[Q] How do I set the hostname? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How do I manually assign my phone a hostname on my wlan?
I've gone through all the other threads on XDA but none seem to actually work.
I've tried setprop net.hostname galaxys2
(can check this with getprop net.hostname)
and I've edited system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf and added hostname galaxys2 and ddns-hostname galaxys2
but still no result, anyone got any ideas?

this works for me. just add the below to the end of system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf
# custom hostname
obviously, change the part "CHANGETHISTOSOMETHINGELSE" to the descriptive hostname that you want
note: make sure the file permission remains the same as before

can you tell me more how tho chang the dhcpcd.conf file, i try to use terminal, but the VI command was not found.

zeus_19 said:
can you tell me more how tho chang the dhcpcd.conf file, i try to use terminal, but the VI command was not found.
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adb pull to your desktop, edit the file in notepad, finally adb push back the file

desean said:
this works for me. just add the below to the end of system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf
# custom hostname
obviously, change the part "CHANGETHISTOSOMETHINGELSE" to the descriptive hostname that you want
note: make sure the file permission remains the same as before
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Thanks. That's exactly what I wanted.

zeus_19 said:
can you tell me more how tho chang the dhcpcd.conf file, i try to use terminal, but the VI command was not found.
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Remember it's case sensitive. The exact steps I just followed are as follows:
1. Install Dropbear SSH server. (Needs root)
2. SSH in (I use puttytray on Windows) and login as root (password given in Dropbear)
3. `mount -o rw,remount /system` to make the conf file writeable
4. `vi /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf`
5. Hit 'I' to enter input mode. Scroll down to the last line and type 'hostname Georges-GSII'
6. Press 'Esc' to exit input mode, then type ':w' and ':q'. It should NOT give an error saying the file is read only.
7. `mount -o ro,remount /system` to mount it read only as it should be
8. Stop the SSH server and restart wifi (just turn it off and on again)

deed02392 said:
Remember it's case sensitive. The exact steps I just followed are as follows:
1. Install Dropbear SSH server. (Needs root)
2. SSH in (I use puttytray on Windows) and login as root (password given in Dropbear)
3. type `mount -o rw,remount /system` press enter to make the conf file writeable
4. type `vi /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf`press enter
5. Hit 'I' to enter input mode. Scroll down to the last line and type 'hostname Georges-GSII'
6. Press 'Esc' to exit input mode, then type ':w' press enter and type ':q'. press enter It should NOT give an error saying the file is read only.
7. type `mount -o ro,remount /system` press enter to mount it read only as it should be
8. Stop the SSH server and restart wifi (just turn it off and on again)
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dhcpcd.conf has new entry, hostname Nexus but still host name is androidthensumnumber ....so the above did not work for me


[GUIDE] Basic Unix/Linux command to use with ADB SHELL

So I have been reading quite a few threads here on XDA, and the one thing I noticed for noobs to linux/unix world is that they are struggling with some basic command once adb shell is gained. I decided to whip out this quick tutorial to help those noobs out to become more of an expert...like me...lol j/k
Here we go:
You must know how to invoke a adb shell command already to drop into your phone.
ALL commands in Unix/Linux are case sensitive
For more details, go to this ADB tutorial (very good one): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=517874
Let's get going:
Once a shell is gained via adb, let's look at some of the basic commands you can do to navigate around the filesystem. Note: you must remove the double-quotes (") for the actual command.
"cd" = is change directory
to change to any directory, you type: cd dir_name (where dir_name is a full path)
Example: I want to go to /data/local/tmp in my phone, I would do
cd /data/local/tmp <hit ENTER>
You can also use the ".." to go UP one directory.
Example: I'm in /data/local/tmp and I want to go up to /data folder, a command would be: cd ../.. alternatively, if I do cd .. then i'll drop into /data/local folder instead.
"ls" = list files/directories
to list files/directories within a folder, the command should be:
ls <hit enter> => this will list all NON-HIDDEN file/directories within your CURRENT directory.
ls /data/local/tmp => this will list all NON-HIDDEN file/directories within /data/local/tmp directory.
ls -l => this will list all NON-HIDDEN file/directories within your CURRENT directory, plus additional details. Consider this is like a "Details" view in Windows Explorer.
ls -a => this will list all files/directories (including hidden files) within your CURRENT directory.
ls -la => this will list all files/directories (including hidden files) within your CURRENT directory, plus details.
"chmod" = change mode
Goes to wikipedia for more details: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Chmod
Most commonly used modes on android phones are:
"755" or "777".
So if you have a root.sh shell script that you downloaded from XDA, and uploaded to your phone and try to execute it with ./root.sh and it said "Permission denied". That means your script does not have the execute permission. You need to do:
chmod 755 root.sh <hit enter>
[B]IMPORTANT: There is *NO* negative sign (-) in front of the mode bit. So it is NOT chmod -755 root.sh[/B]
If you get a "File or directory not found" error, which means you are chmod-ing a file that doesn't exist in your current directory. To execute a chmod on root.sh in /data/local/tmp you do:
chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/root.sh
If you want to chmod an ENTIRE DIRECTORY and ALL files underneath it you do:
chmod -R 755 /data/local/tmp => this will set /data/local/tmp and ALL files/folders underneath it to be 755.
"chown" = change ownership
Go to wikipedia for details: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Chown
Most common used chown for android is: "root:root" or "root:shell"
Example: if you want to change ownership of root.sh to root:shell then you do:
chown root:shell root.sh
NOTE: the -R (recursive) option is also available for chown.
chown -R root:shell /data/local/tmp
"pwd" = print working directory
so when you are within a directory and you want to know which directory you are in, then you issue the command:
pwd <hit enter>
The system will reply back with the currently directory you are in.
I'll try to add more if I think of anything else useful, or if you have suggestions, please feel free to add.
so what does it mean to add adb to your path? thats holding me back from temp rooting on my mac. Im a total adb noob clearly.
hockey4life0099 said:
so what does it mean to add adb to your path? thats holding me back from temp rooting on my mac. Im a total adb noob clearly.
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The easiest way to explain it is that you can run ADB from anywhere...do a search and you can find a more detailed (and more proper) explanation and directions on how to set it up.
hockey4life0099 said:
so what does it mean to add adb to your path? thats holding me back from temp rooting on my mac. Im a total adb noob clearly.
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What OS are you using?
vboyz103 said:
What OS are you using?
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Like I said, do a search on XDA...there's a great guide on how to set up ADB properly. I'll link to it tomorrow when I get on the computer.
-- Sent from my 3VO Shooter --
hockey4life0099 said:
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If you use mac, open a Terminal, and you should be at your home directory and type:
nano ~/.profile
if the .profile doesn't exist yet, then you'll see an empty.
Put this into the file
export PATH
save and exit out of Nano, and type:
source ~/.profile
then after this type adb and if adb is in your PATH then you see adb help.
Overview Of Permissions via ADB SHELL
Example = drwxrwxrwx
To Check Permission at anytime in ADB just Type:
ls -l
The First character defines the Directory, Link, Binary.
Below are some examples
Example = d---------
d = Directory
l = Link
b = Binary
The next 9 characters define the file permissions. These permissions are
given in groups of 3 each.
The first 3 characters are the permissions for the owner of the file or directory.
Example = -rwx------
The next 3 are permissions for the group that the file is owned by.
Example = ----rwx---
The final 3 characters define the access permissions for everyone not part of the group.
Example = -------rwx
There are 3 possible attributes that make up file access permissions.
r - Read permission. Whether the file may be read. In the case of a
directory, this would mean the ability to list the contents of the
w - Write permission. Whether the file may be written to or modified. For
a directory, this defines whether you can make any changes to the contents
of the directory. If write permission is not set then you will not be able
to delete, rename or create a file.
x - Execute permission. Whether the file may be executed. In the case of a
directory, this attribute decides whether you have permission to enter,
run a search through that directory or execute some program from that
In addition to the file permission, you can also modify the owner and
group of the file. The chown program is used here and its syntax is very
simple. You need to be the owner of a file or root to do this.
Understanding Owner Permissions:
The first command is for owner ID, the Second Command is for Group ID.
exp. root.root ( First Root is owner, Second Root is Group ).
Chmod 644 some file, Like Build.prop For testing & then Veiw the Resulted Changes!
Refer to the table below as a quick reference.
Command Line for Both would look like this
chmod 644 build.prop = -rw-r--r--
Chmod Guide
0 - ---
1 - --x
2 - -w-
3 - -wx
4 - r--
5 - r-x
6 - rw-
7 - rwx
SH Chown Guide
chown root.root build.prop
root.root = Root
root.shell = Shell
Busybox SH Chown Guide
chown 0.0 build.prop
0.0 = Root
0.2000 = Shell
I'll update the chmod with more with More Complex Commands Later
Side Note:Always set owner ( chown ) before Setting Permissions ( Chmod )!
Hope this Clears up things & is Helpful to everyone
Add adb to your path in Windows.
As has been explained above all it does is allowing your adb to be called out from any location.
To set it in windows you will need to add path to your adb.exe file to your PATH in widows XP or CLASSPATH in windows7.
You can find it in start->contro panel->system->advanced.
There is a tab called "Inviromental Variables".
Click on that tab and new window will pop up. New window has 2 field in it. We are interested in bottom field called "System variables".
Windows XP user should look for line with variable "Path".
Click that line and choose edit below. New pop up will apear and you can edit path line in there. You should add path to your adb.exe to that line.
I did install windows sdk in c:\android\android-sdx-windows so my adb.exe file is in that folder. I did add path to that folder in "Paht" line of system variables. Add path to your adb.exe after semicolon.
;c:\Location\of folder\where you have\adb exe file\
Save changes, apply them. Now you can use call for adb commands from any location.
Widows 7 users.
Same changed need to be appied as for Windows XP.
There is only one difference that that path in Inviromental variables in windows7 is called "CLASSPATH".
Rest is same. Just add the path to folder containing your adb.exe file to CLASSPATH line and you would be able to use adb in any location.
Hope this make sense and will help.
My mac keeps sayin no device but I can access adb from anywhere basically its in my path but won't pick up my phone
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
snoopy1e11 said:
My mac keeps sayin no device but I can access adb from anywhere basically its in my path but won't pick up my phone
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Make sure your phone is in debugging mode.
ADB won't see phone if debugging is not enabled.
It is on
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
I'm a windows user.
Can't think of anything else.
agat63 said:
Make sure your phone is in debugging mode.
ADB won't see phone if debugging is not enabled.
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If you have USB debugging turned on, you should see a triangle with exclamation mark on task bar. Secondly, try to do this:
adb kill-server => kill off current server first
sudo adb devices => u need to enter password
Basically, you are running adb with escalated privilege, sometimes it needs root access.
This is Wat I got
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
snoopy1e11 said:
This is Wat I got
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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hmmm interesting...just wondering if you have your device turned on to be disk usage instead of just Charge Only?
Check on your desktop to see if you SD card had mounted, not sure if it makes a difference but worth a try. Another thought is that maybe your USB port doesn't work?? Did you check your phone to see if you have a triangle with exclamation mark in it on the task bar? (to the left)
Also, try it on a different computer if u can, and if it still doesn't work, afraid urs is defective.
I really appreciate ur help I re did the sudo command and hit "adb devices connect" and my device popped up
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
snoopy1e11 said:
I really appreciate ur help I re did the sudo command and hit "adb devices connect" and my device popped up
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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Ha, interesting cuz I never have to issue that command. Good to know you got it to work.

[SOLVED] Changing MAC Address: Ideos U8150-D

Hi there,
After flashing new ROMS to my 3 Huawei Ideos u8150 devices (gingerman v7) I found that the ips that were dynamically obtained and the MAC addresses were all identical. This means that two of the devices must be turned off for the third to be able to access the internet. So I was wondering how to change this so that the three devices can work independently?
Cheers Qwertyuiop23
EDIT:: Yup I narrowed the problem to conflicting MAC adresses and have the original mac addresses found also. Now I am trying edit the nvram.txt file with these new addresses. However, I am trouble moving the file to the SD card has I do not read write permissions tot he sd card and when I try to mount it the file cannot be found in the procs/mnt folder.
EDIT 2: Now solved see last post for solution.
Ok I solved the problem and now all three devices are working correctly.
The problem was that when I flashed the gingerman v7 to all 3 devices I flashed the same MAC Address to them all. This meant that if two of the devices were trying to access the market/internet at any one time they connection would fail as the router could not distinguish between the 2 devices (and therefore assign different IP addresses). So obviously this was the problem to be solved.
These are the steps that I took to sole the problem (obviously assumes you have root and busybox):
1. Turn WIFI OFF!! Open up terminal
2. Type
3. Type
mount -o remount,rw /system
. This allows you to read and write in the system directory.
4. Type
mount -o remount,rw /mnt/sdcard
. This part caused me a lot of trouble as I at first couldn't find the sdcard mount as in gingerbread it has CHANGED from /sdcard to /mnt/sdcard (I think).
5. Type
busybox cp /system/etc/firmware/nvram.txt /system
. This is making a backup of the file, just in case.
6. Type
busybox cp /system/nvram.txt /mnt/sdcard
7. Exit the terminal and connect the phone to the computer using USB cable then allow USB storage.
8. Open up the nvram.txt file on the sdcard on the computer USING NOTEPAD++ (VERY IMPORTANT TO DO THIS as the regular notepad stuffs up the encoding)
9. Edit the line the has mcaddr = to the MAC address needed. Make sure it has the same format as the current one, ie xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx where the x's represent numbers/letters.
10. Now remove the USB cable
11. Open terminal backup
12. Type
13. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
14. Type
busybox mv /mnt/sdcard/nvram.txt /system/etc/firmware
15. Exit terminal and turn WIFI on.
16. Your MAC adress will now have changed. To check go to Wifi settings -> (press options button) -> advanced and check MAC address.
- If you can't read/write to sdcard MAKE SURE THERE IS AN SDCARD!!!!!!! (I did this)
- For the Huawei Ideos u8150-D the MAC Address is under the battery
- I know there are a lot of steps but that is only because I have tried to break them down as much as possible so they are easy to follow.
And that's how I solved my problem. I also had problems flashing clockworkmod so if you have problems give us a shout and I'll help you out.

[How To] Disable Auto-mount on boot

Hi All, just got the NT for a week and has been busy reading and learning. Thanks to all devs that make this into a full tablet.
It's a pain that we have to manually disable the automount each time we reboot NT. So here is a simple fix (Your NT needs to be rooted to use this fix):
Method 1: Using Root Explorer
1. Set /system to read-write
2. open the file /system/bin/clrbootcount.sh in text editor
3. Add the following line at the bottom:
setprop persist.service.mount.umsauto 0
4. Save and set permissions to 755 (All Read, Top Write, All Execute)
Method 2: Using ADB
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/bin
echo "setprop persist.service.mount.umsauto 0" >> clrbootcount.sh
Reboot and see if it works
Note: For 1.4.1 users, please use DeanGibson's method below: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=22007574&postcount=9
do you add
setprop persist.service.mount.umsauto 0
underneath the word "done" when viewing in root explorer?
promek said:
do you add
setprop persist.service.mount.umsauto 0
underneath the word "done" when viewing in root explorer?
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Yes. Add it as the last line will do.
Having made this mod, how do you mount for pc accessories sd?
rei901 said:
Having made this mod, how do you mount for pc accessories sd?
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Use NT hidden settings
Sent from my LT18i using XDA App
thanks it works, confirmed working by using ADB
You don't have to do any of this if you boot your NT from the microSD card.
It works flawlessly.
installed and it works. using root explorer
Use the provided "hook" file
cobrato said:
setprop persist.service.mount.umsauto 0
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Why not just put the above line in /data/boot_complete_hook.sh ??? That's what it is for; it's invoked by /system/bin/clrbootcount.sh -- That way, you don't have to modify clrbootcount.sh, and the change will persist across a /system restore or B&N update.
Create /data/boot_complete_hook.sh, with the following as the first line:
Add your "setprop" line above.
Mark the file as executable:
chmod 755 /data/boot_complete_hook.sh
DeanGibson said:
Why not just put the above line in /data/boot_complete_hook.sh ??? That's what it is for; it's invoked by /system/bin/clrbootcount.sh -- That way, you don't have to modify clrbootcount.sh, and the change will persist across a /system restore or B&N update.
Create /data/boot_complete_hook.sh, with the following as the first line:
Add your "setprop" line above.
Mark the file as executable:
chmod 755 /data/boot_complete_hook.sh
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Yes it's better to create boot_complete_hook.sh. In fact I have to do that in 1.4.1 - changing clrbootcount.sh will cause bootloop

File copy and replacing in /system directory with root permission programmatically?

Can anyone kind enough show me how to copy files from my app assets folder to /system folder? I know how to get root access and all. For example: I want to copy file from "/assets/lib/libs.so" and check if this file already exist, if it does replace it to new "/system/lib/libs.so".
I think You could create a script (its language should not be too difficult) and make it start on every boot (every scripter Can do this) But I don't know how much time it would take and if You reboot often... Try to look for an app that runs script programmatically
Sent from R'lyeh using Cthulhu app
tsirhcitna said:
I think You could create a script (its language should not be too difficult) and make it start on every boot (every scripter Can do this) But I don't know how much time it would take and if You reboot often... Try to look for an app that runs script programmatically
Sent from R'lyeh using Cthulhu app
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Sorry I haven't been clearly state that I want to write an app that does this, like in java.
Ooops my fault! I know java for PC but I never studied it for Android (when I tried to program for android the emulator taking twenty minutes to start stopped me). I don't know how to help you but seeing nobody is answering I can suggest you to go on Stack Overflow, it's all about coding, and all the answer I've seen on it where very good (You can also look for file manipulation on some android java tutorial)
Sorry I can't help you more
tsirhcitna said:
Ooops my fault! I know java for PC but I never studied it for Android (when I tried to program for android the emulator taking twenty minutes to start stopped me). I don't know how to help you but seeing nobody is answering I can suggest you to go on Stack Overflow, it's all about coding, and all the answer I've seen on it where very good (You can also look for file manipulation on some android java tutorial)
Sorry I can't help you more
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can u write java code that wrap around command line that copy file to system folder? this will work, cos i can get su, just need to mount rw /system/lib then copy file from my app assets folder and replace the file in /system/lib
homi3kh said:
Can anyone kind enough show me how to copy files from my app assets folder to /system folder? I know how to get root access and all. For example: I want to copy file from "/assets/lib/libs.so" and check if this file already exist, if it does replace it to new "/system/lib/libs.so".
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I suppose you're getting Root Permission running su command with Runtime.getRuntime().exec... right?
That's fine, you now need to run another commands:
To check if /assets/lib/libs.so (or any other file) exists:
ls /assets/lib | grep libs.so
If the file exists, you'll get "libs.so" as output of that command (otherwise, you will not get anything).
To remount /system in RW mode:
mount -o rw, remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
Ok, now you can copy your file (or files, I dunno):
cp /assets/lib/libs.so /system/lib/libs.so
And finally, remount /system in RO mode again:
mount -o ro, remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
Pretty easy, it isn't? :highfive:
Note: I highly recommend you to use RootTools, it's a lib to run commands as root very easily
RoberGalarga said:
I suppose you're getting Root Permission running su command with Runtime.getRuntime().exec... right?
That's fine, you now need to run another commands:
To check if /assets/lib/libs.so (or any other file) exists:
ls /assets/lib | grep libs.so
If the file exists, you'll get "libs.so" as output of that command (otherwise, you will not get anything).
To remount /system in RW mode:
mount -o rw, remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
Ok, now you can copy your file (or files, I dunno):
cp /assets/lib/libs.so /system/lib/libs.so
And finally, remount /system in RO mode again:
mount -o ro, remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
Pretty easy, it isn't? :highfive:
Note: I highly recommend you to use RootTools, it's a lib to run commands as root very easily
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yes this is what i'm asking for but can you wrap it with RootTools code for me too? it's a bit confusing cos I don't know much about command line.
Ok. It's kinda easy, BTW:
To grant root permissions (If you already have root permissions in other way, you don't need to do this again):
if (RootTools.isAccessGiven()) {
// your device is rooted!! The fun can begin :)
// Not rooted... no fun here :(
Now, an example using 1 command (you'll need to develop the rest). Checking if /assets/lib/libs.so exists:
try {
List<String> output = RootTools.sendShell("ls /assets/lib | grep libs.so",-1);
if (output.get(0).equals("libs.so")){ //output.get(0) is the way to read 1 line of the command output
//the file exist... you can continue
//something is wrong, or the file is missing... =/
} catch (Exception e) {
// something went wrong, deal with it here
Proceed in the same way to run the other commands. Note that there are ways to run several commands using RootTools, you can check them in the Usage Page (I think will be a bit easy, since you don't need to read the output of the other commands).

Rooting Android phone Bluebo B3000

I just got a cute chinese phone, called Bluebo B3000.
(The manufacturer is www bluebo net)
the device has MTK6575
Android 4.0.4, Kernel 3.0.13
no GPS,
RAM: 256MB
ROM: 512MB
Resolution: 320 x 480 Pixels
SIM slots: 2
SD card
quadband GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
I only need root.
Which flash tool is good for this device?
There are russian forums discussing this device, e.g..forum china-iphone ru , viewtopic.php?f=46&t=22437
but I dont understand what they say.
I posted how to root this phone in the Russian Forum, (in Russian and English), here are the steps to follow:
I have the same phone (BlueBo B3000 -MTK6575)
We have to have our mobile perfectly recognized by the computer as "ADB Device", with the controller properly installed, and Debug Mode Enable (connected to the PC with the USB cable).
Download (htt p://ww w.4shar ed.com/zip/fyH9xy DF/Roo tTianji.ht m l) (remove spaces), you need to work in command mode with ADB.
Unzip in "C :/" folder, it will be now "C :/ RootTianji /".
Open a command window (cmd.exe). Then we put (without the quotes) cd.. "until we get "C:>" then put "cd RootTianji" and then just put "adb".
Best explained
1 -. cmd.exe
2 -. cd ..
3 -. cd .. (again)
4 -. Stop when you get "C:>" prompt
5 -. RootTianji cd
6 -. adb
Now we have to follow these steps to the letter.
Type and hit enter: adb push su /data/local/tmp/su
Type and hit enter: adb push Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: adb restore fakebackup.ab (Do not do anything on the phone yet)
Type and hit enter: adb shell "while ! ln -s /data/local.prop /data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99; do :; done" (Now in the command window appear few rows error and that means the exploit is working and now is when you press on the phone and within seconds Restore on mobile as a message that the restoration is completed. If a password is asked do not to write anything, just continue)
Type and hit enter: adb reboot (The phone now reboots itself. Do not do anything until it completely reboot. Might take a little and flashes).
Type and hit enter: adb shell
Now the phone is in root mode and the # prompt appears.
Type and hit enter: mount -o remount,rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /system
Type and hit enter: cat /data/local/tmp/su > /system/bin/su
Type and hit enter: chmod 06755 /system/bin/su
Type and hit enter: ln -s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su
Type and hit enter: cat /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk > /system/app/Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: chmod 0644 /system/app/Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: rm /data/local.prop
Type and hit enter: exit
Type and hit enter: adb shell "sync; sync; sync;"
Type and hit enter: adb reboot
Your mobile is now root.
If you could try to do all steps from the beginning and from step 9 and 10 run these commands: chown 0.0 / system / bin / su
If the process gets "stuck" in the row of errors (never ends), close and disconnect everything and connect the phone again seeing that everything necessary is in good condition (drivers, cables, files), then proceed to retry processes from the beginnin. (cmd.exe).
If you dont understand something just ask.
This guide was originally made ​​for Tinji Mobile N9000 i9220, but when I realized it was the same processor as mine (B3000 - MT6575), I decided to try it, and for my surprise, it worked!
Please be careful and use this information at your own risk
Sorry if I wrote something bad or strange. Bye
Thanks!! I will try.
Hooray! I've got root!
unlucky for me I have messed some things around and mis-spelled the "ln -s" command,
but eventually I managed to install all the drivers required, and to load a ROM with root.
Thanks a lot!
BlueBo unlock
gonzalox said:
I posted how to root this phone in the Russian Forum, (in Russian and English), here are the steps to follow:
I have the same phone (BlueBo B3000 -MTK6575)
We have to have our mobile perfectly recognized by the computer as "ADB Device", with the controller properly installed, and Debug Mode Enable (connected to the PC with the USB cable).
Download (htt p://ww w.4shar ed.com/zip/fyH9xy DF/Roo tTianji.ht m l) (remove spaces), you need to work in command mode with ADB.
Unzip in "C :/" folder, it will be now "C :/ RootTianji /".
Open a command window (cmd.exe). Then we put (without the quotes) cd.. "until we get "C:>" then put "cd RootTianji" and then just put "adb".
Best explained
1 -. cmd.exe
2 -. cd ..
3 -. cd .. (again)
4 -. Stop when you get "C:>" prompt
5 -. RootTianji cd
6 -. adb
Now we have to follow these steps to the letter.
Type and hit enter: adb push his / data / local / tmp / su
Type and hit enter: adb push Superuser.apk / data / local / tmp / Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: adb restore fakebackup.ab (Do not do anything on the phone yet)
Type and hit enter: adb shell "while! Ln-s / data / local.prop / data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99, do:; done" (Now in the command window appear few rows error and that means the exploit is working and now is when you press on the phone and within seconds Restore on mobile as a message that the restoration is completed. If a password is asked do not to write anything, just continue)
Type and hit enter: adb reboot (The phone now reboots itself. Do not do anything until it completely reboot. Might take a little and flashes).
Type and hit enter: adb shell
Now the phone is in root mode and the # prompt appears.
Type and hit enter: mount-o remount, rw-t ext4 / dev/block/mmcblk0p1 / system
Type and hit enter: cat / data / local / tmp / su> / system / bin / su
Type and hit enter: chmod 06755 / system / bin / su
Type and hit enter: ln-s / system / bin / su / system / xbin / su
Type and hit enter: cat / data / local / tmp / Superuser.apk> / system / app / Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: chmod 0644 / system / app / Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: rm / data / local.prop
Type and hit enter: exit
Type and hit enter: adb shell "sync, sync, sync;"
Type and hit enter: adb reboot
Your mobile is now root.
If you could try to do all steps from the beginning and from step 9 and 10 run these commands: chown 0.0 / system / bin / su
If the process gets "stuck" in the row of errors (never ends), close and disconnect everything and connect the phone again seeing that everything necessary is in good condition (drivers, cables, files), then proceed to retry processes from the beginnin. (cmd.exe).
If you dont understand something just ask.
This guide was originally made ​​for Tinji Mobile N9000 i9220, but when I realized it was the same processor as mine (B3000 - MT6575), I decided to try it, and for my surprise, it worked!
Please be careful and use this information at your own risk
Sorry if I wrote something bad or strange. Bye
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I have purchased a B3000 but it's not accepting my SIM for Tmobile and I need it unlocked....do anyone know how to unlock?
sugabear210 said:
I have purchased a B3000 but it's not accepting my SIM for Tmobile and I need it unlocked....do anyone know how to unlock?
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i think the problem might be your SIM card, this mobile come as unlocked as default.
Getting stuck
If the process gets "stuck" in the row of errors (never ends), close and disconnect everything and connect the phone again seeing that everything necessary is in good condition (drivers, cables, files), then proceed to retry processes from the beginnin. (cmd.exe).
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I always get stuck at this part, i own a Bluebo B3000 Android 4.0.4 ICS can you help me? thank you
EDIT: I've figured it out, you have to write the code and click the restore option as quick as possible
EDIT 03/01/2013: I've given up hope in trying to root this phone, when i tried two days ago i couldn't root it but now i've tried and it worked like WOAH! thank you for this wonderful tutorial!!!
gonzalox said:
I posted how to root this phone in the Russian Forum, (in Russian and English), here are the steps to follow:
I have the same phone (BlueBo B3000 -MTK6575)
We have to have our mobile perfectly recognized by the computer as "ADB Device", with the controller properly installed, and Debug Mode Enable (connected to the PC with the USB cable).
Download (htt p://ww w.4shar ed.com/zip/fyH9xy DF/Roo tTianji.ht m l) (remove spaces), you need to work in command mode with ADB.
Unzip in "C :/" folder, it will be now "C :/ RootTianji /".
Open a command window (cmd.exe). Then we put (without the quotes) cd.. "until we get "C:>" then put "cd RootTianji" and then just put "adb".
Best explained
1 -. cmd.exe
2 -. cd ..
3 -. cd .. (again)
4 -. Stop when you get "C:>" prompt
5 -. RootTianji cd
6 -. adb
Now we have to follow these steps to the letter.
Type and hit enter: adb push su /data/local/tmp/su
Type and hit enter: adb push Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: adb restore fakebackup.ab (Do not do anything on the phone yet)
Type and hit enter: adb shell "while ! ln -s /data/local.prop /data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99; do :; done" (Now in the command window appear few rows error and that means the exploit is working and now is when you press on the phone and within seconds Restore on mobile as a message that the restoration is completed. If a password is asked do not to write anything, just continue)
Type and hit enter: adb reboot (The phone now reboots itself. Do not do anything until it completely reboot. Might take a little and flashes).
Type and hit enter: adb shell
Now the phone is in root mode and the # prompt appears.
Type and hit enter: mount -o remount,rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /system
Type and hit enter: cat /data/local/tmp/su > /system/bin/su
Type and hit enter: chmod 06755 /system/bin/su
Type and hit enter: ln -s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su
Type and hit enter: cat /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk > /system/app/Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: chmod 0644 /system/app/Superuser.apk
Type and hit enter: rm /data/local.prop
Type and hit enter: exit
Type and hit enter: adb shell "sync; sync; sync;"
Type and hit enter: adb reboot
Your mobile is now root.
If you could try to do all steps from the beginning and from step 9 and 10 run these commands: chown 0.0 / system / bin / su
If the process gets "stuck" in the row of errors (never ends), close and disconnect everything and connect the phone again seeing that everything necessary is in good condition (drivers, cables, files), then proceed to retry processes from the beginnin. (cmd.exe).
If you dont understand something just ask.
This guide was originally made ​​for Tinji Mobile N9000 i9220, but when I realized it was the same processor as mine (B3000 - MT6575), I decided to try it, and for my surprise, it worked!
Please be careful and use this information at your own risk
Sorry if I wrote something bad or strange. Bye
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its not worked for me - b3000s
when get error with the msg for restor the error rows never be end
and when type this comand : mount -o remount,rw -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /system
i see error please help me
Device Not Recognized
When I connect my Bluebo B3000 to the computer even with USB debugging on it doesn't recognize it. I have everything installed to root this phone, and I just need to figure out how to fix this. I'm using Windows 7 x64.
Is there any drivers for this phone? I can't find any. It might be in Chinese or Russian, I don't know. I also tried to find drivers for Tinji Mobile N9000 i9220 since gozalox says that it has the same processor as this one, but the search results yielded with roms; they don't look legitimate so I don't want to bother.
Thank you for reading.
After installing MTK6575 device I finally was able to get in my phone, but I still get stuck at the "while" part
I followed everything as instructed, and yes I checked if the spelling was correct by pasting the instructions in the notepad.
After entering the adb shell "while ! ln -s /data/local.prop /data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99; do :; done" I get link failed File exists. I did click restore my data quickly and kept waiting. I did see the com.android.settings under the page in the phone. I don't understand the password request part since the phone asks me for the encryption password on the page in which I'm sure I don't have. I was stuck on the data restore until the streams of "link failed File exists" disappeared so I proceeded to reboot, but when I type adb shell it was still $ I've kept trying to do this over and over again from step 1 (not closing the cmd prompt though, I wouldn't want to type them over and over) but it still doesn't work. My last resort would be typing everything from scratch and hope for the best.
Please help. Thank you!
I finally rooted my phone. For those people who need help, go here ht tp://fo rum. china-iphon e.ru/viewt opic.p hp?f=31&t =17863 (remove spaces) and click MTK Droid Root & Tools v2.3.7 The program is in English, so no worries about that. I did it twice for mine and it worked~ Install the Android Terminal app to check if you're rooted. Just type su in a window and if it has the hash sign "#" then you're rooted. Good luck!
Ignore, as I'm still looking for the delete button. Noob, noob, noob...
Messed it Up with mtkdroid Tools
I Have used the Mtk droid Tool, clicked on root button, and confirmed on the onscreen button.
after this the program continues to recognize my device but now the "ROOT" button disapears, and above was write "root shell quemu mode".
I think the phone was rooted, but I installed some root required apks and they said that i have not the root permisions, including the Terminal emulator, this said "permission denied" when prompt "su" command.
After I requested a normal reboot via the MtkdroidTools and the device dont boot, it stays freezed at Android logo.
I tried the Recovery mode, but dont worked too...

