[Q] Developing a non-market App with updates - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello all,
I'm a developer (with less experience) for a company which is developing an app which will be side loaded on devices which are to be distributed. I've read about, and tested some methods with linking Android Market apps to sideloaded apps, provided they have the same signature and .apk file name, but our company does not want market exposure for this app.
My idea is as follows:
1. App checks an ftp server running in some location for a file with version info to see if the current version matches the version on the device.
2. App downloads .apk and relevant data to device
3. App then triggers some sort of "update" which will install the new .apk and replace the necessary data.
Alternatively, what is typically done in this instance when someone wants to update a non-market app? The Amazon App store is an example of a non-market app which updates itself, so I know it's been done before.
How does one go about writing a class which will update the app that it's currently running in? Are there any tutorials or code walk-throughs for this?
Any help from fellow developers is appreciated.

Look at this links:

Thank you for the links - I've been toying with code since then.
But wow, it seems there is very little information out there about this . . .

If you don't want to maintain you own update server, you may try this: auto-update-apk.com
Android client is open-source under Apache 2.0 license, so you may see how it works and make any changes, if necessary, before incorporating into your own project or using it as a starting point of your project.


Developing apps for GN2

I see that most development chat here is for system software, kernel, etc.
I would like to begin writing apps for the Android OS. I have a GN2.
I've installed Eclipse and have installed the last few SDK versions.
I eventually want to build an app that will allow a user to log into a web site and retrieve data from a database file on the web server using other phones also.
I'm an old Visual Basic programmer and have a little C# familiarity. Don't know much Java at all.
What else might I need to download and install into Eclipse to be able to write an app to access a database file on a server?
Anyone know of any app templates that can I can download and start off from to learn the process of writing such an app?
The database will be mySQL probably. Could be an Access or Sql Server file.
Thanks in advance,

Urgently XDA Developer needed on partnership basis

Hi All,
I am looking for someone to help create .apk for Android boxes.
This will be an ongoing partnership as we will update the apk with regular update every month which should automatically show on clients box.
If you think you are the right person and have time on your hands to create apk please let us know.
I would also like to know about how the firmwares can be altered on android boxes.
If you have hands on customised XBMC and other live streaming links we would like to create them as well within the apk and XBMC.
The main thing I am after is creating 1 or max of 3 files which will
1. Root the android box
2. Install the new apk file/firmware
3. Install the customised XBMC with our logo, etc.
I am looking at a quick option to connect android box with computer and run the files to achieve the above points.
Looking for a favourable reply.

[APP][MOD] Remove device/OS check

Hi i've been browsing the forum trying to find a solution but however i'm limited by my knowledge.
Basicly there is an Game/app made built by GameMaker but the target system was not meant to support AndroidTV. I'm trying to run this game on my nvidia shield.
I sideloaded the app and whenever i launch it i see the background of the game as if it was going to work and then the app crash and i get the following error message :
Incorrect android target. This executable targets android TV devices. This build is for android".
I've download Apk Studio / Apk tool and i tried to find out in the code where would that check happen and how i can allow AndroidTv devices to run this app. However i don't see much in the manifest file that would stop the app from running in AndroidTv.
Anyone out there with more knowledge can chime in and give some ideas ?
Here is a link to the app i'm trying to modify.
Thank you

SettingsDeployer - voguemaster

I came across this android app from voguemaster which will download a zip and the extract the zip to update the android kodi files, essentially installing a new 'build'.
Now I understand that a lot of the addons etc from the build it currently downloads are probably not supported and I'm not interested in that anyway. I wanted to change it to update my own build (without unsupported addons) for my friends, so when I make an update they can update as well without me having to pop over their house with my USB stick.
Unfortunately, although I worked out what to change in the app via Android Suite to link to my 'build', i wasn't able to sign and pack the apk because the gradle was out of date - and then I had some warnings about some code being out of date as well. I guess that's to be expected from an apk that's had little or no support since 2015.
My question is, would anyone be interested/able to fork this apk so it will work? I had a go myself but I really don't have a clue what I'm doing beyond the very basics!

Develop operations to website inside Android App

I want to do operations to specific website like go to website, login in a specific site and collect some information.
I do this with Selenium in a Microservice but I want to do it inside the Android App. I read the selendroid documentation but selendroid software need to connect Android to the PC.
Do you know some software for doing this process?
Is possible open a hidden webview and work like Selenium?

