[Q] apkmanager decompile error NOT a system apk - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi i have been trying to decompile the latest version of gameboid so that i can edit the xml so the app shows in my xperia play launcher, but every time i try to decompile i get the message "an error has occured check the log" so i check the log and since i don't know anything about knowing what is wrong i uploaded the log.txt
and before you ask
YES i have the latest version of jdk, android sdk AND apkmanager
and YES i used google search AND a search of the entire android forum and found NOTHING but errors because of decompiling SYSTEM apks and i was NOT using a system apk
can anyone tell me why this is happening and how i can fix this, because i can not make any sense of this whatsoever
also the location of apkmanager is c:\apkmanager
and the install location of android sdk, and JDK is left at the default
i'm using windows 7 64 bit


i just tried to decompile some other apks (nesoid, snesoid, n64oid, and gensoid) and bet the same problem.
anybody got any ideas?

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Have you tried another pc? If you don't have access get virtualbox and run a version of linux. At the very least you would be able to rule out problems with your windows config.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App


Problem with JBed (Java emulator) when trying to run a java game.....

I have a Live with walkman running gingerbread but I have installed Cyanogenmod 7.2
The thing is that when I try to run a java game with this app (JBed), the following message appears:
"Prompt that the midlet is running out of memory".
I tried with different games but none seems to work. Is it really working this app? (JBed) Because I can't run any java game on my phone and I want to do it. Please help.
Try to convert it to apk. For tutorials u can googling. Good luck...
Sent from my GT-S5570 using Tapatalk 2
You dont need convert it to apk.only install latest version of jbed and copy his lib to lib directory . Search this in google JBed_build_195487_hs_mod.apk
If you dont find any file.i can give u a link of working jbed.
Good luck
mn31pro said:
You dont need convert it to apk.only install latest version of jbed and copy his lib to lib directory . Search this in google JBed_build_195487_hs_mod.apk
If you dont find any file.i can give u a link of working jbed.
Good luck
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To the OP, this version of the app mentioned above does work. Strange though, I don't know why the other ones didn't.
One thing though, why is landscape mode in JBed all glitchy? I finally found a game that matches the resolution of my phone exactly, or, it would, if it were in landscape mode. It's stuck in portrait mode, and now I can't see more than half the game. And when I turn my phone to enter landscape mode, the image looks all weird and glitchy. This wouldn't be a problem for me if I could somehow upscale a game with a smaller screen size, but I can't seem to do that either.
I want java emulator for my SE sk17i android 4.0.4 please help me
help me
help me please
help me
help me
Sent using Xperia Active and XDA app.

[Q] Modding an APK, fail to install some modded apk, help please

hi Im steve and im quite a noob,
I wanted to post this under the android forum for Android software and hacking discussion or development tools, but I dont know which one is the most right place. the hacking discussion said "no noob here please" so I posted it here.
I tried modding some APK to make the app able to be multi view (tutorial : http://forums.androidcentral.com/verizon-galaxy-note-2/236929-how-edit-apps-use-multi-window.html ), I succeed modding 8tracks.apk, musicxmatch.apk but then when I tried to do it to LINE (NAVER) and installed it, it said "app was not installed".
so I tried answering that it is a system tool while building the apk, and it still doesnt work.
can anyone help me?
oh, and I have some question also
why some people said to not sign a system tool apk? while from what ive read, android cannot install an unsigned apk.
and also can anyone help me to mod the NAVER/LINE Games to stop checking if i am a rooted device?
I just tried editing the androidmanifest again with notepad++(before was with notepad) for LINE (modding for multivew), and now I solved the problem that I had (app was not installed).
now it is installed but I cannot run it, it just shows black screen and messed up my launcher. (TSF launcher restart everytime I launch the LINE and the LINE close after black screen).

[T] "package was not signed correctly" when downloading an app of mine

I've uploaded my first apk to Google Play, made with processing 2.03.
I used this guide to sign: http://www.akeric.com/blog/?p=1352
After a few hours, when the app was visible, when trying to install, I get the "package was not signed correctly".
I'v tried it on another device rather than the one used for testing and I have the same issue.
1. is there a way to test apk's faster? It could take up to 12-24 hours for the new apk to be updated on Google Play, and that's what I have to wait to see if I now signed my apk correctly.
2. can you download the app and see if you get that issue?
3. does it matter what information you input when you create the release key using jdk? I mean, does google check against information you use in your Google Play publisher's account and then gives that error?
4. is there an alternate way of signing my apk? obviously this manual method is no good for a noob.
I am using win 7 64 bit, latest jdk7 at the time of writing, latest android sdk with just api level 10 installed, latest version of apache ant (installed manually).
here's the fix
To anyone having this issue, STOP USING JDK 7 and install JDK 6.
Not only JDK7 outputs some warnings when you sign your apk that "the internets" say they're safe and should work anyway, but they will generate badly signed apks that malfunction when you try to install off google play saying the "package was not signed correctly".

[Q] Issues with reverse engineering APK

Im having issues with reverse engineering an apk file where the compiled apk ends up timing out with a black screen whenever its opened.
What advise would you guys have for me? I am using apktools and also tried dex2jar and jdgui(I think its called) but still not working or maybe I just cant figure out how to use eclipse properly because I'm a bit of a novice to java/android development.

[HELP] Decompile APK, fix, Recompile help

Hi, before all, sorry for my poor English.
I have buyed a new Android Watch; the SmartWatch U8. I have found many Android app to run it but nothing have great result.
After few test and search I have found the original APK for my watch, is run good but have some problems and I want improve it.
I have decompiled the APK (APK to ZIP, dex2jar and APK Tool), I have now some .jar files, the .manifest and few assets and others ressources.
Using Android Studio, I have tried to recompile, without modification of code. I have many, many errors.
Some errors is about depriciated, others is for unknown command or class.
I have tried to fix, but no chance, too many errors and my Java skill is realy low (I'm better under PHP). I have also try to copy only few codes using the error tools to known what is needed to add, but I don't known own the default structure was made (all class in same folder ?, or many folder for many class ? less class but with more actions ? not sure)
I have tried all ideas I have found, no valid result, I never build the app with success. I have made few Android App, with help of tutorials and are very basic (Web browser for my website, music player and scanner). I known the basic of Android coding and the new and old way to code them (Eclipse and Android Studio).
I search many solutions;
- [easy] Find another app with all (or the most) of needed change I want; hide the notification text but keep the icon when connected, more control of what is sending to watch (keep notice of call, but not make/answer call over the watch)
- [medium/hard] Find a good tutorial/guide for rebuild a Android app from decompiled APK.
- [hard] Build from scratch a Android app for my watch (with tutorial/guide)
The APK I try to edit: levelkro (dot) com/download/android/KHR1.3.22.apk (not available on Play Store)
Thank for your help

