windows Mobile at this point, but I like the device. I have to get it stable and with enough features to keep on using it.
If you don't mind me asking, do you still like WM? If you had to recommend a best ROM to use on my 7501 which one would YOU recommend? I just want reasonable speed and good web browsing, stability. I can add SPB Mobile shell again for pizazz since I bought it a while back but it doesn't always seem stable on recent ROMS.
Thank you again for working so hard on this and all your ROMS work! I wish I knew development so I could help out more.
-=Drew / UniversalCitizen
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Ive got a new adaptor and feel that I am getting close to compiling a working 2.6.31 kernel for the athena, but am trying to learn linux at the same time, making my progress slow.
Yes I still like windows mobile, its just that with lennie now cooking as well I decided to spend my time trying to get android to work after running on my blackstone. My thinking for me as my athena is a second device that with android I could almost have the equivilent of a dell/archos android tablet without any outlay.
To be honest I havent flashed any new roms to my athena for a while and am still using my last release.
Hopefully there will be plenty of time to help once we get to a working build and there will be a lot of testing etc to do
Just donated to the cause
Hello Avengerpenguin,
Just made a donation from an email address beginning with 'wide' and ending with '.com' would of made it sooner but was waiting for payday.
Lets hope we can get a working version sometime soon or I might have to go crazy and get the HTC Desire when it arrives. (if it's not got the same issues as it's Nexus sibling that is)
Oberth said:
Hello Avengerpenguin,
Just made a donation from an email address beginning with 'wide' and ending with '.com' would of made it sooner but was waiting for payday.
Lets hope we can get a working version sometime soon or I might have to go crazy and get the HTC Desire when it arrives. (if it's not got the same issues as it's Nexus sibling that is)
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Many thanks for the donation, I have had confirmation of the donation and will keep it in the kitty for the android dev, I like you really hope for a working android either by my doing or from someone else, unfortunately work has dictated that my android work in on the back burner for probably another week or so, but will get back to it as soon as I can
I will probably get a htc desire in april when released on orange to use for work, looks like a great device.
I am willing to test!
If you need a tester, I would like to do so.
I have an X7510 which I only use for music, and that even only in imergency if my MP3 playe is out of power!

[OT] Farewell and a Thank You

I have upgraded to the SG3 and have left the DX2 behind. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of the devs that took my useless POS phone and made it the best it could be considering the circumstances. I also wanted to thank all of the other members of the community for posting helpful tips, walkthroughs, guides, etc. that allowed a noob like me to ROM-it-up with my DX2. Best of luck to everyone and hopefully you wont have to suffer through the disgusting lack of support that Moto provides for much longer. :crying:
Thanks Again,
Mikey, gl with your device and all the bells and whistles you will be trying to have it do.
I am sure the DX2 community wouldn't mind you stopping in from time to time and maybe helping someone else out from what you learned with your time here.
All the best!

Thank you XDA, for making me what I am today

Yes yes, this is a life story thread, but I want to chronicle how far we have come in the last few months, and the incredible teamwork this community has.
Around march, I got my Galaxy Player for the first time. With the galssy eyes of a techno geek unwrapping his new gadgets, I tore open the box, and beheld my shiny new toy, something, which I did now know at the time, that would take me far beyond my wildest dreams of technical success. Of course I bricked it withing the first 3 hours, "accidentally" deleting ALL the dalvik control settings from build.prop, and not having adb installed at the time, or even knowing what the heck Odin was, spent a merry 7-8 hours trying to get my prized posession back to it's stock state. I probably repartitioned and flash over 50 times that night, which was also when I flashed the INTL bootloader off of zaclimon's thread (little knowing that I would have a healthy partnership with him in just a few months), and thet next morning, I was back in business.
Of course I crack-flashed ALL the rom's there were for the 4.0 at the time. Klin's klassic, steve's, rooted stock, whatever I could find. I just couldn't help but feel slightly depressed that there wasn't really much of a dev presence for my new device, and I was more the enviously eyeing the 5.0's ICS builds. So I lurked for a few months, pondering whether I should even activate my dormant XDA account, scared that I was just too much of a noob to actually get help.
One day though, I took the plunge. I decided that I was going to try and get my feet wet in this "xda" thing, and maybe browse general, helping the occaisonal user in distress. Just 1 day later, I posted my first contribution thread, without even having 10 posts! The tweak guide for the Player, how proud I was of it. All the nice tweaks I had enjoyed on my TF and had discovered for my Gplayer, all there for my own personal quick applying.
2 days after that, I began asking klin1344 about ICS, as reading through some threads, I thought I heard some rumours about a secret underground build that may have been surfacing, as well as whether or not SGS (what is that?) tweaks can be used on our player. He pleasantly responded with the fact that no, there was no ICS, and he had never considered using SGS tweaks. Would I like to be his dev partner?
I will not lie to you, this FLOORED me. Little me, the noob who had maybe had is Gplayer for 2 weeks, and barely knew his way around the terminal, being asked by a dev to help him? Easily one of the proudest moments of my XDA career. I signed up immedately, we began discussing, and ended up coming to a mutual agreement that partnering may not be the best idea, as we both had differing opinions on what should constitute a ROM. He was going to let me support Klassic (my favorite rom), and he was going to start a SGSII themed rom (which turned into ICY fusion.
With joy in my heart, I learned the basics I needed from him (such as DD) and began applying all the tweaks I had from my tweaks thread into this rom. I decided to rename it "stratusrom", and include multiple releases. One beta, one weekly, and one stable. This was nixed completely as soon as I learned how hard devving could be, and after a few false starts that long time forum members will remember, and renaming it "stratusrom" and eventually "etherealrom" (hence the celestially-named projects that I am related to, if you guys wanted to know), I began devving. Not much happened here, I released a few iterations, guiding hands such as daniel644 and the dev zaclimon provided their amazing help to the poor little dev who could (me), trying to make a decent rom. At one point, I had a falling out with Klin (whcih I am sure most of you remember, that was a scary night for me, the little dev, being whaled on full-force by a senior-class dev, with both us us threatening to remove our work), but let's not dig up old bones. Long story short, I rethemed my rom, made it not-klassic, and just worked on it until about mid-july.
In the meantime, I was releasing a whole slew of threads documenting my research. Who knew that SGS roms could be easily ported, and that rom creation wasn't scary? I had a blast finding all of these things out, and even gained a small following during this time, as most development had died off, with klin never really getting his heart back into 4.0 development, tdm leaving, and Balor leaving his kernel for good.
Then it happened. I decided to spearhead an ICS initiative (as at the point, while I didn't even know what a compiler was, thought I was knowledgable enought to start something like that), to finally get it working. Ah, the good old days. Me, neyodmiun and zaclimon, swapping ideas, with the occaissonal user popping in to offer advice or to comment on our progress. Around this time, I also began getting support questions, and as I answered them nicely, and genuinely tried to help them beyond the normal "find my help post" and no response afterwards, and ended up getting a reputation as being someone who wouldn't blow off noobs (not that I am accusing anyone of doing so, but I know that some devs do not take users seriously at all). zaclimon offered up the idea of hiring a freelance dev, and that was ultimately accepted as our plan. Enter Oisis.
This is where most of you guys will know me from. With Oisis on board, we booted ICS on august 13th, and were in business after that. I formed a team aptly named "TeamSuperNova", and got to work learning what the heck GCC was, and where the vendor folder went. What's github again?
Not much to tell from here, as the rest is just history.
I want to thank everyone on XDA for making this journey possible. From klin1344, and zaclimon, to goldflame, and all the other users to have taken on the excellent role of support, so that we can work on what really matters, I think I, no WE have accomplished what we wanted. While our entire community is very small, we are all united as a TEAM, working together like clockwork. Some new user has an issue with cm9? The support team is on it right away, and we normally have their issues sorted out in a few hours. Someone wants to start development? Zaclimon, me, or any of the other devs quickly pop in and give them some advice on where to start, and some resources to use. Any PM that I get, however noobish or "silly" it seems, I answer, and most of the time I actually get it resolved. So don't be afraid to speak up and give your opinion or ask for help. That's what we all are here for. To help, and contribute, as much as we can.
Thank you XDA, users, and everyone for making all of this possible. Now that my speech is over, feel free to put up your own personal story, or just discuss.
Where did you actually start to learn to dev? I've been wanting to start and I asked Meticulus (if you remember him, he was part of the old dev family) and all he told me was "Read a lot " Not the best answer.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
You are a great example of what xda members should be like, I also would like to try to follow in your footsteps as I just got my sgp two weeks ago to !
thank you hanthesolo for all your great work!
EcHoFiiVe said:
Where did you actually start to learn to dev? I've been wanting to start and I asked Meticulus (if you remember him, he was part of the old dev family) and all he told me was "Read a lot " Not the best answer.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
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Well quite honestly, I just picked it up here and there. Devving isn't really something you "pick up overnight", or read a how to on. Essentially the best way to learn how to dev, is to do something horrible to one of your devices, and then try to fix it . I can't tell you how much I learned when I bricked my player for the first time. What's Odin? You mean cwm installs WITH the kernel? Just take you're time, try and Google anything you may have questions about, and ask devas anytime you have a problem (hopefully in pm). Other than that, my ROM creation guide may help you get started (although I really need to clean it up), and once you feel confident enough to start compiling, pop me a pm, and I will be happy to guide you through any questions you may have.
spartacus279 said:
You are a great example of what xda members should be like, I also would like to try to follow in your footsteps as I just got my sgp two weeks ago to !
thank you hanthesolo for all your great work!
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Thanks for the compliment! I HATE it when devs get a superiority complex over their users, and basically refuse to talk to them/help them, or do so in an extremely condescending way, which hurts the community more than it helps, especially a small one like this.
To start revving, just refer to my response above, and pop me a pm whenever you need any help .
I've hard bricked my Player twice and I guess I know how to recover from any situation, I know all the things and headaches associated with bricking a player and such. But thanks for your reply!
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app

Looking to buy a nook tablet.

Hi everyone! For those that do not know I have been spearheading the cyanogenMod nook color project. I am looking for information on the custom firmware being developed here, whether we are developing Android 4.1 builds and whatnot.
I would like to know if there is any github repos on the nook tablet being maintained, and how kernel development is going. Would also like to know if anyone has the TI OMAP 4 drivers, sound codec drivers for this device. Would like to start rallying up support on this device as I have found out B&N is getting ready to release an updated nook tablet for B&N. Would like to see some development go towards the cyano boot loader and moved out of alpha development.
I think this project would be a great project to get up and going developing kernels for, if its not being done already, and I will try to use my influence on getting a proper nook tablet forum started down in cyanogenMod and start putting some time in Q&A and helping first time modders in there. I think having a proper forum down there would really help kick start this project.
I am really interested in development for the nook tablet because of the fact it uses the OMAP 4 dual layer processor with an included microSD card slot. Looking to pick me up one real soon if I can get a forum down in cyanogenMod started, and I am really persistent and think I can do so with the administrators. Persistence pays off.
Its also about self fulfilling prophecies. If you know you can do so and put it in writing, it most likely will happen for you. Just takes time and persistence.
Thank you and lets get this thread started! Feel free to PM me also.
Posted some threads and personal emails down in the cyanogenMod forums. Make sure to follow up guys. I know the older and serious developers would rather develop and not post chit chat comments in the forums but you do need to promote you work some.
Also leave some comments in the nook color forums complaining about no nook tablet support at cyanogenmod.
I would love to see some extended development for CM10, even getting CM9 more stable would be a blessing. Most of the CM9 ROMs out there are Kindle ports rather than ones compiled specifically for the Nook.
That said, I'm pretty happy with what we do have for CM10. I'm using it and it works great, but development isn't progressing as fast here as it has been for other devices.
I'm not sure how to answer your questions about the processor and kernel, as I'm not a developer myself (yet), and I don't know if there are any github repos set up yet.
Hey sounds like your really wanting to do this and I'm super happy to see you help out I've always wanted honeycomb lol. Just a suggestion I have 3 roms for the nook tablet if you want to look at my work well not mine I port but i maintain over 13 roms. Its hard if you need anything just shoot me a pm and if you wanna Gtalk that's cool too. I suggest you get the 16gb if you do get the nook tablet only because of the nook tablet 8gb doesn't have some compatible roms. I will be building from source soon
Sent from my LG Spectrum 4G LTE using xda premium
accidental post
I have a 16GB NookTablet I don't use very often, I would be willing to sell. I've got the original cable, charger, and box. $100 (shipping included; US only).
Nook Tablet CM10
It looks like the developer <Rebellos> has a link to his github repo work in this thread here guys. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1480586&page=78
Yes, I would love to see this device take off with android builds. I will keep working on the cyanogenMod team and send them email once a week, will try to tweet cyanogen himself on twitter too. Do not want to spam too hard, lol or they might withhold development out of spite.
With that new B&N nook tablet coming out with them promoting that new touch screen that they are coming out with this 7 inch tablet might be the next big thing for those wanting maximum storage on a tab.
Going to start taking a look on some repos here in the next few weeks for this device.

Hello and Thanks

Just had to say hello and a MASSIVE thanks to everyone here. In particular all the guys and or girls who contribute to AndroWook.
I tried to post a thanks in the 2.31 thread in development but as I am classed as a noob I am not permitted to. (I'll go back and click the thanks buttons).
Until today my TF201 was resigned to it's little case, with only the hope of occasional outings when I wanted to occupy and get some down time from my little man. (the joys of being a parent).
I'm no stranger to unlocking, jailbreaking, modding etc, but became tired of manufacturers dropping updates and support for "older" devices. Maybe I got too lazy to research properly. I migrated from iOS and Android to the Win platform, until today! Thanks to xda-dev and the priceless resources and info I have read in the past 6 hours. I now have a revitalized TP TF201 that is going to get used on a daily basis.
So all I need to do now is:
1. Find a new way to distract the boy when he is getting restless.
2. Blow off the cobwebs and get back into the groove of Unix and Linux.
3. Give some valid and useful input back here.
And last but by no means least......
c4tatonic said:
Just had to say hello and a MASSIVE thanks to everyone here. In particular all the guys and or girls who contribute to AndroWook.
I tried to post a thanks in the 2.31 thread in development but as I am classed as a noob I am not permitted to. (I'll go back and click the thanks buttons).
Until today my TF201 was resigned to it's little case, with only the hope of occasional outings when I wanted to occupy and get some down time from my little man. (the joys of being a parent).
I'm no stranger to unlocking, jailbreaking, modding etc, but became tired of manufacturers dropping updates and support for "older" devices. Maybe I got too lazy to research properly. I migrated from iOS and Android to the Win platform, until today! Thanks to xda-dev and the priceless resources and info I have read in the past 6 hours. I now have a revitalized TP TF201 that is going to get used on a daily basis.
So all I need to do now is:
1. Find a new way to distract the boy when he is getting restless.
2. Blow off the cobwebs and get back into the groove of Unix and Linux.
3. Give some valid and useful input back here.
And last but by no means least......
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You're welcome :good:
Since I am in the same position as c4tatonic, I also like to say that I DO appreciate the work of the people who use their spare time to code ROMs for left-behind devices.
Although some of these may do this just because they can and because it is more interesting than painting by numbers.
Thank you for your effort. No, I haven't decided which ROM to use, but PAC seems to be the one for me. Nightly or Stable? Hrmhrm.
(Didn't want to open another thread for this)
yea really nice to see that some developers still support this device and do a better job in managing the performance issues of this tablet tha asus..... i keep my tf201 till it dies; it does everything i want for a tablet!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

